PROGRAM 1 2 JUNE Perspectives in Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability Research - AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS IERA ODOS 75, ATHENS - EU-CONEXUS

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PROGRAM 1 2 JUNE Perspectives in Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability Research - AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS IERA ODOS 75, ATHENS - EU-CONEXUS
1st Research Workshop
          in Agricultural University
          of Athens

       PROGRAM - 1-2 JUNE
       Perspectives in Smart Urban Coastal
       Sustainability Research

PROGRAM 1 2 JUNE Perspectives in Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability Research - AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS IERA ODOS 75, ATHENS - EU-CONEXUS
1st Research Workshop
                                                                          in Agricultural University
                                                                          of Athens

              WEDNESDAY, 1 JUNE 2022
              Building: Conference Centre Auditorium

10.00-10.10   Welcome.
              Prof. Spyridon Kintzios – Rector of Agricultural University of
              Athens. Introduction to the workshop.

10.10-10.30   Invited talk:
              Prof. Eleni Miliou - EU-CONEXUS WP Research Lead
              Creating research network in EU-CONEXUS

10.30-11.10   Research profiles of EU-CONEXUS members:
              10.30-La Rochelle University | LRUniv
              10.50-Klaipeda University | KU

11.10-11.30   COFFEE BREAK

              Research profiles of EU-CONEXUS members:
              11.30-Agricultural University of Athens | AUA
              11.50-Frederick University | FredU
              12.10-Technical University of Civil Engineering | UTCB

12.30-13.30   LUNCH

13.30-14.30   Research profiles of EU-CONEXUS members (continue):
              13.30-University of Zadar | UNIZD
              13.50-Catholic University of Valencia | UCV
              14.10-South East Technological University | SETU
              14.30-University of Rostock | UROS

14.50-15.10   Invited talk:
              Prof. Jean-Marc Ogier - EU-CONEXUS President: LRUniv
              Creating EU-CONEXUS impact on coastal societies by our
              focus on Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability

15.10-15.30   COFFEE BREAK

15.30-17.30   JRI PARALLEL SESSIONS (see page 4)

17.30-19.30   AUA Campus walk tour / LAB VISIT

20.00         Dinner – AUA Campus – Agricultural Museum

PROGRAM 1 2 JUNE Perspectives in Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability Research - AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS IERA ODOS 75, ATHENS - EU-CONEXUS
1st Research Workshop
                                                                    in Agricultural University
                                                                    of Athens

              THURSDAY, 2 JUNE, 2022

09.00-11.10   JRI PARALLEL SESSIONS 2 | see page 5
11.10-11.30   COFFEE BREAK

11.30-13.10   JRI PARALLEL SESSIONS 3 | see page 6
13.10-14.10   LUNCH

14.10-16.10   Round tables of Joint Research Institutes
              Building: Library Amphitheater
16.10-16.30   COFFEE BREAK
16.30-17.30   Plenary: Outcome presentations from Joint Research
              Institutes (JRI heads)
17.30-17.50   Plenary: summary and joint discussion: joint activities and
              networking tools in JRI, organization of networking within JRI;
              interdisciplinarity issues

17.50-18.00   WORKSHOP CLOSURE

PROGRAM 1 2 JUNE Perspectives in Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability Research - AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS IERA ODOS 75, ATHENS - EU-CONEXUS
1st Research Workshop
                                                                                                                                                          in Agricultural University
                                                                                                                                                          of Athens


LSBI ˜ HALL1                            ESBI ˜ HALL2                            CEI ˜ HALL3                               SCHSI ˜ HALL4
Life Sciences and                       Environmental Sciences and              Coastal Engineering                       Social, Culture and
Biotechnology Institute                 Biodiversity Institute                  Institute                                 Human Sciences Institute

15.30   Blue Biotechnology Research     15.30   Assessing an anthropogenic      15.30   Adaptation for Coastal Areas      15.30   Development and sustainability
        in the Biotechnology                    contamination in a coastal              of the UTCB-OSIM Ro Patent                of the Institute of Social,
        Department of AUA, Manolis              zone, Arūnas Balčiūnas, KU              Project ''Prefabricated bath              Cultural and Human Sciences:
        Flemetakis, AUA                                                                 module for isolated homes in              perspective, resources and
                                        15.50   Assessing recreational water            rural areas'', Laurentiu Rece &           capacities of the University of
15.50   Novel cell-based biosensors,            quality of coastal and                  Florin Baltaretu, UTCB                    Zadar, Daliborka Luketić,
        Georgia Moschopoulou, AUA               transitional environments,                                                        Andrea Tokić & Zvjezdan
                                                Marija Kataržytė, KU            15.45   Urban underground space of                Penezić, UNIZD
16.10   Health research at Klaipeda                                                     our cities, Dragos Gaitanaru,
        University: situation and       16.10   From biodiversity to coupled                                              16.00
                                                                                        UTCB                                      Klaipeda University: capacity
        pespectives, Aelita                     modelling: coastal and marine                                                     and potential for joint
        Skarbaliene, KU                         research in the Klaipeda        16.00   UTCB in Solar Decathlon                   collaboration in SH science,
                                                University, Artūras                     competition, Ancuta Neagu &               Rasa Viederytė, Liutauras
16.30   Research in Health Sciences             Razinkovas-Baziukas , KU                Florin Baltaretu, UTCB                    Kraniauskas & Julija Melnikova,
        at UCV, Javier Sancho Pelluz,
        UCV                             16.30   Valorization of ecosystem       16.15   Indoor environment quality                KU
                                                services throuth                        and energy-efficient systems      16.30   Research profiles from the
16.50   Novel bioactive compounds               IMEDMAR-UCV: underwater                 - changing the paradigm for
        with Health and                                                                                                           Department of Regional and
                                                trail and fisherman-scientist           resilient cities of the future,           Economic Development,
        Environmental potentials                relationship, José Tena                 Ilinca Nastase, UTCB
        from Marine sources                                                                                                       Campus of Amfissa, Angeliki N.
                                                Medialdea, UCV                                                                    Menegaki, AUA
        (micro/macroalgae; bacteria;                                            16.30   EENVIRO - EU-CONEXUS &
        fish co-products), Ingrid                                                       UTCB Research Conference,                 Organizational Innovation &
                                        16.50                                                                             17.00
        Fruitier-Arnaudi, Stéphanie             Effects of urbanisation and             Ilinca Nastase, UTCB                      Management Systems
        Bordenave-Juchereau, Sophie             climate change on coastal
                                                                                16.45   Contributions for resilient               (ORIMAS) Laboratory: Current
        Sablé & Isabelle Lanneluc,              fisheries: Management for
                                                                                        coastal and offshore                      Research Activities, Future
        LRUniv                                  sustainability, Stefanos
                                                                                        infrastructure assets, Emilio             Trends & Challenges,
                                                Kalogirou, AUA
17.10                                                                                   Bastidas-Arteaga, LRUniv                  Panagiotis Trivellas & Anna
        FredU research on Life          17.10                                                                                     Anastasopoulou, AUA
                                                Opportunities to reduce
        Sciences and Biotechnology,                                             17.00   The ocean helping to
                                                nutrient losses from
        Costas Kyriakou, FredU                                                          consolidate the coastline,
                                                agricultural land, Bettina
                                                Eichler-Löbermann, UROS                 Marc Jeannin, LRUniv
                                                                                17.15   EU-CONEXUS Research
                                                                                        Portal, Louis Papageorgiou,

PROGRAM 1 2 JUNE Perspectives in Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability Research - AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS IERA ODOS 75, ATHENS - EU-CONEXUS
1st Research Workshop
                                                                                                                                                                   in Agricultural University
                                                                                                                                                                   of Athens


LSBI ˜ HALL1                             ESBI ˜ HALL2                             CEI ˜ HALL3                                      SCHSI ˜ HALL4
Life Sciences and                        Environmental Sciences and               Coastal Engineering                              Social, Culture and
Biotechnology Institute                  Biodiversity Institute                   Institute                                        Human Sciences Institute

09.00 Advances in aquaculture            09.00   Biodiversity in coastal          09.00   Fluid-structure interaction and          09.00 Digital humanities in La
      research and development for               European environments: joint             reduced order modeling in a                    Rochelle Université and
      sustainable seafood                        research and monitoring for              coastal engineering context,                   EU-CONEXUS, and where
      production, Manolis                        conservation, Eleni Miliou,              Erwan Liberge, LRUniv                          computer science and SSH
      Malandrakis, AUA                           AUA                                                                                     might best fit in SmUCS,
                                                                                  09.20   Smart Sustainable                              Antoine Doucet, LRUniv
09.20   Modelling and                    09.20   EU-CONEXUS Research                      (eco-)Systems, Petra Gomez-
        experimentation in food                  Portal, Louis Papageorgiou,              Krämer, LRUniv                           09.25   The atlantic initiatory
        engineering, Adrian Ghiaus,              AUA                                                                                       narrative, Charles Brion, LRUniv
        UTCB                                                                      09.40   Global-local damage analysis of
                                         09.40   Actions for the conservation             dynamic structures and                   09.50 Digital Humanities and Trust,
09.40   Precision Medicine and                   of Pinna nobilis at                      manufacturing of novel materials,              Mickael Coustaty, LRUniv
        Genetics, Dimitrios Vlachakis,           IMEDMAR-UCV, José Rafael                 Sinead O'Hallorhan, SETU                 10.15   Interdisciplinarity & social
        AUA                                      García March, UCV                                                                         engagement throught arts &
                                                                                          Smart coastal areas
10.00   EU-CONEXUS Research              10.10   AI applied to top marine         10.00   management towards holistic                      culture, Diego Jarak, LRUniv
        Portal, Louis Papageorgiou,              predators as ocean samplers :            approaches, Christos Karavitis,
                                                                                                                                   10.40   EU-CONEXUS Research Portal,
        AUA                                      connecting wild seals in real-           Athena Tsoumaki & Ioannis                        Louis Papageorgiou, AUA
                                                 time, Muriel Visani, LRUniv              Papanikolaou, AUA
10.20   Blue bioeconomy activities at
                                                                                                                                   10.55   EENVIRO - EU-CONEXUS &
        Klaipeda University, Nerijus     10.40   State and potential for                  Towards Sustainable                              UTCB Research Conference,
        Nika, KU                                 networking, Janja Filipi &       10.20   Blue-Green Economy -                             Anca Margineanu, UTCB
                                                 Zoran Šikić, UNIZD                       Decarbonisation of shipping and
10.40   Resources and collaboration                                                       increase of energy efficiency, Vasilij
        opportunities, Tomislav Šarić                                                     Djackov, KU
        & Marijana Matek Sarić,
        UNIZD                                                                             Towards Sustainable
                                                                                  10.45   Blue-Green Economy - Resource-
                                                                                          saving technologies based on the
                                                                                          principles of the circular economy,
                                                                                          Tatjana Paulauskiene & Audrius
                                                                                          Senulis, KU

                                                                                  10.55   An Unmanned Surface Vessel
                                                                                          (USV), with a Micro:bit STEAM
                                                                                          ecosystem for enabling citizens
                                                                                          scientist missions, Jason Berry,
PROGRAM 1 2 JUNE Perspectives in Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability Research - AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS IERA ODOS 75, ATHENS - EU-CONEXUS
1st Research Workshop
                                                                                                                                                           in Agricultural University
                                                                                                                                                           of Athens


LSBI ˜ HALL1                          ESBI ˜ HALL2                               CEI ˜ HALL3                              SCHSI ˜ HALL4
Life Sciences and                     Environmental Sciences and                 Coastal Engineering                      Social, Culture and
Biotechnology Institute               Biodiversity Institute                     Institute                                Human Sciences Institute

11.30   EENVIRO - EU-CONEXUS &        11.30   Underground space for future       11.30   Towards Sustainable              11.30   The Catholic University of
        UTCB Research Conference,             resilient cities, Dragoș                   Blue-Green Economy -                     Valencia and its commitment
        Anca Margineanu, UTCB                 Gaitanaru, UTCB                            Advanced information                     to the great challenges of the
                                                                                         engineering and digitalization           social and human sciences in
11.50   Advanced Materials for        11.50   Coastal zone research at the                                                        the 21st century: the path
                                                                                         technologies, Mindaugas
        Biomedical Applications,              interdisciplinary faculty of the           Kurmis, KU                               towards a more sustainable
        Ángel Serrano, UCV                    University of Rostock -                                                             society, Carmen Moret, Antonio
                                              potentials for common              11.50   Data-driven modeling and                 Vidal Matzanke, UCV
12.10   Nature-based Wellness                 approaches, Hendrik Schubert,              optimization in maritime
        Tourism for the Development           UROS                                       engineering, Josip Orović &      12.55   Educational Sciences at UTCB
        of Coastal Sustainability,                                                       Marko Valčić, UNIZD                      - current activities and
        Diana Šaparnienė, KU          12.10   EENVIRO - EU-CONEXUS &                                                              potential for future
                                              UTCB Research Conference,          12.10   Estimating the Hydrodynamic              collabboration at SCHS
12.30   Veterinary and animal                 Anca Margineanu, UTCB                      Load and its Impacts on
        sciences at UCV, Jose                                                                                                     Institute, Maria Goga, UTCB
                                                                                         Coasts - a Challenging Task,
        Sansano Maestre, Antonio              Environmental and Coastal                  Arne Arns, UROS                          Contributions from
        Calvo, UCV                    12.30   Sustainability Research at                                                          Environmental and Climate
                                              Frederick University, Christos     12.30   FredU research actions in                Economics, Michael Rauscher,
12.50   Coastal, Marine and                   Mammides, FredU                            coastal engineering and
        sustainability based                                                                                                      UROS
                                                                                         planning, and blue
        research at SETU, Mike                                                           development, and prospects
        Kinsella, SETU                                                                                                    12.45   Investigating Social and Cultural
                                                                                         within EU-CONEXUS,                       Context at Frederick University,
                                                                                         Charalambos Chasos & Byron               Lora Nicolaou, FredU
                                                                                         Ioannou, FredU
                                                                                 12.50   Overview of the research
                                                                                         portfolio in the Walton
                                                                                         Institute, Deirdre Kilbane,

PROGRAM 1 2 JUNE Perspectives in Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability Research - AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS IERA ODOS 75, ATHENS - EU-CONEXUS PROGRAM 1 2 JUNE Perspectives in Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability Research - AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS IERA ODOS 75, ATHENS - EU-CONEXUS
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