PROGRAM GUIDE 2022 - UAMS Institute for Digital Health ...

Page created by Marilyn Higgins
PROGRAM GUIDE 2022 - UAMS Institute for Digital Health ...

PROGRAM GUIDE 2022 - UAMS Institute for Digital Health ...

                                                          17   EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS

       Correctional Facility Telemedicine --------- 5          Education Program ------------------------- 18
       HealthNow ----------------------------------- 5         Teleconferences ----------------------------- 19
       High-Risk Pregnancy Program ------------- 6             LearnOnDemand/Patients Learn ----------20
       Language Interpreter Services ------------- 8           Delta UpSOAR ------------------------------ 21
       Sickle Cell Program ------------------------- 8         Help ------------------------------------------ 21
       Stroke Program ----------------------------- 9          Public Schools Program --------------------22
       TeleSANE------------------------------------- 10        SCTRC --------------------------------------- 23
       Trauma Rehabilitation
       Resources Program (TRRP) -----------------11
       Burn Consultation Telemedicine Program -12
       Trauma Image Repository (TIR) ----------- -12
       Hand Trauma Telemedicine Program -------12

                                                          24 INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT
       UAMS Physician’s Call Center----------------13          TELEMEDICINE NETWORK/

                                                               e-Link --------------------------------------- 25


       Innovation ---------------------------------- 15
       RTEC ---------------------------------------- 15
PROGRAM GUIDE 2022 - UAMS Institute for Digital Health ...
Dr. Kevin Sexton
Dr. Joseph Sanford
                                                             • Surgeon
• Director, IDHI
                                                             • Associate Director, IDHI
• UAMS Associate Vice Chancellor
                                                             • Associate Chief Clinical Informatics Officer
• UAMS Chief Clinical Informatics Officer
                                                             • Innovation, Research, Entrepreneurship

                                                             • President, BioVentures

                                        The Institute for Digital
                                          Health & Innovation
                                      (IDHI), at the University of
                                   Arkansas for Medical Sciences,
                                  has one mission – eliminate health
                              care disparities in Arkansas and abroad
                             by leveraging digital health and healthcare
                          innovations that improve the access and quality
                              of clinical care, research and education.

                                            OUR MISSION

PROGRAM GUIDE 2022 - UAMS Institute for Digital Health ...
IDHI clinical programs provide digital health services
that address a variety of unique health care needs.
IDHI clinical programs help to provide Arkansans
equal access to care wherever they live.

PROGRAM GUIDE 2022 - UAMS Institute for Digital Health ...
CORRECTIONAL                                               HEALTHNOW
TELEMEDICINE                                               HealthNow offers virtual health care that is easily
                                                           accessible via a computer, smartphone or tablet
                                                           from the comfort of a patient’s home.

The Correctional Facility Telemedicine program delivers
routine and high-risk obstetrical support for women        HealthNow providers also offer online patient
within the Arkansas corrections system. Comprehensive      support to facilitate COVID-19 monoclonal
care is delivered through level II ultrasound technology   antibody and vaccine needs via MyChart.
and telemedicine consults with an advanced practice
registered nurse, genetic counselor and maternal-fetal     HealthNow services include:
medicine specialist at UAMS.
                                                           • Virtual urgent care
Secure broadband connectivity is also provided
for contracted behavioral health, infectious disease       • COVID-19 and monoclonal
management and orthopedics.                                  antibody virtual screening
                                                           • Hernia clinic
                                                           • HIV prophylaxis

PROGRAM GUIDE 2022 - UAMS Institute for Digital Health ...
The High-Risk Pregnancy Program is a consultative service for
physicians throughout Arkansas including family practitioners,
obstetricians, neonatologists and pediatricians.

Services include:

• 24/7 call center support         • Perinatal Outcomes Workgroup
• High-risk obstetrical              Education and Research
  telemedicine consultations         (POWER)

• Arkansas Fetal Diagnosis and     • Scheduling and follow-ups
  Management Program (AFDM)        • Targeted ultrasounds with
• Case management                    genetic counseling

• Evidence-based guidelines        • Telefetal Echocardiography

• Following Baby Back Home         • Telenursery
  (FBBH)                           • Women’s Mental Health Program
• Newborn screening

PROGRAM GUIDE 2022 - UAMS Institute for Digital Health ...
High-Risk Pregnancy Program
The High-Risk Pregnancy Program also provides
Arkansans with education and resources to increase
knowledge and improve outcomes.

• Angel Eye Camera System       • Nutrition Education for
• UAMS Angel Eye login            Diabetes in Pregnancy

• Angels Guidelines             • OB simulations

• Baby Bootcamp                 • Safe Sleep

• Breastfeeding curriculum      • STABLE (Sugar-
• Breastfeeding helpline
                                  Blood Pressure-Lab Work-
• Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring     Emotional)
• Online education for          • Text4baby
  providers and patients
                                • UAMS Labor and Delivery
• Neonatal Resuscitation          video tour

PROGRAM GUIDE 2022 - UAMS Institute for Digital Health ...
LANGUAGE                                             SICKLE CELL
INTERPRETER                                          CLINICAL
SERVICES                                             PROGRAM
IDHI’s Language Interpreter Services facilitate      The Sickle Cell Clinical Program provides
communication between patients, families and         resources and services to Arkansas primary
health care professionals on the UAMS campus and     care physicians in support of quality care for
beyond by using telemedicine equipment, such as      adult sickle cell patients.
tablets and standalone video conference systems.
                                                     Services include:
Language Interpreter Services meet the language
barrier needs of Limited English Proficiency (LEP)   • Multidisciplinary specialist clinic that treats
Hispanic patients and their health care providers.      all aspects of sickle cell disease
                                                     • Disease registry to collect data and support
Services include:                                       research
• Telephone interpretation                           • Education for health care providers and the
• Video Remote Interpretation (VRI)
                                                     • 24/7 Sickle Cell Hotline
• Document translation

PROGRAM GUIDE 2022 - UAMS Institute for Digital Health ...

The Stroke Program is a consultative service   This comprehensive program:
that connects rural emergency departments      •    Supports a statewide standard of care
with on-call neurologists via telemedicine.    •    Offers a 24/7 call center
                                               •    Engages in community outreach
                                               •    Provides on-site and virtual training for emergency
The Stroke Program delivers live,                   department nurses and physicians
telemedicine-based neurology consultations
in emergency departments by connecting
potential stroke patients with specialists
who offer on-the-spot stroke diagnosis and
treatment. Without this program, these
facilities would not have the capability of
providing life-saving treatment to stroke
patients in Arkansas. The Stroke Program
currently partners with 56 sites across the

PROGRAM GUIDE 2022 - UAMS Institute for Digital Health ...
TeleSANE utilizes telemedicine        The program connects
to connect facility site clinicians   community resources and helps
to consultants specifically           build bridges to create a multi-
trained in caring for patients        disciplinary approach to sexual
who have experienced a sexual         assault care. Patients can expect
assault. The program provides         an evidence-based, trauma-
equipment, education and              informed medical forensic exam,
guidance to providers across the      connections to resources and
state of Arkansas to support a        after-care-follow-up guidance.
standardized care of practice.
Using a telemedicine cart, a
consultant meets virtually with
a site nurse and the patient to
provide the level of support

Trauma Rehabilitation
Resources Program (TRRP)
The Trauma Rehabilitation            The Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Resources Program (TRRP)             State Partnership Program,
works to increase access to          funded through the U.S.
comprehensive, cutting edge          Department of Health and
rehabilitation care and facilitate   Human Services, Administration
community reintegration for          for Community Living, supports
Arkansans who have sustained         the development of much-
traumatic injuries.                  needed resources for persons
                                     living with TBI.
Assistance is provided through:
• Education and resource
• Trauma Rehabilitation
  Resources Program
• 24/7 nurse and physician
  consultation service for
  patient, family and provider

Burn Consultation                          Trauma Image                          Hand Trauma
 Telemedicine Program                       Repository (TIR)                      Telemedicine Program
The Burn Consultation                     All designated emergency              The Hand Trauma Telemedicine
Telemedicine Program connects             departments in Arkansas can           Program connects a patient being
a patient being seen in the               transfer radiologic images 24/7 to    seen in the emergency department
emergency department with a               a Trauma Image Repository (TIR)       with a hand trauma surgeon or
burn surgeon via a high-definition        for patients being transferred to     other specialist via a high-definition
broadband video connection. This          a higher level of care. Health care   broadband video connection. This
statewide consultative service            professionals at the receiving        statewide consultative service
is available 24/7 and promotes            facility can view the uploaded        is available 24/7 and promotes
better coordination of care               images and develop a plan of care     better coordination of care through
through immediate access to               prior to the patient’s arrival.       immediate access to treatment.
treatment and a plan of care that                                               This program reduces patient
may include transfer to another                                                 transfers and provides patients with
facility or follow up in a burn clinic.                                         immediate access to surgeons that
This program reduces patient                                                    specialize in hand trauma.
transfers and provides patients
with immediate access to a burn
surgeon that specializes in burn


The UAMS Physician’s Call Center provides
consultation, transport and triage services for
Arkansas physicians.

For services, call 1-866-UAMS-DOC
(1-866-826-7363) or 501-686-6080.

For obstetric consultations, contact the
Call Center at 866-273-3835.

IDHI drives innovation through the creation,
development and implementation of cutting edge
solutions that can improve health care outcomes for
Arkansans and beyond.

RURAL                                                  INNOVATION
EVALUATION                                             IDHI partners with any willing player to
                                                       improve healthcare using technology.
CENTER                                                 We design for everyone, especially
                                                       those that live in rural areas. We
                                                       believe that sustainability is predicated
                                                       on creating value for customers at a
The Rural Telehealth Evaluation Center (RTEC),         price they can afford.
directed by the University of Arkansas for Medical
Sciences, Institute for Digital Health & Innovation,
evaluates telehealth practices to promote rural
adoption and support among policymakers and


Through the use of technologies           • State calculations for PPE and distribution
such as artificial intelligence (AI),     • Clipbeat
3D modeling, circuit design, testing,
rapid prototyping, data analytics, data   • Low-cost sound based spirometer
mining, and data engineering,             • ETT Tube with integrated sensors on the cuff
IDHI Innovation has submitted more
                                          • Brain bleed image segmentation and volume prediction
than 10 invention disclosures through
BioVentures between 2019 and 2021.        • Supply chain PAR level optimization
                                          • Supply chain preference cards optimization software
IDHI Innovation has developed
                                          • Sensor less joint tracker system
multiple software and hardware that
helps UAMS internally and provides        • Timeseries forecast for OR procedure scheduling (predicting
new commercialization paths.               number of procedures we will have next week)
                                          • Timeseries forecast for OR Time efficiency management
                                           (predicting length of a procedure)
                                          • Glove with pressure sensor for objectively evaluating
                                           patients with motor difficulties
                                          • Video consult evaluation analysis (VideoIndexer AI)

IDHI develops and promotes educational
learning opportunities for health care
professionals, patients and the community.


The Education Team           Services include:
develops innovative
learning and training        •   Customized collateral
                                                             •   Program development
opportunities to meet            (infographics, flyers and
                                 more)                       •   Program management
the continuing education
needs of busy health care    •   Curriculum development      •   Scriptwriting support
professionals and the        •   Digital marketing           •   Social media marketing
specific needs of patients                                   •   Videography
                             •   Module creation
and the community.
                             •   Photography                 •   Virtual events
Learning opportunities       •   Podcast development
are available through:
•   Face-to-face events
•   Learning management
•   Online modules
•   Teleconferences

   CONNECTING ACROSS                   HIGH-RISK                           OB/GYN
   PROFESSIONS (CAP)                   OBSTETRICAL                         GRAND ROUNDS

 Focuses on chronic disease,        Healthcare providers across         In a collaborative effort, UAMS
 healthcare trends and              Arkansas discuss OB cases           and Children’s Hospital cover
 interprofessional collaboration.   and best practices for selected     a different pediatric problem
                                    conditions.                         each week. This interactive
                                                                        conference begins with a case
                                                                        presentation that illustrates the
                                                                        topic to be discussed.

                                       ONE TEAM                            PEDS PLACE

                                    Nurses from across Arkansas         The UAMS Department of OB/
                                    join together through telehealth    GYN hosts this interactive
                                    to earn continuing education        teleconference that, provides
                                    units using case studies,           physicians and other medical
                                    clinical/legal issue discussions,   professionals the opportunity
                                    improvements to care and best       to present clinical and research
                                    practices in nursing.               topics relating to OB/GYN
                                                                        and other areas that concern
                                                                        women’s primary health care.

75                                   LEARN
                      In 2020, LOD

                      was used in all 75
                      Arkansas counties.

     In 2020, LOD
     was used in 47
     states across
     the country.

                                                                    is a
                                  is a one-       website that provides

                      In 2020, LOD
                      was used in          stop resource for online, self-   patients with information,
                      42 countries
                      worldwide.           paced continuing education.       education and resources
                                           Health care professionals         on a variety of health and
                                           can access clinically             wellness topics. Patients
LearnOnDemand Users                        relevant medical resources        can access online modules
                                           in formats that adapt to          and videos 24/7 from
                                           schedules and learning styles.    any device with internet
   2016                        7,781
                                  can be          connectivity, including
                                           accessed 24/7 from any device     computers, smartphones
   2017                      10,196        with internet connectivity,       and tablets.
                                           including computers,
                                           smartphones and tablets.
   2018                     12,980

   2019                     15,869

   2020                    20,467

DELTA UPSOAR                                   HELP
UNDERSTANDING AND                              HEALTH EDUCATION

                                               Health Education for Local Providers
Delta UPSOAR is an innovative and local        (HELP) is designed to support the
response specifically designed to serve        development of integrated health care
youth and adults who have not received         networks that address unmet local
opioid and substance abuse awareness           health care needs and prevalent health
education and resources in the Arkansas        disparities in rural Delta communities.
counties of Baxter, Fulton, Izard, Sharp and   The program, which is a collaboration
Stone. This program, a partnership with        between the Arkansas Rural Health
Winrock International, UAMS and Ozarka         Partnership (ARHP) and IDHI, provides
College, provides access to preventative       access to health care services, health
education and recovery resources.              care provider education opportunities,
                                               and health information technology.

                 The Public Schools Program uses
                 telehealth technology to deliver physical
                 fitness, nutrition and wellness resources
                 to all school-age children in Arkansas. The
                 program, which is a partnership between
                 the Arkansas Department of Education
                 and IDHI, provides students with access to
                 physical activities, nutritional challenges,
                 mindfulness resources and much more via
                 the website and social media.

                 The School Telemedicine in Arkansas for
                 Lessons in Trauma-Informed Education
                 (STARLITE) aims to improve school
                 security at three pilot sites in the school
                 districts of Jasper, Lamar and Magazine.
                 The program will provide students,
                 teachers, parents, and administrators with
                 the tools needed to help recognize and
                 respond quickly to prevent acts of violence.
                 School personnel and students will be
                 educated on how to prevent violence
                 against themselves and others, including
                 anti-bullying training.

The South Central Telehealth      including conferences, monthly
Resource Center (SCTRC) is a      webinars, videos, online course
federally-funded program that     modules and blog posts. The
supports telehealth integration   resource center, which is part of a
in healthcare settings,           national consortium of telehealth
classrooms and communities        resource centers, serves Arkansas,
to serve the south’s medically-   Mississippi and Tennessee.
underserved rural populations.

The resource center website,, targets
healthcare and health
education groups that have an
interest in using telehealth.

The SCTRC provides
technical assistance, expert
resources, and a variety of
educational opportunities

IDHI is committed to the expansion of broadband access
across Arkansas to support the delivery of health care
services to even the most rural communities.

The UAMS e-Link Network          services through the FCC
is a statewide telemedicine      Healthcare Connect Fund. The
network that partners with       e-Link Network facilitates the
over 400 health care, higher     implementation of virtual clinics.
education, public safety
and research facilities in
unserved, underserved, and
economically distressed areas
in Arkansas. IDHI provides
network management,
technical support and training
to sustain and expand the
network, while also acting
as a consortium leader to
attain discounted broadband

PHONE: TOLL FREE 855-234-3348
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