SEMESTER TWO PROGRAMME - The Graduate School - Queen's University Belfast

Page created by Kelly Campos
SEMESTER TWO PROGRAMME - The Graduate School - Queen's University Belfast
The Graduate School

January - May 2021
SEMESTER TWO PROGRAMME - The Graduate School - Queen's University Belfast
SEMESTER TWO PROGRAMME - The Graduate School - Queen's University Belfast
We are delighted to welcome you into the second semester of the
2020-21 academic year!

Our Programme acts as a guide to illustrate some of the many
development opportunities available to you. It will help you to navigate
these opportunities (and start to plan your development this semester).
Work your way through our six development themes and sign up for any
workshops that will be beneficial to you.

All of our activities, alongside booking guidance using MyFuture, can be
found on our website. Many of these activities will continue to be online,
though there may be opportunities for face to face interactions as the
semester progresses.

By making the most of these opportunities, the Graduate School will
support you to become a Thinker, Innovator, Leader and Communicator
who is Future-Ready. These are our five pillars, and they form the basis
of everything we do.


We look forward to having you join us this semester.
The Graduate School Team
SEMESTER TWO PROGRAMME - The Graduate School - Queen's University Belfast
Get help to demystify, prepare for, and navigate your academic journey.
Better understand what is required of you as a postgraduate student and
develop the high-level skills you will need to succeed. Perfect your
academic writing style, produce high-quality research and learn how to
project manage your studies.

Postgraduate Skills Workshops with Dr Eimear O’Connor
Join Dr Eimear O’Connor for a series of lunchtime workshops focused on key academic
skills that will help you on your postgraduate journey. You’ll have the opportunity to ask
questions, share your learning, and network with other students.

            Time Management
            This workshop will help you understand how you work best and offer tips on how to
            manage your time. We’ll cover planning and organising your work to meet dead-
            lines, prioritising your activities, what works for you and what hinders you.

             Avoiding Plagiarism
             This workshop will help you navigate the pitfalls of plagiarism and academic writ-
             ing. We will help you to understand how to appropriately incorporate sources when
             citing, paraphrasing, summarising, quoting and referencing.

            Critical thinking, reading, and writing are key skills that should be applied to all
            aspects of your studies. This workshop will provide you with the tools you need to
            question and learn with an open mind, reflect different arguments and perspectives
            in your writing, and use evidence to inform your own opinions.

            Academic Writing: Sentence Mechanics and Punctuation
            In this workshop you will be introduced to some key principles and conventions of
            academic English, including language use and sentence structure.

             Academic Writing: Structuring, Editing and Proofreading
             An interactive workshop aimed at teaching you how to structure your writing. We’ll
             cover some key tips to help you edit, re-draft, and proofread your work.
SEMESTER TWO PROGRAMME - The Graduate School - Queen's University Belfast
Getting Started with SPSS
Learn how to navigate the world of SPSS from inputting data appropriately to
performing more complex statistical analysis. You will have the opportunity to ask
questions, share your learning, and network with other students.

10 Tips for Creating an Excellent PhD Research Proposal
Are you considering undertaking a PhD but not sure where to start? Here’s your
chance to get expert advice on how to tackle your research proposal. In this
presentation, we’ll explore ten tips to ensure that your PhD proposal is clear,
concise and convincing. Join Dr Lilian Simones to take your first step.

How to Peer Review
Being a peer reviewer is an essential step for those intending to pursue an
academic career, and as a postgraduate research student, it is vital that you
familiarise yourself with the process. Gain insights that you can apply to your
writing when working towards publication.

Academic Support Microsoft Team
In need of academic support? Join our Microsoft Team where you can meet vir-
tually with other postgraduate students and share experiences. Every Friday, an
informal meeting will be facilitated by Dr Eimear O’Connor to allow you to ask any
questions you have related to your studies or your academic writing.

                                                        Click the laptop
                                                        to join the team!
SEMESTER TWO PROGRAMME - The Graduate School - Queen's University Belfast
Preparing Your Digital Toolkit
This workshop will give you an opportunity to assess your own digital skills and to identify areas
where you may benefit from some additional support. We will explore many of the digital tools
available to you as a Queen’s student and help you with everything from being an online
learner, developing your digital know-how and managing your identity as a student in a digital
learning environment. During the live workshop we will discuss ways in which digital tools can be
applied to support your learning, no matter what stage of study you are at, and give you the
confidence to interact with your teachers and peers to ensure you get the most out of studying in
the digital realm.

Technology & Library Skills
The McClay Library offer a range of workshops and resources to help you make the most
of what’s on offer whilst developing your technical skills. Click the links below to
access their full range of workshops and stay up to date with them via their blog.
SEMESTER TWO PROGRAMME - The Graduate School - Queen's University Belfast
*All events listed below, and those elsewhere marked with a ‘UEA’
           sticker, are funded by Queen’s University and delivered by the
 UEA       University of East Anglia. These workshops are open to Postgraduate
           Research students only and can be booked through the University of
           East Anglia’s central booking system.

Academic Writing Support for
PhD Researchers
What should a literature review do?

Writing Effectively

Academic Publishing

Writing and Structuring an Effective Thesis

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research
A Comparison of Qualitative Methods

Qualitative Interviewing

Analysing Qualitative Data

Qualitative Research: A Basic Guide

Using NVivo for Qualitative Research

Introduction to Scale Development

Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling
SEMESTER TWO PROGRAMME - The Graduate School - Queen's University Belfast
Supporting you in reaching your
PhD Milestones...
Starting Your PhD
Postgraduate Research Induction
This session will provide you with the foundations which will help you navigate the first few weeks
of your PGR journey. Hear from your Postgraduate Student Officer and staff who can support you
through your studies.

Differentiation and Annual Progress Review
Preparing for Differentiation and Annual Progress Review (with Dr Lilian
Learn how to prepare for your APR and gain insights into regulatory requirements. Create
preparation strategies, identify common questions, and practise your delivery for these assessments.
Open to PhD researchers in their first and second year.

Defending Your Thesis at the Viva
Preparing for Your Viva: Webinar
Better understand the oral examination process, how an examiner will assess your thesis,
and get practical advice on how to prepare effectively. Open to PGRs at all stages of the
PhD journey.

Preparing for the Viva (with Dr Lilian Simones)
Gain insights into what the Viva is and its purpose and process. View a range of common Viva
questions and identify strategies for answering them while practising your delivery. Open to second
and third year PhD researchers.

After Your PhD
On the Job: Securing Your First Academic Post
This session will consider the need to establish an academic identity, how to         UEA
recognise a ‘gettable’ post, and the structure and nature of academic interviews.

Preparing Impactful Research Proposals and Grant Applications
This session will consider the writing of effective research proposals and the best
ways to create a compelling ‘case for support’.
SEMESTER TWO PROGRAMME - The Graduate School - Queen's University Belfast
Developing Your Teaching Skills
An Introduction to Teaching: Five Day Programme
Are you a postgraduate student at Queen’s considering how to improve your teaching skills? Do
you want to learn more about how to become an effective teacher in Higher Education? Learn how
to articulate specifications for learning outcomes, explain how to assess student learning, describe
the differences between curriculum design and instructional design and understand the functions
of, and distinguish between, formative and summative assessments. No previous teaching
experience is required.

Teaching Skills: Webinar Series
Postgraduate research students are often required to teach at some point
throughout their PhD. This webinar series from the University of East                       UEA
Anglia is designed to provide guidance and training for researchers as they
take on the role of the ‘teacher’.

Preparing and Delivering Seminars
Learn how to prepare and deliver an excellent seminar. This session will focus on the importance of
being prepared, laying out the ground rules for interaction, stressing the importance of
engagement and discussion, appreciating the intellectual, social, and affective needs of the
students, rendering the discussion concrete, and strategies for integrating student responses.

Preparing and Delivering Lectures
Lectures require careful preparation and a premium is placed on effective and dynamic delivery.
This session will consider the main functions of a lecture and what makes a lecture excellent, before
providing a step-by-step guide to preparation and delivery, including slide preparation and style, the
commentary style and its relationship to the slides, and preparing the lecture theatre to maximise
your impact.

Assessment, Feedback and Module Design
This session will consider the act of marking and the writing and delivery of feedback, along with
consideration of how best to discuss and justify comments made and marks awarded; setting
assessments; and the basics of module design, how to go about it, and what is generally required to
design a strong module that is both interesting and intellectually challenging for the students.
SEMESTER TWO PROGRAMME - The Graduate School - Queen's University Belfast
How well do you know yourself? Join one of our professional skills programmes to increase
your awareness of how you make decisions, manage and express emotions and work as part of
a team. Join one of our leadership programmes to apply your skills to a real world challenge
and gain Graduate or Researcher Plus accreditation.

Coaching Skills for Leaders
Help others to grow, develop and achieve success. In this three hour webinar, develop your
coaching skills within a leadership context as you gain an understanding of the
fundamental aspects of coaching and reflective learning. Discover the skills of questioning,
listening, reflecting and supporting others to achieve success.

Building Your Emotional Resilience
Sometimes it can be a real challenge to maintain our focus, manage our stress, and try to
balance the emotional, physical and mental demands being put on us. This webinar will help
you to unpack how certain feelings can affect how you develop resilience. We will give you
a practical framework with personal strategies to enhance your emotional resilience. Be-
come more effective in recognising, managing and expressing your emotions.

Unlock the Power of Your Personality
Would you like to know more about yourself? Unlock the power of your
personality type to help you understand yourself and how to work more
effectively in teams. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is used to
determine differing strengths and types of personalities. At this virtual
workshop you will find out how it works, the benefits of knowing your type
and how it can help you communicate more effectively in your study and work.

Researcher & Graduate Plus: Information Sessions
Researcher and Graduate Plus are a great way to have your extra-curricular skills and
activities recognised and accredited by Queen’s, making it easier for you to demonstrate
these to employers. Join us for information on how to apply.
An Introduction to Project Management
In this workshop specifically designed for Master’s students, you will learn about and     PGT
apply key project management principles and tools to scoping, planning, implementing and
completing your academic studies. We’ll show you how to structure your plans to ensure a good
balance of personal, academic, professional and social development and support.

 Tomorrow’s Leaders, Today
 This virtual leadership workshop will help Doctorate students to develop and enhance their
 personal leadership skills, build their emotional resilience, and grow their networks. You will
 complete the Kouzes and Posner 360° Student Leadership Challenge (LPI) that will help you
 to tailor a personal development plan.

 Project Management and Your Research
 This virtual workshop will help Doctorate students to develop and enhance              Ready
 their understanding and application of project management principles and
 tools to scoping, planning, implementing and evaluating their research and studies.

How to Navigate MyFuture
MyFuture is the online system for registered
QUB students to search and apply for jobs,
book onto workshops and programmes,
register for events and access one-to-one
careers support.

This session will cover:
• How to book an event with the Graduate
• How to book a 1-2-1 appointment with a
   Graduate School Consultant for careers,
   coaching and academic skills;
• How to use MyFuture to search for jobs;
• Where to find the mobile app for

                                                                          BLOG: ‘5
                                                                         Cool Features
                                                                         of MyFuture’
              YOUR                           PGT

Develop Yourself as a Strategic Leader!
The Master Your Leadership programme is designed to help you develop a
range of core skills for today’s job market. Complete the Kouzes and
Posner 360° Student Leadership Challenge (LPI) which will help you to
tailor a personal development plan built around the five practices of
exemplary leadership. Across four days of training, take on a real-world
employer challenge; an experiential team based activity to create solutions
and present back to the employer, developing your skills of creativity,
innovation, problem-solving, communication and leadership.

Previous employers who have presented employer challenges include:
                                    INSTITUTE ACCREDITED
                                    LEVEL 7 QUALIFICATION

The Graduate School, in partnership with the Chartered Management Institute
(CMI), offers you a unique opportunity to gain a professional Level 7
qualification in Strategic Leadership, Project Management and
Entreprenuerial Practice. Enhance your employability and become an affiliate
member of CMI with access to a library of online resources. The qualification
includes both taught and assessed elements over two modules.
Course fee: £995.

Strategic Leadership
This qualification helps you understand the
complexities of leadership from an individual
and organisational perspective. Work in
multidisciplinary groups to carry out challenges
which will allow you to identify your leadership
skills and see how they are applied within the

Entrepreneurial Practice
As a practising or aspiring leader grow your
creative confidence. Develop your business
acumen using entrepreneurial tools and
techniques. As part of a team you will apply
theory to a business challenge and develop the
skills needed to be an entrepreneurial
practitioner in today’s business world.

Strategic Management Project
Understand the key processes in successful
project management from initiation to
delivery. Learn how to manage projects
professionally and translate your personal
inspiration into effective operational
performance. This module will teach you how
to construct a project plan and guide you
through the processes of successfully
implementing that plan.
What is research excellence if you don’t know how to communicate it effectively? Take
time this semester to learn how to talk about your research and its impact. Challenge
yourself to think more innovatively, grow your entrepreneurial mindset and start to
apply your creative skills to all areas of your work and life.

Tell Your Research Story Series                                PGR
In the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT)
The 3MT challenges doctoral candidates to present a compelling spoken presentation on
their research in just three minutes. To prepare to compete, or to simply learn how to better
communicate your research, this workshop will teach you how to apply the art of storytelling
to your research.

In Articles for Publication
Want to get published? Learn how to engage people in your research through effective
communication; gain insights into the structural components of scientific papers and writing
style; develop strategies to overcome difficulties in writing articles for publication.

To The Media
Communicating research findings to audiences outside the academic community, media or
general public, is a vital part of researcher’s work. Gain insights into the world of the media
and explore what type of content is deemed newsworthy. Get guidance on how to use social
media for impact and for advancing your research agenda through a coherent communica-
tion strategy.

At Conferences
A winning conference proposal begins with the ability to communicate your research and its
relevance. Learn how to help others engage with your research, explore the main elements
of a successful conference submission, and use your communication toolkit to deliver.

Ethics in Research (Promoting Trust and Credibility)
Ethics play a vital role in your research. Ensure you understand the processes and procedures
needed to avoid potential pitfalls. Explore ideas and regulations around consent, participant
rights, data handling and how to secure ethical approval.
Develop Your Entrepreneurial Skills
Commercialising Your Research                                                  Future
Have you ever wondered if you could make a living out of your big ideas?        Ready
Explore how to make money from your ideas and how to ensure they are
protected. We’ll cover commercialisation; from what it is to how you can benefit from it,
what funders and investors expect to see, the role of Intellectual Property, and how Queen’s
can support you in turning your research into a real-life commercial project.

Make It Happen Fund: Information Sessions
Are you working on a business idea but need funding to make it a reality? You can apply for
the ‘Make it Happen Fund’ and access up to £500 to help start or diversify your business!
The fund is available to all current postgraduate students at Queen’s. Come along to one of
our Information Sessions to find out more.

Start-Up Visa: Information Session
Are you a non EU/EEA postgraduate student? Do you have an innovative business idea?
Would you like to establish a business in the UK after graduation? The Start-up Visa might
be an option for you. Come along to this information session for advice from the enterprise
teams that work on the endorsement process.

Need some inspiration?
                                           Understand how your research can help shape
                                           the world around you. Join us to be inspired by
                                           individuals and organisations as they share their
                                           experiences of influencing others and how they
                                           have successfully become experts in their field.
                                           We invite Thought Leaders from across a range
                                           of backgrounds and disciplines to share their
                                           secrets to success.

Innovation After Hours is a chance to hear
from people who are interested in innovation
and entrepreneurship and to be inspired by
those working on interesting ventures. Grab a
refreshment of your choice in the comfort of
your own home and join us online as we
welcome an inspiring new guest speaker on
                                                                      These events are
the first Thursday of every month.                                   open to Queen’s
                                                                    students, staff an
                                                                        the general
Are you looking for support to navigate your options? Explore the range of
dedicated careers support available to you and begin to build your networks.

How to Complete a Competency Based Application Form
Competency based questions can often throw you if you are not well prepared. This online
presentation will provide you with examples of competency based questions and give you
the opportunity to practise your technique with your peers.

How to Write a Successful CV
Make sure your CV is employer-ready. This presentation will provide you with a guide on how
to market yourself on paper whether you are just starting your CV or want to update it.

How to Start Your LinkedIn Profile
Did you know that 90% of employers use LinkedIn to recruit new employees? LinkedIn is an
invaluable online tool for you to network with professionals and alumni. This presentation is
aimed at students who don’t yet have a LinkedIn profile, and will give you the chance to start
creating one.

10 Tips for Acing Your Next Virtual Interview
Do you have an interview coming up via video conference call and want to know how to
prepare? In the current climate, virtual interviews have become more prevalent. Find out
what you need to consider when being interviewed virtually and how you can make a good
impression through a screen.

Practise Your Interview Skills
A unique opportunity to take part in a role play group exercise to practise your interview
skills. In this virtual session, you will join a group of up to five students whereby each of you
will be invited to play the role of interviewer, interviewee and observer. The session will be
facilitated by a qualified career consultant.

1-2-1 Careers Guidance
A 30 minute confidential career consultation on career choice, job hunting, LinkedIn profile,
further study and CV guidance. Postgraduate Taught students should book with Joan
Connolly, and Postgraduate Research students with Dr Lilian Simones. To book your
 appointment via MyFuture, please click on ‘Book an Appointment’ and choose ‘Careers
Appointment’ from the drop-down list.
Master Your Future Success
Get ready today for tomorrow’s job market! Join us on this four day employability
programme tailored for master students at Queen’s.
By attending this course, you will:                          PGT
• Gain tailored CV and interview support;
• Have access to targeted job search;
• Increase awareness of skills sought by employers;
• Become E-hireable, using LinkedIn, to future-proof your online employability
• Understand your personality and strengths using Myers Briggs awareness
• Develop team work skills through a fun, interactive activity;
• Have a 1-2-1 career consultation focusing on your career needs.

Future Ready Programme for
Postgraduate Researchers
Postgraduate Research Students who attend all twelve workshops (equivalent        Future
to six full days of training) integral to the Future Ready programme will be      Ready
eligible for the Researcher Plus award.

Your Non-Academic Cover Letter              Writing Effective Funding Proposals

Your Academic Cover Letter                  How to Find a Job

Your Non-Academic CV                        Employer Engagement Event

Your Academic CV                            Project Management and Your
Succeeding in Non-Academic Interviews
                                            Commercialising Your Research
Succeeding in Academic Interviews
                                            Tomorrow’s Leaders, Today
The Graduate School supports partnerships between postgraduates, local businesses and
enterprises for social innovation. There are a range of bespoke networking, employer and
community challenges to help postgraduates realise their research impact and to contribute in
a practical way to shaping a better world. Get in touch today to see how you can get involved

Our list of partners is always growing! Visit our website to find out more about our partners
and how we are continuing to work collaboratively across a range of areas.

Photography Ethics Series
with Savannah Dodd
The Photography Ethics Centre aims to raise
awareness about ethics and promote ethical literacy across
the photography industry. Join it’s founder, Savannah Dodd,
for a series of workshops that will explore photography ethics
in a variety of contexts. These workshops can be individually

Understanding Photographs

The Ethics of Using Visual Research Methods

Using Photographs in Research Dissemination

Postgraduate-Led Initiatives
The Graduate School has funding available to assist current postgraduate students in
organising academic events and cultural interventions which work to bring together
the wider communities within both postgraduate taught and research student bodies
at Queen’s. This funding is allocated for initiatives developed and delivered by
postgraduate students to help enrich the experience of the postgraduate
community. The programme supports skills development such as leadership, effective
communication and project management by providing students with the opportunity
to manage events and budgets through first-hand experience.
Industry Partners
CPANI Postgraduate Mentoring Scheme: Information Session
The Graduate School in partnership with the Commissioner for Public Appointments Northern
Ireland (CPANI) offers a unique opportunity for postgraduate students to be professionally
mentored by a Public Appointment Commission body. Public bodies make important decisions
that shape the quality of our lives, from funding the arts, sports and science to providing essential
healthcare and safeguarding the environment as well as promoting human rights and delivering
justice. Understand the potential impact your research could have while you grow your networks
and enhance your employability. These information sessions will allow you to assess if the
programme is the right match for you.

Employer Engagement Event
The Graduate School and the Postdoctoral Development Centre at QUB are hosting an online
employer engagement event where doctoral students and post-doctoral staff will have an
opportunity to network and interact with a range of potential employers. Representatives from
both academic and non-academic backgrounds will discuss what employers need from researchers
today and how academics can transfer their skills to non-academic work environments.

At previous events, industry representatives have included:

Catalyst NI Co-Founders Programme

                                     Do you have an idea for an exciting new product? Perhaps
                                     you want to commercialise your research, or apply your
                                     skills in the start-up world and learn more about creative
                                     problem-solving? If so, join us for an information session
                                     on Co-Founders, a unique 10-week programme for anyone
                                     curious about developing their entrepreneurial mindset and
Find out more about                  innovation skills. You’ll hear from a Co-Founders
                                     programme associate, as well as postgraduate students
Co-Founders via                      who have been through the process.
Catalyst’s website!
Opportunities to connect with other postgraduate students, to support each
other and to take time to look after your wellbeing. Join our Microsoft Teams
groups to keep in touch!

          Shut Up and Write
          Every Monday and Friday, 1.00pm - 4.00pm
          Shut Up and Write is a movement that started in San Francisco as a way for
          writers to structure their time and connect with others. Using the pomodoro
          technique, carve out dedicated writing time and make progress on your
          assignments. Write for 3 hours in a supportive environment, and relax and
          connect with your fellow students during break periods!

          Postgraduate Book Club
          Every Tuesday, 5.00pm - 7.00pm
          Reading groups are great for intellectual stimulation and expanding personal
          knowledge, but most importantly they are a social experience. Discover new
          books and new people by joining a group of fellow postgraduates to expand
          your reading repertoire and share ideas virtually!

          Mindful Meditation
          Every Wednesday, 2.30pm - 3.30pm
          It can often be easy to rush through life without stopping to notice everything
          around you, especially in the current climate. Paying more attention to the
          present moment, to your own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around
          you can help to improve your mental wellbeing. Join us for weekly
          mindfulness classes with qualified instructor Orla Wallace.

          Rejuvenation Yoga
          *Various dates and times.
          A typical ‘Rejuvenation Yoga’ class with Instructor Gill will cover yoga pos-
          tures, breathing practices, deep relaxation, meditation and revitalisation;
          helping to break cycles of stress and anxiety in a welcoming and supportive
          environment. These online classes will take place via Zoom. Please register via
Postgraduate Virtual Café
The Postgraduate Virtual Café is a chance to meet your
fellow postgraduates and stay connected in the virtual
world. Each café will be hosted by a Graduate School staff
member, including our Postgraduate Community
Assistants, who can answer any queries you may have or
just be there for a chat!

Virtual Tours of Your Graduate School
The Graduate School Virtual Tour will provide you with an opportunity to visit the Graduate
School building virtually. Learn about the rich history of our building and the facilities we
have on offer! You will be led by our very own Postgraduate Community Assistants, who can
answer any queries you may have or just be there for a chat!

18th - 23rd May is Mental
Health Awareness Week!
Study Well, Be Well Webinar
This event will provide you with information on wellbeing and
study support that is available to you and will include talks from
the Student Wellbeing team, representatives from
your Students’ Union, and our Postgraduate
Community Assistants. Learn how to
implement mindfulness techniques into
your everyday life, pay attention to the
present moment and the world around
you to improve mental wellbeing. You’ll get
hints and tips on how to look after your wellbeing,
advice on what support services the University currently
offers, and information about the Graduate School’s community
and wellbeing programme for postgraduates.

Community Assistant Blogs
Our Postgraduate Community Assistants write regular blog posts to keep you up-to-date
with what they’re up to and share useful hints & tips for navigating postgraduate study! Keep
an eye out on your Weekly Updates and our social media channels for regular posts, or join
our weekly community and wellbeing events to get to know them personally.
Stay Connected This Semester...
028 9097 2585
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