Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning - Partnership Opportunities

Page created by Shane Collins
Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning - Partnership Opportunities
Plain Talk About
Literacy and Learning                                    ®

 Partnership Opportunities
       February 9-11, 2022
       Hilton New Orleans Riverside


 #PlainTalkNOLA                  Sarah Cortell Vandersypen, CFRE
                                 Vice President of Advancement and Strategy
                                 P: (225) 256-0509 | M: (440) 832-1261
                                 Email: |
Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning - Partnership Opportunities
Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning
    Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning® has become known as the conference for
    the latest research and dialogue on effective reading instruction and assessment.
    With carefully curated presenters and exhibitors, Plain Talk lets you join like-minded
    educators and decision makers from across the globe.

    For 2022, we will return to New Orleans for three days of sessions and networking.
    We’ll bring experts from the U.S. and abroad to attract attendees for a lively in-person

                            KEYNOTE SPEAKER
                            DR. STANISLAS DEHAENE
                            Author of “How We Learn:
                            Why Brains Learn Better Than
                            Any Machine…for Now”

    All events held at: Hilton New Orleans Riverside
      Two Poydras Street, New Orleans, LA 70130
Phone: 1 (504) 561-0500 | Reservations: 1 (800) 445-8667

Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning - Partnership Opportunities
About Our Attendees

                                              Attendees include
                                         superintendents, state and
                                        district office administrators,
                                       principals, teacher leaders and
                                      coaches, and technical assistance
                                       providers (average attendance
                                            at Plain Talk is 1,200).


                                                     2020 Plain Talk
                                           1         About LIteracy
                                                     and Learning®

                                                         1521 ATTENDEES

                                               RICO, 2

            2021 Virtual Plain Talk
                                    SAID PLAIN TALK INCREASED
1260   ATTENDEES              98%   KNOWLEDGE OF THE SCIENCE
                                    OF READING

                                    STATES, CANADA, AUSTRALIA,
                                    AND SOUTH AFRICA

Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning - Partnership Opportunities
Don't miss out as we return to Plain Talk in New               Orleans!
With new sponsorship opportunities and ways to connect with attendees, we know you will be able to enhance your
presence and establish your brand as a leader in the industry.

Becoming an industry partner for Plain Talk has many great benefits including:

• The ability to connect directly with educational professionals from all over the globe.
  In 2020, Plain Talk brought more than 1,500 educators and decision makers to New Orleans. Past exhibitors report
  that this is the one conference they never miss.

• Dedicated Exhibit Hall time.
  Booths are strategically placed in high traffic areas, and attendees will be able to learn about your products and
  services during dedicated breaks. In addition to having access to the entire attendee mailing list and e-mails of
  attendees who opt-in to share, you’ll be able to use a new lead generator.

• More ways to elevate your brand.
  We’ve created more ways to elevate your brand to your target audience. Whether it’s through exclusive sponsorship
  opportunities, an education track sponsorship, or an exhibitor session, you’ll be highlighted through the official
  conference program, website, mobile app, and social media.

                                           Exhibit Booths allow you to:

              Network                               Gain Visibility                         Share Information
  • Meet new people and renew                 • Pitch products and services             • Educate potential buyers
    relationships with existing                 in your exhibitor booth or                with demonstrations
    customers                                   through sessions specifically           • Advance the thought
  • Gather contact information from             designed for exhibitors                   leadership in the field of
    attendees visiting your booth             • Be visible on the conference              literacy and learning
  • Follow up after the conference              website long after the last
    through email and phone calls               day of the conference


                 3361 Facebook Fans                                              1876 Twitter Followers
                 68K Impressions                                                 82K Impressions

Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning - Partnership Opportunities
SPONSOR BENEFITS                                                  TITLE
                                                                                   GOLD LEVEL
                                                                                                     SILVER LEVEL
                                                                                                                      BRONZE LEVEL

Complimentary 3-day conference registrations                         6                  4                 2

Pre-Plain Talk Recognition

Ackowledgement as a sponsor on Plain Talk homepage and        Up to 75-word       Up to 75-word     Up to 75-word     Up to 75-word
CDL’s registration site with embedded link to your website    company profile     company profile   company profile   company profile

Logo and company profile listed on Plain Talk Sponsor/
                                                                    Ü                  Ü                 Ü                 Ü
Exhibitor page with embedded link to your website

Social media promotions                                             Ü                  Ü                 Ü                 Ü

Featured in conference email with other Sponsors                    Ü                  Ü                 Ü                 Ü

On-site Recognition

Logo on all major Plain Talk signage                                Ü                  Ü

Option to provide CDL with insert(s) in registration packet          2                  1

Complimentary booth tables/spaces in premier spot in
                                                                     3                  2                 1
exhibit area

Mailing list and emails for attendees who opt-in                    Ü                  Ü                 Ü                 Ü

Listed in Mobile App                                                Ü                  Ü                 Ü                 Ü

Banner ad in Plain Talk App                                       3 days              2 days            1 day

Push Notification(s) in Plain Talk App (day and time
                                                                     3                  1                 1                 1
selected by sponsor)

Recognition during welcoming remarks and conference
                                                                    Ü                  Ü                 Ü                 Ü

One slide in CDL’s Daily Welcome Slide Show on day of
                                                                    Ü                  Ü                 Ü                 Ü
Sponsor’s choice

                                                              1 full page; full
                                                                                    1 full page;    1/2 page; black   1/4 page; black
Ad placement in Plain Talk printed program                    color; premium
                                                                                  black and white     and white         and white

15% Discount on additional advertising                              Ü                  Ü                 Ü                 Ü

Post-Plain Talk Recognition

Thank you email blast                                               Ü                  Ü                 Ü                 Ü

Next year's Sponsorship Package                                     Ü                  Ü                 Ü                 Ü

Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning - Partnership Opportunities
		Be the exclusive Title Sponsor
of Plain Talk 2022! Title sponsorship
puts your branding message front
and center, next to the title of the
conference. All Plain Talk materials will
be co-branded with the Title Sponsor’s
logo, and a company representative
will give opening remarks on day one
with an opportunity to play a video (up
to 3 min.). Additional benefits include
an exhibitor session to share products
and services during Plain Talk, one
sponsored e-mail to attendees, and one
sponsored post on the CDL blog.

         KEYNOTE SPONSOR                            TOTE BAG SPONSOR                           LANYARD SPONSOR
		3 AVAILABLE                               Give attendees a way to carry all          Your company logo will be featured
Bring your brand to the mainstage by        of their Plain Talk essentials with a      on the lanyards which are worn by
sponsoring one the Keynote Speakers!        branded tote bag. Put your company         all Plain Talk attendees. Ensure your
This sponsorship includes signage on        logo in the hands of all attendees as      company's visibility each day of Plain
the Keynote Podium, one full-page           the sponsor of the official Plain Talk     Talk and send home a reminder of your
program ad, and one push notification       tote used throughout the conference        company's support of educators with
in the mobile app on the day of the         and long after the event is over.          these reusable lanyards.
sponsored Keynote.

           WIFI SPONSOR                            MOBILE APP SPONSOR                                "I love the many
                                                                                                opportunities to engage
		WIFI access for Plain Talk                This sponsorship will put your company’s           with the exhibitors without
attendees is a must! The exclusive WIFI     messaging in the palm of the attendees’             feeling rushed – they are
sponsor will benefit from prominent         hands – literally. As the Mobile App                    always close by."
exposure on the Hilton WIFI splash          Sponsor, you will enjoy prominent
screen and be able to create a custom
name and password for the network.
                                            recognition through the app, including a
                                            password connected to your company’s
                                                                                                                 - Attendee
                                            name, logo on the app splash screen
                                            and one push notification.


    TRACKS:                                 4 AVAILABLE                                2 AVAILABLE
     EQUITY AND INCLUSION                   Take exhibiting to the next level by       The coffee break sponsor will benefit
     LITERACY LEADERSHIP                    participating in one of four sessions      from customized napkins with your
     NEW TO SCIENCE OF READING              that allow you to showcase your            logo and onsite signage during the
     ADVANCED SCIENCE OF READING            products and services with a 30-           break.
     RESEARCH TO PRACTICE                   minute session.
This sponsorship opportunity will
bring visibility to your company by
associating it with one of five Education
Tracks. You will gain increased logo
recognition in a Plain Talk email blast
featuring your track and a special
program feature.

Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning - Partnership Opportunities
  • Exhibitor Booth (one 6’ table draped and 1 chair or              Booth Set-up:
    9’ x 9’ floor space for floor-standing exhibits)                 Exhibitors not set-up by 8:00 pm on Tuesday, February
  • Two (2) complimentary conference registrations                   8th will be considered no-shows and their exhibit space
  • Breakfast and lunch in VIP Exhibitor Lounge                      may immediately be utilized by Institute Management
  • Mailing addresses for all Plain Talk attendees                   for any other exhibitor or purpose. All materials
  • Email address for Plain Talk attendees who opt-in to             shipped to the hotel must be retrieved no later than
    share with exhibitors                                            7:00 pm on Tuesday, February 8th, 2022. Exhibitors
  • Overnight security when the exhibit hall is closed               are prohibited from bringing additional tables to add
  • Discounted rate for up to 2 additional staff members
                                                                     to booth space.
    at $525 per person

Cost of Booth Space
$2,000USD Exhibitor Booth
                                                                     Booth and table Set-up options:
  • includes 9’W x 9’D space and 2 registrations
  • Table Top (one 6’ table and 1 chair) or Floor-                     6ft.
    standing exhibit options available                        9ft.

$100USD Additional 6’ table
  • Max 1 per booth. All tables must fit in
    9’W x 9’D space.

$150USD Electricity for all 3 days
                                                                     Booth Tear Down:
                                                                     Tear down may begin no earlier than 12:15 pm on
Lead Capture                                                         Friday, February 11th and must be completed no later
                                                                     than 2:15 pm.
$300 Device Rental
$250 App Only License
Easily capture, qualify and rate leads you generate in the
Exhibit Hall to be able to more quickly and effectively              Preliminary Schedule
                                                                                    Tuesday         Wednesday          Thursday            Friday
                                                                                      2/8             2/9                2/10              2/11
                                                              Exhibitor             1:00 pm
                                                             Check-In &                to
                                                               Set-Up               8:00 pm
                                                                                                      9:00 am           9:00 am           9:00 am
                                                             Exhibitor                                   to                to                to
                                                              Hours                                   4:15 pm           4:15 pm          12:15 pm

                                                              Exhibitor                                                                  12:15 pm
                                                             Tear Down
                                                                                                                                          2:15 pm

                                                                                 *This is a preliminary schedule. Exhibit hours indicated may change.
                                                                                 Exhibitors will receive a final schedule approximately 2 weeks prior to
                                                                                 the Institute as the Institute schedule is finalized.

Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning - Partnership Opportunities
Exhibit Floor Plan - 1st Floor

                                                                       Grand Ballroom
                                                A                      B                       C                     D

                                                  18    17       16        15         14          13       12   11

                                                    5        6              Title                      9        10

                             3      4

      Escalators and Elevators to

                                             Grand                     Grand                                     Grand
           2nd and 3rd Floors
                                            Salon A                   Salon B                                   Salon D

                                              Salon                   Salon                   Salon                  Salon
         Subject to change

Assignment of Space
Booth space is assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis                                    EXHIBITOR PROFILE
upon receipt of completed Exhibitor Application and
payment in full. Sponsors receive preference. Phone calls                      Please provide a brief corporate profile
will not be accepted to reserve exhibit space or other                     (75 words or less) in Microsoft Word, including
exhibitor opportunities. Space is limited.                                     your address, phone number, email and
                                                                             website to be listed as contact information.

                                                                                    Submit your logo in color as a .pdf or
                                                                                             .tif file in 300 dpi.

                                                                             Send to no later than
                                                                           October 22, 2021. Profile will be included on
                                                                           CDL’s website and in the Plain Talk program
                                                                            and app. Profiles may be edited by CDL.

Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning - Partnership Opportunities

In addition to exhibiting, companies may wish to reach
our attendees and presenters via advertising. Ads may be
purchased in our full-color digital program and app. Only
exhibitors and sponsors may advertise at Plain Talk.

Advertising Opportunities                                   Marketing Opportunities

Conference Program                                          Daily Welcome Slide Show
All attendees will be provided with a digital program 		    $150 on preferred day
and a printed program on-site if they opt-in. The           The welcome slide show will play each morning between
program will include the schedule, details on presenters,   7:00 am and 7:55 am before the keynote address for all
sessions and exhibitors, and other information.             attendees. The file must be a Powerpoint slide with a
                                                            16:9 ratio and a minimum font size of 30 points.

  full page     1/2 page
                horizontal                                  Mobile app Push Notifications
                                1/4 page                    $150 on preferred day
                                horizontal     1/4 page     (CDL staff will coordinate on time of day.)
                                                vertical    The Plain Talk app is available to access materials
                                                            and interact with other presenters, exhibitors, and
 7.5” x 10”      7.5” x 5”     7.5” x 2.5”    3.75” x 5”    participants. App push notifications help drive booth
                                                            and website traffic, increase brand visability and
                                                            boost sales. Similar to text messages, push notifications
Rates (full color digital program;                          appear on the screen of an attendee’s device even if
black and white printed program)                            the app is closed.
  • $900 Full page
  • $550 1/2 page horizontal
  • $350 1/4 page horizontal
  • $350 1/4 page vertical

Ad Specifications
  • All ads should be provided as .pdf or .tif file
    in 300 dpi at desired print size
  • Design can be in full color
  • Ads do not bleed, so crops and bleeds are
    not required

  To avoid additional costs, please supply files in
  accordance with the defined criteria listed above.

Content                                                     Deadline for Submitting Ad
 In keeping with CDL’s philosophy, all exhibitor            Material is: December 10, 2021.
 ads must be directly related to evidence-based
 literacy/education products or services. CDL 		            Email ads to
 reserves the right to reject any advertisement
 for any reason whatsoever.

Plain Talk About Literacy and Learning - Partnership Opportunities
Institute Exhibit Policies

Regulations & Restrictions                                              Liability and Insurance
• Exhibiting companies must be related to the field of education.       • CDL and/or the Hilton will not be responsible for any expenses
  Their products and their services must align with evidence-             incurred other than payments included on the Exhibitor
  based literacy, teaching, and/or learning. CDL reserves the             Application form if Plain Talk is cancelled for any reason, nor
  right to determine the eligibility of any exhibit/exhibitor for         are they responsible for any loss to Exhibit Booth and/or
  inclusion in Plain Talk, either prior to or after the execution of      materials due to theft, damage, fire, or any cause whatsoever
  the Exhibit Contract. Booth exhibitors are encouraged to sell           while exhibits are in transit to or from Plain Talk or while they
  on the exhibit floor and are responsible for all appropriate            are in the building.
  taxes and licensing.
                                                                        • CDL will employ reputable security when the exhibit area
• Exhibitors are prohibited from bringing additional tables to add        is closed. The duty of the security guards will be to protect
  to booth space.                                                         the general exhibit area against fire and catastrophes. The
                                                                          exhibitor is solely responsible for his own exhibit against loss
• Distribution of promotional items (buttons, pens, etc.), flyers or      or damage from theft, accident, or other incident at all times.
  advertising materials is limited to within exhibit space. Exhibitor     All property of the exhibitor is to remain at all times in his care,
  activities are also prohibited in any location other than the           custody, and control.
  exhibit area.
                                                                        • Exhibitors should secure items of value at all times and are
• Exhibitors are expressly prohibited from assigning, subletting          required to maintain appropriate and adequate insurance
  or sharing exhibit booth space. Interference of any kind with           to cover injury, loss, or damage to the public, attendees, its
  the space of other exhibitors is prohibited.                            employees, and property.

• CDL reserves the right to limit exhibits or activities therein that   • Exhibitor Responsibility Clause: To the fullest extent permitted
  detract from the character of the exhibit hall and/or Plain Talk        by law, the person/legal entity described as “Exhibitor” in
  as a whole. This reservation includes persons, things, conduct,         this clause and in this exhibitor contract (regardless whether
  printed materials, or anything of a nature objectionable to CDL.        such person/legal entity is also described as “Exhibitor” in
  In the event of such occurrence or restriction, neither CDL, nor        this contract) hereby assumes full responsibility and agrees
  the Hilton, is liable for refunds including, but not limited to,        to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Hilton New Orleans
  exhibit fees and other expenses.                                        Riverside (“Hotel”) and Hotel’s owners, managers, subsidiaries,
                                                                          affiliates, employees and agents (collectively, “Hotel Parties”),
                                                                          as well as Center for Development and Learning (“Group”),
Private Parties                                                           from and against any and all claims or expenses arising out
• Exhibitors shall be authorized to host private parties in the           of Exhibitor’s use of the Hotel’s exhibition premises. Exhibitor
  Hilton at the approval of CDL. Exhibitors agree not to host             agrees to obtain and maintain during the use of the exhibition
  private parties during scheduled hours of Plain Talk’s meetings,        premises, Comprehensive General Liability Insurance,
  exhibits and other functions.                                           including contractual liability covering the Exhibitor’s indemnity
                                                                          obligations in this clause. Such insurance shall be in the amount
                                                                          of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit for personal
Cancellations                                                             injury and property damage. The Hotel Parties and Group shall
                                                                          be named as additional insureds on such policy, and Exhibitor
• All cancellations must be made in writing and received by CDL           shall supply the Hotel with a Certificate of Insurance at least 30
  no later than January 8, 2022. Cancellations received prior to          days prior to the use of the exhibition premises. The Exhibitor
  January 8, 2022 will be refunded less a 25% service fee. No             understands that neither the Group nor the Hotel Parties
  refunds will be made after January 8, 2022.                             maintain insurance covering the Exhibitor’s property and it is
                                                                          the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain such insurance.
• If the exhibitor has not checked in and set-up by 8:00 pm on
  Tuesday, February 8, 2022, CDL may utilize the space for any
  purpose without refund to exhibitor.                                  Contact
                                                                        • The CDL staff works hard to ensure not only the quality
                                                                          and success of Plain Talk, but the quality and success of our
                                                                          exhibitors’ experiences. Please contact us at if
                                                                          you have questions.

                           Please contact Sarah Cortell Vandersypen, CFRE for more information.
                              3500 North Causeway Boulevard, Suite 1240, Metairie, LA 70002
                               P: (225) 256-0509 | M: (440) 832-1261 | Email:
Thank you
to our 2021 Plain Talk Sponsors!

                      3500 North Causeway     530 Lakeland Drive
                      Boulevard, Suite 1240   Suite 1A
                      Metairie, LA 70002      Baton Rouge, LA 70802
                      (504) 840-9786
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