VOCABULARY LIST From 2020 - B1 Preliminary B1 Preliminary for Schools - Cambridge English

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From 2020


B1 Preliminary
B1 Preliminary for Schools

Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List
© UCLES 2018
Introduction to the Preliminary Vocabulary List
The Preliminary Vocabulary List gives teachers a guide to the vocabulary needed when
preparing students for the Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools examinations.

Background to the list
The Preliminary Vocabulary List was originally developed by Cambridge Assessment in
consultation with external consultants to guide item writers who produce materials for the
Preliminary examination. It includes vocabulary from the Council of Europe’s Threshold
(1990) specification and other vocabulary which corpus evidence shows is high frequency.

The list covers vocabulary appropriate to the B1 level on the Common European Framework
of Reference (CEFR) and includes receptive vocabulary (words that the candidate is
expected to understand but which are not the focus of a question) and productive vocabulary
(words that the candidate needs to know to answer a question).

The list does not provide an exhaustive list of all words which appear on the Preliminary and
Preliminary for Schools question papers and candidates should not confine their study of
vocabulary to the list alone.

How the list is updated
The vocabulary of English changes over time, with words being added and other words
falling into disuse. In order to maintain its currency, the Preliminary Vocabulary List is
updated on a regular basis, with the decision to add or remove words being informed by
reference to the Cambridge Learner Corpus and English Profile Wordlists.

The Cambridge Learner Corpus is a collection of over 44 million words of English, based
upon evidence of language use by learners from all over the world and from which the
English Vocabulary Profile has developed. The English Vocabulary Profile shows the
most common words and phrases that learners of English need to know in British or
American English. The meaning of each word or phrase in the wordlists has been assigned
a level between A1 and B2 on the CEFR.

A preview version of the English Vocabulary Profile can be accessed by visiting the
website: http://www.englishprofile.org

Organisation of the list
   Word sets
Some categories of words that a learner at this level might be expected to know, e.g. days of
the week, are not included in the alphabetical list but are listed in Appendix 1. Although
‘grammar words’ (pronouns, modal verbs, etc.) are included, the Language Specification
section of the Preliminary Handbook and Preliminary for Schools Handbook (available from
from www.cambridgeenglish.org) should be consulted for a more complete listing.

  Exemplification
Example phrases and sentences showing how words might be used are given only where
words with different meanings need to be constrained. For example, heel is followed by ‘I
can’t walk in high heels’ – this shows that heel is limited to the idea of shoes: candidates are
not expected to know other meanings, such as the part of the body.

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 Multi-word verbs
Multi-word verbs are not included in the list if they have a literal meaning and are composed
of verbs and particles already in the list. Examples of ‘literal’ multi-word verbs are come into,
sit down, as in ‘Why not come into the kitchen and sit down?’ If the meaning of the verb is
not transparent, e.g. find out, get along, give in, then the verb is listed and an example of
usage given.

   Topic lists
In Appendix 2, words have been grouped together under common Preliminary and/or
Preliminary for Schools themes, such as ‘Food and Drink’, ‘House and Home’ and ‘Sport’.
Not all the words in the Topic Lists headings appear on the wordlist.

Unsuitable topics
Cambridge Assessment English examinations must not contain anything that might offend or
upset candidates, potentially affect their performance or distract them during the
examination. A number of ‘sensitive’ topics are considered unsuitable for use in Preliminary
and Preliminary for Schools, for example war and politics, and vocabulary relating to these is
not included in the Preliminary Vocabulary List.

Personal vocabulary
The content of the Preliminary Vocabulary List is general in nature and is unlikely to cover
completely the productive vocabulary that may be required by all candidates. Candidates
should know the specific lexis they will need to describe themselves and their lives, for
example hobbies, likes and dislikes.

Abbreviations used in the Preliminary Vocabulary List are:

abbrev         abbreviation or acronym               mv             modal verb
adj            adjective                             n              noun
adv            adverb                                phr v          phrasal verb
av             auxiliary verb                        pl             plural
Am Eng         American English                      prep           preposition
Br Eng         British English                       prep phr       prepositional phrase
conj           conjunction                           pron           pronoun
det            determiner                            sing           singular
exclam         exclamation                           v              verb

Summary of points to be noted
   The list does not include every word that may appear on a Preliminary or Preliminary for
    Schools paper.
   The list covers receptive and productive vocabulary.
   The list is updated regularly.

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advance (n)
                    A                                     book in advance
                                                    advanced (adj)
a/an (det)                                          advantage (n)
ability (n)                                         adventure (n)
able (adj)                                          advert (n)
     be able to                                    advertise (v)
about (adv & prep)                                  advertisement (n)
     about 500 students (adv)                      advice (n)
     The film is about a small boy. (prep)         advise (v)
above (adj, adv & prep)                             aeroplane (n)
abroad (adv)                                        affect (v)
absent (adj)                                        afford (v)
absolutely (adv)                                    afraid (adj)
     The movie was absolutely awful.               after (adv, conj & prep)
accent (n)                                          afternoon (n)
     She has a beautiful French accent.            afterwards (adv)
accept (v)                                          again (adv)
acceptable (adj)                                    against (prep)
access (n)                                          age (n)
     disabled access                               aged (adj)
     internet access                               agency (n)
accident (n)                                              a travel agency
accommodation (n)                                   ages (n pl)
accompany (v)                                             It took ages for the bus to arrive.
according to (prep phr)                             ago (adv)
account (n)                                         agree (v)
accountant (n)                                      ahead (adv)
accurate (adj)                                      aim (n & v)
ache (n)                                            air (n)
achieve (v)                                         air conditioning (n)
achievement (n)                                     air force (n)
across (adv & prep)                                 airline (n)
act (n & v)                                         airport (n)
     in the second act (of the play) (n)           alarm (n)
     to act in a play (v)                          alarm clock (n)
                                                    album (n)
     Stop acting like a child. (v)
                                                    alike (adv)
action (n)
                                                    alive (adj)
active (adj)
                                                    all (adj, adv, det & pron)
activity (n)
                                                    all right/alright (adj, adv & exclam)
actor (n)
                                                    allow (v)
actress (n)
                                                    almost (adv)
actually (adv)
                                                    alone (adv & adj)
     She seems a bit strict at first, but she’s
                                                    along (adv & prep)
         actually very nice.
                                                    aloud (adv)
     Are you actually going to take the job?       alphabet (n)
ad (advertisement) (n)                              already (adv)
add (v)                                             also (adv)
addition (n)                                        although (conj)
     in addition                                   altogether (adv)
address (n)                                         always (adv)
admire (v)                                          a.m. (adv)
admission (n)                                       amazed (adj)
     charges/cost/price                            amazing (adj)
admit (v)                                           ambition (n)
adult (adj & n)                                     ambulance (n)
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among (amongst) (prep)                        arrest (v)
amount (n)                                    arrival (n)
amusing (adj)                                 arrive (v)
an (det)                                      art (n)
ancient (adj)                                 article (n)
and (conj)                                    artist (n)
angry (adj)                                   as (conj & prep)
animal (n)                                    ashamed (adj)
ankle (n)                                     ask (v)
anniversary (n)                               asleep (adj)
announce (v)                                  as long as (phr)
announcement (n)                              aspirin (n)
annoy (v)                                     assist (v)
annual (adj)                                  assistant (n)
another (det & pron)                          astronaut (n)
answer (n & v)                                as well (as) (prep & adv)
answerphone (n)                               at (prep)
ant (n)                                       at / @ (n)
antique (adj & n)                                   My email address is
anxious (adj)                                           david@cambridgeesol.org
any (det & pron)                              at all (prep phr)
anybody (pron)                                at first (prep phr)
anymore (adv)                                 athlete (n)
anyone (pron)                                 athletics (n)
anything (pron)                               at last (prep phr)
anyway (adv)                                  at least (prep phr)
anywhere (adv)                                atmosphere (n)
apart (adv)                                   at once (prep phr)
apart from (adv)                              at present (prep phr)
apartment (n)                                 attach (v)
apartment building (n)                        attack (n & v)
apologise (v)                                 attempt (v)
apology (n)                                   attend (v)
app (n)                                       attention (n)
     Download the app to your phone.         at the same time (prep phr)
appear (v)                                    attitude (n)
appearance (n)                                attract (v)
apple (n)                                     attraction (n)
application (n)                               attractive (adj)
     job application                         audience (n)
     application form                        aunt (n)
apply (v)                                     author (n)
appointment (n)                               autumn (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: fall)
approach (v)                                  available (adj)
approve (v)                                   average (adj & n)
approximately (adv)                           avoid (v)
architect (n)                                 awake (adj)
architecture (n)                              away (adv)
area (n)                                      awesome (adj)
argue (v)                                     awful (adj)
argument (n)
arm (n)
armchair (n)
army (n)
around (adv & prep)                           baby (n)
arrange (v)                                   babysit (v)
arrangement (n)                               babysitter (n)
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back (adv, adj & n)                   begin (v)
background (n)                        beginner (n)
backpack (n)                          beginning (n)
backpacker (n)                        behave (v)
backpacking (n)                       behaviour (n)
backwards (adv)                       behind (prep & adv)
bad (adj)                             believe (v)
badly (adv)                           bell (n)
badminton (n)                         belong (v)
bag (n)                               below (adv & prep)
baggage (n)                           belt (n)
bake (v)                              beneath (prep)
baker (n)                             benefit (n & v)
balcony (n)                           be over (phr v)
bald (adj)                                  The game is over – you’re too late!
ball (n)                              beside (adv & prep)
ballet (n)                            besides (prep)
balloon (n)                           best (adj & adv)
banana (n)                            bestseller (n)
band (n)                              better (adj & adv)
bandage (n)                           between (prep & adv)
bank (n)                              beyond (prep & adv)
bank account (n)                      bicycle (n)
banking (n)                           big (adj)
bar (n)                               bike (n)
barbecue (n & v)                      bill (n)
barber (n)                                  electricity bill
baseball (n)                          bin (n)
base on (phr v)                       biography (n)
basic (adj)                           biology (n)
basin (n)                             bird (n)
basket (n)                            birth (n)
basketball (n)                        birthday (n)
bat (n)                               biscuit (n)
bath (n & v)                          bit (n)
bathing suit (n)                      bite (v)
bathroom (n)                          bitter (adj)
bathtub (n)                           black (adj & n)
battery (n)                           blackboard (n)
battle (n)                            blame (v)
bay (n)                               blank (adj)
be (av & v)                                 a blank piece of paper
beach (n)                             blanket (n)
bean (n)                              bleed (v)
bear (n)                              blind (adj)
beard (n)                             block (n)
beat (v)                                    Shall we walk round the block?
beautiful (adj)                             block of flats
beauty (n)                            blog (n)
because (conj)                        blogger (n)
because of (prep phr)                 blond(e) (adj)
become (v)                            blood (n)
bed (n)                               blouse (n)
bedroom (n)                           blow (v)
bee (n)                               blue (adj & n)
beef (n)                              board (n & v)
before (prep, adv & conj)             board game (n)
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boarding pass (n)                                  breath (n)
boat (n)                                           breathe (v)
body (n)                                           breeze (n)
boil (v)                                           bride (n)
boiled (adj)                                       bridge (n)
bold (adj)                                         brief (adj)
bomb (n & v)                                       bright (adj)
bone (n)                                           brilliant (adj)
book (n & v)                                       bring (v)
bookcase (n)                                       bring up (phr v)
booking (n)                                              She was brought up in London.
     I have a booking for the 19th.               broad (adj)
booking office (n)                                 broccoli (n)
bookshelf (n)                                      brochure (n)
bookshop (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: bookstore)          broken (adj)
bookstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: bookshop)          brother (n)
boot (n)                                           brown (adj & n)
     a pair of boots                              brush (n & v)
     the boot of the car (Am Eng: trunk)          bucket (n)
border (n)                                         bug (n)
bored (adj)                                              He found a bug in his bed.
boring (adj)                                       build (v)
born (adj)                                         building (n)
borrow (v)                                         bulb (n)
boss (n)                                                 light bulb
both (pron & det)                                  bull (n)
bother (v)                                         bunch (n)
     Sorry to bother you, can you tell me               a bunch of flowers
         the time?                                       a great bunch of friends
     My job’s hard but that doesn’t bother        burger (n)
         me.                                       burn (v)
     ‘Sorry I’m late, I’ll do it now.’ ‘Don’t     burning (adj)
         bother!’                                  bury (v)
bottle (n)                                         bus (n)
bottom (adj & n)                                   business (n)
bowl (n)                                           businessman (n)
box (n)                                            businesswoman (n)
boy (n)                                            bus station (n)
boyfriend (n)                                      bus stop (n)
bracelet (n)                                       busy (adj)
brain (n)                                          but (conj & prep)
brake (n & v)                                      butcher (n)
branch (n)                                         butter (n)
brand new (adj)                                    butterfly (n)
brave (adj)                                        button (n)
bread (n)                                          buy (v)
break (n & v)                                      buyer (n)
break down (phr v)                                 by (prep)
     The car has broken down.                     by accident (prep phr)
breakfast (n)                                      by hand (prep phr)
break in (phr v)                                   by mistake (prep phr)
     Someone broke in and stole the               by name (prep phr)
         computer.                                 bye (exclam)
break up (phr v)
     When does school break up?
     The pop group has broken up.

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carry (v)
                   C                             carry on (phr v)
                                                       He carried on walking despite the rain.
cab (n)                                          carry out (phr v)
cabbage (n)                                            She carried out the plan according to
cabin (n)                                                 the instructions.
cabinet (n)                                      cartoon (n)
cable (n)                                        case (n)
café/cafe (n)                                          Would you like me to carry your case?
cafeteria (n)                                          I’ll make an exception in this case.
cage (n)                                         cash (n)
cake (n)                                         cashpoint (n)
calculator (n)                                   castle (n)
calendar (n)                                     casual (adj)
calf (n)                                               casual clothes
call (n & v)                                     cat (n)
call for (phr v)                                 catch (v)
      I’ll call for you at 7.                   cathedral (n)
call in (phr v)                                  cattle (n)
      She called in to see a friend.            cave (n)
calm (adj)                                       CD (n)
camel (n)                                        CD player (n)
camera (n)                                       ceiling (n)
camp (n & v)                                     celebrate (v)
camping (n)                                      celebration (n)
campsite (n)                                     celebrity (n)
can (n & mv)                                     cell phone (n)
canal (n)                                        cent (n)
cancel (v)                                       centimetre (cm) (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:
candidate (n)                                    centimeter)
candle (n)                                       central (adj)
candy (n)                                        central heating (n)
canteen (n)                                      centre/center (n)
cap (n)                                          century (n)
capital (adj & n)                                cereal (n)
      capital city                              ceremony (n)
      capital letter                            certain (adj)
      the capital of Italy                      certainly (not) (adv)
captain (n)                                      certificate (n)
car (n)                                          chain (n)
card (n)                                         chair (n)
      birthday card                             challenge (n & v)
      credit card                               challenging (adj)
      card game                                 champion (n)
cardboard (adj & n)                              championship (n)
care (n & v)                                     chance (n)
      take care of someone (n)                  change (n & v)
      to care (about/for) someone /             changing room (n)
         something (v)                           channel (n)
career (n)                                       chapter (n)
careful (adj)                                    character (n)
carefully (ad)                                   charge (n & v)
careless (adj)                                   charity (n)
car park (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: parking lot)            She words for a charity.
carpet (n)                                       charming (adj)
carrot (n)                                       chat (n & v)
                                                       to chat online
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chatroom (n)                                     close (adj, adv & v)
chat show (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: talk show)       closed (adj)
cheap (adj)                                      clothes (n pl)
cheat (v)                                        cloud (n)
check (n & v)                                    cloudy (adj)
check in (phr v)                                 clown (n)
      They checked in to a hotel.               club (n)
check-in (n)                                          to join a club
      Your keys are at the check-in desk.       coach (n)
check out (phr v)                                coast (n)
      He checked out of the hotel at the end    coat (n)
          of his stay.                           coconut (n)
checkout (n)                                     cod (n)
cheek (n)                                        coffee (n)
cheerful (adj)                                   coin (n)
cheers! (exclam)                                 cola (n)
cheese (n)                                       cold (adj & n)
chef (n)                                         collar (n)
chemist (n)                                      colleague (n)
chemistry (n)                                    collect (v)
cheque (n)                                       collection (n)
chess (n)                                        college (n)
chest of drawers (n)                             colour (n & v)
chicken (n)                                      colourful (adj)
child (n)                                        comb (n & v)
childhood (n)                                    come (v)
chilli (n)                                       comedy (n)
chin (n)                                         come on (phr v)
chip (n)                                              Come on or we'll miss the bus.
      I love fish and chips.                    comfort (n)
chocolate (n)                                    comfortable (adj)
choice (n)                                       comic (adj & n)
choose (v)                                       comma (n)
cinema (n)                                       comment (n)
circle (n)                                            Please leave comments below.
circus (n)                                       common (adj)
city (n)                                              a common surname
clap (v)                                              have something in common
class (n)                                        communicate (v)
      language class                            communication (n)
      first class, second class                 company (n)
classical (adj)                                  compare (v)
      classical music                           compete (v)
classmate (n)                                    competition (n)
classroom (n)                                    competitor (n)
clean (adj & v)                                  complain (v)
cleaner (n)                                      complaint (n)
clear (adj & v)                                  complete (adj & v)
clearly (adv)                                    complicated (adj)
clever (adj)                                     composition (n)
click (n & v)                                    computer (n)
cliff (n)                                        concentrate (v)
climate (n)                                      concert (n)
climb (v)                                        conclusion (n)
climbing (n)                                     condition (n)
clinic (n)                                            in good condition
clock (n)                                        conference (n)
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confident (adj)                                    cover (n & v)
confirm (v)                                        cow (n)
confused (adj)                                     crash (n & v)
confusing (adj)                                    crazy (adj)
congratulations! (exclam)                          cream (adj & n)
connect (v)                                        create (v)
connection (n)                                     creative (adj)
consider (v)                                       creature (n)
consist (v)                                        credit (n)
consonant (n)                                      credit card (n)
contact (n & v)                                    crew (n)
contain (v)                                             cabin crew
contents (n)                                       cricket (n)
contest (n)                                        crime (n)
continent (n)                                      criminal (n)
continue (v)                                       crop (n)
contract (n)                                       cross (n & v)
control (n & v)                                    crossing (n)
     a remote control                                  pedestrian crossing
     Control your dog!                            cross out (phr v)
convenient (adj)                                        Cross it out and write it again.
conversation (n)                                   crossroads (n)
convince (v)                                       crowd (n)
cook (n & v)                                       crowded (adj)
cooker (n)                                         cruel (adj)
cookie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: biscuit)              cruise (n)
cooking (n)                                        cry (n & v)
cool (adj, exclam & v)                             cucumber (n)
copy (n & v)                                       cultural (adj)
corn (n)                                           culture (n)
corner (n)                                         cup (n)
correct (adj)                                      cupboard (n)
correction (n)                                     cure (n & v)
cost (n & v)                                       curious (adj)
costume (n)                                        curiously (adv)
     I forgot my swimming costume.                     ‘Why?’ she asked him curiously.
     national costume                             curly (adj)
     a Halloween costume                          currency (n)
cosy (adj)                                         curriculum (n)
cottage (n)                                        curry (n)
cotton (n)                                         curtain (n)
cough (n & v)                                      cushion (n)
could (mv)                                         custom (n)
count (v)                                          customer (n)
country (n)                                        customs (n pl)
countryside (n)                                         I work as a customs officer.
couple (n)                                         cut (n & v)
courage (n)                                        cute (adj)
course (n)                                         cut up (phr v)
     English course                                    She cut up the cake into small pieces.
     main course                                  CV (Curriculum Vitae) (n)
     of course (exclam)                           cycle (n & v)
court (n)                                          cycling (n)
     law court                                    cyclist (n)
     tennis court
cousin (n)

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deposit (n)
                  D                                    pay a deposit
                                                 depressed (adj)
dad (n)                                          depth (n)
daily (adj & adv)                                      the depth of the water
damage (n & v)                                   describe (v)
damaged (adj)                                    description (n)
dance (n & v)                                    desert (n)
dancer (n)                                       deserve (v)
dancing (n)                                      design (n & v)
danger (n)                                       designer (n)
dangerous (adj)                                  desk (n)
dark (adj & n)                                   despite (prep)
data (n)                                         dessert (n)
date (n & v)                                     destination (n)
     today’s date (n)                           destroy (v)
daughter (n)                                     detail (n)
day (n)                                          detective (n)
dead (adj)                                       develop (v)
deaf (adj)                                       development (n)
deal (v)                                         diagram (n)
deal with (sth/sb) (phr v)                       dial (v)
     I’ve had some problems to deal with.       diary (n)
     I deal with many people in my job.         dictionary (n)
dear (adj & exclam)                              die (v)
     too dear to buy (adj)                      diet (n)
     Dear Sir (adj)                             difference (n)
     Oh dear! (exclam)                          different (adj)
death (n)                                        difficult (adj)
decide (v)                                       difficulty (n)
decision (n)                                     dig (v)
declare (v)                                      digital (adj)
decorate (v)                                     digital camera (n)
decrease (n & v)                                 dining room (n)
deep (adj & adv)                                 dinner (n)
defeat (n & v)                                   dinosaur (n)
defence (n)                                      diploma (n)
defend (v)                                       direct (adj & v)
definitely (adv)                                 direction (n)
degree (n)                                       directly (adv)
     90 degrees                                 director (n)
     a degree in maths                          dirt (n)
delay (n & v)                                    dirty (adj)
delete (v)                                       disabled (adj)
delicious (adj)                                  disadvantage (n)
delighted (adj)                                  disagree (v)
deliver (v)                                      disappear (v)
delivery (n)                                     disappoint (v)
demand (n & v)                                   disappointed (adj)
dentist (n)                                      disappointing (adj)
depart (v)                                       disappointment (n)
department (n)                                   disc/disk (n)
department store (n)                                   hard disk
departure (n)                                    disc jockey (DJ) (n)
depend (on/upon) (v & phr v)                     disco(theque) (n)
     It depends on what you want to do.         discount (n)
                                                 discover (v)
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discovery (n)                                   driving licence (n)
discuss (v)                                     drop (n & v)
discussion (n)                                  drugstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chemist)
disease (n)                                     drum (n)
disgusting (adj)                                dry (adj & v)
dish (n)                                        duck (n)
dishwasher (n)                                  due (adj)
disk (n)                                             The next bus is due in five minutes.
dislike (v)                                     due to (prep phr)
display (n & v)                                 dull (adj)
distance (n)                                    during (prep)
district (n)                                    dust (n)
disturb (v)                                     dustbin (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: trash can)
dive (v)                                        dusty (adj)
diver (n)                                       duty (n)
divide (v)                                      duty-free (adj & n)
diving (n)                                      duvet (n)
DJ (disc jockey) (n)                            DVD (n)
do (av & v)                                     DVD player (n)
doctor / Dr (n)
document (n)
documentary (n)                                                     E
dog (n)
doll (n)                                        each (det & pron)
dollar (n)                                      ear (n)
dolphin (n)                                     earache (n)
donkey (n)                                      early (adj & adv)
door (n)                                        earn (v)
dot (n)                                         earring (n)
      Have you visited CambridgeESOL dot       earth (n)
         org?                                   east (adj, adv & n)
double (adj & det)                              eastern (adj)
doubt (n & v)                                   easily (adv)
      I doubt that I’ll get the job (v)        easy (adj)
down (adv & prep)                               easygoing (adj)
download (n & v)                                eat (v)
downstairs (adj & adv)                          economics (n)
dozen (det & n)                                 edge (n)
Dr (n)                                          education (n)
drag (v)                                        effect (n)
      Just drag and drop the file into the     efficient (adj)
         trash can.                             effort (n)
drama (n)                                       egg (n)
draw (v)                                        either (adv, det & pron)
      to draw a picture of someone or          elbow (n)
         something                              elder (adj)
      to draw the curtains                     elderly (adj)
      to draw near                             election (n)
drawer (n)                                      electric (adj)
drawing (n)                                     electrical (adj)
dream (n & v)                                   electricity (n)
dress (n & v)                                   electronic (adj)
dressed (adj)                                   elementary (adj)
      get dressed                                    elementary level
drink (n & v)                                   elephant (n)
drive (n & v)                                   elevator (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lift)
driver (n)                                      else (adv)
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email (n & v)                                    everyone (pron)
embarrassed (adj)                                everything (pron)
embarrassing (adj)                               everywhere (adv)
embassy (n)                                      exact (adj)
emergency (n)                                    exactly (adv)
employ (v)                                       examination/exam (n)
employee (n)                                     examiner (n)
employer (n)                                     example (n)
employment (n)                                   excellent (adj)
empty (adj)                                      except (prep, conj)
encourage (v)                                    exchange (n)
end (n & v)                                           an exchange visit
ending (n)                                            in exchange for
end up (phr v)                                   exchange (v)
     He plans to end up working in              exchange rate (n)
        Australia.                               excited (adj)
enemy (n)                                        excitement (n)
energy (n)                                       exciting (adj)
     Team sports take a lot of time and         excuse (n & v)
        energy.                                  exercise (n & v)
     In our house we try to save energy.        exhausted (adj)
engaged (adj)                                    exhibition (n)
     to be engaged to someone                   exist (v)
     The phone was engaged.                     exit (n)
engine (n)                                       expect (v)
engineer (n)                                     expedition (n)
engineering (n)                                  expensive (adj)
enjoy (v)                                        experience (n & v)
enjoyable (adj)                                       It was the worst pain I’d ever
enormous (adj)                                            experienced.
enough (adv, det & pron)                         experienced (adj)
enquire (v)                                      experiment (n)
enquiry (n)                                      expert (n)
enter (v)                                        explain (v)
entertain (v)                                    explanation (n)
entertainment (n)                                explode (v)
entrance (n)                                     explore (v)
entry (n)                                        explorer (n)
envelope (n)                                          This book’s about famous explorers.
environment (n)                                  extra (adj, adv & n)
environmental (adj)                              extraordinary (adj)
equal (adj)                                      extremely (adv)
equipment (n)                                    extreme sport (n)
eraser (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: rubber)             eye (n)
escape (v)
especially (adv)
essay (n)                                                             F
essential (adj)
euro (n)                                         face (n)
even (adv)                                             a sad look on his face
     He couldn't even do that.                  face to face (adv)
evening (n)                                      face-to-face (adj)
event (n)                                        facilities (n pl)
even though (conj)                                     The hotel has excellent facilities.
ever (adv)                                       fact (n)
every (det)                                      factory (n)
everybody (pron)                                 fail (v)
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fair (adj & n)                                           He filled up the car with petrol.
fairly (adv)                                       film (n & v)
fall (n & v)                                       film maker (n)
       in the fall (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:          film star
          autumn)                                  final (adj & n)
       a fall in the price (n)                    finally (adv)
       He fell and hurt his leg. (v)              financial (adj)
false (adj)                                        find (v)
familiar (with) (adj)                              find out (phr v)
family (n)                                               I must find out when he’s arriving.
famous (adj)                                       fine (adj & n)
fan (n)                                            finger (n)
fancy (v)                                          finish (n & v)
       Do you fancy going out tonight?            fire (n)
fantastic (adj)                                    firefighter (n)
far (adv)                                          firework (n)
fare (n)                                                 a firework display
       The return fare is £26.                    firm (n)
farm (n)                                                 a good firm to work for
farmer (n)                                         first (adj & adv)
farming (n)                                              first prize (adj)
fashion (n)                                              first of all (adv)
fashionable (adj)                                  first name (n)
fast (adj & adv)                                   fish (n & v)
fasten (v)                                         fishing (n)
fast food (n)                                      fit (adj & v)
fat (adj)                                                keep fit (adj)
father (n)                                               These shoes don't fit. (v)
fault (n)                                          fitness (n)
favour (n)                                         fix (v)
favourite (adj & n)                                flag (n)
fax (v)                                            flat (adj & n)
fear (n)                                           flavour (n)
fee (n)                                            flight (n)
feed (v)                                           float (v)
feel (v)                                           flood (n & v)
feeling (n)                                        floor (n)
feel like (v)                                      flour (n)
       to feel like doing something               flow (v)
female (adj & n)                                   flower (n)
ferry (n)                                          flu (n)
festival (n)                                       flute (n)
fetch (v)                                          fly (n & v)
fever (n)                                          focus (sth) on/upon sth/sb (v)
few (adj, det & pron)                              fog (n)
fiction (n)                                        foggy (adj)
field (n)                                          fold (v)
fight (n & v)                                      folk (adj & n)
figure (n)                                         follow (v)
file (n)                                           following (adj)
       Click here to open the file.               fond (adj)
       study files                                      to be fond of something/someone
fill (v)                                           food (n)
fill in (phr v)                                    fool (n)
       You need to fill in a form.                foot (n)
fill up (phr v)                                    football (n)

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footballer (n)
for (prep)                                                          G
forbidden (adj)
forecast (n)                                     gain (v)
foreign (adj)                                         gain experience
foreigner (n)                                    gallery (n)
forest (n)                                            an art gallery
forever (adv)
forget (v)                                       game (n)
forgive (v)                                      gap (n)
fork (n)                                         garage (n)
form (n)                                         garden (n)
former (adj)                                     garlic (n)
fortnight (n)                                    gas (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol)
fortunately (adv)                                gas station (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol station)
forward(s) (adv)                                 gate (n)
fountain (n)                                     general (adj)
frame (n)                                        generally (adv)
free (adj & adv)                                       I generally get home about 7.00.
freeze (v)                                       generation (n)
freezer (n)                                      generous (adj)
freezing (adj)                                   gentle (adj)
French fries (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chips)        geography (n)
frequent (adj)                                   get (v)
frequently (adv)                                 get along (with) (phr v)
fresh (adj)                                            How do you get along with Harry?
fridge (n)                                       get back (phr v)
fried (adj)                                            When did you get back from New
friend (n)                                                York?
friendly (adj)                                   get down (phr v)
friendship (n)                                         Get down at once!
frighten (v)
                                                       Did you get all the notes down?
frightened (adj)
                                                 get fit (v)
frightening (adj)
                                                 get in (phr v)
frog (n)
                                                       Can you get in through the window?
from (prep)
                                                 get off (phr v)
front (adj & n)
frozen (adj)                                           We get off at the next stop.
fruit (n)                                        get on (phr v)
fry (v)                                                Get your coat on and then we can
frying pan (n)                                            leave.
fuel (n)                                               How are you getting on now?
full (adj)                                       get on (with) (phr v)
full stop (n)                                          She got on with her work.
full time (adv)                                        I’m getting on well with French.
full-time (adj)                                        Do you get on well with Sam?
fully (adv)                                      get rid of (phr v)
fun (adj & n)                                          Have you got rid of those old
funny (adj)                                               documents?
      a funny story (amusing)                   get up (phr v)
      a funny thing happened (strange)                What time do you get up in the
fur (n)                                                   morning?
furniture (n)                                    giant (adj)
further (adv & adj)                              gift (n)
furthest (adj)                                   giraffe (n)
future (adj & n)                                 girl (n)
                                                 girlfriend (n)
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give (v)                                         government (n)
give back (phr v)                                go (with/together) (phr v)
     Give me back this book on Tuesday,               Your tie doesn't go with your shirt.
         please.                                       Your tie and shirt don’t go together.
give in (phr v)                                  grab (v)
     Have you given in your homework yet?             He grabbed my bag and ran away.
     Do you give in? Shall I tell you the       grade (n)
         answer now?                             graduation (n)
give out (phr v)                                 gram(me) (n)
     Will you give out these papers for me,     grammar (n)
         please?                                 grandchild (n)
give up (phr v)                                  grand(d)ad (n)
     Has David given up playing tennis?         granddaughter (n)
give way (phr v)                                 grandfather (n)
     You must give way to traffic at a          grandma (n)
         roundabout.                             grandmother (n)
glad (adj)                                       grandpa (n)
glance (v)                                       grandparent (n)
glass (n & adj)                                  grandson (n)
glasses (n pl)                                   granny (n)
global warming (n)                               grant (n)
glove (n)                                              He was given a grant to study in
go (v & n)                                                Australia. (n)
     Can I have a go?                           grape (n)
     Go away!                                   graphics (n pl)
goal (n)                                         grass (n)
goalkeeper (n)                                   grateful (adj)
goat (n)                                         great (adj)
go for (phr v)                                   green (adj & n)
     He went for the job.                       greet (v)
     The dog went for the man.                  greeting (n)
gold (adj & n)                                   grey (adj & n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: gray)
golden (adj)                                     grill (n & v)
golf (n)                                         grilled (adj)
good (adj)                                       grocery store (n) (Am Eng)
     The film was very good.                    groom (n)
                                                 ground (n)
     to be good at maths
                                                 group (n)
good afternoon (exclam)
                                                 grow (v)
goodbye (exclam)
                                                 grow up (phr v)
good evening (exclam)
good-looking (adj)                                     Children grow up fast.
good morning (exclam)                            guard (n)
good night (exclam)                              guess (n & v)
goods (n pl)                                     guest (n)
go off (phr v)                                   guest-house (n)
                                                 guide (n & v)
     They went off to Australia.
                                                 guidebook (n)
     Suddenly the lights went off.
                                                 guilty (adj)
go on (phr v)
                                                 guitar (n)
     The meeting went on until six o'clock.     guitarist (n)
     What's going on?                           gum (n)
go out (phr v)                                         chewing gum
     Are you going out this evening?            gun (n)
     The fire has gone out.                     guy (n)
     Is Barbara still going out with Thomas,    gym (n)
         or have they broken up?                 gymnastics (n)
gorgeous (adj)
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hear (v)
                 H                             heart (n)
                                               heat (n)
habit (n)                                      heater (n)
hair (n)                                       heating (n)
haircut (n)                                    heavy (adj)
hairdresser (n)                                heel (n)
hairdryer (n)                                        I can’t walk in high heels.
half (adv, det, n & pron)                      height (n)
half-price (adj)                               helicopter (n)
hall (n)                                       hello (exclam)
hand (n & v)                                   helmet (n)
handbag (n)                                    help (n & v)
hand-held (adj)                                her (det & pron)
hand in (phr v)                                herb (n)
     Please hand in the answer sheet when     here (adv)
         you’ve finished.                      hero (n)
handkerchief (n)                               heroine (n)
handle (v)                                           The heroine of this story is a young
hand out (phr v)                                        schoolgirl.
     Hand out the books please, Tom.          hers (pron)
handsome (adj)                                 herself (pron)
handwriting (n)                                hey (exclam)
hang (v)                                       hi (exclam)
     to hang a picture                        hidden (adj)
hang out (phr v)                               hide (v)
     to hang out with friends                 high (adj & adv)
hang up (phr v)                                hike (v)
     She hung up at the end of the phone      hill (n)
         call.                                 him (pron)
happen (v)                                     himself (pron)
happy (adj)                                    hip hop (n)
happily (adv)                                  hire (v & n)
happiness (n)                                        to hire a boat (v)
harbour (n)                                          for hire (n)
hard (adj & adv)                               his (det & pron)
hardly (adv)                                   historic (adj)
     hardly any time                          historical (adj)
     He could hardly wait.                    history (n)
hardware (n)                                   hit (n & v)
hat (n)                                              The song was a great hit. (n)
hate (v)                                             to hit the ball (v)
have (av & v)                                  hitchhike (v)
have got to (mv)                               hobby (n)
have to (mv)                                   hockey (n)
he (pron)                                      hold (v)
head (n)                                       hold up (phr v)
     to hit one's head (n)                          He was held up in the heavy traffic for
     the head of the company (n)                       over two hours.
     the head of the school (n)               hole (n)
headache (n)                                   holiday (n)
headline (n)                                   home (adv & n)
headphones (n)                                 homepage (n)
headteacher (n)                                homework (n)
health (n)                                     honest (adj)
healthy (adj)                                  honestly (adv)
                                                     I honestly don’t know where she is.
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honey (n)                                           imagine (v)
honeymoon (n)                                       immediately (adv)
hope (n & v)                                        immigration (n)
hopeful (adj)                                       importance (n)
hopefully (adv)                                     important (adj)
     Hopefully the journey won’t take long.        impossible (adj)
hopeless (adj)                                      impressed (by/with) (adj)
     a hopeless situation                          improve (v)
horrible (adj)                                      improvement (n)
horror (adj)                                        in (adv & prep)
     a horror movie                                in advance (prep phr)
horse (n)                                           inch (n)
hospital (n)                                        include (v)
hostel (n)                                          including (prep)
hot (adj)                                           incorrect (adj)
hotel (n)                                           increase (v)
hour (n)                                            incredible (adj)
house (n)                                           incredibly (adv)
housewife (n)                                              The team played incredibly well.
housework (n)                                       indeed (adv)
how (adv)                                           independent (adj)
however (adv)                                       individual (adj)
how much (adv)                                      indoor (adj)
hug (n & v)                                         indoors (adv)
huge (adj)                                          industry (n)
human (adj & n)                                     in fact (prep phr)
humid (adj)                                         influence (n & v)
hunger (n)                                          inform (v)
hungry (adj)                                        information (n)
hunt (v)                                            in front of (prep phr)
hurry (n & v)                                       ingredient (n)
hurt (adj & v)                                             I always use fresh ingredients
husband (n)                                         in half (prep phr)
hut (n)                                             in ink (prep phr)
                                                    iinitial (n)
                                                           His initials are J.B.H.
                     I                              injure (v)
                                                    ink (n)
I (pron)                                            in love (prep phr)
ice (n)                                             in pencil (prep phr)
ice cream (n)                                       in order (prep phr)
ice hockey (n)                                      in order to (prep phr)
ice skates (n)                                      inquiry (n)
ice skating (n)                                     insect (n)
icy (adj)                                           inside (adv & prep)
ID (n)                                              insist (v)
ID card (n)                                         inspire (v)
idea (n)                                                   She inspired him to become an actor.
identification (n)                                  install (v)
identify (v)                                        instance (n)
       Babies can identify their mothers.                 for instance
identity card (ID) (n)                              instead (of) (adv)
if (conj)                                                  There were no lemons so I got
ignore (v)                                                    oranges instead.
ill (adj)                                                  Can you come on Monday instead of
illness (n)                                                   Tuesday?
imagination (n)                                     instructions (n pl)
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instructor (n)                                         to join the army
instrument (n)                                         to join (in) a game
      musical instrument                         joke (n & v)
intelligent (adj)                                 journalist (n)
intend (v)                                        journey (n)
      to intend to do something                  judge (n & v)
interest (n & v)                                  jug (n)
interested (adj)                                  juice (n)
interesting (adj)                                 jump (n & v)
intermediate (adj)                                jumper (n)
international (adj)                               jungle (n)
internet (n)                                      just (adv)
interrupt (v)
interval (n)
      an interval in a play                                          K
interview (n & v)
in the end (prep phr)                             kangaroo (n)
in time (prep phr)                                keen (adj)
into (prep)                                              He's keen on cycling.
introduce (v)                                            to be keen to do something
introduction (n)                                  keep (v)
in two (prep phr)                                 keeper (n)
invent (v)                                        keep in (phr v)
invention (n)                                            She kept the children in as it was so
invitation (n)                                             cold.
invite (v)                                        keep on (phr v)
involve (v)                                              He kept on talking.
iron (n & v)                                      keep up (phr v)
ironing (n)                                              Keep up the good work!
island (n)                                        kettle (n)
issue (n)                                         key (n)
IT (Information Technology) (n)                          key to a lock
it (pron)                                                key to success
item (n)                                          keyboard (n)
its (det)
                                                         computer keyboard
itself (pron)
                                                         keyboard music
                                                  kick (n & v)
                   J                              kid (n)
                                                         We’re taking the kids camping.
                                                  kill (v)
jacket (n)
                                                  kilogramme (kg) (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:
jail (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: prison)
jam (n)
                                                  kilometre (km) (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:
      strawberry jam
      traffic jam                                kind (adj & n)
jar (n)                                           king (n)
jazz (n)                                          kiss (n & v)
jealous (adj)                                     kit (n)
jeans (n pl)                                      kitchen (n)
jet (n)                                           kite (n)
      to go by jet (plane)                       kitten (n)
jewellery (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: jewelry)          knee (n)
job (n)                                           knife (n)
jog (v)                                           knit (v)
jogging (n)                                       knock (v)
join (v)                                          knock down (phr v)
      The rivers join there.
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 He was knocked down by a car.                     Let’s go out tonight.
know (v)                                        letter (n)
knowledge (n)                                   lettuce (n)
                                                level (n)
                                                library (n)
                  L                             licence (n)
                                                       a driving/marriage/TV licence
label (n)                                       lie (n & v)
laboratory (lab) (n)                            lie down (phr v)
lack (n)                                        life (n)
ladder (n)                                      lift (n & v)
lady (n)                                               Can you give me a lift, please? (n)
lake (n)                                               The lift is going up. (n)
lamb (n)                                               Please help me to lift this table. (v)
lamp (n)                                        light (adj, n & v)
land (n & v)                                    lighter (n)
landscape (n)                                          a cigarette lighter
language (n)                                    lightning (n)
laptop (computer) (n)                           like (prep & v)
large (adj)                                     likely (adj)
last (adj, adv, det & v)                        limit (n & v)
late (adj & adv)                                limited (adj)
lately (adv)                                           a limited choice
later (adj & adv)                               line (n)
latest (adj)                                           a line on a page
laugh (n & v)                                          a clothes line
law (n)
                                                       a railway line
lawyer (n)
                                                link (n)
lay (v)
                                                       a link to a website
      lay the table
                                                lion (n)
lazy (adj)
                                                lip (n)
lead (v)
                                                liquid (n)
      to lead someone by the hand              list (n)
      Where does this road lead?               listen (v)
leader (n)                                      literature (n)
leaf (n)                                        litre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: liter)
league (n)                                      litter (n)
learn (v)                                       little (adj, det & pron)
least (adj & adv)                               live (v)
      the least amount (adj)                   live (adj)
      at least (adv)                                  live music/sport
leather (n)                                     lively (adj)
leave (v)                                       living room (n)
lecture (n)                                     load (n)
left (n, adj & adv)                             loan (n)
left-hand (adj)                                 local (adj)
leg (n)                                         locate (v)
leisure (n)                                            The station is located in the city centre.
lemon (n)                                       location (n)
lemonade (n)                                    lock (n & v)
lend (v)                                        locker (n)
length (n)                                      logo (n)
less (adv, det & pron)                          lonely (adj)
lesson (n)                                      long (adj)
let (v)                                         look (n & v)
      Let her do it.                           look after (phr v)
      Let me think.
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     I’m looking after my sister’s house              to manage to do something (succeed
         while she’s on holiday?                           in)
look at (phr v)                                     manager (n)
look for (phr v)                                    mango (n)
look forward to (phr v)                             many (det & pron)
      I’m looking forward to the party!            map (n)
look like (v)                                       mark (n)
      She looks like her sister.                   market (n)
look out (phr v)                                        to buy something from a market
      Look out!                                    marriage (n)
look up (phr v)                                     married (adj)
      Look up the meaning of the word in           marry (v)
         your dictionary.                           marvellous (adj)
loose (adj)                                         match (n & v)
lorry (n)                                               a box of matches (n)
lose (v)                                                a tennis match (n)
lost (adj)                                              This tie matches your shirt. (v)
lots / a lot (n)                                    mate (n)
lottery (n)                                         material (n)
loud (adj)                                          maths / mathematics (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:
loudly (adv)                                         math)
love (n & v)                                        matter (n & v)
lovely (adj)                                            Is anything the matter? (n)
low (adj)                                               It doesn't matter. (v)
luck (n)                                            maximum (adj & n)
luckily (adv)                                       may (mv)
lucky (adj)                                         maybe (adv)
luggage (n)                                         me (pron)
lunch (n)                                           meal (n)
lunchtime (n)                                       mean (v)
luxury (n)                                              What do you mean?
                                                        What does it mean?
                    M                               meaning (n)
                                                    meanwhile (adv)
                                                    measure (v)
machine (n)                                         meat (n)
mad (adj)                                           mechanic (n)
Madam (n)                                           medicine (n)
made of/from/out of (v)                             medium (adj)
    Her shirt is made of cotton.                   meet (v)
magazine (n)                                        meeting (n)
magic (adj & n)                                     melon (n)
magnificent (adj)                                   member (n)
mail (n & v)                                        membership (n)
main (adj)                                          memory (n)
main course (n)                                         to have a good/poor memory
make (v)                                                happy memories
make sure (v)                                           computer memory
make-up (n)                                         mend (v)
male (adj & n)                                      mention (v)
mall (n)                                            menu (n)
    shopping mall                                  mess (n)
man (n)                                             message (n)
manage (v)                                          messy (adj)
    to manage a business                           metal (n)

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method (n)                                       motorway (n)
      modern methods of teaching                mountain (n)
metre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: meter)               mouse (n)
microwave (n)                                    moustache (n)
      a microwave oven                          mouth (n)
midday (n)                                       move (v)
middle (n)                                       movie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: film)
middle-aged (adj)                                movie star (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:
midnight (n)                                      film star)
might (mv)                                       movie theater (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:
mild (adj)                                        cinema)
mile (n)                                         MP3 player (n)
milk (n)                                         Mr (n)
millimetre (mm) (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:            Mrs (n)
millimeter)                                      Ms (n)
million (n)                                      much (adv, det & pron)
mind (n & v)                                     mug (n)
      His mind was on other things. (n)         mum (n)
      Would you mind if I called                museum (n)
         tomorrow? (v)                           mushroom (n)
      Mind your head! (v)                       music (n)
      Who's minding the baby for you? (v)       musical (adj)
      Make your mind up, quickly! (v)           musician (n)
mine (pron)                                      must (mv)
mineral water (n)                                multiply (v)
minimum (adj & n)                                my (det)
minus (prep)                                     myself (pron)
minute (n)                                       mystery (n)
mirror (n)
miserable (adj)
miss (v)
Miss (n)
missing (adj)                                    name (n & v)
mistake (n)                                      narrow (adj)
mix (v & n)                                      nasty (adj)
mobile (phone) (n)                               national (adj)
model (n)                                        nationality (n)
      It's cheap because it's last year's       natural (adj)
        model. (n)                               nature (n)
      She’s a fashion model. (n)                     nature studies
modern (adj)                                     navy blue (adj)
moment (n)                                       near (adv, prep & adj)
money (n)                                        nearby (adj & adv)
monkey (n)                                       nearly (adv)
monster (n)                                      neat (adj)
month (n)                                        necessary (adj)
monument (n)                                     neck (n)
mood (n)                                         necklace (n)
moon (n)                                         need (v)
more (adv, det & pron)                           negative (adj)
morning (n)                                      neighbour (n)
mosquito (n)                                     neighbourhood (n)
most (adv, det & pron)                           neither (adv, det, pron)
mother (n)                                            She’s not tall, and neither am I.
motorbike (n)                                         Neither child was hurt.
motorcycle (n)                                        They gave us two keys and neither
motor-racing (n)                                         worked.
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nephew (n)
nervous (adj)                                                     O
     a nervous person
     to feel nervous                           object (n)
net (n)                                         obvious (adj)
network (n)                                     obviously (adv)
never (adv)                                     occasion (n)
new (adj)                                       occasionally (adv)
news (n)                                        occupation (n)
newspaper (n)                                   ocean (n)
next (adj & adv)                                o’clock (adv)
next to (prep)                                  of (prep)
nice (adj)                                      of course (adv)
niece (n)                                       off (adv & prep)
night (n)                                             It fell off the table. (prep)
nightclub (n)                                         The meeting is off. (adv)
nightlife (n)                                         I’ve got the afternoon off. (adv)
nightmare (n)                                   offer (n & v)
no (adv, det & pron)                            office (n)
nobody (pron)                                   officer (n)
noise (n)                                       often (adv)
noisy (adj)                                     oh (exclam)
none (pron)                                     oh dear! (exclam)
noon (n)                                        oil (n)
no one (pron)                                   OK / O.K. / okay (adj & exclam)
normal (adj)                                    old (adj)
normally (adv)                                  old-fashioned (adj)
north (adj, adv & n)                            olive (n)
northeast (adj & n)                             omelette (n)
northern (adj)                                  on (adv & prep)
northwest (adj & n)                             on board (prep phr)
nose (n)                                        on business (prep phr)
not (adv)                                       once (adv)
note (n & v)                                          once a year
     to write a note (n)                             I once saw him dancing.
     a ten-pound note (n)                      one (det & pron)
     Please note. (v)                          on fire (prep phr)
notebook (n)                                    on foot (prep phr)
notepaper (n)                                   on holiday (prep phr)
nothing (pron)                                  onion (n)
notice (n & v)                                  online (adv & adj)
     to read a notice (n)                            to book/buy something online (adv)
     until further notice (n)                        an online printer (adj)
     Did you notice anything wrong? (v)        only (adj & adv)
noticeboard (n)                                 on purpose (prep phr)
novel (n)                                       on request (prep phr)
now (adv)                                       on sale (prep phr)
nowadays (adv)                                  on time (prep phr)
nowhere (adv)                                   onto (prep)
number (n)                                      open (adj & v)
     numbers 5 to 7                            opening hours (n pl)
     a large number of cars                    opera (n)
     What’s your (phone) number?               operate (v)
nurse (n)                                       operation (n)
                                                opinion (n)
                                                opportunity (n)

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opposite (adj, n, prep & adv)                     pale (adj)
option (n)                                             pale blue
or (conj)                                         pan (n)
orange (adj & n)                                  pants (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: trousers)
orchestra (n)                                     paper (n)
order (conj, n & v)                                    a sheet of paper
     in order to (conj)                               a (news)paper
     to put something in order (n)               paragraph (n)
     to order a meal (v)                         parcel (n)
ordinary (adj)                                    pardon (exclam)
organisation (n)                                       Pardon?
organise (v)                                      parent (n)
original (adj)                                    park (n & v)
other (adj, pron & det)                                a public park (n)
otherwise (adv)                                        to park a car (v)
ought (mv)                                        parking (n)
our (det)                                         parking lot (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: car park)
ours (pron)                                       parrot (n)
ourselves (pron)                                  part (n)
out (adv)                                              a part of something (n)
outdoor (adj)                                     partly (adv)
outdoors (adv)                                    particular (adj)
out of (prep)                                          I love this CD - in particular the last
out of date (prep phr)                                    song.
out of order (prep phr)                           particularly (adv)
out of work (prep phr)                            partner (n)
outside (adv, adj & prep)                         part time (adv)
oven (n)                                          part-time (adj)
over (adv & prep)                                 party (n)
     I’m going over the road. (prep)                  a birthday party
     over 40 people (more than) (adv)                 a political party
     to be over (finished) (adv)                 pass (n & v)
     Several birds were flying over the roof          Several cars passed.
        of the school. (prep)                          to pass the sugar
overnight (adj & adv)                                  to pass an examination
owe (v)                                           passenger (n)
own (adj, pron & v)                               passport (n)
     my own pen (adj)                            password (n)
     on my own (pron)                            past (adj, n & prep)
     to own a car (v)                                 the past few weeks (adj)
owner (n)                                              in the past (n)
                                                       It’s half past one. (prep)
                   P                              pasta (n)
                                                  path (n)
                                                  patient (adj & n)
pack (v)                                               to be patient (adj)
     to pack a case (v)                               a hospital patient (n)
packet (n)                                        pattern (n)
page (n)                                          pause (v)
pain (n)                                          pavement (n)
painful (adj)                                     pay (n & v)
paint (n & v)                                     PC (personal computer) (n)
painter (n)                                       pea (n)
painting (n)                                      peace (n)
pair (n)                                          peaceful (adj)
palace (n)                                        peach (n)
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peak (n)                                                  a piece of cheese
peanut (n)                                                to break into small pieces
pear (n)                                                  a piece of furniture/advice
pedestrian (n)                                      pig (n)
peel (v)                                            pile (n)
pen (n)                                             pill (n)
pence (n pl)                                        pillow (n)
pencil (n)                                          pilot (n)
pencil case (n)                                     pin (n & v)
penfriend (n)                                       pineapple (n)
penguin (n)                                         pink (adj & n)
penny (n)                                           pipe (n)
people (n pl)                                       pirate (n)
pepper (n)                                          pitch (n)
     to pass the pepper (spice)                          football pitch
     red peppers (vegetable)                       pity (n)
per (prep)                                                It’s a pity you couldn’t come to the
percent (adv)                                                party – it was great.
perfect (adj)                                       pizza (n)
perfectly (adv)                                     place (n)
perform (v)                                               a safe place (n)
performance (n)                                           I’ve lost my place in the book. (n)
performer (n)                                             third place in a race (n)
perfume (n)                                               London is a big place. (n)
perhaps (adv)                                       plain (adj)
period (n)
                                                          It’s plain to me. (clear)
permanent (adj)
                                                          a plain T-shirt (no design)
permission (n)
                                                    plan (n & v)
permit (v)
                                                          a street plan (n)
     Dogs are not permitted here.
permitted (adj)                                           a plan to do something (n)
person (n)                                          plane (n)
personal (adj)                                      planet (n)
personally (adv)                                    plant (n & v)
persuade (v)                                        plastic (adj & n)
pet (n)                                             plate (n)
petrol (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: gas)                   platform (n)
petrol station (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: gas            play (n & v)
station)                                                  a play at the theatre (n)
pharmacy (n)                                              children playing (v)
phone (n & v)                                             to play football (v)
photo (n)                                                 to play the guitar (v)
photocopy (n)                                             to play a DVD (v)
photograph (n & v)                                        to play the part of someone (act) (v)
photographer (n)                                    player (n)
photography (n)                                     playground (n)
phrase (n)                                          pleasant (adj)
physics (n)                                         please (exclam & v)
piano (n)                                                 Come in, please. (exclam)
pick (v)                                                  to please someone (v)
pick up (phr v)                                     pleased (adj)
     I picked up a pencil.                         pleasure (n)
     I’ll pick up my sister from the station.      plenty (pron)
picnic (n)                                          plug (n)
picture (n)                                               a plug for the bath
pie (n)                                                   an electrical plug
piece (n)                                           plus (prep & conj)
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p.m. (adv)                                       prepare (v)
pocket (n)                                       prepared (adj)
pocket money (n)                                 prescription (n)
podcast (n)                                           medicine on a prescription
poem (n)                                         present (adj & n & v)
poet (n)                                              to be present (adj)
poetry (n)                                            at the present time (adj)
point (n & v)                                         That will be all for the present. (n)
     to point at something (v)                       I got some lovely birthday presents. (n)
     The pencil has no point on it. (n)              The winners were presented with
police (n)                                               prizes. (v)
policeman (n)                                         She presents the late-night news. (v)
police officer (n)                               presentation (n)
police station (n)                               presenter (n)
polite (adj)                                          a sports presenter
political (adj)                                  president (n)
politician (n)                                   press (v)
politics (n)                                          to press a button
pollution (n)
                                                      to press a suit
pool (n)
                                                 pretty (adj & adv)
     a swimming-pool                            prevent (v)
poor (adj)                                       previous (adj)
     She is very poor. (financial)              previously (adv)
     the poor man (sympathy)                    price (n)
pop (n)                                          primary school (n)
     pop song/music/star/group                  prince (n)
popular (adj)                                    princess (n)
population (n)                                   principal (adj)
port (n)                                         print (v)
position (n)                                          to print a document
positive (adj)                                   printer (n)
possibility (n)                                  prison (n)
possible (adj)                                   prisoner (n)
possibly (adv)                                   private (adj)
post (n & v)                                     prize (n)
     to post a letter (v)                       probably (adv)
     to send it by post (n)                     problem (n)
postcard (n)                                     produce (v)
poster (n)                                       product (n)
postman (n)                                      production (n)
post office (n)                                       film/music production
postpone (v)                                          She wants to work in television
pot (n)                                                  production.
potato (n)                                       profession (n)
pound (£) (n)                                    professional (n)
pour (v)                                         professor (n)
powder (n)                                       program(me) (n)
power (n)                                             TV programme
powerful (adj)                                        computer program
practice (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: practise)         progress (n)
practise (v)                                     prohibited (adj)
pray (v)                                         project (n)
prayer (n)
                                                      school/work project
predict (v)
                                                 promise (n & v)
prefer (v)
                                                      to promise to do something (v)
pregnant (adj)
preparation (n)                                       to keep a promise (n)
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promote (v)                                    quality (n)
pronounce (v)                                  quantity (n)
     to pronounce a word correctly            quarter (n)
pronunciation (n)                              queen (n)
proper (adj)                                   question (n)
property (n)                                        to ask a question
protect (v)                                         the question being discussed (subject)
proud (adj)                                    questionnaire (n)
prove (v)                                      queue (n)
provide (v)                                    quick (adj)
public (adj & n)                               quickly (adv)
     public opinion (adj)                     quiet (adj)
     to make something public (adj)           quietly (adv)
     to be open to the public (n)             quit (v)
public transport (n)                           quite (adv)
publish (v)                                         Are you quite sure?
pull (v)                                            quite old
pullover (n)                                   quiz (n)
pump (n)
     petrol/bike pump
punish (v)                                                        R
pupil (n)
puppy (n)                                      rabbit (n)
pure (adj)                                     race (n & v)
purple (adj & n)                                     to win a race (n)
purpose (n)                                          to race against fast runners (compete)
     He did it on purpose. (deliberately)              (v)
purse (n)                                            to race home quickly (run) (v)
push (n & v)                                   racket (n)
put (v)                                              tennis racket
put away (phr v)                               radio (n)
     He put the book away.                    rail (n)
put down (phr v)                                     to go by rail
     She put her name down for the trip.      railway (n)
put off (phr v)                                rain (n & v)
     The meeting was put off until the        raincoat (n)
         following week.                       rainforest (n)
put on (phr v)                                 raise (v)
     He put on a suit.                              to raise your arm
     Can you put on the light?                      to raise prices
     He didn’t want to put on weight.         range (n)
put out (phr v)                                rap (n)
     The fire was quickly put out.                  rap artist
put through (phr v)                            rare (adj)
     Can you put me through to the            rarely (adv)
         manager, please?                      rather (adv)
put up (phr v)                                       She’s rather tall for her age.
     The company had to put up its prices.          I’d rather go to the cinema than the
puzzle (n)                                              theatre.
pyjamas (n pl)                                       Shall we stay in tonight, rather than go
                                               raw (adj)
                    Q                                raw meat
                                               reach (v)
qualification (n)                              react (v)
qualified (adj)                                      He reacted quickly to the news.
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read (v)                                          reliable (adj)
reader (n)                                        relieved (adj)
reading (n)                                       religion (n)
ready (adj)                                       rely (on) (v)
real (adj)                                        remain (v)
realise (v)                                       remember (v)
      He realised it was true.                   remind (v)
realistic (adj)                                   remote control (n)
reality (n)                                       remove (v)
really (adv)                                      rent (n & v)
reason (n)                                        repair (n & v)
reasonable (adj)                                  repeat (v)
reasonably (adv)                                  replace (v)
rebuild (v)                                       reply (n & v)
receipt (n)                                       report (n & v)
receive (v)                                       reporter (n)
recent (adj)                                      request (n & v)
reception (n)                                     require (v)
receptionist (n)                                  rescue (n & v)
recipe (n)                                        research (n & v)
recognise (v)                                     reservation (n)
recommend (v)                                     reserve (n & v)
      to recommend someone/something                   She was a reserve for the team. (n)
record (n & v)                                          to reserve a seat (v)
      to keep a record (n)                       resort (n)
      to break a record (n)                      respect (n & v)
      to record a song (v)                       responsible (adj)
recording (n)                                     rest (n & v)
recover (v)                                             a rest from work (n)
      to recover from an illness                       the rest of them (n)
recycle (v)                                             The doctor told her to rest. (v)
      I don’t recycle as much as I should.       restaurant (n)
recycled (adj)                                    result (n)
recycling (n)                                     retire (v)
red (adj)                                         return (n & v)
reduce (v)                                              to return home (v)
refreshments (n pl)                                     a return (ticket) (n)
refrigerator (n)                                  review (n)
refund (n)                                        revise (v)
refuse (v)                                        revision (n)
regarding (prep)                                  reward (n)
regards (n)                                       rice (n)
region (n)                                        rich (adj)
register (v)                                      ride (n & v)
      He registered with a new doctor. (v)       rider (n)
registration (n)                                  right (adj, adv & n)
regret (n & v)                                          the right time (correct) (adj)
regular (adj)                                           the right person for the job (suitable)
relation (n)                                               (adj)
      to visit a relation                              my right foot (adj)
relationship (n)                                        Everything will be all right. (adj)
relative (n)                                            Go right there. (directly) (adv)
      a relative came to stay                          Fill it right to the top. (completely)
relax (v)                                                  (adv)
relaxation (n)                                          the right to vote (n)
relaxed (adj)                                     right-hand (adj)
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ring (n & v)                                     ruler (n)
      stand in a ring (n)                            draw a line using a ruler
      a wedding ring (n)                        run (v)
      Give me a ring tomorrow. (phone) (n)           to run in a race
      Suddenly the bell rang. (v)                    to run a business
ring back (phr v)                                runner (n)
ring up (phr v)                                  running (n)
      to telephone somebody                     run out (phr v)
rise (v)                                              He ran out of time and didn’t finish.
      The sun rises in the east.
      Prices are rising.
river (n)
road (n)
roast (adj & v)                                  sad (adj)
rob (v)                                          safe (adj)
robot (n)                                              to be safe from harm
rock (n)                                         safely (adv)
      rock (music) (n)                          sail (n & v)
      a hard piece of rock (n)                  sailing (n)
rocket (n)                                       salad (n)
      They sent a rocket into space.            salary (n)
role (n)                                         sale (n)
roll (n)                                         salesman/saleswoman (n)
      a roll of film (n)                        salmon (n)
      a bread roll (n)                          salt (n)
romance (n)                                      same (adj, pron & adv)
romantic (adj)                                         at the same time (adj)
roof (n)                                               Your watch is the same as mine.
room (n)                                                  (pron)
      the sitting room                                You should treat everyone the same.
      There’s lots of room in here.                      (adv)
rope (n)                                         sand (n)
rose (n)                                         sandal (n)
rough (adj)                                      sandwich (n)
      a rough road                              satisfactory (adj)
      a rough idea                              satisfied (adj)
                                                 sauce (n)
      rough work
                                                 saucepan (n)
round (adj, adv & prep)
                                                 saucer (n)
      a round object (adj)
                                                 sausage (n)
      the wrong way round (adv)                 save (v)
      to sit round a table (prep)                     to save someone
roundabout (n)
                                                       to save money
route (n)
                                                       to save time
routine (n)
                                                 say (v)
row (n)
                                                       to say something to someone
      a row of seats
rubber (n)                                             I really can’t say. (give an opinion)
                                                 scared (adj)
      a rubber (eraser)
                                                 scarf (n)
rubbish (n)
                                                 scary (adj)
rude (adj)
                                                 scene (n)
rug (n)
                                                 scenery (n)
rugby (n)
                                                 school (n)
ruin (n)
                                                 schoolchild (n)
rule (n & v)
                                                 science (n)
      the rules of grammar (n)
                                                 science fiction (n)
      to rule a country (v)
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scientific (adj)                                     a file server
scientist (n)                                   service (n)
scissors (n pl)                                      a bus service
scooter (n)                                          customer service
score (n & v)                                   session (n)
     The score was 3-0. (n)                         in a school, gym
     to score a goal (v)                       set (n & v)
scream (n & v)                                  set off (phr v)
screen (n)                                           She set off early for work.
sculpture (n)                                   set out (phr v)
sea (n)                                              They set out on the long journey.
search (n & v)                                  set up (phr v)
seaside (n)                                          Her mother helped her to set up in
season (n)                                               business.
seat (n)                                        several (det & pron)
seat belt (n)                                   sew (v)
second (adv, det & n)                           sex (n)
     She came second and won silver.                the male/female sex
         (adv)                                  shade (n)
     This is the second time you’ve been            to sit in the shade
         late. (det)                            shadow (n)
     sixty seconds in a minute (n)             shake (v)
secondary (adj)                                 shall (mv)
     secondary school                          shame (n)
second-hand (adj & adv)                         shampoo (n)
secret (adj & n)                                shape (n)
secretary (n)                                   share (v)
section (n)                                     shark (n)
security (n)                                    sharp (adj)
see (v)                                              a sharp knife
     to see something (with the eyes)               a sharp corner
     to see the joke (understand)                   a sharp picture
     to see someone about a problem            shave (v)
         (consult)                              she (pron)
seem (v)                                        sheep (n)
select (v)                                      sheet (n)
selfie (n)                                           sheets on a bed
     take a selfie                                  a sheet of paper
selfish (adj)                                        information sheet
self-service (adj)                              shelf (n)
sell (v)                                        shine (v)
send (v)                                        shiny (adj)
sense (n)                                       ship (n)
sensible (adj)                                  shirt (n)
sentence (n)                                    shock (n)
     words in a sentence                            to suffer from shock (n)
separate (adj)                                  shocked (adj)
series (n)                                      shocking (adj)
     a TV series                               shoe (n)
serious (adj)                                   shoot (v)
     a serious person                               to shoot at the goal
     a serious illness                         shop (n & v)
seriously (adv)                                 shop assistant (n)
serve (v)                                       shopping (n)
     to serve in a shop                             Let’s go shopping tomorow
server (n)                                      shore (n)
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short (adj)                                        sit (v)
shortly (adv)                                      sit down (phr v)
shorts (n pl)                                      site (n)
      a pair of shorts                            sitting room (n)
should (mv)                                        situated (adj)
shoulder (n)                                       situation (n)
shout (n & v)                                      size (n)
show (n & v)                                       skate (n & v)
      a film show (n)                             skateboard (n & v)
      Show it to me. (v)                          skateboarding (n)
      The picture shows a village. (v)            skating (n)
      It shows that they care. (v)                ski (n & v)
shower (n)                                         skiing (n)
      a shower of rain                            skill (n)
      to have a shower                            skin (n)
shut (adj & v)                                     skirt (n)
shy (adj)                                          sky (n)
sick (adj)                                         sleep (n & v)
side (n)                                                 I usually go to sleep at 11pm.
sight (n)                                          sleeve (n)
      Her sight is better with glasses.           slice (n)
                                                   slightly (adv)
      in sight, out of sight
                                                   slim (adj)
sightseeing (n)
                                                   slip (v)
sign (n & v)
                                                         to slip on the ice
      a road sign (n)
                                                   slow (adj)
      to sign a document (v)
                                                   slowly (adv)
      no sign of life (n)                         small (adj)
      signs of winter (n)                         smart (adj)
signal (n & v)                                           a smart idea (Am Eng)
signature (n)
                                                         smart clothes
signpost (n)
                                                   smartphone (n)
sign up (v)
                                                   smell (n & v)
      sign up for an online course                smile (n & v)
silence (n)                                        smoke (n & v)
silent (adj)                                       smoking (n)
silk (adj & n)                                     smooth (adj)
silly (adj)
                                                         a smooth surface (level)
silver (adj & n)
                                                         a smooth ride in the new car
similar (adj)
simple (adj)
                                                   snack (n)
since (conj & prep)
                                                   snake (n)
sincerely (adv)
                                                   snow (n & v)
      Yours sincerely
                                                   snowboard (n & v)
sing (v)
                                                   snowboarding (n)
singer (n)
                                                   so (adv & conj)
singing (n)
                                                   soap (n)
single (n & adj)
                                                   soap opera (n)
      a single (ticket) to Manchester (n)         soccer (n)
      to be single (unmarried) (adj)              sociable (adj)
      a single room (adj)                         social (adj)
sink (n & v)                                       social media (n)
      a kitchen sink (n)                          society (n)
      The ship began to sink. (v)                 sock (n)
sir (n)                                            sofa (n)
      Yes, sir!                                   soft (adj)
sister (n)                                               a soft material
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 a soft drink                              spelling (n)
software (n)                                    spend (v)
soldier (n)                                           to spend money/time
solution (n)                                    spice (n)
solve (n)                                       spicy (adj)
some (det & pron)                               spill (v)
somebody (pron)                                 spinach (n)
somehow (adv)                                   spite (n)
someone (pron)                                        in spite of
something (pron)                                split up (phr v)
sometimes (adv)                                       She’s just split up with her boyfriend.
somewhere (adv)                                 spoil (v)
son (n)                                         spoon (n)
song (n)                                        sport (n)
soon (adv)                                      sports centre (n)
     I’ll come soon.                           spot (n)
     as soon as I can                          spy (n)
sore (adj)                                      square (adj & n)
sorry (adj)                                           a square room (adj)
sort (n)                                              a market square (n)
     the same sort                             squash (n)
so-so (adj)                                     stadium (n)
soul (n)                                        staff (n)
sound (n & v)                                   stage (n)
     the sound of music (n)                          to perform on a stage
     It sounds like/as if…(v)                  stairs (n pl)
soundtrack (n)                                  stall (n)
     The film’s soundtrack has music by              market stall
         Adele.                                 stamp (n)
soup (n)                                              a postage stamp
sour (adj)                                      stand (v)
     a sour taste                              star (n)
south (adj & adv, n)                                  stars in the sky (n)
southeast (adj & n)                                   a film star (n)
southern (adj)                                  start (n & v)
southwest (adj & n)                                      a good start (n)
souvenir (n)                                             to start a race (v)
space (n)                                       station (n)
     a parking space                                 a bus/fire/radio station
     write in the spaces                       statue (n)
     not enough space                          stay (n & v)
     outer space                                     to stay to dinner (v)
spaceship (n)                                         to stay with friends (v)
spare (adj & v)                                       to stay looking young (v)
     spare cash, spare time (adj)                    a two-night stay (n)
     to spare the time (v)                     stay behind (phr v)
sparkling (adj)                                       She stayed behind after the lesson to
     Sparkling water, please.                            speak to the teacher.
speak (v)                                       steak (n)
speaker (n)                                     steal (v)
special (adj)                                   steep (adj)
species (n)                                     step (n)
spectacular (adj)                                     two steps forward
speech (n)                                            to climb the steps
speed (n)                                       step forward/back(wards)/out (v)
spell (v)                                       step over/in/on/out of (sth) (v)
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