Prayer to Saint Joseph - San Isidro Catholic Church
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Prayer to Saint Joseph To you, O blessed Joseph, do we come in our tribulation, April 25, 2021 and having implored the help of your most holy Spouse, we confidently invoke your patronage also. Through that charity which bound you to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God and through the paternal love with which you embraced the Child Jesus, we humbly beg you gracious- ly to regard the inheritance which Jesus Christ has pur- Good Shepard Sunday chased by his Blood, Remember you priests and pray for them and with your power and strength to aid us in our neces- 4733 Macedonia Church Rd. sities. Fayetteville, NC 28312 O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family, defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ; Tele./ Phone: Web page/ sitio de pagina O most loving father, ward off from us (910)424-2698 web: every contagion of error and corrupting influence; Fax: (910)424-0015 O our most mighty protector, be kind to us and from heaven assist us in our struggle with the power of darkness. Horario de Misa: Horas de Oficina/ Office Domingos a las 11:45 AM Hours As once you rescued the Child Jesus from deadly peril, Jueves a las 7:00 PM so now protect God's Holy Church Confesiones: Sunday/ Domingo: from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity; Jueves 6:00-7:00 PM 1:00-2:30pm shield, too, each one of us by your constant protection, O por cita so that, supported by your example and your aid, Tuesday/ Martes: we may be able to live piously, to die in holiness, Mass Schedule: Sundays at 9:00 AM 2:00 PM—6:00 PM and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven. Amen. Tuesdays at 6:30 PM Confessions: Thursday/ Jueves: Thursday 6:00– 6:45 PM 2:00 PM—6:30 PM Or by appointment
Pastoral Care/ Catechetical Institute: Franciscan University Admin: Rev. Edisson Urrego Would you like to know how to deepen your prayer and spiritual life, Deacon: Rev. Mr. Virgilio Maisonet develop a closer relationship with Christ? Do you have questions about the Catholic Church, how to be a Christian parent or spouse in a secu- Faith lar society, how to have a faith-filled marriage, how to share your faith Formation: Sandra Maisonet with others? You can now have these questions answered in the com- Office/ fort of your own home, at your convenience and at your own pace. No Oficina: Mr. Abe Guzman pressure, meetings to drive to, or papers to write. San Isidro Parish is partnering with The Franciscan Catechetical Institute this year to bring a wonderful source of online information and formation to you and your family. Don’t be fooled by the title – this is not a program for Cat- Offertory/Ofertorio Needed/ Received/ echists only and This is NOT a typical educational program. It is a way Necesitamos Recibimos to deepen your own spirituality as you find the answers to questions you have regarding everyday life as a Catholic Christian and the rich- Last Sunday / Domingo Pasado $1,100 $1,364 ness of our Church. You can participate in either of two ways: You can choose tracks & subjects of interest to you for your own personal edifi- Total Offertory / Ofertorio 2020—2021 $44,100 $45,699 cation. You can also choose from 18 tracks offered that will lead to BAA Total Goal $7,538 $8,000 Diocesan recognition and Certification in areas such as: Catechesis, Music Ministry, African American Faith and Family, Sports Ministry, Future Capital Improvement $4,418 Ministry of Parenting, Hispanic Faith and Family, Youth Ministry and much, much more. This opportunity is free of charge to our parishion- ers at San Isidro. Take this opportunity to make it a New Year for you, and pray for those you love. Mass Intentions / Intensiones de la Misa April 25@ 9:00am PRO POPULO Certificación Básica para Catequistas April 25 @ 11:45am + Joaquin Ortega Información en General April 27@ 6:30 pm Un catequista con “Certificación Básica para Catequista” es un laico reconocido por la Diócesis de Raleigh, por haber completado los requisi- April 29@ 7:00 pm tos de formación educativa. Requisitos: Para obtener una Certificación Básica para Catequista, el solicitante debe cumplir con los siguientes requisitos: Cumplir con los requisitos de Ambiente Seguro y presentar comprobante Adoración Eucarística con del certificado electrónicamente. Confesiones Proporcionar Certificados de finalización en la formación de: Méto- dos Catequético, El Credo, Sagradas Escrituras, Liturgia, Sacramentos, Eucharistic Adoration with Moral y Oración o completar la Escuela de Evangelización-Ábreme Confessions de Evangelización Activa. Jueves/Thursday Carta de Recomendación, del Director(a) de Formación de fe (DRE), 6:00PM - 7:00PM Líder de Formación o Director(a) de la escuela, que diga que el solici- tante tiene la experiencia como catequista. La carta debe ser dirigida a Aracely Alcalá, Especialista de Certificación.
Anuncios Sacraments / Sacramentos Announcements • Formation for Catechists, • Formación de Catequistas, Matrimonios / Marriages Emmaus and Adults inter- Emaús, y adultos interesados Debe Hablar con el Padre Edisson por lo menos 6 meses antes del ested to know more about en saber mas de la fe. día de la boda. the faith. Spanish Class on Reuniones los Jueves después Must talk to Rev. Fr. Edisson at least 6 Months before the Thursdays after Mass. de la Misa. wedding date. Bautismos/ Baptisms • We need your support with • Necesitamos su apoyo con la Los bautizos se celebraran el ultimo domingo del Mes. Las clases the sale of food. This money venta de comida los domingos. pre bautismales se darán el primer y segundo domingo del Mes. will help with the church ex- Este dinero se usara para ayu- Baptisms will be celebrated the last Sunday of the month. Pre penses and capital improve- dar con los gastos del a parro- Baptismal classes will be given on the 1st. and 2nd. Sunday of the ment. quia y para hacer mejoramien- tos a los edificios. month. Confession/Confesion • The Calendar for Mass inten- • El calendario de las intensiones Todos los jueves de 6:00 pm. a 6:45 pm., o por cita. tions is open all the way de las Misas esta abierto asta el Every Thursday from 6:00 pm. to 6:46 pm., o by appointment. through June, 2021. Please mes de junio del 2,021. Pidan requests your Mass Intentions sus misas con anticipación. in advance. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, through the ministry of • First Communions will be • Las Primeras Comuniones se- the priest, it is Jesus who touches celebrated during the 11:45 rán celebradas durante la Misa Mass, on May 2nd. de las 11:45, el 2 de mayo. the sick to heal them from sin – and sometimes even from physical ailment. The Rite of Anointing tells • Correction to the second • Corrección para la segunda collection on may 2nd. The colecta del 2 de mayo. La se- us there is no need to wait until a second collection will be use gunda colecta será para el uso person is at the point of death to for faith formation expenses del los gastos de la formación receive the Sacrament. A careful next year. Please use the en- de la fe el próximo año. Por judgment about the serious nature velop provided (capital im- favor usen el sobre que se les a provement). Be assured that dado (capital improvement). of the illness is sufficient or impending surgery. When the money will go to the cor- Esten seguros que el dinero ira the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is given, the rect account. a la cuenta correcta. hoped-for effect is that, if it be God's will, the person be physically healed of illness. The primary effect of the Sacrament is a spiritual healing by which the sick per- For presentations and wedding anniversary blessings, son receives the Holy Spirit's gift of peace and courage see Abe in the office. to deal with the difficulties that accompany serious ill- Para presentaciones y bendición de aniversario de bo- ness or the frailty of old age. If you have impending das, por favor hablar con Abe en la oficina. surgery, or have been recently diagnosed with a life threating ailment, ask to be anointed.
Freedom of Religion vs. Religious Indifferentism Libertad de religión frente al indiferentismo religioso ( (google translate) This part of our Catholic faith is sometimes misunderstood. As Esta parte de nuestra fe católica a veces se malinterpreta. Como Catholics, we believe in freedom of religion. That means that no católicos, creemos en la libertad de religión. Eso significa que one should be forced to become a member of any particular reli- nadie debe ser obligado a convertirse en miembro de ninguna reli- gion. To force someone to convert is to violate their dignity as a gión en particular. Obligar a alguien a convertirse es violar su human being. But some people, and even some faithful Catho- dignidad como ser humano. Pero algunas personas, e incluso al- lics, confuse freedom of religion with what the theologians call gunos fieles católicos, confunden la libertad de religión con lo "religious indifferentism." que los teólogos llaman "indiferentismo religioso". Religious indifferentism is the attitude that says all religions are El indiferentismo religioso es la actitud que dice que todas las the same, and so it doesn't really matter which one you believe in, religiones son iguales, por lo que realmente no importa en cuál as long as you are sincere. But it is not true that all religions are creas, siempre que seas sincero. Pero no es cierto que todas las the same. Human nature is the same, and so the religious im- religiones sean iguales. La naturaleza humana es la misma, por lo pulse that we all feel in the depths of our hearts is universal, pre- que el impulso religioso que todos sentimos en el fondo de nues- sent in every time, place, and culture. But different religions tro corazón es universal, presente en todos los tiempos, lugares y have different ways of dealing with that impulse. Satanists deal culturas. Pero las diferentes religiones tienen diferentes formas de with it by worshipping the devil, even using human sacrifice lidiar con ese impulso. Los satanistas tratan con esto adorando al sometimes. Buddhists deal with it by gradually detaching them- diablo, incluso usando sacrificios humanos a veces. Los budistas selves from all activities of earthly life. And other religions deal lo afrontan separándose gradualmente de todas las actividades de with it in other ways. To say that all religions are basically the la vida terrenal. Y otras religiones lo tratan de otras formas. Decir same is a lazy cop-out. que todas las religiones son básicamente iguales es una evasión It also contradicts Christ's own message. He told the Apostles perezosa. during the Last Supper, "I am the Way; I am Truth and Life. No one can come to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). And También contradice el propio mensaje de Cristo. Les dijo a los St Peter said the same thing in today's First Reading: "... there Apóstoles durante la Última Cena: "Yo soy el Camino; Yo soy la is no other name under heaven by which we are to be saved." Our Verdad y la Vida. Nadie puede venir al Padre si no es por job is not to try and figure out how God saves those who never mí" (Juan 14: 6). Y san Pedro dijo lo mismo en la primera lectura hear the gospel or receive an invitation to join Christ's one flock. de hoy: "... no hay otro nombre bajo el cielo por el cual podamos Rather, our job is to spread the gospel and gather the scattered ser salvos". Nuestro trabajo no es tratar de averiguar cómo Dios sheep of the world into Christ's own Catholic Church. salva a aquellos que nunca escuchan el evangelio o reciben una invitación para unirse al único rebaño de Cristo. Más bien, nues- tro trabajo es difundir el evangelio y reunir las ovejas esparcidas del mundo en la propia Iglesia Católica de Cristo.
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