Please sign in at the front desk - Welcome to Public Information Centre #2 - Highway 401

Page created by Clyde Norris
Please sign in at the front desk - Welcome to Public Information Centre #2 - Highway 401
Highway 401 Belleville
Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study
PIC No.2

                                      Welcome to
                             Public Information Centre #2
                                                          May 29, 2019

    Preliminary Design and Environmental Assessment Study
         for Highway 401 Improvements in Belleville, ON

                                 Please sign in at the front desk

                                      If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate
                                      in the project, please speak with a member of the Project Team.
Please sign in at the front desk - Welcome to Public Information Centre #2 - Highway 401
Highway 401 Belleville
Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study
PIC No.2

The Ontario Ministry of Transporta on (MTO) is undertaking a Preliminary Design
and Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to iden fy corridor improvements for
Highway 401 through Belleville, from Wallbridge-Loyalist Road to approximately 5 km
east of Highway 62.
                            Wallbridge Loyalist

                                                                                           Front St
                                                                          Sidney St
                                                                                                                              e y Rd
                                                                                                                         Ca s
                                                                                                             F a rm

                                                                                                                                                           Eggleton Rd
                                                                                                      Ta n k
                                                       CITY OF
                                                     QUINTE WEST                                                              CITY OF
                                       Loyalist Rd

                                                                                                       37                   BELLEVILLE
                                                       Bellevue Dr         Pkwy                                 401
                                                                 B lvd        Bell Blvd
                                                         B e l l

                                                                                                                                                      Atkin Rd
                           1                                             30                                      College St E
                                                       AREA               College St E
                                                                                                                                       Airport Pkwy

The study area includes:
     à Three exis ng interchanges: Wallbridge-Loyalist Road, Highway 62 and
        Highway 37.
     à Structures along Highway 401, including Sidney Street underpass,
        Moira River Bridge and CN Rail Crossing east of Highway 37.

This project is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of the MTO Class
Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transporta on Facili es (amended 2000) as
a Group ‘B’ undertaking. Throughout the study process, input will be sought from the
public and external agencies.
The corridor improvements considered include:
 Ÿ Rehabilita on and/or replacement of aging structures;
 Ÿ Opera onal improvements to the Wallbridge-Loyalist, Highway 62 and Highway 37
 Ÿ Addressing opera onal concerns due to close proximity of the Highway 62 and
   Highway 37 interchanges;
 Ÿ A poten al new interchange east of Highway 37;                     Share
 Ÿ Carpool lot improvements.                           Submit        Opinions
Please sign in at the front desk - Welcome to Public Information Centre #2 - Highway 401
Highway 401 Belleville
Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study
PIC No.2


This study is following the approved                                                                                      PLANNING                                 PRELIMINARY DESIGN                                           DETAIL DESIGN

                                                                               TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING
                                                                                ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
environmental planning process for

                                                                                                                     Review of         Generate,             Generate and     Evaluate and       Develop            Generate and        Evaluate and       Develop
                                                                                                                   Transportation       Evaluate                Assess           Select         Preferred             Assess               Select          Preferred

Group ‘B’ projects under the MTO Class
                                                                                                                       Needs           and Select             Preliminary       Preferred      Preliminary          Detail Design       Detail Design    Detail Design
                                                                                                                    Assessment          Preferred               Design         Preliminary        Design            Alternatives        Alternatives      Alternative
                                                                                                                                        Planning             Alternatives        Design        Alternatives
                                                                                                                                       Alternative                            Alternatives

Environmental Assessment (EA) for                                                                                                                                                                                       Environmental Protection in Detail Design
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Protection in
                                                                                                                                                             Environmental Protection in Preliminary Design                                                                  Construction

Provincial Transporta on Facili es
(1999, as amended 2000). This process
                                                                                                                                   Publication points                                                               Alternative submission for

                                                                          AND OPPORTUNITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR)

                                                                                                                                    for Study Design
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and Notice of Bump-up Opportunity

                                                                            FOR BUMP-UP
                                                                                                                                  for Complex Projects
                                                                                                                                        (Optional)                                                                         (Mandatory)

is approved by the Ministry of the                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Alternative submission
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   points for Design and

Environment, Conserva on and Parks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Construction Report
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (requirement varies)

(MECP) for the planning and design of

                                                                                                                      Consultation Regarding
                                                                                                                             Planning                                       Phased Consultation Regarding Design Concepts (Mandatory)
                                                                                                                       (Requirement Varies)*

provincial highway projects.                                                                                         Earliest
                                                                                                                                                              Phase for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Phase for

                                                                         *Mandatory if a Study Design is prepared.

The overall Class EA planning process and key tasks are illustrated in the diagram
below. This study consists of two major phases: Planning and Preliminary Design.

                                  Planning                                                                                                                                  Preliminary                                             Design

                                                                                                                                                                                              Develop                             Identify                      Prepare & File the
                                                  Generate       Generate
                                 Identify                                                                        Select a                                  Examine                            Preferred                       Environmental                      Transportation
     Study        Review                        and Evaluate    and Evaluate
                              Transportation                                                                     Preferred                               Preliminary                         Preliminary                        Impacts &                        Environmental
  Commencement    Existing                     Different Ways     Different
                               & Structural                                                                      Planning                                   Design                             Design                            Proposed                         Study Report
                 Conditions                    to Address the     Planning
                                  Issues                                                                        Alternative                              Alternatives                        Alternative                        Mitigation                           (TESR)
                                                   Issues       Alternatives

                                                                                                             Consultation                            Consultation                                         Consultation                                          30-Day Review
                                                                                                             Milestone #1                            Milestone #2                                         Milestone #3                                             of TESR
                                                                                                            (December 14, 2017)                       (May 29, 2019)                                          (Fall 2019)
Please sign in at the front desk - Welcome to Public Information Centre #2 - Highway 401
Highway 401 Belleville
Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study
PIC No.2

Public consulta on is key to the study and the                        Initiate
public is encouraged to provide input at any point                  the Study
                                                               September 2016
during the project. This project has also included a
Municipal Advisory Commi ee (MAC) comprised
                                                                     MAC #1
of representa ves from Indigenous communi es,                   March 8, 2017
municipali es, and government agencies. The
 meline shown depicts key consulta on
                                                                     MAC #2
milestones during this study.
                                                              November 24, 2017

This is the second Public Informa on Centre (PIC)
                                                                Public Information
of the study. The purpose of this PIC is to present                 Centre #1
the assessment of Highway 401 corridor                        December 14, 2017
improvement scenarios and the evalua on of the
short list of alterna ve designs for the                          Evaluation of
Highway 401 corridor. The evalua on was used to
iden fy the preliminary preferred alterna ve for
each interchange and crossing road along the                         MAC #3
                                                                 May 8, 2019
corridor. The corridor included the Wallbridge-
Loyalist Road interchange, Sidney Street
                                                                Public Information
Underpass, and the Highway 62 and Highway 37                        Centre #2         We are
interchanges.                                                    May 29, 2019

                                                                Public Information
                                                                    Centre #3
                                                                   Fall 2019

                                                               Study Report (TESR)
                                                                 Fall / Winter 2019
Please sign in at the front desk - Welcome to Public Information Centre #2 - Highway 401
Highway 401 Belleville
Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study
PIC No.2

Public Informa on Centre (PIC) #1 was held on Thursday, December 14, 2017 and eighty-two
individuals a ended the mee ng. The purpose of the PIC #1 was to present:
  Ÿ An overview of the study and Class Environmental Assessment process;

  Ÿ Study background informa on, including exis ng condi ons;

  Ÿ Highway 401 Corridor Improvement Scenarios, the Long List of Interchange Alterna ves and
    their screening to iden fy the Short List of Alterna ves;
  Ÿ The proposed evalua on criteria and process.

Twenty-seven comments were submi ed at or following the Public Informa on Centre. Comments
received related most frequently to the Highway 62 and 37 interchanges, highway access, and
ac ve transporta on. A summary of these comments is provided here.

    Comments regarding the
                                                                                 Comments regarding ac ve
   Highway 62 and Highway 37                    Comments regarding access:
                                                                                     transporta on:
  Ÿ Concern regarding closing                  Ÿ Interest in a new               Ÿ An interest in providing
    the Highway 37 interchange                   interchange at Sidney Street.    ac ve transporta on
    and the influence this may                                                     facili es at each
    have on traffic volumes for                                                     interchange.
    the Highway 62 interchange.
                                                                                 Ÿ Ac ve transporta on is very
  Ÿ Interest in closing the                                                       important in Belleville.
    Highway 37 interchange and
    opening a new interchange
    (the Belleville East Arterial
    Road interchange or
    “BEAR”) further to the east.
   Ÿ An interest in reloca ng the
    Highway 37 interchange to
    the east.
   Ÿ Support for a diverging
    diamond configura on at
    the Highway 62 and
    Highway 401 interchange.
Highway 401 Belleville
Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study
PIC No.2

Natural Environment
A desktop study of terrestrial and aqua c ecosystems exis ng condi ons was conducted and included
consulta on with Quinte Conserva on and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF). Natural
habitat in the study area includes upland and lowland forests, cultural woodland, cultural meadows, and
Species at Risk (SAR) iden fied through MNRF consulta on, document review, and database searches have
the poten al to be present in the study area. These species include:
    - Barn Swallow (structures);
    - Bu ernut (forested areas or grouped vegeta on);
    - Channel Darter, Eastern Pondmussel, Rainbow Mussel, American Eel, Grass Pickerel (rivers,
    - Ogden's Pondweed (lakes, larger waterbodies);
    - Blanding's Turtle, Northern Map Turtle, Snapping Turtle (ponds, wetlands, watercourse corridors).
An impact assessment, including field inves ga ons, will be completed for the Preferred Alterna ve.
A noise impact assessment following the MTO Environmental Guide for Noise (2006) will be completed for
the Preferred Alterna ve to assess the need for noise mi ga on. Noise mi ga on will be inves gated if a
change in sound levels above ambient ≥ 5dB increase and absolute future sound levels are ≥ 65dBA. As
required, mi ga on measures will be incorporated into the preliminary design of the Preferred Alterna ve.
Contaminated Lands
A Contamina on Overview Study (COS) was completed for the Highway 401 corridor with the objec ve of
iden fying proper es with actual or perceived contamina on that may impact future highway
improvements. No areas of site contamina on were iden fied within the study area. Where impacts to
Areas of Poten al Environmental Concern (APECs) were iden fied, site specific environmental studies will
be carried out during Detail Design, as applicable.
A Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment was completed for the study area with the objec ve of iden fying
areas with poten al archaeological resources. The assessment iden fied that the majority of the study
area is previously disturbed as it is within the Highway 401 Right of Way (ROW). However, areas of
archaeological poten al were iden fied within the study area corridor, based on their proximity to water
sources (ie: Moira River) as well as historic roadways (ie: Wallbridge-Loyalist Road). A Stage 2
Archaeological Assessment for the Preferred Alterna ve will be undertaken during Detail Design.
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