Demonstration of Compliance for the BLUE MED FAB establishment - Overall added value based on cost-benefit analyses

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Demonstration of Compliance for the BLUE MED FAB establishment - Overall added value based on cost-benefit analyses
Demonstration of Compliance
for the BLUE MED FAB establishment

Overall added value based on cost-benefit analyses

Demonstration of Compliance for the BLUE MED FAB establishment - Overall added value based on cost-benefit analyses
Some CBA assumptions

 No infrastructural costs / investments required in addition to those already planned
  by Partners and included in each LSSIP
 No personnel / organizational variations envisaged
 Costs for specific quick-win support activities considered (e.g. such as routes re-
  design and optimisations), quantified on the basis of hourly gross personnel costs for
  professional profiles for ANSPs involved
 Focus of the analysis mostly related to airspace users
 Compliance with the EU Commission Regulation 176/2011 that, among other
  requirements, asks for:

        Cost-benefit analysis providing a consolidated view of the impact of the establishment of
         the functional airspace block on the civil and military airspace users
        a Cost Benefit analysis demonstrating an overall positive financial result (net present
         value and / or internal rate of return) for the establishment of the functional airspace

CBA Methodology

 The methodology adopted (EMOSIA) and the final results of the CBA and the What-
  If Analysis are compliant with the EU Commission Regulation 176/2011 (Annex –
  Part 2.4 – Overall added value based on Cost Benefit analyses)
           The following check list summarizes EU Commission Regulation 176/2011 vis-à-vis
            EMOSIA features
   EU Commission Regulation 176/2011                   EMOSIA and results compliance with EU CR 176/2011
 Cost Benefit analysis conducted according to     EMOSIA Methodology allows performing the CBA analysis in accordance
 industry standard practice, using among          with the officially adopted European Commission Guidance Material,
 others discounted cash flow analysis             for the Establishment and Modification of FAB (edition December 3rd,
                                                  2010). Discounted cash flow analysis was used to evaluate the NPV of
                                                  the initiatives over the time horizon considered

 Cost Benefit analysis providing a consolidated   The CBA performed focuses primarily on benefits to civil Airspace Users
 view of the impact of the establishment or       (Airlines), with the evaluation of relevant potential impacts (e.g. in
 modification of the functional airspace block    terms of savings related to fuel consumption, delays, CO2 emissions,
 on the civil and military airspace users         maintenance and crew rescheduling costs). As for BLUE MED FAB
                                                  optimized ATS Route Network, Military users were consulted and
                                                  involved during the evaluation and analysis phase for the input data

 Cost-benefit analysis demonstrating an overall   All analyses developed, from 2012 to 2020, show a positive Net Present
 positive financial result (net present value     Value, even over a relatively short time horizon
 and / or internal rate of return) for the
 establishment or modification of the
 functional airspace block

CBA Methodology

EU Commission Regulation 176/2011                   EMOSIA and results compliance with EU CR 176/2011

Functional airspace block contributing to    FAB implementation would guarantee benefits, regarding both CO2
a    reduction     of    the     aviation    emissions and NOx and fuel consumption, in every economic
environmental impact                         scenario analyzed

Documented values for costs and              In light of EMOSIA, operational / technical streams assessed benefits
benefits, their sources    and   the         through tools in use at EUROCONTROL level; values for costs were
assumptions made to develop the Cost         assessed with details of their sources. All the assumptions considered
Benefit                                      are defined and detailed in the document

Main stakeholders were consulted and         Main stakeholders were involved and / or consulted, directly or indirectly,
provided feedback on the costs and           during the collection of input data
benefits estimates which are applicable to
their operations

CBA Input

 In order to perform CBA and What-If Analyses input data related to three identified
  macro-scenarios were collected

      Short term (2012)               Medium term (2015)                          Long term (2020)

This phase, corresponding to     This phase, corresponding to              This phase will see the
the establishment of the         the complete deployment of                improvement of the BLUE
FAB, will be characterized by    the FAB, will be characterized            MED FAB operations, which
the launch of the identified     by the start of improved                  are expected to provide high
operational   and    technical   modifications, functionalities            benefits to the airspace users
quick-wins,   and    by   the    and     systems        specifically       and will see the enlargement
improvements already in the      tailored to fulfill the needs of          of the FAB to additional
development pipelines of         the    FAB     in     terms     of        interested States
the various States               interoperability and seamless

    Cost Benefit Analysis                                      What-If Analysis

CBA benefits classification &
                                                                        Key Improvement Areas
 In order to provide a clear evidence and classification of the benefits coming from
  specific FAB implementation scenarios, six Key Improvement Areas (KIAs) were
  defined as follows:                                       Capacity / Workload / Delay

                     Flight Efficiency                                     the number of aircrafts that can be fitted into ATC
                                                                           sectors at a given time; work required from ATCOs to
    the capacity of ATM of granting each individual                        ensure adequate and safe separations to aircrafts in the
    aircraft the possibility to fly a preferred and                        sector at a given time; en-route delay due to tactical
    optimal profile in the shortest possible time and at                   instructions or ATFM restriction introduced to protect a
    the minimal cost                                                       Sector from overload

                                                                                               Cost Effectiveness

       Environmental Sustainability
                                                                Key                 the diminishing of global costs of

  the capacity of limiting the impact of                   Improvement              ATM/ANS provided by the ANSPs, which
                                                                                    directly reflect on the route charges, as
  the air traffic on the environment, with
  particular reference to the global                        Areas (KIAs)            well as the monetary benefits brought to
                                                                                    the users
  warming due to gas emissions, below an
  acceptable threshold

                                                                                           Human Resources
                                                                           the impact on the working conditions of the staff
                      the capacity to minimize the
                                                                           involved in ATC provision, in particular in terms of
                      number of events below an
                                                                           working methods, recruiting, training, licensing
                      acceptable threshold
                                                                           within the FAB

CBA benefits & Savings evaluation

 Benefits evaluation derived from the comparison between the hypothesis under
  which the BLUE MED FAB will not be established (Baseline) and the hypothesis
  under which the envisaged improvements will be implemented because the FAB is
  established (BM Implementation)

                       • The baseline scenario, developed by operational / technical BM WPs,
                         considers a traffic increase from 2012 to 2020 according to STATFOR
   BASELINE SCENARIO     forecasts, while network remains unchanged. It considers the following
                         network and traffic values:
                            o in 2012 traffic increases and there is no FAB implementation
                            o in 2015 traffic increases and there is no FAB implementation
                            o in 2020 traffic increases and there is no FAB implementation

                       • The BLUE MED scenario is defined considering for each year (from 2012
                         to 2020) both traffic increase according to STATFOR forecasts and
  BLUE MED SCENARIO      network re-design for FAB implementation (in 2015 and 2020 also the
                         Free Route effect on top) for BLUE MED 7 Countries. BLUE MED
                         implementation case is defined considering:
                            o in 2012 traffic increases and there is FAB implementation
                            o in 2015 traffic increases with Free Route and there is FAB
                            o in 2020 traffic increases with Free Route and there is FAB

CBA benefits & Savings evaluation

 Yearly fuel savings were calculated subtracting fuel consumptions, generated by
  redesigned routes related to different BLUE MED FAB scenarios (short-term 2012 /
  medium-term 2015 / long-term 2020) also with Free Route operations (medium-term
  2015- long-term 2020) from   the baseline (scenario without FAB implementation)
                            BLUE MED FAB - Yearly Fuel saving

                          Yearly Fuel consumptions   Yearly Fuel consumptions   Yearly Fuel saving
          Scenarios            [Kg] – BASELINE         [Kg] -BLUE MED FAB              [Kg]

            2012              17.901.204.038             17.866.842.801            34.361.237

            2015              19.744.312.149             19.688.002.733            56.309.416

       2015+ Free Route       19.744.312.149             19.662.511.783            81.800.366

      2020 + Free Route             23.063.925.872            110.219.406

 The 2012 fuel saving is considered also in the period 2013-14; the value of 2015 is
  considered up to 2019 (as for all the other flight efficiency savings)
 The Free Route scenario is highlighted separately for 2015 in order to ponder its
  specific relevance

CBA benefits & Savings evaluation

 Yearly flight time savings amount was provided for each economic scenarios. The
  difference between the baseline and each BM FAB economic scenario is represented
  in the following table:
                                     BLUE MED FAB - Yearly Time saving

                          Yearly Time consumptions Yearly Time consumptions   Yearly Time saving
          Scenarios            [Min] – BASELINE      [Min] -BLUE MED FAB             [Min]

            2012                331.684.000               330.997.220              686.780

            2015                364.186.462               363.058.717             1.127.745

      2015+ Free Route          364.186.462               362.571.226             1.615.236

      2020 + Free Route         425.111.116               423.001.076             2.110.040

CBA benefits & Savings evaluation

 Yearly CO2 savings, calculated by subtracting from baseline emissions the values of
  daily CO2 emissions for each BM scenario, were defined as follows:
                                     BLUE MED FAB - Yearly CO2 saving

                          Yearly CO2 consumptions   Yearly CO2 consumptions   Yearly CO2 saving
          Scenarios          [Ton] – BASELINE         [Ton] -BLUE MED FAB           [Ton]

            2012                56.209.746                56.101.847              107.899

            2015                61.997.102                61.820.287              176.815

       2015+ Free Route         61.997.102                61.740.247              256.855

      2020 + Free Route         72.766.773                72.420.678              346.095

CBA benefits & Savings evaluation

 Yearly NOx savings amount was provided as well for each economic scenario. The
  difference between baseline values and each BM FAB economic scenario is
  presented in the following table
                                     BLUE MED FAB - Yearly NOx saving

                          Yearly NOx consumptions   Yearly NOx consumptions   Yearly NOx saving
          Scenarios           [Ton] – BASELINE        [Ton] -BLUE MED FAB           [Ton]

            2012               265.819.506               265.389.242              430.264

            2015               294.489.158               293.777.539              711.619

      2015+ Free Route         294.489.158               293.468.414             1.020.744

      2020 + Free Route        344.640.589               343.225.663             1.414.926

Total flight efficiency savings

 In the following chart a summary of overall benefits deriving from the BLUE MED
  FAB implementation are presented. These values were used for the CBA/What-If

                                BLUE MED FAB - Flight Efficiency saving

                   Yearly Fuel saving   Yearly CO2 saving    Yearly Time saving   Yearly NOx saving
      Scenarios           [Kg]                [Ton]                 [Min]               [Ton]

        2012          34.361.237             107.899               686.780            430.264

        2015          56.309.416             176.815              1.127.745           711.619

     2015+ Free
                      81.800.366             256.855              1.615.236          1.020.744

     2020 + Free
                      110.219.406            346.095              2.110.040          1.414.926

ATM capacity and delay benefits evaluation

 Capacity increase, calculated in the following table as the difference between the
  overall capacity increase expected for BLUE MED FAB implementation scenarios
  and the actual capacity for every BLUE MED Partner, is mainly impacting on the
  decrease in delays, in particular for those situations with higher historical delay
  values within the FAB

                                 BLUE MED FAB - Capacity saving

                                                       Capacity increase
           Scenario                                       [% - value]

                         Capacity amount for each sector – due to FAB optimized ATS Route Network
                                          10% Increase - due to ATFCM H24 (Cyprus)

                         Capacity amount for each sector – due to FAB optimized ATS Route Network

                       Uniform en route Lateral separation minima (5 NM) - difference between the overall
                             capacity increase expected for 2015 and the capacity increase for 2012

                                 10% increase – due to FAB Sector configuration improvements

ATM capacity and delay benefits evaluation

 Delay savings related to BLUE MED FAB were calculated considering projection
  scenarios in 2012 and 2015 both for the baseline and in case BM FAB is
  implemented with the following settings:
       Traffic Sample 18th July 2010
       Flights below FL195 have been removed
       Network organisation and ATC Sector configurations retrieved in accordance with BLUE
        MED Route Network Catalogue, Project Deliverables “D1.2a FAB 2012 FTS Design
        Report “ and “D1.2b FAB 2012 Design Report”
       The Traffic Sample has been increased to 2012 and 2015 values according to STATFOR
        hypothesis (Base)
       All ATC sectors with demand above capacity have been “regulated” (even if for one
        single flight)

NEVAC Analysis
NEVAC Analysis
CBA qualitative benefits

 The concurrent implementation of different improvements expected within the
  BLUE MED FAB allows to gain several benefits that, even if not quantitative, can
  however optimize to a great extent ATM/ANS management of involved FAB

                     Safety                                    Safety increase

                    Training          Harmonized Training delivery and ANS Training Centers Integration

                  Procurement                              Common Procurement

               Control Procedures       Harmonized Interoperability and transfer of control procedures

              Airspace Management                  Harmonization of Airspace Management

               Reserved Airspace            Harmonization management of the reserved airspace

                      AIS           Harmonization of Aeronautical Information System data and procedures

                Surveillance Data               Harmonization and sharing Surveillance Data

                      CDM                Development of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (CDM)

BLUE MED FAB establishment Costs

 Having regard to the costs for the BLUE MED FAB establishment, main costs
  considered are those related to the initial implementation of BLUE MED FAB quick-
  wins activities (linked to technical and operational improvements), for each
  professional profile involved
 As for the costs considered on the 2012+ timeframe, strategic project’s assumptions
  defined at FAB level were:
        No infrastructural costs/investments required in addition to those already planned by
         Partners and included in each LSSIP
        No personnel/organizational variations envisaged
        Governance and management costs of BLUE MED FAB in the 2012+ Implementation
         Phase estimated (~ 3 M€ per year)
        Costs for specific support activities considered (e.g. such as routes re-design and
         optimizations), quantified on the basis of hourly gross personnel costs for professional
         profiles for ANSPs involved

Results of the analysis:
                                                                       NPV calculation
 To assess the economic benefits induced by the BLUE MED FAB and to calculate
  the Net Present Value of the project, three different macro-scenarios were identified:

       Low       concurrent impact of events that contribute to the lowest value of the NPV (typically
                 lowest values, except for discount rate and exchange rate that show inverse
                 proportionality to the NPV)

       Base      concurrent impact of events that contribute to an intermediate value of the NPV (base
                 values for selected parameters)

       High      concurrent impact of events that contribute to the highest value of the NPV (typically
                 highest values, except for discount rate and exchange rate that show inverse
                 proportionality to the NPV)

Results of the analysis:
                                                        NPV calculation
 The main variables taken into account to determine scenarios’ outcome are: Fuel
  price; CO2 price; Exchange rate; Cost of delay; Ratio of achievement of planned
  results; Traffic forecasts (based on STATFOR forecasts); Discount rate. The
  following table summarizes parameters value considered for each scenario:

Results of the analysis:
                                                                                                 NPV calculation


    Delay benefit
    CO2 benefit

    Time benefit

    Fuel benefit

                              High                 Base                   Low

            Figure 1 – CBA results for each scenario (2012, € millions)

    ANSPs benefit
    Delay benefit
    CO2 benefit                                                                 Figure 3 – Probabilistic distribution of overall NPV in the case of BLUE MED
                                                                                                     FAB establishment (2012 – 2020)
    Time benefit

    Fuel benefit

                              High                 Base                   Low

Figure 2 – What-If deterministic results for each scenario (2015; € millions)

CBA conclusions

 The overall Economic evaluations performed for the CBA (2012) and What-If
  analyses (2015 and 2020) show a positive contribution to the overall BLUE MED
  FAB financial case
       Particularly, the overall probabilistic NPV of the BLUE MED FAB lies in the range 1,3 –
        1,7 billions €
       Such positive NPV results do not consider qualitative benefits that strongly contribute to
        reinforce the overall business case of the BLUE MED FAB, in particular on such issues
        as safety and training. Although not contributing directly to the numeric results of the
        CBA and What-If analyses, each of these qualitative benefits constitutes a positive
        indeterminate value to consider in addition to the results stemming from the considered
        quantitative benefits
       Economic evaluations have been performed according to a prudential approach, also in
        order to take into account the uncertainties related to the macro-economic scenario. It is
        worth noting that, not considering such current stringent uncertainties, it could be
        estimated that the BLUE MED FAB might have a maximum theoretical overall NPV of
        around 4 billion € over the 2012 – 2020 timeframe


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