Excluding employees covered by the - CWA Local 3905

Page created by Lester Gonzales
    (Excluding employees covered by the
Network Addendum – U-verse Field Operations)
May 2017
SE Labor Relations

                             AT&T SOUTHEAST
                         (Excluding employees covered by the
                     Network Addendum – U-verse Field Operations)

The Attendance and Punctuality Guidelines are updated to provide further clarification about
appropriate coding of absences, including additional examples of specific situations. Some
information has been removed and references and/or intranet links have been provided to
direct you to appropriate online resources.

Significant changes are noted by using bold italics in the body of the document. Other changes
have been made for correction and/or clarification.

Overview of Significant Changes

Removed references to the Ceridian System since the system references are no longer

Section 8.05A – Added Vacation or paid Excused Work Days may be used for denied
disability that is not FMLA approved if the time is available.

Section 8.06C - Added information on the illness cap.

Section 8.07L - Added the MPET code for absences that are considered time worked under
FLSA with examples.

Section 8.11 - Updated the example for a part-session illness absence.

Section 9.05 Consolidation - Steps in Correcting Attendance Problems consolidated and
now all contained in this section (previously Sections 9.05 to 9.10)

Sections 9.11 changed to Section 9.06 – Employee Assistance section changed from
Section 9.11 to Section 9.06 because of consolidation of Section 9.05.

Sections 9.11, 9.12, and 9.13 - removed because of consolidation of Section 9.05

Section 9.12 changed to Section 9.07 – Special Considerations for Handling Lengthy
Sickness Cases changed from Section 9.12 to Section 9.07 because of consolidation of Section
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9.05. Language has been shortened and some disability text removed. Replaced by AT&T
OneStop Disability link to provide up-to-date information.

Additional resources:
AT&T OneStop at http://ebiz.sbc.com/hronestop/ should be your first point of contact for

Web-based eLink training, reports, and the Time Reporting Manual can be accessed by visiting
the eLink On-Line Documentation Web Site at https://operations.web.att.com/sites/eCORP-

For information on the Southeast Leaves of Absence Program visit
Southeast Leave of Absence Program

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Table of Contents

TOPIC                                                                                               PARAGRAPH
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE .................................................................................... 2

POLICY ON ATTENDANCE ..................................................................................... 3

POSITIVE APPROACH TO GOOD ATTENDANCE ..................................................... 4

RESPONSIBILITY FOR ATTENDANCE...................................................................... 5
   THE EMPLOYEE .............................................................................................. 5.01
   THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR/DESIGNEE ....................................................... 5.02
   HIGHER MANAGEMENT ................................................................................. 5.03

REPORTING OUT PROCEDURES ............................................................................ 6
   NOTIFICATION OF ABSENCE ........................................................................... 6.01
   LONG TERM ILLNESS ...................................................................................... 6.02
   RECORDING ILLNESS ...................................................................................... 6.03
   NO REPORT .................................................................................................... 6.04
   DOCTOR’S NOTE ............................................................................................ 6.05

RESPONSIBILITY FOR RECORD KEEPING ..................................................................... 7

RECORD KEEPING ................................................................................................ 8
   EMPLOYEE ABSENCE/TARDY RECORD ............................................................ 8.01
   ATTENDANCE DATA ....................................................................................... 8.02
   CODES……… ................................................................................................... 8.03
   TARDY CODE .................................................................................................. 8.04
   DISABILITY ABSENCE CODES ........................................................................... 8.05
     A. Illness/Injury Short-Term Disability (STD) Benefits
     B. Unpaid STD Benefits Related Absence
     C. Paid STD Benefits or Workers’ Compensation Related Absence
     D. Modified Tour
   INCIDENTAL ABSENCE CODES ......................................................................... 8.06
     A. Illness/Injury Relapse
     B. Illness/Injury Unpaid

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C. Illness/Injury Paid
     D. Illness/on Duty Accident
     E. Illness/Accident
     F. Home Conditions Paid
     G. Home Conditions Unpaid
     H. Other Absences
     I. No Report
    OTHER ABSENCE CODES ................................................................................. 8.07
     A. Paid Excused Work Day/Paid Flexible Excused Time/Personal Days
     B. Unpaid Excused Work Day/Unpaid Flexible Excused/Personal Days
      D. Paid Vacation
      E. Excused Time
      F. Union Activities Paid
      G. Unpaid Union Activities
      H. Suspension
      I. Strike
      J. Leaves of Absence – FMLA Qualifying
      K. Military Leave
      L. Miscellaneous Paid Absence
      M. Miscellaneous Unpaid Absence
    FMLA APPROVED UNPAID ABSENCES ............................................................. 8.09
    EXCUSED AND UNEXCUSED ABSENCES ........................................................... 8.10
    PART SESSIONS .............................................................................................. 8.11
    SUMMARIZATION ……………………………….…………………………………………………….……8.12
    SUMMARIZED AND NON-SUMMARIZED CODES.............................................. 8.13
    OCCURRENCES .............................................................................................. 8.14
    CORRECTION PROCEDURES ............................................................................ 8.15
    EMPLOYEE ABSENCE/TARDY RECORD ............................................................ 8.16
    RECORD KEEPING CONTROLS ......................................................................... 8.17

GUIDELINES FOR CONTROLLING ABSENCES .......................................................... 9
   HANDLING ATTENDANCE PROBLEMS ............................................................. 9.01
   MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS .......................................................................... 9.02

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STEPS IN CORRECTING ATTENDANCE PROBLEMS ............................................ 9.05
      A. Informal Discussion
      B. Counseling
      C. Warning
      D. Suspension (Letter in Lieu)
      E. Discharge
    EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE ................................................................................. 9.06
    PROPER CAUSE .............................................................................................. 9.08

FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT OF 1993 .......................................................... 10
  GENERAL……….............................................................................................. 10.01
    A. Birth, Adoption, or Placement of a Child
    B. Care of a Seriously Ill Spouse, Child or Parent
    C. Employees Own Serious Health Condition

CONCLUSION…….. ............................................................................................... 11

     D. Form RF-3119, Employee Absence/Tardy Record
     E. Sample “In Lieu of Suspension” Letter
     F. Code Conversion Table

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1.01   AT&T Southeast is engaged in businesses which necessitate that it supply dependable,
       reliable services to its clients and customers twenty-four hours a day, seven days a
       week. The Company needs all employees performing their assigned tasks, regardless of
       department, to efficiently and effectively provide such services. When anyone is
       absent, regardless of cause, it weakens the Company's ability to provide service.
       Promoting good attendance and controlling excessive absenteeism is an integral part of
       every manager's job and is fundamental to any of the other objectives for employees.

2.01   A reasonable degree of consistency in attendance matters is an absolute necessity to
       ensure fair and impartial treatment of all employees, to provide reliable data for
       transfer, promotion or discipline cases, and to develop proper attitudes toward
2.02   These guidelines have a threefold purpose to:
       1. Communicate the Company's policy on attendance,
       2. Establish a standard procedure for reporting, coding, summarizing absences, and
       3. Assist managers in correcting or controlling absence and tardiness problems.

3.01   AT&T Southeast has no program for planned absences and does not have a certain
       number of days set aside for each employee as sick days. The Company expects
       employees to be at work every scheduled day. Good attendance is a job requirement
       employees are expected to meet just as they meet other job requirements.
3.02   The Company has a liberal paid time off plan (i.e., vacation, excused/personal days and
       holidays) as guaranteed for represented employees under the provisions of the various
       Working Agreements. Other excused time off may also be provided as business needs
3.03   When circumstances permit, employees are allowed to have excused time, Excused
       Work Days, Personal Paid Time, Optional Holidays, Vacation, or departmental leaves to
       handle personal affairs as provided under the appropriate Working Agreement. Leaves
       of absence under the AT&T Southeast Leave of Absence Program may be available in
       certain circumstances when employees require extended periods of time away from
       their jobs. Through these various options, employees should have ample time off to
       meet their personal needs which should allow them to perform their jobs relatively free
       from outside obligations and commitments.
3.04   The Company recognizes there could be periodic absences due to illness or injury and
       makes provisions for these occurrences through the short-term disability program (STD)

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and/or articles of the applicable Working Agreement. However, each employee has an
       obligation in this area to:
       1. Maintain reasonable health standards.
       2. Take appropriate precautions against illness.
       3. Make every effort to live and work safely, both on and off the job.
       4. Not permit minor indispositions or inconveniences to keep him or her away from
          the job.
       5. Report their disability claim to the AT&T IDSC at 1-866-276-2278 as soon as possible
          if the absence will extend beyond seven calendar days as a result of an illness or
3.05   The management of the Company has the duty and responsibility to keep a constant
       and reliable work force at all times, regardless of how compassionate a person may feel
       toward an ill or injured employee. Once it has been determined that an employee
       cannot meet the attendance requirements of the job on a continuing basis due to
       illness, injury, or for other reasons, immediate steps must be taken to address the
       situation which may lead to dismissal of the employee.
3.06   It has long been the policy of our Company that absenteeism is to be dealt with on an
       individual employee basis and that no rigid standards or criteria should be established
       to define how much absence is excessive or what fixed number of absences within a
       given period would result in some form of disciplinary action. It is not the policy of the
       Company to use standards and/or a formula method for the evaluation of an
       employee's absence record. Those supervisors closest to the problem can best handle
       attendance matters by applying reasonable criteria and using management discretion
       when taking disciplinary action.
3.07   The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which became effective in 1992, prohibits
       employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities. A qualified
       individual with a disability is an individual who meets the skill, experience, education,
       and other job related requirements of a position held or desired and who, with or
       without reasonable accommodations, can perform the essential functions of a job. This
       individual must have an opportunity to attain the same level of performance and to
       enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment as are available to a similarly
       situated employee without a disability.
       Reasonable accommodations related to attendance and punctuality may be available;
       however, individuals with disabilities must meet the same attendance and punctuality
       standards as employees without disabilities. If you have questions about the Company's
       requirements under ADA, please contact your Human Resource Employee Relations
       Manager (ERM). To locate the ERM who supports your organization, go to ERM Look-

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4.01   Absenteeism can be divided into two broad categories:
       1. INCIDENTAL absenteeism refers to repetitive short-term absences, and
       2. EXTENDED absenteeism refers to a lengthy period of absence normally prompted by
          illness or injury.
       One of the first steps in improving attendance and in maintaining good attendance is to
       recognize that both types of absences can be controlled.
4.02   In many cases of incidental absences, there is a fine line between an employee's
       decision to come to work or stay off the job. The deciding factor is often how he or she
       feels about the job. An employee who sincerely wants to come to work will have the
       motivation to disregard minor illnesses and inconveniences. In order for employees to
       have this motivation, they must find a degree of satisfaction in their job.
       Tardiness is typically due to employees making inadequate plans to get to work on time.
       These problems must be corrected quickly before they become more serious. The basic
       principles in this practice should be applied to punctuality problems as well as
       attendance problems.
       All employees are expected to report on time to work each day. Tardy time is an
       expense to the Company, and an employee cannot expect to keep his/her job if he/she
       is frequently late reporting for work. Tardy time is paid on the presumption that such
       time will not be repetitive in nature or for lengthy periods. When such time does get
       "out of hand", appropriate corrective action should be taken by supervision. When
       tardiness is excessive or habitual, it should be dealt with in accordance with the four-
       step disciplinary procedure.
4.03   All supervisors should display an active interest in attendance. They should discuss
       attendance in meetings and at other opportunities to make employees aware of its
       importance. Employees must know what is expected of them in the areas of
       attendance. If perfect attendance is a goal of a group, as well as a goal of each
       individual, an employee may hesitate to spoil a good record. Supervisors should review
       absence reports with each employee, recognizing good attendance as well as discussing
       potential problems.

       The first responsibility of all employees is to understand how their jobs fit into the
       Company's overall plan. They should be aware of the adverse effect of their absence on
       the morale of their fellow workers, as well as the impact on service, costs and

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Employees should develop reliable and consistent personal habits that will give them
       the self-direction they need to be at work each scheduled day, on time and prepared to
       do their daily tasks.
       Every supervisor must implement the Company’s attendance policy. The supervisors
       directly communicate many of the impressions employees have about the Company.
       The Company relies primarily on the judgment of the immediate supervisor in handling
       attendance problems. The supervisor should cover attendance expectations with each
       Note: Whenever supervisor is used in this document, it refers to the supervisor and/or
       the supervisor’s designee.
       Employees with good attendance records are generally those employees who are
       satisfied with the Company in general. The degree or extent to which they are satisfied
       is affected to a large extent by broad Company policies formulated by top management.
       These include policies governing such things as wages, benefits, promotions, work
       objectives, disciplinary action, workforce needs, overtime, and service requirements.

       Employees should be advised that if they know beforehand they are going to be absent
       they should give their supervisor as much notice as possible. This will enable the
       supervisor to plan work schedules and determine whether a replacement is required.
       In some instances, when the workload permits, it may be possible to allow employees
       to take vacation or other excused time off, if they so desire.
       When employees report out on the day they are scheduled to work, they should call
       their immediate supervisor as soon as they determine that they are not going to be at
       work. In addition, employees should call their supervisor on all subsequent absent
       days. Absent employees should not be allowed to report their absences to a non-
       management employee unless designated by the Company to perform supervisory
       duties. Employees should not be allowed to report out using voice mail. Vacation or
       other time off may be requested via the process established and communicated by the
       Company (e.g. direct notice to supervisor, toll free number, or via automated system).
       See Article 5.07F of the applicable Working Agreements for more information.
       The person accepting the absence report should question the employee tactfully as to
       why he or she is not at work. The employee's reasons for being absent will be critical in
       determining whether the employee will be paid (if applicable), and in cases of
       employees with attendance problems, whether the absence could cause disciplinary
       action to be initiated. If the employee is evasive or reluctant to give the reason for their

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absence, they should be advised that the Company respects their right to privacy but
       must know enough about the circumstances of the absence to determine how it should
       be handled and coded.
       If FMLA is requested, the supervisor must submit the employee’s request for FMLA via
       the on-line process. The FMLA Administrator will determine whether the absence is
       covered under FMLA. For additional information, visit the FMLA Web Site
       HROneStop/Time & Attendance/Family Medical Leave Act.
       Supervisors should be alert to signs of long-term illness, which could keep employees
       off the job for extended periods of time. If this appears to be the case, employees
       should be asked if they have seen a doctor or taken other action to speed their
       recovery. In cases of minor illness or injury, it might be appropriate to ask employees if
       they think they might return to work later in the day or possibly come in and perform
       some other type of work ONLY if such work is available.
       If the employee is ill, the supervisor should only record "ill" or "sick" under "Reason for
       Absence or Tardy" on the Form RF-3119 or equivalent documentation. Any actual
       description of the illness condition or short-term disability (STD) benefits condition on
       an official personnel record may result in the document being regarded as a medical
       record. Due to ADA and HIPPA, keeping of medical records in any official personnel file
       is prohibited. For more information, refer to the AT&T Privacy of Employee Records
       and Medical Information Policy available on AT&T OneStop.
6.04   NO REPORT
       When employees are absent on a scheduled day and no report is received from them
       within a reasonable period of time, an effort should be made to contact the employee.
       When employees are absent without report, we need to know as much as possible
       about the circumstances surrounding their absence in order to make the proper
       decisions regarding the occurrence.
       When employees fail to report themselves absent, the absence should not be
       considered as excused and should not be considered as paid time (if applicable), unless
       the employee offers compelling reasons why they were unable to advise us of their
       When employees are absent without report and we have not been able to locate the
       employee for the second consecutive scheduled day, this information should be
       forwarded through the proper channels of the department for appropriate
       consideration. In this situation, the appropriate Human Resources Employee Relations
       Manager should be contacted for assistance.

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       Generally, supervisors should not require a doctor’s note for every illness absence. But
       neither can employees be paid for every illness absence based solely on their own
       statements or those of friends or relatives. Therefore, a certificate from the employee’s
       physician for a particular absence or absences may be required in appropriate

7.01   It is recommended that the supervisor maintain a working personnel file for attendance
       on each employee. It should contain this document and appropriate documentation of
       employee’s absences (i.e. RF-3119 or equivalent). The Employee Absence/Tardy Record
       (see Exhibit A) or equivalent should be maintained for at least the current year plus the
       previous two (2) years on every employee in the work group. The eLink Employee
       Attendance Report 1001 is a good source for maintaining attendance data on
       employees. The report provides an explanation of each absence type, including FMLA
       tracking information, incidental absence/reason for absence, disability, and
       miscellaneous time off.
       In chronic absence cases, the supervisor may want to maintain attendance records in
       their possession for longer periods of time. Generally AT&T – Records Administration
       should maintain older records. For more information on retention of records, refer to
       Records Information Management website and the AT&T Personnel File Policy.

       The Form RF-3119 or equivalent may serve as part of the official Company record of
       employee attendance. The Employee Absence/Tardy Record, Form RF-3119 or
       equivalent, should be maintained in the supervisor’s employee files.
       There are a number of eLink self-service reports such as the Employee Attendance
       Report 1001 and the Monthly Attendance Summary Report 1019 to assist supervisors in
       recognizing good attendance as well as potential problems. Some organizations may
       use attendance tracking systems such as the AT&T Mechanized Attendance Tracking
       Tool (MATT); however, eLink maintains the official record of attendance. For eLink
       reports go to HROneStop/eLink Information.

       All departments and all areas within the Company should keep attendance records in a
       standard manner because of the demand for consistent attendance records for
       promotion, transfer and discipline cases as well as requests for reliable attendance data
       from sources outside the Company, such as the Union and governmental agencies. The
       payroll system is the primary source for providing this data and must be accurate. It is

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imperative attendance data in “feeder systems or attendance tracking systems” match
       the payroll system and properly reflect the employee’s absences. In arbitration cases
       regarding attendance, the burden of proof lies with management and accurate records
       are mandatory.

8.03   CODES
       When an employee misses any portion of work time for any reason on a scheduled day,
       the appropriate absence code and associated Absence Reason Code, when required,
       should be reported in eLink.
       All absences, protected and unprotected, must be coded in eLink in accordance with
       the Time Reporting Manual (TRM) and the Working Agreement applicable to your
       employees. Always refer to the online version of the TRM for the most current
       These codes are as follows:


           MTR                               Description                        eLink Code
            TY      Tardy Paid                                                     MTDY
       This condition exists when an employee fails to arrive at their designated work location
       at their scheduled time due to some delay of short duration. Tardy time is paid time
       and should be limited to no longer than a fourteen-minute interval. See Example.
       After fourteen minutes, the employee is considered absent and the absent time will
       include the first fourteen minutes. Tardy time is not to be charged when an employee
       returns late from their break period and should be handled as an administrative
       problem. However, tardy time is charged if an employee returns late for the start of
       their second session.

       Example:   An employee oversleeps and arrives at work ten minutes late. This would
                  be shown as MTDY 10 minutes on Form RF-3119 or equivalent and reported
                  as MTDY 0.16 of an hour in eLink. See code MTDY in the eLink Time
                  Reporting Manual for a chart showing the translation of minutes to
                  percent of an hour.

       If the employee reports before the end of the session, the absence will be reported as a
       part session of absence under the appropriate absence code. See Section 8.06F for
       Home Conditions Paid or Section 8.06G for Home Conditions Unpaid.
       These codes are used to cover conditions when employees are absent and receive
       payment under the short-term disability (STD) program, or would receive payment
       under the STD program if their length of service entitled them to such payment, i.e.,
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employees with more than six months service. As emphasized in Section 8.16, the
       reason for absence on the RF-3119 or equivalent should simply state "STD" and should
       not describe the condition causing the STD benefits case.
       An Absence Reason Code is required for certain absences recorded in eLink; however, if
       the employee is ill, the Absence Reason Code 100044 Illness-Other should be used.

       Supervisors can access Attendance Quick Reference (AQR) and select “D” for more
       information on disability.

       For additional information on how to report time for employees who are on disability,
       refer to eLink On-Line Documentation at https://operations.web.att.com/sites/eCORP-

   A. Illness/Injury Short-Term Disability Benefits

           MTR                               Description                            eLink Code
            IB       Disability Uncertified Unpaid                                     DISU
       DISU is reported by the supervisor when an employee eligible for STD benefits is absent
       due to personal illness or injury beginning on the eighth (8th) full calendar day for each
       day the employee is absent. This code should continue to be reported until eLink
       receives the disability case information from the AT&T IDSC. It is the employee’s
       responsibility to report the disability claim to the AT&T IDSC by calling 1-866-276-2278.
       This code is also used on the first full day of absence when an employee is again absent
       due to personal illness or injury within 14 days of a previous STD benefit absence.
       In both situations, if STD benefit payments are authorized, the AT&T IDSC will send the
       appropriate code to eLink for pay treatment in accordance with the short-term
       disability program and the applicable Working Agreement.
       If benefits are denied, the AT&T IDSC will send the absence code DISD – Disability
       Denied to eLink. This includes unpaid days for employees whose STD benefits have
       been suspended, but is not working due to the employee's personal physician's
       establishment of a return date later than the suspension of STD benefits date. This
       time should be summarized along with the STD benefit absence.
       There are limited absence codes a supervisor can report during a denied disability
       (DISD). For more information on reporting absences during a denied disability refer to
       the Time Reporting Manual, Section 1.6 for a complete listing of absence and reason
       If the employee does not file a disability claim after 7 consecutive days of illness, or if
       the disability absence is denied, use FUIL if the absence is FMLA approved. Use of this
       code requires submission of the FMLA1 form. See Section 8.06H if absences are not
       FMLA approved.
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NOTES:     If the employee requests, eligible paid time off may be substituted for
                  denied disability if the absence is FMLA approved. See vacation – FVDD,
                  VSDD or Excused Work Day/Personal Day – EPDD.

 B. Unpaid STD Benefits Related Absence

           MTR                               Description                         eLink Code
           XB*       FMLA Unpaid Absence                                           FUPA
           XB        Non-FMLA Unpaid Absence                                       MUE0

     FUPA covers unpaid continuous, incidental or intermittent segments of FMLA approved
     absences for the care of an ill family member or for the employee’s own medical
     appointments. The employee’s medical appointments include recurring incidental
     absence time that is within twelve (12) months of a related and approved short-term
     disability (STD) absence due to illness or Workers’ Compensation (WC). This code may be
     appropriate for absences related to chemotherapy, physical therapy, cardiac
     rehabilitation, etc. when the appointment CAN be scheduled outside normal working
     hours and employee elects to go during working hours. See Example. For more
     information on FUPA, see Section 8.09.
     You must also record one of the following associated Absence Reason Codes in eLink for
     FMLA approved appointments:
                F00008 - Dr. Appt/Therapy FMLA or
                F00009 – Dr. Appt/Therapy Workers’ Compensation FMLA

       Example:    An employee who normally works 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through
                   Friday needs to attend physical therapy for two hours a day twice a week
                   for six weeks following the original approved STD benefit absence. The
                   physical therapy clinic is open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through
                   Friday; however, due to child care or other personal reasons, the employee
                   insists on going to therapy during working hours. The absence should be
                   coded FUPA with Absence Reason Code F00008 - Dr. Appt/Therapy FMLA.

     If an employee has exhausted his/her FMLA entitlement, use MUE0 with one of the
     following Absence Reason Codes:
                M00087 - Dr. Appt/Therapy
                M00088 - Dr. Appt/Therapy Workers’ Compensation
     Absences coded FUPA or MUE0 should be summarized to the original STD benefits case
     due to illness or WC and is not another incidental occurrence.

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MUE0 is not intended for use with absences for routine, follow-up doctor visits, even
     when they occur within twelve months of a related disability absence. The department
     is responsible for appropriate use and monitoring of this code. For more information on
     MUE0, see Section 8.07M.
     Due to ADA restrictions, you should only show "therapy”, "rehabilitation," etc. as the
     reason for absence on the RF-3119 or equivalent.

 C. Paid STD Benefits or Workers’ Compensation (WC) Related Absence

           MTR                              Description                         eLink Code
           XBP      Illness/Accident Partial Day or Session Paid                   MPE0
     MPE0 covers paid absence due to an employee’s approved absence for recurring paid
     incidental absence time that is within twelve (12) months of a related short-term
     disability (STD) or Workers’ Compensation (WC) absence. This code may be appropriate
     for absences related to chemotherapy, physical therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, etc. when
     the appointment CANNOT be scheduled outside normal working hours. See Example
     You must also use one of the following Absence Reason Codes:
              M00087 - Dr. Appt/Therapy
              M00088 - Dr. Appt/Therapy Workers’ Compensation

       Example:   An employee who works 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
                  needs to attend physical therapy for two hours a day twice a week for six
                  weeks following the original approved STD benefit absence. The physical
                  therapy clinic is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
                  This absence should be coded MPE0 with the associated Absence Reason

     The absences coded MPE0 should be summarized to the original approved STD benefits
     case due to illness or WC and is not another incidental occurrence. The department is
     responsible for appropriate use and monitoring of this code.
     MPE0 is not intended for use with absences for routine, follow-up doctor visits, even
     when they occur within twelve months of a related disability absence. However, the
     decision to pay in instances other than stated above may be made in accordance with
     supervisory discretion under the provisions of appropriate Working Agreement. For more
     information on MPE0, see Section 8.07L – Miscellaneous Paid Absence.
     Due to ADA restrictions, you should only show "therapy”, "rehabilitation," etc., as the
     reason for absence on the RF-3119 or equivalent.

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NOTE:      MPE0 does not apply to Working Agreements that do not have
                   miscellaneous pay provisions. For these Working Agreements see Section
                   8.05B (unless the AT&T IDSC has approved payment under Workers’
                   Compensation) and summarize as stated above.

 D. Modified Tour

            MTR                                Description                          eLink Code
             MT        FMLA Illness Partial Day/Session Paid                           DISU
       DISU is used for scheduled time not worked (paid) which is associated with a disability
       case when an employee returns to limited duty, as approved by the AT&T IDSC. If
       approved, this time is summarized to the original approved STD benefits case. See
       If STD benefit payments are authorized, the AT&T IDSC will send the appropriate code to
       eLink for pay treatment in accordance with the short-term disability program and the
       applicable Working Agreement.

        Example:     An employee may work half days for first three weeks back from surgery as
                     determined by the AT&T IDSC. This absence should be coded DISU by the
                     supervisor with the associated Absence Reason Code appropriate for the
                     type of job accommodation that is being made. See the eLink Time
                     Reporting Manual for more information.

        These codes are used to cover absences of less than eight (8) calendar days due to
        illness or injury, personal reasons, and home conditions.

        NOTE:      The MTR system maintained special codes for an illness/accident (I/IP),
                   illness relapse (IR, IRP) or illness/accident which arise out of employment
                   with the Company (IA/IAD). However, eLink codes for reporting these
                   absences are standard illness codes regardless of the type of incidental
                   illness/injury absence. It is incumbent upon the supervisor to continue to
                   code the absences consistent with these guidelines, eLink and the applicable
                   Working Agreement.

 A. Illness/Injury Relapse

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MTR                               Description                            eLink Code
            IR       Illness/Accident Full or Partial Day Unpaid                       ILLU
           IR*       FMLA Illness/Accident Full or Partial Day Unpaid                  FILU
           IRP       Illness/Accident Full Day Paid (no more than 7                     ILLF
                     consecutive days)
           IRP*      FMLA Illness/Accident Full Day Paid (first 7 consecutive           FILF
                     days extending into an approved STD absence)
           IRP       Illness/Accident Partial Day/Session Paid                          ILLP
           IRP*      FMLA Illness/Accident Partial Day/Session Paid                     FILP
     These codes are used to report an absence due to the same case of sickness within the
     previous 14 days. An illness relapse (same case of sickness) does not require the
     application of the unpaid waiting period as provided in some Working Agreements. The
     absences should be counted as two (2) different occurrences when evaluating
     The supervisor is responsible for determining if the absence is a relapse and if the time is
     paid or unpaid in accordance with the applicable Working Agreement.

     You must also use the appropriate Absence Reason Code when reporting an illness
     absence in eLink. For more information refer to the Time Reporting Manual, Section 1.6
     for a complete listing of absence and reason codes.
     These codes should not be used following a STD benefit case for the same illness/injury
     within 14 days, which would instead be coded DISU. See Section 8.05A. If such an
     absence occurs, the Disability Administrator should be called immediately on the first day
     of the relapse absence.

       NOTE:      If the employee requests, eligible paid time off may be substituted for a
                  FMLA approved unpaid illness absence (e.g. FILU). See codes FVIL, FFH1,
                  FFH2, FFH3, FEP1 or FEP3.

  B. Illness/Injury Unpaid

           MTR                               Description                            eLink Code
             I       Illness/Accident Full or Partial Day Unpaid                       ILLU
            I*       FMLA Illness/Accident Full or Partial Day Unpaid                  FILU
            I*       FMLA Unpaid Illness (After 7 Consecutive Days)                    FUIL

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ILLU covers personal illness or injury time not paid that occurs for a full or partial day of
     illness or injury that is not FMLA approved.
     FILU covers FMLA approved unpaid illness for a full or partial day. The supervisor is
     responsible for determining whether the illness is paid or unpaid based on the
     appropriate Working Agreement and submitting the employee’s request for FMLA to the
     FMLA Administrator.
     FUIL may be used for illness after 7 consecutive days if the employee does not file a STD
     claim or if the employee has been denied disability and the absence is FMLA approved. If
     the absences are not FMLA approved see Section 8.06H.
     Normally, doctor’s appointments are not coded with an illness code. An exception would
     be if the employee is ill and goes to the doctor because of the illness.
     You must also use the appropriate Absence Reason Code when reporting an illness
     absence in eLink. For more information refer to the Time Reporting Manual, Section 1.6
     for a complete listing of absence and reason codes.

       NOTE:     If employee requests, eligible paid time off may be substituted for the
                 unpaid incidental absence if FMLA approved (FILU and FUIL). See codes
                 FVIL, FFH1, FFH2, FFH3, FEP1 or FEP3.

  C. Illness/Injury Paid

           MTR                               Description                            eLink Code
            IP       Illness/Accident Full Day Paid (no more than 7                    ILLF
                     consecutive days)
            IP       Illness Partial Day/Session Paid                                  ILLP
           IP*       FMLA Illness Full Day Paid (first 7 consecutive days              FILF
                     extending into an approved STD absence)
           IP*       FMLA Illness Partial Day/Session Paid                             FILP
     The ILLP or FILP code (based on FMLA approval) is used for a partial day or session for
     paid absence due to personal illness or injury. An employee who has a waiting period
     will not receive illness pay until he/she has been absent the equivalent of two days (15
     or 16 consecutive hours) based on the employee’s normal tour.
     The ILLF or FILF code (based on FMLA approval) is used for paid intermittent full day
     absence due to personal illness or injury or the first seven (7) full calendar days of such
     illness or injury prior to eligibility under the short-term disability program.

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For employees covered by the BST and Billing Working Agreements, employees will be
     treated as having the seniority they will achieve during the calendar year on January 1
     of each year, regardless of their actual seniority date for purposes of sickness payments.

     The paid days may be converted to an equivalent number of hours based on the
     employee’s normal scheduled daily tour. All paid sickness hours will count toward the
     maximum paid days. See Article 6.02 of the BST and Billing Working Agreement for
     sickness payment provisions prior to eligibility for short-term disability.

     Employees who exhaust their personal illness cap will be granted a one time waiver of
     the cap as provided in the BST and Billing Working Agreement in connection with the
     days leading up to an approved disability. This paid time is generated by eLink if the
     employee’s current year illness cap has been depleted or will deplete prior to the
     approved disability. See Example.

     Example:      An employee who is eligible for a maximum of 5 paid sickness days has
                   used the 5 paid days and is subsequently absent due to an approved
                   disability. The employee will be paid for the days leading up to the
                   approved disability absence.
                   If this same employee has used 3 of his/her paid sickness days, the
                   employee will use the remaining 2 days of his/her paid maximum and will
                   be paid for the remaining days leading up to the approved disability

     The supervisor is responsible for determining whether the illness is paid or unpaid based
     on the appropriate Working Agreement and for submitting the employee’s request for
     FMLA to the FMLA Administrator. All paid sickness hours will count toward the
     maximum paid days in contracts with paid illness provisions.
     Normally, doctor’s appointments are not coded with an illness code. An exception would
     be if the employee is ill and goes to the doctor because of the illness.
     You must also use the appropriate Absence Reason Code in eLink i.e. I00044 – Illness
     Other. For more information refer to the Time Reporting Manual, Section 1.6 for a
     complete listing of absence and reason codes.

 D. Illness/on Duty Accident

           MTR                              Description                          eLink Code
           IAD      Illness/Accident Partial Day/Session Paid                        ILLP
           IAD      Illness/Accident Full or Partial Day Unpaid                      ILLU
           IA*      FMLA Illness/Accident Partial Day/Session Paid                   FILP
           IA*      FMLA Illness/Accident Full or Partial Day Unpaid                 FILU
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These codes are used to cover scheduled time lost on the day an on-duty accident occurs.
     The codes ILLP/ILLU should be used on the partial day of the on-duty accident if not FMLA
     approved. Absence of this type will be summarized as an incidental absence. Workers’
     Compensation claims should be reported to the AT&T Integrated Disability Service
     Centers at 866-276-2278. The AT&T IDSC will determine whether a Workers’
     Compensation claim will be accepted under the state’s Workers’ Compensation laws.
     If FMLA approved, the codes FILP or FILU should be used dependent upon the time being
     paid or unpaid. All paid sickness hours will count toward the maximum paid days in
     contracts with paid illness provisions.
     You must also use an Absence Reason Code i.e., I00043 – Worker’s Comp. Pending in
     eLink. For more information refer to the Time Reporting Manual, Section 1.6 for a
     complete listing of absence and reason codes.

       Example:    An employee scheduled 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. is injured on-the-job at 10:00
                   a.m., and has to leave work. The lost time during the first and second
                   session is coded ILLP or ILLU (paid or unpaid) in accordance with the
                   applicable Working Agreement and direction from the AT&T IDSC.

       NOTE:      If employee requests, eligible paid time off may be substituted for the
                  unpaid incidental absence if FMLA approved. See FVIL, FFH1, FFH2, FFH3,
                  FEP1 or FEP3.

 E. Illness/On Duty Accident

           MTR                              Description                          eLink Code
            IA       Illness/Accident Full Day Paid (no more than 7                  ILLF
                     consecutive days)
            IA       Illness/Accident Full or Partial Day Unpaid                     ILLU
           IA*       FMLA Illness/Accident Full Day Paid (first 7 consecutive        FILF
                     days extending into an approved STD absence)
           IA*       FMLA Illness/Accident Full or Partial Day Unpaid                FILU
     These codes are used for employees who are unable to work due to illness or accidental
     injury arising out of and in the course of employment by the Company. The ILLF or ILLU
     (paid or unpaid) code is used beginning with the first full day of absence for up to seven
     (7) calendar days or use FILF or FILU if FMLA approved. In either case, report the
     disability code DISU (IB) on the eighth (8th) calendar day.
     Workers’ compensation claims should be reported to the AT&T Integrated Disability
     Service Center at 866-276-2278. The AT&T IDSC will determine whether a Workers’
     Compensation claim will be accepted under the state’s Workers’ Compensation laws.
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If applicable, the unpaid waiting periods of the appropriate Working Agreement will apply
     if the AT&T IDSC does not classify the absence as an illness/accident covered by Workers’
     Compensation. The supervisor is responsible for determining whether the illness is paid
     or unpaid based on the appropriate Working Agreement and discussion with the IDSC.
     All paid sickness hours will count toward the maximum paid days in contracts with paid
     illness provisions.
     Absences classified as an accident should be coded ILLF or FILF if FMLA approved.
     Subsequent absences after 14 days related to the original illness/accident should also be
     charged to these codes unless there is a related STD benefits case. See Section 8.05A.
     You must also use an Absence Reason Code i.e., I00043 – Workers’ Comp. Pending in
     eLink. For more information refer to the Time Reporting Manual, Section 1.6 for a
     complete listing of absence and reason codes. For more information on Workers’
     Compensation visit HROneStop/Time & Attendance/Workers' Compensation.

       Example:    An employee scheduled 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. is injured on-the-job at 10:00
                   a.m., and has to leave work. The lost time during the first and second
                   session is coded ILLP or ILLU (paid or unpaid) in accordance with the
                   applicable Working Agreement and direction from the AT&T IDSC.

       NOTE:      If employee requests, eligible paid time off may be substituted for the
                  unpaid incidental absence if FMLA approved. See FVIL, FFH1, FFH2, FFH3,
                  FEP1 or FEP3.

 F. Home Conditions Paid

           MTR                                Description                        eLink Code
           HP        Misc. Absence Paid - Non FMLA                                  MPN0
      Covers absence due to personal reasons or home conditions where supervisors
      exercising their discretion under the applicable Working Agreement decide that the
      employee should be paid. This code is also used if an employee is absent 15 minutes or
      more and the supervisor decides to pay the employee based on the reason for not being
      at work and the Working Agreement. These absences are included in absence tracking.
      See Example.

       Example:    An employee involved in a car accident on the way to work arrives at work
                   two hours after his scheduled time of arrival. The entire period is
                   considered as absent time. If the decision is made to pay the employee for
                   this time, the absence would be reported as MPN0/2 hours with the

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appropriate Absence Reason Code. For unpaid time use MUNH in Section

     In exercising managerial discretion regarding pay for such absences, some factors to be
     considered are:
       1. Does the employee have an unusual or compelling reason for being absent
          that requires or demands his or her presence on the personal matter? This
          may include, but not be limited to, such conditions as critical illness or injury
          to a member of the immediate family or major surgery of a member of the
          immediate family.
       2. What is the known or expected duration of the absence? In cases of
          extended illness of a member of the immediate family, even though it is of a
          critical nature, continued payment is not justified.
       3. Has this employee been excused with pay on previous occasions due to
          similar circumstances? This privilege should not be abused or used
          excessively by any employee.
       4. Is the employee asking for the time off simply because it would be more
          convenient or desirable to handle the personal matter during normal
          working hours? Employees are expected to handle their personal matters
          on their own time whenever possible.
       5. The decision to pay or not to pay should be based on the circumstances in
          the case and the applicable Working Agreement, not whether or not a loss of
          pay would result a hardship on the employee.
       6. Would all members of the work group be paid under similar circumstances?
          The decision to pay an employee for being off whose performance is
          satisfactory when an unsatisfactory or marginal performer would not be paid
          under similar circumstances could cause problems due to disparate
          treatment of employees.
     Discretionary paid absences should be for compelling reasons and of an unexpected, non-
     recurring nature. They should be the RARE exception rather than the norm.
     The use of MPN0 requires the appropriate Absence Reason Code in eLink as follows:
               M00025 - Home emergency
               M00026 - Illness child non-FMLA
               M00027 - Illness family member non-FMLA
               M00028 - Illness parent non-FMLA
               M00029 - Illness spouse non-FMLA
               M00034 - Medical/dental non-FMLA
               M00036 - Newborn/foster non-FMLA
               M00037 - Other

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There are also various codes for reporting approved job accommodations. For more
      information refer to the Time Reporting Manual, Section 1.6 for a complete listing of
      absence and reason codes.

 G.    Home Conditions Unpaid

           MTR                                Description                       eLink Code
            H        Miscellaneous Absence - Full or Partial Day Unpaid           MUNH
           H*        FMLA Unpaid Absence                                          FUPA
      MUNH covers unpaid absence for 15 minutes or more due to personal reasons (other
      than the employee’s own illness) or home conditions. This code should be used in all
      cases when an employee calls in but does not report for work, even though the
      supervisor directed him/her to come to work.
      This code is used when the supervisor decides not to pay the employee based on the
      reason for not being at work. See Example.

       Example:    An employee is absent 25 minutes and the supervisor decides not to pay
                   the employee. The employee must be paid for any quarter hour in which
                   he/she performs work therefore, the time should be coded MUNH unpaid
                   for .25 (15 minutes) in eLink and the additional 10 minutes charged to
                   normal work codes. On Form RF-3119 or equivalent the 25 minutes the
                   employee was absent should be shown.

      You must also use an associated Absence Reason Code in eLink.            Examples of
      appropriate use of the MUNH code are as follows:
                M00002 - Loss of drivers License
                M00010 - Childcare
                M00013 - Court witness/subpoena (i.e., Court appearances where the
                employee is a principal to the proceedings, such as the defendant or
                plaintiff in a criminal or civil suit.
                M00023 - Funeral (e.g., Attend funeral of a friend)
                M00025 - Home emergency
                M00026 - Illness child non-FMLA
                M00034 - Medical/dental non-FMLA (e.g., Regular visits to a physician
                not associated with an STD benefit case or when an employee is
                referred to community resources by the EAP Administrator.
      There are also various codes for reporting approved job accommodations. For more
      information refer to the Time Reporting Manual, Section 1.6 for a complete listing of
      absence and absence reason codes.

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FUPA covers FMLA approved absences for recurring medical treatments or to care for a
      family member. See Section 8.09 for more information.

       NOTES:          Normally if the time is available, the employee may use his/her eligible
                       paid time off if requested before the absence occurs.
                       Employees who are eligible for Flexible Excused Time may use this time
                       retroactively if proper notice is given. See the Working Agreement for
                       more information.

  H. Other Absences

           MTR                                      Description                        eLink Code
                 F         Miscellaneous Absence - Full or Partial Day Unpaid (up to     MUNH
                           7 consecutive days)
                 F         Misc. Absence – Full Day Unpaid (greater than 7 Days)          MUNL
             F*            FMLA Unpaid Absence                                            FUPA
             F*            FMLA Unpaid Leave of Absence                                   LOAF
      These codes should be reported under the following circumstances:
            1. Extended absences due to personal reasons or home conditions where no
               payment is received and the absence is not FMLA approved. The first seven
               calendar days would be coded MUNH. On the eighth (8th) day change to MUNL
               not to exceed a total of 30 consecutive days.       If the absences are FMLA
               approved, refer to FUPA (Section 8.09) and LOAF (Section 8.07E).
            2. MUNL is also used when an employee is not eligible for STD benefits (i.e., less
               than 6 months service) and is absent due to personal illness or injury, beginning
               on the eighth (8th) full calendar day the employee should report the disability to
               the AT&T IDSC. The department should call the IDSC to verify medical
               information was received and that the condition would have resulted in a
               certified disability if service requirements were met. The first seven (7) days of
               illness absence should be reported to the appropriate illness code. See Section
               8.06B. The illness absences and associated absences reported to MUNL should
               be summarized as one occurrence when considering attendance in these
                     If the absence is expected to exceed 30 days, the department can consider
                     placing the employee on a leave of absence (typically the Sickness Non-eligible
                     Leave of Absence if applicable). The department must process a formal leave of
                     absence via the LOA Website. After approval, an ePCR transaction should be
                     completed to place the employee on leave.

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MUNH requires an Absence Reason Code in eLink. See MUNH (Section 8.06G)
                    for more information.
          For additional information, refer to the Time Reporting Manual, Section 1.6 for a
          complete listing of absence and absence reason codes.

          NOTE:      All absences coded MUNL normally may not exceed 30 consecutive days. If
                     the absence is more than 30 consecutive days, the employee should apply
                     for a leave of absence through the online LOA Application at

I.        No Report

              MTR                                  Description                          eLink Code
                N        Miscellaneous Absence Full or Partial Day Unpaid                 MUN0
          Covers instances where no word is received from the employee in regard to their
          absence of a session or more (no report). After the second consecutive scheduled day of
          such absence, this condition should be referred through the proper channels of the
          department for appropriate consideration.
          This code should also be used if it can be determined that the employee was absent due
          to his/her desire to leave town early before a Company holiday, malingering or minor
          indispositions, or failure to get back home after the holiday without valid reason. The
          absence is considered as unexcused and payment should be withheld. See Section 8.10.
          The Absence Reason Code M00089 – No report must be reported in eLink for this

          NOTE:      The use of this code for a full day on the last scheduled day preceding or the
                     first day following a holiday will prevent the payment of holiday pay.

          These codes are used to report other types of absences.

     A.   Paid Excused Work Day/Paid Flexible Excused Time/Paid Personal Days

              MTR                                Description                           eLink Code
               DP        Excused Work Day/Personal Day – Full or Partial Day Paid         EP01
               DP3       Excused Work Day/Personal Day Not Scheduled 3 Weeks              EP03
                         in Advance Full or Partial Day Paid

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DP*       FMLA Excused Work Day/Personal Day                            FEP1
           D3*       FMLA Excused Work Day/Personal Day Not Scheduled 3            FEP3
                     Weeks in Advance
       Covers paid Excused Work Days/Paid Personal Days. If an employee works on his or her
       paid excused/personal day and the day is not rescheduled, refer to the Working
       Agreement on how to pay the employee and the Time Reporting Manual for use of
       proper codes.
       An Excused Work Day/Personal Day may be substituted for a FMLA approved absence
       (FEP1/FEP3). Substitution of paid Excused Work Days (EPDD) for denied benefits that
       have not been FMLA approved may be allowed if the time is available. When
       substituting these days, an Absence Reason Code is required in eLink.
       For more information refer to the Time Reporting Manual, Section 1.6 for a complete
       listing of absence and reason codes.

       NOTE:     Granting Excused Work Days (EP01) in partial days that have not been
                 designated as a flexible day or are not FMLA approved may not be
                 appropriate under the provisions of the Working Agreement(s), please refer
                 to the Agreement for guidance.

 B. Unpaid Excused Work Day/Flexible Excused Time/Personal Day

           MTR                              Description                         eLink Code
            D        Excused Work Day/Personal Day Full or Partial Day            EU01
           D*        There is no translation for D*. See FMLA Unpaid Absence
                     (FUPA) Section 8.09.
      Covers Excused Work Days, Flexible Excused Work Days or Personal Paid Days that are
      unpaid. If an employee works on his or her unpaid Excused Work Day/Personal Day and
      the day is not rescheduled, refer to the Working Agreement on how to pay the
      employee and Time Reporting Procedures for use of proper codes.

       NOTE:     Refer to the appropriate Working Agreement for guidance on granting time
                 for partial days.

 C. Holidays
     Covers paid absent time for specified or optional holiday.

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