Easter Worship at Hillcrest UMC - THE SPIRE

Page created by Curtis Hayes
Easter Worship at Hillcrest UMC - THE SPIRE
THE SPIRE                        April 2023
                                 9100 Russell Avenue So.,
                                 Bloomington, MN 55431
         A Publication of               952-881-8601

Easter Worship at Hillcrest UMC
                 Palm Sunday
     April 2, 2023—9:30a (Hillcrest UMC)

           Tenebrae (Good Friday)
      April 7, 2023—7p (Hillcrest UMC)

                 Easter Sunday
     April 9, 2023—9:30a (Hillcrest UMC)
Easter Worship at Hillcrest UMC - THE SPIRE
Happy Resurrection Month!!
                                            When I think of Easter, I think of what was bought
                                    for me with nail-pierced hands. Those wounds, the trauma,
                                    and the agony brought forth the miracle of forgiveness,
                                    love, and acceptance before our God. Isn’t that awesome?
                                    It’s incredible that through the cross, I am free to love my
                                    God and my neighbors because I am confident that I stand
                                    without guilt before God because of what Jesus did from
                                    Good Friday through Easter. His wounds, Christ’s wounds,
continue to heal, forgive, save, and provide unconditional love to all people.
       It is easy in the troubled waters of life to focus on our wounds. The wounds are real.
When Jesus was raised from the dead, his wounds were still present. In fact, Thomas needed
to see the wounds to confirm that Jesus had indeed resurrected! There is something to that.
While we tend to run from our wounds, denying them, Thomas realized that only through
wounds can we be changed. Wounds, even in bodies with resurrected souls, are still there.
Sometimes wounds cause pain. I remember my father’s passing; it is still a tender wound that
hurts. But Christ knows this, and Christ has felt this too. Christ felt the full range of our
emotions, trauma, and abandonment. He knew the physical pain of crucifixion, and yet Christ
went to glory with his wounds!
       Those wounds, those beautiful wounds, heal, transform, and renew. They confirm our
walk with God and prove the Presence of the Spirit in our lives. Jesus on the Cross spreads the
love of forgiveness and renewed relationship with God to all of creation. The tomb is empty,
but Christ has risen, and the world will be different forever because of this.

                                People Are the Church
The following persons were lifted up in prayer during the month of March 2023:
       Betty DeVinney; Bonnie Dobratz; Myron Engel; Carl Ermisch; The family of Sue Evans;
       Linda Fleming; Gary Grant; Don Harrington; Kathy Hilken; Esther Kisch, Frank Kisch,
       Mitch Kisch; Liesl Klopp-Miller; Dan Knack; Zoe Koshir; Marilyn Kreutz; Steve Kuyper;
       Sandy Miller; Ronin Millette; Cindy Probst; Dale Phelps & Ruth Sanford;
Easter Worship at Hillcrest UMC - THE SPIRE
Loryce Sivertson; Marcia Spring; Ralph Steward; Rita Tepper; Ruth Walker;
       Adrian Washington; Mark Waters; Jim Whiting; Luella Whiting; Braxton; Cathy;
       Katie & Family; Lori; Natalie; Nathaniel; Tom

                          It’s Easy to Submit a Request for Prayers!
                             Email Lynne Scherer: lmschere@iphouse.com
                              (OR) Call the church office (952) 881-8601

Those We Have Lost:
   Steve Scherer, husband of Lynne Scherer, passed away on March 15, 2023. Steve was
   interred to the National Cemetery on March 28, 2023. A Celebration of Life may take
   place in the future. More information will be provided as it is finalized.

April Birthdays
       Dennis Walsh (5th)              Doreen Renfrow (6th)                Charlee Bingen (6th)
       Wilma Steward (7th)             Jennifer Demaray (11th)             Layla Sill (12th)
       Mark Roberts (14th)             Pastor Eric Pone (15th)             Kim Fuhrman (16th)
       Abigail Ledbetter (16th)        Kay Young (16th)                    Emily Millette (17th)
       Shawn Loughlin (19th)
Was your birthday or anniversary missing or incorrect? Let Kaite Knack know!

                        Upcoming Committee Meetings
Staff/Parish Relations Committee
       Tuesday, April 11, 2023—6:00p (Fellowship Hall)

Leadership Team
       Tuesday, April 25, 2023—6:00p (Zoom/Fellowship Hall)

Membership, Evangelism, Missions & Outreach (MEMO) Committee
       Will not meet in April 2023.
Easter Worship at Hillcrest UMC - THE SPIRE
Worship Team
       Will not meet in April 2023.

       Will not meet in April 2023.

Finance Team
       Will not meet in April 2023.

                                   Financial Update
       First Quarter financial statements will be available to pick up at church starting on
Sunday, April 2, 2023. If you have any questions about your financial statement, please reach
out to Kay Young, Financial Secretary.

                           Hillcrest Child Care Center
       SPRING has finally sprung! I hope that by the time you receive this newsletter there
are obvious signs of spring for us to see—not just snow, snow and more snow. If you can’t
tell, I am a little over winter! We look forward to the day the kids can go outside in summer
jackets and tennis shoes. One of the teachers’ favorite days is the day snowsuits and boots
go home.
       We will start the month of April off by learning about Easter, and not just the Easter
Bunny. The children will learn about the true reason we celebrate Easter. During the first
week of April, we will introduce the kids to other Bible friends too. We will also have a week
dedicated to science. The children love to do science experiments. They are so inquisitive. We
will also be celebrating them (young children) during this month, as well as, learning how we
can take care of the earth. April will be busy but fun, and hopefully filled with many warm
sunny days.
       It is hard to believe we are already into the second quarter of the year. Although the
     first quarter was full of snow (which is not my favorite), the children have really enjoyed
Easter Worship at Hillcrest UMC - THE SPIRE
it. They enjoyed each and every opportunity they had to play outside—building snowmen,
making snow angels, running around in it and going up and down the hill. Seeing their
enthusiasm and happiness makes the inconvenience of snow tolerable.
       We hope you all enjoy April, and we look forward to seeing more of you as we begin to
thaw a bit. Hopefully, the nice weather will give us all more opportunity to be out and about
safely. Stop by and say, hello. The kids love it.                 Bonnie Beyer, Director

                              Upcoming Small Groups
Knitting Group
       Wednesday, April 5, 2022—12:00p (Gathering Room)

Pastor Led Bible Study
       Thursday’s —7:00p (Zoom)
       Email the church office for the Zoom link. EVERYONE welcome to join.

Choir Rehearsal
       Wednesday’s, 11:00a (Choir Room)
       EVERYONE with a passion to sing is welcome to join!

Men’s Breakfast
       Saturday, April 8, 2023—8:00a (Perkins, Lyndale Ave S.)

Photography Group
       The Photography Group continues to meet on a regular basis! For their upcoming
       photography sites or questions on joining the group on an outing, see Kay Young.

“Holy Folders”
       Thursday, April 27, 2023       10:00a (Fellowship Hall)
       Upcoming Dates: May 25th, June 22
Easter Worship at Hillcrest UMC - THE SPIRE
Book Club

       Will not meet in April. See you Monday, May 8th for
       “Crying in H Mart” by Michelle Zauner.

Community Movie Day—Double Feature!
Saturday, April 22, 2023 (Fellowship Hall)

10:00a “Encanto” (2021, PG, I hr. 42 min)
                   Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Encanto” tells the tale of an
                   extraordinary family, the Madrigals, who live hidden in the mountains of
                   Colombia, in a magical house, in a vibrant town, in a wondrous, charmed
                   place called an Encanto. The magic of the Encanto has blessed every child
                   in the family with a unique gift from super strength to the power to heal—
                   every child except one, Mirabel. But when she discovers that the magic
                   surrounding the Encanto is in danger, Mirabel decides that she, the only
ordinary Madrigal, might just be her exceptional family’s last hope

12:15p “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters (2022, 1 hr., 34 min.)
       When a wealthy businessman learns of his daughter's sudden
       engagement to a missionary, he embarks on a quest to keep her
       closer to home, but when his efforts go awry he must reconsider
       what being a strong father really means.

 6              Sign up on the NEW BOARD in the Coat Room!
Easter Worship at Hillcrest UMC - THE SPIRE
       Tuesday, April 11, 2023
       Lunch: Davanni’s Pizza, Salad, Dessert
       Program: Board & Card Games
       Cost: $10.00 per person
What IS Friendship Gathering? Similar to
M&M’s, this monthly luncheon is an opportunity to bring our
church family & neighborhood together in Fellowship and
Fun. With a different meal and program each month, there is
fun to be had by all! Everyone is welcome! You do not
have to be a member or connected to Hillcrest UMC. Bring a
neighbor or a friend!
Reservations: Email hillcrestbloomington@gmail.com, Call (952) 881-8601, or sign up on the
board in the Coat Room. Lunch Scholarships Available. Deadline for registration is Friday,
April 14, 2023.

      Foundation Fundraiser: Almond Filled French Pastries
       Dear Foundation friends. Any of you who ordered and enjoyed the delicious Almond
Filled French Pastries, Marlin, Wilma and Barb, brought back from the Iowa Bakery last year,
may now order more, which they will bring back this May. There are 6 per package which can
be baked one or all at a time. The price per package should be $10.00 per package for which
our Church Foundation earns $2.00. Eleanor has already ordered 4 packages. She loves them
like I do. Give orders to Marlin. Your Foundation appreciates your support.    - Marlin Grant

                                  Outreach Update
       A Special THANK YOU to everyone who has supported the Missions & Outreach of
Hillcrest UMC! In January 2023, we collected “Blankets for Bridging”. We also collected “Cold
Weather Items” for our school age friends at Hillcrest Community School & Valley View
Elementary School. These items consisted of many hand knitted hats and gloves. All of these
items were blessed during worship at the end of January and have been distributed to the
Easter Worship at Hillcrest UMC - THE SPIRE
appropriate places. A special thank you to Lynne Scherer for delivering our hats to Valley
View Elementary School and to Karen Anderson for delivering our blankets to Bridging, Inc.
        In February 2023, we collected financial donations to go to Turkey and Syria following
the devastating earthquakes that they experienced in early April. Hillcrest UMC collected
$530 to be sent to Turkey and Syria for their clean-up efforts. If you would still like to give to
this UMCOR Advance, go to http://umcmission.org/advance-project/982450 (or) call 888-252-
        In March 2023, we collected financial donations to help offset the costs of our Easter
Community Event held on March 25, 2023. More information, plus PICTURES, will be in the
May 2023 Spire. We also delivered a check for $505.00 to Hillcrest Community School. This
money, collected in July for School Supplies, will be used at Hillcrest Community School for a
new piece of equipment in their newest resource room. Pictures will be provided by the
amazing staff when the piece is delivered and set up in the resource room.
        In April 2023, we will be collecting financial donations for our 2023 Easter Offering.
More information will be coming in a separate letter. We encourage everyone to bring your
Easter Offering to worship on April 9, 2023, but the Easter Offering will be collected through
the month of April.
        Any questions about your Mission & Outreach Opportunities in the past and in the
future, can be directed to Kaite Knack, Outreach Coordinator. Do YOU have something on
your heart you would like Hillcrest to support by Mission or Outreach? Let Kaite know!

                                    Plant Sale Reminder
Get your dirt and your gardening pots ready! Your ordered items from the Spring Plant Sale
will be arriving at Hillcrest UMC    before
we know it!

The plants will be at the church May 11th
& 12th. More information, including exact
pick up times, will be in the May Spire.

Easter Worship at Hillcrest UMC - THE SPIRE
Easter Worship at Hillcrest UMC - THE SPIRE
Hillcrest United Methodist Church
           9100 Russell Ave So.,
           Bloomington, MN 55431


SPIRE Newsletter April 2023 Edition

           Recent Blessings                                Every Sunday:
   The continued healing of our                 Worship: 9:30a (In Person & Online)
                                                 Communion First Sunday of Every Month
    Organist, Loryce Sivertson
   The many gifts of substitute
    organists & pianists while Loryce                    Hillcrest Church Staff:
    continues to heal                                        Pastor Eric Pone
   The many hands who continue
                                                  Outreach & Communications Coordinator:
    to keep our sidewalks clear of                               Kaite Knack
    snow and ice                                       Director of Music: Nancy Miller
   The loving embrace of the                         Organist/Pianist: Loryce Sivertson
    church community as they come                  Child Care Center Director: Bonnie Beyer
    around everyone who is                         Child Care Staff: Liz Clark, Dawn Froemel,
    grieving, hurting, or who just             Gabie Lane, Riley McGuinness, Jennifer Contreras
    need some extra love                        Sanches, Jean Scott, Rosie Sola, Carla Sorensen,
                                                         Carla Zenk, Kristin Zumberge
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