President's Message - Bowls Dunedin

President's Message - Bowls Dunedin
President’s Message
Welcome to the new season. I
wish you a happy and enjoyable
year and hope you achieve
all that you aim to get out of
the season, be it winning club
champs, centre titles or just
having a great time with your
friends and fellow bowlers.
With COVID 19 abruptly ending our last season, lets hope
we have seen the last of that and be able to concentrate on
an uninterrupted bowling programme for the next year.
Thank you to all the behind the scene volunteers, officials,
umpires, markers and everyone else that make the season
possible. I encourage you to help and urge new and old
bowlers to get to the greens, they are fundamental to the
success of bowls in NZ.
Finally, I would like to thank our many sponsors that
help make it possible to run our bowls tournaments and
contribute in other ways to the continued success of the
Clubs in the centre.
I wish you all a great 2020/2021 season. Good Bowling
David Natta
President Bowls, Dunedin Inc

Front Cover - Canterbury Quadrangular Winners
Players from left to right: Malia Tavite, Helen Carman, Jacqui Peterson,
Ruth Williams, Shona Mann, Barbara Archer, Vicki Robinson, Jan Hall,
Lyn Rance, Beth Brown, Janet Swallow, Faye Cosgrove.
Photo by Faye Cosgrove.

President's Message - Bowls Dunedin
Bowls Dunedin Inc.                                     Life Members
OFFICE         38 Tahuna Road, Tainui                  Dorothy Burnard (Green Island)
		             PO Box 11037, Musselburgh,              Marcella Foster (St Clair)
		Dunedin 9049                                         Geoff Hanna (Mornington)
Phone          455-9579 / 027-2110228                  Margaret Malcolm ONZM (Port Chalmers)
Email                      Ken Stott (Roslyn)
Website           Jan Tucker QSM (Balmacewen)
Centre Manager Darryl Young
                                                       Results Recorder
Bowls Dunedin Board                                    Allan Varcoe, 48F Ravelston Street, St Kilda,
Patron:		       Margaret Malcolm ONZM                  Dunedin 9012 Ph: 455-1789 Cell: 027-8121847
President:      David Natta 021-719451– (Chair)        Email:
Vice President: Grant Simpson    027-2405373
Board:		        Andy McLean 474-9201/ 027-8844800
		              Dorothy Mowat 021-2230746
                                                       Weather Controller
		Chris Morland                  021-735521            All cancellation contacts for Green keepers
		              Geoff Purdon     021-2700923           Women’s and Men’s
		              Ruth Williams    027-5664527		         Robert Gibson 027-4611772

Operations Committee                                               CANCELLATIONS
Convenor:       Robert Gibson 027-4611772                         RADIO DUNEDIN 1305AM
Committee:      Geoff Simons 477-6550 / 022-5051525             Cancellation Line: Ph 471 7555
		              Darryl Young 455-9579 / 027-2110228          Dunedin Cancellations on Facebook
                                                                           The Hits
Selectors                                                        Cancellations on Facebook
Robert Gibson   027-4611772 (Senior Men Manager)                 Also notified by text and on
Lyn Rance       021-0549295                              Kevin Cosgrove Ph: 453-6676 or 0274-536028
		              (Senior Coach - Women & Development)               to be added to the list,
Wally Shaw      021-1020347 (Development Men)                               and on
                                                                        Home page of
Janet Swallow   489-4478 / 027-4894478
		              (Senior & Development Manager)          

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President's Message - Bowls Dunedin
Judicial Committee                                                    Bowls Dunedin Coaching Association
Cyril Gilfedder, John Hunter                                          President:     Bruce Robertson 488-2241
Diana Hudson (LLB), David Polson (BA, LLB)                            Convenor:      Anne Craik 488-0507

Umpires Association
President:          Ron Walker 489-5707 / 027-4303090                 Registered Coaches 2020
Secretary:          Tim Pettengell 926-7488 / 027-2318804             Fairfield    Anne Craik         488-0507
                                                                      		Noreen Paul                   477-2829
Bowls in Secondary Schools                                            		           Jacqui Peterson JP 481-1753
Convenor:           Anne Craik 488-0507                               		Bruce Robertson 488-2241
                                                                      		Doug Thomas                   021-2043459
Bowls New Zealand Club                                                		Robbie Thomson 455-6423
Communications Manager:                                               Forbury Park Duane White        021-1440440
Martin Mackenzie 021-966016         E:
                                                                      Green Island Jan Hall		         473-8089
Bowls New Zealand Contacts:                                           		Marilyn Irvine                027-424596
Chris Lander     021-1095965 E:           N.E.V.		     Evan Roberts       467-5222
Martin Mackenzie 021-966016 E:           		Terry Scott                   477-5589
Steve Beel       021-966017 E:            St Clair		   Kevin McCreanor 456-1931
                                                                      St Kilda		   Walter Shaw        021-1020347
Kittyhawk Bowls Dunedin                                               Taieri		     Beth Brown         476-3542
Patron:		           Ken Walker        489-6256                        		John Cross                    481-1272
President:          Geoff Hanna       453-4565
                                                                      Wakari		     John Moana         027-7779680
Secretary:          Anne Craik        488-0507
                                                                      Balmacewen   Bruce Dumper (Trainee) 021-08666657
Treasurer:          Gerard Simmons 453-4259
Club Captain:       John Milnes       488-3952
Committee:          Michael Ayers, John Cross, Ron MacIntosh          Foundation Coaches 2020
                                                                      Balmacewen Jules Norris   466-7879
New Zealand Disabled Lawn Bowls                                       Mosgiel		  Bruce Carter   489-3807
(NZDLBA)                                                              		Yvonne Cassidy 489-6842
Do you have a physical disability and play bowls (or want to play)?   		Steven Gill             489-2505
We would like you to join our New Zealand Disabled Bowls              		Graeme Hawkins 489-2379
organisation.                                                         Leith		    Fred Smith     929-1987
For further details please contact:                                   Outram		   Cindi Ewart    489-0419
President: Peter Horne M: 027-4170691 / 04-976-7494                   		Marion Hambleton 486-2232
Secretary: Pam Walker E:                    St Kilda		 Mark Henderson 021-815028
		                     M: 021-0672488
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President's Message - Bowls Dunedin
Bowls Dunedin
Greenkeepers Association                                                                                          DYNASTY SPORTSWEAR
President: 		          Robert Gibson                                                                                          BOWLS APPAREL RANGE
			                    Taieri Bowling Club                                                                                              OFFICIAL APPAREL
                                                                                                                                    PARTNER TO NZ BOWLS
			489-7677/ 027-4611772                                                                                                                     ALSO OFFICIAL
                                                                                                                                       APPAREL PARTNER TO

Secretary/Treasurer:   Bryan Williamson                                                                                                 BOWLS WELLINGTON

			Wakari Bowling Club                                                                              TEAM CAPS                              BOWLS AUCKLAND

			476-3292 / 027-8267860                                                                               POA                                  BOWLS DUNEDIN

Machinery Supervisors: Duncan McConnell 476-4095                                                                                                 Team Logo

			Murray Lester 454-5065
			Rob Gibson 489-7677
Greens Committee:      Duncan McConnell                                                                                                                       POLO
			Dave Hutton 027-4774163                                                                                                               STARTING FROM   40.00

			Bryan Williamson
			Rob Gibson
Agronomist:            Dave Howard 477-7333                                                                                                                   TEAM
Greenkeepers Meeting Venues                                                                                                              STARTING FROM

The Association meets on the THIRD Sunday each month at
10am.  A visit to the first named club, followed by a meeting at                                                                                              TEAM
the second named club.
                                                                                                                                         STARTING FROM   40.00

The venues for 2021 are as follows:
June 20th        Forbury Park / St Kilda
July 18th        Brighton / Taieri (AGM)
                                                                    CAP PLUS FULLY SUBLIMATED
August 15th      Portobello / Macandrew Bay                         PANT, POLO & SHORT.

Field days to be held during the season. Details to be advised.
                                                                    TERMS & CONDITIONS                     FULL APPAREL
                                                                                                          RANGE ALSO
                                                                    Minimum order quantities
                                                                    of 10 units. Call today for a
                                                                    no obligation free quote.


                                                                   TEAMWEAR ENQUIRES - JOSH TASMAN-JONES
                                                                   [P] 021 047 1567 [E] JOSH@DYNASTYSPORT.CO.NZ                           DYNASTYSPORT.CO.NZ

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President's Message - Bowls Dunedin
Bowls New Zealand Gold Star
                                                                          Gold Award for 5 or more National Titles

                                                                          Mike Kernaghan 5

  We are proud to sponsor Bowls in Dunedin.                               Bowls New Zealand Silver Star
                                                                          Silver Award for 5 or more National Titles

 Members will receive a donation to their club                            Men
                                                                          Terry Scott   12         *Kevin Darling     6
  on purchase of any New or Pre owned KIA.                                Ken Walker    10          Robbie Thomson    6
                                                                          Mike Kernaghan 7          Paul Girdler      5
Come in and see the team at Dunedin Kia today                             Stephen Beel   6          Shaun Scott       5

                                                                          Bowls Dunedin Five Star
                                                                          Gold Badge Holders
                                                                            T J Scott             39    * K G Andrews        12
                                                                            K Walker              32      R Brown            12
                                                                            M Kernaghan           25    * G Duggie           12
                                                                            Jim Scott             24      B Malcolm MBE      12
                                                                            S L McConnell         21    * J A Veitch         12
                                                                            G Cash                18      N Birkbeck         11
                                                                          * G H Jolly OBE         18      I A Dickison MBE   11
                                                                            D S McConnell         18      P Kean             11
                                                                          * E H Ravenwood         17      S Scott            11
                                                                            R Thomson             15    * E W S Wilson       11        03 488 3333
                        529 Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin                   G Wilson              15       N Williams        10
                                                                          * W N Cousins           14       B Barringer        9
                                                                            S Beel                13       P K Clark OBE      9
                                                                             M Cowan              13    * K R Darling         9
                                                                          * N Kroon               13       P Girdler          9
                                                                            E Andrews             12    * D Hutchison         9
                                   8                                                                   9
President's Message - Bowls Dunedin
* John Scott            9      B H Pettit            6
* C Travis              9    * L Robinson            6       F Cosgrove              16     * J Coulter              7
* H W M Hogg            8      B Williamson          6       D Hynes                 16       M Hoad                 7
  S Wilson              8    * R K Aitcheson         5     * D Richards              16       D Schadee              7
  M J Andrews           7    * W Anderson            5        J Swallow              16     * E Stewart              7
  D Archer              7    * K Archer              5     * H Austin                13     * E Adess                6
  P Barron              7    * W A Bambery           5       Z Fleury                13     * G Child                6
  J Coleman             7    * W R Blackburn         5     * L Webber                13     * P Chisholm             6
* W S Cowie             7    * G H Claridge          5       C Ewart                 12     * J Hiscoke              6
  R Dawe                7      M Clydesdale          5     * A Gregory               12       W Hurring              6
  P J Dickison          7    * I Dickison Snr        5     * M Abbott                11     * M Jamieson             6
* C Hall                7    * J E Gordon            5       L Bevin                 11       S Scott                6
* L Hughes              7    * W Hastie              5       M Malcolm ONZM          11       L Turnbull             6
* C E Hutchison         7    * D J Henry             5       A Gawn                  10       A Warrington-Blair     6
  B King                7       W Hewitt             5       T Marr                  10       C West                 6
* D Leeden              7    * W B McConnell         5       L Swanson               10       J Young                6
  A McCallum            7    * A W McLean            5     * N McCunn                 9       N Anderson             5
  C McCaw               7    * A H O'Sullivan        5       M Stevenson              9       J Barclay              5
* C E Tyrell            7      E Parry               5       M Tavite                 9     * D Berry                5
  P Wilson              7    * I A Shand             5     * A Whale                  9     * M Beveridge            5
  M Bracegirdle         6    * D Stuart              5       L Dabinett               8     * N Clyma                5
  D Budge               6      J Susilo              5     * E Easton                 8        J Dyhrberg            5
  K Budge               6    * J Tonkin              5       J Evans                  8        S McCaw               5
  K Clayton-Smith       6      P Unkovich            5     * O Foster                 8     * M McEwan               5
* A Harris              6    * D Vaughan             5       W McLelland QSM          8     * P Reynolds             5
  R Larkin              6    * J Walls               5       J Robertson              8        R Walshaw             5
  A McLean              6      M Watt                5
* N W McGorlick         6      C Wheeler             5     * Deceased
  S O'Driscoll          6
                                                           The following competitions shall qualify for the above Badges:
Men’s Adess Shield wins prior to 1954 were not eligible.   (1) Centre Events, Singles, Pairs, Triples, Fours and Mixed Pairs,
                                                           (2) Champion of Champion Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours.
                                                           The following competitions do not qualify for the above Badges:
 C Crawford            28        D Bell             21     Junior events and Veteran’s Champion of Champions Singles.
 L Rance               24        S Hodges           18
 G Reid                24        B Brown            16

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President's Message - Bowls Dunedin
Clubs & Officials 2020/21 season
                                                  Andersons Bay 1917         Members 62
                                                  31 Bayfield Rd, Dunedin 9013
                                                  Ph: 455-0215
                                                  Email: Website:
                                                  President: 		              Tracey Penty   027-3329068
                                                  Secretary:      		         Ruth Williams  027-5664527
                                                  Treasurer:		               Graeme Miller  027-2849075
Proud to support                                  Selectors:

 Bowls Dunedin                                    - Saturday Morning
                                                  - Saturday Afternoon
                                                                             Paul King      027-4544719
                                                                             Stuart McPeake 454-3095
                                                  - Saturday Morning Junior Grant Simpson   027-2405373
 See us for your                                  - Wednesday 		             Paul King      027-4544719
  prescriptions,                                  - Women
                                                  Green Supervisor:
                                                                             Cathy King
                                                                             Murray Lester
sports medicines     • Fabulous gifts
                         Free gift wrapping       Tournament Secretary:      Billy Hinton   022-5069720

   and all your      • Ear piercing & jewellery
                     • Fashion scarves &
                                                  Executive Delegate:        Gloria Shine   027-4264656

healthcare needs.      ponchos
                     • Instore photo kiosk        Balmacewen 1905            Members 42
Instore naturopath   • Passport photos
                     • Cameras, Telescopes &
                                                  31 Balmacewen Rd, Maori Hill, Dunedin 9010
                                                  PO Box 12-003, Maori Hill, Dunedin 9043
  3 times a week       Binoculars                 Ph: 027-2904670,
                     • Medico compliance          Email:
                       packaging                  President:		                Tony Borick      464-0698
Locally owned        • Natural Health Products
                     • Post centre
                                                  Secretary                   Arthur Duncan    466-7276

and operated         • Flu vaccinations
                                                                              Angela Benn      027-5886952

                                                  - Saturday    		            Bruce Dumper     021-08666657
                                                  - Wednesday 		              Mac Blaikie      021-02588986
                                                  - Women 		                  Jule Norris      425-8843
                                                  Green Supervisor:           Russell Kerr     464-0099
                                                  Tournament Secretaries: Russell Kerr         464-0099
                                                  Executive Delegate:         Jan Tucker       472-7463

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President's Message - Bowls Dunedin
Brighton 1934		             Members 33                    Dunback 1935		           Members 23
1066 Brighton Rd, Brighton, Dunedin:                      28 Domain Rd, Dunback
758 Brighton Rd, Brighton 9035                            Ph: 021-2321714
Ph: 481-1482; Email:           President:		             Bruce Roy       027-2331442
President:		                Keith McFadyen 481-1333/      Secretary:		             Sharon Robinson 021-465311
					027-4448913                                          Selectors:
Secretary:		                Denyse Priston  481-1787/     - Saturday 		            Geoff McLelland   021-465198
					027-4811786                                          - Saturday Morning       Glenn Baker       021-923462 (ED)
Treasurer:		                Denis Dolan     487-6672      - Wednesday 		           Alan Burgess      021-1534386
Selectors:                                                Green Keeper:		          Tony Frater       021-0607043
- Saturday & Wednesday      John Hart       481-1673/     Tournament Secretary:    Simon Smith       027-3050242
					027-2308112                                          Executive Delegate:      Geoff Hanna       453-4565
- Women       		            Denyse Priston  481-1787/
                                                          Dunedin Lawn Bowls Stadium 1996         Members 6
Green Keeper: 		            Kelvin Lilley   481-1435
                                                          38 Tahuna Rd, Dunedin 9013
Tournament Secretary:       Sue Skilbeck    481-7211
                                                          Ph: 456-1144
Executive Delegate:         Alex Griffin    481-1696
                                                          Fax: 456-1155 Email:
Caversham 1904		           Members 57                     Postal Address: PO Box 11037, Musselburgh, Dunedin 9049
40 Hazel Ave, Caversham, Dunedin 9012                     President:		               David Pile      476-7711
Ph: 487-6746                                              Secretary:		               Michael Ayers   488-3327
Email: /       Treasurer:		               Jean Shelton    456-3577
President:		               Tony Manley     022-1867188    Green Keeper:		            Bruce Boothby   027-5177946
Secretary:		               Glenda Jenks    027-3910096    Tournament Secretary:      John Latimer    027-3552819
Treasurer:		               Ken Harris      027-2847636    Executive Delegate:        Beth Brown      476-3542
- Saturday    		           Darryl Angus    021-08938019
- Saturday Morning Junior John Angus       456-1119
- Wednesday 		             Peter Culling   455-2326
- Women			                 Pam Magee       455-9359

Green Keeper:		          Darryl Angus     021-1806178
Tournament Secretary:    Murdoch Mackenzie 487-8886
Executive Delegate:      Tony Manley      022-1867188
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President's Message - Bowls Dunedin
Fairfield 1906		             Members 93                         Green Island 1887          Members 59
84 Main Rd, Fairfield, Dunedin 9018                             183 Main South Rd, Green Island, Dunedin 9018
Ph: 488-1655                                                    Ph: 488-3533;
Email:                                Email:
Website:                 President:		               Graeme Pryde     021-2547271
President:		                 Bruce Smith        488-1054        Secretary:		               Lynne Seddon     021-1754008
Secretary:		                 Michael Ayers      488-3327        Treasurer:		               Greg Johnsen     0273-183213
Treasurer:		                 Barbara Bridgman 488-1021          Selectors:
Selectors:                                                      - Saturday 		              Gary George      488-4419
- Saturday 		                Robbie Thomson 455-6423            - Saturday Morning Junior Warren Ferguson 488-4492
- Saturday Morning Junior Jacqui Peterson 481-1753              - Wednesday 		             Max Grey         021-08101090
- Wednesday 		               Michael Ayers      488-3327        - Women      		            Lyn Rance        487-7670
- Women           		         Joan Robertson 488-2241            Green Keeper:		            Dave Hutton      027-4774163
Green Keeper:		              John Milnes        488-3952        Tournament Secretaries:
Tournament Secretaries:                                         - Men			                   Warren Ferguson 488-4492
- Men			                     Steve White        488-4841        - Women			                 Lyn Rance        487-7670
- Women			                   Judith Trower      488-1864        Executive Delegate:        Faye Cosgrove    027-4882937
Executive Delegate:          Robbie Thomson 455-6423
                                                                Kaikorai 1911		            Members 55
Forbury Park 1948      Members 79                               53 School St, Dunedin 9010;
121 Victoria Rd, Dunedin: PO Box 4029, St Kilda, Dunedin 9046   PO Box 5091, Dunedin 9058
Ph: 455-4855                                                    Ph: 466-7023 Fax 466-7063;
Email:                               Email: Website:
President:		                Duane White       021-1440440       President:		               Bryan (Buck) Buchanan 027-496-6645
Secretary:		                Peter Wilson      021-1154624       Secretary: 		              Wayne Adam        027-6803662
Selectors:                                                      Treasurer: 		              Keith Ellwood     021-17617467
- Saturday		                Neil Birch        021-02920782      Selectors:
- Wednesday		               Bill Robertson    455-0552          - Saturday 		              Bryan (Buck) Buchanan 027-4966645
- Women			                  Eleanor Dickson 455-7957            - Saturday Morning Junior Kelvin Buchanan 021-02839211
Green Keeper:		             Duane White       021-1440440       - Wednesday 		             Peter Stumbles    455-2208
Tournament Secretary:       Glenn Murtagh     455-4204          - Women        		          Olive Lewis       466-7147
Executive Delegate:         Brendan Legg      021-2468600       Green Keeper: 		           Duncan McConnell 476-4095
                                                                Tournament Secretary:      Bryan (Buck) Buchanan 466-7666
                                                                Executive Delegate:        Stewart McConnell 467-2390

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President's Message - Bowls Dunedin
Karitane 1946		             Members 27                        Macandrew Bay 1945		                  Members 25
106b Stornaway St, Karitane:                                  481 Portobello Road, Macandrew Bay, Dunedin 9014
Counter Delivery, Karitane Postcentre, Karitane 9440          Ph: 476-1288
Email:                              Email:
Website:          Website:
President:		                Rhonda Thomson 027-4857426        President:		                Liz Black         476-1054
Secretary:		                Shelley Murphy      465-1404      Secretary:		                Graeme Garside 476-0033
Treasurer:		                Dave Shaw           027-6809338   Treasurer:		                Mike Reeve        476-0190
Selectors:                                                    Selectors:
- Saturday		                Robert Reid         027-2301094   - Saturday Morning          Keith Lamb        476-1585
- Wednesday		               Neil Hawes          465-8184      - Saturday Contact          Glenys Campbell 476-1149
- Women’s Selector          Rhonda Thomson 027-4857426        - Wednesday 		              Keith Lamb        476-1585
Green Keeper:		             Dave Shaw           027-6809338   - Women         		          Glenys Campbell 476-1149
Tournament Secretary:       Lois Taylor         021-2169847   Green Keeper:		             Alasdair Campbell 476-1940
                                                              Executive Delegate:         Liz Black         476-1054
Leith 1924		                Members 26
                                                              Mornington 1908        Members 64
2 Duke St, Woodhaugh, Dunedin 9016
                                                              17 Bowler Av, Mornington, Dunedin 9011
Ph: 473-0619
                                                              Ph: 453-5204
President:		                Fred Smith        027-3681793
                                                              President:		               Les Robertson      027-4962544
Secretary:		                Lou Robinson      027-4352437
                                                              Secretary:		               Noel Seal          027-2068325
                                                              Treasurer:		               Alan Anderson      022-0672858
- Saturday 		               Rob Paterson      027-6384911
- Wednesday 		              Doug Fallow       021-1070329
                                                              - Saturday 		              Shane Priest       027-4530934
Green Supervisor:           Fred Smith        027-3681793
                                                              - Wednesday 		             Alan Anderson      022-0672858
Tournament Secretary:       Marj Andrews      022-4003559
                                                              - Women        		          Shirley Cosgrove   027-4536676
Executive Delegate:         Marj Andrews      022-4003559
                                                              Green Keeper:		            Tom Keene          027-6086088
                                                              Tournament Secretary:      Wayne Jopson       027-4185475
                                                              Executive Delegate:        Noel Seal          027-2068325

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Mosgiel 1991 Members 54                                      Opoho 1934		                Members 22
Postal Address: C/- 76 Goodall St, Mosgiel 9024              80 Lovelock Ave, Dunedin North: PO Box 8028,
Email:                                  Gardens, Dunedin 9010 Ph: 477-9978
President:		 Edwin Harley 0274-589817                        Email:
Secretary: 		                 Diane Stadnyk 489-8689         Website:
Treasurer: 		                 Wendy Walker 489 5707          President:		                Tania Cassidy    473-8722
Selectors:                                                   Secretary:		                John van Bolderen 455-2396
- Saturday Morning Selecto John Carlyle        489-5598      Selector: 		                Bridget Spain    471-0743
- Saturday Afternoon Selector Edwin Harley     0274-589817   Green Supervisor:           Rob Wilson       020-40511986
- Saturday Morning Junior Alan Turner          489-1623      Tournament Secretaries: Helen Gibbs &        473-8468
- Wednesday		                 Doug Boyes       489-4316      			Magnus McGee
-Women 		                     Heather Turner   489-0261      Executive Delegate:         Magnus McGee 473-8468
Executive Delegate:           Edwin Harley     489-3583
                                                             Outram 1900		             Members 62
North East Valley 1904     Members 43                        Skerries St, Outram: PO Box 3, Outram 9062
139 North Rd, North East Valley, Dunedin 9010                Ph: 486-1799
Ph: 473-9704;                                                Email:
Email:                                   President:		              Michele Cadogan     484-7599
Website:                                  Secretary:		              Trevor Hore         486-1711
President:		               Peter Thomson 027-4535078         Treasurer:		              Jill Desborough     027-6883415
Secretary:		               Neill Williams 029-4004090        Selectors:
Treasurer:		               Jim Scott 021-473652              - Saturday Morning        Rex Calder          027-4847666
Selectors:                                                   - Saturday Afternoon      Alan Swallow        027-4926326
- Saturday Morning         Sam Cooper         027-4882259    - Saturday Morning Junior Kevin Proudfoot     484-7501
- Saturday Afternoon       Holmes Feathers                   - Wednesday 		            Trevor Hore         486-1711
			Dave Budge                                 021-838598     - Women Tuesday           Evelyn Miller        489-4441
Optional Mixed Triples     Bruce Dunn         027-4328649    - Women Other 		          Barbara Milne       486-1767
- Wednesday 		             John Norris        027-2707122    Green Supervisor:         Neville Stevenson   020-40732514
- Women 		                 Shona Mann         473-8440 /     Tournament Secretaries: Kevin & Wendy         484-7501
					021-2063898                                             			Proudfoot
Green Supervisor:          Colin Wheeler      027-4250701    Executive Delegate:       Michele Cadogan     484-7599
Tournament Secretary:      Contact Club       473-9704
Executive Delegate:        Terry Scott        027-2459880

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Palmerston 1898		          Members 12                         Portobello 1935		           Members 25
Runbrake St, Palmerston: PO Box 31, Palmerston 9430           5 Sherwood St, Portobello, Dunedin 9014
Ph: (03) 465-1565                                             Ph: 478-0816
Email:                                    Fax: 478-0187
President:		               Dean McCaw       (03) 465-1983     Email:
Secretary:		               Heather McGregor 027-3438731       Website:
Treasurer: 		              Sharon McCaw     (03) 465-1477 /   President:		                Edward Scott     478-0559
					027-3042997                                              Secretary:		                Brian Cameron    478-0816
Selectors:                                                    Treasurer:		                Faye Webster     478-0739
- Saturday Afternoon       Pat Chave        027-4739158       Selectors:
- Wednesday		              Phil O’Reilly    (03) 465-1476     - Saturday Afternoon        Raylene Palenski 027-4780199
Green Keeper:		            Dean McCaw       (03) 465-1983 /   - Wednesday 		              Peter Stechman 021-366127
					027-4259324                                              - Women          		         Alison Ellison   478-0252
Tournament Secretary:      Alan Watt        (03) 465-1272     Green Keeper:		             Brian Cameron    478-0816
Executive Delegate:        Jim Scott        473-6525          Tournament Secretary:       Edward Scott     478-0559
                                                              Executive Delegate:         Andrea Watson-Smith 478-0090
Port Chalmers 1892         Members 14
Albertson Ave, Port Chalmers: C/- Secretary,                  Roslyn 1883		               Members 26
11 Wanaka Street, Ravensdown, Dunedin 9022                    6 Gamma St, Roslyn, Dunedin 9011
Ph: 472-8472                                                  Cell: 021-02313428 Email:
Email:                                  Website:
President:		               David Hudson      472-8243 /       President:		                Geoff Simons     477-6550 /
					027-9175517                                              					022-5051525
Secretary:		               Alan Wise         471-0512         Secretary:		                Isobel Sharp     453-5061
Treasurer:		               George Gardener 472-8319           Treasurer: 		               Chris Morland    021-735521
Selectors:                                                    Selector:		                 Geoff Simons     477-6550 /
- Saturday Morning         David Hudson      027-9175517      					022-5051525
- Saturday Afternoon       Jim Scott         472-8362         			Cathy Charles                             021-02797600
- Wednesday 		             David Hudson      027-9175517      Green Keeper:		             Dave Cameron     453-0141 /
Green Supervisor:          Bruce Malcolm MBE JP 472-8755      					027-2350080
Tournament Secretary:      Brian Spence      472-8389         Tournament Secretary:       Jim Duke         455-0011 /
			Bruce Malcolm                             472-8755         					027-2845905
Executive Delegate:        Alan Wise         471-0512         Executive Delegate:         Geoff Simons     477-6550 /

                         22                                                               23
St Clair 1892		              Members 63                         - Saturday Morning Junior   Wally Shaw        021-1020347
13 Ings Av, St Clair, Dunedin 9012 Ph: 455-8828                 - Wednesday 		              Lew Campbell      455-2327
PO Box 9018, Dunedin 9047                                       - Women 		                  Lorraine Helm     455-2006
Email:                            Green Supervisor:           Guy Robinson      454-3979
Website:                   Tournament Secretary:       Mike Fitzgerald   455-8056
President:		                 Paul Everett      027-2943475 /    Executive Delegate:         David Horne       455-2223
Secretary:		                 Les Facoory       021-875607 /
					455-4828                                                   Taieri 1886		                Members 135
Treasurer:		                 Paul Everett      027-2943475 /    12 Wickliffe St, Mosgiel: PO Box 118, Mosgiel 9053
					482-2735                                                   Ph: 489-7677 Fax: 489-7671
Selectors:                                                      Email:
- Saturday 		                Ross Stevens      021-02918665 /   Website:
					476-6655                                                   President:       		          Barbara Archer    489-6969 /
- Saturday Morning Junior Rik Moss             021-2433344      					021-02369966
- Wednesday 		               Les Facoory       021-875607 /     Manager: 		                  Rob Gibson        489-7677 /
					455-4828                                                   					027-4611772
- Women 		                   Gaynor Weastall 022-1016150 /      Secretary: 		                Helen Carman      489-2547
					456-4228                                                   Treasurer:		                 Phil Stevenson    021-575360
Green Keeper: 		             Lyndon Broadley 021-2527021        Selectors:
Tournament Secretaries: Les Facoory           021-875607 /      - Saturday Morning           David Archer      489-6969 /
					455-4828                                                   					021-545927
Executive Delegate:          Robin Smith      027-3347022       - Saturday Afternoon         Richard Hambleton 027-4862231
                                                                - Saturday Morning Junior Ken Walker           489-6256
                                                                - Wednesday Afternoon        Darryl Monaghan 489-3978
St Kilda 1904           Members 65                              - Women Tue 		               Margaret Barrow 484-7115 /
33 Royal Crescent, St Kilda, Dunedin 9012                                 Fri 		             Beth Brown        476-3542
Ph: 455-4540 Email:               Green Keeper / Tournament Secretary /
Website:                    Executive Delegate:          Rob Gibson        489-7677 /
President:		                 Eli Smith 		    021-928192         					027-4611772
Secretary:		                 Michelle Silva
Treasurer:		                 Yvonne Nicholls 454-5375
- Saturday                   Eli Smith 		    454-5069

                           24                                                                 25
Tainui 1930		              Members 27                        Wakari 1909		               Members 46
38 Tahuna Rd, Tainui, Dunedin:                               2 Mayfield Ave, Wakari, Dunedin:
PO Box 11037, Musselburgh, Dunedin 9049                      PO Box 10041, Halfway Bush, Dunedin 9042
Ph: 455-0112                                                 Ph: 476-3466
Email:                                   Email:
President:		               Jack Gibbs         487-8936       Website:
Secretary:		               Kathleen Harrington 454-3029 /    President:		                Mel Barclay      476-4497
					021-2323096                                             Secretary:		                Barry Van Gorp   489-7520/
Treasurer:		               Jean Shelton       456-3577       					021-506745
Selectors:                                                   Treasurer:		                Barry Van Gorp   489-7520/
- Men                      Brian Schofield    455-8707       					021-506745
- Women			                 Elaine Legge       455-8745       Selectors:
Tournament Secretaries: Jean Shelton          456-3577       - Saturday 		               Ray Anderson     489-4284
Executive Delegate:        Elaine Legge       455-8745       - Wednesday 		              Ron Challis      467-2135
                                                             Green Keeper: 		            Bryan Williamson 476-3292
                                                             Tournament Secretary:       Ash Pennell      476-7786
Waikouaiti 190		          Members 12
                                                             Executive Delegate:         Ian Bartley      027-3118972
Sports Complex, Matanaka Drive, Waikouaiti
PO Box 18, 186 Main Road, Waikouaiti 9541
                                                             West Harbour 1912            Members 13
President:		              Colleen Lee        (03) 465-7558
                                                             104 Ravensbourne Rd, Dunedin
Secretary:		              Eva Hammond        (03) 465-7790
                                                             Ph: 471- 0778,
Treasurer:		              Colleen Lee        (03) 465-7558
                                                             C/- 8 Tui Street, St Leonards, Dunedin 9022
Selector:		               Judy Allcock       (03) 465-7254
Green Keeper:		           John Dempster      465-7411
                                                             President:		                 Winsome Marshall 471-2200 /
Executive Delegate:       Colleen Lee        (03) 465-7558
                                                             Secretary: 		                Winsome Marshall 471-2200 /
                                                             Treasurer: 		                Winsome Marshall 471-2200 /
                                                             - Saturday 		                Andy McDougall 0277-048629
                                                             - Wednesday 		               Davy Glover      471-0333 /

                          26                                                             27
Green Keeper:		       Graeme Jenks     487-7013 /
Tournament Secretary: Winsome Marshall 471-2200 /
Executive Delegate:   Andy McDougall 489-0264 /

Postal Address: 84C Ronaldsay Street, Palmerston 9430
President: 		              Allan Burgess     (03) 465-1217/
Email: 			                 As above
Secretary: 		              Shelley Murphy    (03) 465-1404
Email: 			                 As above
Selector: 		               Pat Chave         027-4739158 /
			Glenn Baker                               021-923462

      The Centre has done its utmost to see the
       information contained within this book is
      correct based on the information provided.
     The information and details contained in this
    handbook are subject to the Privacy Act 1993.
     Bowls Dunedin expresses its sincere thanks
      to all those who assisted in compiling this

                          28                                  29
General Conditions of Play
     1. All games are to be played under World Bowls Laws of the
        Sport of Bowls (Crystal Mark Third Edition) and includes
        the Domestic Regulations of Bowls New Zealand. All
        players must acknowledge and agree to be bound by
        and comply with the Laws of the Sport, and the Code of
        Conduct as set out in Bowls New Zealand Regulations.
     2. The Operations Committee has the control of all Bowls
        Dunedin competitions and have the full power to vary the
        conditions and programme.
     3. Bowls Dunedin competitions will be played as advised by
        the Operations Committee e.g. greens/starting time.
     4. Coloured Clothing – Players are permitted to wear approved
        coloured clothing for all Bowls Dunedin competitions,
        provided all members of the team wear the same attire
        from the waist up.
     5. Trial Ends are permitted. Refer to Laws of the Sport 18.1
        for conditions.
     6. Bowls Dunedin Centre certificates will be awarded to
        winning clubs and players for Bowls Dunedin competitions.
     7. Breach of Conditions - The Operations Committee is
        empowered to write immediately to any club or team
        committing a breach of the conditions, asking for an
        explanation of such breach. The reply from the club must
        be in the Centre Manager’s office within 14 days of the
        request being made.
     8. The Bowls Dunedin Board reserves the right to impose
        penalties or fines, suspension, disqualification or refusal of
        entry to future Bowls Dunedin events for breaches of any
        conditions of play.

30                                   31
9. No rained off games will be played unless 14 rounds are         4. Results: Results of games incorrectly published must be
   not available in the original draw i.e. 12 entries meaning         notified in writing (email acceptable) to the Centre Manager
   11 rounds. So, to ensure that grade continues playing until        not later than four days after completion. Clubs which
   the end of the season rained off games first to be played          fail to submit corrections may be disadvantaged if a count
   (if required) and then revert to round 1 reverse venue and         back of points is required or a dispute arises. Result cards
   so on.                                                             and score cards should be retained by each club until the
                                                                      start of the following season.
Interclub Competitions
1. Home Games - Teams named first unless instructions state        5. Cancellations, Delays, Adjournments, Resumptions:
   differently.                                                       (a)   If in the opinion of the Operations Committee the
                                                                            weather on any day is such that games are unable to
2. Rink allocation - to be drawn by visiting player.
                                                                            be played, they shall cancel play for that half day or
3. Defaults:                                                                day at least two hours before the start.   Notification
   (a)  Defaulting clubs must advise the Operations                         will be made to Text/Radio - Radio Dunedin 1305AM/
        Committee and the opposing club by 6pm on the                       Dunedin Cancellations on Facebook, The Hits
        preceding day.                                                      Cancellations on Facebook and on the home page of
                                                                            the Bowls Dunedin website
   (b)   The non-defaulting club shall have the right to
         lodge a complaint with Bowls Dunedin should they             (b)   Interclub days cancelled by the Operations
         consider that the default was unnecessary or should                Committee will not be played, unless stated.
         have been notified earlier. If such a complaint is
                                                                      (c)   If play has not been cancelled and games do not
         lodged the club concerned shall have 6 days from
                                                                            start, and not finish because of adverse local weather,
         notification of complaint, in which to forward in
                                                                            agreement of all skips will decide whether play is to
         writing a satisfactory explanation as to the reason for
                                                                            be delayed or adjourned. No player shall leave the
         the late default.
                                                                            Club until a final decision has been announced. These
   (c)   Bowls Dunedin reserves the right to invoke a penalty.              adjourned games must be played at a later date. Any
                                                                            deferred Interclub games must be played before or
   (d)   Teams, or disciplines within each team (singles, pairs,
                                                                            within one week after the schedule date of the game.
         etc) are considered to have defaulted if they do not
                                                                            If no agreement can be obtained between the clubs,
         arrive within 30 minutes of the starting time as per
                                                                            the Operations Committee have the final decision.
         the laws of the game. Allowance should be made
         by the non-defaulting team when communication is             (d)   In unforeseen circumstances, a game can be
         made, and players have advised they are coming but                 considered completed by both Skips if two thirds of
         something unusual has occurred.                                    the game is completed e.g. 21 ends = 14 ends, 18
                                                                            ends = 12 ends Singles 21 shots.

                            32                                                                      33
(e)   When any game is adjourned the score cards shall        8. Starting times: Morning Saturday 9am and Friday 9.30am.
         be retained by the contending skips and the game           All afternoon interclub starts 1.30pm. However, any club
         shall be resumed with the scores as they were at the       shall have the right to request a later commencement time,
         time of adjournment. Any end uncompleted shall be          but no later than 2pm. A club receiving such a request from
         declared dead and replayed.                                their opposition must accept the later starting time.
6. Extreme Weather: The Controlling Body should suspend          9. All Saturday Morning competitions have a time limit of 3
   competition for as long as practical if weather conditions       hours.
   are adverse and Conditions of Play changed to continue
                                                                 10. Points to be awarded shall be: 2 points for a win - 1 point
   the competition, should delays require such action.
                                                                    for a draw, unless stated under a specific competition.
   Hot weather – all participants will always be encouraged
   to wear a hat, and cooled water should be available at        11. On completion of all interclub games, if two teams are
   all venues. Clubs should have the necessary equipment            tied, the position shall be determined by:
   installed to record the temperature. When the heat reaches
                                                                    (a)   Where the two teams met it will be on wins/losses,
   30 degrees, all participants will be advised to partake
                                                                          if still tied it will be on the shot points difference
   of adequate water intake at intervals no greater than 20
                                                                          between the two teams, if still tied it will be on the
   minutes apart. When the heat reaches 33 degrees the
                                                                          shot points difference over the whole competition.
   competition will be suspended until such times as the
   temperature reduces to 30 degrees or below. It is at the         (b)   If there are three or more teams tied it will be the shot
   discretion of the Controlling Body to determine whether                points difference over the whole competition.
   to discontinue play, but the health of participants must be
                                                                 12.Promotion/relegation of 1 team in each section shall
   taken into consideration especially if there is inadequate
                                                                    apply, excepting that where the same club is involved in
   shade available to all involved.
                                                                    promoting a team for a relegated team no change will take
   If the greens are wet, slippery or covered with water then
   the Controlling Body will suspend play for such time
   until conditions improve. If high winds pose a danger to      13. No club shall be permitted to have more than 2 teams in
   participants or is affecting the games in process, then          any one section.
   the Controlling Body will suspend play for such time until
   conditions improve.
7. A club can use the opposite gender in any interclub team
   providing all available females/males have been selected
   first. These players must be used as leads and seconds.

                           34                                                                     35
Saturday Morning Competitions
                               Men’s & Women’s (Stuart Trophy) Sevens
                               1. Each club shall be entitled to enter teams of 7 players
                                  comprising 1 Single, 1 Pair and 1 Four in the Men’s Sections

      Dunedin’s largest           1 & 2 and the Women’s Stuart Trophy.
                               2. Each club shall be entitled to enter teams of 7 players
       range of beds.             comprising of 2 Pairs and 1 Triple in the Men’s Sections 3
                                  end below.

     140B Cumberland Street    3. All games consist of Singles 25 shots, Pairs 21 ends (3 Bowls),
                                  Triples 21 ends (2 bowls), Fours 18 ends. No extra ends.
              03 477 1766
                               4. Competition shall be played on a round robin basis.
                               5. Home clubs to provide Singles marker.

                               Optional Mixed Junior Sixes
                               1. Each club shall be entitled to enter teams of 6 players.
                                  Players can be of either gender, who meet the requirement
                                  of 0 to 5 years Junior status.
                               2. All games to consist of Singles 25 shots, Pairs 21 ends (3
                                  Bowls), Triples 21 ends (2 Bowls). No extra ends.
                               3. Competition shall be played on a round robin basis.
                               4. Home clubs to provide Singles marker.

         Your local 24/7 Gym

92 Macandrew Road
03 455 0013
                    36                                          37
Saturday Afternoon Competitions                                    2P5 (Optional Mixed Hong Kong Pairs)
Men’s Premier Holmes Feathers,                                     1. This format can involve 4-8 players in each team each week.
Bridgman Plate and Speights Trophy                                    The first two games are of 8 ends. Then the pairs swap over
1. All games consist of 3 teams of four (3 x 4).                      and play another 8 ends. Players can be substituted, but not
                                                                      swapped from one team to the other at the end of the first
2. Playing 21 ends. No extra ends.                                    round of games.
3. Points awarded are: Win 3 points, Draw 1 point, 2 points
   for aggregate. Maximum points 11.                               2. Games start at 9am and if a delayed start the remaining
                                                                      time to 12pm would be divided equally between the two
Speights Multiple Fours Competitions                                  rounds. Players substituting for a second game should be at
1. Each club shall be entitled to enter any number of teams           the venue by 10.20am. In the event of no spare rinks being
   of two (2 x 4).                                                    available the away pairs get to remain on the same rink, with
2. Points awarded are (2 x 4) Win 3 points, Draw 1 point,             the home team players swapping rinks.
   2 points for aggregate. Total 6 points.                         3. Points to be awarded shall be 2 points per win, 1 point per
3. All games consist of 21 Ends. No extra ends.                       draw and 2 points for the overall club with most wins. There
                                                                      are 10 points in total.
Optional Mixed Triples
1. Each club of the Centre shall be entitled to enter any number   Hislop Cup Women’s Fours
   of triples teams.                                               1. Each club shall be entitled to enter any number of fours
2. Any change to the original entries must be advised to the          teams.
   Bowls Dunedin Manager by 14 December 2020.
                                                                   2. All games consist of 18 ends with an extra end or ends to
3. Interclub triples draw for the period 18 January 2021 to           determine the winner (if required).
   29 March 2021 will be published on the Bowls Dunedin
                                                                   3. The winner of the competition will be the team with the
   website by Monday 21 December 2020.
                                                                      most points at the end of the completed round. If two
1. All games consist of 21 Ends (2 Bowls). No extra ends.             or more teams are on equal points at the end of the
                                                                      completed round, then a semi-final (if required) and final is
                                                                      to be played. If there are three teams on equal points at the
                                                                      end of the completed round, then a draw will be carried out
                                                                      by the Operations Committee who will determine who will
                                                                      play the semi-final and final.

                            38                                                                      39
Midweek Competitions                                               4. Points to be awarded shall be: 2 points for winning a set
                                                                   4. Points
                                                                      and 2 to  be awarded
                                                                              points         shall be:
                                                                                      for winning      2 pointsMaximum
                                                                                                    a game.      for winningofa6set
                                                                                                                                 points per
Tuesday (Women’s) & Wednesday (Men’s) Fours                           and  2 points for winning  a game.  Maximum
                                                                      game. A maximum of 12 points per interclub       of 6 points
                                                                                                                                     1 point
1. Each club shall be entitled to enter any number of fours           game.   A maximum
                                                                      for a drawn          of 12tiebreaker
                                                                                     set. The     points per is
                                                                                                              interclub side. 1 point
                                                                                                                not a set.
   teams.                                                             for a drawn set. The tiebreaker is not a set.
2. A game is 18 ends. No extra end.
3. Afternoon tea - to be provided by the host club and this
   should be taken after 12 ends if there is any possibility of
   the games not being completed.
4. Maximum points to be gained on any one day shall be on
   the percentage of games won.
5. Tuesday Women’s Trophies - Violet Kane Trophy (1st),
   Heather Knox Trophy (2nd) & Taieri Women’s Bowling Club
   Trophy (3rd).

Women’s Friday 5’s (Division One and Two)
1. Each club shall be entitled to enter teams of 5 players
   comprising 1 Pair (3 Bowls) and 1 Triple (2 Bowls).
2. Each game will be played over the best of two sets of 10
   ends. The winner of a set will be the team with the highest
   score at the completion of the 10th end. If shot scores are
   tied, the set will be a draw. If the game is tied after the
   two sets have been completed a three ends tiebreaker set
   should be played, in the tiebreaker all shots on an end will
   be counted, to decide the winner. If still tied an extra end
   is to be played. If a jack is made ’dead’, the end will be
3. The team that wins the toss, chooses who takes the mat
   for the first end of the first set.   The team that loses the
   toss, chooses who takes the mat for the first end of the
   second set. A new toss shall be made for the tiebreaker.

                           40                                                                            41
Bowls Dunedin Championships
     1. No composite teams are allowed except for Mixed Pairs.
     2. Entries close for centre events with the Centre Manager
        on the date shown on the entry form. The day entries
        close, or soon after, the list of entries received will be
        circulated. Clubs that have sent entries that are not listed
        are responsible for contacting Bowls Dunedin before the
        draw takes place. If they fail to do this Bowls Dunedin
        accepts no responsibility for the omission.
     3. The Centre reserves the right at any time to refuse an
        entry when it is known that any of the entrants would not
        be able to complete the competition.
     4. The draw will be published on the website and in the Otago
        Daily Times on the Thursday prior to the event.
     5. Post Section Draw will be made by the Operations
        Committee at the conclusion of the qualifying rounds and
        put on the website. All byes will be disposed of in the first
        round of post section play.
     6. Semi Finals and Finals shall be of no time limit. In the
        event of a tie in a final, an extra end or ends shall be
     7. The Operations Committee reserves the right to play any
        games/post section games during the week. The Final to
        be played within the next 7 days if possible.
     8. Notice of any protest must be given to Umpires not
        later than ten minutes after the conclusion of the game
        in question. The Operations Committee may require the
        subject and grounds protest to be stated in writing.

42                                     43
Open Championship Events -
          Dunedin Lawn Bowls Stadium Inc.
                                                         Singles, Pairs, 2-4-2 Mixed Pairs, Triples and Fours -
        38 Tahuna Road Email:
        Phone 03 456 1144 Website:
                                                         Gold Star Events
        P O Box 11037 Musselburgh, DUNEDIN 9049          1. Winners of two and three games qualify for post-section
                                                            play, but should bad weather or other factors reduce the
 Shop for all your Bowls Supplies Here!!                    number of qualifying games able to be played on one or
                                                            more greens, then the following will determine the qualifiers:
          Bowls Dunedin Inc                                 if one game is completed only the winners qualify, if two
                                                            games are completed 1 and 2 winners qualify.
               Congratulates                             2. Time Limits will apply as follows:
the Dunedin Lawn Bowls Stadium                                    Singles 21 shots, 4 bowls (no time limit)
                                                                  Pairs 18 ends, 3 bowls (2 hour time limit)
               on                                                 2-4-2 Mixed Pairs 16 ends, 4 bowls (2 hour time limit)
                                                                  Triples 18 ends, 2 bowls (2 hour time limit)
                                                                  Fours 15 ends, 2 bowls (2 hour time limit)

                                                         3. The time frames for qualifying rounds is as follows:
                                                                   Game 1 – 9am-11am
                                                                   Morning Tea - 11am -11.30am
                                                                   Game 2 - 11.30am – 1.30pm
                                                                   Lunch - 1.30pm – 2.15pm
                                                                   Game 3 – 2.15pm – 4.15pm
                                                            Play shall commence on the bell and play shall conclude
                                                            on the bell, the end in play will be completed. A burnt end
                                                            will count as an end played, if burnt after the bell rings. If
                                                            after playing the final end, the scores are tied, an extra end
              Since opening                                 or ends will be played until a decision is reached.
                                                         4. Post Section. It is expected that four rounds are played.
                                                            The Fifth Round can be played at the player’s discretion,
   Bowls –the Game for a Lifetime                           with the agreement of the Green keeper and Umpire.
          All available now at the                       5. Restricting the Movement of Players in time limit games as
 Dunedin Lawn Bowls Stadium                                 per this Regulation, the movement of players during play

                       44                                                                  45
shall be restricted as specified in Appendix A. 4.1 – Laws      Champion of Champion (CoC) Events
of the Sport as follows:                                        Bowls Dunedin CoC – Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours -
(a)   After delivering their first bowl, players will only be   Gold Star Events
      allowed to walk up to the head under the following        Bowls Dunedin CoC – Veteran Singles, Junior Singles –
      circumstances:                                            Not Gold Star Events
i. Singles Game: The opponents - after delivery of their        1. Bowls Dunedin ruling: Plural Membership. Playing mem-
third and fourth bowls.                                            bers, who are playing members of more than one club
                                                                   in a Centre at the same time, can enter or play the same
ii. Pairs Game (each player playing three bowls):                  discipline (i.e. Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours) in the club
• the Leads; after delivery of their third bowl; and               championships of more than one club. If they win the
• the Skips; after delivery of their second and third bowls.       same discipline at more than one club, they must choose
                                                                   one of the clubs only to represent when they play at the
iii. Triples Game (each player playing two bowls):
                                                                   Centre finals.
• the Leads; after delivery of their second bowl; and
• the Seconds; after delivery of their second bowl; and         2. Club Championships must be finalised before closing date
• the Skips; after delivery of each of their bowls.                unless prior approval has been obtained by the Operations
iii. Fours Game:
                                                                3. The team members that win their club championship are
• the Leads; after the second player in their team has
delivered their second bowl; and                                   the players who shall be nominated to represent their club
• the Seconds; after delivery of their second bowl; and            at the Bowls Dunedin Champion of Champion Events.
• the Thirds; after delivery of each of their bowls.               Any change in playing players shall be subject to the prior
                                                                   approval of the Operations Committee and shall be limited
(b)   In exceptional circumstances, a Singles player can           to one substitute/replacement or both in accordance with
      ask the Marker for permission to walk up to the head,        Domestic Regulations Four Number 7.
      or a Skip can ask that a player walks up to the head                                Summary
      earlier than described in Appendix A.4.1. (c). If a                   Replacements                    Substitutes
      player does not meet the requirements of Appendix                   (before the event)           (during the event)
      A.4.1, Law 13 of the Laws of the Sport.                   Singles		0			N/A
                                                                Pairs           1          or                     1
                                                                Triples		       1          or                     1
                                                                Fours		1			1
                                                                Or              2 (Replacement and Substitute)    0

                        46                                                                         47
CLUBS PLEASE NOTE: The player(s) put forward for                    Awards
consideration must be of equal or lesser ability than the           The Patron’s Trophy, George Payton Memorial Trophy
team member concerned. No Substitute or Acquired Player             and the Jean Shelton Trophy
will be permitted for any player who commences play in
                                                                    Conditions Governing these Awards
this tournament knowing he/she is unable to complete the
event. There are no substitutes in singles events. Teams can        1. The Patron’s Trophy applies to all Inter-Club Competitions.
change their playing order for each separate game.                     The George Payton Memorial Trophy applies to all Men’s
                                                                       Interclub Competitions, and the Jean Shelton Trophy
                                                                       applies to all Women’s Interclub Competitions.
4. Each CoC event is a new event in its own right as clubs
                                                                    2. Clubs must enter three or more interclub competitions.
   determine under differing methods how each of their Club
   Champions are found.                                             3. The winners of each trophy shall be the clubs with the
                                                                       best average ranking in all events played in. This will be
5. The Centre reserves the right at any time to refuse an entry
                                                                       calculated as follows:
   when it is known that any of the entrants would not be able
   to complete the tournament.                                         Placing in each grade divided by the number of teams or
                                                                       clubs in each grade. (Examples 3rd out of 8 = 37.5, 15th
6. All CoC Events will be played under the one-life system
                                                                       out of 25 = 60). Each clubs total of these points is then
   (knockout), with no time limit.
                                                                       divided by the number of teams or positions each club
           Singles		           Four Rounds, 21 shots                   fields in weekly competitions. The club with the lowest
           Junior Singles      Four Rounds, 21 shots                   score gains first place.
           Veteran Singles     Four Rounds, 21 shots
                                                                       Where two or more teams from one club are in the same
     For Singles events Clubs A – M supply markers in even
                                                                       grade all teams’ positions in that grade are counted.
     years, N – Z in odd years.
            Pairs		              Four Rounds, 18 ends
            Triples (2 bowls) Three Rounds, 18 ends
            Fours                Three Rounds, 18 ends
     In the event of a tie, an extra end or ends shall be played.
7.    Veteran Singles – 65 years of age and over as at 1st
      October each year.

                             48                                                                     49
Bowler of the Year Awards
                                      The Stan Seear Trophy (man)
                                      Millie Khan Memorial Trophy (woman)
                                      Bowls Dunedin Inc Members Only
                                      Conditions Governing the Award
                                      1. The trophy, and badge, will be presented to the bowler with
                                         the greatest number of points in Centre Events, Singles,
                                         Pairs, Triples, Fours, Mixed Pairs, Champion of Champion
                                         Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours (Junior Fours, Champion
                                         of Champion Junior Singles and Champion of Champion
                                         Veteran Singles do not qualify).
                                      2. Points are allocated as follows:
                                                Winning Team - 7 points per player
                                                Runner-Up - 3 points per player
                                                Losing Semi-Finalists - 1 point per player
                                       If the players are still equal, then the player who won the
                                      most centre events during the season be declared the winner.

                                      Final Results and Awards
                                      1. All results of all Bowls Dunedin Centre Competitions on
                                         the Bowls Dunedin website are provisional and remain
                                         unofficial until announced and therefore confirmed at the
                                         Annual Awards.

24 McBride Street South Dunedin   24 McBride Street South Dunedin
PO Box 5322 Dunedin               PO Box 5322 Dunedin

                 50                                                    51
Bowls Dunedin Tournaments
                                         Men’s Junior Fours/Friendship Fours (Women’s)

  DUNEDIN                                1. Junior Fours (i.e. 0-5 years).
                                         2. Composite teams allowed i.e. players from more than one

HOLIDAY PARK                             3. Qualifying rounds - 4 games of 14 ends with a 1 hour,
                                            45 minutes time limit.

                                         4. Winners of 3-4 games qualify for post section play.
                                         5. Post section - 15 ends with a 2-hour limit.  Semi finals and
                                            final shall be of no time limit.

 Qualmark 4 plus Star Accommodation      6. This event does not count towards a Gold Star.

                                         Women’s Ballard Brooch
           Accommodation:                1. Each club is permitted to enter one selected four team.
                                         2. Qualifying rounds - 3 games, 15 completed ends, 2 bowls,
        Self-contained Units,               2 hour time limit.
            Ensuite Units,               3. Winners of 2-3 games qualify for post-section play.
    Lodge (with 12 ensuite rooms),       4. Post section - 15 ends, no time limit. If game drawn, an
               Cabins,                      extra end or ends to be played.
           Power/Tent sites              5. The winners to receive the Ballard Brooches (to be held for
                                            one year) at the conclusion of the final.
  41 Victoria Road, St Kilda, Dunedin    6. This event does not count towards a Gold Star.
           Phone (03) 455 4690           7. The Ballard Brooches are to be returned to the Bowls
              0800 945 455                  Dunedin Manager by the previous year’s holders at the
Email:      end of the season for them to be presented at the Annual
                                            Awards night.
                52                                                           53
Bowls New Zealand Inter-club Sevens
                                               World Bowls Laws the Sport of Bowls (Crystal Mark Third
                                    20%        Edition) and includes the Domestic Regulations of Bowls New
                                discount for   Zealand.
Want to eat well                 sessions
                                before 3pm     1. A club is entitled to enter more than one side in the
                                                  Division. Where a club has more than one side in the
to stay well and                                  Division, movement between sides in that Division is not

remain                                            permitted, after playing three games in one of the sides in
                                                  that Division. Each club side will comprise a Singles player,
independent...or to                               a Pair and a Four.
                                               2. Playing Format - Play will start at 8.30am.
keep playing Bowls?                                      Singles - 21 shots up 4 bowls or 2¼ hours
                                                         Pairs   - 18 ends         3 bowls or 2¼ hours
Do you have a health problem that could                  Fours - 15 ends           2 bowls or 2¼ hours
benefit from dietary changes?                     All games to be played to the end irrespective of the score.
                                                  In the event of a draw in any game no extra ends will be
Have you had recent life changes and you
need to think how to plan your food
differently?                                   HOST CLUBS to ensure Singles markers are available.
                                               After commencement of the first end of the first game,
Come and see me or I can visit you in          changes will only be allowed related to the team order within
                                               each team between rounds. Any changes to the order of the
your own home.
                                               team play must be advised to the Operations Convenor.
Helen Gibbs Dietitian
                                               3. In all qualifying games three points will be awarded for
Habitus, Level 4                                  each game won. One point will be awarded for each game
Consultancy House                                 drawn.
7 Bond Street, Dunedin                            If sides are equal on points after section play is completed
Mob: 0212411881                                   the winner will be the side with the highest net total of
Email:                                            shots. If the match points and the net total of shots are                           equal the side with the lowest “total shots against” will be                             the winner. All Section winners will progress through to
                                                  post section play.

                          54                                                     55
If match points, net total of shots, “lowest shots against”   5.   Depending on entry numbers the format has not yet been
     are all equal the winner will be the team who won the              defined.
     game when the two teams met.
                                                                   6.   Clubs can enter multiple teams.
4. Post Section Play - No Time Limit.                              7.   Players cannot move between club teams if a club has
   Will be a sudden death system. Three points will be                  more than one team.
   awarded for each game won. If after playing the final end in
   any game, the scores are equal an extra end or ends must        8.   Games must be played as per the Conditions of Play set
   be played to decide the result.                                      by Bowls New Zealand. No alterations are allowed.
                                                                   9.   Greens must be marked according to conditions set
5. Men’s Division – Post Section. The section winners                   down.
   Women’s Division - Post Section. The section winners.
                                                                   10. Winner plays another Regional winner on completion.
Controlling Body:
6. Play will be under the control of the Bowls Dunedin             Junior Bowls3Five
   Operations Committee.                                           1. Each club is entitled to enter teams of 3 players (optional
7. Winners of the Dunedin Centre competition will receive a           mixed) playing triples. Players must be 5 years and under.
   certificate and will be invited to represent Bowls Dunedin at   2. All games will be played on a Wednesday evening
   the National Interclub Sevens Tournament in Christchurch.          commencing at 6.15pm.
                                                                   3. Dates prior Xmas are: 11, 18 & 25 November, 2, 9 & 16
Bowls New Zealand                                                     December.
Senior Bowls3Five                                                  4. Dates after Xmas are: 20 & 27 January, 3, 10 & 17
1.    Each club is entitled to enter teams of 3 players only per
      club team. Each triple must have one player from the         5. Competition will be played on a round robin basis
      opposite gender.                                                dependent on entries received.

2.    All games will be played on a Monday evening                 6. Games must be played as per Conditions of Play set by
      commencing at 6.15pm.                                           Bowls NZ. No alterations are allowed unless stated here.

3.    Dates prior Xmas are: Probable 16, 23 & 30 November,         7. Greens must be marked according to conditions set down.
      7, 14 & 21 December.
4.    Dates after Xmas are: Probable 18 & 25 January,
      1, 15 & 22 February.

                            56                                                                     57
Closing Dates
                                               for Champion of Champion Events
                                               Ch of Ch Men’s & Women’s Junior Singles    8 Feb 21
                                               Ch of Ch Men’s & Women’s Pairs		           1 Mar 21
                                               Ch of Ch Men’s & Women’s Singles		         8 Mar 21
                                               Ch of Ch Men’s & Women’s Triples		         22 Mar 21
                                               Ch of Ch Men’s & Women’s Veteran Singles   22 Mar 21
                                               Ch of Ch Men’s & Women’s Fours		           5 Apr 21

Proud to continue to support BOWLS DUNEDIN
                                                      BOWLS DUNEDIN (INC.)
           ALL DAY DINING 7 DAYS

       SATURDAY BOWLS MENU - during season              ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS
               BRUNCH 10am - 2pm                            GRANTS FROM THE

                 TAKEAWAY MEALS

        FUNCTION/MEETING ROOM AVAILABLE                      •Air Rescue Services Ltd
              For enquiries or bookings           • Bendigo Valley Sports & Charity Foundation
                   PH (03) 487 6932
                                                                 • Lion Foundation

                       58                                                   59
                                                                                                                                         DATE EVENT		        RND VENUE
                                                                                                                                   SAT   3    ED OPENING AND 1   PALMERSTON
                                                                                                                                   		SAT FOURS
                                                                                                                                   SUN   4    PALMERSTON		       PALMERSTON

                                                                         following range -
                                                                         Bowling Arms and Lifters in a range of colours from the
                                                                         Dunedin Law n Bowls Stadium Inc for suppliers of
                                                                                                                                   		TOURNAMENT OXF
                                                                                                                                   WED   7    WED FOURS      1   WAIKOUAITI
                                                                                                                                   SAT   10   SAT FOURS      2   WAIKOUAITI
                                                                                                                                   WED   14   WED FOURS      2   KARITANE
                                                                                                                                   SAT   17   SAT FOURS      3   KARITANE
                                                                                                                                   WED   21   WED FOURS      3   DUNBACK
                                                                                                                                   SAT   24   LABOUR WEEKEND
                                                                                                                                   MON   26   LABOUR DAY
                                                                                                                                   WED   28   WED FOURS      4   PALMERSTON
                                                                                                                                   SAT   31   SAT FOURS      4   PALMERSTON
P O Box 11037 Musselburgh, DUNEDIN 9049
Phone 03 456 1144 Website:
                                            38 Tahuna Road Email:

                                                                                                                                   WED   4  WED FOURS       5  WAIKOUAITI
                                                                                                                                   SAT   7  SAT FOURS       5  WAIKOUAITI
                                                                                                                                   WED   11 WED FOURS       6  KARITANE
                                                                                                                                   SAT   14 SAT HGK PAIRS   1  KARITANE
                                                                                                                                   SUN   15 DUNBACK		          DUNBACK

                                                                                                                                   		TOURNAMENT MNF
                                                                                                                                   WED   18 WED FOURS       7  DUNBACK
                                                                                                                                   SAT   21 SAT HGK PAIRS   2  DUNBACK
                                                                                                                                   WED   25 WED FOURS       8  PALMERSTON
                                                                                                                                   SAT   28 SAT HGK PAIRS   3  PALMERSTON
                                                                                                                                   		       MANIOTOTO V ED TBC AWAY TBC
                                                                                                                                   WED   2  WED FOURS       9  WAIKOUAITI
                                                                                                                                   SAT   5  SAT HKG PAIRS   4  WAIKOUAITI
                                                                                                                                   WED   9  WED FOURS       10 KARITANE
                                                                                                                                   SAT   12 SAT HKG PAIRS   5  KARITANE
                                                                                                                                   		       MANIOTOTO V ED TBC AWAY TBC

                                                                    60                                                                                 61
WED    6  WED FOURS   11 DUNBACK                              ENTRY FORM
SUN    10 PALMERSTON		   PALMERSTON                        DUNEDIN SINGLES
WED    13 WED FOURS   12 PALMERSTON                           Men / Women
SAT    16 SAT TRIPLES 2  PALMERSTON                           (Please circle one)
SUN    17 DUNBACK		      DUNBACK                                th
                                                    Saturday 9 January Qualifying
WED    20 WED FOURS   13 WAIKOUAITI                Sunday 10 January Post Section
                                            All Players Names Must be on the Entry Form
SAT    30 SAT TRIPLES 4  KARITANE                 For Conditions of Play See Handbook
WED    3  WED FOURS         15 DUNBACK
SAT    6  WAITANGI DAY		                     CLUB: __________________________
SAT    13 SAT TRIPLES       5  PALMERSTON    NAME: __________________________
SUN    14 DUNBACK		            DUNBACK
		TOURNAMENT MNF                             PHONE: _________________________
SAT    20 SAT TRIPLES       6  WAIKOUAITI   Entry Fee: $15 per player (Payable with Entry)
WED    24 WED FOURS         18 KARITANE
                                                    Cheques to be made payable to:
                                                         Bowls Dunedin Inc
WED  3  WED FOURS       19    DUNBACK                                        st
                                              Entries Close: Thursday 31 December 2020
                                                                Entries to:
SUN  21 DUNBACK		             DUNBACK
                                                          Bowls Dunedin Inc
MON  22 OTAGO ANNIVERSARY DAY		              PO Box 11037, Musselburgh, Dunedin 9049 or
SUN  28 ED CH OF CH SINGLES   TBC               enter online
               62                                                      63
                    DUNEDIN PAIRS
                     Men / Women
                     (Please circle one)
                    Sponsored by
                 Brandwell Moller Ltd
          Saturday 14 November Qualifying
         Sunday 15 November Post Section
     All Players Names Must be on the Entry Form
         For Conditions of Play See Handbook
     CLUB: __________________________

     SKIP: ___________________________

     LEAD: __________________________

     PHONE: _________________________

       Entry Fee: $30 per team (Payable with Entry)

           Cheques to be made payable to:
                Bowls Dunedin Inc
       Entries close: Thursday 5 November 2020
                       Entries to:
                Bowls Dunedin (Inc.)
     PO Box 11037, Musselburgh, Dunedin 9049 or
        enter online

64                            65
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