Informal document No. 5 - UNECE

Page created by Bill Pham
Informal document No. 5
                                                                                    Distr.: General
                                                                                    31 January 2021

                                                                                    English only

Economic Commission for Europe
Inland Transport Committee
Eighty-third session
Geneva, 23–26 February 2021
Item 7 (h) of the provisional agenda
Strategic questions of a horizontal and cross-sectoral policy or regulatory nature:
Road safety

             The Inland Transport Committee and the Road
             Safety Progress Report of the ECE Road Safety
             Action Plan (2011-2020)

             Note by the secretariat

                   The ECE secretariat continued to make progress in our road safety related mandate
          supported by the following Working Parties of the Inland Transport Committee but forming
          a part of all UNECE Transport Division: Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1),
          the Working Party on Road Transport (SC.1), the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle
          Regulations (WP.29), the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15), and
          the Working Party on Intermodal Transport and Logistics (WP.24), among others, as well as
          by the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety. A cumulative update of our work
          from March 2012 to 2020 is contained in the table in the annex. New developments compared
          to the previous progress report (ECE/TRANS/2018/26) are marked in bold for new or
          strikethrough for deleted text.
                         The Committee may wish to:
           • Express its support for the activities of the Sustainable Transport Division in the area of
             road safety, especially for those countries which have yet to fully benefit from it,
             particularly in Africa, Latin America and South-east Asia.
           • Provide guidance on revising the ECE Road Map as, in response to the ongoing road
             safety crisis, General Assembly Resolution 74/299 proclaimed the period 2021-2030 as
             the second Decade of Action for Road Safety.
Informal document No. 5

             1.    At its seventy-fourth session in 2012, the Inland Transport Committee (ITC) adopted
             the ECE Action Plan for the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020)
             (ECE/TRANS/2012/4 and Corrs.1 and 2).
             2.     The plan is directly aligned with the United Nations Global Plan for the Decade of
             Action for Road Safety (2011-2020), and aims to achieve the overall road safety goals of
             ECE by addressing priority areas of work as well as implementing continuous and future
             actions for each goal in its geographical area and beyond. It includes actions, initiatives and
             measures for several ITC Working Parties, with the Global Forum on Road Traffic Safety
             (WP.1) being the main coordinating entity in the area of road safety.
             3.    At its eighty-second session in 2020 the ITC was updated on the plan
             4.     The table in the annex is a cumulative update of the ECE secretariat’s progress since
             2012 in relation to each performance indicator in the plan. New text is marked in bold and
             deleted text is indicated with a strikethrough, compared to the previous progress report
     United Nations overall goal for the decade (2011-2020):
     To stabilize and reduce the forecast level of road traffic fatalities around the world by 2020
     ECE goals for the decade (2011-2020):
     To ensure the widest possible geographical coverage of United Nations road safety legal instruments;
     To assist countries in the ECE region and beyond in implementing the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety; and
     To make progress in stabilizing and reducing road traffic fatalities in the ECE region and beyond

                         ECE past and present                                                         Performance   Progress made since March 2012
     Areas               actions                ECE future actions    Responsible      Time frame     indicators

     OBJECTIVE 1: Boost Political Will and Support
     Government Strategies

     Road Traffic        Lead the global                              secretariat      2008-2009;                   Project completed and global report
     Casualty            project of the UN                                             2010                         published.
     Reduction           Regional
     Targets             Commissions on
                         "Improving Global
                         Road Safety:
                         Setting Regional
                         and National Road
                         Traffic Casualty
                         Reduction Targets"
                         (funded by United
                         Account [UNDA]).

                                                                                                                                                          Informal document No. 5
                         Published the
                         global report.

                                                                                                                                                       Informal document No. 5
            ECE past and present                                                    Performance        Progress made since March 2012
    Areas   actions                ECE future actions    Responsible   Time frame   indicators

            ECE involvement        Will monitor          SPECA         2011-2016    Number of          One of seven SPECA countries has defined
            in setting regional    progress of meeting   Programme                  regional and       national road safety goals, four of seven
            and national goals     national goals and    Working                    national targets   countries have published road safety data.
            and targets in         targets.              Group (PWG)                met;
                                                                                                       SPECA Road Safety Capacity Building
            United Nations                               on Transport               establishment
                                                                                                       Workshop, 11 September 2015, Almaty,
            Special Programme                            Border                     of a national
            for the Economies                            Crossings                  level road
            of Central Asia                              (TBC)                      accident           SPECA Road Transport and Road Safety
            (SPECA) region                               Thematic                   database.          Statistics workshop, 8 September 2016,
            (SPECA Thematic                              Working                                       Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. More than 35
            Working Group on                             Group on                                      participants from SPECA members and
            Sustainable                                  Sustainable                                   Eastern Europe discussed the methodology
            Transport, Transit                           Transport,                                    for collecting road transport and road safety
            and Connectivity.                            Transit and                                   statistics, as well as how best to make this
                                                         Connectivity,                                 information publicly available.
                                                                                                       SPECA Workshop on Transport-related
                                                                                                       SDGs (Astana, Kazakhstan, 2-3
                                                                                                       November 2017) gathered almost 40
                                                                                                       representatives from five SPECA
                                                                                                       member countries and Belarus, the
                                                                                                       Russian Federation and Serbia, and
                                                                                                       international organizations. The aim of
                                                                                                       the Workshop was to strengthen
                                                                                                       knowledge on transport-related SDGs
                                                                                                       (including SDG 3) and to its monitoring.
ECE past and present                                                   Performance     Progress made since March 2012
    Areas             actions                ECE future actions   Responsible   Time frame   indicators

                      Promote setting                             Secretariat   2012         Number of        Refer to the “Readiness Assessment to
                      regional and                                                           regional and     Implement the Decade of Action Plan”
                      national goals and                                                     national targets action below.
                      targets in                                                             met.
                      Organisation of the
                      Black Sea
                      (BSEC) region.
    Political           Three ECE            Subject to           Secretariat   2017-2021    Number of       Georgian National Road Safety Plan for
    Commitment for countries: Georgia,       availability of                                 national road   2017 and 2018 adopted.
    Road Safety         Serbia and Turkey    resources and                                   safety
                                                                                                             UNECE co-organized Child Restraint
    Demonstrated        with UNDAF           funding partnerships                            strategies.
                                                                                                             Systems workshop during the
    through National country                 (with United Nations
                                                                                                             International Conference Road Safety in
    Development         programmes have      Children's Fund
                                                                                                             Local Communities (Kopaonik, Serbia,
                        included a road      [UNICEF] / World
    Framework:                                                                                               18-20 April 2018) with more than 70
                        safety element (3    Health Organization
    National            out of 17            [WHO] under the                                                 attendees.
    Strategies, Nations countries).          UNDAF country                                                   The Georgian Road Safety Performance
    Development                              programmes                                                      Review has been completed in June 2018
    Assistance                               [Georgia, Serbia and                                            with sound recommendations how to
    Framework                                Turkey]), activities                                            address the most pressing road safety
    (UNDAF), Poverty                         such as capacity-                                               issues in Georgia. Project activities (5
    Reduction Strategy                       building workshops,                                             capacity building events for more than
    Papers (PRSPs)                           awareness raising                                               200 road safety stakeholders) and the
                                             and road safety                                                 Review assisted the Georgian
                                             performance review                                              Government to initiate improvement of
                                             in Georgia.                                                     national road safety legislation (Law on
                                                                                                             Road Safety, PTI re-introduction) and
                                                                                                             strengthen capacities.
                                                                                                             In 2019 UNECE supported Georgian

                                                                                                                                                        Informal document No. 5
                                                                                                             Government for the implementation of
                                                                                                             the 1958 Agreement with dedicated
                                                                                                             workshop and consultancy resulting in
                                                                                                             draft national legal provisions.
                                                                                                             In 2020 UNECE supported Georgian
                                                                                                             Government with a dedicated workshop
                                                                                                             in updating national PTI system to align

                                                                                                                                                             Informal document No. 5
                         ECE past and present                                                     Performance     Progress made since March 2012
    Areas                actions                ECE future actions     Responsible   Time frame   indicators
                                                                                                                  it according latest provisions of 1997

                                                Will endeavour to      Secretariat   2011-2020    Number of new Action underway.
                                                incorporate road                                  countries with
                                                safety elements into                              UNDAF
                                                UNDAF Country                                     country
                                                Programmes in the                                 programmes
                                                ECE region.                                       incorporating a
                                                                                                  road safety
                                                                                                  element, and
    Road Safety          Lead the global        Subject to           Secretariat     2015–2018    Road Safety     Project successfully completed in June
    Performance          project of the UN      availability of                                   Performance     2018. During the project more than 15
    Review 1             Regional               resources the                                     Reviews for     capacity building workshops on the most
                         Commissions on         Secretariat will try                              Albania, the    pressing road safety issues were
                         "Strengthening         to replicate road                                 Dominican       organized in beneficiary countries. RSPR
                         the national road      safety performance                                Republic,       reports prepared and published for all
                         safety                 reviews in other                                  Georgia and     beneficiary countries
                         management             UNECE countries.                                  Viet Nam        (
                         capacities of                                                            prepared and    -road-safety-management-capacity-
                         selected               UN Special Envoy                                  published and   building-project.html).
                                                office completed
                         developing                                                               local road
                                                Road Safety
                         countries and                                                            safety
                         countries with         Performance                                       management
                                                Review for four
                         economies in                                                             capacities
                                                African countries:
                         transition"                                                              strengthened.
                         (funded by United      Uganda and
                                                Cameroon in 2018
                                                and Ethiopia and
                         Account                Zimbabwe in 2020.
    Readiness            Prepared and           Will implement       Secretariat     2011-2013    BSEC sub-       Assessment questionnaire prepared and
    Assessment to        presented a            readiness assessment                              regional        disseminated. Five of 12 countries
    Implement the        readiness              plan in the BSEC                                  readiness       submitted completed questionnaires.
                         assessment             Region in                                         assessment

            1   Added subsequent to ITC’s approval of the Plan in 2012.
ECE past and present                                                     Performance      Progress made since March 2012
    Areas             actions                ECE future actions     Responsible   Time frame   indicators
    Decade of Action methodology for a       cooperation with                                  completed and
    Plan             pilot project to be     BSEC Permanent                                    published.
                     used in BSEC            International                                     Number of
                     countries for the       Secretariat                                       countries
                     implementation of       (PERMIS) and                                      implementing a
                     the United Nations      national authorities                              readiness
                     Decade of Action        of the BSEC member                                assessment
                     Plan. Assessment        States.                                           plan.
                     pilot launched
                      Prepared a                                    Secretariat   2015         Demand for       The publication was produced to offer the
                      publication titled                                                       publication      ECE and the Inland Transport Committee’s
                      “Together with                                                                            contribution to the mid-term review of the
                      UNECE on the                                                                              Decade of Action for Road Safety. It was
                      Road to Safety”                                                                           distributed at the Second Global High-level
                                                                                                                Conference on Road Safety.
                                                                                                                WP.1 prepared a Road Safety Resolution
                                                                                                                for adoption by ITC and ECE Commission
                                                                                                                SC.1 prepared a Road Transport Resolution
                                                                                                                for adoption by ITC and ECE Commission
                                             Will scale up the    Secretariat     2011-2020    Number of      No relevant action in 2012-2014 by ECE,
                                             readiness assessment                              countries      but TRACECA project has been following
                                             methodology beyond                                carrying out a up on this.
                                             the BSEC Region.                                  readiness
                                                                                               assessment and
                                                                                               preparing /
                                                                                               executing the

                                                                                                                                                              Informal document No. 5

                                                                                                                                                              Informal document No. 5
                   ECE past and present                                                       Performance       Progress made since March 2012
    Areas          actions                 ECE future actions      Responsible   Time frame   indicators

    Road Traffic   Yearly updated,         Will improve            WP.6          2012-2020    Development     Indicators derived from data in the ECE
    Accident       collected and           international                                      and adoption of database and disseminated online.
    Statistics     disseminated data       comparability and                                  statistical
                   on road traffic         consider "Statistical                              performance
                   accidents. Some         performance                                        indicators in
                   indicators are          indicators in road                                 road safety.
                   derived from data       safety".
                   in the ECE
                   database and
                   online, such
                   as:number of
                   fatalities per
                   million inhabitants,
                   number of injured
                   per million
                   number of fatalities
                   per 10,000
                   passenger cars,
                   number of injured
                   per 10,000
                   passenger cars;
                   severity of road
                   traffic accidents
                   (fatalities per 1,000
                   distribution of
                   killed/injured by
                   road users.
                   Developed            Ongoing                    WP.6          2017-2019    Development       Increased comparability of definitions used
                   appropriate and                                                            and adoption of   for "killed", "injured". Work to harmonize
                   common                                                                     statistical       the definition of "seriously injured" and
                   methodologies and                                                          performance       other road safety-related terms as part of
                   terminology for                                                            indicators in     the update of the Glossary of Transport
                   harmonizing road                                                           road safety.      Statistics ( finalized in 2019).
                   safety statistics to
                   (Glossary of
ECE past and present                                                   Performance       Progress made since March 2012
    Areas                 actions                ECE future actions   Responsible   Time frame   indicators

                          Developed and        Ongoing                WP.6          2012-2020    Development       Improved online ECE Transport Statistics
                          maintained the                                                         and adoption of   Database with statistics and graphics.
                          online ECE                                                             statistical       Reorganized and renamed statistical
                          Transport Statistics                                                   performance       tables to simplify access and improve
                          Database to ensure                                                     indicators in     ease of use. Database now updated at
                          high-quality,                                                          road safety.      least 3 times a year.
                          relevant, user-
                          friendly and timely
                          transport statistics
                          for road safety.
                          Contributed to the Ongoing                  WP.6          2012-2020    Development       Streamlined Common Questionnaire based
                          coordination of                                                        and adoption of   on user needs. Organized and attended
                          statistical activities                                                 statistical       several capacity-building workshops on
                          of international                                                       performance       transport statistics and road accidents to
                          organizations in the                                                   indicators in     better understand country-specific
                          field of road safety                                                   road safety.      challenges with road safety data
                          statistics to                                                                            collection and provide guidance on best
                          promote good                                                                             practices.
                          practices and
                          consistency of
                          disseminated data,
                          duplication of work
                          and reduce the
                          burden on ECE
                          member countries.
    Road Traffic          Provided a forum Ongoing                    WP.6          2012-2020    Development       Organized presentations and exchanges on

                                                                                                                                                                  Informal document No. 5
    Accident              for exchanging                                                         and adoption of   the process of data collection from the time
    Statistics (con't.)   experiences and                                                        statistical       of the accident until the dissemination of
                          best practices and                                                     performance       data.
                          provided guidance                                                      indicators in
                          on how to address                                                      road safety.
                          including the

                          availability, quality

                                                                                                                                                               Informal document No. 5
                        ECE past and present                                                    Performance       Progress made since March 2012
     Areas              actions                ECE future actions    Responsible   Time frame   indicators
                        and interchange of
                        data on road traffic
                        accident statistics.

                        WP.6 made special      Will improve quality WP.6           2012-2020    Development       Organized a capacity-building workshop on
                        efforts to improve     of road safety data,                             and adoption of   transport statistics and road accidents in
                        the available data     in particular through                            statistical       Kiev (November 2012). As of 2020, 55 of
                        on road traffic        improving data                                   performance       56 member States have a recent road
                        accidents through      quality for types of                             indicators in     accident fatality figure in the ECE
                        internet use; the      collision and the                                road safety.      database.
                        Common                 harmonization of the
                        Questionnaire          collisions
                        developed jointly      methodology for data
                        with ITF and           related to the
                        Eurostat.              accidents involving
                                               drugs and alcohol.
     Launch of the UN   In collaboration       Will explore          Secretariat   2011-2020    Number of         Organized a Regional Road Safety
     Decade of Action   with the               possibilities of                                 follow-up         Capacity-Building Workshop in Belgrade,
     for Road Safety    Government of          organizing annual                                events            Serbia, in October 2014.
     (2011-2020)        Serbia, organized      follow-up events to                              organized.
                        the regional launch    assess progress.
                        of the UN Decade
                        of Action for Road
                        Safety in Belgrade
                        27-29 April 2011)
                        in partnership with
                        the Ministry of the
                        Interior the
                        Ministry of
                        Infrastructure, and
                        the Road Safety
ECE past and present                                                   Performance   Progress made since March 2012
     Areas               actions                ECE future actions   Responsible   Time frame   indicators

                         In cooperation with                         Secretariat   2011                       Event organised in cooperation with
                         United Nations                                                                       UNESCAP and UNECLAC, and with the
                         Economic and                                                                         participation of the Deputy Administrator
                         Social Commission                                                                    of National Highway Traffic Safety
                         for Asia and the                                                                     Administration, USA. Presentations
                         Pacific                                                                              highlighted key challenges in sustainable
                         (UNESCAP) and                                                                        transport development in the regions with
                         United Nations                                                                       an emphasis on road safety. Discussion
                         Economic                                                                             generated about UN road safety
                         Commission for                                                                       international legislation and the need for
                         Latin America and                                                                    further regulatory work. Well attended by
                         the Caribbean                                                                        more than fifty diplomats and experts.
                         organized a launch
                         event for the
                         United Nations
                         Decade of Action
                         for Road Safety at
                         the United Nations
                         Commission on
                         (CSD) in New
                         York (May 2011)
                         where the keynote
                         speech was given
                         by the United
                         States of America
     Road Safety as an   Published (2009) a                          Secretariat                              Paper published. It underlined that
     integral element    paper titled                                                                         Governments had a primary role in creating
     of Sustainable      "UNECE work in                                                                       safe road traffic conditions, and that reliable

                                                                                                                                                                Informal document No. 5
     Mobility            Support of                                                                           national statistics and research were
                         Sustainable                                                                          essential.
                         Development of                                                                       Internationally harmonized regulatory (such
                         Transport" for the                                                                   as the international transport agreements
                         eighteenth session                                                                   administered by the secretariat), technical
                         of the Commission                                                                    and policy measures were needed to combat
                         on Sustainable                                                                       the negative effects of transport.

                         (CSD), which

                                                                                                                                                                         Informal document No. 5
                          ECE past and present                                                       Performance         Progress made since March 2012
     Areas                actions                ECE future actions       Responsible   Time frame   indicators
                          pointed out that
                          includes road
                          Published (2011) a     Will promote public      Secretariat   2012-2015    Public transport    Paper published covering challenges and
                          discussion paper       transport benefits.                                 benefits            best practices in inland transport.
                          with best practices                                                        discussion          Challenges included young road users,
                                                 Paper titled:
                          titled "Transport                                                          paper for the       motorcycles, silent vehicles, blind spots and
                          for Sustainable        Sustainable Urban                                   ECE region          black spots. Best practices included
                                                 Mobility and Public
                          Development in the                                                         prepared and        educational campaigns for young road
                                                 Transport in ECE
                          UNECE region"                                                              published. The      users, enforcement of drink-driving laws,
                          for the nineteenth     capitals (2014). 2                                  paper on            and northern European cooperation on
                          session of the CSD,    A joint global paper                                "Transport for      traffic law enforcement. Paper noted that
                          in which road          in cooperation with                                 Sustainable         special attention was needed in regions
                          safety featured        the other Regional                                  Development in      which had experienced rapid economic
                          prominently. The       Commissions and                                     the ECE region      growth and motorization.
                          paper was              relevant international                              "is in strong
                          presented at the       professional                                        demand when
                          UN Regional            organizations such as                               ECE has a
                          Commissions' side      IRU, UIC, IRF under                                 stand with
                          event at CSD-19.       the title: Transport                                publications on
                                                 for Sustainable                                     the occasion of
                                                 Development (2014-                                  different events,
                                                 15). 3                                              such as
                                                                                                     Forum, 10-year
                                                                                                     conference of
                                                                                                     the Almaty
                                                                                                     Programme of
                                                                                                     Action. 4
     Road Safety as an Conducted four    Will conduct two      THE PEP                  2012-2014    Approval of   Three additional workshops organized
     integral element regional workshops regional workshops                                          THE PEP relay between 2012 and 2014: in Moscow (2012),
                       on sustainable    on the same topics as                                       race workshop Almaty (2013) and Kaunas (2014). All

             2   Added subsequent to the ITC’s approval of the Plan in 2012.
             3   Added subsequent to the ITC’s approval of the Plan in 2012.
             4   Added subsequent to the ITC’s approval of the Plan in 2012.
ECE past and present                                                   Performance       Progress made since March 2012
     Areas               actions                ECE future actions   Responsible   Time frame   indicators
     of Sustainable      urban mobility and part of THE PEP                                     series by ECE     workshops endorsed by the Fourth High-
     Mobility (con't.)   integration of       relay race planned                                and               level meeting in 2014. A ForFITS analysis
                         environment and      for 2012 and 2013.                                WHO/Europe        for the city of Kaunas prepared.
                         health strategies in                                                   member States
                         transport policies                                                     at the four
                         in the framework                                                       regional
                         of the Transport,                                                      workshops.
                         Health and                                                             High-level
                         Environment Pan-                                                       Meeting in
                         European                                                               2014.
                         Programme (THE
                         PEP) administered
                         by ECE and
                         WHO/Europe in
                         Prague (2009),
                         Skopje and Batumi
                         (2010) and Kiev
                         (2011). A cost-
                         benefit analysis
                         methodology for
                         cycling was
                         published by THE
                         PEP and WHO
                                                A High-level           THE PEP     2014         Quality and       Fourth High-level Meeting on Transport,
                                                Meeting on                                      number of         Health and Environment took place in 2014
                                                Transport, Health                               participants in   with over 150 participants. An additional
                                                and Environment                                 the High-level    goal of the integration of Transport, Health
                                                evaluating this                                 Meeting.          and Environment priorities in spatial and
                                                workshop series and                                               urban planning added. Next (i.e. fifth)
                                                providing guidance                              Paris             High-level Meeting to take place in Vienna
                                                on further action to                                              in 20192021.

                                                                                                                                                                  Informal document No. 5
                                                take place in Paris in
     National Road       Commissioned a         Will promote and     WP.1          2011         Number of new     The Secretariat commissioned several
     Safety Lead         discussion paper on    recommend                                       countries         consultants to prepare papers related to road
     Agencies            potential road         framework to                                    implementing      safety management and coordination
                         safety management      countries during                                national road     structures within Europe and Central Asia.
                         and coordination       WP.1 meetings and                               safety lead       In addition, two interns prepared country
                         structures.            elsewhere.                                      agencies.

                                                                                                                                                              Informal document No. 5
                       ECE past and present                                                   Performance        Progress made since March 2012
     Areas             actions                ECE future actions   Responsible   Time frame   indicators
                                                                                                                 profiles of the national road safety
                                                                                                                 management systems of 24 countries.

                                              Will organize a       WP.1         2012         Number of          Organized a Regional Road Safety
                                              subregional capacity-                           participants and   Capacity-Building Workshop in Belgrade,
                                              building workshop in                            quality of         Serbia, in October 2014, attended by
                                              Yerevan.                                        capacity-          approximately 100 participants who
                                                                                              building           provided the feedback that the workshop
                                                                                              workshop.          was of a high quality.
     Accession of      Monitoring the         Will develop        WP.1, WP.29, 2011-2020      Number of new
     United Nations    implementation of      implementation      SC.1, WP.15                 Contracting
     Road Safety       the United Nations     indicators for the                              Parties (CPs) to
     Conventions and   Road Safety            United Nations Road                             the United
     Agreements        Conventions and        Safety Conventions                              Nations Road
                       Agreements:            and Agreements.                                 Safety
                                                                                              and number of
                                                                                              United Nations
                                                                                              ited Nations
                                                                                              (GTRs) adopted
                                                                                              on national
                                                                                              basis by
                                                                                              countries not
                                                                                              yet CPs to any
                       1949 Convention                                                                           Slovenia acceded to the 1949 Convention
                       on Road Traffic                                                                           on Road Traffic in July 2017 (new total 97
                       (96 101 CPs); 1949                                                                        CPs). Four new CPs to the 1949
                       Protocol on Road                                                                          Convention (Brunei Darusalam, Croatia,
                       Signs and Signals                                                                         Liechtenstein, Lithuania). One new CP to
                       (39 40 CPs);                                                                              the 1949 Protocol (Liechtenstein).
ECE past and present                                                   Performance   Progress made since March 2012
     Areas   actions                ECE future actions   Responsible   Time frame   indicators

             1950 European                                                                        There were no new CPs to either. One new
             Agreement                                                                            CP: Liechtenstein
             supplementing the
             1949 Convention
             on Road Traffic
             and the 1949
             Protocol on Road
             Signs and Signals
             (1514 CPs);
             1968 Convention                                                                      Three Six new CPs: Myanmar, State of
             on Road Traffic                                                                      Palestine, Oman, Liechtenstein,
             (78 84 CPs);                                                                         Honduras, ThailandCabo Verde, Nigeria
                                                                                                  and the United Kingdom of Great Britain
                                                                                                  and Northern Ireland.
             1968 Convention                                                                      Three There were no new CPs: Armenia,
             on Road Signs and                                                                    Myanmar, Liechtenstein.
             Signals (6865
             1958 Agreement                                                                       FourSix new CPs: Egypt, Georgia, San
             concerning the                                                                       Marino, Republic of Moldova, Armenia,
             Adoption of                                                                          Nigeria and Pakistan (total 5457 CPs).
             Uniform Technical
             Prescriptions for
             Wheeled Vehicles,
             Equipment and
             Parts which can be
             fitted and /or be
             used on Wheeled
             Vehicles and the
             Conditions for

                                                                                                                                             Informal document No. 5
             Recognition of
             Approvals Granted
             on the Basis of
             these Prescriptions
             (50 CPs);

                                                                                                                                             Informal document No. 5
             ECE past and present                                                   Performance   Progress made since March 2012
     Areas   actions                ECE future actions   Responsible   Time frame   indicators

             1998 Agreement                                                                       Three Five new CPs: Belarus, San Marino,
             concerning the                                                                       and Slovenia, Uzbekistan and Nigeria
             Establishing of                                                                      (total 3638 CPs).
             Global Technical
             Regulations for
             Wheeled Vehicles,
             Equipment and
             Parts which can be
             fitted and/or be
             used on Wheeled
             Vehicles (33 CPs);
             1997 Agreement                                                                       There were no new CPs (total 12
             concerning the                                                                       CPs).Three new CPs (total 16 CPs):
             Adoption of                                                                          Georgia Nigeria and Tunisia.
             Conditions for
             Inspections of
             Wheeled Vehicles
             and the Reciprocal
             Recognition of
             Such Inspections
             (12 CPs);
             1971 European                                                                        There were no Two new CPs:
             Agreement                                                                            Liechtenstein, Turkmenistan.
             supplementing the
             1968 Convention
             on Road Traffic
             (375 CPs);
             1971 European                                                                        There were no Two new CPs:
             Agreement                                                                            Liechtenstein, Turkmenistan.
             supplementing the
             Convention on
             Road Signs and
             Signals (36 34
ECE past and present                                                      Performance       Progress made since March 2012
     Areas   actions                ECE future actions      Responsible   Time frame   indicators

             1973 Protocol on                                                                            There were no Two new CPs:
             Road Markings (29                                                                           Liechtenstein, Turkmenistan.
             31 CPs);

             1975 European                                                                               There were no One new CPs
             Agreement on                                                                                (Turkmenistan).
             Main International
             Traffic Arteries
             (AGR) (378 CPs);
             1957 European                                                                               Two new CPs (total 49 CPs): Tajikistan,
             Agreement                                                                                   Georgia Three new CPs (total 52 CPs):
             concerning the                                                                              Georgia (19 September 2016), San
             International                                                                               Marino (15 January 2018), Nigeria (18
             Carriage of                                                                                 October 2018) and Uzbekistan (24
             Dangerous Goods                                                                             January 2020).
             by Road (ADR)
             (4752 CPs);
             1970 European                                                                               There were no new CPs.
             concerning the
             Work of Crews of
             Vehicles engaged
             in International
             Road Transport
             (AETR) (51 CPs).
             Raised awareness       Will enhance            WP.1, WP.29, Continuous    Number of new     The following global/regional events to
             and technical          national and regional   SC.1, WP.15,               CPs to the        raise awareness of the above UN
             assistance for         capacity-building       Secretary-                 United Nations    international conventions and to provide
             accession.             workshops and           General’s                  road safety       technical assistance for accession were

                                                                                                                                                    Informal document No. 5
                                    consultations to        Special                    conventions       organized:
                                    facilitate new          Envoy for                  and
                                                                                       agreements;       (1) Europe-Asia Road Safety Forum in New
                                    accessions.             Road Safety
                                                                                       Consistency       Delhi, India, on 4 December 2013;
                                                                                       between the       (2) UN Road Safety Treaty Day in New
                                                                                       United Nations    York, USA, on 5 June 2014;
                                                                                       road safety

                                                                                       and agreements,

                                                                                                                                                  Informal document No. 5
             ECE past and present                                                   Performance      Progress made since March 2012
     Areas   actions                ECE future actions   Responsible   Time frame   indicators
                                                                                    and the regional (3) The Secretariat attended the Road
                                                                                    and national     Safety Congress in St. Petersburg, Russian
                                                                                    laws.            Federation in September 2014;
                                                                                                     (4) ECE-ECA-ICAP Road Safety
                                                                                                     Workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 12-
                                                                                                     13 November 2014;
                                                                                                     (4bis) The Francophone ECE-ECA-
                                                                                                     ICAP Road Safety Workshop in Addis
                                                                                                     Ababa, Ethiopia, on 7-8 July 2015;
                                                                                                     (4ter) International Conference on
                                                                                                     Future Mobility. Presentation of the 1998
                                                                                                     and 1958 Agreements. Moderation of the
                                                                                                     discussion with middle east Countries
                                                                                                     and Norway Representatives on the
                                                                                                     future of Electric Vehicles. 8-9 November
                                                                                                     2015, Dubai;
                                                                                                     (5) Workshop on issues of importance in
                                                                                                     the implementation of 1958, 1998 and 1997
                                                                                                     Agreements, in Astana, Kazakhstan, on 18
                                                                                                     February 2016;
                                                                                                     (6) Round table on Road Safety in Astana,
                                                                                                     Kazakhstan. Current state and ways to
                                                                                                     improve on 15 September 2016, with the
                                                                                                     support of the SG’s Special Envoy for Road
                                                                                                     (6bis) The Annual Conference of La
                                                                                                     Prevention Routière Internationale (PRI)
                                                                                                     in Lisbon on 13-14 October 2016;
                                                                                                     (7) Road Safety workshop for Anglophone
                                                                                                     Africa, held in partnership with ECA and
                                                                                                     supported by the SG’s Special Envoy for
                                                                                                     Road Safety. Workshop held in Nairobi,
                                                                                                     Kenya from 13-15 December 2016;
                                                                                                     (7bis) International Forum of the Role of
                                                                                                     Sustainable Transport activities in
                                                                                                     promoting Traffic Safety in Qatar, in
                                                                                                     Qatar, 13-14 December 2016 to advocate
ECE past and present                                                     Performance      Progress made since March 2012
     Areas               actions                ECE future actions   Responsible    Time frame    indicators
                                                                                                                   the importance of Road Safety and seize
                                                                                                                   the opportunity of the Olympic Games
                                                                                                                   2020 to address sustainable transport
                                                                                                                   and road safety;
                                                                                                                   (8) The SG’s Special Envoy for Road
                                                                                                                   Safety visited with government officials in
                                                                                                                   39 countries from May 2015 through
                                                                                                                   February 2017 to advocate for improved
                                                                                                                   road safety governance and accession to
                                                                                                                   UN Road Safety Conventions. Brochures
                                                                                                                   on the UN Road Safety Conventions 5 as
                                                                                                                   well as on road safety within the SDGs 6
                                                                                                                   have been produced by the Secretariat, and
                                                                                                                   disseminated by the Special Envoy during
                                                                                                                   meetings with government around the
                                                                                                                   (9) Road Safety Workshop for the Latin
                                                                                                                   America, held in partnership with ECE,
                                                                                                                   ECLAC and Inter-American Development
                                                                                                                   Bank and supported by the SG’s Special
                                                                                                                   Envoy for Road Safety. Buenos Aires on 13
                                                                                                                   and 14 March 2017. Active participation of
                                                                                                                   over 150 government officials and experts
                                                                                                                   from 17 countries in the region;
                                                                                                                   (10) Regional Workshop on Motorcycle
                                                                                                                   Safety, held in partnership with ECE,
                                                                                                                   ESCAP, Government of Malaysia and
                                                                                                                   supported by the SG’s Special Envoy for
                                                                                                                   Road Safety. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 7
                                                                                                                   April 2017;
                                                                                                                   (11) Electric Vehicles UAE Conference.

                                                                                                                                                                 Informal document No. 5
                                                                                                                   Presentation of the 1998 and 1958
                                                                                                                   Agreements with a focus on the draft UN
                                                                                                                   GTR on Electric Vehicle Safety. Debate
                                                                                                                   with middle east Country and Norway


                                                                                                                                                Informal document No. 5
             ECE past and present                                                   Performance   Progress made since March 2012
     Areas   actions                ECE future actions   Responsible   Time frame   indicators
                                                                                                  Representatives on the future of Electric
                                                                                                  Vehicles. 26-27 September 2017, Dubai;
                                                                                                  (12) Vehicle Safety Workshop for the Latin
                                                                                                  America, held in partnership with ECE,
                                                                                                  ECLAC, the Government of Uruguay and
                                                                                                  supported by the SG’s Special Envoy for
                                                                                                  Road Safety. To outreach the 1998 and
                                                                                                  1958 Agreement in the region. 11-12
                                                                                                  October 2017, Montevideo;
                                                                                                  (12bis) Capacity building workshop in
                                                                                                  the framework of the Albania Road
                                                                                                  Safety Performance Review, 6-7
                                                                                                  February 2018 in Durres, Albania;
                                                                                                  (13) The secretariat delivered the majority
                                                                                                  of the presentation in the FIA workshop on
                                                                                                  UN road safety-related conventions in
                                                                                                  Bogota, Colombia, on 14-15 November
                                                                                                  (14) The secretariat delivered all of the
                                                                                                  technical presentations and provided
                                                                                                  training at the capacity building workshop
                                                                                                  on UN road safety-related conventions
                                                                                                  organized by the Federal Road Safety Corps
                                                                                                  of Nigeria, supported by the SG’s Special
                                                                                                  Envoy for Road Safety in Abuja, Nigeria,
                                                                                                  on 28-29 November 2017. After the
                                                                                                  accession of Nigeria to six key UN road
                                                                                                  safety conventions, the secretariat
                                                                                                  organized a new workshop where the
                                                                                                  provisions of the conventions and
                                                                                                  effective ways to implement them were
                                                                                                  explained by UNECE team (National
                                                                                                  Road Safety Workshop, Abuja, 19-21
                                                                                                  March 2019);
                                                                                                  (15) The Secretariat informed main
                                                                                                  South American Governmental Officials
                                                                                                  about the relevance of UN Agreements
                                                                                                  and annexed UN Regulations and UN
                                                                                                  Global Technical Regulations in the field
ECE past and present                                                   Performance   Progress made since March 2012
     Areas   actions                ECE future actions   Responsible   Time frame   indicators
                                                                                                  of Vehicle Active and Passive safety to
                                                                                                  "Primero Congreso Internacional de
                                                                                                  Seguridad Vial" on 26 February 2018,
                                                                                                  followed by half million people in
                                                                                                  (16) The secretariat delivered to the
                                                                                                  Governmental officials of Myanmar the
                                                                                                  main information on Motorcycle Helmet
                                                                                                  and Minimum Safety Requirements for
                                                                                                  Cars During the Workshop organized by
                                                                                                  Suu Foundation and Myanmar
                                                                                                  Government, on 23-24 July 2018.
                                                                                                  (17) Vehicle Safety Workshop by the
                                                                                                  National Road Safety Agency of
                                                                                                  Argentina, held in partnership with
                                                                                                  ECE, ECLAC, the Government of
                                                                                                  Argentina and supported by the SG’s
                                                                                                  Special Envoy for Road Safety. To
                                                                                                  outreach the 1998 and 1958 Agreement
                                                                                                  in the country. 31 July 1 August 2019,
                                                                                                  Buenos-Aires. The workshop was
                                                                                                  attended by over 30 governmental
                                                                                                  representatives of Argentina, inspiring a
                                                                                                  stronger national dialogue to improve
                                                                                                  vehicle safety and accession to the
                                                                                                  (18) The secretariat co-organized with
                                                                                                  the World Health Organization an
                                                                                                  Expert’s Session Workshop (on 21-22
                                                                                                  October 2019 in Makati, Philippines) on
                                                                                                  Speed Limiters in Aid of the

                                                                                                                                              Informal document No. 5
                                                                                                  Implementation of The Road Speed
                                                                                                  Limiter Act of 2016 (RA No. 10916)
                                                                                                  referring to UN Regulation No. 89.
                                                                                                  (19) The secretariat presented the latest
                                                                                                  developments of the 1958, 1997 and the
                                                                                                  1998 Agreements at the Regional
                                                                                                  Advisory Group for Africa organized by
                                                                                                  CITA in Marrakesh on 31 October 2019.

                                                                                                  Morocco showed a strong interest to the

                                                                                                                                                Informal document No. 5
             ECE past and present                                                   Performance   Progress made since March 2012
     Areas   actions                ECE future actions   Responsible   Time frame   indicators
                                                                                                  1958 and 1997 Agreement and
                                                                                                  announced that they would join both
                                                                                                  (20) Since September 2020, the
                                                                                                  secretariat assisted Senators and
                                                                                                  Congressmen of Colombia to support the
                                                                                                  project of law of the government to
                                                                                                  accede the country to the 1958 and 1998
                                                                                                  Agreements and to transpose into its
                                                                                                  national legislation minimum safety UN
                                                                                                  Regulations and UN GTRs.
                                                                                                  21) A one-day validation workshop for
                                                                                                  the Road Safety Performance Review of
                                                                                                  Ethiopia was conducted in Addis Ababa,
                                                                                                  Ethiopia on January 2020, at the
                                                                                                  premises of the UN Economic
                                                                                                  Commission for Africa. Relevant
                                                                                                  stakeholders were invited to provide
                                                                                                  feedback on the draft road safety
                                                                                                  performance review report, which
                                                                                                  analysed the current road safety
                                                                                                  situation, including level of accession and
                                                                                                  implementation of the UN legal
                                                                                                  instruments and provided
                                                                                                  recommendations on improvements.
                                                                                                  Nearly 100 representatives of national
                                                                                                  and local government attended the
                                                                                                  workshop, to validate and provide
                                                                                                  feedback on the draft report. The Road
                                                                                                  Safety Performance Review is supported
                                                                                                  by the SG’s Special Envoy, in
                                                                                                  collaboration with UNECE and UNECA.
                                                                                                  In addition, ECE staff attend regularly
                                                                                                  different international road safety events.
ECE past and present                                                   Performance         Progress made since March 2012
     Areas               actions                ECE future actions   Responsible   Time frame   indicators

     More effective      Issued a report on     Will enhance          WP.1, WP.29, Continuous   Number of           AETR Article 12, paragraphs 1 to 4, require
     implementation      the level of           national and regional SC.1, WP.15;              implementation      CPs to adopt all appropriate measures to
     of United Nations   enforcement for the    capacity-building     Secretariat               monitoring          ensure observance of the provisions of the
     Road Safety         AETR agreement         workshops and                                   tools for the       AETR Agreement, in particular by an
     Conventions and     (2011).                consultations to                                United Nations      adequate level of roadside checks and
     Agreements                                 promote better                                  road safety         checks performed on the premises of
                                                implementation. Will                            legal               undertakings annually covering a large and
                                                develop                                         instruments.        representative proportion of drivers,
                                                comprehensive                                   Application of      undertakings and vehicles of all transport
                                                implementation                                  the report to the   categories within the scope of the
                                                monitoring tools.                               AETR                Agreement.
                                                                                                                    The secretariat will undertake a survey as
                                                                                                                    per article 12, para 5, in 2015. No surveys
                                                                                                                    undertaken due to lack of interest on part of
                                                                                                                    AETR CPs.
                                                                                                                    Close cooperation with the Euromed project
                                                                                                                    and support of a development of a roadmap
                                                                                                                    on accession and implementation of the
                                                                                                                    AETR agreement. The AETR Road Map
                                                                                                                    due to be was printed in February 2017.
                                                                                                                    ECE-led global project of the UN Regional
                                                                                                                    Commissions on "Strengthening the
                                                                                                                    national road safety management capacities
                                                                                                                    of selected developing countries and
                                                                                                                    countries with economies in transition"
                                                                                                                    (funded by United Nations Development
                                                                                                                    Account [UNDA]). Project started in
                                                                                                                    August 2015. Preparatory and fact-finding
                                                                                                                    missions completed. Draft Road Safety
                                                                                                                    Performance Review reports under
                                                                                                                    preparation for four beneficiary countries

                                                                                                                                                                    Informal document No. 5
                                                                                                                    (Albania, the Dominican Republic, Georgia
                                                                                                                    and Viet Nam).
     Review of           Will analyze how                            WP.1, WP.29, 2012-         Incorporated        An amendment proposal from Sweden
     existing United     the principles of                           SC.1, WP.15 201320         Safe System         aimed at including a safe system approach
     Nations Road        the Safe System                                                        principles to       into the Consolidated Resolution on Road
     Safety              approach can be                                                        road safety         Traffic (R.E.1) is under consideration was
     Conventions and     incorporated into                                                      work and to UN      considered by WP.1 and discussion

     Agreements to       the work and into                                                      Road Safety         completed at its 82nd session.

                                                                                                                                                                     Informal document No. 5
                          ECE past and present                                                   Performance       Progress made since March 2012
     Areas                actions                ECE future actions   Responsible   Time frame   indicators
     identify areas for   the United Nations                                                     Legal
     modification         Road Safety Legal                                                      Instruments.
                                                                                                                   No AGR CP prepared to forward the
                                                                                                 AGR road          amendment proposal to the Office of legal
                                                                                                 safety audit      Affairs in NYC.
     OBJECTIVE 2: Protect Road Users
     Protecting           Amendment of the Will develop              WP.1           2011-2020    Publication of    The issue of the potential development of
     Vulnerable Road      1968 Convention      guidelines for school                             the guidelines;   guidelines for school bus operations was on
     Users                on Road Traffic      bus operation.                                    number of         the agenda during three WP.1 sessions
                          (instructions for                                                      countries using   (ECE/TRANS/WP.1/135,
                          behaviour of                                                           the guidelines.   ECE/TRANS/WP.1/137,
                          pedestrians)                                                                             ECE/TRANS/WP.1/139), but in light of
                          focusing on                                                                              greater priorities and insufficient interest by
                          improving                                                                                WP.1 members, WP.1 decided not to
                          pedestrian safety;                                                                       pursue this issue (ECE/TRANS/WP.1/139).
                          amending the
                          Convention on
                          Signs and Signals                                                                        WP.1 organized a roundtable on safety of
                          concerning                                                                               two-wheeled vehicles, March 2015, Geneva
                          behaviour at
                          pedestrian                                                                               WP.1 contributed to the organisation of
                          crossings; adopted                                                                       workshops in 2015, 2016 and 2017 for
                          regulation on                                                                            South-East Asian countries to identify
                          pedestrian safety in                                                                     measures for those countries as well as
                          2008; made special                                                                       other developing countries to improve
                          reference to                                                                             safety of vulnerable road users and
                          walking through                                                                          especially: riders of powered two wheelers
                          THE PEP; and                                                                             and pedestrians, but also to improve
                          amending the                                                                             transport of school children on their way to
                          consolidated                                                                             and from school.
                          resolution (RE.1).
                                                 Will adoptAdopted WP.29            2012-2013    Number of CPs A new UN Regulation No. 127 and an
                                                 new biofidelic test                             applying the   amendment introducing more biofidelic test
                                                 tools in UN                                     United Nations tools adopted.
                                                 regulations to design                           regulations.
                                                 vehicles to be more                                            Number of new CPs: 3
                                                 pedestrian friendly.                                           5457 countries (apply the new UN
                                                                                                                regulation and amendment)
ECE past and present                                                       Performance    Progress made since March 2012
     Areas                actions                ECE future actions       Responsible   Time frame   indicators
                                                                                                                    Total number of CPs: 5457.

                                                 UN Vehicle               WP.29 8                                   UN Regulations Nos. 107 on Buses and
                                                 Regulations in                                                     Coaches (kneeling buses and specific space
                                                 support of safety of                                               for prams or pushchair), 16 on Safety Belts
                                                 children and young                                                 (ISOFIX systems), 44 on Child Restraint
                                                 people 7                                                           Systems (CRS) and 129 on Enhanced Child
                                                                                                                    Restraint Systems (ECRS).
                          Promoted safe       Ongoing                     WP.1, THE     2011-2020                   At the Fourth High-level Meeting on
                          cycling through                                 PEP                                       Transport, Health and Environment of 14-
                          THE PEP, and                                                                              16 April 2014 and the related Ministerial
                          through the 1968                                                                          (Paris) Declaration - City in Motion: People
                          Convention on                                                                             First!, WP.1 received a Ministerial
                          Road Traffic                                                                              invitation to consider amendments to the
                          promoted safety for                                                                       1968 Convention on Road Signs and
                          cyclists and their                                                                        Signals related to signs and signals for
                          bicycles.                                                                                 cyclists and pedestrians. Due to time
                                                                                                                    constraints at WP.1’s 69th (September
                                                                                                                    2014) session, this item has been postponed
                                                                                                                    to its 70th session (March 2015).
                          Commissioned a       Ongoing                    WP.29         2012         Number of CPs Number of new CPs: 4 8
                          discussion paper                                                           applying
                          highlighting the                                                           Regulation No. Total number of CPs: 4549
                          benefits of the                                                            22.
                          correct use of
                          helmets and their
                          specific                                                                                  Publication of the UN Motorcycle Helmet
                          construction                                                                              Study in 2015
                          (Regulation No.

                                                                                                                                                                   Informal document No. 5
                          22) for full head
                          coverage to
                          minimize impact in
                          case of an accident.

             7   Added subsequent to the ITC’s approval of the Plan in 2012.
             8   Added subsequent to the ITC’s approval of the Plan in 2012.

                                                                                                                                                                       Informal document No. 5
                          ECE past and present                                                       Performance         Progress made since March 2012
     Areas                actions                ECE future actions       Responsible   Time frame   indicators

                          Reached out to         Will conduct road   WP.1               2012-2014    Number of road      Organized a “Scouting for Global Road
                          young road users       safety and youth                                    safety youth        Safety” event with the World Organization
                          by cooperating         programme capacity-                                 capacity-           of the Scout Movement, Scouting Ireland,
                          with the World         building events.                                    building events.    Scouts of Greece, and Road Safety Institute
                          Organization of the                                                                            "Panos Mylonas" as part of the 2nd UN
                          Scout Movement                                                                                 Global Road Safety Week in May 2013.
                          (WOSM), Road
                          Safety Institute
                          "Panos Mylonas",
                          Irish Scouts and
                          Hellenic Scouts.
                                                 Will develop                                        Future activities   A spirit of cooperation fostered and
                                                 framework for                                       with WOSM           maintained through the two events
                                                 cooperation with                                    though mutual       organized between the Secretariat and
                                                 WOSM.                                               cooperation.        WOSM which will facilitate future
                          Paid special                                    WP.29         2011-2020    Number of           Number of new CPs: 36
                          attention to safe                                                          increased CPs
                                                                                                                         Total number of CPs: 4750
                          mobility and                                                               applying
                          elderly road users                                                         Regulation No.      UN Regulation No. 107 on Buses and
                          by adopting                                                                16.                 Coaches (kneeling buses and priority seats
                          provisions in                                                                                  for passengers with reduced mobility).
                          United Nations
                          Regulation No. 16                                                                              Publication of the UN Regulation No. 16
                          for safety-belts                                                                               in 2020
                          load limiters to
                          reduce risk of
                          thorax rib fracture
                          Promoted safety                                 WP.1,                                          Time permitting, WP. 1 will look into this
                          for disabled road                                                                              issue.
                          users.                                          WP.29 9
                                                                                                                         UN Regulation No. 107 on Buses and
                                                                                                                         Coaches (kneeling buses and priority seats
                                                                                                                         for passengers with reduced mobility).

             9   Added subsequent to the ITC’s approval of the Plan in 2012.
ECE past and present                                                     Performance       Progress made since March 2012
     Areas               actions                ECE future actions     Responsible   Time frame   indicators

     Fighting Driver's                          Will conduct a         WP.1          2011         Number of         A driver fatigue round table during the
     Fatigue                                    seminar on driver's                               participants at   62nd session of WP.1 (September 2011)
                                                fatigue.                                          the seminar.      organized.
                         Focused on AETR Will establish an             SC.1          2012-        Successful        Following ECE Executive Committee
                         agreement related AETR expert group.                        20182020     amendment of      approval to establish an AETR Group of
                         to driving time and                                                      AETR              Experts in September 2011, the group met
                         rest periods of                                                          agreements.       for 1424 sessions between March 2012 and
                         professional                                                                               February 2017October 2020. The Group
                         drivers.                                                                                   has continued to discuss with the aim to
                                                                                                                    reach agreement the amendment of article
                                                                                                                    22bis of the AETR Agreement and the
                                                                                                                    introduction of provisions on the second
                                                                                                                    generation smart tachograph into the
                                                                                                                    Agreement. The Agreement was amended
                                                                                                                    to make Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon,
                                                                                                                    Morocco and Tunisia eligible to accede.
                                                                                                                    This amendment entered into force on 5
                                                                                                                    July 2016.
     OBJECTIVE 3: Make Vehicles
     Encourage           Developed 143157       Will develop new       WP.29         2011-2020    Number of CPs Number of new CPs to the 1958
     member States to    United Nations         United Nations                                    applying United Agreement: 48
     apply and           regulations and        regulations, United                               Nations
                                                                                                                  Total number of CPs to the 1958
     promulgate motor    [20] United            Nations GTRs, UN                                  regulations.
     vehicle safety      Nations GTRs and       Rules and                                                         Agreement: 5457
     regulations as      4 UN Rules and         amendments on                                                       Number of new CPs to the 1998
     developed by the    amendments to          vehicle safety.                                                     Agreement: 16
     World Forum for     update them in line
     the                 with technical                                                                             Total number of CPs to the 1998
     Harmonization of    progress.                                                                                  Agreement: 3638
     Vehicle                                                                                                        Number of new CPs to the 1997

                                                                                                                                                               Informal document No. 5
     Regulations                                                                                                    Agreement: 13
     (WP.29) of the
     Inland Transport                                                                                               Total number of CPs to the 1997
     Committee.                                                                                                     Agreement: 1316.

                         Participation of the   Monitor the follow-    WP.29         2011-2020    Number of CPs Number of new CPs to the 1958
                         secretariat at the     up of the                                         applying United Agreement: 48
                         workshop on            participation of the

                         regulatory             secretariat at WTO

                                                                                                                                                    Informal document No. 5
                         ECE past and present                                                     Performance     Progress made since March 2012
     Areas               actions                ECE future actions     Responsible   Time frame   indicators
                         cooperation         Committee for the                                    Nations         Total number of CPs to the 1958
                         between members elimination of                                           regulations.    Agreement: 5457
                         of the World Trade technical barriers
                                                                                                                  Number of new CPs to the 1998
                         (WTO) Committee                                                                          Agreement: 16
                         for the elimination                                                                      Total number of CPs to the 1998
                         to technical                                                                             Agreement: 3638
                         barriers to trade
                         (TBT) on                                                                                 Number of new CPs to the 1997
                         9/11/2011.                                                                               Agreement: 13
                         Countries                                                                                Total number of CPs to the 1997
                         participating were                                                                       Agreement: 1316..
                         encouraged to
                         apply the
                         developed by
                         WP.29 and to
                         accede to the 1958,
                         1997 and 1998
     Actions from        Commission             Monitor the follow-    WP.29         2011-2020    Number of CPs Number of new CPs to the 1958
     Regional            Regulation (EU)        up of the entry into                              applying United Agreement: 48
     Economic            No. 407/2011 of 27     force of the EU                                   Nations
                                                                                                                  Total number of CPs to the 1958
     Integration         April 2011             Regulation.                                       regulations.
     Organizations       includes 62 UN                                                                           Agreement: 5457
     (REIO) / CPs to     Regulations into                                                                         Number of new CPs to the 1998
     replace regional    Annex IV to                                                                              Agreement: 16
     legislations with   Regulation (EC)
     United Nations      No. 661/2009,                                                                            Total number of CPs to the 1998
     Regulations/Unit    concerning type-                                                                         Agreement: 3638.
     ed Nations GTRs     approval
                         requirements for
                         the general safety
                         of motor vehicles,
                         which lists the
                         United Nations
                         regulations that
                         apply on a
                         compulsory basis.
ECE past and present                                                     Performance      Progress made since March 2012
     Areas           actions                ECE future actions     Responsible   Time frame   indicators

     Passive and     Drafted and            Will draft and         WP.29         2012         Number of CPs    UN Regulation No. 129 on Enhanced
     Active Safety   adopted United         Adopted a new                                     applying the     Child Restraint Systems introducing new
                     Nations regulations    United Nations                                    United Nations   provisions on lateral impact and anti-
                     and United Nations     regulation on child                               regulation.      rotation movements adopted. Supported by
                     GTRs on: child         restraint systems to                                               brochures and leaflets produced by ECE to
                     restraints systems,    improve child                                                      promote awareness at the global level
                     whiplash injury        protection.                                                        (February 2016)
                                                                                                               5356 out of 5457 CPs apply the United
                     crash protection,                                                                         Nations Regulation.
                     safety-belts and
                     their anchorages,
                     protection against
                     electric shocks in
                     electric and hybrid
                                            Adopted provisions WP.29             2017         Number of        Number of new CPs: 36
                                            for mandatory                                     CPs applying
                                            installation of                                   the United       Total number of CPs: 4750
                                            safety-belt                                       Nations
                                            reminders on all                                  regulation.
                                            seating positions
                                            category of vehicles
                                            M and N.
                                                                                 2017         Number of        Adopted UN Regulation No. 145 on
                                                                                              CPs applying     Uniform provisions concerning the
                                                                                              the United       approval of vehicles with regard to
                                                                                              Nations          ISOFIX anchorage systems ISOFIX top
                                                                                              regulation.      tether anchorages and i-Size seating
                                                                                                               57 out of 57 CPs apply the United

                                                                                                                                                           Informal document No. 5
                                                                                                               Nations Regulation
                     Regulations passed     Adopted Will           WP.29         2012-2020    Number of CPs    Work still in progress. No changes to the
                     on Passive Safety      amendments to                                     applying the     number of CPs. Adopted Amendment 1 to
                     (crash worthiness),    current United                                    United Nations   UN GTR No. 7 and transposed into UN
                     Safety belts, 1970;    Nations Regulation                                Regulation.      Regulation No. 17.
                     Protective helmets,    and United Nations
                                                                                                               Number of new CPs to the 1958
                     1972; Child            GTR on head
                                                                                                               Agreement: 8

                     Restraint Systems      restraints to

                                                                                                                                                      Informal document No. 5
             ECE past and present                                                     Performance      Progress made since March 2012
     Areas   actions                ECE future actions     Responsible   Time frame   indicators
             (CRS), 1981;           introduce new                                                      52 out of 57 CPs apply the United
             Frontal and lateral    provisions to reduce                                               Nations Regulation No. 17.
             crash tests, 1995;     whiplash injuries.
                                                                                                       Number of new CPs to the 1998
             Pedestrian safety,
             2008; Hybrid and                                                                          Agreement: 16
             Electric safety,                                                                          Total number of CPs to the 1998
             2010.                                                                                     Agreement: 3638.

                                    Will adopt new         WP.29         2012-2020    Number of CPs    Amendments to UN Regulation No. 100 to
                                    United Nations                                    applying the     cover electric vehicles of any kind adopted.
                                    Regulation/United                                 new United       Transposition of UN GTR No. 20 into the
                                    Nations GTR and                                   Nations          UN Regulation.
                                    amend existing ones                               Regulation.
                                    to improve safety of                 2018-2020                     4551 out of 5457 CPs apply the United
                                    electric/hybrid/                                                   Nations Regulation.
                                    hydrogen vehicles.                                                 Number of new CPs: 48.
                                                                                                       New UN GTR No. 20 on Electric Vehicle
                                                                                                       Safety (EVS)
                                                                                                       New UN Regulation No. 146 on
                                                                                                       Hydrogen and fuel cells vehicles of
                                                                                                       category L
                                                                                                       56 out of 56 CPs apply the United
                                                                                                       Nations Regulation.
                                                           WP.29         2015         Number of CPs    UN Regulation No. 136 to cover electric
                                                                                      applying the     safety of Vehicles of Category L (Mopeds,
                                                                                      new United       motorcycles)
                                                                                                       5456 out of 5456 CPs apply the United
                                                                                                       Nations Regulation.
                                                                                                       Number of new CPs: 32
                                    Will develop          WP.29          2015         Number of CPs New United Nations Regulation No. 137
                                    amendments to the                                 applying the   (on frontal impact with focus on restraint
                                    United Nations                                    United Nations systems) adopted
                                    Regulation on frontal                             regulations.
                                    collision with                                                   5356 out of 5457 CPs apply the United
                                    particular attention                                             Nations Regulation.
                                    on protecting older
ECE past and present                                                     Performance    Progress made since March 2012
     Areas   actions                ECE future actions     Responsible   Time frame   indicators
                                    occupants, female
                                    occupants and also
                                    focus on optimizing
                                    vehicles’ structural
                                    interaction to
                                    improve self-
                                    protection and
                                    partner protection.
                                    Will establish new   WP.29           2012-2015    Number of CPs A new UN GTR No. 14 on Pole Side
                                    Regulations on:                                   applying the   impact adopted.
                                    Child Restraint                                   United Nations
                                                                                                     24 out of 3438 CPs apply this
                                    Systems, 2012; Pole                               regulations.
                                    side test, 2012;                                                 UN GTR.
                                    Hydrogen & Fuel                      2014                        UN Regulation No. 135 on pole side
                                    Cell vehicles                                                    impact
                                    (HFCV) safety,
                                    2012; Harmonization                                              57 out of 57 CPs apply this UN
                                    of dummies, 2013;                                                Regulation
                                    Crash compatibility,                                             UN GTR No. 13 on safety of
                                    2015.                                                            hybrid/hydrogen vehicles adopted.
                                                                                                     23 out of 3638 CPs apply this UN GTR.
                                                                         2014                        New UN Regulation No. 134 on safety of
                                                                                                     hybrid/hydrogen vehicles adopted.
                                                                                                     57 out of 57 CPs apply this UN
                                    Updated UN          WP.29            2020         Number of      Number of new CPs: 4 8
                                    Regulation No. 22                                 CPs applying
                                                                                                     4549 out of 57
                                    to cover rotational                               the UN
                                    acceleration and                                  Regulation No.
                                    protect riders to                                 22

                                                                                                                                              Informal document No. 5
                                    higher impact speed
                                    Updated UN           WP.29           2020         Number of      50 out of 57
                                    Regulation No. 94                                 CPs applying
                                    to cover M1 vehicles                              the UN
                                    until 3,500 kg and                                Regulation
                                    N1 vehicles until                                 No.94
                                    2,500 kg

                                                                                                                                                           Informal document No. 5
                           ECE past and present                                                       Performance     Progress made since March 2012
     Areas                 actions                ECE future actions       Responsible   Time frame   indicators

                                                  Updated UN           WP.29             2020         Number of       45 out of 57
                                                  Regulation No. 95                                   CPs applying
                                                  to cover M1 vehicles                                the UN
                                                  until 3,500 kg and                                  Regulation
                                                  N1 vehicles                                         No.95
                           Adopted new UN         Will continue to         WP.29         2020         Number of
                           Regulation on          update the UN                                       CPs applying
                           Fuel system            regulations in line                                 UN Regulation
                           integrity and          with technical                                      No. [153]
                           electric power         progress.
                           train safety at
                           rear-end collision
                           Adopted new UN         Will continue to         WP.29         2012-2020    Number of CPs 57 out of 5457 CPs apply this United
                           Regulation No. 130     update the UN                                       applying the   Nations Regulation.
                           on Lane Departure      regulations in line                                 United Nations
                           Warning System         with technical                                      Regulations.
                           (LDWS). 10             progress.
                           Adopted new UN         Will continue to         WP.29         2012-2013    Number of CPs 57 out of 5457 CPs apply this United
                           Regulation No. 131     update the UN                                       applying the   Nations Regulation.
                           on Advanced            regulations in line                                 United Nations
                           Emergency Braking      with technical                                      regulations.
                           System (AEBS for       progress.
                           heavy vehicles). 11
                           Adopted new UN         Will continue to         WP.29         2020         Number of       57 out of 57 CPs apply the United
                           Regulation No.         update the UN                                       CPs applying    Nations Regulation.
                           152 on Advanced        regulations in line                                 the United
                           Emergency              with technical                                      Nations
                           Braking System         progress.                                           Regulations.
                           (AEBS for M1 and

             10   Action added subsequent to ITC’s approval of the Plan in 2012.
             11   Action added subsequent to ITC’s approval of the Plan in 2012.
ECE past and present                                                        Performance     Progress made since March 2012
     Areas                actions                ECE future actions      Responsible   Time frame     indicators

                          Adopted new UN         Will continue to        WP.29         2017           Number of       49 out of 57 CPs apply the United
                          Regulation No.         update the UN                                        CPs applying    Nations Regulation
                          140 (Electronic        regulations in line                                  the United
                          Stability Control)     with technical                                       Nations
                                                 progress.                                            Regulations.
                          Adopted                Will continue to        WP.29         2020           Number of       Extend ABS provisions to tricycles and
                          amendments to          update the UN                                        CPs applying    sidecars
                          UN GTR No.3            regulations in line                                  the United
                          and UN                 with technical                                       Nations         15 out of 23 CPs applying United Nations
                          Regulation No. 78      progress.                                            Regulations.    Global Technical Regulations
                          (Motocycle                                                                                  49 out of 57 CPs apply the United
                          braking)                                                                                    Nations Regulation

                          Adopted new UN         Will continue to        WP.29         2020           Number of
                          Regulation No. 157     update the UN                                        CPs applying
                          (Automated Lane        regulations in line                                  the United
                          Keeping Systems)       with technical                                       Nations
                                                 progress.                                            Regulations.
     Vehicle Design       Drafted technical      Will apply              WP.29         2 years for Number of      50 53 out of 5457 CPs apply the United
     (Develop             prescriptions on the   Regulation No. 118                    new buses   countries      Nations Regulation.
     technical            burning behaviour      on Improve the fire                   and coaches applying
                                                                                                                  Number of new CPs: 4
     provisions on the    parameters of          safety level in buses                             Regulation No.
     construction of      materials used for     and coaches.                                      118/01.
     vehicles and their   buses and coaches.
                          Drafted technical      Will apply              WP.29         3 to 4 years   Number of      48 51 out of 5457 CPs apply the United
                          prescriptions on       Regulation No. 107                    for new        countries      Nations regulation.
                          superstructure of      ensuring accessible                   buses and      applying
                          buses and coaches,     seats for persons of                  coaches        Regulation No. Number of new CPs: 4.

                                                                                                                                                                 Informal document No. 5
                          the installation of    reduced mobility.                                    107/07.
                          fire suppression
                          systems and
                          accommodation /
                          accessibility for
                          passengers with
                          reduced mobility.

                                                                                                                                                        Informal document No. 5
                      ECE past and present                                                     Performance      Progress made since March 2012
     Areas            actions                ECE future actions    Responsible   Time frame    indicators

                      Drafted technical      Will apply            WP.29         2 years for   Number of        Work in progress.
                      prescriptions on       Regulation No. 46                   new           countries
                                                                                                                4153 out of 5157 CPs apply the United
                      indirect vision        for camera monitor                  vehicles      applying
                      systems (mirrors &     systems replacing all                             Regulation No.   Nations Regulation.
                      camera                 mirrors in vehicles.                              46/03.           Number of new CPs: 1.
                      monitoring) in
                      trucks and buses.
     Vehicle Design   Drafted technical      Will apply            WP.29         2 years for   Number of      45 out of 5156 CPs apply the United
     (con't.)         prescriptions for      Regulation No. 43 to                new           countries      Nations Regulation.
                      vehicles’ safety       reduced burn rate for               vehicles      applying
                                                                                                              Number of new CPs: 2.
                      glazing materials      rigid plastic panes.                              Regulation No.
                      including plastics.                                                      43/01.
                      Drafted technical      Will apply            WP.29         2018          Number of        57 out of 57 CPs apply the United
                      prescriptions for      Regulation No. 144                                countries        Nations Regulation.
                      vehicles’ Accident     to transmit an                                    applying
                      Emergency Call         automatic                                         Regulation
                      Systems (AECS)         emergency call for                                No. 144.
                      Adopted new UN         Will continue to      WP.29         2020          Number of
                      Regulation on          update the UN                                     CPs applying
                      uniform                regulations in line                               UN Regulation
                      provisions             with technical
                      concerning the         progress.
                      approval of motor
                      vehicles with
                      regard to the
                      Moving Off
                      System for the
                      Detection of
                      Pedestrians and
                      Cyclists (Moving
                      Off Information
                      Systems (MOIS))
                      Adopted new UN Will continue to              WP.29         2020          Number of
                      Regulation on       update the UN                                        CPs applying
                      uniform provisions regulations in line                                   UN Regulation
                      concerning the
                      approval of devices
ECE past and present                                                    Performance      Progress made since March 2012
     Areas             actions                ECE future actions    Responsible   Time frame   indicators
                       for reversing      with technical
                       motion and motor progress.
                       vehicles with
                       regard to the
                       driver’s awareness
                       of vulnerable road
                       users behind

                       Adopted new UN         Will continue to      WP.29         2020         Number of     57 out of 57 CPs apply the United
                       Regulation No.         update the UN                                    CPs applying Nations Regulation.
                       151 on Blind Spot      regulations in line                              UN Regulation
                       Information            with technical                                   No. 151
                       System for the         progress.
                       Detection of
     Quiet Road      Drafted a first set of Will adopt new         WP.29          2012-2013    Number of      Guidelines in R.E.3 inserted.
     Transport       guidelines to be       United Nations GTR                                 countries
                                                                                                              Work in progress for a new GTR.
     Vehicles (QRTV) adopted on technical to ensure electric and                               applying the
                     aspects of QRTV        hybrid vehicles                                    United Nations No changes to the number of CPs.
                     (inserted into the     audibility.                                        Regulation.
                     Resolution on the
                     Construction of
                     Vehicles [R.E.3]).
                     Drafted a new          Will present the draft WP.29                       Number of        A new UN Regulation No. 138 on Quiet
                     Regulation on          Regulation for                                     countries        Road Transport Vehicles (QRTV), provides
                     QRTV under the         adoption. Following                                applying the     for specific sound emissions of electric or
                     1958 Agreement         its adoption and                                   United Nations   hybrid vehicles when stationary or moving
                                            entry into force, will                             Regulation.      at low speeds. 53 countries started applying
                                            apply the Regulation                                                this Regulation as of its entry into force on

                                                                                                                                                                Informal document No. 5
                                                                                                                5 October 2016.
     Periodical        Adopted of a new       Will conduct annual   WP.29         2012         Number of        Work in progress for further amendments.
     Technical         rule No.2 on           capacity-building                                capacity-
     Inspections                                                                               building         Workshop for capacity building with
                       roadworthiness.        workshops.
                                                                                                                regards to Periodic Technical Inspection
     Convention                                                                                workshops
                       Adoption of                                                                              organized on 4-6 March 2014 in Cape
     (1997)                                                                                    conducted.
                       amendment to                                                                             Town, South Africa
                       Rule No.1 on
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