PLUS How to Build a Stand-Out Brand Examining Your E-Commerce Investment Blocking and Tackling Essentials Networked Lighting Success Stories ...

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PLUS How to Build a Stand-Out Brand Examining Your E-Commerce Investment Blocking and Tackling Essentials Networked Lighting Success Stories ...                     SPRING 2021 EDITION


  How to Build a Stand-Out Brand

  Examining Your
  E-Commerce Investment

  Blocking and Tackling Essentials

  Networked Lighting Success Stories
PLUS How to Build a Stand-Out Brand Examining Your E-Commerce Investment Blocking and Tackling Essentials Networked Lighting Success Stories ...
PLUS How to Build a Stand-Out Brand Examining Your E-Commerce Investment Blocking and Tackling Essentials Networked Lighting Success Stories ...
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                                  S   pring is the season when our thoughts turn toward renewal—
                                      this year, in particular. After many months of limitations and
                                  uncertainty, let’s focus on the way forward.

              Bob Powers          Steve Ruane recently reminded me of the saying, “Never let a crisis go to
              IMARK CHAIRMAN
              OF THE BOARD        waste.” In both business and our personal lives, a crisis is one of the things
                                  we’d most like to avoid. If you’ve found the formula for doing so, message
       me immediately! Short of that revelation, let’s look at a few approaches that allow us to gain
       insight and not “waste” the learning opportunities from a painful and disruptive time.

       Effectively Communicate

       During times of crisis, communication becomes both more difficult and more important. At Edges
       Electrical Group, our leadership team met on a weekly (or often daily) basis to ensure consistency
       with our messages to the customers, employees and our suppliers. We were far from perfect early
       in our efforts, but they did ultimately result in an agility and responsiveness that surpassed what we
       had achieved in the past. Looking back, when our direction was clear as a company, we began to
       see sales growth and take market share. Clear communication of well-thought-out principles create
       a sense of security and peace of mind for both employees and customers, resulting in a more
       productive and profitable end result for everyone.

       Control Expenses

       One of the few bright sides of the crisis of the last year was the effect of lowered expenses on
       the bottom line. When I talk to a cross-section of other industry leaders, most if not all report an
       improvement in this regard. As a result of the pandemic, expenses of travel, meals and entertainment
       all came to a screeching halt. I am a big believer in allocating resources toward the development
       of and reward for customer loyalty, but in taking a forced step back and really looking at the numbers,
       I think we can improve the qualification process. Rather than just assume goodwill equals improved
       profitability, we are identifying better ways to predict and track ROI. Ultimately our goal is to partner

                                                                                                     continued on page 4

PLUS How to Build a Stand-Out Brand Examining Your E-Commerce Investment Blocking and Tackling Essentials Networked Lighting Success Stories ...
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    Chairman’s Perspective - continued from page 3

     with businesses that understand the value of                       • Do employees need a different skillset to be
     service and long-term relationship development,                      successful working from home? How can we
     not just the shiny objects.                                          help them develop one?

     Reevaluate Workforce Configuration                                 • Are we being consistent with our message to
                                                                          the employees?
     What does your office space look like today versus
     2019? We have experienced an earth-shaking change              These are interesting considerations and I’m eager
     to the way business is conducted worldwide. Long-              to see how each of you address the challenges. As
     held traditions of office-based work have given                we look ahead to the next three quarters of 2021
     way to remote work situations. What had been a                 and beyond, what other items will you possibly
     gradual shift in that direction was dramatically sped          change within your companies? Indicators tell us
     up. It gives us all an opportunity to reevaluate how           that the pace of business in Q3 and Q4 will most
     to configure our workforce. There are potentially              likely pick up. Are we prepared?
     large savings if we can transition to a smaller
                                                                    As a California native, I have watched over the
     building footprint. And in areas of the country
                                                                    decades as Mother Nature has dealt catastrophic
     where employee commute times can exceed two
                                                                    blows to some of the most beautiful areas in our
     hours per day, we can generate huge savings in
                                                                    state. Earthquakes have toppled San Francisco,
     efficiency and fatigue.
                                                                    drought routinely threatens thousands of acres of
     At our company, we’re sorting through a multitude              the most fertile valleys on earth and the wildfires
     of considerations. This is a work in progress as               of late have destroyed both homes and old-growth
     restrictions lessen, but we’re asking ourselves the            redwood groves. It can seem overwhelming in the
     following questions:                                           short term. But recently as I drove through an area
                                                                    blackened by fire months ago, I was heartened to
          • Which jobs are more suited to remote work?
                                                                    see beautiful rolling hills of green pasture dappled
          • Is there potential for more productivity from           with a riot of wildflowers. It reminded me that San
            employees who have a flexible work schedule?            Francisco has been rebuilt and stands stronger and

          • Do our review processes accurately evaluate             more resilient than before. California agriculture

            the amount of work (not only the time spent)            is still feeding the world, becoming more efficient

            in the office?                                          and water-wise in the process. Renewal and growth
                                                                    fueled by hardship and adversity—a good image to
          • Can we create a strong company culture and
                                                                    keep in our sights as we proceed!
            sense of teamwork within a more diverse
            work situation?                                         IMARK Group is a great tool for all of us. Use our
                                                                    resources and collective wisdom as we all prepare
          • Might a hybrid model be the best option,
                                                                    for new and different challenges. Get with your
            combining flexibility and community?
                                                                    leadership and take a proactive approach moving
                                                                    forward! We’ve got this!

PLUS How to Build a Stand-Out Brand Examining Your E-Commerce Investment Blocking and Tackling Essentials Networked Lighting Success Stories ...
PLUS How to Build a Stand-Out Brand Examining Your E-Commerce Investment Blocking and Tackling Essentials Networked Lighting Success Stories ...
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                                        NOW                                          CONTENTS
                                                         16                                               EXAMINING YOUR
                                                                                                          E-COMMERCE INVESTMENT
                                                                                                          Jason Bader explains why he wouldn’t drop a dime into a B2B
                                                                                                          e-commerce solution until embarking on a substantial intelligence

                                                                                                          gathering project with the intended audience.

                                                                                                          TAKING CONTROL
                                                                                                          Leading manufacturers answer the industry’s most common
                                                                                                          questions about the features, functions, benefits and future
                                                                                                          of networked lighting control systems.

                                                         30                                               WORD TO THE WISE
                                                                                                          IMARK member company executives offer their top advice
                                                                                                          for career success in today’s and tomorrow’s electrical
                                                                                                          distribution industry.

                                                         40                                               TELLING THE STORY
                                                                                                          IMARK member company marketing professionals discuss
                                                                                                          supplier best practices when it comes to sharing product
                                                                                                          information with distributors.

                                                         56                                               IS IT TIME TO RETURN
                                                                                                          TO BLOCKING AND TACKLING?
                                                                                                          Frank Hurtte explores five blocking and tackling efforts that make
                                                                                                          the difference between good and competitor-smashing growth.


                                                     75        Member News
                                                                                                                                   Member Profile:
                                                               Supplier News                                                       Hunt Electric Supply Co.,
                                                                                                                                   Burlington, North Carolina

                                                     3     Chairman’s Perspective

                                                     8     Executive Message

                                                         © 2021 IMARK Group. All rights reserved.
                                                           Reproduction without permission is
                                                           prohibited. Please direct all correspondence
                                                           and written requests for permission
                                                           to reprint articles to Andrew Mento at
                                                           Printed in U.S.A.

PLUS How to Build a Stand-Out Brand Examining Your E-Commerce Investment Blocking and Tackling Essentials Networked Lighting Success Stories ...
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                                           Additional Feature                                                                           NOW
                                           10                                                                          EDITORIAL STAFF
                                           CHANGING OF THE GUARD AT LEVITON                                            The staff includes professionals who
                                           Sales opportunities abound for Leviton product distributors.                have years of experience working in
                                                                                                                       the electrical industry. IMARK Electrical
                                                                                                                       Now is published three times a year

                                           48                                                                          for members and suppliers of IMARK
                                                                                                                       Group by IMARK and Creative
                                           NAED UPDATE                                                                 Marketing Alliance.
                                           NAED Education & Research Foundation strengthens industry
                                           through education, training, resources and research.                        Executive Editor
                                                                                                                       Steve Ruane

                                           IMARK News
                                           8                                                                           Jeffrey Barnhart
                                           IMARK ELECTRICAL HOSTS VIRTUAL PRODUCT/SERVICE EXPO
                                           Product EXPO visitors have the opportunity to win gift cards and
                                           daily grand prizes throughout the May 17-22 event.                          Editor
                                                                                                                       Jennifer Kohlhepp

                                           IMARK MEMBERS RECEIVE AWARDS                                                Sales Executive
                                                                                                                       Andrew Mento
                                           IMARK Group recognizes IMARK member companies for                 
                                           distinguished performance in 2020.

                                           69                                                                          Managing Director
                                                                                                                       Kenneth Hitchner
                                           IMARK SUPPLIERS RECEIVE AWARDS
                                           Platinum and Gold program achievers announced.
                                                                                                                       Creative Director

                                                                                                                       David Sherwood

                                           IMARK SALES REPS RECEIVE AWARDS
                                           Platinum agency sales rep firms announced.

                                           IMARK CANADA MEMBERS, SUPPLIERS RECOGNIZED
                                           IMARK Canada inducts members and suppliers into Order of the
                                           Golden Maple Leaf.

                                           74                                                                          4201 Northview Drive
                                           IMARK ANNOUNCES CIRCLE OF HONOR                                             Suite 303
                                           IMARK honors 2020 Gateway to Growth Circle of Honor                         Bowie, MD 20716
                                                                                                                       Phone: 301.567.8888
                                           Championship winners.
                                                                                                                       or 1.800.338.8308
                                                                                                                       Fax: 301.567.7893


                                           SERVICE PROVIDER REFERENCE GUIDE
                                           An up-to-date listing of IMARK member service providers.

PLUS How to Build a Stand-Out Brand Examining Your E-Commerce Investment Blocking and Tackling Essentials Networked Lighting Success Stories ...
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                            The learning and fun starts on May 17
We are all looking forward to the days when we can all meet               Inside each pavilion is a virtual tradeshow floor featuring
face-to-face and we’re optimistic that we will be gathering in            a list of all participating suppliers. Each supplier has their own
the not-too-distant future.                                               tradeshow booth, which may include up to four videos on excit-
                                                                          ing products and/or services. After IMARK member employees
In the meantime, we are excited to share a lot of great information
                                                                          watch a video, they will have the ability to rate the content
that will lead to increased sales for both IMARK Electrical members
                                                                          based on relevance and sales potential.
and suppliers.
                                                                          More than 250 videos will be available for viewing. In addition,
The IMARK 2021 Electrical Product/Service EXPO will be conducted
                                                                          each exhibitor can display up to six pieces of collateral (literature,
on the IMARK Electrical website. The event will feature hundreds
                                                                          website links, etc.) that can be accessed and downloaded by the
of videos (5 minutes or less) from leading manufacturers and
                                                                          booth visitor.
service companies.
                                                                          Attendees can attend the EXPO at any time from Monday, May 17
The virtual trade show floor is divided into the following “pavilions:”
                                                                          thru Saturday, May 22 as their schedule permits. All member
             • Conduit Wire and Cable                                     employees with a username and password to the IMARK website
             • Lighting and Controls                                      can access the Product EXPO. No advance registration required.
             • Circuit Protection and Wiring Devices
                                                                          IMARK Electrical members can earn up to 20 Platinum points
             • Tools and Suppliers
                                                                          based on the number of employees attending and the number of
             • Solutions from Service Providers
                                                                          videos rated and reviewed.

PLUS How to Build a Stand-Out Brand Examining Your E-Commerce Investment Blocking and Tackling Essentials Networked Lighting Success Stories ...
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                                                                                                                                  Jerry Knight
                                                                                                                                  IMARK ELECTRICAL

                                                                                                                                  Matt Roos
                                                                                                                                  VICE PRESIDENT

                                                                                                                                  Steve Ruane
                                                                                                                                  VICE PRESIDENT,

                                                                                                                                  Steve Wright
                                                                                                                                  VICE PRESIDENT
                                                                                                                                  OF SUPPLIER RELATIONS

                 Prizes Galore for Lucky                     Among the Grand Prizes                     Home and Lifestyles
                 Product/Service Video                       to be awarded:                             Packages
                 Reviewers                                   Outdoor Fun Packages                       • Home Gaming Consoles
                 Product EXPO visitors will have             • ATV Riding Adventure                     • BBQ Makeover
                 the opportunity to win gift cards           • Fishing Experience                       • Home Office Tune Up
                 ($25, $50 and $100 denomina-                • 2-Night Hotel Staycation                 • Chicago Steak Delivery
                 tions) and/or daily grand prizes,           • Camping Gear/Equipment
                 which are awarded on a random
                 basis to video raters throughout
                 the event. The more videos you
                 review and rate, the better your
                 chance to win.
PLUS How to Build a Stand-Out Brand Examining Your E-Commerce Investment Blocking and Tackling Essentials Networked Lighting Success Stories ...
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 By Jennifer Kohlhepp

       With the recent retirements of long-time industry veterans Bill Marshall and Bill Cheetham

       there has been a changing of the guard at Leviton.

       In March 2020, Leviton hired Randy Mortensen as senior vice president of global distribution

       sales and marketing to take over the role previously held by 26-year company veteran Marshall.

       In addition, Leviton promoted Stuart Serota to vice president of U.S. electrical distribution

       sales to take over the role previously held by 47-year company veteran Cheetham.

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                                 Gino Dabbicco,                  Randy Mortensen,                Stuart Serota,            Brett Serxner,
                                 corporate director, strategic   senior vice president of        vice president of U.S.    director of distribution
                                 accounts, distribution,         global distribution sales and   electrical distribution   marketing, Leviton
                                 Leviton                         marketing, Leviton              sales, Leviton

            Mortensen works across all four business units at Leviton—                             representatives and distributor sales to builders, architects,
            residential, commercial and industrial, lighting and controls,                         engineers, specifiers and electrical contractors, we recognize
            and network systems—and is responsible for overseeing                                  each audience and make certain our marketing content,
            sales activities and helping to design effective sales and                             trainings, sales tools and support meet all expectations and
            marketing strategies that integrate seamlessly around                                  needs,” Serxner said.
            customer needs.
                                                                                                   Gino Dabbicco, corporate director of strategic accounts,
            Serota supports implementing the strategic initiatives of                              distribution, works alongside IMARK Electrical and its
            Leviton’s president and chief operations officer. “Overall, I                          members to assist in developing and executing sales
            help to further the distribution sales channel’s mission to                            growth strategies to drive incremental growth and achieve
            continue calling upon the distribution, contractor, builder,                           sales goals. “I work directly with our distribution sales
            end user and OEM markets to drive growth,” Serota said.                                and marketing management team to ensure our activities
                                                                                                   and strategies are aligned with Leviton’s annual goals,”
            Brett Serxner, director of distribution marketing, leads
                                                                                                   Dabbicco said. “I also work directly with the IMARK Electrical
            the strategy development and tactical execution that sets
                                                                                                   team. My additional responsibilities include establishing
            the tone for the Leviton team’s overall channel marketing
                                                                                                   annual GainShare goals with our members and doing all I
            partnerships. “Our marketing support targets mutual growth
                                                                                                   can to help members achieve these goals.”
            for Leviton and all distributor channel partners and there-
            fore has a strong emphasis on sales enablement across                                  A Leader in the Market
            the channel,” Serxner said. “Our team, working alongside
                                                                                                   “Leviton’s commitment to engineering thoughtful and
            Leviton sales, integrates with our channel partners for mar-
                                                                                                   innovative solutions that help make life easier, safer, more
            keting, promotions, programming and more. We help provide
                                                                                                   efficient and productive allow us to be a market leader
            demand-generation initiatives that grow brand preference
                                                                                                   across a range of industries, including electrical, lighting
            with contractors and end users through co-marketing
                                                                                                   and networking,” Mortensen said. “Additionally, our global
            activities that drive sales through the distribution channel.”
                                                                                                   manufacturing footprint provides us with a best-in-class
            Distribution marketing develops a variety of marketing                                 supply chain that allows us to maintain product availability
            content, such as virtual tours, videos, blogs, advertising,                            for our varied customer partners.”
            merchandising, promotions, playbooks, marketing, devel-
                                                                                                   “We have a very robust product line and regardless of what
            opment, funding and program support, vertical marketing
                                                                                                   markets our members serve, we truly believe that they are
            and more. All of this content goes directly to the industry
                                                                                                   always best served with Leviton,” Dabbicco added. “We have
            and many assets can be co-branded for use with Leviton’s
                                                                                                   tremendous talent and leadership within our organization,
            distribution partners. “From Leviton sales, manufacturer

                                                                                                                                                      continued on page 12

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 Leviton Sales Opportunities - continued from page 11

     and the excitement and energy we all feel, particularly after   user. This data can be used to improve safety, efficiency and
     such a challenging year, is truly remarkable.”                  productivity and make products more functional and infor-
                                                                     mative in industrial and commercial applications.
     Leviton Load Center
                                                                     For example, industrial devices with Inform provide smarter
     The Leviton Load Center with intelligent circuit breakers
                                                                     electrical connections by integrating with Industrial Internet
     gives contractors, builders and homeowners a smarter and
                                                                     of Things (IIoT) technology to support predictive maintenance
     safer solution. Homeowners can view real-time monitoring
                                                                     schemes. Commercial devices with Inform provide a simple
     data such as energy consumption by total aggregate, indi-
                                                                     and efficient way to improve code compliance and electrical
     vidual circuit or trends by day, week, month and year. With
                                                                     safety in health care facilities.
     customizable alerts, homeowners can get notified when and
     why a circuit breaker trips, when a load is on or not draw-     Leviton also recently launched the next upgrade of the WiFi
     ing power for an extended time and view system status in        product line within its Decora Smart product offering.
     real time and detect if critical loads need to be addressed.
                                                                     Growth Opportunities
     “We feel that the Leviton Load Center is second to none,”
                                                                     Expect to see an increase in adoption of IoT-driven solutions
     Serota said. “We encourage IMARK members to review it
                                                                     across market segments. In residential settings, this includes
     with your Leviton sales representative and allow us to show
                                                                     a whole-home connected solution, from smart outlets and
     you how we, together, can increase sales.”
                                                                     lighting controls to a load center that brings intelligence
     Featuring an all plug-on design and circuit breakers that       to each individual circuit through the house. In commercial
     exceed UL safety standards, the Leviton Load Center can         settings, this includes remote monitoring of electrical
     be installed more efficiently compared to competitive           connections to improve safety and data analysis to improve
     products. All branch wires terminate at custom lugs in the      productivity by decreasing unplanned downtime.
     panel, making wiring easier and neater—and eliminating
                                                                     “The residential market continues to look strong as
     the need for pigtails. The innovative design also enables
                                                                     Americans look to move from urban areas to the suburbs,”
     users to switch out branch circuit breakers with no
                                                                     Mortensen said. “In the commercial sector, technology
     rewiring required.
                                                                     convergence is driving the need for seamless network com-
     Leviton Inform and ‘Smart’ Devices                              munications across commercial buildings and factory floors,
                                                                     and the proliferation of IoT and IIoT devices require network
     Leviton Inform is an operational technology platform that
                                                                     connections and data centers to store and analyze data.”
     enables select products to provide real-time data to the end
                                                                                                          continued on page 15

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 Leviton Sales Opportunities - continued from page 12

   Best-in-Class Service
                                                                            Marketing Resources for Distributors

   For 115 years, Leviton has taken pride in understanding                  Leviton marketing resources are designed to be
   its distributor partners and customers. “As a family-owned               adaptable, flexible and customized uniquely to
   company, which many of our IMARK partners are as well,
                                                                            every distributor as required. Leviton’s distribu-
   we have the same common core goals,” Serota said. “Those
   goals are to be financially strong, understand the needs of              tion marketing team quickly adapted to greater
   our partners and always strive to be the easiest company                 e-commerce support, online communications,
   with which to do business. We insist on having the most
                                                                            digital marketing and more.
   professional and well-educated sales organization that has
   our customer’s best interest at hand.”                                   These online resources include:
   Leviton employs the largest direct sales team in the indus-                   • The recently launched Partner Portal,
   try and it is supplemented by a team of National Electrical
                                                                                   Leviton B2B, for all online ordering,
   Manufacturers Representatives Association reps in certain
   areas of the country.                                                           quoting, pricing and inventory, simplifies
   The Leviton distributor that is most successful with the
                                                                                   critical needs of and increases productiv-
   Leviton partnership is the distributor that educates their                      ity for distributor procurement and sales
   staff properly and keeps a healthy inventory of the compa-                      professionals around the world.
   ny’s product portfolio in stock to best serve their customers’
   needs. “These distributors fully understand the partnership                   • The Virtual Product Tour enables all
   that they need to have with their vendors within IMARK,                         customers to explore the latest products
   to continue growth together moving forward,” Serota said.
                                                                                   and solutions virtually.
   “Our customers’ success is our success,” Dabbicco said.
   “Challenges to our members become our tasks to solve. We                      • The Monthly Leviton Insider is a com-
   are making things right when, at times, things may not go                       munication for distribution salespeople.
   as planned.”
                                                                                 • The Distributor Current (launching soon)
   Responding to the pandemic, Leviton has vastly grown its
   digital marketing, training, demand generation and many
                                                                                   is an interactive digital quarterly maga-
   critical channel partner business building support tools.                       zine that will feature the latest Leviton
   “This includes our investment to provide productivity tools                     products, as well as articles discussing
   like Captain Code, Leviton 2Go, digital catalogs (mobile
                                                                                   industry challenges and solutions.
   apps and desktop), design assistance and code training to
   assist electrical contractors,” Serxner said. “Leviton also                   • Distributor Talk is a web-based
   has three experience centers, called Leviton LIVE, located
                                                                                   on-demand talk show featuring Leviton
   in New Orleans, Chicago and San Francisco, dedicated to
   training electrical professionals and showcasing the latest                     experts and industry guests.
   solutions and products.”
                                                                                 • A new 360-degree immersive vertical
   Making it Happen                                                                market digital tradeshow, Leviton On-
   “Our internal mantra is: We Make it Happen,” Dabbicco                           Demand, focuses on strategic growth
   said. “The most important ingredient to our success is the
                                                                                   markets and Leviton’s leading solutions.
   true entrepreneurial spirit that exists within our organization,
   which is fostered by the Leviton family and our executive
   leadership team. We put our heart and soul in all we do,
   and we truly care about every IMARK member we do busi-
   ness with. We consider them all part of our Leviton family.
   It is a sacred trust to place your faith and business with us,
   and we never take that for granted.”

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 By Jason Bader, principal, The Distribution Team

  E- C O MM E RC E

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                                                                                                                                Jason Bader,
                                                                                                                                The Distribution Team

             You know when a subject keeps rearing        their business around, and B2C, which         now shoveling your way. Hindsight is
             its head during client and facilitation      has always been a lucky byproduct of          20/20. Do as I say, not as I do. I failed
             calls? Some would call that a sign. I        a showroom or retail presence. When           to reach out to my past and prospec-
             call it an opportunity. I love it when       distributors set out to build a strategy,     tive clients and survey them about
             my professional interactions serve up        they need to decide how their e-com-          what would make my site more of a
             an article topic on a silver platter. This   merce strategy will align with each           resource. In a service-based business,
             one just seemed so appropriate given         side. I truly debate whether B2C should       the smart ones spend money to serve
             the state of distribution in 2021.           even be considered until the company          customers, not their own ego.
                                                          has a performing B2B program, but
             The topic du jour seems to be e-             some will try. Here’s a little perspective    As I have written about several times
             commerce improvements and where              —you are not Amazon and you never             in the past, gathering the voice of
             to make the investment. One of my            will be.                                      the customer is a skill every business
             private clients has a solid web presence                                                   should develop. I get it. We think we
             with a robust e-commerce offering.           If the goal is to build a tool for existing   know our customers. We just don’t
             He isn’t seeing the results for which        customers, then focus on their needs          know them well enough. Unfortu-
             he was hoping and is contemplating           first. In one of my groups, a participant     nately, our knowledge may be dated,
             the next infusion of cash to improve         talked about building a “digital customer     biased or taken from too small a
             his return on investment. Some of the        experience.” The goal is to give those        sample size. Establishing a customer
             areas of improvement make sense and          customers the option of shopping out-         feedback program can be as simple as
             could potentially provide additional         side of the confines of their traditional     conducting a web-based survey and
             success, but the actions seemed to be        hours. Since this option is offered by        as complex as having experts analyze
             a lot of guessing and not a lot of strat-    other competitive supply houses, this         your phone interactions. Relying on
             egy. This is pretty common in privately      goal makes sense. But if this is going        your sales team to gather this feed-
             held distribution today. E-commerce          to be a “customer experience,” why            back is not advisable. There is simply
             and web development are foreign              am I wasting a bunch of time dream-           too much bias. For most distributors,
             territory to business owners who have        ing up functionality that I think the         I would suggest a survey with input
             made their business on old-school,           customer is going to want. I may have         from someone who specializes in
             pound-the-pavement, blocking and             been in the business for a while and          customer interaction analytics. Martha
             tackling distribution. To think that         have some insight into the buying             Brooke, of Interaction Metrics, is the
             they, myself included, can be masters        preferences of my customer base,              company I refer to my clients, but I am
             of this domain is wishful thinking.          but am I really that clairvoyant?             sure there are several good resources
             This isn’t our ball of wax and maybe                                                       out there.
             it shouldn’t be.                             In this humble advisor’s opinion,
                                                          I wouldn’t drop another dime into             Don’t just survey the people who buy
             As we talked through the challenge,          my B2B e-commerce solution until I            products from your company. Make
             we realized that the current strategy        embarked on a substantial intelligence        sure to hit those in accounts payable
             lacked purpose. We realized that             gathering project with my intended            as well. A really solid feature of many
             e-commerce can be broken down                audience. In the spirit of full disclosure,   e-commerce sites is the ability for a
             into two distinct components: B2B,           as I wrap up the overhaul of my web-          customer to log in to their own portal.
             which most distributors have built           site, I failed to take the advice I am        This is probably not new to anyone,

                                                                                                                           continued on page 18

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     E-commerce Investment - continued from page 17

         but for the sake of clarity I will press     talking about some slick search engine      program, I suggest you get educated
         on. This portal is often used by your        optimization (SEO) salesperson who          on the wild, wild west of SEM.
         customers’ accounting departments            promises to get you a higher rank
         to chase down invoices and state-            on Google. SEO, so what? It’s time          If 2020 taught us anything, we all

         ments so that they can pay you. This         to look at the world of search engine       need to better understand the world

         will reduce a tremendous amount of           marketing (SEM).                            of e-commerce strategy. As a crawl,

         accounting team phone time. This                                                         walk, run kind of guy, I would always

         alone can provide a return on your           I am no expert on SEM, but I am             try to play to your strengths first. If

         technology investment.                       becoming more familiar with the             you have been a traditional B2B
                                                      possibilities through the eyes of my        distributor, start there. Survey your
         For those of you looking to include          clients. Did you know that you can          customers, either through a profes-
         a B2C play, please excuse my snarky          target a specific area, filter by desired   sional or not, and find out what they
         comment above. You may have a pro-           demographics and everyone in that           want to see in web portal. Focus on
         prietary item or even a private label        area will potentially start seeing your     that true customer experience. If your
         solution that could be something for         ads on their social media feeds? Super      product mix lends itself to a more B2C
         the masses. You may be a used equip-         creepy, right? Have you ever wondered       play, get really focused on driving
         ment dealer who doesn’t necessarily          why you can Google a certain product        traffic to your site. It’s a brave new
         look for existing customers to sell. So      on your computer and over the next          world out there that might be better
         how do you get potential buyers to           few days that same product starts           managed by those who have a long
         swim up to the boat? In the old days,        appearing in your Instagram feed? SEM!      career ahead of them.
         it was a lot of smiling and dialing. One     Imagine that you are selling used HVAC
                                                                                                  About the Author: Jason Bader is the principal of
         client was given the advice to hire          equipment for commercial spaces.
                                                                                                  The Distribution Team. He is a holistic distribution
         a road warrior to canvas potential           What if you could draw a geo-fence
                                                                                                  advisor who is passionate about helping business
         buyers. While this might have worked         around the next local Building Owners
                                                                                                  owners solve challenges, generate wealth and
         20 years ago, I don’t think it is the        and Managers Association (BOMA)
                                                                                                  achieve personal goals. He can be found speaking at
         way of the future. Let’s just do a little    chapter meeting. Over the next few
                                                                                                  several industry events throughout the year, provid-
         math. A salaried and benefited sales-        days, your equipment starts showing
                                                                                                  ing executive coaching services to private clients
         person might cost around $100,000 a          up in their personal media feeds. It’s
                                                                                                              and letting his thoughts be known in an
         year. Add travel expenses of another         almost like cheating. If you are
                                                                                                                 industry publication or two. Last year,
         $25,000 to $30,000 a year and                 serious about going after a
                                                                                                                  he launched his first podcast, Distri-
         you have a significant                                B2C play with your
                                                                                                                  bution Talk. Episodes can be found
         investment that                                            e-commerce
                                                                                                                  at and through
         will probably
                                                                                                                 most podcast applications. He can be
         produce dismal
                                                                                                               reached at 503-282-2333 or via email at
         results. Why
                                                                                                 For more infor-
         not take that
                                                                                                                  mation, visit
         same $130,000
         and invest it
         in some serious
         digital marketing
         muscle? Now I’m not

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 By Susan Bloom

         Confused about lighting and the IoT? Leading manufacturers answer the industry’s
           most common questions about the features, functions, benefits and future of
                                networked lighting control systems

     Over the last several years, the subject of lighting and the Internet of Things (IoT) has become highly

     publicized in the industry—and also the source of a great deal of complexity and confusion. With

     current investments in networked lighting control systems beginning to yield dividends and the

     technology expected to have a significant impact on a broad range of industry segments and

     applications in the coming years, it behooves IMARK members to familiarize themselves with the

     basics of these emerging and beneficial systems.

     Following, experts at several key lighting control manufacturers answer some of the industry’s most

     common questions regarding the features, functions, benefits, applications for and the future of

     networked lighting control systems.

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                                                           OUR EXPERT PANEL:        Martin Mercier,                Jason Oliver,                  Steven Roe,
                                                                                    P. Eng., strategic marketing   vice president of controls,    vice president of controls
                                                                                    manager, IoT/connected         RAB Lighting                   solutions, Acuity Brands
                                                                                    systems, Cooper Lighting                                      Lighting Inc.

              IMARK Electrical Now: How would                 or building level. Finally, there are                of Things”—e.g., inputs and outputs
              you define a networked lighting                 “networked and integrated” controls,                 connected over the internet (or the IoT,
              control system and what are its                 which are “fully networked” controls                 a term that’s taken on a larger scale)
              key physical components?                        with connectivity to a building/corpo-               of all devices that have the ability to
                                                              rate IP network or cloud infrastructure.             communicate with each other to form
              Jason Oliver, RAB Lighting (Northvale,                                                               a network like no other. Some believe
              New Jersey): The two key factors are            Martin Mercier, Cooper Lighting
                                                                                                                   that the IoT is the next layer of func-
              the ability for devices to communicate          Solutions (Peachtree City, Georgia):
                                                                                                                   tionality over the basic controls, such
              with each other in order to implement           Per the definition that came from the
                                                                                                                   as “way finding,” though in my opinion
              lighting control strategies (whether            first computers sharing data, a net-
                                                                                                                   both qualify as the IoT.
              wireless or wired) and the ability              work is a collection of two or more
              to communicate with that system                 devices that can communicate data,                   Roe: The idea behind the IoT has
              of devices to control and configure             wired or wirelessly, following a specific            encouraged communication between
              them. Devices are made up of sensors            architecture such as a hub, ring and                 systems and the pursuit of common,
              (motion, light, etc.), actuators (control-      star topology. The same applies for the              shared data between systems—largely
              lers, smart drivers, etc.) and controls         lighting industry and, more specifically,            made available via open protocols
              (dimmers, touch pads, etc.).                    would typically consist of addressable               allowing systems to share information.
                                                              luminaires, controls and, more recently,             IoT is most often identifying the way
              Steven Roe, Acuity Brands Lighting              sensors, allowing luminaires to be                   in which data is exchanged between
              Inc. (Decatur, Georgia): Networked              controlled, programmed, and able to                  devices and systems. This can take
              lighting controls can take a variety
                                                              share valuable data back to a smart-                 a variety of forms with networked
              of forms and usually fall within three
                                                              phone, computer and server. In brief,                lighting, including integration with a
              categories, with each building off the
                                                              the key components are luminaires,                   building management system (BMS)
              prior one. First are “locally connected”
                                                              gateways, controllers (including both                for intelligent building operation that
              controls, which are field devices (e.g.,
                                                              sensing and non-sensing) and sensors.                leverages the networked lighting infra-
              sensors, control inputs and intelligent
                                                                                                                   structure and data, advanced graphics
              luminaires) communicating with one              IMARK Electrical Now: What’s the
                                                                                                                   with information about the operation
              another, typically at a room level.             relationship between networked
                                                                                                                   of multiple systems, and intelligent
              Second are “fully networked” controls,          lighting and the IoT?
                                                                                                                   capabilities above and beyond lighting
              which are generally field devices
                                                              Oliver: The essence of a networked                   control, such as real-time-location
              communicating with a controller or
                                                              lighting control system is an “Internet              services.
              gateway device, typically at a floor
                                                                                                                                                 continued on page 22

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 Taking Control - continued from page 21

     Mercier: With the arrival of LED tech-     A decade ago, lighting manufacturers        There are a number of key influences,
     nology, we could now control lights        introduced luminaires with radio            such as advances in intelligent LED
     as needed and not only have the right      devices such as the Zigbee local            drivers (featuring both digital commu-
     light but also the right timing for the    wireless network, 4G cellular com-          nication and DC power capabilities),
     application—for example, controlling       munication, etc. to control luminaires      simplified installation and service for
     a parking luminaire’s spill light to the   remotely, which created a network of        the electrical contractor and customer
     surrounding neighborhood, shutting         lighting-related devices. With the digi-    and simplified design, all while still
     down the lights in warehouses at night     talization of our customer assets, such     meeting the increasingly stringent
     or turning off lighting to indicate that   as cities and buildings, an opportunity     energy code requirements. Based
     a park is temporarily closed. With         developed to contribute by leveraging       on the market’s focus on collecting
     the proliferation of communication         the lighting infrastructure that was        and sharing data for the IoT and for
     technologies such as 4G mobile tech-       being upgraded to LEDs. This provided       general interconnectivity between
     nology, ZigBee, LORA, Bluetooth, etc.,     grounds for other manufacturers’ and        systems, we’ll likely see fixtures with
     we could then network our devices          industries’ IoT devices to be a backbone    embedded sensors proliferate based
     to “connect” our customers to their        for further data and information, which     on how easily they allow for granular
     products so that they could maximize       is at the heart of IoT. As coined by U.K.   analytics, improved lighting control
     lighting levels, schedules and main-       mathematician Clive Humby, “data            and unconstrained configurability
     tenance for greater energy savings,        is the new oil” in smart cities and         that’s geared for tomorrow’s needs.
     occupant comfort and worker produc-        connected building initiatives. There’s
                                                                                            Mercier: It’s hard to predict when 100%
     tivity. Since lighting is everywhere,      a need to collect information and
                                                                                            of our lighting will be equipped with a
     networked lighting could now be used       communicate it to servers to be
                                                                                            sensor of some kind, but a vast majority
     as a conduit through which end users       analyzed, refined and consumed.
                                                                                            of new indoor installations will occur
     could connect with devices’ valuable
                                                IMARK Electrical Now: Do you fore-          within the next five to 10 years. For
     information; this is when networked
                                                see a time when all LED lighting            outdoor applications, it will probably
     lighting got into the IoT and started
                                                fixtures come standardly equipped           be in the next 10-15 years based on
     being implemented into “smart” cities
                                                with sensors, and is that practical?        the lack of cost-effective technologies.
     and building projects. The lighting
                                                                                            There are several initiatives underway
     industry is now involved in more           Roe: LED lighting fixtures with embed-
                                                                                            that will simplify sensor integration and
     connected city initiatives and is think-   ded sensors are happening today, and
                                                                                            communication with an open network.
     ing beyond connected lighting assets.      their adoption will continue to grow.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                                                                                  YOUR NEWS!
                                                                                  We want to hear from you!

                                                                                Please forward all news submissions,
                                                                               including new product/service releases,
                                                                                     case studies, promotions,
           For example, there’s an indoor and outdoor luminaire
           sensor interface standardization and certification (D4i)                     features and more to
           released that will help accelerate sensor integration. For
           customers looking to improve their operations with new
                                                                                        Jennifer Kohlhepp at
           smart devices, leveraging their lighting infrastructure is
           often the easiest path.
           Oliver: Our goal at RAB is that eventually all lighting
           is smart. Controls shouldn’t be appendages and after-
                                                                                          Each issue of
           thoughts, but rather core to the fixture, and with that
           kind of volume, costs will come down. This is practical                IMARK Electrical NOW includes:
           and expected, potentially in the next five years.

           IMARK Electrical Now: Terms like "networked light-                         • Industry Trend Features
           ing" and "IoT" have been around for several years
           now. From your experience, please assess the
                                                                                      • Marketing, Management
           level of excitement over, engagement with or
           confusion over this technology from customers,                               and Leadership Articles
           installers and sales personnel.

           Oliver: The level of confusion is high, there are few                      • News from Suppliers
           standards, there’s little education and the options are                      and Members
           numerous, even in a single system. I do see excitement
           and engagement starting to grow, but it’s still just
           a fraction of the addressable market; based on the                         • Member Profiles
           complexities, it’s easier and more profitable for some
           to just sell what they know. This is another reason to
           make this technology standard to the fixture, as it will
           be easier to sell and will delight the customer.

                                                continued on page 25

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 Taking Control - continued from page 23

   Mercier: Education is key when it            Mercier: Thanks to a recent downtown       purchased promotions and can help
   comes to new technology and the IoT,         project in a U.S. city, environmental      employees refill shelves at night.
   even before working on the right             acoustic noise sensors mounted on          Another example is “nature lighting”
   value-based pricing. Before LED tech-        luminaires measure sound levels on         in health care applications, in which
   nology, the last revolution in lighting      the street to understand some of the       we use lighting to reproduce outdoor
   came around 1962 with a new HID              activities happening. Once collected,      lighting inside the building. We rec-
   metal halide lamp. Since the LED             sent to the server and analyzed, the       reate the right exposure to the light
   revolution in the past 15 years, things      data generated allows the city to create   during the day as well as the right
   have been moving fast. From immer-           real-time and historical timelines and     colors and dynamics, which strongly
   sion into the solid-state lighting (SSL)     map/list views of code violations, bur-    influence patient mood, energy levels,
   electronic world to networking and           glar alerts, etc. The city can also play   comfort and quality of sleep. Workers
   smart IoT devices, our industry has a        on-demand sounds received to further       and patient health and well-being in
   lot to learn, which is key to capturing      analyze what’s needed to take proper       general are greatly impacted.
   opportunities now and in the future.         action. A related "killer-app" recog-
                                                                                           Oliver: RAB’s networked lighting
                                                nizes gunshot detection, currently
   Roe: “Networked lighting” and “IoT”                                                     controls and circadian rhythm system,
                                                deployed in some cities and campuses
   have grown to mean many things,                                                         SmartShift powered by Lightcloud, was
                                                and sometimes attached to poles or
   often depending on the audience.                                                        recently adopted by a large assisted
                                                luminaires. As another example, retail
   Even with this ambiguity, however,                                                      care corporation. In addition to the
                                                applications with indoor positioning
   the value of networked lighting is                                                      energy-saving benefits which all
                                                systems (IPS), enabled by the lighting
   real for all involved in the projects.                                                  controls offer, the corporation has, in
                                                luminaires, can help customers find
   Customer benefits include increased                                                     a short period of time, seen a demon-
                                                items on their store phone app shop-
   energy savings, greater comfort                                                         strable reduction in patient falls, which
                                                ping list by guiding them to the item's
   through additional control over the                                                     has not only helped enhance safety and
                                                exact location. It also alerts customers
   lighting, granular analytics and re-                                                    quality of life for patients, but also
                                                walking an aisle about previously
   configurability of the space as building                                                resulted in lower insurance costs for the
   needs change. Given the trend toward                                                    corporation, which more than covers
   wireless controls, installers will benefit                                              the cost of the system.
   from reduced complexity of instal-
                                                                                                IMARK Electrical Now: What
   lations. And thanks to new and
                                                                                                    types of end-user custom-
   advanced capabilities that
                                                                                                       ers have been most
   support business needs,
                                                                                                         interested in using
   excitement by sales-
                                                                                                           networked lighting
   people and end users
                                                                                                             to generate/gather
   will grow.
                                                                                                              information about
   IMARK Electrical                                                                                            their facility, and
   Now: Please share                                                                                            why?
   an example of
                                                                                                                Roe: The most
   a success story
                                                                                                                common custom-
   which includes
                                                                                                                ers that leverage
                                                                                                                networked lighting
   benefits for a
                                                                                                                to collect informa-
   customer. Any
                                                                                                               tion about their
   ‘killer apps?’
                                                                                                              facility are those
                                                                                                             who manage

                                                                                                                 continued on page 26

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 Taking Control - continued from page 25

     either large or multi-building (e.g.,       hospitals and long-term care facilities     luminaire controllers and can share
     campus) facilities. Commercial offices      improve daily operations by reducing        data back to the city, utility and other
     use networked lighting to more quickly      the time needed to find their equipment     developers’ system servers through
     adjust settings for tenants/occupants       by more than 30%. They can also             application programming interfaces
     in the space. Overall, networked lighting   improve patient safety with geofencing      (APIs).
     systems help customers assess energy        tools and, using LED luminaires, can
                                                                                             IMARK Electrical Now: Do you think
     consumption and space utilization,          add such functionality at a significantly
                                                                                             that lighting is currently perceived
     which of course leads to more knowl-        lower cost and with a seamless and
                                                                                             to be among the best and most
     edgeable management decisions.              pleasing design. For industrial and
                                                                                             popular platforms for gathering
                                                 warehouse applications, similar
     Oliver: Industrial factories and ware-                                                  data via the IoT? If not, which
                                                 systems can significantly improve
     houses are large consumers of energy                                                    platforms are more popular
                                                 inventory management and order
     and can therefore leverage a lot of                                                     and why?
                                                 processing workflow. For outdoor
     information to continuously adjust
                                                 applications, cities/utilities that are     Oliver: Everyone needs lights, lights
     their system and extend their savings,
                                                 collaborating in smart city initiatives     have power and they’re everywhere,
     both in energy consumption and
                                                 and looking to improve their opera-         so it makes sense that they can be the
     facility utilization.
                                                 tional efficiency with predictive           backbone of an IoT system. However,
     Mercier: In indoor applications, facility   maintenance, embedded local weather         we’re in the early days, only proprietary
     managers, c-suite executives and major      stations and 5G micro towers in a           systems can offer any additional infor-
     retail executives are interested in         non-obtrusive design are most inter-        mation, and, in reality, most people
     networked lighting as a way to improve      ested in networked lighting. While          don’t know what to do with all of the
     their occupants’ well-being, experience     upgrading their street lighting, they use   data yet. HVAC and BMS probably
     and safety. For example, asset tracking     this opportunity to include additional      have a head start on lighting, as they
     via networked lighting can help             sensors that are networked with             consume more power, have more

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              opportunities for savings and have         on leveraging networked lighting for        obstacles inhibiting the adoption and
              been at it longer. At the same time,       gathering data.                             growth of networked lighting control
              they’re on arcane systems and don’t                                                    systems. Wireless solutions, or hybrid
                                                         IMARK Electrical Now: What are
              have the reach that lighting does,                                                     wired and wireless solutions, will
                                                         some key obstacles that have
              plus they typically only work indoors.                                                 continue to diminish these obstacles.
                                                         inhibited the adoption of and
              Networked lighting should ultimately                                                   Cybersecurity is another obstacle, but
                                                         growth prospects for networked
              be the backbone for all systems in                                                     a number of industry cybersecurity
              a building.                                                                            standards exist and are going through
                                                         Mercier: Key obstacles include lack         continuous evolution to ensure
              Roe: I don’t think that lighting is
                                                         of education, lack of a standardized        secure networks.
              currently perceived to be the most
                                                         and open platform (resulting in the
              popular platform for gathering data, as                                                Oliver: Obstacles include a lack of
                                                         captivation of customers by unique
              many lighting control solutions aren’t                                                 education in the marketplace and
                                                         manufacturer/vendor solutions), the
              networked and integrated. I believe                                                    limited customer demand and/or
                                                         cost and availability of the technology
              that building management systems are                                                   requirements for controls; it’s mostly
                                                         and, last but not least, past failures in
              likely seen as leaders in the gathering                                                early adopters who have the vision or
                                                         similar projects.
              of data. That being said, lighting is                                                  requirement for networked lighting.
              ubiquitous and has power available,        Roe: Perceived increased cost and           Cost and complexity are still the larg-
              so there’s significant upside potential    complexity are most often the key           est barriers and have been for years,
                                                                                                                        continued on page 29

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 Taking Control - continued from page 27

   though I believe that the inflection       understand the vast capabilities so that   get them in the door and they’ll sell
   point where price is no longer a bar-      you can assist customers in addressing     the next system for you. Also, be
   rier is close. As an industry, however,    their true business needs. Another way     creative—I can’t tell you how many
   we need more end-user education to         to learn what the market is focused        different applications for our product
   increase demand.                           on is to look at some key third parties    users have identified that I never imag-
                                              that are setting standards for networked   ined. Because it’s both software and
   IMARK Electrical Now: How is the
                                              lighting. One is the Design Lights         hardware, you can often change it to
   emergence of 5G likely to impact
                                              Consortium (DLC) and their Networked       fit your needs, so keep an open mind.
   the adoption of networked lighting?
                                              Lighting Control program, which sets
                                                                                         Roe: Networked lighting and controls
   Oliver: Like any technology, easier,       the standard for what networked
                                                                                         solutions continue to grow for a
   faster and cheaper improvements will       lighting controls should accomplish.
                                                                                         variety of reasons. Expanded solution
   spur adoption, though 5G is still prob-    A second is the ioXt Alliance, which
                                                                                         capabilities and changing customer
   ably two years away from having any        is helping to establish industry-cus-
                                                                                         needs will continue to create oppor-
   meaningful impact. It will eventually      tomized profiles for many kinds of
                                                                                         tunities and ongoing customer touch
   reduce some complexity for lighting        connected devices, including mobile
                                                                                         points. Customer needs will grow
   controls.                                  applications, lighting controls
                                                                                         beyond traditional energy savings and
                                              and more.
   Mercier: 5G cellular technology will                                                  code compliance, so it’s important
   allow devices to be connected to the       Oliver: Training and education are key.    to have a deeper understanding of
   internet without needing human inter-      By understanding networked lighting        the capabilities of networked lighting
   action, rendering it the primary enabler   control really well, installing it and     and controls to successfully sell these
   of the progression of IoT projects.        even using it yourself, you can com-       solutions in the future.
                                              municate the benefits more easily.
   IMARK Electrical Now: What prepa-                                                     Mercier: Upgradable and scalable
                                              Our experience is that once you get
   rations should IMARK members                                                          luminaire products have recently been
                                              an installer trained and knowledgeable,
   take to successfully market/sell                                                      launched by reputable manufacturers
                                              it sells itself.
   networked lighting products?                                                          and should become part of a standard
                                              Mercier: Education leading to an           offering. Be sure to consider these
   Roe: First and foremost, familiarize
                                              understanding of how the use of new        options if your customer is interested
   yourself with energy codes—as energy
                                              technologies enabled in IoT ecosystems     in network and IoT solutions but not
   codes continue to become more
                                              can solve customer challenges is the       ready to make the jump today, as these
   stringent, networked lighting will
                                              most important at this point.              future-ready luminaires, for which sen-
   often provide the easiest means of
                                                                                         sors and controllers can be upgraded
   achieving energy code compliance.          IMARK Electrical Now: Finally, what
                                                                                         later, are the new 0-10V dimmable
   This doesn’t mean you need to be a         advice would you give to lighting
                                                                                         LED driver of 10 years ago. They’ll
   code expert—instead, rely on manu-         and controls sales reps regarding
                                                                                         simplify a customer’s future steps into
   facturers in the space that are familiar   the long-term sales potential
                                                                                         using data to improve their city/facility/
   with energy codes to provide guidance,     of/opportunities for networked
                                                                                         building in an efficient and cost-
   training and design tools/assistance as    lighting and controls?
                                                                                         effective way.
   necessary to provide code-compliant
                                              Oliver: Invest in your customers; this
   solutions. Additionally, I’d recommend
                                              is a longer sales cycle and ultimately
   going a level deeper to understand
                                              fixtures with controls will generate       About the Author: Susan Bloom is a 25-year veteran
   networked lighting’s advanced capa-
                                              more revenue. Help build your stable       of the lighting and electrical products industry. Reach
   bilities and value. Although terms like
                                              of installers, train them, educate them,   her at
   “IoT” are often used, it’s important to

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     By Susan Bloom

                      TO THE WISE
              IMARK member company executives offer their top advice for career success
                         in today’s (and tomorrow’s) electrical distribution industry
      On the heels of a public health crisis, economic upheaval and political unrest and amid
      ongoing market developments and competitive pressure, many IMARK member employees
      in the early stages of their career may wonder what the future holds for the industry and
      what role they’ll play.

      In the following roundtable, leaders in the electrical distribution industry offer their top
      career advice and strategies that they believe will help young professionals (and their firms)
      stay ahead of the curve.

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                           Steve Blazer,         Steve Helle,              Sheila Hernandez,     Wes Smith,              George Vorwick,
                           president, Blazer     president, Granite City   vice president and    president, Mayer        president and CEO,
                           Electric Supply       Electric Supply           chief information                             United Electric Supply
                                                                           officer, Summit
                                                                           Electric Supply

              IMARK Electrical Now: What can                 customer benefit usually aren’t effective.      is money for all of our customers and
              people in the sales, marketing and             My advice is to engage in segment               products and services that improve
              customer service/satisfaction                  marketing to specific customer groups           efficiency and reduce labor are always
              functions do to prepare for an                 and understand their needs before               ripe for marketing opportunities. In
              impactful role with a market-                  launching any kind of new programs              addition, communication with the sales
              leading electrical distributor                 or media. Online ordering activity              team is critical—they usually have the
              in the years to come, and why?                 is picking up with most distributors,           best insights as to what marketing
                                                             including our company, so we’re get-            techniques will work for their customer
              Steve Blazer, Blazer Electric Supply           ting more aggressive about partnering           base and should be consulted before
              (Colorado Springs, Colorado): When it          with our vendors to use banner ads,             launching a program. If they buy into
              comes to trying to market products to
                                                             price promotions, giveaways and other           the process, they’re more apt to push
              our customers, I see a lot of time and
                                                             tools that we’re also advertising on            the programs or products.
              resources that aren’t well spent, often
                                                             our landing page as well as during the
              because there hasn’t been enough                                                               George Vorwick, United Electric
                                                             customer ordering process. I expect
              effort invested in finding out what the                                                        Supply (New Castle, Delaware): Any-
                                                             that this practice will continue to grow
              customer really wants. Flashy ads that                                                         one contemplating a career in sales
                                                             in the future, providing a benefit to us
              might appeal to the retail consumer                                                            would be well served to begin with the
                                                             and the vendors we partner with. Time
              but that don’t provide a specific                                                              basics—learn how your products are
                                                                                                                                 continued on page 32

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