Payroll Training August 10, 2018 8 AM - Conroe ISD

Page created by Robert Morgan
Payroll Training August 10, 2018 8 AM - Conroe ISD
Payroll Training
August 10, 2018 8 AM
Payroll Training August 10, 2018 8 AM - Conroe ISD
Payroll Due Date Schedules, manuals, links
and information can be found on the
Payroll Internal Website, accessible
through the CISD Intranet
Payroll Training August 10, 2018 8 AM - Conroe ISD
Payroll Internal Website
Payroll Training August 10, 2018 8 AM - Conroe ISD
Payroll Internal Website
Payroll Training August 10, 2018 8 AM - Conroe ISD
Payroll Internal Website
Payroll Training August 10, 2018 8 AM - Conroe ISD
Frontline Absence Management –
   Absence from Duty Process
                                     required (you
                                                     No printed AFD
  Employee                             Manually       forms sent to
enters absence      Earned leave       entered           payroll
 If employee       balances other      Jury duty
does not enter,      than state       statement
  be sure you     personal cannot                    Scan/fax Signed
                    be exceeded     Administrative      summary
                                       Leave          report by due
                                       Vacancy        date to Payroll
                                    approved leave
Payroll Training August 10, 2018 8 AM - Conroe ISD
Percentage Employees
       Leave Earned                Leave Taken
          State      Local
          Personal   Personal   • Percentage
50%          2.5         1        employees take
60%           3         1.5       leave based on a
70%          3.5        1.5       7.5-hour day (1
80%           4          2        day = 7.5 hrs; ½
>80%          5          2        day = 3.75 hrs)
Payroll Training August 10, 2018 8 AM - Conroe ISD
Absences are automatically updated
                          from Absence Management into
                          Kronos for non-exempt and retiree
                          employees on Friday afternoons for the
                          current week.

If an absence is not entered in Aesop prior to Friday
afternoon, or absence is modified after this update –
then the absence must be manually entered/modified
in BOTH Absence Management and Kronos and you
should notify your Payroll liaison.
Payroll Training August 10, 2018 8 AM - Conroe ISD
Donated Days – Sick Leave Pool
Employee wishing
   to Donate     Donated Days are entered in the Employee Access Center
• Only current employees may make donations of local leave and state leave days (No off duty or vacation)
• As days are donated, leave balances in Kronos and/or the Sub System updated for both donor & recipient
• If the recipient does not use all donated days, unused days returned to active employees based on order

    Recipient               Frontline Education Absence Management
• All absences should be entered in the substitute system.
• Select the Other>Donated Day leave code for absences covered by available donated days
• If no donated days are available, enter absences as State Personal

    Recipient               Kronos
• All absences should be entered in Kronos – either through the weekly import or manually
• Select the Donated Days pay code for absences covered by available donated days
• If no donated days are available, enter absences as State Personal
Payroll Training August 10, 2018 8 AM - Conroe ISD
Absence Process
(Frontline Absence Management)
Generally, the employee enters absence – if not, you should have
documentation before you create the absence in Absence Management
Absence Process
(Frontline Absence Management)
Vacancy Positions in Absence Management
 • Vacancy Request form (found in Canvas) submitted to – call Sub Office with questions
 • The Sub Office must receive the paperwork with plenty of time to enter
   the vacancy in Absence Management before you run your summary
 • Once the Sub Office has entered the vacancy in Aesop, verify that the
   vacancy appears on your summary report

 Questions regarding vacancies and how to use the Absence Management
 system can be directed to the CISD Sub Office: 936-709-7710
Long-Term Substitute Rate Request Forms

Long Term Substitute Rate forms should be completed and forwarded to
Human Resources as soon as the substitute commits to a long-term job.

It is not necessary to wait for the substitute to work 20 days before
completing the form.
School Business or Staff
        Development Coding
approving, do                       Employee enters
not choose
“Deny” or
absence will
be lost
                   Department                         Campus Funded
                  Funded – Select                       – Select code
                   Department                         from drop-down

        Department                                      Approved at
                            Approved also at
       enters code and                                 Campus Level
                            the campus level
          approves                                         only
Approve Absences
School Business or Staff Development
Approve Absences (cont.)
Summary Report
After all absences have
been entered, edited, and
approved, you should run
the summary report, have
it signed, and scan/fax to
Payroll by the due date.

From Absence
  Management homepage:
  Reports >Report Writer
Summary Report (cont.)
Summary Report (cont.)
Summary Report (cont.)

                         If you make changes
                         after you have
                         your summary report,
                         you must print a new
                         report, obtain
                         signature, and
                         resubmit to Payroll.
AFD – What does Payroll need?
  Signed summary report from Aesop

  If resubmitting after changes, submit a
  new, signed summary report
What’s New with Extra Duty?
New Fields: Week Days (Required) and Weekend/Holidays

Extra duty pay should be tracked as worked and submitted with the correct pay period

Flat rates should be limited, based on hours worked and associated with specific dates(not
spanning multiple months)

Full and Part-Time Retirees extra duty will no longer be
entered in supplemental pay (except Retiree Stipends)
Extra Duty Pay (Supplemental)
             • Using employee timesheets
   Enter     • Enter in FinancePlus Supplemental Pay System
             • Using pay period dates

             • Signed timesheet for each entry

  Review     • Duty rate is accurate for duty on timesheet
             • Employee’s campus location/name
             • Review budget code

 Signature   • Obtain administrator’s signature supplemental report
             • If signing administrator is on report (receiving supplemental
               pay), a secondary signature is required.
 & Submit    • Scan supplemental report and all timesheets by deadline
1) Please alphabetize timesheets before scanning them with the
   supplemental report to payroll. We reserve the right to ask that you
   resubmit your supplemental payroll if the timesheets are not organized.
2) Always be sure that the job performed (not the employee’s title) is entered
   for each day worked on the employee time sheet.
Enter Supplemental Pay
Enter Supplemental Pay(cont.)
Enter Supplemental (cont.)
Enter Supplemental (cont.)
**The Affordable Care Act requires
                                                                  monthly reporting of all hours
                                                                  worked. Therefore, we are required
                                                                  to spilt months when entering
                                                                  Supplemental pay. Example: (Pay
                                                                  Dates 06/28-7/11), Work Begin:
                                                                  6/28 and Work End: 6/30 entered
                                                                  for days worked June, and Work
                                                                  Begin: 7/1 and Work End: 7/11 for
                                                                  days worked in July. Two entries
                                                                  for any employees that worked in
                                                                  both months.

1) Enter 6-digit EIN, or use magnifying glass to look up employee
2) Confirm name matches timesheet
3) Enter start and end date **
4) Enter number of units (hours or days)
5) Select position worked from drop-down list
6) Enter the total number of week days and/or weekend/holiday days worked in
   the date range
7) Enter budget code and account
8) After data is entered and reviewed, click OK
Enter Supplemental (cont.)
                                                 Checking the
                                                 Continuous box
                                                 will allow you to
                                                 enter continuously
                                                 without clicking
                                                 the “+” for a new

          To view entries completed when
          using the continuous option you will
          need to click Back.
Supplemental Report
Supplemental Report (cont.)
                       Verify all
                       information is


                       Scan/fax the report
                       and timesheets to
                       Payroll by deadline

                       Retain original for
                       your files.
Supplemental – What does
Payroll need?
   Summary Report                         Timesheets

• Administrator’s signature        • Double check addition of time
• If signing administrator is on   • Signed by employee and
  report (receiving                  administrator
  supplemental pay), a             • Submitted in the same order
  secondary signature is             as the supplemental summary
  required.                          report (usually alphabetical)
What’s New with Kronos?
Approve Timecards Weekly

Substitutes working part-time must be hired as part-time employees

Extra duty hours should be tracked as worked and submitted with the correct pay period

Full-Time and
          and Extra Duty retirees
              Part-Time  hours worked
                                  will usemust be updated
                                           Kronos  to recordattime,
                                                               the end  of each
                                                                    stipends    month
                                                                              and extra duty

Absences for retirees will update from Frontline (Aesop) system and will need to be manually entered in
Kronos if added to Frontline after the Friday afternoon interface

When entering a transfer, do not update the Department field

Scan Employee
Transactions &
 Totals Report   Kronos       Run Queries
   each pay

Kronos Queries
                                              Long Shift
  Pay Period Close        Short Shift      manually entered
 absences & missed                         punches (am/pm
                     half-day absences
      punches                                  errors)

     179 Without Budget            Budget Code No 179
            Code                   179 Supplemental
     supplemental must            Duties must include
      have budget code                budget code
Kronos – Employee Absences
                       entered in

          to Kronos
                             Absences not in
                             Aesop at time of
                            interface entered
                                in Kronos
Entering Employee Absences
 In employee’s timecard, on date absent, select the appropriate pay code:

IMPORTANT: Be sure you keep documentation for any changes,
deletions, or additions to Kronos.
Kronos Absences (cont.)
Absences must be entered in whole or half day increments. For
example: 7.5 hr. per day employee will either have 7.5 or 3.75 hours

Percentage employees receive fewer days (50% receives 2.5 state
personal), each day is still worth 7.5 hours. Employees who work ½ of
a day every day would enter 1/2 (3.75 hours) absence for each day
absent. Employees who work ½ the number of days in a week (at 7.5
hours each day) would enter a full day (7.5 hours) for each day absent.
Zero Work Day
  Days not worked by percentage employees should have a Zero Work Day added. This removes the
   unexcused absences and causes the time to calculate correctly.
  If a day includes hours or pay code a Zero Work Day is not required.
Kronos Supplemental Duty

Employee transfers time to “supplemental duty” & transfer appears in timecard
with no budget code. Click the dropdown box in the Transfer column. In the
box that appears, change Work Rule to “Supp Duty” and select the budget code.
IMPORTANT: Do not enter anything in the Department field.
Approve Timecards (Weekly)

Go to Pay Period
                          Actions/”Select           In the Approvals
 Close. Choose
                          All” to highlight           menu, select
 “Last Week” in
                           all employees                “Approve”
Time Period field

 You must approve timecards each week, by Tuesday morning.
 A signed copy of the Employee Transaction & Total Report must
  be turned in to payroll each pay period by the payroll due date.
Weekly Approval of Timecards
                                                        Week 1
Monday am, select “Last Week” in Time Period                        * Enter missed punches, Run Queries
                    Field                                            *Approve Timecards for the Week

                                                       Week 2
Monday am, select “Last Week” in Time Period                        * Enter missed punches, Run Queries
                    Field                                            *Approve Timecards for the Week

                                                 End of Pay Period
By Payroll deadline, select date range for the                 *Run Employee Transactions & Totals Report
                 pay period                        *Do not approve for the entire pay period – Approvals occurred weekly
Month-End Review
 All part-time, retiree and hourly hours must be
  updated by the end of the month.
 All extra-duty hours worked must be updated by the
  end of each month.
Employee Transactions & Totals
From any genie (QuickFind, Pay Period Close, etc.) Select
date range for report, highlight all employees to include on
report, and click “Reports”
Employee Transactions & Totals
Employee Transactions & Totals
Retirees in Kronos
 Full-time and Part-time retirees required to use Kronos
 Hours
    Full Time Exempt – time and leave only, not pay
    Part Time Exempt - time and pay
    Non-Exempt - time, leave, and pay
    Absences will now come from Frontline (Aesop) unless after the
      Friday afternoon interface. Leave pay code is Ret-Reg.
 Stipends
    Exempt and Non-Exempt - time only, not pay
 Extra Duty
    Exempt and Non-Exempt – Time and Pay
    Flat Rates are not allowed
Retirees in Kronos
Retirees in Kronos
Kronos: What does Payroll need?

   After all queries are clean, Signed Employee
   Transactions & Totals Report
There should be paperwork to support ALL
manual changes, additions, or deletions in the
Kronos system, including changes made to the
Kronos manager’s punches. As a common
practice, managers should Kronos time-stamp
and any manual changes should be supported
by a signed missed punch form.
Employee Badge Barcodes
The ViewIt barcodes have been updated to work with Kronos.

Access ViewIT Select Reports > Staff

If you have any issues going forward printing from ViewIt please contact
the IT helpdesk(936-709-7658)
• Contact your Payroll Liaison
• Contact the Payroll Department
   • (936) 709-7722
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