Principal's Message - NET

Page created by Erica Simon
Principal's Message - NET
John M. King School, 525 Agnes Street, R3G 1N7                   (204) 775-4404

                                                                                    June 2021
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents/Guardians,

It is hard to believe that we are almost at the end of a very interesting year with many twists and
turns. I would like to commend out staff on implementing and following all of the protocols which
have helped to keep our students and staff safe. I would like to also thank the students and
parents for supporting and following these protocols even when at times it was
very difficult.
As I write this newsletter, the Provincial government has extended the remote
learning period until June 7th. We are hopeful that our students will return to
school this year even for a short period of time. We miss you very much. We
want to thank our families for the support they are providing their children for
getting on line and participating in the live lessons as well as in the independent
work they are being assigned. Although these are not ideal situations for learning we are seeing
the children working hard and making the best of this time.
                         June is National Indigenous History Month where we celebrate the
                         strength and resilience of the First Nations, Inuit and Metis Peoples. Now,
                         more than ever, we need to listen and learn as part of reconciliation.
In case we are back in school in June, we would like to remind parents/guardians that our play
structure has a wood fibre surface and due to the risk of slivers, for your children’s safety, during
the school day we do not allow children on the play structure unless they have solid shoes on.
                     We will be having our Grade 6 Farewell and this will take place on Friday,
                     June 25th with all public health protocols in place. We will be sending out
                     details closer to this date as we need to wait to see what measures will be in
                     place. Please ensure you have registered your children in their new school
                     for Grade 7 before the end of the school year.
We would like to let you know that Ms Proven will not be with us next year as she is taking a leave.
We wish her the very best.
                 The school year is coming to an end and we would like to remind you that report
                 cards will be sent home on Monday June 28th.
                  On the last day of school, June 30th, students are all dismissed
                 at 11:30 am.

This is our last newsletter of the year and we would like to wish all the
families of John M. King School a safe and happy summer holiday.

Lucy Schnaider       Fernando Batista
Principal            Vice Principal
Principal's Message - NET
The Learning Lens: Room 204 Ms. Kowalksi
 An In-Depth Look into Classroom Learning
                          With the many changes to our school routine this year, the students in
                          room 204 have spent more of the learning day outside than ever
                          before. In addition to having physical education outdoors daily, we
                          have been creating our very own adventures in the school yard and in
                          the community. First, we needed a few special supplies to help us
                          continue learning in an outdoor environment. Each student received
                          an outdoor exploration kit that included magnifying glasses, bug
                          catching tools, sketchbooks, notepads, sidewalk chalk, and outdoor
                          Our outdoor exploring was cut short with the change to remote
                          learning. Luckily, we had the opportunity to spend some time enjoying
                                         the warmer weather in the playground, and going on a
                                         few community walks before schools closed. After
                                         learning about some famous structures around the
                                         world earlier this year, we brainstormed a list of
                                         structures in our own city! As we walked through the
                                         community, we looked for structures and sounds that
                                         make our city special. Once we completed our outdoor
                                         sound hunt, we walked quietly through the school
                                         hallways listening for indoor sounds!

What sounds can you hear as
you walk through your home or
the community?
Principal's Message - NET
The Learning Lens: Room 205 Ms Hoffman
               An In-Depth Look into Classroom Learning
To wrap up our exploration of Canadian identity,                                          Bridge Design
Room 205 returned home to Winnipeg to learn more
about our own fascinating city! We began to explore
Winnipeg through the eyes of architects and
engineers, learning about the many spectacular
structures that make Winnipeg special!


We recorded our learning about the “Wonders
of Winnipeg” in many different ways,
including sketch notes, postcards, speech bubbles, concrete poetry, and water colour painting! We even
created our own blueprints of our dream houses and dream schools while learning about perimeter and
area! We found out that design plans are so very important!

                                                              So far the remote learning time has not
                                                              slowed down our creativity, as we have
                                                              been busy exploring 3D shapes, writing
                                                              persuasive letters to the mayor, and
                                                              spreading positivity postcards! Room
                                                              205 would like to wish you all a safe
                                                              and healthy summer break!
Principal's Message - NET
Dear JMK Families,
     I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. My name is Jed Dodd and I am
the new Physical Education teacher for rooms 102, 103, 104 and 105. Ms. Etkin is still in the build-
ing and has been very helpful with the transition. I have extensive experience coaching in several
sports and have taught children of all ages. I am especially interested in soccer, yoga, cycling and
running. Over the past month I have enjoyed getting to know your child(ren) through a variety of
activities outdoors. Since the switch to remote learning your child(ren) have had the chance to get
active through short workout videos posted to their online classrooms. As remote learning contin-
ues and throughout the summer months I encourage you and your child(ren) to take some time
every day to be active. Go for a walk, a bike ride or play game that requires movement. When we
do return to school our physical education classes will remain outdoors daily, weather dependent.
Please make sure your child(ren) is(are) prepared for the weather. If it is hot please send your
child(ren) with a hat and a bottle of water. We are looking forward to all of the exciting games and
activities we get to participate when everyone is back at school.

                                Be Kind and Stay Active Everyone
                                Mr. Dodd & Mr. Warkentin

Just before we went into remote learning, the grade 3-6 students just finished a badminton unit!
We miss these active students and their smiles.
Principal's Message - NET
Throughout May, John M. King students have been continuing to work hard and
have fun in the arts, both within the school and through remote learning. Our
Grade 1-4 students have spent May learning about soundscapes,
how to actively listen to the unique sounds around us, and how you
can create your own soundscapes using creative expression. This
week they are tasked with learning about a habitat of their
choice and the sounds they might be able to observe, namely
                       through National Geographic Kids.
                       The highlight for the Grade 1-4 students was being able to
                       hear all the creative sounds they made to put together a
                       thunderstorm soundscapes, which they were tasked with
                       producing last week during remote learning.

In May, Grade 5-6 students continued to learn about how art can be used to
express one’s personal identity (and at times political viewpoints). In the past
month, students have investigated topics related to street art, superhero
movies, video games, and choir music, with each focusing on the context behind
that art and their artists. The highlight for the Grade 5-6 students during May
was reading all the insightful responses submitted (so far) about different ways
of making video games more inclusive of everyone.
Principal's Message - NET
Read Every Day!
                     Summer Reading Tips:
* Choose a ‘just right’ book that interests you.
* Find a comfy spot and read for about 20 minutes every day.
* Talk about your reading with others—with your friends, family, or at
  the library.
* Mix it up! Read different types of texts (e.g., magazines, newspapers,
  websites, informational books, e-books, novels, recipes, directions, etc.).
* Be reading ready! Pack a book in your back-pack, sports bag, or in the
* Have a Book-Swap Party with friends or neighbours. Trade your books
  to get new books to read.
* Write about your summer adventures in a journal.

                  May T.L.C Award Winners!

     Amber             Kingsley          Declan         Matthew
     Jamal              Brooke            Skylar         Jadyn

         Take Care, Learn together, Come prepared!
Principal's Message - NET
There are still a few spots left: Call the school at 204-775-4404
if you are interested in your child(ren) participating.

        When:           Monday, July 5 to Friday, August 6, 2021
        Where:          John M. King School, 525 Agnes St
                        (204) 775-4404
        Days:           Monday to Friday for 5 weeks!
        Time:           9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

        Please return all forms to your school no later than June 4, 2021
Principal's Message - NET
JMK June 2021
         Mon                  Tue                   Wed                Thu                   Fri
May 31          Day 6    1      Day 1       2            Day 2    3          Day 3   4          Day 4

                  Remote Learning continues as per Manitoba Public Health

7                Day 5 8            Day 6 9                Day 1 10          Day 2   11            Day 3

14               Day 4   15         Day 5   16             Day 6 17          Day 1   18            Day 2

                                              Room 203
                                            Wise Workshop

21              Day 3    22         Day 4 23              Day 5   24         Day 6   25            Day 1

National Indigenous                                                                       Grade 6
Peoples Day!                                                                              Farewell!

28              Day 2    29     Day 3       30            Day 4

                                                 Last Day of                         First Day of Classes
                                                                                          for fall 2021
                                                    School                              September 8th.
                                                dismissal for
                                                all at 11:30am
Principal's Message - NET Principal's Message - NET
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