Powering Up Life Sciences - How to Activate Sales Reps with Better Content

Page created by Sarah Dean
Powering Up Life Sciences - How to Activate Sales Reps with Better Content
Powering Up
Life Sciences
How to Activate Sales Reps
with Better Content
Powering Up Life Sciences - How to Activate Sales Reps with Better Content
Activate Sellers and                                        Great Content Drives                                         Meet Your
Drive Results                                               Great Interactions                                           Content Goals
For life sciences, pharmaceutical, and medical device       For customer interactions that increase sales, drive brand       Keep content
companies, the clock is always ticking.                     impact, and reduce compliance risk, reps need access to          on-message and
                                                            the most timely, approved, and impactful materials and           in-compliance
Competition is fierce, regulations are changing, and time
                                                            clinical studies.
between FDA approval and launch may be only a matter                                                                         Maximize content
of weeks.                                                   But it's not enough to simply make assets available—             adoption by reps
                                                            reps must know how to use these resources and when
It's harder than ever to meet customers face-to-face.
                                                            to deploy them in the sales process in a compliant way.          Speed up content
Many opt for virtual engagements as a first point of
                                                                                                                             production timeline
contact. And once in a meeting, sales reps may only have    When you give sellers content in context, you activate
15 minutes—or less—to convey therapeutic benefits or        your sales team and drive better results.
                                                                                                                             Reduce cost to
clinical applications.
                                                            Activating sales reps means powering them up with                produce content
Sellers need to make the most of every minute. To           marketing materials, yes, but also with the knowledge
succeed, sales teams must learn rapidly, be on-label        they need to nurture and close deals while meeting               Track content usage
with product and clinical messaging, and maximize           regulatory requirements.
their limited time with healthcare providers, hospital                                                                       Gain better insight into
                                                            Seller activation helps maximize revenue per rep by              content effectiveness
administrators, and payers.
                                                            ensuring they convey the right concept using the right
Activate your sales reps with                               content throughout each stage of the buying process.
the materials they need to stay                             Read on to learn how you can improve your content
in compliance and meet quota.                               strategy to boost productivity across your sales
                                                            organization in the most efficient and effective way.

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Powering Up Life Sciences - How to Activate Sales Reps with Better Content
Empower Sales Reps
with the Right Content
Activating your reps with the right materials and knowledge will help
accelerate growth, increase your customer base, minimize compliance risk,
and drive long-term success in a volatile world.

When you empower your sales team with the right content, they simply
have the ability to sell more confidently, effectively, and efficiently.

Most commercial excellence teams manage, share, and report on external
sales content, clinical studies, and marketing collateral as well as internal
policy decks and training content.

Compliant product information is critical. For example, pharmaceutical
companies must equip sales teams with in-depth, specialized knowledge
of a drug’s effects, potential interactions, and therapeutic area.

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Powering Up Life Sciences - How to Activate Sales Reps with Better Content
Show Reps What
Good Looks Like
But this overlooks another type of internal content—
compliant messaging and example talk tracks from top
performers. When you can show your sellers “what good
looks like,” they’re empowered to deliver the perfect pitch
every time.

When sales enablement captures and vets this content
through approval workflows, these insights and best
practices become a new kind of training content that
allows reps to “pressure test” messaging in a safe space.

Another way to meet the need for content is by tapping
into internal subject matter experts. Clinical application
specialists and other SMEs are the best internal resources
to keep sellers in the field apprised during the post-
launch period.

When you can share competitive intelligence or feedback
on how a talk track is being received, your reps are
prepared in a whole new way.

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Powering Up Life Sciences - How to Activate Sales Reps with Better Content
3 Stages of a Successful Sales Content Strategy
By following these three stages, you’ll be able to improve your sales content and empower reps to be even more effective.

Create                                               Distribute                                           Track
Create and refine marketing collateral by            Publish and share content to sales and make it       Track and measure content performance analytics
collaborating with internal SMEs to get the most     accessible on any device (laptop, phone or tablet)   to ensure that materials are used appropriately. See
up-to-date intelligence on market needs. “Pressure   when it’s needed. Make it as easy as possible to     how often each asset is used and track external
test" concepts and materials with the sales team     get new approved assets to sellers and make sure     shares. When you provide the most timely, impactful,
before releasing widely. Use video to capture SME    they only have access to the most up-to-date,        and compliant content, reps have greater confidence
knowledge, best practices, and reps’ real-world      correct versions.                                    in new assets and use them successfully.
experiences to get a deeper understanding of

                                                     Remember, sales content is not once-and-done. Once you launch a new asset, you’ll need to revisit it
                                                     over time and decide if the messaging needs to be updated based on regulatory changes, company
                                                     positioning, competitor challenges, or customer needs.

                                                                                                                                                  Powering Up Life Sciences | 5
Powering Up Life Sciences - How to Activate Sales Reps with Better Content
Best Sales Enablement
Content to Activate Reps
Your company’s baseline content activation assets will
depend on your product, industry, and market. There’s a
huge array of options available to drive buyers through
the funnel to close.

Here are seven key content types
to empower your reps »

                                                          Powering Up Life Sciences | 6
1. Sales Playbooks                                 3. Product Scripts                                 6. Battlecards
Playbooks are comprehensive, internal-facing       The product script walks your reps through         These concise, internal-facing documents
guides that show the most effective way for        your product effects, potential interactions,      establish a company’s competitive
reps to sell at each stage of the sales cycle.     therapeutic benefits, and on-label uses to help    differentiation. They’re designed to help your
With a modern sales enablement platform,           them do a deeper dive into the specifics of your   sales team gain a firm understanding of a
you can house and tag these playbooks to           product. Distributed teams can use video to        competitor’s offering, as well as key sales
make them discoverable by your team when           practice the script, ensure compliant delivery,    messages, essential information about your
they search for specific funnel stages, clinical   reinforce learning, and share best practices.      product, and value proposition.
roles, customer personas, or selling scenarios.
                                                   4. Email Templates                                 Reps use battlecards to handle objections in
2. Discovery Call Scripts                          Email templates help reps communicate on-label     deals against specific competitors. Providing
The discovery call script accompanies your         and on-message, send emails at high volume,        video examples of how to leverage battlecards
brochures and equips your reps with a set          and build trust with prospects. They can be        in different selling scenarios will make them
of approved talking points, guidelines, and        created to meet specific prospect pain points      even more impactful.
leading questions to help them present your        and needs. The key is to make it easy for reps
product with clarity and consistency. This         to access the best template for each product or    7. Buyer Personas
may also include strategies for each stage         customer persona.                                  These documents describe different buyer
of the sales cycle to help reps overcome                                                              types to prepare reps to help uncover and
objections and move buyers through each            5. Win / Loss Stories                              solve specific problems of healthcare providers,
stage. It’s best if you can provide a voiceover    Unlike case studies, win / loss stories—best       hospital administrators, and payers. Profiles can
recording that shows exactly how to deliver        captured on video—are for internal use. These      include background, age, gender, job description,
the talk track, and outlines drug indications      are a way for reps to explain how they won or      decision-making power, personal interests and
or clinical applications.                          lost specific deals. They enable you to capture,   aspirations, and other details that provide a
                                                   share, and preserve valuable customer and          better understanding of the customer.
                                                   competitor intel for other reps and new hires.

                                                                                                                                           Powering Up Life Sciences | 7
Supercharge Content Activation
with Sales Enablement Technology
Great content is worthless if you don’t have the tools to activate it. This
requires a unique set of integrated technology capabilities that work
seamlessly in the flow of your reps’ daily work.

There’s a new breed of sales enablement platform that supports rep and
content activation. It doesn’t just offer content management or analytics. It's a
new approach to activating your reps so they become successful and stay that
way over time.

This type of platform offers a holistic approach that combines learning,
content, and collaboration all in one place. These solutions accelerate the
sales cycle, drive higher average contract values, and boost profitability in the
sales organization.

Leading-edge sales learning and enablement technology can help you deliver
the knowledge and insights to equip your sales teams to produce at the
highest levels and drive results no matter what challenge is thrown their way.

                                                                    Powering Up Life Sciences | 8
Modern Sales Enablement with
Allego’s All-In-One-Solution
Allego is built for dynamic learning, content, and
collaboration anytime, anywhere. You can empower
your organization with mobile, interactive technology
built for the way today’s virtual teams work—all
through a single platform.

                                                        Powering Up Life Sciences | 9
Allego drives success with these key capabilities:
      Content Management
      Create, manage, and optimize sales content for greater
      effectiveness through Marketing and Sales collaboration.

      Onboarding and Training
      Bolster engagement, behavior change, and retention with
      virtual programs that shorten ramp time and produce
      measurable business value.

      Coaching and Collaboration
      Target skill gaps and drive team productivity by connecting
      sellers, managers, internal experts, and peers with the
      knowledge needed to win.

      Launches and Rollouts
      Accelerate proficiency, drive the use of strategic content, and
      ensure reps articulate key messaging for every prospect need.

      Virtual Selling
      Engage buyers virtually at every stage of the sales process with
      interactive, personalized experiences and content.

                                                               Powering Up Life Sciences | 10
www.allego.com | 781.400.5671 | salesinquiry@allego.com

                                               To learn how Allego can help you make your virtual
                                                 sales meeting a success, request a demo today.

                About Allego:
                Transform your organization with mobile, interactive learning technology built for today’s distributed teams. Allego’s learning and enablement
                platform ensures that employees have the skills, knowledge, and content to accelerate team success. Instead of traditional onboarding and
                training approaches–which are rapidly outdated and quickly forgotten–hundreds of thousands of training, enablement, L&D, and customer-facing
                professionals use Allego to deliver the skills that employees need to succeed in today’s dynamic business environment.

© 2021 Allego
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