Venture Forward 2023 Annual Enrollment starts Monday, October 17, and ends Friday, November 4, 2022

Page created by Annie Franklin
Venture Forward 2023 Annual Enrollment starts Monday, October 17, and ends Friday, November 4, 2022
Moving you forward

2023 Benefits Highlights Brochure

Venture Forward
2023 Annual Enrollment starts Monday, October 17,
and ends Friday, November 4, 2022
Venture Forward 2023 Annual Enrollment starts Monday, October 17, and ends Friday, November 4, 2022
Welcome to 2023
     Annual Enrollment!
     We’ve certainly been through a lot together these last few years. But through it all, we
     remain committed to offering a comprehensive benefits package designed to support you
     and your family at work and at home, whatever life may throw your way.
     With minimal changes to your benefits in 2023, you can focus on making sure your
     coverage fits your and your family’s needs and puts you in the best position possible as
     we venture forward into 2023.
     Before you enroll, take a moment to consider what may have changed since you last
     enrolled, or any upcoming life events, and how that impacts your 2023 benefits needs.

            Visit today for the benefits information you need
            to get started, including coverage details, costs, enrollment information, and
            decision-making resources.

2023 Annual Enrollment
Annual Enrollment is your once-a-year opportunity to review and change your benefits
elections for the coming year. Any changes you make are effective January 1, 2023,
and remain in effect for the entire year, unless you have a qualified life event.
If you do not actively enroll or make changes to your coverage during Annual
Enrollment, most 2022 benefits elections will roll over to 2023 at the same
coverage level, with two exceptions:
• If you contribute to a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), your 2022 FSA elections will
  NOT carry over to 2023. You must re-enroll in FSAs each year.
• If you have dependent life insurance for your spouse and/or dependent child(ren) and
  do not take action, you may default into a new coverage level for 2023. See page 4 for
  more information.

What’s Changing for 2023

Per-Paycheck Deductions                                       Health Savings Account
See for specific per-paycheck          • The salary tiers for Company contributions to your HSA
deduction information.                                          will change to better align with medical per-paycheck
                                                                deduction salary tiers. See page 5 for more information
• Medical per-paycheck deductions will increase slightly
                                                                about the HSA.
  for the Anthem plans.
                                                                Here’s how the Company will contribute to your
• Cigna Dental DHMO per-paycheck deductions will
                                                                HSA in 2023:
  increase slightly.
• If your spouse’s life insurance coverage is defaulted                                                   Employee
                                                                Base Salary as of          Individual     + 1 or More
  to the next higher $10,000 increment (as described
                                                                October 1, 2022            Coverage       Dependents
  on page 4), you will see a slight increase in your
                                                                Less than $85,000          $750           $1,500
  per-paycheck deductions due to the higher
                                                                ($75,000 in 2021)
  coverage amount.
                                                                $85,000 or more            $300           $600
• There is no change to what you pay for the Kaiser HMO,        ($75,000 in 2021)
  the Delta Dental DPPOs, vision, or other benefits in 2023
  unless changes to your annual salary or age affect your     • 2023 IRS HSA contribution maximums will increase:
  per-paycheck deduction, where applicable.                     » Individual: $3,850 ($200 increase from 2022)
                                                                » Family: $7,750 ($450 increase from 2022)
                                                                » If you will be age 55 or older by December 31, 2023,
Medical and Prescription Drugs                                    you can make an additional $1,000 catch-up
There are no changes to the Anthem medical plans. There           contribution to your HSA.
will be changes to the Kaiser HMO medical and prescription
drug coverage for 2023. See pages 5 and 6 for more

Flexible Spending Accounts                                          Dependent Life Insurance
    The Health Care FSA maximum contribution will increase to           Spouse and dependent life insurance coverage options
    $2,850 ($100 increase from 2022).                                   will change:
    Note: If you enroll in the Anthem CDHP with HSA, IRS                           Spouse                   Dependent Child(ren)
    rules prohibit you from contributing to a Health Care FSA.           2022 Options 2023 Options 2022 Options 2023 Options
    The Dependent Care FSA maximum contribution is not                   $10,000        Increments                      $5,000
    changing for 2023.                                                                  of $10,000,
                                                                         $50,000                        $10,000         $10,000
                                                                                        up to a
    Note: As has been the case in previous years, the                    50% of                         $15,000         $15,000
    government requires all companies sponsoring Dependent               your annual    maximum
    Care FSAs to conduct periodic tests to ensure the plan               base salary    benefit
    does not favor Highly Compensated Employees (HCEs) with              ($100,000
    respect to eligibility and benefits. If a plan fails one of these    maximum)
    tests, HCEs may be required to reduce their contributions            One times
    to the Dependent Care FSA. If you are impacted, you will             your annual
    be notified when testing is completed (typically by the              base salary
    end of the second quarter) and your Dependent Care FSA               ($100,000
    contribution will automatically be reduced.                          maximum)
                                                                        If your current spouse life insurance amount is not an
                                                                        increment of $10,000 and you do not make an active
    Commuter Benefits                                                   election during the Annual Enrollment period, your spouse’s
    The maximum monthly pre-tax contributions to the                    coverage will default to the next higher $10,000. For
    Transportation Spending Account will increase in 2023:              example, if your spouse’s current coverage is one times
                                                                        your annual base salary and your annual base salary is
    • $280 for commuting expenses ($10 increase from 2022)
                                                                        $65,000, your spouse will default to $70,000.
    • $280 for parking expenses ($10 increase from 2022)
                                                                        Note: Evidence of Insurability (EOI) will be required if you:
    To change your current contribution, or to enroll as a new
    user, visit All changes must be made by              • Increase coverage for your spouse to any amount
    the fourth day of the month prior to the month you want               over $50,000 (except if your spouse’s coverage is
    the change to go into effect. For example, if you want to             automatically increased because it is not an increment
    increase your January contribution, you must request the              of $10,000, as described above)
    change no later than December 4.                                    • Increase coverage by more than $10,000, up to $50,000

     2023 Plan Design Changes
     There are no changes to your other 2023 benefits,
     including the Anthem medical plans, Delta Dental
     DPPO plans, vision, disability, employee life and AD&D
     insurance, or voluntary benefits. To learn more about
     these benefits, visit

What You Need to Know for 2023
Here’s an overview of how much you will pay when you receive services under each medical plan option in 2023.
Changes from 2022 are shown in orange.
                                                      Anthem                           Anthem                         Anthem                           Kaiser
                                                BCBS CDHP with HSA                    BCBS EPO                       BCBS PPO*                         HMO
                                             In-Network Out-of-Network In-Network ONLY In-Network Out-of-Network In-Network ONLY
 Annual Deductible
 Employee                                    $1,500          $3,000               $250                    $250            $1,250                None
 Employee + 1 dependent                      $3,000          $6,000               $500                    $500            $2,500                None
 Employee + 2 or more dependents             $3,000          $6,000               $750                    $750            $3,750                None
 Out-of-Pocket Maximum
 Employee                                    $2,200          $4,400               $1,100                  $1,100          $3,300                $1,500
 Employee + 1 dependent                      $4,400          $8,800               $2,200                  $2,200          $6,600                $3,000
 Employee + 2 or more dependents             $4,400          $8,800               $3,300                  $3,300          $9,900                $3,000
 Covered Expenses
 Preventive care                             Plan pays     40% after              Plan pays 100%          Plan pays       40% after             Plan pays 100%
                                             100%          deductible                                     100%            deductible
 Primary care physician†                     20% after 40% after                  20% after               20% after       40% after             $25 co-pay
                                             deductible deductible                deductible              deductible      deductible
 Specialist                                  20% after 40% after                  20% after               20% after       40% after             $25 co-pay
                                             deductible deductible                deductible              deductible      deductible
 Hospital stay‡                              20% after 40% after                  20% after               20% after       40% after             $500 co-pay
                                             deductible deductible                deductible              deductible      deductible
 Emergency room‡                             20% after 20% after                  $200 co-pay             $200            $200 co-pay           $150 co-pay
                                             deductible deductible                                        co-pay
 Urgent care‡                                20% after 40% after                  $40 co-pay              $40 co-pay 40% after                  $25 co-pay
                                             deductible deductible                                                   deductible
 LiveHealth Online                           20% after N/A                        $10 co-pay              $10 co-pay N/A                        N/A
 Infertility treatments                      Covered at appropriate in-           20% after               Covered at appropriate in-            Limited benefits
 (includes cryopreservation)                 or out-of-network levels;            deductible,             or out-of-network levels;
                                             $25,000 lifetime maximum,            $25,000 lifetime        $25,000 lifetime maximum,
                                             in- and out-of-network               maximum II              in- and out-of-network
                                             combined II                                                  combined II
 Gender confirmation surgery                 20% after Not covered                20% after               20% after Not covered                 Limited benefits
                                             deductible                           deductible              deductible
 Annual chiropractic care                    20% after 40% after                  20% after               20% after 40% after                   $15 co-pay;
                                             deductible deductible                deductible;             deductible deductible                 maximum of
                                                                                  maximum of                                                    40 visits per year
                                             Combined maximum of                  30 visits per year      Combined maximum of
                                             30 visits per year                                           30 visits per year
* Must be enrolled as of December 31, 2022, to elect the plan for 2023.
† PCP includes outpatient mental health care, convenience care clinics, and non-preventive lab tests.
‡ Co-pays and deductibles are included in the out-of-pocket maximum.
§ Most LiveHealth Online medical visits cost $59 prior to meeting your deductible.
II In addition to the $25,000 lifetime medical maximum on infertility treatments (includes voluntary cryopreservation), there is a separate $25,000 lifetime maximum on
   prescription drugs for infertility treatment.

   Looking to save money in 2023? Check out the CDHP!
   The CDHP has lower per-paycheck deductions than the other plans and offers access to a tax-advantaged HSA that you can
   use to pay for eligible health care expenses or invest and use later, such as during retirement. You control the money in your
   HSA, and it’s always yours to keep!
   Plus, the Company contributes to your HSA on your behalf just for enrolling in the CDHP:
    Base Salary as of October 1, 2022                         Individual Coverage*                               Employee + 1 or More Dependents*
    Less than $85,000                                         $750                                               $1,500
    $85,000 or more                                           $300                                               $600
   * The Company contribution to your HSA is determined using your coverage tier as of January 1, 2023. Your Company contribution to your HSA will not be increased
     or decreased based on a subsequent qualified life event.

       Learn more about the benefits of the CDHP at

Prescription Drugs
    If you’re enrolled in an Anthem BCBS medical plan, your prescription drug coverage is provided by Express Scripts. If you’re
    enrolled in the Kaiser HMO, your prescription drug coverage is through Kaiser. Here’s an overview of how much you will pay
    when you fill a prescription under each plan, with changes from 2022 shown in orange:
                                                     Anthem BCBS CDHP                       Anthem BCBS EPO and PPO                           Kaiser HMO
     Retail (30-day supply)
     Generic                                 20% after deductible*                       30% ($15 min./$45 max.)                      $10 co-pay
     Brand name                              20% after deductible*                       30% ($35 min./$105 max.)                     $30 co-pay
     Specialty                               20% after deductible*                       30% ($75 min./$225 max.)                     $30 co-pay
     Mail Order (90-day supply)†
     Generic                                 20% after deductible*                       25% ($30 min./$90 max.)                      $20 co-pay
     Brand name                              20% after deductible*                       25% ($70 min./$210 max.)                     $60 co-pay
     Specialty                               20% after deductible*                       25% ($150 min./$440 max.)                    $30 co-pay
     Out-of-Pocket Maximum
     Employee                                Combined with medical                       $1,800                                       Combined with medical
     Employee + 1 dependent                  Combined with medical                       $3,600                                       Combined with medical
     Employee + 2 or                         Combined with medical                       $5,400                                       Combined with medical
     more dependents
    * The deductible is waived for preventive drugs. For all other prescription drugs, you must meet your combined medical and prescription drug deductible before the
      plan pays a percentage of your prescription drug cost.
    † A 100-day supply is available for the Kaiser HMO.

    Here’s an overview of how much you will pay when you receive services under each dental plan option in 2023.
                                                        Delta Dental Standard DPPO                    Delta Dental High DPPO                 Cigna Dental DHMO*
                                                         In-Network    Out-of-Network                 In-Network   Out-of-Network               In-Network ONLY
     Annual deductible (per person,                    $100           $100                        $50             $50                        None
     combined in- and out-of-network)
     Annual maximum benefit (per person,               $1,500               $1,500                $3,000                 $3,000              None
     combined in- and out-of-network)
     Preventive & diagnostic services**                Covered 100%         20%                   Covered 100%           15%                 Covered 100%
     Exams, cleanings, X-rays, sealants
     Basic restorative services                        20% after            20% after             15% after              40% after           Covered 100% after
     Fillings, posterior composites                    deductible           deductible            deductible             deductible          applicable co-pay
     Major restorative services                        40% after            40% after             15% after              40% after           Covered 100% after
     Crowns, inlays, onlays, cast                      deductible           deductible            deductible             deductible          applicable co-pay
     Implants                                          50% after            50% after             50% after              50% after           Covered 100% after
                                                       deductible           deductible            deductible             deductible          applicable co-pay
     Orthodontia (all covered members)                 50% after            50% after             40% after              40% after           Covered 100% after
                                                       deductible           deductible            deductible             deductible          applicable co-pay
     Orthodontia lifetime maximum                      $2,000               $2,000                $2,000                 $2,000              N/A
     (per person, combined in- and
     * For a list of co-pays, refer to the Cigna Dental Care Patient Charge Schedule, available at
    ** Not subject to the deductible and will not apply toward the annual maximum benefit limit.

    Here’s an overview of how much the Plan will pay when you receive services under the UnitedHealthcare vision plan in 2023.
                                                                                     In-Network                                       Out-of-Network
     Annual deductible                                                $25                                          $25
     Vision exam (once every calendar year)                           Plan pays 100% after deductible              Up to a $40 reimbursement after deductible
     Single-vision lenses                                             Plan pays 100% after deductible              Up to a $40 reimbursement after deductible
     Bifocal lenses                                                   Plan pays 100% after deductible              Up to a $60 reimbursement after deductible
     Trifocal lenses                                                  Plan pays 100% after deductible              Up to an $80 reimbursement after deductible
     Frames (once every calendar year)                                $130 allowance after deductible              Up to a $45 reimbursement after deductible
     Contact lenses (once every calendar year in lieu                 $200 allowance after deductible              Up to a $200 reimbursement after deductible
     of glasses)

Support for Everyday Challenges
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP), offered by Empathia LifeMatters, can help you, your dependents, and anyone
living in your household with a range of personal and work issues, including emotional support, stress management, and
more. EAP services are free, completely confidential, and available 24/7. Coverage includes up to six sessions with a
counselor per person, per issue—in person, over video, or by text.
To begin, visit (code: BERT1), download the LifeMatters app (code: BERT1), or call LifeMatters
at 1-800-634-6433. If you are located in the U.S., you can also text “hello” to 61295. (If you are located in Canada,
text “hello” to 204-817-1149.)

Virtual Care—Help from the Comfort of Home
LiveHealth Online. When you enroll in an Anthem BCBS plan, you have access to LiveHealth Online. LiveHealth Online offers
24/7 access to U.S.-based, board-certified doctors on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Use LiveHealth Online when you
have a minor, non-emergency medical issue that otherwise might require a visit to your regular doctor, an urgent care center, or
an emergency room—things like ear infections, sore throats, and minor injuries. Your cost depends on your medical plan:
• Anthem BCBS CDHP: $59, until you meet the deductible; 20% after you meet the deductible
• Anthem BCBS EPO: $10
• Anthem BCBS PPO: $10
To begin, create an account at or download the LiveHealth Online app.
Provider telehealth services. If your provider offers telehealth services by phone or video, your telehealth visit will
cost the same as an in-person visit. See page 5 for medical coverage details.

What You Should Do Next
It’s simple! Just follow these steps:

  1    Learn. Review the 2023 changes in this Highlights Brochure, along
       with additional information at

  2    Think. Consider whether your current elections will still meet your needs
       in 2023. Even if you want to keep the same coverage, it is important to
       review your options, the associated costs, and think about any upcoming
       life events, like the birth of a child, that may influence your decisions.

  3    Compare. Use the Medical Plan Cost Estimator tool to compare your
       medical plan options:
       Enter your and your dependents’ expected medical and prescription drug
       usage to view the estimated costs under each medical plan. Then, visit to access the cost calculator, which will allow
       you to calculate your total per-paycheck deductions in 2023, based on the
       plans you elect.

       Enroll. Log on to the enrollment system, UKG:
       For enrollment instructions, including information on your user ID
       and password, visit

                If you have a benefits-related question or need assistance during Annual Enrollment,
                please contact the Employee Benefits Team:
                Phone: 1-800-726-0600, option 6

                        For specific questions, see the list of benefits administrators and insurers

                Si le gustaria obtener una copia de esta información en español, por favor comuníquese
                con el equipo de beneficios para empleados.

This brochure provides highlights of the Benefits Program. It does not describe many of the features, provisions, limitations,
and exclusions that are contained in the documents and contracts of which the actual plans are comprised. Although the
Company has made every effort to ensure that this brochure is consistent with the plan documents and contracts, if there
is any conflict or inconsistency between this brochure and those documents or contracts, the documents and contracts
will govern. In addition, while the Company intends to continue these benefits, the Company reserves the right to change
or discontinue these benefits at any time for any reason. Participation in the Benefits Program does not create or imply an
employment contract with the Company. This brochure outlining benefits features for 2023 is considered a Summary of
Material Modifications (SMM).

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