Positioning Ireland for the quantum opportunity - Position paper - Tyndall ...

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Positioning Ireland for the quantum opportunity - Position paper - Tyndall ...
Position paper

Ireland for
the quantum
Positioning Ireland for the quantum opportunity - Position paper - Tyndall ...
Positioning Ireland for the quantum opportunity - Position paper - Tyndall ...
Positioning Ireland for the quantum opportunity

Positioning Ireland for the
quantum opportunity
Executive summary                       materials and nanostructures and their          we a n d o u r p a r t n e rs s e e t h e
                                        translation into disruptive devices for         opportunity to:
 At Tyndall National Institute, we      Quantum Technologies. This activity is
are investing in growth areas where     complemented by University College              • Establish Quantum Technologies
Quantum Technologies feature            Cork’s recent appointment of leading              as a key driver in Ireland's
prominently. The fundamentals of        quantum physicist, Prof. Séamus Davis.            innovation strategy
quantum science offer solutions          G i v e n t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y, w e   • Develop Quantum Technology
to challenging problems using           want to work with national and                    hardware utilising Ireland’s
novel engineering solutions. They       global stakeholders to embark                     strengths, for example in
offer uncharted fertile territory       on a programme for Quantum                        photonics and nano-electronics
for innovation that has sparked an      Technologies. Ireland is in a unique            • Establish infrastructure for
international arms race to attain       position to become internationally                Quantum Technologies, for
quantum advantage.                      competitive and attractive, thanks to             example, a National Quantum
 At Tyndall, we have pioneered Irish    long-term investments in materials                Institute
efforts in the field, specifically on   and engineering science for digital             • Invest in educating quantum
the actual realisation of Quantum       technologies and the strong footprint             scientists and engineers.
Technologies. Tyndall's strategy is     of technology giants with significant
to foster the development of new        investments in the field. To prepare
programmes around novel quantum         Ireland for the quantum opportunity,

Tyndall National Institute

State-of-play on Quantum Technologies

  Quantum mechanics is more than                          particles but also that there is mutual                   would allow outperformance of
one hundred years old. Its fundamental                    dependence (so-called entanglement)                       classical computers in problems
equations were established in the                         which appears to violate causality. In                    of increased complexity, guarantee
early twentieth century and have                          simple terms, the rules of quantum                        secure communication and achieve
developed to yield quantitative                           physics state that an unobserved                          the highest possible sensitivities in
predictions of our physical world                         particle exists in all possible states                    sensor technologies.1
with incredible precision. Modern                         simultaneously but, when observed                           The growing realisation of the
era technology has been built on our                      or measured, exhibits only one state.                     emerging opportunities has already
understanding of quantum effects:                         When two particles are prepared in                        kick-started an international race to
semiconductors, transistors, lasers,                      such a superposition (entangled) state,                   turn the recent excellent achievements
organic chemistry, magnetic resonance,                    they remain connected; therefore,                         of quantum science into a national
etc. However, quantum mechanics is                        observing the state of one immediately                    competitive advantage in Quantum
full of oddities and surprises. One                       affects the other, even when separated                    Technologies. 2 Countries such as
can simply understand and exploit                         by great distances. This is what Albert                   the United States of America (USA),
most of quantum mechanics by                              Einstein called “spooky action at a                       the United Kingdom (UK), Germany,
thinking of particles as waves. But the                   distance.”                                                the Netherlands, Australia, Japan,
underlying concepts are so unfamiliar                       A s a n i n c re a s i n g n u m b e r o f              Singapore and Canada have been
to humankind that we have barely                          experiments have been devised to test                     heavily investing in strong Quantum
scratched the surface.                                    such oddities, the new discoveries are                    Technology research programmes
  A fundamental turning point occurred                    allowing us to embark on a second                         amounting to several billions. China has
in 1964 when John Bell, a Northern                        quantum technological revolution                          also commenced in this direction with
Irish physicist, discovered what is now                   and exploit the laws of quantum                           huge strides, including a strong space
known as Bell’s inequalities. Bell’s set                  mechanics to increase performance                         programme for secure quantum-based
of equations definitively prove not only                  in computation, communication                             communications.3,4 China dominates
the full wave nature of fundamental                       and sensing. Quantum advantage                            the field of quantum communication,

1 European Commission Quantum Technologies Flagship (2016) Quantum Technologies Roadmap. Available online from: https://qt.eu/app/uploads/2018/04/QT-Roadmap-2016.
2 European Commission (2016) Quantum Technologies: Implications for European Policy. Issues for Debate. Brussels: European Union. Available online from: http://publica-
3 Hsu J (2019) The race to develop the world’s best quantum tech. IEEE Spectrum, 9 January. Available online from: https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/computing/hardware/
4 Wallace N (2018) EU runs to catch up as governments pledge more cash for quantum computing, Science|Business, 8 November. Available online from: https://sciencebusi-

Positioning Ireland for the quantum opportunity

whereas US f irms lead in the                                 topics for IBM, Google, Microsoft, Intel                       next generation Information and
development of quantum computation.                           and other technology giants. Quantum                           Communication Technologies (ICTs) will
To ensure strategic and economic                              computers promise to considerably                              demand scientific and technological
sovereignty, the European Union (EU)                          speed up solutions to a number of                              paradigm shifts. Radical advances will
has responded by committing to invest                         computational tasks, realising the                             require new concepts to be invented,
in excess of €1bn over the next 10                            only known model that could offer                              new materials and their fundamental
years to support a variety of Quantum                         exponentially faster computing over                            properties to be understood, and new
Technology platforms.5 The wealth of                          today’s conventional processors.                               fundamental principles to be explored.9
business opportunities existing in                               Besides, we are at a pivotal
quantum computing, cryptography,                              time where traditional scaling, as
communication, simulation and sensing                         encompassed by Moore’s Law, is
has also triggered investments from                           coming to an end.6,7,8 While the amount
major private companies. Quantum                              of data to be handled and analysed
Technologies are now major research                           is constantly exponentially growing,

5 European Commission (2018) Quantum Technologies Flagship (October 2018). Available online from: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/quantum-technologies
6 Tyler, N. (2016) Is the semiconductor industry entering a new phase when it comes to scaling? Newelectronics, 28 June. Available online from: http://www.newelectronics.
7 DARPA News (2017) Beyond scaling: An electronics resurgence initiative. Power Electronics, 9 June. Available online from: https://www.powerelectronics.com/power-electron-
8 Merritt, R. (2017) Roadmap says CMOS ends ~2024, EE|Times, 23 March. Available online from: https://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1331517#
9 Ahopelto, J., Ardila, G., Baldi, L., Balestra, F., Belot, D., Fagas, G., et al. (2019) NanoElectronics roadmap for Europe: From nanodevices and innovative materials to system inte-
  gration. Solid-State Electronics, 155: 7–9. Available online from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sse.2019.03.014

Tyndall National Institute

Irish context

  Despite the growing significance                            and its technological applications,                           these may apply to computation.
of Q u a nt u m Te chn ologi es and                           will ensure future ICT innovations                            All seven constituent universities
their importance for international                            and add to the success of Project                             of Ireland have research groups
competitiveness, Ireland lags                                 Ireland 2040. Besides the commercial                          which are either directly involved in
considerably behind leader and                                potential of the sector itself, there                         research in Quantum Technologies
follower countries alike.                                     are significant gains to be earned by                         or their research has the potential to
  However, the Irish Government                               applying Quantum Technologies in                              converge with Quantum Technologies
does recognise the impact of                                  Ireland’s foremost industries. Examples                       in the foreseeable future. For example,
digitalisation and has re-emphasised                          include digital (machine learning,                            quantum computation theory is
their commitment to embracing ICT                             artificial intelligence, cybersecurity);                      strongly represented at Maynooth
innovation and technological change                           pharmaceutical (drug design); finance                         University, with complementary
under Pillar one of the recently                              (pricing, risk optimisation); industrial                      research emerging at Trinity College
published policy Future Jobs Ireland                          goods and energy (materials chemistry,                        Dublin and National University
2019. Given the potential impact                              compound selection); manufacturing                            of Ireland Galway. Moreover, an
Quantum Technologies will have on                             (highly AI-efficient processes). Not                          ambitious effort has recently been
the ICT sector, in which Ireland already                      investing now in such a disruptive                            undertaken at University College
holds a strong position, establishing                         technology and complementary skills                           Dublin to address issues from the
a quantum ecosystem in Ireland will                           will result in Ireland missing the                            electronic engineering perspective.
represent a great opportunity.                                window of opportunity in order to                             Second, most of the key technology
  In Technology Skills 2022, co-signed                        utilise the current baseline to attract                       firms which have been investing in
by the Department of Education                                and stimulate substantial business                            quantum technologies have a strong
and Skills (DES), there is significant                        growth.                                                       Irish footprint. Notably, IBM, which
emphasis on high-level ICT skills,                              The underlying quantum research and                         has been running one of the most
such as computing and electrical and                          enterprise community, given the right                         comprehensive quantum computing
electronic engineering skillsets. This is                     conditions, can gain momentum and                             programmes, is conducting research in
recognisably instrumental in delivering                       thrive internationally as an attractor                        Ireland on the applications of quantum
in the short term on the high industry                        for investment and growth. First, there                       algorithms for optimisation, executed
demand for skills in the design,                              is a growing number of high-profile                           on quantum computing hardware and
building and maintenance of ICT                               experimental outputs complementing                            simulators, over the cloud.10
systems. A new generation of scientists                       theoretical studies of academic groups
and engineers, with substantial                               around Ireland on the fundamentals
knowledge in both quantum mechanics                           of quantum mechanics and how

10 See for example Simonetta, A., Mareček, J., and Mevissen, M. (? Year) Qiskit Aqua: Vehicle routing. GitHub. Available online from: https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit tutorials/
   blob/master/qiskit/optimization/vehicle_routing.ipynb; Simonetta, A., Mareček, J., and Mevissen, M. (? Year) Qiskit Finance: Portfolio diversification. GitHub. Available online
   from: https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-tutorials/blob/master/qiskit/finance/optimization/portfolio_diversification.ipynb

Positioning Ireland for the quantum opportunity

Tyndall position

  At Tyndall, we have pioneered Irish                          solid-state quantum computation and                             Research Area Network (QuantERA).
efforts in the field, specifically on                          12
                                                                    communication. Among the particles                         Tyndall is also very active in European
the actual realisation of Quantum                              investigated to date for quantum                                forums, coordinating the Quantum in
Technologies. Quantum cryptography                             information technologies, photons                               Space network and contributing to
for secure communications and                                  are the least prone to decoherence                              the Strategic Research Agenda of the
sources of quantum light for quantum                           due to weak interaction with their                              Quantum Technology Flagship.
information (quantum internet and                              environment.                                                      In the context of our ambition and
quantum computation) have been at                                   The Tyndall nanostructures represent                       growth, we are committed to fostering
the core of our work. Our photonics                            a deterministic source of on-demand                             the development of new programmes
research centre is led by a founder                            non-classical light, a fundamental                              on novel quantum materials and
of the field of experimental Quantum                           pre-requisite for any optical quantum                           nanostructures and their translation
Key Distribution (QKD) , our research
                                                               information protocol. Quite remarkably,                         into disruptive devices for Quantum
teams have been investing in quantum                           sources based on quantum dots do                                Technologies. We have recently
materials and quantum-effect devices                           not have any fundamental physical                               launched a CMOS++ programme to
for over 15 years, and this activity is                        limitation in their potential to deliver                        enable Deep Tech innovation for
finally paying off.        12
                                                               quantum signals deterministically and                           the next generation of computing
  An optical quantum platform, based                           on-demand. In addition, Tyndall and                             technologies by bringing together
on site-controlled III-V quantum dots,                         Cork Institute of Technology researchers                        frontier research in:
has been uniquely developed by our                             are exploiting their expertise in
Epitaxy and Physics of Nanostructures                          quantum modelling and integration of                            • Modelling
Group. This platform has demonstrated                          nanophotonics to deliver single photon                          • Metrology and characterisation
the only site-controlled quantum                               sources for quantum cryptography                                • Materials processing
dot system capable of high-fidelity                            as core partners in CUSPIDOR, 13 the                            • Device fabrication.
entangled light emission, making it a                          sole project with Irish participation
most promising scalable platform for                           funded under the Quantum European

                                                               Site controlled quantum dot based                                 Selective injection mechanism into QLEDs:
                                                               quantum light emitters (QLEDs).                                   electrons and holes run through the
                                                                                                                                 self-assembled nanowire structure in
                                                                                                                                 the middle of the pyramidal ensemble.

11 See for example C. Marad and PD Towsend (1995) Quantum key distribution over distances as long as 30km. Optics Letters, 20, 1695-1697.
12 See for example Juska, G., Dimastrodonato, V., Mereni, L.O., Gocalinska, A. and Pelucchi, E. (2013) Towards quantum-dot arrays of entangled photon emitters. Nature Photonics,
   7: 527–31; Chung, T.H., Juska, G., Moroni, S.T., Pescaglini, A., Gocalinska, A. and Pelucchi, E. (2016) Selective carrier injection into patterned arrays of pyramidal quantum dots for
   entangled photon light-emitting diodes. Nature Photonics, 10: 782–87.
13 Compatible Single Photon Sources based on SiGe Quantum Dots (www.cuspidor-quantera.eu)

Tyndall National Institute

 One of the key deliverables of the         FlexiFab at Tyndall to complement           Our strength will be enhanced by
programme is to demonstrate quantum         the infrastructure that had been in         partnering with distinguished quantum
advantage using solid-state platforms       place since 2004. Further investment is     physicist Prof. Séamus Davis, who will
that are Complementary Metal–Oxide–         foreseen under the Irish Government’s       lead a pioneering research programme
Semiconductor (CMOS) compatible.            National Development Plan (NDP)             on direct, atomic-scale visualisation of
As Ireland’s flagship ICT hardware          2018–2027, which includes an objective      electronic states in quantum materials.
research infrastructure, Tyndall is         to upgrade and expand Tyndall in
in a unique position to realise such        response to evolving ICT-related
quantum platforms and engage with           technology opportunities and also to
industry to accelerate innovation           strengthen our successful industry
path-finding as a first step towards        engagement model.
commercialisation. We operate a              A s p a r t o f t h e N D P Ty n d a l l
number of cleanrooms with fabrication       development, we are planning to
lines in nanoelectronics, compound          support our CMOS++ programme
semiconductors, and Micro-Electronic-       with specialised cryo-magneto-probe
Mechanical Systems (MEMS). These are        infrastructure that will provide the
fully supported by on-site expertise        world’s first electronic and optical
with an extensive suite of equipment        characterisation suite for quantum
on test, characterisation and packaging     materials and devices. At the end of
(photonic and electronic).                  this implementation phase, we will be
 In the period 2006–2010, the Irish         in the distinct position to build our own
Government, through its Programme           on-chip quantum computing platform
for Research in Third-Level Institutions,   and address a range of important
invested in the development of              issues in solid-state qubit technologies.

                                                                                        Visualisation of quantum state in a
                                                                                        defect engineered quantum dot.

Positioning Ireland for the quantum opportunity

Actions to succeed

 Demonstrating technologies where           develop on-chip quantum computers;        Commit infrastructure for
quantum mechanics yields an                 establish infrastructure for quantum      Quantum Technologies
advantage is the holy grail for the next    technologies; and invest in educating
generation of physicists and engineers.     quantum scientists and engineers.          Following Tyndall's initial investment,
This idea is also widely acknowledged                                                 acquire the necessary equipment and
by established top-tech players and         Establish Quantum                         build dedicated facilities to support the
newly formed companies in Ireland.          Technologies as a key                     establishment of a National Quantum
At Tyndall, we recognise that there are     driver in Ireland's                       Institute (e.g., using the organisational
demanding scientific and technological      innovation strategy                       structure of an SFI research centre or
challenges to be overcome, and short-                                                 equivalent). Embedding in an already
term expectations are idealistic.            Intensify support for fundamental        established institute will allow existing
Nevertheless, the progress in the past      research and disruptive technologies      infrastructure to be utilised and ensure
20 years has been truly exceptional,        delivering quantum advantage, in          the development of a decision centre
and Quantum Technologies have               alignment with Ireland’s ambitious        with national remit and authority to
already moved beyond the academic           goals in increasing investment in         represent the Irish quantum research
environment and into the real world.        Research, Development and Innovation      and industry community in Europe
For example:                                (RD&I) and promoting strong links         and globally.
• Quantum cryptographic systems             between industry and the research
  are commercially available.               community. Such an endorsement            Invest in educating quantum
• Magnetic sensors based on                 would create momentum within the          scientists and engineers
  diamond Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV)             Irish quantum community.
  centres are in an advanced                                                           Prioritise the establishment of a
  development state for biomedical          Develop on-chip                           national postgraduate school on
  applications.                             quantum computers                         quantum science and engineering and
• Atomic traps to map the                                                             use funding opportunities available
  Earth’s gravitational field non-           Designs based on solid-state             (e.g. DES Human Capital Iniative; SFI
  uniformities, or more profitably          nanostructures and advanced               CRT Programme).
  discover new oil fields, have been        materials are most promising, as           N o p o s t g ra d u a t e p r o g ra m m e
  tested.                                   they are scalable and would be            dedicated to Quantum Science and
 One of our key objectives is to            easier to integrate with conventional     Technology currently exists to prepare
strengthen the link with industry           semiconductor technologies. Ireland’s     the next generation of scientists and
to nurture the growth of Quantum            strengths in nanoelecronics and           engineers to develop and exploit the
Technologies through translating            quantum materials can be utilised to      counterintuitive results of quantum
science to innovation and attracting        drive CMOS-based quantum computing        research either in academia or
talent with quantum expertise to Ireland.   architectures. Ireland is in a unique     industrial settings. The famous
This effort requires a coordinated and      position to leverage existing expertise   physicist Richard Feynman once said
synergetic engagement nationally with       and mobilise the currently forming        ‘if you think you understand quantum
actions supported by all stakeholders       critical mass to become world pioneers    mechanics then you don't understand
including research partners, industry,      through building the first quantum        quantum mechanics’.
application end-users, the Government       computer on an optical quantum
and its agencies.                           platform, thereby fostering enterprise
 At Tyndall, we are prepared to lead        growth.
and work with all parties to establish
Quantum Technologies as a key driver
in Ireland's next innovation strategy;

Tyndall National Institute

About Tyndall

 Tyndall National Institute is a leading   MEMS and III-V wafer semiconductor          industry-led research centres, including
European research centre in integrated     fabrication facilities and services in      IPIC (Irish Photonic Integration Centre);
ICT hardware and systems. Central to       Ireland, we are capable of creating         CONNECT (Research Centre for Future
our mission is delivering economic         opportunities and prototyping new           Networks and Communications);
impact through research excellence.        products for our target industries.         and MCCI (Microelectronic Circuits
We work with industry and academia to       In recent years, we have received          Centre Ireland). These centres fully
transform research into products in our    international recognition for designing,    encompass the mission of the
core market areas of communications,       miniaturising and prototyping products      Institute, that is of representing a
agri-tech, energy, environment, and        to drive connectivity. Our researchers      critical link between academia and
health.                                    have won numerous awards for their          industry, in order to expedite the
 As the national institute for micro/      ground-breaking research on new             development of new technologies
nanoelectronics and photonics, and         materials, devices and systems across       and their market exploitation. The
a research flagship of University          micro/nanoelectronics and photonics,        Tyndall community are important
College Cork, we employ more than          including in the areas of ICT for Health,   actors at European level, with key
500 researchers, engineers and support     Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality (AR/      representation at high-level groups,
staff, with a cohort of 120 full-time      VR), wearables and the Internet of          scientific councils and European
postgraduate students. Together            Things (IoT).                               technology platforms. We have been
we generate more than 300 peer-             We are also a lead partner in              contributing to the development
reviewed publications annually. With       European research programmes in             and implementation of the strategic
a network of 200 industry partners and     electronics and photonics and their         agendas of ESTHER (Emerging and
customers worldwide, we generate 85%       integration into smart systems with         Strategic Technologies for Healthcare),
of our €40m income each year from          applications in communications, agri-       AIOTI (Alliance for Internet of Things
competitively won contracts.               tech, energy, environment and health.       Innovation), AENEAS (Association for
 We are home to a high-tech national       In Horizon 2020, we have delivered          European NanoElectronics Activities),
research infrastructure unique in          value to European research in 79            EPoSS (European Platform on Smart
Ireland and is a national research         projects thus far (12 as coordinator).      Systems Integration ) and Photonics21.
asset. Hosting the only full CMOS,          At Tyndall, we host a number of

Cleanroom facility at
Tyndall National Institute.

About the authors

                       Dr Emanuele Pelucchi                                     Dr Giorgos Fagas
                         Dr Emanuele Pelucchi is the Head                        Dr Giorgos Fagas MBA is the Head of
                       of Group at Tyndall National Institute,                  EU Programmes at Tyndall National
                       responsible for the MOVPE national                       Institute. Since late 2013, he has been
                       facility activities, SFI principal                       leading Tyndall’s EU Programmes to
                       i n v e s t i g a t o r, a n d c o - p r i n c i p a l   engage with academia, industry, other
                       investigator in a number of projects,                    research and technology organisations,
                       including at SFI-funded IPIC. He holds                   and policy stakeholders to develop
                       a PhD in Physics from the University                     technology roadmaps, shape EU
Dr Emanuele Pelucchi
                       of Bremen (2001), and subsequently                       research and innovation policies, and
                       joined École Polytechnique Fédérale de                   establish strategic partnerships for
                       Lausanne (EPFL) as research assistant.                   collaborative research in Europe and
                       In May 2006, Dr Pelucchi was awarded                     internationally. Dr Fagas is a member
                       a SFI Principal Investigator Grant and                   of the Digital Innovation Hubs Working
                       moved to Tyndall in January 2007, where                  Group, the ESFRI Physical Sciences
                       he set up a new research group in                        and Engineering Working Group, the
                       the field of III-V epitaxy for device                    Quantum Community Network of the
                       applications, semiconductor (site-                       Quantum Flagship, and the AENEAS
                       controlled) quantum dots and their                       Scientific Council as well as a regular
Dr Giorgos Fagas
                       applications to quantum optics and                       delegate to the EPoSS Executive
                       information. Dr Pelucchi has very broad                  Committee, where he chairs the
                       interests, spanning surface science                      Working Group for Smart Systems in
                       and epitaxy to quantum optics. He                        Natural Resources. Dr Fagas was also
                       has developed world-leading III-V                        elected to the executive committee of
                       material quality (especially in the field                MIDAS, the Irish industry association
                       of photonic integration) and growth                      for micro and nanoelectronics-
                       process understanding, while uniquely                    based ‘system solutions’ to represent
                       developing and demonstrating arrays                      their interests in European affairs.
                       of site-controlled quantum dots and                      Previously, Dr Fagas has led activities
                       entangled photon emitters.                               in nanoelectronics and energy-efficient
                                                                                electronics as a senior researcher
                                                                                at Tyndall. His research has been
                                                                                published in more than 70 peer-
                                                                                reviewed articles; he is also editor
                                                                                of one reference book on Molecular
                                                                                Electronics and two books on ICT
                                                                                Energy Concepts.
Tyndall National Institute
Lee Maltings
Dyke Parade
Cork, Ireland
T12 R5CP

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