Page created by Eddie Harmon
                            MARCH 2022

                   TO MARCH
                      BE WILD
                            16 AT 7 P.M.

                              A SERVICE OF THE
Wood Building, Room 11                                                    ON THE COVER
University of Central Missouri                         There are only around 2,000 Giant Pandas left
Warrensburg, MO 64093
800-753-3436                                           in the world today. Although they are members
                                                       of the bear family, pandas do not hibernate and
KMOS-TV Staff                                          therefore must keep feeding even throughout
Josh Tomlinson, Director
Audrey Alley, Engineer                                 the winter months.
Scott Alvested, Community Engagement
Andy Avery, Chief Engineer                             The Giant Panda may be one of the most recognizable
Alicia Brockhaus, Member Services Specialist
Nellie de Laurier, Traffic Coordinator
                                                       endangered species on our planet, but the daily lives of
Curtis Hartley, Financial Operations Coord.            wild pandas remain a mystery, until now. Filming over
Nicole Hume, Asst. Director - Strategic Partnerships   three years, two Chinese cinematographers trek through
Christy Millen, Producer                               the steep forested trails of the Qinling Mountains to catch
Roy Millen, Producer
Michael O’Keefe, Program & Comm. Mgr.                  a glimpse of wild pandas.
Kurt Parsons, Engineer
Joni Shelton, Gift Processor                           With the help of scientists and rangers on this journey,
Peter Spexarth, Corporate Support Coordinator          they capture startling new wild panda behavior on
Student Staff                                          screen. Unlike the playful image of captive pandas, wild
Development Emma Bonnot                                pandas are solitary and territorial. The film crew also
Finance Bradley Sachs
Operations Gift Azinsu, Ellie Boman, Anthony           follows the training of a young panda born in captivity
de Laurier, Mohammed Hammouda, Raja                    learning to be a panda in the wild.
Production Jane Abernathy, Benjamin Avery,             Pandas: Born to Be Wild, airs on channel 6.3 March 3
Brenden Barnes, Jordan Birk, Nick Distefano,
Brandon Harrison, Paris Norvell, Timothy Oar,          at 7:30 p.m., and on 6.1 March 16 at 7 p.m. With repeats
Alexis Parrott                                         through the rest of the month.
Publications Samantha Bailey
Traffic Michael Lewis
University of Central Missouri
                                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS
Board of Governors
Stephen Abney, Warrensburg, President
                                                                 2 ... On the Cover
John A. Collier, Weston                                          3 ... Member News
Mary Dandurand, Warrensburg, Secretary                           4 ... Program Highlights
Mary A. Long, Kansas City
Zachary Racy, Parkville, Student Governor                        5 ... Corporate Support
Gus S. Wetzel, II, M.D., Clinton                                 6 ... Broadway In Concert: Lerner & Loewe
Ken Weymuth, Sedalia, Vice President                             7 ... Italy Made with Love
Marvin “Bunky” Wright, Columbia
Roger Best, University President                                 7 ... KMOS Channels on Cable & Satellite
Community Advisory Board
                                                                 8 ... Pandas: Born to Be Wild
Elected Members                                                  9 ... Weekday Schedule 6.1
Meryl Lin McKean, Warrensburg, Chairperson                   10-11 ... Weekend Daytime 6.1
Rick Langdon, Vice Chairperson
Marshall Abney, Warrensburg, Secretary
                                                             12-13 ... Daytime Create 6.2
Tammy Chute, Jefferson City                                  14-15 ... Daytime Emerge 6.3
William Smart, Ionia,                                        16-17 ... Weekend Emerge 6.3
Rosalie Spencer, Rolla
Cindy Squire, Centralia                                      18-19 ... KMOS Kids
Douglas Sokolowski, Sedalia                                  18-31 ... Primetime Schedule
Senior Active Members
Galen Dody, Clinton,                                      Contact is published monthly for KMOS-TV members and
Dr. Doug Kiburz, Sedalia                                  viewers. We work to ensure accuracy at press time, but last
Don Kiefer, Clinton                                       minute changes are sometimes unavoidable. We welcome
Ivan Oestreich, Clinton                                   your comments, questions and suggestions.
David Peerbolte, Warrensburg                              Michael O’Keefe, Editor
William (Bill) Rabourn, Sedalia
Joe Scallorns, California

  2     MARCH 2022
KMOS is ready to spring into March and enjoy the                  MEMBER NEWS
traditions of St. Patrick’s Day, burgeoning flora and
warmer climes!                                                    AND UPDATES
KMOS celebrates National Women’s History Month
where we thank those women in our own lives and
acknowledge the contributions of women to events
in history. View our web page for more details of
programming at
The Indie Lens Pop Up series continues as we invite
you to join us at Capitol City Cinema on Wednesday,
March 16 , 2022 at 6.30 pm to watch a FREE viewing of
Writing with Fire. From filmmakers Rintu Thomas and
Sushmit Ghosh, Writing with Fire chronicles the work
of India’s only all-female news network as they strive to
cover the country’s inequities even as they themselves
work within a male-dominated news system.                              Nicole Hume
                                                                      Assistant Director,
Join KMOS PBS for a special online presentation of                   Strategic Partnerships
Dinosaur Train - The Beelzebufo Cometh! Watch our
virtual presentation on KMOS’s Third Thursday March         
17th at 10am. For More information and how to RSVP
go to:
Every viewer is eligible to receive a special KMOS PBS
KIDS Curiosity Kit!                                    Catch up on your favorite PBS shows
                                                            with KMOS Passport, an added
                                                            benefit of station membership for
                                                            anyone donating at $60 or more.
                                                            Members can enjoy KMOS Passport
                                                            on PBS. ORG or the PBS App, which is
                                                            available on ROKU, Chromecast, FireTV,
                                                            Android, Apple TV, Vizio, iOS, and
                                                            Samsung devices 2017 or newer.
                                                            An active email address is required to
KMOS is a proud supporter of children's education
                                                              activate your benefit.
including their reading skills and literacy! Don’t forget
that the deadline for submissions to the KMOS PBS
Kids ‘Writer’s Contest’ is March 31!! This contest is designed to promote the advancement
of children’s reading skills through hands-on, active learning and encourages children to
celebrate the power of creating stories and illustrations by submitting their own original pieces.
Submissions must be received by March 31.
Donate your used vehicle to KMOS! Avoid the hassles of selling or repairing your vehicle when
you donate it! We will tow your vehicle at no cost to you AND get a tax deductible receipt for
helping our cause! Call us at 877-KMOS-TV6 or go to our KMOS website!

Carole King & James Taylor Live at the Troubadour In November 2007, 36 years after they first
performed together at The Troubadour in West Hollywood, Carole King and James Taylor reunited to
celebrate the venue's 50th anniversary. March 4 at 10:30 p.m. and March 5 at 8:30 p.m.
Concert for George One year after the passing of music legend George Harrison, a performance
tribute was organized in his honor. Held at London's Royal Albert Hall, the momentous evening featured
Harrison's songs and music he loved, performed by a lineup that included Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr,
Tom Petty, and more. March 13 at 6:30 p.m.
Irish Dance: Steps of Freedom Breathtaking Irish dance performances chart the evolution of this global
dance phenomenon. March 5 at 7 p.m. and March 9 at 10:30 p.m.
Maigret Four women have been murdered and Chief Inspector Maigret is under huge pressure to find the
killer. Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. starting March 24
Rolling Stones: A Bigger Bang: Live on Copacabana Beach On February 18th, 2006, The Rolling
Stones performed from Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro. March 4 at 8:30 p.m.
Trinity: Classically Irish Enjoy an evening of Irish music as this charming trio of accomplished young
singers performs fresh arrangements of beloved songs. March 6 at 7 p.m. and March 13 at 11 p.m.

Each week Create experts bring you seasonal programming in five-hour blocks beginning
each Friday starting at 8 p.m., Saturday starting at 9 a.m. and Sunday at 11 a.m.
Jacques: Kitchen King March 4 - 6
Soak up the kitchen wisdom from a culinary icon while he whips up recipes, dispenses tips and techniques,
and shares anecdotes about Julia Child.
Ireland: County by County March 11 - 13
Part travelogue and part historical culinary tour, this exclusive Create series goes county by county to reveal
the best of Ireland.
Julia: Kitchen Queen March 18 - 20
Create toasts the legendary Julia Child with select episodes from Baking With Julia (featuring Martha
Stewart), Julia Child - Cooking With the Master Chefs (featuring Jacques Pépin), and Dishing With Julia,
where celebrity chefs screen their favorite episodes of The French Chef.
Ask This Old House March 25 - 27
Relive 40 years of Ask This Old House with a 10-episode playlist from past seasons, plus an anniversary
retrospective, featuring archival footage and brand-new interviews.

Buddy Guy: True to the Blues Meet the living legend from the 1950s Chicago blues scene who inspired
The Rolling Stones, Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton and Stevie Ray Vaughan on the way to
becoming a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee and an eight-time Grammy winner. March 5 at 7 p.m.
From Sea to Shining Sea Experience the grandeur of some of the most breathtaking places in the USA
in this stunning visual portrait. With a soundtrack from acclaimed audience favorites, the program also
features poetry and quotes from modern and classic writers. March 12 at 1:30 p.m.
Loretta Lynn: My Story... Celebrate the country music legend and her classic songs with this
biographical portrait that lets Lynn tell her own life story. Includes classic performances of her record-
breaking feisty female anthems, which rose to the top of the charts. March 5 at 4 p.m.
Sanditon Season 1 Experience Jane Austen's last, fragmented work, where entrepreneurs, love interests,
legacy hunters, hypochondriacs and medical mountebanks come together at a struggling resort aimed to be
the next fashionable playground in early 1800s England. March 13 at 1 p.m.

  4   MARCH 2022
ANTIQUES ROADSHOW                                           KMOS MEDIA PARTNERS
Murdock Banner Financial        SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT           Townsquare Media
Group - Warrensburg            Reed & Sons Jewelers         105.7 KIX FM, Awesome
Reed & Sons Jewelers                                        92.3, KSIS 1050 AM -
Sedalia                          A family owned jeweler     Sedalia, 91.3               specializing in custom-made   KBIA FM - Columbia
                                jewelry for any occasion.
INDEPENDENT LENS                                            KOPN 89.5 FM - Columbia
True False Film Festival -        825 Thompson Blvd         Cumulus Media
Columbia                           Sedalia, MO 65301        UCM Muleskinner
KMOS CREATE                          660-826-2282
(Channel 6.2)                         PBS KIDS
Reed & Sons Jewelers                                        Kilgore’s Medical Pharmacy
Sedalia                                                     - Columbia, Ashland
                              KMOS COMMUNITY
Satin Stitches Sewing &       PARTNERS                      KMOS PBS KIDS Writers
Embroidery - Columbia         Capitol City Cinema –         Contest
PBS NEWSHOUR                  Jefferson City                Trails Regional Library
Dody Legacy Group             Arrow Rock Lyceum             NOVA
Restoration Eyecare –         Theatre – Arrow Rock          Services for Independent
Columbia                      We Always Swing Jazz          Living (SIL) - Columbia
Robert Rollings Architects    Series                        Mule Tracks: UCM After
LLC - Sedalia                 UCM Theatre and Dance         150 Years
                                                            Central Bank - Warrensburg
SEWING AND QUILTING                    Contact
Satin Stitches Sewing &                                     Warrensburg Convention &
                                  1-800-753-3436            Visitors Bureau
Embroidery - Columbia          Email:

                                  When you sponsor programs on KMOS,
                                  you support Missouri families.

                                        MARCH 4 AT 7 P.M.
                                        Later this year, PBS plans to launch a new

                                                                                                                          Jenn Colella - Courtesy of Kevin Parisi
                                        series that will pay tribute to the iconic
                                        musicals that have shaped the landscape of
                                        American musical theater. KMOS is pleased
                                        to present a preview of the series with this
                                        special tribute to a pair of Broadway giants .
                                        The concert celebrates the extraordinary
                                        contributions of composer and lyricist team
                                        Alan J. Lerner and Frederick Loewe with
                                        selections from Gigi, My Fair Lady, Camelot,
                                        The Day Before Spring, Brigadoon and Paint
                                        Your Wagon. Performing these Lerner and
                                        Loewe classics are Tony Award nominee
                                        Jenn Colella (Come From Away, above right);
                                        Aaron Lazar; Jose Llana (The King and I, Rent, The 25th Annual Putnam
                                        County Spelling Bee, below); Michael Maliakel (Aladdin); Aisha Jackson
                                        (Frozen); Sean Thompson (Sunset Boulevard); and Bayla Whitten (West
                                                                              End’s Les Misérables). Musical numbers
                                                                              featured in this episode include “I Could
                                                                              Have Danced All Night,” “Get Me to the
                                                                              Church On Time,” “On the Street Where
                                                                              You Live,” “Almost Like Being in Love,”
                                                                              and more.
Jose Llana - Courtesy of Kevin Parisi

                                                                              The program is directed by Tara
                                                                              Young and associate directed by Leah
                                                                              Hoffman. The concert features lighting
                                                                              design by Chris Montrie, with musical
                                                                              direction by Luke Frazier. The orchestra
                                                                              arrangements have been reimagined
                                                                              by Luke Frazier with members of the
                                        American Pops Orchestra and filmed in multiple locations including DC
                                        and Los Angeles.
                                         About the American Pops Orchestra
                                         APO was founded in 2015 with a mission
                                         to breathe new life into orchestral pops
                                         programming and inspire diverse audiences to
                                         discover the wealth of the material in the Great
                                         American Songbook in dynamic new ways.
                                         Seeing an opportunity to challenge the status-
                                         quo of the repertoire performed by orchestras,
                                         founder and music director, Luke Frazier, created
                                         The American Pops with the intent of breaking
                                         the mold of the traditional pops orchestra.
                                                            American Pops Orchestra - Courtesy of Kevin Parisi

                                        6   MARCH 2022
                                                                    MARCH 11 AT 7 P.M.
Travel through Italy to meet some of the country’s most remarkable artisans - from
glassblowers in Venice to ceramic makers in Umbria; from cashmere weavers in
Genoa to olive oil makers in Tuscany; to chefs who create the delectable dishes that
reflect regional culinary traditions. Italy Made with Love celebrates these artisans’
exceptional eye, the discerning palate, the distinct finesse, and, most of all, the love
for the craft. Highlighting the talent and dedication being passed on to the next
generation of apprentices.
In a time when most products are mass-produced, this special focuses on the
painters, weavers, jewelers, artists and craftspeople who still fashion exceptional
items by hand. The precision, the customization, the delicate perfection, and the
love for the art provide unique perspectives on what keeps traditions and cultures
Some of the artisans include, left to right, a mask maker in Venice; Gabriele
Marchi standing next to the 17th century Mangano, a giant wheel that presses and
stretches the fabric at Marchi, a textile printing house founded in 1633 in Bologna;
and Giorgio Moretti, owner of L'Antica Deruta, known for its beautiful ceramics.

                                                                 Photos: Courtesy of Symbio Studios

                    KMOS Channels by Cable/Satellite Provider
                              6.1            6.2           6.3                         6.4
  Cableamerica                   6/506               5            197
   October 26
 Centurylink                    6 / 1006             5
 Charter/Spectrum             9 / 707 / 709         184           185              190 / 200
 THE MISSIONValley                  2
 November 2
 Citizens                        6 / 205          28 / 169      29 / 170
 Fidelity                           3               403
                                 6 / 506          7 / 507           4                    5
  November 9                     6 / 706            118           119                   117
 Provincial                      37 / 11
 Suddenlink                    6 / 8 / 106        130 / 5          131                  132
 November 16
  DirecTV                           6
  DISH                              6              7456
MARCH 3 AT 7:30 ON EMERGE 6.3 / MARCH 16 AT 7 P.M. ON KMOS-HD 6.1
Unlock the mysteries of wild pandas whose counterparts in captivity
are known for their gentle image. Journey through the steep Qinling
Mountains with filmmakers, scientists and rangers to witness pandas'
startling courtship and aggression behaviors.
The Giant Panda may be one of
the most recognizable endangered
species on our planet, but the daily
lives of wild pandas remain a mystery,
until now. Filming over three years,
two Chinese cinematographers trek
through the steep forested trails of
the Qinling Mountains to catch a
glimpse of wild pandas. With the
help of scientists and rangers on this
journey, they capture startling new wild panda behavior on screen. Unlike the
playful image of captive pandas, wild pandas are solitary and territorial. The film
crew also follows the training of a young panda born in captivity learning to be a
panda in the wild.
                                          The mating and courtship rituals of wild
                                          Giant Pandas have never been filmed
                                          before. The filmmakers trek alongside
                                          park rangers to track down a male
                                          during breeding season and eventually
                                          stumble on an exceedingly rare sight
                                          – a fertile female being fought over by
                                          two males. To succeed in courting the
                                          female, the males must win against their
                                          rival as well as a tussle with the female
herself. This behavior sheds light on why breeding captive pandas is so difficult
- the roaring, scent-marking and fighting are most likely what triggers her
ovulation - conditions very difficult to replicate out of the wild.
A young cub in the Wolong Panda Center, born to his mother through artificial
insemination, will spend three years in a large enclosure in the reserve, separate
from all other pandas and humans. He is being trained to be introduced into
the wild when he reaches three years old. Under the guidance of his mother, he
learns crucial skills such as climbing trees and exploration, although there is
still a risk that he will become too
attached to his mother.
The majority of the panda cubs living
in the Wolong Panda Center are
extremely playful and social with
their fellow pandas and caretakers.
This is different behavior from
pandas in the wild, who are mostly
solitary creatures. It is still a mystery
why captive pandas are more social
than wild pandas.
                                        Courtesy of Jacky Poon, © Terra Mater Factual Studios + Mark Fletcher
8   MARCH 2022
6.1 HD

Mon.              3/7                          3/14                         3/21                            3/28
11 :00
         Yellowstone Symphony                                       Great Performances            Great Performances
                                        Great Performances          Movies for Grownups              The Conductor
12:00                                       at the Met                  Awards with
                                           Boris Godunov             AARP The Magazine
12:30                                                                                                 As Time Goes By
          Rick Steves' Heart of
1:00              Italy                                                              As Time Goes By
1:30                                            TBD                                  As Time Goes By
Tue.           3/1                      3/8                  3/15                    3/22                      3/29
11 :00    Easy Yoga: The                                   Antique's           Antique's Roadshow            Antique's
         Secret to Strength                            Roadshow McNay         Omni Mount Washington          Roadshow
11:30       and Balance            Brain Secrets       Art Museum Hour 1           Resort Hour 3           Let's Celebrate!
                                  with Dr. Michael
12:00                                Merzenich              Antique's              Antique's                 Antique's
                                                       Roadshow McNay         Roadshow McNay              Roadshow New
12:30                                                  Art Museum Hour 2      Art Museum Hour 3          Orleans, Hour One
         You, Happier with
1:00     Daniel Amen, Md                                                      We'll Meet Again          We'll Meet Again
                              Rick Steves' Why         We'll Meet Again        Rescued from              Lost Children of
1:30                             We Travel             Children of WWII       Mount St. Helens              Vietnam
Wed.            3/2                     3/9                  3/16                    3/23                      3/30
11 :00                                                                           Sanditon on               Sanditon on
                                                         Little Women
            Eat Your                                                             Masterpiece               Masterpiece
11:30                                                         Part 1
          Medicine: The              Concert for                              Season 2, Episode 1       Season 2, Episode 2
12:00    Pegan Diet with               George
         Mark Hyman, MD                                  Little Women          Call the Midwife          Call the Midwife
12:30                                                         Part 2               Episode 1                 Episode 2

1:00                           Aging Backwards
         World of Wisdom                                 Little Women         All-Star Orchestra        All-Star Orchestra
                                3 with Miranda
1:30       & Wonder            Esmonde-White                  Part 3               Episode 1                 Episode 2

Thu.            3/3                     3/10                 3/17                    3/24                       3/31
11 :00
                                                        Age of Nature         American Masters          American Masters
11:30                                                    Awakening              Laura Ingalls
                              Dr. Fuhrman's End                                                          Becoming Helen
           Missouri! A                                                         Wilder: Prairie to
                               Dieting Forever!                                                              Keller
12:00      Bicentennial                                                             Page
                                                        Age of Nature
           Celebration                                  Understanding
1:00                                                                                Maigret                   Maigret
                                    Easy Yoga for       Age of Nature          Maigret Sets A Trap       Maigret's Dead Man
                                    Arthritis with
1:30      Festive Europe                                  Changing
                                    Peggy Cappy
Fri.              3/4                           3/11                        3/18                            3/25
11 :00
                                                                            Nature                         Nature
11:30     America's Test Kitchen                                    Pandas: Born to Be Wild       Sex, Lies and Butterflies
         20th Anniversary Special     60s Pop, Rock & Soul (My
12:00                                      Music Presents)
                                                                             Nova                            Nova
12:30                                                               Looking for Life On Mars          Secret Mind of Slime
         Rick Steves Hunger and
1:00       Hope: Lessons from                                       Expedition with Steve         Expedition with Steve
                                         World of Wisdom &
         Ethiopia and Guatemala                                      Backshall: Unpacked           Backshall: Unpacked
1:30                                          Wonder                   No Turning Back               Close Encounters

6.1 HD

              5 Saturday                     6 Sunday                  12 Saturday                   13 Sunday
5 AM     Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

5:30     Arthur

6 AM     Molly of Denali

6:30     Wild Kratts

7 AM     Hero Elementary

7:30     Alma's Way

8 AM     Curious George                Tell Me More               Curious George               Tell Me More

8:30     Kid Stew                      Wealthtrack                Kid Stew                     Wealthtrack

9 AM     Biz Kid$                      Firing Line                Biz Kid$                     Firing Line

9:30     Lidia's Kitchen               Chavis Chronicles          Lidia's Kitchen              Chavis Chronicles

10 AM                                  Washington Week                                         Washington Week

10:30                                                             Fever: The Music of Peggy
         Italy Made with Love          To The Contrary                                         To The Contrary
11 AM

11:30                                                                                          From Sea to Shining Sea

12 PM    Ken Burns: The National       Missouri! A Bicentennial
         Parks                         Celebration                You, Happier with Daniel
12:30                                                             Amen, MD

1 PM
                                                                                               Deepak Chopra: Your Path
1:30                                                                                           to Enlightenment
         Eat Your Medicine: The
         Pegan Diet with Mark
2 PM     Hyman, MD
                                                                  Dr. Fuhrman's End Dieting
                                       Reconstruction: America    Forever!
2:30                                   After The Civil War
                                       Part 1
3 PM                                                                                           Overcoming Anxiety,
         Rick Steves'                                                                          Depression, Trauma, and
3:30     Why We Travel                                                                         Grief with Daniel Amen MD
                                                                                               and Tana A
4 PM                                                              Trinity: Classically Irish

4:30     From Sea to Shining Sea

5 PM                                   Reconstruction: America                                 Celtic Woman: Postcards
                                       After The Civil War
5:30                                                              Andy Williams: Greatest      from Ireland
                                       Part 2
                                                                  Love Songs (My Music)
6 PM     Dutch Hop!

6:30                                                              60s Pop, Rock & Soul         Concert for George

10     MARCH 2022
6.1 HD

            19 Saturday                     20 Sunday                     26 Saturday                   27 Sunday
5 AM    Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

5:30    Arthur

6 AM    Molly of Denali

6:30    Wild Kratts

7 AM    Hero Elementary

7:30    Alma's Way

8 AM    Curious George                Tell Me More                    Curious George              Tell Me More

8:30    Kid Stew                      Wealthtrack                     Kid Stew                    Wealthtrack

9 AM    Biz Kid$                      Firing Line                     Biz Kid$                    Firing Line

9:30    Lidia's Kitchen               Chavis Chronicles               Lidia's Kitchen             Chavis Chronicles

10 AM   Cook's Country                Washington Week                 Cook's Country              Washington Week

10:30   Am. Test Kitchen              To The Contrary                 Am. Test Kitchen            To The Contrary

11 AM                                 Radio Friends                                               Radio Friends
        Craft in America                                              Craft in America
11:30   California                                                    Visionaries
                                      Ray Stevens                                                 Ray Stevens

12 PM   This Old House                                                This Old House              Lawrence Welk Show
                                      Lawrence Welk Show
                                                                                                  200 Years of American Music
12:30                                 Salute to New York City
        This Old House                                                This Old House              Part I

1 PM    Ask This Old House            Knit and Crochet                Ask This Old House          Knit and Crochet
1:30    Motorweek                     It’s Sew Easy                   Motorweek                   It’s Sew Easy
2 PM    Ask This Old House            Love of Quilting                Ask This Old House          Love of Quilting

2:30    Woodsmith Shop                Quilting Arts                   Woodsmith Shop              Quilting Arts

3 PM    Guide Fly Fishing             Paint w/ Jerry Yarnell          Guide Fly Fishing           Paint w/ Jerry Yarnell

3:30    Season to Season Outdoors                                     Season to Season Outdoors
                                      American Masters
4 PM                                                                                              American Masters
                                      Laura Ingalls Wilder: Prairie
        Legacy List with Matt                                         Legacy List with Matt       Becoming Helen Keller
                                      to Page
4:30    Paxton                                                        Paxton

5 PM    PBS Newshour Weekend

5:30    Radio Friends                 Places To Love                  Radio Friends               Places To Love

6 PM                                  As Time Goes By                                             As Time Goes By
        Lawrence Welk Show                                            Lawrence Welk Show
6:30    The Norma Zimmer Show                                         Salute to New York City
                                      Keeping Up                                                  Keeping Up


                Sunday                   Monday                   Tuesday                 Wednesday
5 AM                                                       Life in Bloom             Make It Artsy
                                  Legacy List with Max
         Classical Stretch
5:30                              Paxton
                                                           Make48                    Modern Pioneering

6 AM     It's Sew Easy            Sewing with Nancy        Quilting Arts             Knit and Crochet

6:30     Art of a Cowboy          Paint This with Jerry    Painting & Travel         Painting w/ Wilson

7 AM                              This Old House           Craftsman's Legacy        American Woodshop
         Classical Stretch
7:30                              Ask This Old House       Woodsmith Shop            Garage w/ Steve Butler

8 AM     Ellie's Real Good Food   Dining with the Chef     Ciao Italia               Chef's Life

8:30     Jazzy Vegetarian         Fit To Eat               Lidia's Kitchen           America's Test Kitchen

9 AM     Trails to Oishii Tokyo   Let's Go Minnesota!      Fly Brother               Travels & Traditions

9:30     Journeys In Japan        Weekends w/ Yankee       Travelscope               Travels with Darley

10 AM    Life in Bloom            Rick Steves' Europe

10:30    Garden Smart             Best of the Joy of Painting

11 AM                             Baking with Julia        Ciao Italia               Chef's Life

11:30                             To Dine for w/ Kate      Lidia's Kitchen           America's Test Kitchen
         Create Showcase
12 PM                             Sewing with Nancy        Quilting Arts             Knit and Crochet
         March 4 - 10
12:30    Jacques: Kitchen
         King                     Paint This with Jerry    Painting & Travel         Painting with Wilson

1 PM     March 11 - 17            This Old House           Craftsman's Legacy        American Woodshop
         Ireland: County by
1:30     County                   Ask This Old House       Woodsmith Shop            Garage w/ Steve Butler

2 PM     March 18 - 24            Sewing with Nancy        Quilting Arts             Knit and Crochet
         Julia: Kitchen Queen
2:30     March 25-31              America's Test Kitchen   Cook's Country            America's Test Kitchen
         Ask This Old House
3 PM                              Baking with Julia        Ciao Italia               Chef's Life

3:30                              Fit To Eat               Lidia's Kitchen           America's Test Kitchen

4 PM     Various                  Let's Go Minnesota!      National Parks of Japan   Travels & Traditions

4:30     Simply Ming              Weekends w/ Yankee       Travelscope               Travels with Darley

5 PM     Tastemakers              Rick Steves' Europe

5:30     Lidia's Kitchen          Ireland: County by County

6 PM     100 Dishes               Simply Ming              100 Dishes                Flavor of Poland

6:30     Cookin' Louisiana        Cook's Country           Wine First                Cook's Country

12     MARCH 2022
Thursday                  Friday                 Saturday
Start Up                For Your Home            Classical Stretch
Conscious Living        Family Plot              Happy Yoga w/ Sarah
                                                                          March 5 & 6
                                                                          Jacques: Kitchen King
Quilting Arts           Sewing with Nancy        Love of Quilting         Rollin’ in Dough
                                                                          Menu Memories
Painting w/ Paulson     Paint This with Jerry    Landscapes w/ Daniel     Easy and Elegant Seafood
                                                                          Heirloom Favorites
Craftsman's Legacy      This Old House           Ask This Old House       Fine Finishes
                                                                          Taste Bud Temptations
                                                                          Sweets For My Sweet
Woodsmith Shop          Ask This Old House       This Old House           Viva Mexico!
                                                                          Family Favorites
Ciao Italia             Chef's Life              P. Allen Smith           Just Ducky!

Milk Street             America's Test Kitchen   Grow a Greener World     March 12 & 13
                                                                          Ireland: County by County
                                                                          Episodes TBA
Central Florida Road    Cycle Around Japan
                                                                       March 19 & 20
Travelscope             Places To Love                                 Julia: Kitchen Queen
                                                 Create Showcase       Your Own French
Rick Steves' Europe                                                       Onion Soup
                                                 March 4 - 10          Boeuf Bourguignon
Best of the Joy of Painting                      Jacques: Kitchen King The Whole Fish Story
                                                                       Emeril Lagasse
                                                 March 11 - 17         Jacques Pepin
Ciao Italia             Chef's Life                                    Alice Waters
                                                 Ireland: County by
                                                 County                Alice Medrich
Milk Street             America's Test Kitchen                         Susan Feniger
                                                 March 18 - 24             and Mary Sue Milliken
Quilting Arts           Sewing with Nancy        Julia: Kitchen Queen
                                                                       March 26 & 27
                                                 March 25-31           Ask This Old House
Painting w/ Paulson     Paint This with Jerry                          Episodes TBA
                                                 Ask This Old House
Craftsman's Legacy      This Old House

Woodsmith Shop          Ask This Old House

Quilting Arts           Sewing with Nancy        This Old House

Cook's Country          America's Test Kitchen   Ask This Old House

Ciao Italia             Chef's Life              America's Test Kitchen

Milk Street             America's Test Kitchen   Cook's Country

Central Florida Road    Cycle Around Japan       Richard Bangs'
                                                 Adventures with
Travelscope             Places To Love           Purpose

Rick Steves' Europe

Ireland: County by County                        Milk Street

Sara's Weeknight Meal   Simply Ming              Sara's Weeknight Meal

Pati's Mexican Table    Cook's Country           Pati's Mexican Table


             Mondays                Tuesdays            Wednesdays               Thursdays            Fridays
5 AM     NHK Newsline - Headlines and current events in Japan and other Asian countries.

5:30     Sit and Be Fit - Making exercise fun, easy, and safe for people of all ages

6 AM
         Live from Paris - News from France 24

7 AM
         Democracy Now! - An award-winning, independent, noncommercial newscast.

8 AM     Great Decisions in Foreign Policy | Drexel Interview (Begins March 28)

8:30        Gzero World          Laura Flanders        Chavis Chronicles         Open Mind       Story Public Square

9 AM
                                                         See next page

10 AM    Songs at Center       Sound on Tap           Sun Studio             Cabaray Nashville   State of Music

10:30    Taste of History (March 1 - 8) | Home Diagnosis (Begins March 9)

11 AM
         No Passport Required (March 1 - 16) | Craft in America (Begins March 17)

12 PM
                                                         see next page

1 PM     Neven's Irish Food Trails (Mar 2 - 10) | Ireland with Michael (Begins March 11)

1:30     Sit and Be Fit

2 PM     Yoga in Practice

2:30      Focus on Europe           Euromaxx            In Good Shape            Global 3000      Scully-The World

3 PM     DW News - From the heart of Europe

3:30     DW The Day - Chief News Anchor Brent Goff puts the day's events into context.

4 PM     BBC World News Outside Source                                                           BBC News Today

4:30     BBC World News America - Connect the dots between the United States and the world.

5 PM                              see next page | Ask This Old House (Begins March 14)

5:30                                   see next page | Garden Smart (March 14-29)

6 PM
                                                         see next page

14     MARCH 2022
Mondays                    Tuesdays                 Wednesdays                    Thursdays                    Fridays
                                   3/1 - Eyes on the Prize:
                                   Back to the Movement        3/2 - Singularity
                                   1979-Mid 80s                                                                      3/4 - Trauma to Triumph
        3/7 - Summoned:                                        3/9 - Childsplay: The                                 - The Rise of the
                                                                                           3/3 - Land of Our Own
        Frances Perkins and the    3/8 - In The Name of        Parting Glass                                         Entrepreneur: Surviors
        General Welfare            Peace: John Hume In                                     3/10 - Patient No More    of War
9:00                                                           3/16 - Beyond The
  -     3/14 - Cure                                            Powder: The Legacy          3/17 - Life In Synchro    3/11 - Dreams of Daraa
                                   3/15 - Angels On            of the First Women's
9:30    3/21 - Waging Change                                                               3/24 - Citizens At Last   3/18 - Evolution of
                                   Horseback: Midwives in      Cross-Country Air Race
                                   the Mountains                                           3/31 - Reveal: The Dead   America: 1619 to Today
        3/28 - Reveal: The                                     3/23 - Warrior Women
        Terrorist Hunter                                                                   Unknown                   3/25 - No Evidence of
                                   3/22 - Her Voice Carries
                                                               3/30 - Reveal: Nellie Bly                             Disease
                                   3/29 - Reveal: Freedom      Makes The News

                                                               3/2 - Journey of the        3/3 - Great White
                                   3/1 - NOVA: Great           Whooping Crane              Shark: New
        3/7 - Nature: Bears        Mammoth Mystery                                         Perspectives on an        3/4 - Frozen Obsession
                                                               3/9 - Beyond A Year
                                                                                           Ancient Predator
        3/14 - Nature:             3/8 - NOVA: Mysteries       In Space                                              3/11 - Southwest Florida's
        Australian Bushfire        of Sleep                                                3/10 - Plants Behaving    Mangrove Coast
12:00                                                          3/16 - Great Polar Bear
        Rescue                                                                             Badly: Murder &           3/18 - Wilder Than Wild:
  -                                3/15 - NOVA: The Truth      Feast
                                                                                           Mayhem                    Fire, Forests, and the
        3/21 - Nature: Pandas:     About Fat
12:30                                                          3/23 - Expedition                                     Future
        Born to Be Wild                                                                    3/17 - Plants Behaving
                                   3/22 - NOVA: Looking        with Steve Backshall:
                                                                                           Badly: Sex & Lies         3/25 - Solid State:
        3/28 - Nature: Sex, Lies   for Life On Mars            Unpacked: No Turning
                                                               Back                        3/24 - To Catch A Comet   Minnesota's High-Tech
        and Butterflies            3/29 - NOVA: Secret                                                               History
                                   Mind of Slime               3/30 - Expedition: Close    3/31 - Ozone Hole: How
                                                               Encounters                  We Saved The Planet

                                                                                           3/3 - From Sea to
                                                                                           Shining Sea
                                                                                           3/10 - World of Wisdom
                                   3/1 - Deepak                                            & Wonder
                                                               3/2 - Yellowstone                                     3/4 - Ken Burns: The
5:00    3/7 - 60s Pop, Rock        Chopra: Your Path to
                                                               Symphony                                              National Parks
  -     & Soul (My Music           Enlightenment
5:30    Presents)                                              3/9 - Rick Steves Why                                 3/11 - Dr. Fuhrman's End
                                   3/8 - Irish Dance - Steps                                                         Dieting Forever!
                                                               We Travel
                                   of Freedom
                                                                                           3/10 - Loretta Lynn: My
                                                                                           Story In My Words

                                                               3/2 - Carole King &
                                   3/15 - Evening with                                     3/17 - Carrie Chapman
                                                               James Taylor Live at the
                                   Valerie Simpson in                                      Catt: Warrior for
                                   honor of Nick Ashford                                   Women
        3/14 - An Evening with
                                                               3/9 - Nature: American
        Denyce Graves              3/22 - American                                         3/24 - In Their Own       3/18 - Experimental
6:00                               Experience: Amelia                                      Words: Princess Diana     Curator: The Sally Dixon
        3/21 - Revolution of       Earhart
  -                                                            3/16 - Forgotten Fame:                                Story
        the Heart: The Dorothy                                                             3/31 - Margaret: The
                                                               The Marion Miley Story
6:30    Day Story                  3/29 - Betty White: First                               Rebel Princess: Part      3/25 - In Their Own
                                   Lady of Television          3/23 - In Their Own         Two                       Words: Angela Merkel
        3/28 - Mary Tyler
                                                               Words: Queen
        Moore: A Celebration
                                                               Elizabeth II
                                   3/8 - This Land Is Your                                 3/3 - Rick Steves Why
                                                               3/30 - Margaret: The
                                   Land (My Music)                                         We Travel
                                                               Rebel Princess: Part One


             5 Saturday                6 Sunday                 12 Saturday               13 Sunday
5 AM     America's Heartland                                America's Heartland
                                  History Detectives                                 History Detectives
5:30     Indian Country Today                               Indian Country Today

6 AM

                                                    Live From Paris
7 AM                                                France 24 News


8 AM     Laura Flanders           Indian Country Today      Laura Flanders           Indian Country Today

8:30     Whitney Reynolds         Beyond Your Backyard      Whitney Reynolds         Beyond Your Backyard

9 AM     To The Contrary          Motorweek                 To The Contrary          Motorweek

9:30     Happy Yoga               Autoline                  Happy Yoga               Autoline

10 AM                             Evan Smith                                         Evan Smith

10:30                             Civil Discourse                                    Civil Discourse
         Dr. Fuhrman's End                                  Deepak Chopra: Your
11 AM    Dieting Forever!                                   Path to Enlightenment

                                  Ken Burns: The                                     Joyful Pain Free Living
12 PM                             National Parks                                     with Lee Albert

12:30                                                       Master Your Future
                                                            with Rajiv Nagaich
1 PM     American Experience:
         Voice of Freedom                                                                 Sanditon On
1:30                                                                                        Episode 1
                                  Magic Moments: The
2 PM                                                        From Sea to Shining
                                  Best of 50s Pop (My                                     Sanditon On
                                  Music Presents)                                         Masterpiece
2:30                                                                                        Episode 2

3 PM     Earth Emergency                                                                  Sanditon On
                                                            Marian Anderson:              Masterpiece
3:30                                                        Once in a Hundred               Episode 3
4 PM                                                                                      Sanditon On
                                  Brain Secrets with Dr.
4:30     Loretta Lynn: My Story   Michael Merzenich                                         Episode 4
         In My Words
5 PM                                                                                      Sanditon On
                                                            Brain Secrets with Dr.        Masterpiece
5:30                                                        Michael Merzenich               Episode 5

6 PM                              Endeavour: The
         Italy Made with Love                                                             Sanditon On
6:30                                                        Best of 50s Pop                 Episode 6

16     MARCH 2022
19 Saturday               20 Sunday                26 Saturday              27 Sunday
5 AM    America's Heartland                                America's Heartland
                                 History Detectives                                History Detectives
5:30    Indian Country Today                               Indian Country Today

6 AM

                                                   Live From Paris
7 AM                                               France 24 News


8 AM    Laura Flanders           Indian Country Today      Laura Flanders          Indian Country Today

8:30    Whitney Reynolds         Beyond Your Backyard      Whitney Reynolds        Beyond Your Backyard

9 AM    To The Contrary          Motorweek                 To The Contrary         Motorweek

9:30    Happy Yoga               Autoline                  Happy Yoga              Autoline

10 AM   DW Good Shape            Evan Smith                DW Good Shape           Evan Smith

10:30   DW Focus Europe          Civil Discourse           DW Focus Europe         Civil Discourse

11 AM   DW Global 3000                                     DW Global 3000
                                 Classic Gospel                                    Classic Gospel
11:30   DW Euromaxx                                        DW Euromaxx

12 PM   Dining with Chef                                   Dining with Chef
                                                                                   Keeping Up
                                 As Time Goes By
12:30                                                                              Appearances
        Trails Oishii Tokyo                                Trails Oishii Tokyo

1 PM    Asia Insight                                       Asia Insight
                                 Finding Your Roots                                Finding Your Roots
1:30                             Songs of the Past                                 Watchmen
        Expedition with Steve                              Expedition with Steve
        Backshall: Unpacked                                Backshall: Unpacked
2 PM    No Turning Back                                    Close Encounters

2:30                             Great Performances                                Great Performances
        American Experience      Movies for Grownups       In Their Own Words      The Conductor
3 PM    Annie Oakley             Awards with AARP The      Angela Merkel
        Frontline                                          Frontline
4 PM                                                                               American Masters
                                 American Masters                                  Amy Tan: Unintended
4:30                             Laura Ingalls Wilder:                             Memoir
        WWII Mega Weapons        Prairie to Page           WWII Mega Weapons
5 PM    The Tunnels of Okinawa                             Battleship Yamato

5:30    Making                   History                   Making                  History

6 PM
                                 Finding Your Roots                                Finding Your Roots
        As Time Goes By                                    As Time Goes By
6:30                             On Broadway                                       Hollywood Royalty


            KMOS HD 6.1
                                                 Weekday Afternoons                 7:00   Hero Elementary
       Weekday Mornings                          2:00 Nature Cat                    7:30   Alma's Way
       5:00 Xavier Riddle                        2:30 Wild Kratts                   8:00   Curious George
       5:30 Arthur                               3:00 Alma's Way                    8:30   DIY Science Time
       6:00 Molly of Denali                      3:30 Xavier Riddle                 9:00   Biz Kid$
       6:30 Wild Kratts                          4:00 Odd Squad
       7:00 Hero Elementary                      4:30 Arthur                        Sundays
       7:30 Alma's Way                           5:00 Molly of Denali               5:00 Mister Rogers
       8:00 Curious George
                                                 Saturdays                          5:30 Arthur
       8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood
                                                 5:00 Mister Rogers                 6:00 Molly of Denali
       9:00 Donkey Hodie
                                                 5:30 Arthur                        6:30 Wild Kratts
       9:30 Elinor Wonders Why
                                                 6:00 Molly of Denalli              7:00 Hero Elementary
       10:00 Sesame Street
                                                 6:30 Wild Kratts                   7:30 Alma's Way
       10:30 Pinkalicious & Peteriffic

                           7 PM                    7:30 PM                   8 PM                   8:30 PM

                   Rick Steves' Why We Travel - A love note to       PBS Newshour Special Report - State of the
             6.1   travel features vivid footage from Guatemala,     Union Address
                   Ethiopia, Palestine and Iran.
1 Tuesday

                                            Kevin Belton's Cookin'
             6.2   Milk Street                                       Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

             6.3   Riverdance 25th Anniversary Show

18          MARCH 2022
See the full schedule at
  KMOS PBS Kids Channel 6.4
 Daily / Weekend only                              1:00 Cyberchase
 5:00 Cat in the Hat /Clifford Big Red Dog         1:30 Pinkalicious & Peteriffic / Wordgirl
 5:30 Ready Jet Go! / Wordworld                    2:00 Pinkalicious & Peteriffic / Hero
 6:00 Peg + Cat / Splash & Bubbles                      Elementary
 6:30 Super Why! / Peep and the Big Wide           2:30 Elinor Wonders Why / Xavier Riddle
 7:00 Daniel Tiger / Sid The Science Kid           3:00 Donkey Hodie / Molly of Denali
 7:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood                  3:30 Curious George / Arthur
 8:00 Sesame Street / Donkey Hodie                 4:00 Alma's Way / Odd Squad
 8:30 Elinor Wonders Why                           4:30 Xavier Riddle / WIld Kratts
 9:00 Clifford The Red Dog / Sesame Street         5:00 Molly of Denali / Curious George
 9:30 Dinosaur Train / Super Why!                  5:30 Hero Elementary / Curious George
 10:00 Let's Go Luna! / Clifford The Red Dog       6:00 Wild Kratts / Family Night
 10:30 Curious George / Pinkalicious               6:30 Wild Kratts / Family Night
 11:00 Nature Cat / Dinosaur Train                 7:00 Odd Squad / Family Night
 11:30 Xavier Riddle / Let's Go Luna!              7:30 Odd Squad / Family Night
 12:00 Molly of Denali / Martha Speaks             8:00 Arthur / Family Night
 12:30 Hero Elementary / Nature Cat                8:30 Arthur / Family Night

                                                    9:00 p.m to 5:00 a.m.
        Join the Kratt Brothers
      for tiny creatures and BIG                    Programs in white repeat
        adventures. This "mini"                     Family Nights 6 - 9 p.m.
        marathon features the                       Friday, Saturday & Sunday
      Wild Kratts and their crew                    March 4-6 Wild Kratts "Mini" Marathon
          investigating worms,                      March 11-13 Sesame Street: The Monster
     pollinators, geckos, termites,                 at the End of This Story
       frogs, turtles, and more!                    March 18-20 Get Into The Game!
                                                    March 25-27 Donkey Hodie
       MARCH 4-6       Family Nights

     9 PM        9:30 PM        10:00 PM            10:30 PM               11 PM            11:30 PM
                              Reconstruction: America After The Civil War Part 1 - Join Henry Louis
                              Gates, Jr. for this exploration of the transformative years following
                              the Civil War, when the nation struggled to rebuild itself in the face of
                              profound loss, massive destruction and revolutionary social change.

Rick Steves'                                                          Kevin Belton's
               Travelscope    Fly Brother         Cook's Country                          Milk Street
Europe                                                                Louisiana

                              BBC World
PBS NewsHour                                      DW The Day          NHK Newsline        Growing Bolder


                            7 PM                     7:30 PM                     8 PM                     8:30 PM
                    Ken Burns: The National Parks - Explore the beauty and grandeur                 Kenny Rogers
                    of our nation's magnificent parks, from Acadia to Yosemite,                     Farewell Concert
              6.1   Yellowstone to the Grand Canyon. Filmmakers Burns and Dayton
2 Wednesday

                                                                                                    Celebration: All In
                    Duncan vividly reveal fascinating behind-the-scenes stories about
                    the making of the series.                                                       For The Gambler

                                              Kevin Belton's Cookin'
              6.2   Lidia's Kitchen                                      Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

                    Carole King & James
              6.3                             NOVA Universe Revealed Milky Way
                    Taylor *starts at 6

                    Aging Backwards 3 with Miranda Esmonde-
                    White - Learn how to keep your mind sharp and        You, Happier with Daniel Amen, Md - Tips on
              6.1   your body active as you age using gentle daily       how you can be 30% happier in 30 days.
3 Thursday


                                              Kevin Belton's Cookin'
              6.2   Milk Street                                          Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

                    Rick Steves' Why We
              6.3                             Nature Pandas: Born to Be Wild
                    Travel *starts at 6:30

                    An Evening with Lerner and Loewe - Broadway in Concert - Join us for a          The Rolling Stones: A
              6.1   musical celebration of the glamorous and witty songwriting duo, Lerner &        Bigger Bang: Live On
                    Loewe, featuring music from their iconic canon of shows.                        Copacabana Beach
4 Friday

                                                                                                    Easy Yoga: The Secret
              6.2   Longevity Paradox with Steven Gundry, MD                                        to Strength and

              6.3   Celebrating PBS Newshour!

                                                                                                    Carole King &
                    Irish Dance - Steps of Freedom - Breathtaking Irish dance performances
              6.1                                                                                   James Taylor Live at
                    chart the evolution of this global dance phenomenon.                            the Troubadour
5 Saturday

                                                                                                    You, Happier with
              6.2   Italy Made With Love                                                            Daniel Amen, Md

              6.3   Buddy Guy: True to the Blues

                    Trinity: Classically Irish - Enjoy an evening of Irish music as this charming
                    trio of accomplished young singers performs fresh arrangements of               Masterpiece: 50
              6.1   beloved songs. Includes “Red Is the Rose,” “Danny Boy,” “The Parting Glass,”    Fabulous Years!
                    “The Rocky Road to Dublin” and more.
6 Sunday

              6.2   Eat Your Medicine: The Pegan Diet with Mark Hyman, MD

              6.3   Downton Abbey Season 1 on Masterpiece Part 3

20            MARCH 2022
9 PM             9:30 PM         10:00 PM            10:30 PM               11 PM             11:30 PM
The concert brought together        America's Test Kitchen 20th Anniversary Special To
fans, friends and music icons to    celebrate 20 years of the most-watched cooking show         Yellowstone
celebrate Kenny Rogers’ final       on public television, fans around the country voted for     Symphony
farewell to Nashville.              their all-time favorite recipes from the series.

Rick Steves'       Travels with     Travels &           Best of the Joy     Kevin Belton's      Lidia's Kitchen
Europe             Darley           Traditions          of Painting         Louisiana

                                    BBC World
PBS NewsHour                                            DW The Day          NHK Newsline        Growing Bolder

                                    Rick Steves' Heart of Italy - Rick Steves visits the Italian heartland and
                                    explores Umbria, Assisi, Siena and the Cinque Terre.

Rick Steves'                        Central Florida                         Kevin Belton's
                   Travelscope                          Cook's Country                          Milk Street
Europe                              Roadtrip                                Louisiana

                                    BBC World
PBS NewsHour                                            DW The Day          NHK Newsline        Growing Bolder

                                                        Carole King & James Taylor Live at the
On February 18th, 2006, The Rolling Stones              Troubadour - 36 years after they first performed
performed from Copacabana Beach in Rio de               together at The Troubadour, Carole King and
Janeiro.                                                James Taylor reunited to celebrate the venue's
                                                        50th anniversary.

Balance with                                                                                    Jacques Pepin:
                   Brain Wash with David Perlmutter, Md                     Essential Pepin
Peggy Cappy                                                                                     Heart & Soul

PBS NewsHour                        BBC World           DW The Day          NHK Newsline        Growing Bolder

                                    Buddy Guy: True to the Blues - Meet the living legend from the 1950s
                                    Chicago blues scene who inspired The Rolling Stones, Jimmy Page, Jimi
                                    Hendrix, Eric Clapton and Stevie Ray Vaughan.

                                                        Ciao Italia         Ciao Italia         Chef's Life

The Music of Lerner & Loewe: I Could Have Danced        Master Your Future with Rajiv Nagaich
All Night: A Broadway in Concert

Join Alan Cumming to
celebrate the iconic series
that introduced generations         Ed Slott's Retirement Freedom!
of viewers to the delights of
British drama.

Richard Bangs' Adventures with      To Dine for with                                            America's Test
                                                        Lidia's Kitchen     Milk Street
Purpose: Switzerland                Kate Sullivan                                               Kitchen

                                                                            Aging Backwards 3 with Miranda
Downton Abbey Season 1 on Masterpiece Part 4                                Esmonde-White

MARCH 7-11

                             7 PM                   7:30 PM                     8 PM                  8:30 PM

                    This Land Is Your Land (My Music) - The Smothers Brothers and Judy          You, Happier with
              6.1   Collins host a look at the evolution of modern American folk music.         Daniel Amen, Md
7 Monday

                    America's Test Kitchen Kevin Belton's Cookin'                               Jacques Pepin: Heart
              6.2                                                       Essential Pepin
                                           Louisiana                                            & Soul

                                                                                                Rick Steves' Festive
              6.3   NOVA Universe Revealed Milky Way                                            Europe

                    Henry Louis Gates, Jr. - Uncovering America - Courtney B.
                    Vance hosts this celebration of the renowned, respected and                 Buddy Guy: True to
              6.1   popular historian, author and filmmaker. Features appearances by            the Blues
                    distinguished guests seen in Gates' work including Jodie Foster,
8 Tuesday

                    Ken Burns, Jelani Cobb and LL Cool J.

                                              Kevin Belton's Cookin'                            Jacques Pepin: Heart
              6.2   Milk Street                                         Essential Pepin
                                              Louisiana                                         & Soul

                                                                        Aging Backwards 3 with Miranda Esmonde-
              6.3   This Land Is Your Land (My Music) *starts at 6:30   White

              6.1   60s Pop, Rock & Soul (My Music Presents)
9 Wednesday

                                              Kevin Belton's Cookin'                            Jacques Pepin: Heart
              6.2   Lidia's Kitchen                                     Essential Pepin
                                              Louisiana                                         & Soul

              6.3   Nature American           Carol Burnett: A Celebration
                    Horses *starts at 6

                    Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide - Join the personal finance expert for essential advice
              6.1   on planning for and thriving in retirement. With empathy, straight talk and humor, Suze provides
10 Thursday

                    information about key steps for anyone trying to achieve their "ultimate retirement."

                                              Kevin Belton's Cookin'                            Jacques Pepin: Heart
              6.2   Milk Street                                         Essential Pepin
                                              Louisiana                                         & Soul

              6.3   Ed Slott's Retirement Freedom!

                    Italy Made with Love - Travel through Italy to meet some of the
                    remarkable artisans who still make exceptional items by hand — from         This Land Is Your Land
              6.1   glassblowers and ceramicists to olive oil makers and cashmere weavers —     (My Music)
                    all of whom exhibit talent, dedication and love for their art.
11 Friday

                                                                                                Easy Yoga: The Secret
              6.2   Longevity Paradox with Steven Gundry, MD                                    to Strength and

                                                                                                World of Wisdom &
              6.3   Marian Anderson: Once in a Hundred Years                                    Wonder

 22           MARCH 2022
9 PM             9:30 PM           10:00 PM            10:30 PM              11 PM            11:30 PM
                                                          Rick Steves Hunger and Hope: Lessons from Ethiopia
                                                          and Guatemala - Rick meets struggling farmers in
                                                          Ethiopia and Guatemala and explores solutions to
                                                          decrease hunger.

Rick Steves'       Weekends with      Ireland: County     Best of the Joy    Kevin Belton's      America's Test
Europe             Yankee             by County           of Painting        Louisiana           Kitchen

                                      BBC World
PBS NewsHour                                              DW The Day         NHK Newsline        Growing Bolder

                                                          Unlock The Secret To Extraordinary Health with
                                                          David Perlmutter, MD - Dr. David Perlmutter and his
                                                          son join forces to focus on ways to create sustainable
                                                          joy, health and meaning in the modern world.

Rick Steves'                          National Parks                         Kevin Belton's
                   Travelscope                            Cook's Country                         Milk Street
Europe                                of Japan                               Louisiana

                                      BBC World
PBS NewsHour                                              DW The Day         NHK Newsline        Growing Bolder

Roy Orbison Forever - A celebration of the effortlessly
cool, 5-time Grammy-winning Rock & Roll Hall of           Irish Dance - Steps of Freedom Breathtaking Irish
Famer. Among the songs performed are "Oh, Pretty          dance performances chart the evolution of this global
Woman", "It's Over", "Only The Lonely", Cryin', "Dream    dance phenomenon.
Baby", and "Blue Bayou".

Rick Steves'       Travels with       Travels &           Best of the Joy    Kevin Belton's      Lidia's Kitchen
Europe             Darley             Traditions          of Painting        Louisiana

PBS NewsHour                          BBC World           DW The Day         NHK Newsline        Growing Bolder

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band: 50 Years and Circlin' Back -      Longevity Paradox with Steven Gundry, MD - Dr.
Vince Gill, Jackson Browne and more celebrate the         Gundry shares an easy approach to help us all feel
groundbreaking band's musical milestones and hits.        better and more youthful, at any age.

Rick Steves'                          Central Florida     Best of the Joy    Kevin Belton's
                   Travelscope                                                                   Milk Street
Europe                                Roadtrip            of Painting        Louisiana

                                      BBC World
PBS NewsHour                                              DW The Day         NHK Newsline        Growing Bolder

                                      You, Happier with Daniel Amen, MD

Balance with       Ireland: County by County Marathon
Peggy Cappy

                                      BBC World
PBS NewsHour                                              DW The Day         NHK Newsline        Growing Bolder

MARCH 12-16

                             7 PM                    7:30 PM                     8 PM                  8:30 PM

                                                                                                 Celtic Thunder
               6.1   60s Pop, Rock & Soul (My Music Presents) *starts at 6:30                    Ireland
12 Saturday

               6.2   You, Happier with Daniel Amen, Md *starts at 6     Dr. Fuhrman's End Dieting Forever!

               6.3   Magic Moments: The Best of 50s Pop (My Music Presents) *starts at 6:30

                     Concert For George *starts at 6:30 - One year after the passing of music
                     legend George Harrison, a performance tribute was organized in his          Rick Steves' Why
               6.1   honor, featuring Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Monty Python, Tom Petty,      We Travel
13 Sunday

                     Billy Preston, Dhani Harrison and many more.

               6.2   Ken Burns: The National Parks *starts at 6         Food Fix with Mark Hyman, MD

               6.3   Sanditon On Masterpiece Episode 7                  Sanditon On Masterpiece Episode 8

               6.1   Antique's Roadshow McNay Art Museum Hour 1         Antique's Roadshow McNay Art Museum Hour 2
14 Monday

                     America's Test Kitchen Kevin Belton's Cookin'
               6.2                                                      Ireland: County by County

               6.3   Jamestown Episode 1                                Beecham House Episode 1

                     Finding Your Roots On Broadway - Henry Louis
                     Gates, Jr. investigates the family histories of    American Experience Annie Oakley - The story
               6.1   Broadway stars Audra MacDonald and Mandy           of a five-foot-tall sharpshooter who became a
                     Patinkin, discovering ancestors whose struggles    world renowned symbol of the Wild West.
15 Tuesday

                     laid the groundwork for their success.

                                              Ireland: County by
               6.2   Milk Street                                        Ireland: County by County

               6.3   Jamestown Episode 2                                Beecham House Episode 2

                     Nature Pandas: Born to Be Wild - Unlock the        NOVA Looking for Life On Mars - NASA launches
               6.1   mysteries of wild pandas, whose counterparts in    its most ambitious search yet for traces of
16 Wednesday

                     captivity have a more gentle image.                ancient life on Mars.

                                              Ireland: County by
               6.2   Lidia's Kitchen                                    Ireland: County by County

               6.3   Jamestown Episode 3                                Beecham House Episode 3

24             MARCH 2022
9 PM              9:30 PM            10:00 PM            10:30 PM              11 PM              11:30 PM

Enjoy the popular hits and Irish and Celtic fan favorites   Nitty Gritty Dirt Band: 50 Years and Circlin' Back
of the last decade in this concert.

                                        Baking with         Ciao Italia        Ciao Italia          Chef's Life

The Rolling Stones: A Bigger Bang: Live On Copacabana Beach                    Yellowstone Symphony

                    Italy Made with Love                                       Trinity: Classically Irish

                                        To Dine for with                                            America's Test
                                                            Lidia's Kitchen    Milk Street
                                        Kate Sullivan                                               Kitchen

                                                                                                    Rick Steves'
                    Deepak Chopra: The Spiritual Laws of Success                                    Why We Travel

Independent Lens Accept the Call - A Somalian father        POV Shorts
living in the U.S. strives to understand why his son                           Democracy Now!
                                                            Dreaming Life
would try to join ISIS.

Rick Steves'        Weekends with       Ireland: County     Best of the Joy    Kevin Belton's       America's Test
Europe              Yankee              by County           of Painting        Louisiana            Kitchen

PBS NewsHour                            BBC World           DW The Day         NHK Newsline         Growing Bolder

Frontline                               Amanpour and Company                   Democracy Now!

Rick Steves'                            National Parks      Best of the Joy    Ireland: County
                    Travelscope                                                                     Milk Street
Europe                                  of Japan            of Painting        by County

                                        BBC World
PBS NewsHour                                                DW The Day         NHK Newsline         Growing Bolder

Expedition with Steve Backshall:
Unpacked No Turning Back
Unpack the moments that very            Amanpour and Company                   Democracy Now!
nearly stopped the Expedition
teams in their tracks.

Rick Steves'        Travels with        Travels &           Best of the Joy    Ireland: County      Lidia's Kitchen
Europe              Darley              Traditons           of Painting        by County

                                        BBC World
PBS NewsHour                                                DW The Day         NHK Newsline         Growing Bolder

MARCH 17-21

                            7 PM                    7:30 PM                    8 PM                      8:30 PM
                                                                       Midsomer Murders The Ballad of Midsomer
                                                                       County, Part 1 - A ballad made famous by late,
              6.1   As Time Goes By           As Time Goes By          lamented folk singer Johnny Carver may be an
17 Thursday

                                                                       inspiration for murder Part 1 of 2.

                                              Ireland: County by
              6.2   Milk Street                                        Ireland: County by County

              6.3   Jamestown Episode 4                                Beecham House Episode 4

                                                                       Great Performances Movies for Grownups
                                                                       Awards with AARP The Magazine - Celebrating
                                              Radio Friends with
              6.1                                                      movies that matter, the Awards champion
                    Washington Week           Paul Pepper              movies for grownups, by grownups.
18 Friday

                    America's Test Kitchen Ireland: County by
              6.2                                                      Baking with Julia

              6.3   Jamestown Episode 5                                Beecham House Episode 5

                                                                       Austin City Limits Rosalia - Thrill to an hour with
                    The Carol Burnett Show - Carol's Favorites         Spanish singer, songwriter and dancer Rosalía, a
              6.1   Episode 7 - Guest Stars: The Jackson 5, Roddy      Latin Grammy-winning Catalan native performs
19 Saturday

                    McDowall.                                          songs from her album El Mal Querer.

              6.2   The Legacy List with Matt Paxton                   Best of the Joy of Painting

              6.3   History Detectives Season 7, Episode 1             History Detectives Special Investigations Civil
                                                                       War Sabotage?

                    Call The Midwife Episode 1 - It's Easter 1967
                    and preparations are underway for a colourful      Sanditon on Masterpiece Season 2, Episode 1 - A
              6.1   Easter Bonnet parade outside Nonnatus House.       company of Army Officers descend on the town,
                    However, Trixie is left shocked when routine       offering romantic opportunities.
20 Sunday

                    building work nearby uncovers a terrible secret.

              6.2   The Legacy List with Matt Paxton                   Baking with Julia

              6.3   Great Performances at the Met Adriana Lecouvreur

                    Antique's Roadshow Omni Mount Washington
              6.1                                                      Antique's Roadshow McNay Art Museum Hour 3
                    Resort Hour 3
21 Monday

                    America's Test Kitchen Ireland: County by          Dishing with Julia         Julia Child - Cooking
              6.2                          County                      Child                      with Master Chefs

              6.3   Jamestown Episode 6                                Beecham House Episode 6

26            MARCH 2022
9 PM              9:30 PM          10:00 PM           10:30 PM             11 PM             11:30 PM

Midsomer Murders The Ballad of        Amanpour and Company                  Democracy Now!
Midsomer County, Part 2 of 2.

Rick Steves'                          Central Florida    Best of the Joy    Ireland: County
                   Travelscope                                                                 Milk Street
Europe                                Roadtrip           of Painting        by County

                                      BBC World
PBS NewsHour                                             DW The Day         NHK Newsline       Growing Bolder

                                      Amanpour and Company                  Democracy Now!

Julia Child Marathon

                                      BBC World
PBS NewsHour                                             DW The Day         NHK Newsline       Growing Bolder

Woodsongs Riders in the Sky -         Dark Angel On Masterpiece - Joanne Froggatt stars in this spine-tingling
The American Western music            drama - the notorious Victorian poisoner Mary Ann Cotton, Britain's first
and comedy group which began          female serial killer.
performing in 1977 takes the stage.

Richard Bangs' Adventures with        Baking with        Ciao Italia        Ciao Italia        Chef's Life
Purpose Basel and Lucerne             Julia

Midsomer Murders The Ballad of        Midsomer Murders The Ballad of        Home Truth
Midsomer County, Part 1               Midsomer County, Part 2

Before We Die Episode 1 - When
her lover and partner goes missing,                                         As Time            As Time
                                      Finding Your Roots On Broadway
British detective Hannah Laing                                              Goes By            Goes By
launches an urgent manhunt.

Richard Bangs' Adventures with        To Dine for with                                         America's Test
                                                         Lidia's Kitchen    Milk Street
Purpose Costa Rica                    Kate Sullivan                                            Kitchen

                                                                            The Carol Burnett Show - Carol's
                   American Masters Mae West: Dirty Blonde                  Favorites Episode 4

Bring Her Home                        Amanpour and Company                  Democracy Now!

Rick Steves'       Weekends with      Ireland: County    Best of the Joy    Ireland: County    America's Test
Europe             Yankee             by County          of Painting        by County          Kitchen

                                      BBC World
PBS NewsHour                                             DW The Day         NHK Newsline       Growing Bolder

MARCH 22-26

                              7 PM                      7:30 PM                   8 PM                     8:30 PM
                     Finding Your Roots Hollywood Royalty - Henry
                     Louis Gates, Jr. helps actors Isabella Rossellini,
               6.1   Anjelica Huston and Mia Farrow unearth               Frontline
                     surprising new revelations about their family
22 Tuesday


                                                Ireland: County by        Dishing with Julia        Julia Child - Cooking
               6.2   Milk Street                County                    Child                     with Master Chefs

               6.3   Jamestown Episode 7                                  Miss Scarlet and the Duke Inheritance

                     Nature Sex, Lies and Butterflies - Explore the       NOVA Secret Mind of Slime - Scientists investigate
               6.1   abilities of butterflies and follow them on one of   the "intelligence" of slime molds, which appear
23 Wednesday

                     the greatest migrations on earth.                    to learn without a brain.

                                                Ireland: County by        Dishing with Julia        Julia Child - Cooking
               6.2   Lidia's Kitchen            County                    Child                     with Master Chefs

               6.3   Jamestown Episode 8                                  Miss Scarlet and the Duke The Woman In Red

                                                                          Midsomer Murders A Vintage Murder - Cases of
               6.1   As Time Goes By            As Time Goes By           poisoning at the Midsomer Vinae Winery may be
24 Thursday

                                                                          linked to a deadly hit-and-run accident. Part 1

                                                Ireland: County by        Dishing with Julia        Julia Child - Cooking
               6.2   Milk Street                County                    Child                     with Master Chefs

               6.3   Jamestown Season 2, Episode 1                        Miss Scarlet and the Duke Deeds Not Words

                                                                          Great Performances The Conductor - Marin
                                                Radio Friends with
               6.1                                                        Alsop's journey to become the first female music
                     Washington Week            Paul Pepper               director of a major symphony.
25 Friday

                     America's Test Kitchen Ireland: County by
               6.2                                                        Ask This Old House Marathon

               6.3   Jamestown Season 2, Episode 2                        Miss Scarlet and the Duke Memento Mori

                     The Carol Burnett Show - Carol's Favorites
                     Episode 8 - Guest Stars: Helen Reddy, John Byner.    Austin City Limits Jackie Venson/Mavis Staples
               6.1   Highlights of this show include a sketch set in      with Special Guest Bonnie Raitt
26 Saturday

                     a singles bar; Eunice, Ed and Mama playing the
                     board game "Sorry".

                                                                          Best of the Joy of        Best of the Joy of
               6.2   The Legacy List with Matt Paxton                     Painting                  Painting

                                                                          History Detectives Special Investigations The
               6.3   History Detectives Season 7, Episode 2               Disappearance of Glenn Miller

28             MARCH 2022
9 PM            9:30 PM           10:00 PM          10:30 PM            11 PM            11:30 PM
In Their Own Words Angela Merkel
A chronicle of Merkel's meteoric     Amanpour and Company                Democracy Now!
rise from pastor's daughter to the
Chancellor of Germany.

Rick Steves'                         National Parks    Best of the Joy   Ireland: County
                  Travelscope                                                              Milk Street
Europe                               of Japan          of Painting       by County

                                     BBC World                                             Getting Dot
PBS NewsHour                                           DW The Day        NHK Newsline
                                     News                                                  Older

Expedition with Steve Backshall:
Unpacked Close Encounters
Close encounters with creatures      Amanpour and Company                Democracy Now!
that were awe-inspiring and fear
inducing are examined.

Rick Steves'      Travels with       Travels &         Best of the Joy   Ireland: County   Lidia's Kitchen
Europe            Darley             Traditions        of Painting       by County

                                     BBC World                                             Getting Dot
PBS NewsHour                                           DW The Day        NHK Newsline
                                     News                                                  Older

Midsomer Murders A Vintage           Amanpour and Company                Democracy Now!
Murder Part 2 of 2.

Rick Steves'                         Central Florida   Best of the Joy   Ireland: County
                  Travelscope                                                              Milk Street
Europe                               Roadtrip          of Painting       by County

PBS NewsHour                         BBC World         DW The Day        NHK Newsline      Getting Dot
                                     News                                                  Older

                  Roadshow           Amanpour and Company                Democracy Now!
                  Recut Women's
                  Work, Part 2

                                     BBC World                                             Getting Dot
PBS NewsHour                                           DW The Day        NHK Newsline
                                     News                                                  Older

Woodsongs Bluegrass duo Darin
and Brook Alridge combine rich       Sanditon on Masterpiece Season      Call The Midwife Episode 1
harmonies with impeccable            2, Episode 1

Richard Bangs' Adventures with       Baking with       Ciao Italia       Ciao Italia       Chef's Life
Purpose Geneva and Matterhorn        Julia

Midsomer Murders A Vintage           Midsomer Murders A Vintage          Not Broken
Murder, Part 1                       Murder, Part 2

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