Page created by Stephen Little

                                A. OCTAVIAN**
                                 R.O. BURA**
                                 I. N. PUTRA**

   * Doctoral Student, Indonesia Defense University (IDU), Indonesia
           **Indonesia Defense University (IDU), Indonesia

       Abstract:The Indonesian nation is currently continuing to develop the strength
of the Indonesian Navy’s submarine fleet to increase the deterrence of the national
defense system and to ensure the security and safety of shipping in strategic maritime
routes. The Indonesian Navy submarine is capable of supervising ships sailing or
entering and leaving Indonesian waters freely and without being detected by the
sonar of warships and submarines of other countries. The limited operational time
of the submarine can be caused by several things, both related to the characteristics
of the submarine related to the technology used, and the availability of logistics
and supporting infrastructure for the submarine’s operations. The Submarine cannot
continuously dive during its operation to secure and enforce the sovereignty of the
Indonesian national jurisdiction. Focus of research is on the determinant influence
of infrastructure on submarine operational durability to increase the deterrence of
the state defense system at sea. This research uses a qualitative analysis method
with the development of thinking through interviews, Focus Group Discussions
(FGD), Round Table Discussions (RTD), and semi-structured interviews to obtain
data about submarine operational durability. This research found that there was a
significant influence on the causal relationship between the two variables with the
following information: 1) Submarines can only contribute to increase the deterrence
of the state defense system at sea; 2) To be able to realize submarine operational
resilience, determinant infrastructure support is needed that can be provided by the
Indonesian National Army (TNI), in this case, the Navy and the Defense Industry
(State and Private Owned Enterprises).

       Key words: Indonesian Navy, Indonesia Warship (KRI), Determinant
Infrastructure, Submarine Technology, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), Round
Table Discussions (RTD).


         INTRODUCTION                        Article 6. One of the effective
                                             forces to build deterrence in the
      As an archipelagic country             national defense strategy at sea is
with 2/3 of its territory constituting       a submarine fleet (Green & Long,
the sea (Sebastian et al., 2014),            2017). The effectiveness of the
it is necessary to carry out the             submarine force is expressed in its
development of Navy to realize a             ability to launch continuous attacks
state defense system at sea (Putri:          into strategic areas of the opposing
2017). To answer the needs of                country and ward off potential
the development of a Navy force              threats from countries that have
that has deterrent capabilities, the         greater military power (Andersson:
Indonesian Navy is responsible               2016). Regarding the strategic
with the development of a                    value of submarines, silence, and
national defense strategy at, and/           speed of a submarine can paralyze
or by sea, hereinafter known as              a strategic maritime route (maritime
the Archipelago Marine Defense               chokepoint) and threaten the safety
Strategy (SPLN) (Putra et al., 2017).        of shipping commercial vessels and
This strategy is an elaboration of           the navy (Joiner & Atkinson, 2016).
the defense system that takes into                  Indonesian waters, which
account the geographical conditions          are located on the Equator, are
of Indonesia as an archipelagic              tropical waters that contain a lot
country and implements state                 of fish, plankton, and also many
defense in an active, multi-layered          straits that can be used as a strategic
manner, and can ward off all threats         tool, as an effective place to avoid
to prevent war, overcoming threats           detection of other countries’ naval
from the marine aspect, internal             forces      infiltrating   Indonesian
security disturbances and armed              waters (Susilo et al., 2019). The
rebellion in the territory of the            Indonesian nation is currently
Republic of Indonesia in creating a          continuing to develop the strength
safe and controlled Archipelago Sea          of the Indonesian Navy’s submarine
(Marsetio: 2014).                            fleet to increase the deterrence of
      The development of the naval           the national defense system and
force also needs to be carried out           to ensure the security and safety
strategically and effectively to             of shipping in strategic maritime
realize the desired deterrence as            routes (Indonesian Archipelago Sea
mandated in Law Number 3 of                  Route - ALKI) (Susilo et al., 2019).
2002 Article 3 Paragraph 2 and               The Indonesian Navy submarine is

Journal of Defense Resources Management                 Vol. 12, Issue 1 (22)/2021

capable of supervising ships sailing            Based on these data, it can be
or entering and leaving Indonesian        seen that the longest operation was
waters freely and without being           recorded for 196 days in 2017, and
detected by the sonar of warships         the shortest for 8 days in 2016. In
and submarines of other countries         terms of operating data per KRI,
(Ministry of Defence, 2015).              the longest operating time was
      The ability of a submarine to be    only carried out by KRI NGL-
undetectable during its operational       402 in 2017 for 164 days. The
life both at the bottom of the water      data in Table 1 shows the limited
(operational depth) and at the water      operational time for KRI types of
surface (periscope depth and surface      submarines and the vulnerability
depth) is both an advantage and a         to the state defense system at sea,
weakness regarding the operational        especially underwater security from
durability of the submarine. This         the activities of other countries that
shows the importance of submarines        operate their submarines through
to always be felt in the area of          Indonesian waters. This data shows
operation, but the exact location         that there has been a large number
cannot be known. Based on Table           of voids in guarding Indonesia’s
1, information on the operational         underwater areas. Following the
time of KRI for submarine types           understanding that the shorter the
for the period 2012 - 2019 which is       ability of a submarine to be in the
the cumulative data on submarine          area of operation and maintain the
operational days (CKA-401, NGL-           confidentiality of its existence, there
402, NPS-403, ADL-404).                   is a sense of vulnerability as far
       Table 1. Number of Submarine Operation Days 2012 – 2019

  Name of
                2012    2013    2014      2015   2016     2017     2018    2019
  CKA-401         -      114      -        -       -        -        -       -
  NGL-402        76      60      75        45      8       164      93      69
  NPS-403                                                  32       42      49
  ADL-404                                                           42       9
   TOTAL         76      174     75       45       8       196     177      127


as the the ability to deter the state        the sovereignty of the Indonesian
defense system at sea is concerned           national jurisdiction. This shows
(Laksmana: 2014).                            that it is necessary to provide such
       The limited operational time          infrastructure in the submarine
of the submarine can be caused by            operational      area     (Laksmana:
several things, both related to the          2014). Apart from supporting the
characteristics of the submarine             operational needs of submarines,
related to the technology used, and          strategically the infrastructure must
the availability of logistics and            also be able to support operational
supporting infrastructure for the            needs to support the Navy’s
submarine’s operations. The ability          power projection. The preparation
of the submarine to operate depends          of infrastructure to support the
on the fuel capacity, the battery            operational needs of submarines and
resistance of the propulsion system,         the Navy as a whole can be done by
and the availability of oxygen for the       studying other countries and how
crew (Herz, et al., 2017). Meanwhile,        they develop their infrastructure
logistical needs and supporting              support systems. Naval forces in
infrastructure related to submarine          other countries that are currently
operational needs include the need           of concern include China, the
for improvements to equipment                United States, Russia, and India. In
and systems in the submarine, as             the decades following the 2000s,
well as the support facilities at the        the development of China’s naval
front and forward bases to meet              power became a topic of worldwide
the needs of logistics, fuel, fresh-         concern (Friedman: 2019).
water, oxygen generator cartridges,                 The US and Chinese naval
and remote locations for supplies of         bases can be used as an ideal base
re-availability, logistical support,         facility reference to support the
battery maintenance facilities,              operational durability of the Navy in
submarine        docking     stations,       general and specifically to support
submarine battery recharging and             submarine operational security.
discharging facilities, messing              Referring to the US and Chinese
facilities for personnel (Jeon: 2020).       naval base infrastructure, the
       Faced with a stretch of               Indonesian Navy base infrastructure
Indonesian waters spanning almost            still needs development, both in
4,000 nautical miles, the Submarine          quantity and quality, to be able to
cannot continuously dive during              support the operational durability
its operation to secure and enforce          of ships in general and submarines

Journal of Defense Resources Management                Vol. 12, Issue 1 (22)/2021

in particular. Until now, submarine       and fostering of the submarine-type
maintenance and repair facilities in      KRI force is very complex. With
Indonesia are only at Surabaya Naval      the background of the problems that
Base. The infrastructure facilities       have been described, this research
mentioned above are the facilities        is very important to do in order to
needed to support the operational         describe existing conditions and
durability of the submarine. This         can be used as a consideration
condition is considered very difficult    in making solutions to deal with
in optimizing the role of the base        problems that exist today. Some
for the submarine fleet (Mian et al.,     of the literature used as support
2019).                                    in conducting this research, such:
       These facts are in line with       Research by Friedman, N (2019)
Anderson’s (2016) statement that          entitled    Strategic    Submarines
to obtain the effectiveness of the        and Strategic Stability: Looking
defense system’s deterrence using         Towards the 2030s, states that
a submarine fleet it is necessary to      submarines can operate strategically
increase maintenance capabilities,        in water areas where it is difficult to
logistical support, crew training,        detect their presence. The biggest
command and control capabilities,         challenge to finding a submarine is
submarine rescue, surveillance, and       due to its operational environment
seabed mapping. This statement            rather than technological factors.
shows that the strategic value of         Anderson in Submarine capabilities
the Navy’s submarine capabilities         and conventional deterrence in
is greatly influenced by the ability      Southeast Asia (2016) states that
of its supporting infrastructure to be    submarines are the weapon of
able to maintain the confidentiality      choice to fight stronger enemies.
of submarine operations. However,         The author also examines countries
infrastructure development supp-          in Southeast Asia that are beginning
orts the operational resilience           to equip their militaries with
of submarines in the face of the          submarines.
limitations of the state’s ability              Research by Opresnick D. et
to meet the development and               al entitled the Conceptualization
development needs of defense              of sustainability in operations
equipment (Ghosh: 2013). Flowing          management        (2015) discusses
from the above discussion, it can be      operational       resilience         in
felt that in making strategic decisions   manufacturing          organizations.
that are relevant to the development      Stebbins’ in Broaching the ship:


rethinking submarines as a signaling         defense system at sea, making this
tool in naval diplomacy (2015)               research a novelty. This research
states that submarines have strategic        describes qualitative analysis method
value in supporting naval diplomacy          with the development of thinking
compared to deploying aircraft               through interviews, Focus Group
carriers. One of the beneficial factors      Discussions (FGD), Round Table
is the factor of lower operating costs.      Discussions (RTD), and semi-
Research entitled Toward a theory for        structured interviews to obtain
dissuasion (or deterrence) by denial         data about submarine operational
discusses methods for implementing           durability.
deterrence in the Australian defense                The results of this research can
system (Davis, et al., 2016). There is a     be used as a reference for determining
pool of research in the field, and some      policies in increasing the deterrence
of the most relevant titles are listed       of the state defense system at sea.
as follows: Innovation and Learning          This paper was divided into several
in High-Reliability Organizations:           parts, including the second part that
A Case Study of United States and            contains basic concepts and literature
Russian Nuclear Attack Submarines            review, the third part contains research
1970-2000 (Bierly et al., 2008);             methods, the fourth part contains the
Danger and New Risk for Nuclear              results of research and discussion and
Submarine in South Asia (Mian et al.,        the fifth part contains conclusions.
2019) ; Test and Evaluation for early
adaptive designs in Australia’s Future          1. MATERIAL & METHOD
Submarine (Joiner & Atkinson,
2016); Study for Safety Operational                  1.1. National Interest
Envelope of a submarine in Jamming                  By the Indonesian Defense
(Park et al., 2017); Evaluation of           White Paper, the Indonesian Nation
Naval Submarine Seakeeping Criteria          builds a defense system by identifying
(Moonesun et al., 2015); Framing for         various threats as the main factors
Threats and Deterrence from Nuclear          that form the basis for the preparation
Submarine in the South Atlantic              of the national defense system design,
(Herz et al., 2017).                         both actual and potential. The types of
       Locus and the object of this          threats identified as potential for the
research are carried out on submarines       present and future can be classified
owned by the Indonesian State, the           into three types, including military
focus of research is on the determinant      threats, both armed and unarmed,
influence of infrastructure on               non-military threats, and hybrid
submarine operational durability to          threats. Therefore, the development
increase the deterrence of the state         of defense forces which is manifested

Journal of Defense Resources Management               Vol. 12, Issue 1 (22)/2021

in the development of military forces     threatening to give severe penalties –
is an absolute necessity to guarantee     (deterrence by punishment) – such as
and protect the national interests of     nuclear escalation or heavy economic
the Indonesian people in the arena of     sanctions, in the event of an attack
international relations (Ministry of      (Senol & Karacuha, 2020).
Defence, 2015).
      Efforts to realize a State              1.3. Submarines in the State
Defense that is capable of handling               Defense System at Sea
the security of the Maritime Area is             A submarine is a strategic
carried out by deploying Sea-power        weaponry in the Navy that has
in a task force capable of reaching       operational capability, such as
the boundaries of the Indonesian          tactical and strategic surveillance
Exclusive Economic Zone effectively       and reconnaissance, anti-ship war,
and capable of exercising control         anti-submarine war, attack to vital
of the marine area of national            target on land (precision strike),
jurisdiction (Bueger & Edmunds,           raid amphibious operation, mine
2017). The Navy has a unique ability      deployment to the SAR operation,
compared to other militaries, namely      and VVIP security (Suseto, et al.,
the ability to produce coercive signals   2018). Marsetio (2014) predicted
and deterrence to the enemy. Naval        that submarines will have a leading
power can effectively transmit these      role in the future, compared with
signals, and their effectiveness stems    surface combatants, considering its
from two unique features of Navy          secret trait and mobility which can
capabilities (Susilo, et al., 2019).      reach further water area. Infiltration
                                          and exfiltration operations will be
        1.2. Defense Strategy             more effective using submarines in
                                          intelligence operations against other
       Two basic things need to be
described in the implementation of
a national defense system strategy
                                               1.4. Operational Durability
that has deterrent capabilities. First,
                                                 Durability is a complex
deterrence by denial strategies to
                                          concept, but it is made possible to
prevent an action by making the
                                          filter the most fundamental aspects
enemy predict is impossible or
                                          to adopt the system approach,
unlikely to succeed, thereby denying
the potential enemy’s confidence in       which system is defined simply as
achieving its objective of deploying      a set of elements that relate to each
sufficient military forces for the        other (or subsystem). The strategy
invasion. Second, there is the            of durability and sustainability of
deterrence strategy that relies on        operation of State Defense System


is a secret in general, maintained by        command and control capabilities,
a state which uses it. Operational           submarine rescue, seabed monitoring,
durability strategy in the case of the       and mapping. Determination of the
manufacturing industry is formulated         technology that needs to be installed
through a capability approach to             on a submarine generally takes into
ensure strategy (planning) and               account the operational tasks to be
                                             carried out, the operation area-range-
operation (implementation) which
                                             transit time, speed, diving depth,
is sustainable (Mora et al., 2009).
                                             passive defense, weapons systems,
According to research in the field,          rescue and rescue, re-support,
operational durability strategy must         maintenance, and average size of
consider environmental factors               crew (Joiner & Atkinson, 2016).
(Trost: 2000). The schematic of the
relationship between the enduring              1.6. Determinant Infrastructure
factors in operations management is                 In the terminology of the
shown in Figure 1.                           United States of America military,
                                             infrastructure is defined as the whole
     1.5. Submarine Operations               building and permanent installation
       In the context of operational         required for support, placement, and
security, Anderson (2016) states that        operation of military force, such
it takes mastery and preparation in          as barracks, headquarters, airfield,
the areas of maintenance capabilities,       communication, facility, warehouse,
logistical support, crew training,           port, and maintenance station

                 Fig. no. 1 Durability in Operations Management

Journal of Defense Resources Management                 Vol. 12, Issue 1 (22)/2021

(Lostumbo et al., 2013). Military          and success to obtain strategic results
infrastructure is required in supporting   and outcomes (Jeon: 2020).
operational durability, but budget                A system consists of many
availability and national resource in      different elements, including those
general are limited to meet the need       directly used in achieving the
for development and maintenance for        actual mission (including, the main
military infrastructure (Ghosh: 2013).     equipment installed in the system,
                                           personnel as operators, features,
 1.7. Submarine Logistical Support         and so on) and maintenance support
               System                      elements (for example, maintenance
       The submarine (subsurface)          personnel,        test     equipment,
logistical support system is not much      maintenance facilities, spare parts,
different from the logistical support      and parts and repair inventory).
system for above-surface warships.         Supporting infrastructure is not often
A good logistics system, among other       considered as the main element of a
things, forms the foundation that          system, but the system may not be able
allows for flexibility and strategic       to complete its specified functions if
mobility to support military operations    it is not supported by the supporting
and warfare. Thus, the existence           infrastructure (Blanchard: 2016).
of a sustainable logistics system          Thus, the supporting infrastructure is
determines the success of a strategy.      referred to as the main element in the
Therefore, qualified logistics will        system, presented in the context of the
greatly determine tactical readiness       system life cycle (Figure 2).

 Fig. no. 2 Main Elements in a Logistic Support System (Blanchard: 2016)


       This research was divided into        needed when interpreting data. After
four main parts, including a) input,         obtaining the qualitative research
b) process, c) output and outcome.           database, the data compilation was
The input in this research was the           carried out by decomposing the
perceived need for a determinant             data according to the characteristics
infrastructure to support operational        relevant to the research problem.
resilience of submarines to increase         In the process of decomposing
the deterrence of the state defense          the database, data were sorted and
system at sea. After the formulation         reduced with a focus on the sections
of the research input, it was continued      that were relevant to the research
with the research process that begins        topic and ignoring other parts. The
with the formulation of the problem          necessary parts are then rearranged
and carried out a literature review          (the reconstruction phase) to obtain
to compile research hypotheses, the          a pattern that is characteristic
formulation of research methodology          of this research database. Upon
as a guide for data collection and           obtaining the characteristics of
analysis.                                    the data, data interpretation and
       The next stage is data                verification followed in order to
analysis. This research used                 obtain the meaning of each piece
qualitative analysis with a narrative        of information obtained by looking
interpretation method where the              for     relationships,  similarities,
qualitative data obtained was                and differences. Furthermore, the
interpreted narratively to obtain            relevant conclusions were drawn to
conclusions relevant to the research         answer the research questions.
problem. The data obtained will be
grouped into categories of opinions,         2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
facts, and knowledge. Opinions
related to the informants’ thoughts                     2.1. Results
on a phenomenon that was asked in                  The qualitative data collection
the interview; facts regarding what          of this research was carried out
the informants know; and knowledge           through the implementation of
relating to what the informant knows         Focus Group Discussions (FGD),
about the field in question. The results     Round Table Discussions (RTD),
of the interviews obtained from              and semi-structured interviews.
the previous stage are transcribed           The implementation of the FGD
so that they form a database that            involved the resource persons Rear
can be used and read repeatedly as           Admiral Muhammad Ali, SE, MM

Journal of Defense Resources Management               Vol. 12, Issue 1 (22)/2021

who at the time of the FGD served         The resource persons and RTD
as Commander of Fleet I Command,          participants included the Assistant
and Marx Jefferson who served as          for Planning and Budget for the
Head of the Submarine Program of          Chief of Staff of the Indonesian
PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), and was       Navy, the Commander of the
attended by FGD participants who          Indonesian Navy Command and
came from the Head Technology             Staff School, the Governor of the
Transfer and Offset Division of the       Naval Academy, a researcher at the
Defense Industry Policy Committee         University of Indonesia, a researcher
                                          at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute
(Rear Admiral TNI (Ret) Rachmad
                                          of Technology and a researcher at
Lubis), BPPT Submarine Research           the Defense University. Structured
Representatives     and    Research       interviews were conducted. In this
Representatives from the Sepuluh          research, the informants include
Nopember Institute of Technology          Indonesian Navy Maintenance and
and the University of Indonesia.          Repair Facility officials as submarine
                       Table 2. Experts in Research

  No                           Expert                        Total     Code
        Commander of First Fleet Command,
   1                                                           1         E1
        Vice Admiral Muhammad Ali
        Head of the Submarine Program of PT PAL
   2    Indonesia,                                             1         E2
        Marx Jefferson
        Head of the KKIP Technology Transfer and
   3    Offset Division, Vice Admiral (Ret) Rachmad            1         E3
   4    Vice Admiral Iwan Isnurwanto                           1         E4
   5    Vice Admiral TNI Tunggul Suropati                      1         E5

        In this research, RTD was         maintenance operators, officials in
carried out virtually by some experts     Fleet Command II, Indonesian Navy
and practitioners in the field of         Headquarters, Ministry of Defense,
defense and submarine technology.         Indonesian Navy Base as submarine


operational      and      maintenance        availability of submarine tenders,
regulators, Directors within State-          and submarine logistical support.
Owned Enterprise (BUMN) as                          b. Determinant infrastructure
determinant infrastructure service           to support submarine operational
providers for ship maintenance               resilience is currently available only
and repair, Directors within Private         at Surabaya Naval Base as the base
Owned Enterprise (BUMS) as                   for a submarine base (initial base)
determinant infrastructure service           and its current condition needs to
providers for ship maintenance and           increase its capacity and capability
repair, experts as expert resource           according to the needs of submarines
persons in the field of national             both in terms of quantity and
defense, academics as expert                 submarine equipment technology.
resource persons in the field of                    c. Shipyard (defense industry)
submarines, academics as resource            supporting submarine operation,
person Infrastructure experts support        maintenance and repair must have
submarine operations.                        mastery of submarine maintenance
      Several qualitative information
                                             and repair technology which requires
is obtained from informants. The
                                             a large investment of capital and time.
identification if the latter was made
                                             Currently, only PT PAL Indonesia
by using a purposive approach with
                                             (Persero) can provide submarine
the consideration that only certain
                                             maintenance and repair services so
personnel have knowledge and
                                             that with the increasing number of
authority about the submarine, both
the management of the submarine              submarines owned by the Indonesian
operation     and      the    relevant       Navy, the market for submarine
development, maintenance, and                maintenance and repair is becoming
repair processes. Some important             more extensive and is opening
points obtained from the results of          opportunities for other shipyards,
qualitative data collection through          both governmental and private. To
FGD, RTD, and semi-structured                play an active role in supporting the
interviews include:                          operation, maintenance, and repair
      a. The operational durability          of submarines.
of a submarine is influenced by the                 d. To increase the operational
condition of the submarine and the           durability     of    submarines,      a
technology used, the availability            commitment at a strategic level is also
and ability of material and                  needed to ensure the availability and
personnel maintenance facilities as a        adequacy of submarine operational
determinant infrastructure to support        budgets, including for submarine
submarine operational needs, the             maintenance and repair activities.

Journal of Defense Resources Management                Vol. 12, Issue 1 (22)/2021

      e. Submarines can operate           of a determinant infrastructure to
“openly” or “covertly” to maintain        be distributed to the submarines in
confidentiality    while     creating     need.
the required defensive system                   Referring to the results of
countermeasures. However, this            the analysis, it can be understood
deterrence can only be obtained           that the operational durability
if the submarine can sail and dive        of submarines is influenced by
following its operational strategy of     the    determinant     infrastructure,
maintaining secrecy.                      submarine        technology,       and
                                          submarine logistical support, either
           2.2. Discussion                individually or simultaneously.
      The influence of total submarine    It is known that the determinant
technology through determinant            infrastructure to support submarine
infrastructure dominantly affects         operations is needed at 1) First Base;
the operational durability needs of       2) Early Base; 3) Front Base. The
the submarine. Referring to this,         need for determinant infrastructure
it can be seen that the influence of      in First Base is following the results
determinant infrastructure on the         of an interview which states “...
operational durability of submarines      in the future we will think about
becomes increasingly significant          infrastructure that is mobile ...”
after being synergized with the           (Rear Admiral TNI Muhammad
level of submarine technology             Ali). This statement strengthens the
being operated. This means that the       estimated value of First Base as the
technological level of the determinant    most dominant compared to other
infrastructure needs to be adjusted       dimensions (Early Base and Front
to the level of technology of the         Base). By the submarine operation
equipment and systems installed           pattern, First Base is an approach
on the submarine. Meanwhile,              base before the submarines enter the
the logistical needs to support the       combat area (operation).
operational resilience of submarines            Preparation of determinant
will have an increased effect if they     infrastructure can increase the
synergize with the determinant            operational durability of submarines
infrastructure. This statement is         strategically because they are still in
in accordance with the operating          a safe area and allow submarines to
pattern that the submarine returns to     immediately enter the operational
base, among others, to carry out re-      area in a relatively short time.
provisioning of logistical needs. This    Therefore, the provision of mobile
means that the logistical needs of        infrastructure as a determinant
submarines require the availability       infrastructure for the Indonesian


Navy task force can be prepared in           master the technology of operating,
the area closest to the submarine            maintaining, repairing and providing
operation area which is equivalent to        the necessary infrastructure by the
the location of First Base.                  technology used (Anderson: 2016).
                                                    Based on the discussion in
2.3. Resilience of the State Defense         this research, it can be concluded
            System at Sea                    that the operational durability of
       According to the above                submarines has a significant effect
discussion,       the     operational        on increasing the deterrence of the
resilience of submarines in this             state defense system at sea provided
study is defined as the ability to           that, among other things, the secrecy
maintain the KRI of a submarine              of the submarine can be maintained
type to be in the operational area           and the ship can be operated
for as long as possible without the          continuously at sea. Maintaining
other party knowing (maintaining             the confidentiality of the submarine
confidentiality).     Admiral    TNI         requires a determinant infrastructure
(Ret.) Prof. Dr. Marsetio stated             that correlates with the level/type of
that the Indonesian nation needed            submarine technology in operation,
a minimum of 25 submarines to be             submarine logistical support, a high
able to guard the country’s defense          level of commitment to ensure the
system at sea, especially controlling        availability of budget support for
subsurface security.                         submarine operations, maintenance
       The     resulting   deterrence        and repair. Besides, the involvement
of submarine operations is the               of shipyards and the defense industry,
belief (perception) that a country           both state-owned (BUMN) and
will be able to provide significant          private-owned (BUMS) enterprises,
resistance to other countries with           is needed to ensure the availability
a surprise attack on the center of           of the determinant infrastructure
power of the intended country. This          needed to support submarine
is in line with the statement of Rear        operational resilience. Following
Admiral Muhammad Ali and Vice                the analysis of interview data,
Admiral (Royal Australian Navy)              determinant infrastructure needs
Tim Barret that the submarine’s              to be provided (built) in Sumatra,
deterrence correlates with the sub’s         Natuna, North Bali, Ambon,
operational durability, mobility, and        Makassar, Palu, Tarakan, and Papua.
firepower. Besides, the effectiveness        It is believed that the involvement of
of submarine operations depends              shipyards owned by the government
on the ability of a country to               and the private sector can support the

Journal of Defense Resources Management                 Vol. 12, Issue 1 (22)/2021

operational resilience submarines,                b. The operational durability
which in turn is expected to increase      of a submarine is influenced by
the deterrence of the state defense        the condition of the submarine
system at sea.                             and the technology used, the
                                           availability and ability of material
        3. CONCLUSIONS                     and personnel maintenance facilities
                                           as a determinant infrastructure to
       The effect of submarine             support the operational needs of
operational resilience on the              the submarine. This is supported by
deterrence of the state defense            the fact that the Indonesian Navy
system at sea in this research was         submarine experiences limited
carried out in a qualitative analysis.     operational time because the
The qualitative analysis method was        technology installed requires the
carried out because the deterrence         submarine to return to its Surabaya
of a country’s defense system is           base to carry out maintenance and
the perception of various parties,         re-provision of the logistical needs
both (the state) that organizes the        of the ship’s material and personnel.
defense system and other parties                  c. Determinant infrastructure
(state) in relation to the host country.   to support operational resilience of
In a discussion of the effect of           submarines is currently available
submarine operational durability on        only at Surabaya Naval Base with
the deterrence of the state defense        conditions      requiring    increased
system at sea, this research found         capabilities      by     technological
that there was a significant influence     developments and the number of
on the causal relationship between         submarines of the Indonesian Navy.
the two variables with the following       In line with the explanation in the
information:                               previous paragraph, the Indonesian
       a. Submarines can only              Navy submarine must return to its
contribute to increasing the               Surabaya Naval Base.
deterrence of the state defense                   d. Currently, only PT PAL
system at sea if the ship is operating,    Indonesia (Persero) as a shipyard
has motion and firepower. This is          (defense industry) has the mastery of
consistent with the data obtained          submarine maintenance and repair
from research informants and               technology to support submarine
secondary data from interviews with        operations, maintenance, and repair
international news reports.                so a strategy is needed to increase the


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