Proceedings: National Silvicultural Workshop - October 5-7, 1999 Kalispell, Montana - USDA Forest ...
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Proceedings: United States Department of Agriculture National Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station Proceedings RMRS-P-19 Silvicultural Workshop May 2001 October 5–7, 1999 Kalispell, Montana
Barras, Stanley J., ed. 2001. Proceedings: National silvicultural workshop; 1999 October 5-7; Kalispell, MT. Proceedings RMRS-P-19. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 85 p. Silviculture, as an integrative discipline, must combine management skills with scientific and technical knowledge in the management of forests and woodlands. While traditionally, silviculturists worked in fine resolution landscapes, today’s practitioner must look at encompassing both larger geographic areas (adjacent stands, watersheds, regions, subregions) and wider objectives (trees as well as wildlife, commodities, recreation, sustainability, biological diversity, air quality, and ecosystem resilience). The 12 papers in this proceedings explore the past, present, and desired future of silviculture’s role and practice. Examination of disturbance ecology in ecosystem management includes natural and induced disturbances, and management options. Discussion of desired future conditions includes the importance of understanding the connection between ecological values and social values, as well as historic reference conditions as they relate to creating forest plans. A section on inventory, monitoring, and adaptive management looks at multiresource and multiscale data assessments and temporal continuity; included are design alternatives and a discussion of how to adapt silvicultural prescriptions. Case studies throughout the proceedings help the reader understand the practical applications, the successes, and the need for further work. Keywords: disturbance regimes, disturbance ecology, landscape, ecosystem management, stand structure, successional reserves, adaptive management The Editor Stanley J. Barras served in a number of positions in the Station, and on two tours in the Washington Office. His USDA Forest Service Research beginning in 1965 by most recent position was National Program Leader, conducting research on microorganisms associated with Forest Pathology Research. He retired in January 2000 the southern pine beetle. He has served as Project after 35 years of service. Leader, Assistant Director in the Southern Research You may order additional copies of this publication by sending your mailing information in label form through one of the following media. Please specify the publication title and series number. Fort Collins Service Center Telephone (970) 498-1392 FAX (970) 498-1396 E-mail Web site Mailing Address Publications Distribution Rocky Mountain Research Station 240 West Prospect Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 Rocky Mountain Research Station 324 25th Street Ogden, UT 84401
Proceedings: National Silvicultural Workshop October 5–7, 1999 Kalispell, Montana Editor: Stanley J. Barras, Ph.D.
Contents ___________________________________________________________ Page I: Overview Papers .................................................................................................................................. 1 Russell T. Graham The Role of the Silviculturist at Multiple Scales ........................................................ 3 Barry Bollenbacher Al Harvey Disturbance Ecology in the Northern Rockies: Penny Morgan One Perspective ..................................................................................................... 8 J. D. Chew Overview of Developing Desired Conditions: K. O’Hara Short-Term Actions, Long-Term Objectives .......................................................... 11 J.G. Jones II: Disturbance Ecology ................................................................................................................................ 17 Robert E. Keane Range and Variation in Landscape Patch Dynamics: Janice L. Garner Implications for Ecosystem Management ............................................................. 19 Casey Teske Cathy Stewart Paul Hessburg Philip M. McDonald Changes in Plant Communities After Planting and Gary O. Fiddler Release of Conifer Seedlings: Early Findings ....................................................... 26 Mike Hillis Simulating Historical Disturbance Regimes and Stand Vick Applegate Structures in Old-Forest Ponderosa Steve Slaughter Pine/Douglas-fir Forests ......................................................................................... 32 Michael G. Harrington Helen Smith Gary W. Miller Vegetative Conditions and Management Options in Even-Age James N. Kochenderfer Stands on the Monongahela National Forest ........................................................ 40 James Knibbs John E. Baumgras III: Achieving Desired Future Conditions ........................................................................................................... 49 Larry Blocker Understanding the Connection Between Historic Range Susan K. Hagle of Variation, Current Social Values and Rick Lasko Developing Desired Conditions ............................................................................. 51 Robert Keane Barry Bollenbacher Bruce Fox Fred Samson Randy Gay Cynthia Manning R. Mendez-Treneman Developing Desired Future Conditions With the S. Hummel Landscape Management System: A Case Study G. Porterie of the Gotchen Late Successional Reserv ............................................................ 60 C. D. Oliver IV: Inventory, Monitoring, and Adaptive Management ..................................................................................... 69 W. Henry McNab Preliminary Evaluation of Environmental Variables F. Thomas Lloyd Affecting Diameter Growth of Individual Hardwoods in the Southern Appalachian Mountains ............................................................... 71 George Lightner Integrated Inventory and Monitoring ....................................................................... 78 Hans T. Schreuder Barry Bollenbacher Kerry McMenus Lois DeMarco Use of Monitoring and Adaptive Management to Susan L. Stout Promote Regeneration on the Allegheny National Forest ..................................... 84
Section I: Overview Papers 1
The Role of the Silviculturist at Multiple Scales Russell T. Graham Barry Bollenbacher Abstract—Traditionally, silviculturists have been involved with interspersed across landscapes and planned to occur over fine resolution landscape assessments. Today, silviculturists are decades and even centuries. Silviculturists are very knowl- asked to go beyond that scale to look at a wide range of objectives edgeable about vegetation and vegetation dynamics and this (including wildlife, commodities, sustainability, diversity, and eco- places them in the role of teachers both within their respec- system resilience) on scales ranging from landscape to adjacent tive organizations and to the general public. To be effective stands, watershed, regions, and sub-regions. As the issues facing and efficient in prescribing stand level treatments to meet natural resource management become more complex, more conten- this diverse array of objectives and to fulfill the many other tious, and more political, assessments will become an integral part obligations of the position, silviculturists need to be involved of management, putting the silviculturist in a vital role of looking at many different spatial and temporal scales. over a broad range of temporal and spatial scales. Scales There are several different notions of scale and often there Introduction ____________________ is confusion between geographic extent and data resolution The practice of silviculture in the United States can trace (Haynes and others 1996). Geographic extent refers to the its roots to late in the 19th century when Schlich (1896) and area covered by an assessment and resolution describes the others started organizing the methods and concepts of the amount of detail incorporated in the data describing the discipline. During the 1900s, silviculturists tended forests geographic extent. Broad-scale (regional) assessments use using both art and science to meet the objectives of landown- coarse resolution data to address issues for national and ers (Hawley 1937; Toumey 1928). During this time the regional planning, mid-scale (sub-regional) assessments use majority of wood products produced in the United States were used by developing towns and cities throughout the Western and Midwestern United States (Hutchison 1942). By the end of the 20th century, the practice of silviculture entailed developing methods and systems for establishing Forest Policy Assessments and maintaining communities of trees and other vegetation that people value (Nyland 1996; Smith and others 1997). To Forest develop these systems silviculturists depend on a plethora of History knowledge including zoology, botany, ecology, physics, wild- Monitoring Decisions Economics life, silvics, pathology, soils, engineering, law, economics, and many others (Nyland 1996). Silviculture evolved, to Forest become an integral component in the management of forests Law Implementation and woodlands and is essential to most adaptative manage- Forest ment models (fig. 1). Management Planning Model As we begin a new millennium silviculturists are being asked to design silvicultural systems for diverse objectives ranging from maintaining and renewing ecosystems to pro- Protection Silviculture: Utilization ducing wildlife habitat and commodities. Moreover, the the art and science silviculturist is often asked to design systems to sustain the integrity, diversity, and resiliency of ecosystems. Treat- Wildlife Pathology Silvics Biometrics Forest ments are applied to stands to meet these objectives but they Ecology need to be placed in context of adjacent stands, landscapes, and watersheds. Different stand treatments often need to be Zoology Soils Botany Math Ecology In: Barras, Stan J., ed. 2001. Proceedings: National Silvicultural Workshop; 1999 October 5-7; Kalispell, MT. Proc. RMRS-P-00. Ogden, UT: U.S. Depart- Figure 1—Silviculture is an integrative discipline well ment of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. founded in the basic sciences. This knowledge combined Russell T. Graham is Research Forester, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain with management skills and technical knowledge make Research Station, 1221 South Main, Moscow, ID. Barry Bollenbacher is Regional Silviculturist, Forest Service, Northern Region, Missoula, MT. the practice central to the management of forests and woodlands (adapted and modified from Nyland 1997). USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-19. 2001 3
midresolution data to address issues at the state and re- assessment. This assessment described the social, economic, gional planning levels, and fine resolution data in small terrestrial, aquatic, and landscape components covering scale (landscape) assessments are used for Forest and Dis- 23.6 million acres of the inland Northwestern United States. trict planning. In addition to these spatial scales, temporal Coarse resolution data were used in this assessment cover- scales ranging from minutes (measured in seconds) to mil- ing the majority of the Columbia River Basin. The assess- lenniums (measured in centuries) can be used to describe ment was organized around multiple watersheds and the natural resources. Depending on the issue, location, or need, detail of information reported was in the order of 250 acres a variety of scales can be displayed in assessments to inform for landscape elements (in other words, vegetation) and the public about decisions on natural resource management. states and counties for economic and social elements (in other words, income, population) (fig. 2) (Quigley and others 1997; Hann and others 1997). Assessments In contrast to the large continental and world assess- Assessments have always been part of forest manage- ments, the issues addressed at regional scales are more ment. At a local level silviculturists used exam to design specific but still relatively general. Issues such as ecosystem stand treatments, while wildlife biologists used habitat health, areas or wildlife at risk, sustainability, or long-term surveys and animal censuses to plan hunting seasons and productivity are often addressed at this broadscale. The habitat improvement projects. But it became apparent that information produced at these scales usually draws conclu- the cumulative effects of these local management actions sions and makes inferences about large areas or subunits of and the ever expanding resource issues facing today’s man- large areas. For example, the ICRB assessment divided the agers crossed jurisdictional and ecosystem boundaries interior Columbia River Basin into 13 ecological reporting (FEMAT 1993). The protection of northern spotted owl (Strix units (ERU) each having similar terrestrial and aquatic occidentalis caurina) habitat, the harvesting of temperate characteristics. Data were summarized for each ERU and rain forests, and the protection of anadromous fish habitat conclusions drawn about the ecological condition of each in the Columbia River Basin are examples of these kinds of area. Similarly, the ICRB assessment used 164 subbasins contentious resource management issues. Therefore, to make for addressing ecological integrity and landscape patterns informed natural resource decisions the need for under- (fig. 3). In addition to describing common attributes, these standing and addressing these issues requires assessments broad-scale assessments can identify unique features that at and across different spatial and temporal scales. may provide development opportunities or be areas of con- At the largest geographic extent or the broadest scale, cern needing special care or protection. For example, the assessments describe resources and conditions at sub-conti- broadscale assessment of the ICRB identified stream reaches nental, continental, and global scales. Global warming, dispersed throughout the Basin that were key salmonid world climate, ocean temperature, or ozone assessments fall strongholds potentially needing protection (Lee and others into this category. Satellite technology, large-scale models, 1997). or even expert knowledge are used to complete these assess- Using midresolution data, subregional assessments are ments. They use coarse resolution data and are used for often conducted covering states or smaller areas (fig. 4). The national and international planning (Hulme and others 1999). Regional assessments are used for national and regional planning and cover millions of acres (table 1). Forest health, catastrophic wildfire, anadromous fisheries, community sta- bility, and timber harvests were only some of the issues addressed by the Interior Columbia River Basin (ICRB) Table 1—Attributes and characteristics typically associated with different kinds of ecological assessments. Attribute Assessment Region Regional (broad), sub-regional (mid), landscape (small) Size (acre) Millions to billions, thousands to millions, tens to thousands Geographic River basin, multiple watersheds, watershed(s) extent Organizational Multiple watersheds, watershed, streams, hierarchy and vegetation patterns Data resolution >250 acres (coarse)
extent of these assessments usually covers multiple water- sheds with landscape elements displayed with resolutions less than 250 acres and socioeconomic elements commonly derived from county data (table 1). The map scales used in these assessments can range from 1:24,000 to 1:100,000. The issues addressed at this scale are similar in nature to those addressed at the broader scale, but they are usually more specific. For example, instead of addressing general questions about plants or animals, mid-scale assessments may address one species such as the northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) or one ecosystem such as the pinyon/ juniper (Pinus edulis/Juniperus osteosperma) woodlands (Graham and others 1999b). At these mid-scales, present and predicted ecosystem conditions are commonly displayed as are more specific descriptions and locations of vegetation, species, communities, and risks. Silviculturists, biologists, and most resource managers and specialists are most comfortable collecting and analyz- ing fine resolution data over watersheds, stands, and other Figure 3—Ecological integrity was rated for watersheds small areas (table 1). These landscape assessments are throughout the interior Columbia Basin. The silviculturist ordinarily conducted at the District and Forest level within has the knowledge experience to be involved in these the Forest Service to plan and implement vegetation, water- kinds of assessment processes. shed, and range projects. Both landscape and socioeconomic assessments at this scale are often conducted using fine resolution data with vegetation sampled using patches less than 50 acres while economic and social information are collected using households as the sample unit. Questions and issues addressed at this scale are usually site specific such as the location of culverts impeding fish passage in a particular stream, or describing fire risk near cabins at a particular lake. For example, the landscape assessment of the Coeur d’Alene Mountains in northern Idaho determined the proportion of stands containing western white pine (Pinus monticola) in watersheds for use in restoration man- agement strategies (fig. 5). Figure 4—Mid-scale assessments use medium resolu- tion data to describe ecosystems and are usually more Figure 5—This map shows the proportion of stands in specific in the issues they address. This map shows watersheds of the Coeur d’Alene Mountains where west- nesting habitat in Utah and the silviculturists of Utah were ern white pine is currently present. The silviculturist should instrumental in developing these nest area ratings. be an active player in these landscape assessments. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-19. 2001 5
Assessment Applicability and invasive species, is very common occurring in all 97 counties. Broad scale assessments can also be used to set priorities. Silviculturist Involvement _________ For example, broad scale assessments might show how wildfire regimes changed, threatening the integrity of vari- The silviculturist can, and should, play a variety of roles ous forest and woodland ecosystems. This information can in assessments. By being involved early and continuously be used to establish prescribed burning programs or wilder- through the assessment process, silviculturists can inte- ness fire plans. grate their knowledge (displayed in fig. 1) into recommenda- It is imperative that a silviculturist be involved at the sub- tions which may become future Forest Plan standards or regional level because they have the knowledge and integra- guides. The consequence of not being involved is that stan- tive skills to be a key player in designing, leading, complet- dards and guides used to direct forest practices coming ing, and using midscale assessments. Most importantly the directly from recommendations developed in assessments silviculturist can make certain the assessment is used prop- will not contain their knowledge. Silviculturists prescribe erly, validate the information presented, and show its value the majority of the treatments applied to a forest and they for making informed decisions. Information available at this need to ascertain that standards and guides affecting treat- scale can be used to define areas at risk from various threats ments are ecologically sound and applicable. Moreover, a and can define management opportunities. For example, silviculturist can help develop assessment recommenda- these kinds of data can indicate where vegetation treat- tions that are not prescriptive (in other words, by defining ments may reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire or where silvicultural systems) but describe desired conditions that the greatest risk for landslides may occur. Additionally meet management objectives. these data can readily be used to plan and implement Involvement in the assessment process allows silvicultur- landscape level treatments by not only providing context for ists to recognize the utility of assessments, which depends activities, but help define and/or locate landscape level on the need, issue, scale, and decisions to be made. In elements such as wildlife travel corridors, late-successional addition, the silviculturist can insure the findings and data forest reserves, goshawk foraging areas, or recreation sites. from assessments are properly applied. In general most Also at this level, integrated information is often presented silviculturists, wildlife biologists, hydrologists, and manag- for which the silviculturist is well qualified to evaluate. ers are most comfortable collecting, analyzing, and using These integrative systems include rating ecological integ- fine resolution data describing stands, stream reaches, or rity, valuing animal habitat, or defining wildfire risk. other small areas. Because of this comfort, there is a ten- Traditionally the silviculturist has always been involved dency to utilize fine resolution data gathered at small scales with fine resolution landscape assessments. Since the early for mid and broad-scale assessments even though fine reso- 1970s, silviculturists have been prime players in Forest lution data may be inappropriate for use at larger scales Service Forest Plans or even smaller Unit Plan assessments. (Graham and others 1999a). When coarse resolution data Additionally, fine resolution data were often used for small from broad assessments are used to describe small areas it areas (Ranger Districts) to develop timber, range, or wildfire is easy to criticize them as wrong, when in reality they are plans. These assessments describe resource amounts, tim- misapplied. Similarly, if the processes, assumptions, and ber volumes, fuel loading, and other site specific resource scope of the assessment are not well understood it is easy to characteristics. Recently (1990s), landscape assessments assume the assessment is not applicable for addressing a have been used to address local resource issues such as certain issue or condition. Douglas-fir beetle (Dendroctonus pseudotsugae) epidemics Silviculture is an integrative discipline thus it is critical or urban interface wildfire hazards. If these assessments that silviculturists should participate in sub-regional and apply procedures and concepts similar to those tested and landscape level assessments (fig. 1). At the broadest scale, used in subregional or regional assessments, their connec- the silviculturist needs to be aware of processes and content tivity, usefulness, and efficiency can be greatly improved. No of the assessment and understand what contributions these other person has more knowledge or understanding of the assessments provide towards planning forest treatments. data and information collected and analyzed at this scale Broad-scale assessments, such as the ICRB provide context than does the silviculturist. It is critical that they be in- for activities at the Region and Forest level while sub- volved in assessing forest and woodland resources at this regional assessments provide context for activities at the scale. Forest and District level. By providing context, assessments In the unlikely event that a completed assessment does disclose the conditions or circumstances that surround the not cover the issues a silviculturist is dealing with, or does situation, proposed treatment, or decision. For example, the not contain the necessary products to make an informed context for a Forest Plan amendment defining northern decision, the procedures, methodology, data, and concepts goshawk habitat might be the amount of habitat throughout described in the assessment may be applied to address these the region and the administrative and native threats to the short-comings. If no assessment product is available that existing habitat. Broad scale assessments can also identify meets the need, the first source of information considered unique areas such as salmonid strong holds or ecosystems in should be data collected for an assessment but not reported peril such as the western white pine and pinyon/juniper on in the desired manner. For example, the ICRB assess- systems (Hann and others 1997; Lee and others 1997; ment produced over 150 data layers of the entire interior Graham and others 1999b). They can also show how common Columbia River Basin at a variety of resolutions. These data a situation may be. For example, in the interior Columbia are available for summarization and analysis (Quigley and River Basin cheat grass (Bromus tectorum), an introduced others 1996). If no data are available for meeting the need, 6 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-19. 2001
the procedures, models, concepts, and techniques used in The northern goshawk in Utah: habitat assessment and manage- assessments are appropriate for developing new informa- ment recommendations. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-22. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Moun- tion. Using techniques similar to those employed in com- tain Research Station. 48 p. pleted assessments will encourage the compatibility and Hann, Wendel J.; Jones, Jeffrey L.; Karl, Michael G. Sherm; usefulness of the new information. It is imperative that the Hessburg, Paul F.; Keane, Robert E.; Long, Donald G.; [and silviculturist be involved with these approaches for develop- others]. 1997. Landscape dynamics of the Basin. In: Quigley, Thomas, M.; Arbelbide, Sylvia J., tech. eds. An assessment of ing new information. ecosystem components in the Interior Columbia Basin and Portions of the Klamath and Great Basins: Volume II. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-405. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Conclusion _____________________ Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station: 338–1055. As we enter the new millennium the personnel of the Hawley, R. C. 1937. The practice of silviculture. New York: John Forest Service are being ask to do more with less. Assess- Wiley and Sons. 252 p. Haynes, Richard W.; Graham, Russell T.; Quigley, Thomas M., tech. ments, planning, consultation, consolidation, implementa- eds. 1996. Framework for ecosystem management in the Interior tion, monitoring, and litigation are only a portion of the Columbia Basin including portions of Klamath and Great Basins. items keeping silviculturists occupied daily. Even though Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-374. Portland, OR: U.S. Department there are more duties required of the silviculturist then of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Sta- there is time, being involved in assessments and under- tion. 66 p. Hulme, M; Barrow, E. M.; Arnell, N. W.; Harrison, P. A.; Johns, T. standing their consequences, procedures, data, and infor- C.; Downing, T. E. 1999. Relative impacts of human-induced mation is critical. As the issues facing natural resource climate change and natural climate variability. Nature. 397: management become more complex, more contentious, and 688–691. more political, assessments and their completion and use Hutchison, S. B.; Winters, R. K. 1942. Northern Idaho forest re- sources and industries. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of will become an integral part of management. Therefore, Agriculture. 75 p. because silviculture is the center of forest and woodland Lee, Danny C.; Sedell, James R.; Rieman, Bruce E.; Thurow, Russell management, the silviculturist needs to be creative, persis- F.; Williams, Jack E. 1997. Broad-scale assessment of aquatic tent, and innovative to ensure that they find the time and species and habitats. In: Quigley, Thomas M.; Arbelbide, Sylvia resources to be involved with assessments over various L., tech. eds. An assessment of ecosystem components in the Interior Columbia Basin and portions of the Klamath and Great temporal and spatial scales. Basins, Vol III. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-405. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific North- west Research Station: 1057–1496. References _____________________ Nyland, R. D. 1996. Silviculture: concepts and applications. New York: McGraw-Hill. 633 p. Forest ecosystem management assessment team (FEMAT). 1993. Quigley, Thomas M.; Haynes, Richard W.; Graham, Russell T. 1996. Forest ecosystem management:an ecological, economic, and so- Integrated scientific assessment for ecosystem management in cial assessment. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. the Interior Columbia Basin. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-382. Department of Agriculture, [and others]. [Irregular pagination]. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Graham, Russell T.; Jain, Theresa B.; Haynes, Richard A.; Sanders, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 303 p. James; Cleaves, Dave. 1999a. Assessments for ecological stew- Schlich, W. 1896. Manual of forestry, Vol. I. Introduction to forestry. ardship. In: Sexton, W. T.; Malk, A. J.; Szaro, R. C.; Johnson, N. London: Bradbury, Agnew and Co. 294 p. C., eds. Ecological stewardship: a common reference for ecosys- Smith, D. M.; Larson, B. C.; Kelty, M. J.; Ashton, P. M. S. 1997. The tem management, Volume III. Kidlington, Oxford, UK: Elsevier practice of silviculture: applied forest ecology. New York: John Science Ltd.: 535–549. Wiley and Sons, Inc. 537 p. Graham, Russell T.; Rodriguez, Ronald L.; Paulin, Kathleen L.; Toumey, J. W. 1928. Foundations of silviculture upon an ecological Player, Rodney L.; Heap, Arlene P.; Williams, Richard. 1999b. basis. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 438 p. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-19. 2001 7
Disturbance Ecology in the Northern Rockies: One Perspective Al Harvey Penny Morgan Abstract—Since early 1900s forestry, ecology and related profes- (Allen and Breshears 1998). However, perhaps the greatest sions have been aware that external disturbances had important potential for bringing about change in current forests, mostly effects on the development of vegetation. However, the integral part destabilizing change, will be the backlash from lack of they play in ecosystem development and sustainability across time physical disturbances during their development (Baker 1992). and space was largely underappreciated. Failure to provide appro- Thus we have the current dominance of late seral and climax priate disturbances can place stable and productive species and species, with related health problems, in forests throughout ecosystems at great risk. Seral western white pine and ponderosa the region (Atkins and others 1999; Harvey and others 1992; pine are prime examples. Solutions to several critical problems are Monnig and Byler 1992). In effect, lack of physical distur- available and must be more widely implemented, with the support bance may produce greater and longer lasting biological of all parties…soon. It is already too late to prevent significant change than the most spectacular of physical disturbances. losses. Implications of Changing Disturbance Regimes ____________ Disturbances Typical of the Inland Northwest _____________________ Landscape-level changes in disturbance regimes have ramifications not only from the standpoint of creating cur- Although fire has been the dominant physical force affect- rent forest conditions (Hann and others 1997; Quigley and ing the evolution and development of most interior western others 1996; Lemkuhl and others 1994), but also in changing forests (Arno 1980), many other forces are also active and the history of their development. Since the biotic history of may be even more important locally, depending on windows forests in the region is relatively short (a few thousand of opportunity. For example, given proper stand develop- years) we should expect that vegetative communities are not mental history, localized drought, snow, ice, winds, tip- well enough developed to be stable in the face of substantial overs, etc., can all incite major changes, including responses change (Whitlock 1992). Thus, we can expect them to be from native insects and pathogens. The current problem reactive. The lack of, or change in, historical disturbance with the Douglas-fir beetle (Dendroctonus pseudotsugae regimes has radically altered regional forests, leading to Hopk.) is a good case in point (Carree 1998). Frequent broadscale conversion of dominant vegetation, primarily importations of exotic vegetation, insects or pathogens prob- favoring climax species (Quigley and others 1996) but with- ably were not rare to the region in the past but are obviously out normal successional processes. So, not only are regional even less so in the face of increasing human activities. White forests outside their historic norms (historic range of vari- pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola J. C. Fisch.) is a ability [Morgan and others 1994]), they got there without the classic example of an import causing far-reaching changes “normal” successional processes that provide specific types (Harvey and others 1994; Monnig and Byler 1992). Chang- of preceding vegetative and possibly soil developmental ing climate is not unique to this region (Mehringer 1985), histories. Therefore, current vegetation can be viewed as but is likely to become more important to future forest largely “off-site,” both spatially and temporally, above- and management (Franklin and others 1991). Two examples belowground (Harvey and others 1999). That condition is are: (1) the relatively recent (2,000–2,500 year) appearance likely to have undesirable impacts on the future stability, of western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn.) and western productivity and sustainability of these forests. hemlock (Tsuga heterophlla [Raf.] Sarg.) that accompanied an increase in temperature and moisture in the region (Mehringer 1985; Whitlock 1992), and (2) locally moving Current Conditions and Their ecotones in pinyon-juniper (Pinus edulis Engelm. Juniperus Connection to Disturbances ______ monosperma [Engelm.] Sarg.) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) woodlands as a result of localized drought Interior forests show large-scale changes in species com- positions and accompanying above- and belowground struc- tures and nutrient distributions. For the most part, changes In: Barras, Stan J., ed. 2001. Proceedings: National Silvicultural Workshop; 1999 October 5-7; Kalispell, MT. Proc. RMRS-P-00. Ogden, UT: U.S. Depart- are characterized by a general shift from open ponderosa ment of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. pine to closed pine and/or Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga men- Al Harvey is Supervisory Plant Pathologist (Retired), USDA Forest Ser- ziesii [Mirb.] Franco) stands in dry ecosystems (Covington vice, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Forestry Sciences Lab., 1221 S. Main St., Moscow, ID. Penny Morgan is Professor of Forestry, College of Forestry, and others 1994; Gast and others 1991). In moist forests, the Wildlife and Range Sciences, University of Moscow, ID. change has been from tall, moderately closed pine/larch 8 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-19. 2001
(Pinus monticola Dougl. ex. D. Don/Larix occidentalis Nutt.) adaptability and tolerance for endemic insects and patho- to relatively short closed grand fir/hemlock/cedar (Abies gens (seral species) to one of narrow adaptive capacities grandis [Dougl. ex. D. Don.]) stands (Byler and others 1994; likely predisposed to stress (climax species), may make Harvey and others 1994; Moeur 1992; Monnig and Byler these forests highly susceptible to destabilization (Harvey 1992). The lack of fire in dry ecosystems (Covington and and others 1999). In historic forests dominated by seral others 1994) and the importation of white pine blister rust species, insects and pathogens probably served as stabiliz- into moist ecosystems (Monnig and Byler 1992) essentially ing agents, removing maladapted late seral and climax changed the workings of two of the most productive, stable species relatively early in stand development, preserving and forgiving (in terms of both management and natural only the best of the latter and generally encouraging domi- disturbances) ecosystems in north America. As a result, nance of the long-lived serals (Harvey and others 1999; these ecosystems have changed to ones dominated by species Lehmkuhl and others 1994). Such a radical change of en- not capable of doing so under historic conditions. The lack of demic processes in dominant ecosystems is likely to have far physical disturbances has now opened the door to major reaching (largely undesirable) effects on the productivity, biological disturbances! Further, blister rust now also threat- stability and management (or lack thereof) of regional for- ens many populations of high altitude and southwestern five ests (Atkins and others 1999; Harvey and others 1994, 1999; needle pines (Keane and Arno 1993; Hawksworth 1990) Monnig and Byler 1992). Where Are We Headed? __________ A Window to the Future __________ With the possible exception of stands dominated by west- Since we are continuing to lose ground with seral species, ern red cedar on especially moist sites and ponderosa pine on especially with western white pine and ponderosa pine, it is dry ones, productivity, value, and stability of seral species evident that current approaches have not been and will not dominated ecosystems exceeded that of most other species likely be sufficient to restore those ecosystems. This loss has combinations throughout the heart of the interior west. As become abundantly clear as a result of widespread fire and a result of frequent actions from a variety of insects and overcrowding in dry forests and from the salvage logging of pathogens, and related fuel accumulations, dominance by infected western white pine. Large trees infected in the climax species will likely lead to significant losses in both 1940s and 1950s gradually succumbed to a combination of productivity and longevity (Harvey and others 1999). the rust and western pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae The shallow rooted, low and dense crowns of climax Hopkins) during the last 20 years. The largest tree on “white species (Minore 1979) will lead to more strongly horizonated pine drive” in northern Idaho was removed as a hazard to the soils with larger accumulations of litter on the surface than public in 1998. In 1975, that area was still deserving of the characteristic of forests dominated by seral species (Harvey name. Today there is hardly a white pine to be seen there and others 1999). This can lead to rapid immobilization of and, when was the last time you visited a classic ponderosa nutrients, especially nitrogen, in surface horizons. Located pine-dominated forest stand in a Douglas-fir habitat type? at the surface, nutrients are subject to the losses associated Without aggressive intervention, sufficient to change cur- with any severe disturbance, especially fire. In the absence rent trends, the outlook for many native ecosystems, par- of disturbance, nutrient tieup can lead to vegetative stagna- ticularly those featuring ponderosa pine and western white tion, in moist, cool forests, perhaps within a single genera- pine as the primary serals are obviously not good. Although tion (Bormann 1995; Kimmens 1994). some current efforts have had success and workable solu- The potential, and perhaps likely ultimate outcome of tions for most problems inherent to both dry and moist effectively eliminating appropriate disturbances will be for- forests are available (Covington and others 1994; Oliver and ests dominated by species with high nutrient demands, others 1994a,b; Mutch and others 1993; McDonald and Hoff where nutrient storage may be increased but cycling rates 1991), they have not been applied broadly enough to sub- increasingly depressed. This will lead to a cycle of increasing stantially alter present trends. A continuing lack of appro- stress, with associated endemic insect and pathogen activi- priate disturbance is probably the greatest single threat, ties creating a domino effect that destabilizes ecosystems with the possible exception of more exotic pests, to future (excessive mortality and more frequent fire). Thus, this sustainability and productivity of interior western forests. leads to inappropriate sensitivity to and long-term damage from the same disturbances that once created a highly productive and stable forest ecosystem that was well adapted References _____________________ to intrinsic disturbances, including historical fire cycles and Allen, C. D.; Breshears, D. D. 1998. Drought-induced shift of a the activities of native insects and pathogens. forest-woodland ecotone: rapid landscape response to a climate As seral species increasingly lose their ability to attain at variation. Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Science. 25: least a codominant position, they will lose their ability to 14839–14842. produce seed. And, without disturbance-related openings, Arno, S. F. 1980. Forest fire history in the Northern Rockies. Journal of Forestry. 78: 460–465. any of the shade intolerant seedlings that are produced will Atkins, D.; Byler, J.; Livingston, L.; Rogers, P.; Bennett. D. 1999. quickly lose out to competition from large numbers (4–6,000 Health of Idaho’s forests: summary of conditions, issues, and ha (10–40,000 acre)) of shade-tolerants (Graham 1990). implications. Forest Health Protection Rep. 99-4. U.S. Depart- Perhaps most important in this species conversion process ment of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Region. Baker, W. L. 1992. Effects of settlement and fire suppression on is a potential change in genetic strategy of the dominant landscape structure. Ecology. 73: 1879–1887. conifers (Rehfeldt 1994). This change, from one of wide USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-19. 2001 9
Birdsey, R. A. 1992. Carbon storage and accumulation in United Mehringer, P. J. 1985. Late-quaternary pollen records from the States forest ecosystems. Gen. Tech. Rep. WO-GTR-59. Washing- interior Pacific Northwest and northern Great Basin of the ton, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 51 p. United States. In: Bryant V. M.; Holloway, R. G., eds. Pollen Bormann, B. T.; Spaltenstein, H.; McClellan, M. H.; Ugolini, F. C.; records of late quaternary North American sediments. Dallas, Cromack, K. Jr.; Nay, S. M. 1995. Rapid soil development after TX: American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists: windthrow disturbance in pristine forests. Journal of Ecology. 83: 167–189. 747–757. Minore, D. 1979. Comparative autecological characteristics of north- Carree, Y. 1998. Douglas-fir beetle alert. University of Idaho, western tree species—a literature review. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW- Cooperative Extension. Woodland Notes. 10(2): 1998–1999. GTR-87. 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Forest health and ecological integrity Mountains forest health report—new perspectives in forest health. in the Northern Rockies. Forest Pest Management Rep. 92-7. Special Report. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Missoula, MT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region. Northern Region. Graham, R. T. 1990. Silvics of western white pine. In: Burns, R., ed. Morgan, P.; Aplet, G. H.; Haufler, J. B.; [and others]. 1994. Histori- Silvics of forest trees of the United States. Agric. Handb. 654. cal range of variability: a useful tool for evaluating ecosystem Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Ser- change. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 2: 87–111. vice: 385–394. Mutch, R. W.; Arno, S. F.; Brown, J. K.; [and others]. 1993. Forest Hann, W. J.; Jones, J. L.; Karl, M. G.; Hessburg, P. F.; Keane, R. E.; health in the Blue Mountains: a management strategy for fire- [and others]. 1997. 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Overview of Developing Desired Conditions: Short-Term Actions, Long-Term Objectives J. D. Chew K. O’Hara J.G. Jones Abstract—A number of modeling tools are required to go from In addition to considering treatment alternatives for indi- short-term treatments to long-term objectives expressed as desired vidual stands, we need to consider strategies for applying future conditions. Three models are used in an example that starts the treatments at landscape scales. Given the number of with determining desired stand level structure and ends with the acres involved and limited budgets, it is clear that treat- implementation of treatments over time at a landscape scale. The ments cannot be accomplished in all areas in which they are Multi-Aged Stocking Assessment Model (MASAM) is used for as- needed. Are some strategies more effective than others? Is it sessing sustainable stand structures. Simulating Vegetative Pat- more cost-efficient to first treat the plant communities terns and Processes at Landscape Scales (SIMPPLLE) is initially where it takes the least intervention to achieve desired applied to assess risks from disturbance processes on the current future conditions, or to treat those that need more treat- landscape without management treatments, but with fire suppres- ments and costs may be higher? Is it better to treat stands sion. The frequencies of process occurrence from these simulation whose degree of departure from the desired future condition results are input into the Multi-resource Analysis and Geographic results in a high probability for a disturbance process versus Information System (MAGIS), an optimization modeling system, one that has a low priority for a disturbance event regardless for scheduling activities that reduce these risks and address other of how far it is from the desired future conditions? management objectives while trying to attain desired future condi- Models and decision support systems can provide infor- tions. The derived treatment schedules are used in additional mation and analyses to aid managers in addressing these SIMPPLLE simulations to examine the change in risk of natural questions (Mowrer 1997). Our objective of this paper is to processes. The resulting economic impacts associated with trying to give an overview of a set of models/tools that can help in achieve the long-term desired future conditions are finally quanti- designing and applying treatments to achieve desired future fied by putting not only the final treatment schedule, but also the conditions. changes from disturbance processes from the final set of SIMPPLLE Our overview uses one stand level model and two land- runs into MAGIS. scape models, one for simulation and one for optimization. The stand level model is “Multi-Aged Stocking Assessment Model” (MASAM) for Western Montana ponderosa pine (Pinus Ponderosa Laws.) (O’Hara 1996). The landscape Introduction ____________________ simulation model is “Simulating Vegetative Patterns and Processes at Landscape Scales” (SIMPPLLE) (Chew 1995 Desired future conditions have been quantified for some 1997). The optimization model is the “Multi-resource Analy- time at the individual stand level. From the beginning of the sis and Geographic Information System” (MAGIS) (Zuuring requirement for silvicultural prescriptions we have devel- and others 1995). oped means to quantify desired future conditions, to commu- nicate them to others, and to identify what treatments are necessary to achieve and maintain them. These have always Model Descriptions ______________ been tailored to management objectives. As our manage- ment objectives have changed so have our desired future The stand level model, MASAM, is used to help quantify conditions. As our objectives have changed to a focus of and evaluate a variety of multiaged ponderosa pine struc- restoring ecosystem health and functioning, we have changed tures. MASAM was developed from a study of data from to scales above the individual stand. We have expanded our western Montana and central Oregon to quantify the dy- definition of desired future conditions to include the level of namics of multiaged stands and to assess stand growth disturbance processes that are acceptable and necessary to stocking relationships. The methodology differed from pre- achieve them. Our techniques and tools for describing and vious whole-stand approaches in several respects: it defined defining desired future conditions have improved to enable the total available three-dimensional growing space with us to move from the stand level to the landscape level. leaf area index (LAI); it incorporates age structure by divid- ing stands into cohorts and determining appropriate grow- ing space requirements for each cohort rather than for the entire stand; and it provides flexibility to assess a wide In: Barras, Stan J., ed. 2001. Proceedings: National Silvicultural Workshop; variety of stocking alternatives. 1999 October 5-7; Kalispell, MT. Proc. RMRS-P-00. Ogden, UT: U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. MASAM is a spreadsheet model that requires the user to J. D. Chew is a Forester and J. G. Jones is a Research Forester, Rocky specify a number of variables, which describe the desired Mountain Research Station, P.O. Box 8089, Missoula, MT 59807. K. O’Hara future structure condition. These variables include: number is a professor, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-19. 2001 11
of cohorts, or age classes, total leaf area index (LAI), number Bitterroot River upward to the Bitterroot Range divide in of trees per cohort, and percent of LAI per cohort. The values the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. Species composition assigned are a function of management objectives and forest ranges from ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga men- health considerations. MASAM helps a user to determine if ziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco), and western larch (Larix a desired structure is sustainable for a given annual growth occidentalis Nutt.) mixtures at the lower elevations, to rate for a particular site, cutting cycle length or ownership lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Doug.), whitebark pine (Pi- objective. If the cutting cycle is too short to regrow the nus albicaulis Engelm.) and alpine larch (Larix lyallii Parl.) harvested volume, the system is not sustainable. If sufficient at the upper elevations. For this application example we growing space is not created during the reproduction method have selected the drier, warmer habitat types in the Dou- treatments, then replacement cohorts will not regenerate glas-fir series (Pfister and others 1977) to focus on. These are and the desired structure is not sustained. habitat types in which ponderosa pine is a major seral The simulation model SIMPPLLE is a stochastic model species, but Douglas-fir is the climax species. The current that predicts changes in vegetation over time and space by composition of the species in this area has only 1 percent in using a vegetative state/pathway approach. A vegetative pure ponderosa. A mixture of ponderosa pine with Douglas- state is defined by dominant tree species, size class/struc- fir comprises 44 percent of the stands. Thirty six percent of ture, and density. These states are grouped by an ecological the area is nonstocked and the remainder is in mixtures of stratification of habitat type groups (Pfister and others larch, Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine. Within these acres 29 1977). The change between vegetative states is a function of percent of the area is in pole size classes. Thirty six percent natural disturbance processes, including insects, disease, are nonstocked. Multistory conditions exist on 17 percent of and fire, and management treatments. The probability of a the area that correspond with the mixture of ponderosa pine natural process occurring in a given plant community is and Douglas-fir species composition. None of the multistory determined by attributes of the state it is in, its past structure is pure ponderosa pine. processes and management activities, the vegetative pat- tern as identified by its neighboring communities and their past processes. The probabilities determined for each plant Step 1 community in a landscape are used in a classical monte carlo The first step in the applications of these tools is the method (McMillan and Gonzales 1965) to simulate the identification of what structure is not only desired but also location and timing of process occurrence. Once a process sustainable at the stand level. Our concept of desired condi- occurs for a plant community, logic is used to model its tions for these habitat types that are ecologically sustain- spread to neighboring plant communities. able are multiaged ponderosa pine stands. Arno and others SIMPPLLE helps in understanding landscape interaction (1996a,b) reported presettlement ponderosa pine stands in between disturbance processes, plant community condi- western Montana consisted of low densities in intermediate tions, and patterns of communities. The system helps us to and large size classes, with very little representation in size predict probable scenarios of the location and probability of classes below about 4 inches. This age structure was the insect, disease, and fire processes on the landscape. Treat- result of localized disturbance/regeneration events that al- ments can be scheduled to change existing conditions and lowed small even-aged groups of trees to become estab- the pattern of conditions thus having an impact on the lished, and frequent low severity, low intensity surface fires probability, the origin, and the spread of processes. This that periodically killed or reduced the density of the lower information can be used to help identify if the desired future canopy while leaving the upper canopy relatively unharmed conditions for a large number of stands are sustainable. (O’Hara 1996). A MASAM display for a four cohort structure The optimization model MAGIS is a spatial decision sup- designed for the moderately warm and dry habitat types port system for planning land management and transporta- within the planning area is shown in figure 1. There are tion-related activities on a geographic and temporal basis in currently no areas within the habitat types that meet these the presence of multiple and sometimes conflicting objec- desired future conditions. tives (Zuuring and others 1995). An objective to maximize or minimize and other objectives as constraints that must be achieved are specified, and the system selects the location Step 2 and timing of activities that best meets these specifications and calculates the effects. The objective and constraints are SIMPPLLE helps to provide the basis at the landscape selected from the management relationships within MAGIS, scale for understanding the difference between current which tabulate output quantities, acres with specified char- vegetative conditions and the desired future condition. acteristics, miles with specified characteristics, costs, and SIMPPLLE was used to model the disturbance processes of net revenues. Management relationships can be calculated light and severe western spruce budworm (Choristoneura for an entire planning area, or specific portions such as occidentalis Freeman), mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus individual watersheds. ponderosae Hopkins) in both lodgepole pine and ponderosa pine, root disease (Armillaria sp.), and three intensities of wildfire: light-severity fire, mixed-severity fire, and stand- Example Application _____________ replacing fire. Two sets of 20 stochastic simulations of 5 decades were made starting with the current vegetative The area used for this example is a 58,038-acre planning conditions. One set was made with the only management unit, Stevensville West Central, in the Bitterroot National activity being fire suppression, the second set without fire Forest in Western Montana. The area extends from the 12 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-19. 2001
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