PRODUCT CATALOG Linear Lighting and Controls

Page created by Ryan Peterson
PRODUCT CATALOG Linear Lighting and Controls

PRODUCT CATALOG   Linear Lighting and Controls
June 2021
PRODUCT CATALOG Linear Lighting and Controls
Index                                   About Our Company

03.   About our Company                 Xicato is defining the future of smart buildings
                                        delivering the absolute best quality, highest
04.   Xicato Flexible Linear - XFL
                                        performing, and most reliable portfolio of spot
14.   Xicato Channel Collection - XCC   and linear lighting with Bluetooth wireless
22.   Xicato Linear Accessories - XLA
                                        Xicato’s well-known light sources have set the
25.   Xicato Smart Controls             standard for quality of light and are installed in
                                        thousands of locations over 30 countries – they
32.   Meanwell Drivers
                                        are the go-to option when people care about
33.   Available Soon                    the quality of light.

34.   Product Selector                  Xicato’s smart lighting solutions inspire
                                        architects, designers and building owners to
35.   How to Order
                                        create beautiful and healthier environments with
                                        smarter and connected experiences.
PRODUCT CATALOG Linear Lighting and Controls

                                                                                                     Channels                                                          Controls
                                                                                                     Xicato offers the widest selection of high quality aluminum        Xicato’s Bluetooth® Lighting Controls are installed all over
                                                                                                     extruded channels to meet every requirement - you want it,        the world and integrated with a range of luminaires and
                                                                                                     we have it, even if it’s not advertised. Our channels, combined   building management systems. They deliver cost savings
                                                                                                     with a wide array of covers, end caps, and accessories, offer     from installation through operation, and provide scene-
                                                                                                     universal use for every application. You now have unlimited       setting capabilities that are second to none. Smart controls
                                                                                                     imagination to transform your space.                              enable building energy efficiencies, reduced maintenance
                                                                                                                                                                       and operational costs, resulting in a more productive and
                                                                                                                                                                       comfortable environment.

XICATO                       STATIC WHITE

FLEXIBLE                     HIGH DENSITY

LINEAR                       FULL SPECTRUM

LIGHTING                     SIDE EMITTING

                             ULTRA SLIM

                             TUNABLE WHITE

                             DIM TO WARM

                    Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   4
PRODUCT CATALOG Linear Lighting and Controls
Xicato’s new offering of LED linear lighting
solutions is exactly the type of product we were
looking for – it is superior quality and has the
latest technology from a brand that has been
trusted in the market for many years.
                                                                                                                                                 24V across entire portfolio

Sean Hounslow, Managing Director, Prime Light, UK                                                            BEST OF BREED                       Broad range of CCTs & common wattages

                                                                                                             BENEFITS                            Supported by Xicato Bluetooth Mesh Controls

                                                                                                                                                 Superior construction for higher reliability, long
                                                                                                             Unmatched Performance of CRI, R9,   lifespan and heat management
                                                                                                             Fidelity & Gamut
                                                                                                                                                 IP22 dry location & IP67 wet location

                                                                                                                                                 10-year warranty across all XFL products

                                                                                                                                                 Lighting design uniformity for both Xicato spot and
                                                                                                                                                 linear lighting
                            Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   6
PRODUCT CATALOG Linear Lighting and Controls

Static White                                  High Density                              Full Spectrum
95 CRI, 10mm small profile, energy            Gold-plated, 95 CRI diffused light, no    Delivers the full spectrum of light to
efficient, easy to install on its own or in   hot spots, also comes in ultra slim 4mm   closely match natural light for a healthy
a channel.                                    version.                                  experience.

CCTs:             2200-4100                   CCTs:		         2200-4200                 CCTs:		            4000, 5000, 5700
Lumens:		         220-1720/m, 67-526/ft       Lumens:		       585-1560/m, 188-476/ft    Lumens:		          750-1330/m, 228-405/ft
Wattages:         1, 3, 4.4, 5, 6             Wattages:       3, 4.4, 5, 6.6            Wattages:          3, 4.4, 5, 6
LEDs:		           240/meter                   LEDs:		         700/meter                 LEDs:		            120/meter

                                                                           Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   8
PRODUCT CATALOG Linear Lighting and Controls

Side Emitting                            Ultra Slim                               Tunable White
Light is projected at a 90° angle        Ultra narrow 4mm high-density profile    CCT tunable linear lighting with
allowing for hard to light spaces and    with excellent light output on its own   advanced on-board circuitry for a
wall grazing applications.               or in a channel.                         2-channel driver. New CCT range to
                                                                                  6500 coming soon.

CCTs:            2700, 3000, 3500        CCTs:		          2200-5000               CCTs:		            2200-3000, 2400-3500
Lumens:		        660-680/m, 200-210/ft   Lumens:		        740-855/m, 225-260/ft   Lumens:		          650-1220/m, 200-373/ft
Wattages:        3.0                     Wattages:        3.7                     Wattages:          3, 4.4, 5.2, 6
LEDs:		          120/meter               LEDs:		          238/meter               LEDs:		            240/meter

                                                                                                                                                       XFL supply: bluebottle
                                                                                                                                                       Lighting Design: Benjamin Cisterne Design
                                                                                                                                                       Architectural Design: Nazia Kachwalla - Tonkin Zulaikha Architects

                                                                     Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   10
PRODUCT CATALOG Linear Lighting and Controls

Dim to Warm                               Linear Accessories                     Custom Cut
Popular dim to warm linear lighting for   Choose from a variety of connectors,   XFL is also available as a factory
bright and candlelight lighting with an   boot (standard hole or no hole) and    finished custom fixture or custom cut
all-in-one unique design.                 mounting accessories.                  to your specified length and lead wire.

Available Soon                            Datasheet on      

                                                                   Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   12
PRODUCT CATALOG Linear Lighting and Controls
XCC                XICATO CHANNEL COLLECTION                                       Most channels can be customized as a wet location

                                                                                                               fixture by using waterproof sealant/silicone.

                            Standard Slim                             Standard Micro Recessed                   Standard In-Ground
                            Small dimensions (just 6mm/0.25” high),   Slim design with narrow collar            High load bearing capacity ideal for
                            extrusion can fit slim designs and thin   enables unaesthetic grooves for easy      high-traffic areas such as sidewalks,
                            furniature pieces. Lightweight, easily    assembly. Recessed shallow housing        bike paths, driveways. Environmentally
                            disperses heat. Internal and external     masks the edges of the groove, fits in    friendly with special frosted cover.
                            bending radius of 150mm.                  0.47”/12mm thick drywall.

                            XCC-C-SLM                                 XCC-C-MRC                                 XCC-C-GND

                                          22   67                           Closet
                                                                                     22   67                     22    67

                                                                                              Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   15
PRODUCT CATALOG Linear Lighting and Controls
XCC                XICATO CHANNEL COLLECTION                                                                                                                                                                                                               Most channels can be customized as a wet location
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           fixture by using waterproof sealant/silicone.

Standard 45                                 Standard Micro Square                         Standard Square 12                                                  Standard Square 15                              Ultra Slim Square                             Ultra Slim Rectangle
Provides 45° illumination for interior of   Intended for small linear lighting fixtures   Designed for the construction of indoor                             Allows the use of efficient, transparent        Small and square profile of 7mm for those     Smallest extrusion for a single narrow
cabinets, shelving and more. Smooth         with concealed mounting bracket. Easy         lighting fixtures with increased ingress                            covers while eliminating glare. Offers narrow   hard to light applications. Bendable into     line of light for interior design, furniture
sides that creates a line of light.         snap-in assembly.                             protection. Can be bent in the plane adjacent                       beam angle. Good for backlighting, interior     gentle curves at the plane adjacent to the    and exhibitions. Mounted with two-
                                                                                          to the LED strip with internal bending radius                       architecture and furniture.                     LED strip with 150mm bending radius.          sided adhesive.
                                                                                          180mm and external bending radius 200mm.

XCC-S-45                                    XCC-C-MSQ                                     XCC-C-SS12                                                          XCC-C-SS15                                      XCC-C-USS                                     XCC-C-USR

         22   67                            22    67                                            22       67                                                   22    67                                              Closet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             22                             Closet

                                                                            Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   16                                                                                 Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   17
PRODUCT CATALOG Linear Lighting and Controls
XCC                XICATO CHANNEL COLLECTION                                                                                                                                                                                                          Most channels can be customized as a wet location
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      fixture by using waterproof sealant/silicone.

Cove Slim                                      Cove Recessed 17                           Cove Recessed 32                                                Designer 45                                      Designer Round                              Designer Round Smooth
Set of two profiles designed for recessed      Set of two extrusions designed for         Cove lighting system consisting of the                          Designed for mounting on surfaces with           Round extrusion with 18.5mm                 A modern smooth finish circular extrusion
illumination with a slim profile. Mounting     recess illumination for ambient lighting   mounting base and extrusion enabling                            internal 90° corners that directs light at 45°   circumference for construction of linear    that can be easily designed as a finished
strip and separate extrusion recessed inside   of architectural niches located a short    parallel and perpendicular direction                            angle.                                           suspended lighting fixtures.                lighting fixture.
for parallel light direction.                  distance from the wall.                    of light against a wall. Illumination of

XCC-C-CSL                                      XCC-C-R17                                  XCC-C-R32                                                       XCC-C-D45                                        XCC-C-RND                                   XCC-C-RSM

         22   67                                     Closet
                                                              22    67                          Closet
                                                                                                         22      67                                       Closet
                                                                                                                                                                   22   67                                 Closet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    22   67                            Closet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                22     67

                                                                        Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   18                                                                                Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   19
XCC                XICATO CHANNEL COLLECTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Most channels can be customized as a wet location
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   fixture by using waterproof sealant/silicone.

Designer Square 12                             Designer Square 16                    Designer Square Conceal 16                                              Designer Conceal 22                           Designer Recessed                    Specialty Focus
Small 12mm height that offers flexibility      16mm extrusion with smooth side       Similar design as the Designer Square 16 profile                        Profile of 22mm height for narrow light       Recessed with width of 11.3mm and    Movable insert enables five different lighting
for those hard to light applications. Easily   surfaces equipped with a small lock   with a concealed mounting bracket. Clean shape,                         angle hiding the light source. The recessed   height of 12.2mm with a lip for a    angles depending on the application. Beam
embedded in narrow grooves or for              for system fasteners and extrusion    not distorted by technical detail, such as an                           cover minimizes the glare. Width of 14.4mm    smooth line that disappears.         angles - 10, 30, 45, 60 and 90 degrees.
backlighting luminaries.                       connectors.                           external mounting bracket.                                              is compatible with most IP67 lighting.

XCC-C-DS12                                     XCC-C-DS16                            XCC-C-CS16                                                              XCC-C-C22                                     XCC-C-REC                            XCC-C-SPF

         22   67                               Closet
                                                        22   67                      Closet
                                                                                              22   67                                                        22    67                                           Closet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         22   67                Closet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         22   67

                                                                           Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   20                                                                                        Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   21

Universal Clear &                          Universal Clear &                            Extreme Clear &                                                     Focusing Lens                                  Black Transition Lens                           Ultra Slim Frosted
Frosted                                    Frosted - Pro                                Frosted
Basic 13mm wide and 4mm in height lens     Easy snap-in lens allows for simplified      13mm wide and 4mm in height, these                                  Semi-transparent satin lens offers             Matte black surface that turns white when       Narrow cover that is compatible with
that is compatible with most of Xicato’s   field installation measuring 13mm wide       rigid covers are durable under extreme                              homogenous line of light for focused           the light is turned on. The cover is made       the Ultra Slim Square and Ultra Slim
channels, not UV resistant so best for     and 4mm in height. Increased UV resistant    climate conditions. Double-sided UV                                 lighting applications. Benefits include high   of UV-resistant PC measuring 13mm wide          Rectangle channels. UV resistant with
indoor applications.                       with 80% light transmission in the frosted   protection withstanding temperatures of                             transparency, quality and uniform cross-       and 4mm in height. When the LEDs are off,       good light diffusion.
                                           version.                                     up to 248F. The frosted lens has 70% light                          section. 14.53mm wide by 6mm in height.        the cover is black. The best visual effect is
                                                                                        transmission.                                                                                                      obtained in profiles that are black inside.

XCC-L-UNV-CL                               XCC-L-PRO-CL                                 XCC-L-EX-CL                                                         XCC-L-SPF-CL                                   XCC-L-TL-BK                                     XCC-L-US-FR
XCC-L-UNV-FR                               XCC-L-PRO-FR                                 XCC-L-EX-FR

                                                                          Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   22                                                                                    Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   23

In-Ground Frosted                           End Caps and Mounting

Sturdy lens that easily adapts to the In-   Xicato has a wide range of end caps (with hole and without)
Ground channel to seal the fixture. Lens    and mounting options available. Please download the XCC data
has good fire and mechanical resistance     sheet for compatible lens, end caps and mounting accessories.
with complete UV protection.
                                            Visit for details on XFL accessories


                                                                                                     Xicato’s Smart Bluetooth® Controls are integrated with a wide array of luminaires, building
A Complete Solution Under One Roof:                                                                  management systems and other 3rd party applications. They deliver cost savings from
HARDWARE, SOFTWARE & SERVICES                                                                        installation through operation, and provide scene-setting capabilities that are second to none.

                                                                                                     Our scalable, smart, and wireless controls are designed to provide the ultimate in control and
                                                                                                     monitoring. Tens of thousands of nodes can share a single, highly secure network, joined with
                                                                                                     tens of thousands of other networks, all while being installed and commissioned in just hours/
                                                                                                     days. Powerful features such as groups, scenes, schedules, and sensor control are easily within
                                                                                                     reach without expensive wires, hubs or dedicated control gear. You now have fully automated
                                                                                                     lighting that delivers flexibility, reliability and savings.
                   Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   26                                                           Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   27

                                                                                                                                                                                             XSW is module only

Xicato Intelligent Gateway                                              Xicato Intelligent Sensor                                                            Xicato Smart Switch                                                      Xicato Relay Nodes
XIG                                                                     XIS                                                                                  XSW                                                                      XRN
Provides wired or wireless IP access to a wireless                      These are compact, wireless nodes that transmit                                      XSW is a programmable switch that can be field                           Xicato Relay Nodes are compact, DC-powered,
Bluetooth network of XIM LED modules, sensors,                          sensor data over the BLE network for use by                                          installed and converts a standard 0-10V dimming                          wireless Bluetooth nodes that allow users to
and other devices Securely monitor and control                          lighting, environmental management, or other                                         switch or low voltage momentary contact switch                           extend the reach of Bluetooth networks used for
an unlimited number of BLE devices over                                 applications. XIS can sense motion, ambient light,                                   into a sophisticated Bluetooth controller. Enables a                     lighting control, environmental monitoring, or
any geographic distance, using any internet                             temperature, and relative humidity.                                                  standard single-channel, 0-10V dimming switch to                         other building management applications. Now
browser. Monitor temperature, intensity, power                                                                                                               control a single, dimmable light source or lighting                      integrators and users can extend their control of
consumption, input voltage, and total operating                         XIS communicates directly with light sources                                         group via Bluetooth. XSW broadcasts data directly                        their Bluetooth network into hard to reach places,
hours. Control individual lights or lighting groups                     that uses Xicato’s XID driver. Control intelligence                                  to lighting nodes using Bluetooth - no central                           remote corners, or across enormous spaces
and pre-programmed scenes.                                              including sensor response is built into the XIM and                                  controller, gateway, hub or extra hops required.                         without additional expensive or complex pieces of
                                                                        XID nodes, which can respond individually to one                                     This means instant response and maximum                                  equipment.
                                                                        or more sensors, switches, local mobile or remote                                    reliability using minimum power. XSW is compatible
                                                                        BMS commands, or even to other lights.                                               with many standard switches on the market today.

                                                                           Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   28                                                                              Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   29

Intelligent Driver                                                            Key Features & Benefits
XID                                                                           XID can be programmed by the luminaire manufacturer or
                                                                              distributor using the Xicato Configuration Tool

XID are compact, deep-dimming constant current                                Deep, smooth dimming to 0.1% with flicker-free performance
drivers that enable Bluetooth and/or wired control of
most indoor LED light sources with a warranty of 5-years.                     Accepts 24V or 48V DC input
Their small size and circular form factor make them
particularly well suited for track, spot, and down light                      Controls LED arrays with voltages from 2.5V up to 45V
applications as well as an excellent choice for linear
luminiares such as troffers. Xicato’s XID accepts either
                                                                              Contains sensors that detect temperature of the electronics
24V or 48V DC input and provides smooth, IEEE 1789-
compliant dimming performance to 0.1%, programmable                           Output currents: 350mA, 700mA, 1400mA at 13W, 25W and
with beacons, and provides detailed operating data over                       50W - other currents available down to 175mA with XCT
Bluetooth.                                                                    programming tool

                                                                              5-year warranty

                                                                                      Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   30

Minature Driver                                                                 Key Features & Benefits
XMD                                                                             DC driver is specifically designed to fit into a highly space-
                                                                                constrained environment
                                                                                Maximum current output factory limited using Xicato
XMD was created to fit into compact track adapters for
                                                                                Configuration Tool to 50% and 100% of rated maximum
a finished elegant design. With its narrow, rectangular
and low-profile footprint, this form factor enables fixture                     IEEE 1789-compliant dimming to 0.1% with Bluetooth
                                                                                wireless control
designs to completely hide the driver. The XMD is capable
of deep 0.1% flicker-free dimming and smart driver control                      Controls LED arrays with voltages from 2.5V up to 45V
with wireless BLE option. These constant drivers are also
available with Bluetooth SIG mesh for intelligent wireless                      Stores a histogram of intensity settings and temperature for
lighting control.                                                               the life of the device
                                                                                Output currents: 350mA, 700mA, 1050mA at wattages 15W,
                                                                                30W and 45W - other currents down to 175mA with XCT
                                                                                programming tool

                                                                                5-year warranty                                                                              London Science Museum, Kris Humphreys Photography

                                                                                           Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   32
MEANWELL DRIVERS                                                                                                                                 AVAILABLE SOON

                                                                                                                                                 RGBW                                                                               NEON
                                                                                                                                                 Combines both alternating color changing LEDs and single                           LED neon lighting simulates the look of glass neon yet its
                                                                                                                                                 white light in one. XFL RGBW gives you absolute control                            modern design is flexible and easy to install. Available in

OWA                                     PWM                                    LPV                                                               over any environment.                                                              white CCTs and RGBW.

OWA Series works like an adapter        Dimmable AC/DC LED driver              Series of single output switching
as a single-output external LED         featuring the constant voltage         power supplies with constant
power supplies that simplifies          mode with PWM style output             voltage design. Universal AC input
the connection with LED lighting        maintaining brightness when            with fully encapsulated case for
fixtures without extra wiring           driving linear lighting. Option with   IP67 applications.
efforts. Class 2, universal AC input,   DALI control technology.
UL listed.

XLD-ND-MW-OWA-60U-24-P1M                XLD-D010-MW-PWM-60-24                  XLD-ND-MW-LPV-100-24                                              TUNABLE WHITE                                                                       Xicato AC Drivers
XLD-ND-MW-OWA-90U-24-P1M                XLD-D010-MW-PWM-90-24                  XLD-ND-MW-LPV-60-24
                                        XLD-DALI-MW-PWM-90-24-DA                                                                                 Tunable white lighting offers a wider spread of warm and                            XAD offers guaranteed reliability of a 10-year warranty
                                                                                                                                                 white lighting to choose from in one single light application.                      combined with Xicato’s patented technology for
                                                                                                                                                 CCT range is 2700 to 6500.                                                          smooth, flicker-free dimming to 0.1% and network-ready

                                                               Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   34                                                                                               Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   35
ONLINE PRODUCT SELECTOR                                                                                                                                       HOW TO ORDER

                                                                                                                                                              Submit purchase orders to
                                                                                                                                                              If you would like a quote for a lighting project or custom fixtures to match your exact specifications, email us at
                                    USING THIS ONLINE PRODUCT SELECTOR TOOL                                                                          or contact your local partner in your region found on

                   XFL                           XCC                            XLA               XLD
                     FLEXIBLE                     CHANNELS                        LINEAR            DRIVERS
                      LINEAR                                                    ACCESSORIES


STEP 1                                           STEP 2                                       STEP 3
CHOOSE LINEAR                                    CHOOSE CHANNEL                               CHOOSE DRIVER

Select the type of linear lighting by            Select the compatible channel, lens,         Select the compatible driver for your
CCT, wattage and spool length.                   end cap and mounting accessories.            LED project - OWA, PWM or LPV.

                                        Product Selector can be found online at

                                                                            Product Catalog | Lighting & Controls | 2021 June   36
Xicato Global Headquarters               Contact Us

                                                                     102 Cooper Court                         Tel: +1 866 223 8395
                                                                     Los Gatos, CA 95032            

2021 Xicato, Inc. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Xicato and the Xicato stylized logo design are registered trademarks of Xicato.
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