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SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDITION                                  MAGAZINE

              A magazine for, by and about the members of
                      Echelon Business Development,
              their businesses and high net-worth clients.

                                                   MEDIA KIT 2021



                                                                Who is reading
                                                                Echelon Professional Magazine?
                                                                The magazine is specifically published in 3 places. It lives on the Echelon
                                                                Professional Website In addition, it is
                                                                posted on which enables the magazine to reach a unique,
                                                                technologically savvy international audience. And there is a print edition.

                                                                Unique Visitors
Q1 2021 COVER

                                                                   5,000+ avg. per issue
                                                                Unique Page Views
                                                                   20,000 avg. per issue
                                                                Pages per Visit
                                                                   5.6 avg. pages visited per issue per reader
                                                                   Male . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60%
                                                                   Female . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40%
                                                                   55+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55%
                                                                   35-54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35%
                                                                   18-34. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%

                                                                Echelon Professional is a digitally-based “Print-On-Demand” publication.
                                                                Printed copies are delivered to Echelon members and approximately 3,000
                                                                other top professionals and their clients.

                                                                BONUS DISTRIBUTION
                                                                Every issue of Echelon Professional is delivered digitally and/or in print to
                                                                key trade organizations, companies, government entities and individuals.

                       * Anticipated Google Analytics based
                       on Southern California Professional
                       Magazine and like-titled publications.

Echelon Professional Magazine		                                                                         



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                              Printed Copies of Echelon Professional                                           $5 each / 100 minimum
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                              • Call for quantity discounts over 500 copies

                              For more information, contact Brian Hemsworth at 818-713-1678 x702.

Echelon Professional Magazine		                                                                      



                                                                                               INAUGURAL ISSUE
                                                                                       Special Advertising Rates
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                              Back & Inside Covers                                                             $2000           $1000
                              • First right of refusal for next issue
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                              • Ad is archived in perpetuity in the issue under “Past Issues” as well as on
                              • Includes a minimum of 3-month Sponsor ad, on

                              Full Page (inside)                                                               $1500           $600
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                              • Ad is in current issue for minimum of 3 months with live links.
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                              • Includes 2 printed copies.
                              • Ad is in current issue for minimum of 3 months with live links.
                              • Ad is archived in perpetuity in the issue under “Past Issues” as well as on

                              For more information, contact Brian Hemsworth at 818-713-1678 x702.

Echelon Professional Magazine		                                                                      



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ONE-ON-ONE PROFILE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Echelon Member Rates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Echelon Member

                              One-on-One Conversation Advertorials                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                $1000
                              This unique opportunity is only available to Echelon Business Development Network Members.

                              You will be featured on a page within the magazine. It will feature a brief bio and a few questions about your
                              practice and expertise.

                              All you have to do is provide a picture of yourself and answer a few simple questions.

                              This page will go:
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                                                  2. On
                                                  3. In the print edition of the magazine

                              In addition, you will receive a digital PDF of the page to use in your sales collateral.

                              You may also order reprint copies of one page for use in your printed collateral.
                              The reprint cost is $300 for 1000 copies.

                                        CONVERSATIONS                                                                                                                                       CONVERSATIONS

                                ONE-ON-ONE with                                                                                                                                    ONE-ON-ONE with

                                Marlo Van Oorschot                                                                                                                                 Jay Rubin

                               M               arlo Van Oorschot went from
                                               working at top law firms in L.A.
                                               to opening her own practice in
                                   2001. She has a very successful career as
                                   a family law attorney, been published in
                                                                                    property division, child and spousal sup-
                                                                                    port and child custody issues in a divorce;
                                                                                    the custody and child support issues in a
                                                                                    paternity case which involves unmarried
                                                                                    parents; and, the work of modification
                                                                                                                                         Marlo Van Oorschot
                                                                                                                                         Attorney at Law
                                                                                                                                         VAN OORSCHOT LAW GROUP, P.C.
                                                                                                                                                                                   J            Jay Rubin is a Principal of Lee
                                                                                                                                                                                                & Associates-LA North/Ventura
                                                                                                                                                                                                Inc., a full-service commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                       real estate company and member of the
                                                                                                                                                                                       Lee & Associates group of companies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      companies have still not yet gone back
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      into their offices and some have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      able to work successfully from home.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Vacancies and Subleases have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      increasing steadily during the last 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Jay Rubin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LEE & ASSOCIATES-LA NORTH/
                                   many publications, and even published a          of support and custody orders after a
                                                                                                                                                               He specializes in representing landlords,      months. We anticipate this trend con-             VENTURA INC.
                                   book on “grey divorce.” She has received         divorce or paternity case has concluded.                                                           tenants, business owners and investors         tinuing until mid 2021. As some sectors
                                   many accolades, include her AV® Preemi-                                                                                                             in the leasing and sale of professional        like travel have completely shuttered
                                   nent™ rating by Martindale-Hubble, nine              You are known as an expert in the                (310) 820-3414, ext. 201                      and medical office properties in the West      their offices, others have sent their   
                                   years as a Super Lawyer (Los Angeles             area of “grey divorce.” What is grey                                                               San Fernando and Conejo Valleys.               work force home to deal with the perils           (818) 223-4385
                                   Magazine), seven years as a Top Rated            divorce, and what makes it different or                                                                Throughout his career, Jay has built a     of working from home and often facili-
                                   Lawyer (L.A. Times), and seven years as a        unique from other areas of family law                                                              client-focused business centered upon          tating their children’s education.
                                   member of Top Women Attorneys in South-          and divorce?                                     in the practice area is how we work with          customizing real estate solutions to the           We have all seen challenges that we       Tenants in the market have an abun-
                                   ern California (Los Angeles Magazine).               “Grey divorce” is a divorce proceed-         our clients to get their issues resolved.         particular needs of each client, whether       never thought possible before. Clients        dance of opportunities from fully fur-
                                                                                    ing of individuals over the age of 50. I’ve          Typically, courts are thought of as a         Fortune 500 companies, entrepreneurial         across the board are fatigued with work-      nished suites to flexible Lease Terms.
                                       Tell us a little about your practice,        become very sensitive to the unique              place where a judge—a stranger—will               firms or private or public equity investors.   ing from home and I am seeing a great         We are seeing clients signing new leases
                                   your practice areas, and typical clients.        financial, retirement and employment             make decisions for a family. The court-           Along with considerable expertise in mar-      deal of interest in getting their workforce   with Commencement dates late in 2021
                                       For the entirety of my 26-year legal         issues facing the older divorcing individual,    houses were a hub where issues got                keting and transaction management, he          back in a professional environment.           based on optimism we will get back to a
                                   career, I have been practicing family law.       and made a major professional commit-            resolved by having access to mediators,           provides in-depth knowledge of the office      When it will be safe is the question, we      more normal environment and locking in
                                   As I grew as a lawyer and established my         ment to educate this group about the             resources and a place to meet up to dis-          sector offering clients real-time intelli-     are all wondering. It appears this will be    lower lease rates.
                                   practice, I started focusing on who my           complexities they face in divorce.               cuss a case knowing that if we could not          gence to assist with decision making.          a scaled-up effort, bringing back some
                                   typical client is. Thatl client is a business        My book, How To Survive Grey Divorce,        resolve an issue, the judge was there to              Jay’s considerable transaction             employees and increasing that count as            Conversely, what are the conversa-
                                   owner, professional or executive who             helps spouses understand and manage              do so. This also created a feeling of a day       expertise has resulted in the successful       things become safer.                          tions like with owners and landlords?
                                   seeks a business-minded approach to              the difficulties surrounding divorce after       of reckoning, so to speak, that usually           completion of well over 5,000,000 square                                                         Most Landlords are being proactive
                                   their legal issues. My clients typically own     age 50. The issues in these cases fit            brought compromise to the table out of            feet of sale and lease transactions.               What are some of the things you are       in assisting their tenants that are in dis-
                                   a business or hold a business interest,          squarely in my wheelhouse of working on          the fear of what the stranger in the black        Among his recent notable transactions,         counseling leasing clients with right         tress. Every landlord/owner has different
                                   complex real estate or other investment          financially complex divorces and my              robe would decide. This is all lost with          he has sold a seven-story hotel devel-         now? What kind or strategies are you          expenses, debt and business plans,
                                   holdings. Many have complex compen-              commitment to employing strategy on              COVID-19. The courthouse is no longer a           opment site in Warner Center, Calif. and       looking at with them?                         which they based on the leases that
                                   sation packages such a stock options,            our cases. People getting divorced late in       place of gathering with social distancing         executed 60,000 sq. ft. of leases on               Each client has different needs and       were signed previously. Most landlords
                                   deferred compensation, and other exec-           life have a lot of lose, little time to finan-   enforced and strict rules of entry into the       behalf of Life Alert Medical Response          requirements thus, we take a custom-          are open to flexible terms, downsizing
                                   utive benefits.                                  cially recover as compared to their              courthouse. The leverage of “going to             Inc. Jay has been recognized as one of         ized approach to their needs. We begin        tenants and putting attractive terms for
                                       Our firm is a boutique family law prac-      younger counterparts and do not want to          court,” the opportunities of gathering and        his firm’s Top 10 Producers nine times in      with evaluating each client’s short term      new transitions.
                                   tice. We are strategic litigators in a field     spend their golden years in courtrooms.          resolving the case “on the courthouse             the past dozen or so years. And in fact,       and long-term goals. Currently, we find           There is momentum in the market
                                   where litigation is usually the worst path                                                        steps” is gone. For those cases where lit-        in 2016, he was Broker of the Year.            that Landlords are increasingly open          as companies need to have a base and
                                   to resolution for a family. We are acutely          What is happening in general in the           igation is necessary, in-person litigation                                                       to flexibility. Furthermore, for our many     lease space. A lot of the landlords we
                                   aware of the destruction litigation can          area of family since Covid-19 hit?               is few and far between; replaced with                 Covid has turned the idea of offices,      clients that want to or are required          work with have space that is conducive
                                   bring to a family, so we work with our              Besides the chaos of court closures           audio and video hearings and trials.              workspace, and leasing on its ear. What        to being physically present, we take          to the current situation, offering private
                                   clients on how best to approach the lit-         and the stress of families navigating the        There is much to say about video trials,          do you see from your perspective as            proper protocol to ensure safety and          access, new filtration systems and con-
                                   igation. We are always prepared for the          movement of children between homes,              but video trials for complex matters is not       to the current state of commercial real        currently these protocols are working.        trolled environments. Landlords want
                                   potential of litigation but work diligently to   schooling their children in a new way and        ideal and, in fact, increases risk for com-       estate in the North Los Angeles area?              Opportunities are available to down-      to assist in creating safe environments
                                   avoid it and work to find a path to an early     the financial strain many people have            plex cases, which opens the opportunity               The office market is still trying to       size current premises or find relocation      that lead to more people back into their
                                   and peaceful resolution. Our work involves       experienced during this time, the big shift      to seek alternatives.                             find its footing in the Covid era. Many        opportunities that meet tenant’s needs.       offices.

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                              For more information, contact Brian Hemsworth at 818-713-1678 x702.

Echelon Professional Magazine		                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
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