Page created by Milton Weaver





               LOCAL 100M

        (Covering the Mailing Room)


   January 01, 2005 to December 31, 2011

PREAMBLE ………………………………………………………………………                    Page 1
ARTICLE 1: RECOGNITION..………………………………………………              Page 1
ARTICLE 2: MANAGEMENT RIGHTS.……………………………………             Page 1
ARTICLE 3: JURISDICTION………………………………………………               Page 2
ARTICLE 5: MANAGEMENT……………………………………….………                Pages 4-5
ARTICLE 6: NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT…………………………………            Page 5
         AND ARBITRATION PROCESS …………………………..           Pages 5-8
         JOB CLASSIFICATIONS ..…………………………………… Pages 8-11
ARTICLE 9: NEW HIRES AND PROBATION ..…………………………         Page 11
ARTICLE 10: REGULAR EMPLOYEES ………………………………..…           Page 12
ARTICLE 11: SENIORITY AND PRIORITY…………………………..…         Pages 12-13
ARTICLE 12: HOURS OF WORK……………………………….…………              Pages 14-15
ARTICLE 13: OVERTIME ……………………………………………………               Pages 15-16
ARTICLE 14: WAGE RATES…………….…………………………………               Pages 17-18
ARTICLE 15: REDUCTION IN WORKFORCE .…………………………          Pages 18-23
ARTICLE 16: VACATIONS ……….………….……………………………              Pages 23-24
ARTICLE 17: RECOGNIZED HOLIDAYS ….……………………………           Page 25
ARTICLE 18: LEAVES OF ABSENCES……………………………………            Pages 26-28
ARTICLE 19: HEALTH & SAFETY ………………………………………             Pages 28-29
ARTICLE 21: TERMS OF AGREEMENT……………..……………………           Pages 36-37
         ATTACHMENTS ……………………………………………                  Pages 38-39
G.C.C./I.B.T., Local 100M Mailing Room C.A. 2005-2011

PREAMBLE                                          ARTICLE 2: MANAGEMENT RIGHTS

This Agreement is entered into by and             (201) The Union recognizes the right of
between    Toronto    Star    Newspapers          the Employer to operate and manage the
Limited, hereinafter referred to as the           Company’s business in all respects.
"Employer"      and      the      Graphic
Communications         Conference        /        The right to hire, assign work or duties,
International Brotherhood of Teamsters            retire, promote, layoff, recall, demote,
Local 100M, hereinafter referred to as the        transfer, discharge, suspend or otherwise
"Union".                                          discipline for just cause employees who
                                                  have     completed    their   probationary
                                                  period, to maintain order, discipline,
ARTICLE 1: RECOGNITION                            efficiency, to determine complement and
                                                  the number of employees required from
(101) The Employer hereby recognizes              time to time, to schedule working hours,
the Union as the exclusive bargaining             to extend, curtail or cease operations,
representative     of    Mailing   Room           and to establish and enforce rules,
employees employed in the Mailing                 regulations and policies governing the
Rooms of the Employer in its newspaper            conduct of employees, is the exclusive
operation located at 1 Yonge Street,              right of the Employer, subject to the
Toronto, and at the Vaughan Press                 terms and conditions of the Agreement.
Centre, other than Foremen, those above           All matters concerning the operations of
the rank of Foreman, clerical staff and           the Employer not specifically dealt with
any others designated as excluded from            herein shall be reserved to the employer
membership in the Bargaining Unit as              and be its exclusive responsibility.
described in the Union's Recognition
certificate issued by the Ontario Labour
Relations Board.

(102) The Employer further agrees that
the relocation of its existing Mailing Room
operations within the Province of Ontario
shall not detract from the bargaining
rights granted to the Union by the
certificate issued by the Ontario Labour
Relations Board for those persons
employed or to be employed by Toronto
Star Newspapers Limited in any other
Plant not referred to herein.

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                                                      (i) Additional work brought into
(301) All work performed on the                             the Mailing Room
premises of the Employer in its Mailing               (ii) Mechanical breakdown and/or
Rooms at 1 Yonge Street, Toronto, and                 (iii) Lack of machine capacity or
Weston Road, Vaughan Township, shall                        capability.
be performed by members of the
Bargaining Unit, with the following              (302) It is agreed that before hiring the
exceptions:                                      employees of any other employer to
                                                 perform work in the Mailing Room, the
 a) Repair of equipment assigned by the          Employer will first provide the Union with
    Employer    either   to  employees           an opportunity to supply manpower at
    outside the Bargaining Unit or to an         the appropriate straight time rates.
    outside contractor.

 b)     Set up    and    maintenance of
      computers   or    other   electronic

 c) Maintenance     of   equipment     by
    outside contractors.

 d) Dispatch functions performed by
    supervisory personnel prior to the
    date of signing this Collective

 e) Clerical functions performed       for
    supervisory personnel.

 f) Work performed by employees not
    members of the Bargaining Unit prior
    to the date of signing, such as
    occasional    work    performed     by
    supervisory      personnel,      work
    performed         by       Circulation
    Department employees relating to
    correction of tapes or labels or other
    similar functions which have been
    performed by these employees in
    the past, and the handling of
    tearsheets by Postal and Messenger
    Services staff.

 g) Work performed by employees of
    other employers to meet emergency
    situations, which are defined as

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ARTICLE 4: UNION SECURITY &                        (405)         The Company recognizes the
UNION REPRESENTATION                               rights of union stewards and officers
                                                   under the Ontario Labour Relations Act to
(401)         Regular full-time and regular        discharge their duties.     It is to be
part-time employees in the Bargaining              recognized that such union activities must
Unit who are members of the Union, or              not undermine or inhibit the Company’s
who join after December 31, 1984, shall            legitimate interests.
as a condition of continued employment,
be required to maintain their membership           (406) A monthly Chapel meeting of 15
in the Union.                                      minutes shall be allowed at a time
                                                   suitable   to   the   Superintendent   in
(402) All future regular full-time and             consultation with the Chapel Chairperson.
regular part-time employees in the                 In workplaces where three (3) shifts
Bargaining Unit shall become members of            overlap, one 15-minute Chapel meeting
the Union within 30 days from the date of          each month shall be allowed during the
commencing employment and shall, as a              working hours of 2 of the 3 shifts at a
condition of continued employment, be              time suitable to the Superintendent in
required to maintain their membership in           consultation with the Chapel Chairperson.
the Union.                                         In workplaces composed of shifts which
                                                   do not overlap, two 15-minute periods
(403) Except as provided in Article 8              shall be allowed for conducting monthly
with reference to temporary employees,             Chapel    meetings    under    the  same
all employees as defined herein shall be           conditions. It is understood that such
subject to payroll deduction of Union              meetings     shall  not   interfere  with
membership dues and/or assessments as              production.
specified by the Union. Such dues and/or
assessments shall be remitted to the               (407) The Employer agrees that, a Union
Union on a monthly basis and the                   representative who is employed by the
Employer shall, when remitting dues, give          Employer and who has previously been
the names of employees from whose pay              designated by the Union to the Employer
dues deductions have been made. It is              as a Union representative may, with the
agreed that the monthly dues schedule              prior consent of his/her Supervisor or the
shall be as stable as possible and in any          Employer's designated representatives,
event no more than one (1) change in the           be permitted to leave his or her regular
amount of the deduction every four (4)             duties for a reasonable length of time for
months shall be required.                          the    purpose    of   investigating  and
                                                   adjusting grievances in accordance with
(404) Within 30 days after the day on              the grievance procedure set out in Article
which a new employee commences work                7. Subject to acceptance of the need to
for the Employer, the office will notify the       maintain production, consent for a Union
Chapel Chairperson of the name, address,           representative to leave his/her regular
job classification and employment status           duties for the purposes specified herein
of the new employee.                               shall not be unreasonably withheld.

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(408) The President or the Senior                    ARTICLE 5: MANAGEMENT
Executive of the Graphic Conference /
International Brotherhood of Teamsters               (501) It is agreed that Foremen and
Local 100M agrees to meet with senior                those above the rank of Foremen are
representatives of The Star at regular               representatives of the Employer and have
intervals during the life of the Agreement           full authority to exercise the rights of
to discuss resolution of problems, ways              Management as defined in this Article.
and means of improving productivity, and
the establishment of principles which                (502) During probationary and/or trial
should guide the parties in the resolution           periods the Employer shall be the sole
of future differences.                               judge of competency and fitness to work
                                                     but any decisions made by the Employer
(409) The Employer agrees to provide a               resulting from the exercise of such
bulletin board in the Mailing Room. It is            judgment with regard to an employee
understood that such bulletin board shall            who has successfully completed his/her
be used for official Union communications            probationary    period   or    who    has
or announcements pertaining to social                successfully completed a trial period may
activities, and it shall be the responsibility       appropriately be made the subject of the
of the Union to ensure that such bulletin            grievance procedure as set out in Article
board is kept in a neat and satisfactory             7.
                                                     (503) The Employer shall have the right
                                                     to hire, promote, layoff, recall, demote,
                                                     transfer, discharge or discipline for just
                                                     cause, to maintain order, discipline and
                                                     efficiency, and to establish and enforce
                                                     rules and regulations governing the
                                                     conduct of employees, subject to the
                                                     terms and conditions of this Agreement.
                                                     The limitation of discharge for just cause
                                                     and access to the grievance procedure
                                                     regarding his/her discharge shall not
                                                     apply to any employee during his/her
                                                     probationary period.

                                                     (504)    All   time    covered   by    this
                                                     Agreement belongs to the Employer and
                                                     employees      shall    (temporarily     or
                                                     permanently)      perform    any     duties
                                                     pertaining to work in the Mailing Room,
                                                     provided such work appertains to the
                                                     operation of the Mailing Room.

                                                     (505) It is further agreed that all
                                                     matters concerning the operations of the
                                                     Employer not specifically dealt with
                                                     herein shall be reserved to the Employer
                                                     and be its exclusive responsibility.

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                                                    ARTICLE 7: DISCIPLINE, GRIEVANCE,
(506) Management rights will not be                 DISPUTE RESOLUTION &
exercised in a manner inconsistent with             ARBITRATION PROCESS
the terms and conditions of this
Agreement nor in a manner that is                   (701)
arbitrary, discriminatory or in bad faith.          A. The parties agree that their interests
                                                       are best served by the speedy
                                                       resolution of issues in dispute. The
                                                       common goal of the parties is to
ARTICLE 6: NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT                        promote dispute resolution, mutual
                                                       respect in the workplace, and good
(601) It is mutually understood and                    labour relations. To accomplish this,
agreed by and between the parties to this              the Company, the Union and the
Agreement that the Employer will not                   employees will in every instance give
institute any lockout, nor will members of             prompt attention to disputes and
the Union institute any strike or boycott,             whenever possible, will endeavour to
or fail to report for work, or interfere with          settle all differences at the level of
prompt and regular publication during the              management closest to the employee
lifetime of this Agreement, as specified in            concerned prior to filing a grievance
Section 43 of the Labour Relations Act of              on the interpretation, application, or
Ontario.                                               alleged violation or administration of
                                                       the collective agreement.

                                                    B. Both parties agree to make every
                                                       reasonable     effort    to   present
                                                       grievances within 30 days following
                                                       the circumstances which gave rise to
                                                       the grievance, however, it is agreed
                                                       by the parties that a grievance which
                                                       is raised more than 90 calendar days
                                                       following the circumstances which
                                                       gave rise to the grievance shall be
                                                       considered untimely and may be
                                                       declared by either party as not

                                                    C. Any     dispute   or    disagreement,
                                                       including any question as to whether a
                                                       matter is arbitrable, that arises
                                                       between the parties hereto shall first
                                                       be raised by a union representative in
                                                       the department to the management
                                                       representative concerned.

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D. Grievances shall normally contain the              J. Notice of the decision to proceed to a
   following information:                                second step grievance committee shall
                                                         be given to the Director of Labour
•    The names of affected employees;                    Relations or to his or her designate
•    The time frame or date of the event                 within fourteen (14) calendar days of
     giving rise to the grievance;                       the decision at first step. The meeting
•    The nature of the grievance;                        shall be scheduled within fourteen (14)
•    The     remedy     sought     from     the          calendar days of the request.
•    Identification of the Article(s) allegedly       K. Following the second step grievance
     violated;                                           committee meeting, the Company
•    Any other information.                              shall provide a decision in writing to
                                                         the Union no later than seven (7)
E. It is understood that the information                 calendar days following the date of the
   above is important to the success of                  meeting. The decision shall be in
   the grievance procedure and where                     writing, provide the date of the
   possible should be included.                          decision and the specific reasons why
                                                         the grievance is accepted or denied.
F. First step – A first step meeting shall
   be scheduled within seven (7) days                 L.    The union shall be entitled to file a
   following the Union’s submission of                     grievance at the second step of the
   the grievance.                                          grievance procedure in the event of
                                                           termination of employment or another
G. When a grievance is presented by the                    urgent matter.
   Union, the Union representative shall
   meet with the departmental manager                 M. Time limits for the steps of the
   or his/her designate and attempt to                   grievance and arbitration process
   resolve the grievance.       At the                   may be extended only by mutual
   discretion of the union, the grievor                  agreement.
   may or may not be in attendance at
   this meeting.                                           It is understood that the Company
                                                           may also file a grievance. In the
H. The manager has seven (7) calendar                      event of a company grievance, the
   days from this meeting in which to                      grievance procedure shall apply as if
   render a decision. The decision shall                   the Company is the grieving party
   be in writing and shall provide the                     and the Union is the responding
   date of the decision and the specific                   party.
   reasons why the grievance is accepted
   or denied.                                         N. In an effort to promote cooperative
                                                         and speedy resolution of grievances
    I. Second step – If a grievance is not               the parties may, by mutual consent,
      resolved at the first step of the                  elect to use mutually agreed upon
      grievance   process,   it   may    be              alternative dispute resolution methods
      submitted   to   the   second    step              including mediation or expedited
      grievance committee for resolution.                arbitration.
      The grievance committee shall be
      comprised of representation from each

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O. The    parties   agree     that   these                    List of Arbitrators
   alternative dispute resolution methods
   shall be informal and the legalistic                       •   W. Kaplan
   processes      normally      used    in                    •   L. Davie
   conventional dispute resolution shall                      •   D. Harris
   not be used.                                               •   J. Devlin
                                                              •   R. Levinson
P. The Union agrees to advise the other                       •   M. Tims
   party in writing of its intention to                       •   O. Shime
   proceed     with   the    grievance   to                   •   J. Johnston
   arbitration within thirty (30) calendar                    •   B. Kellar
   days of the decision at the final stage                    •   M. Nairn
   of    the   grievance    procedure    or
   alternative dispute resolution process.         T. Where the parties agree to refer the
                                                      grievance to an arbitration board, the
Q. It is agreed that the right to arbitrate           union and the company shall each
   shall be restricted and limited to                 appoint a member of the board. The
   issues pertaining to the application,              two members of the board will then in
   interpretation,    administration     or           turn appoint a third person as
   alleged violation of the collective                chairperson. Should the two members
   agreement. An arbitrator or arbitration            of the board fail to appoint a
   board shall have no authority in any               chairperson within seven (7) calendar
   way to alter, modify, amend or extend              days of his/her appointment, the
   the terms of this Collective Agreement             matter may be referred to the Ministry
   or the terms and conditions herein.                of Labour on the request of either
R. The parties agree that the grievance
   may be referred to a single arbitrator          U. The costs of the arbitration shall be
   or an arbitration board for resolution             shared equally between the Union and
   and that the decision of the arbitrator            the Company.
   or the arbitration board shall be final
   and binding upon the Company, the               (702) It is agreed that written letters of
   Union and any employee affected by              warning and reprimand shall be removed
   it.                                             or deemed to be removed from an
                                                   employee’s personnel file 24 months from
S.    Where the parties agree to refer the         the date of issue.           Records of
     grievance to a single arbitrator, the         suspension(s) shall be removed or
     arbitrator will be selected in sequence       deemed to be removed 30 months from
     from the list below, by the parties           the date of issue.
     within seven (7) calendar days of the
     notice of arbitration (subject to             In the application of the above language,
     availability). Both parties reserve his       the time limit provisions will not apply
     or her rights to expedited arbitration        should further discipline be imposed
     under Section 49 of the OLRA. The list        within the above-referred time periods.
     of arbitrators shall be reviewed and          For added clarity, the disciplinary file will
     agreed annually by the parties to the         remain fully active in this instance for all
     Collective Agreement.                         progressive discipline purposes.

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The foregoing will have no effect on the          Employees on shifts of a minimum of 4
Employer’s right to rely on past conduct          hours.
beyond these time limits to establish that
the employee knew or ought to have                (802) It is agreed that the Employer
known     the    Company’s     disciplinary       shall have the discretionary right to offer
sanction(s) beyond what the specific              extra shifts to regular part-time Mailroom
conduct     would      warrant     without        Operators (up to five straight-time shifts
consideration of the previous offence.            per week including the shifts regularly
                                                  worked by the part-time employee)
                                                  before temporary employees or regular
                                                  full-time employees are assigned to such
ARTICLE 8: EMPLOYMENT                             shifts, except as may be provided
CATEGORIES AND JOB                                elsewhere in this Agreement. The
CLASSIFICATIONS                                   Employer      agrees    to   make    every
                                                  reasonable effort to ensure that the
(801) Effective January 22, 2006, there           opportunity for regular part-timers to
shall be one employment classification in         work available extra shifts shall be
the Employer’s Mailing Room: Mailroom             distributed in a fair and equitable
Operator.                                         manner.

Within the limitation specified in Article        (803)    It   is  agreed   that   where,
10, regular full-time is defined as a             determined in accordance with the
Mailroom Operator who is regularly                conversion formula (set out below), a
required and scheduled to work the                regular full-time Mailroom Operator
normal workweek as defined in Article 12.         position (or positions) shall be created
                                                  and posted by the Employer.
    A) For Employees Hired Before                 The conversion formula shall be based on
           January 22, 2006                       the number 1715, which is the notional
                                                  equivalent to the number of hours
Within the limitation specified in Article        worked in a calendar year by a full-time
10, regular part-time is defined as a             Mailroom Operator. That number shall be
Mailroom Operator who is regularly                divided by 5 to equal the notional
required and scheduled to work 21 hours           equivalent of the number of total annual
in the normal workweek as defined in              hours a full time Mailroom Operator
Article 12. The Employer can schedule             works each day on a five day work week:
such employees on the basis of one shift          343.
of 5 hours or more and shall schedule at
least two shifts or 7 hours or more.              In January of each calendar year of the
                                                  Collective Agreement, the Employer will
B) For Employees Hired On Or After                total the number of conversion hours
         January 22, 2006                         (defined below) for each day of the week
                                                  of the previous year by shift.      That
Within the limitation specified in the            number is divided by 343. Where the
Article 10, regular part-time is defined as       resulting number is greater than 1 on at
a Mailroom Operator who is regularly              least 5 days of the week, a regular full-
required and scheduled to work 10 hours           time Mailroom Operator position will be
in the normal workweek as defined in              created and where that number is greater
Article 12. Employer shall schedule such          than 2 on at least 5 days of the week,

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two regular full-time Mailroom Operator              (804) When the Employer intends to add
positions will be created, etcetera.                 a regular full-time position or positions
                                                     under circumstances other than those
For the purposes of this Clause, the hours           which require the promotion of regular
of work to be counted as conversion                  part-timers as described in paragraph 3
hours are:                                           above, the following provisions shall
(a) fifty (50) percent of all paid hours
    worked by Employees in excess of                  i) a notice of vacancy shall be posted in
    seven paid hours per day.                        the Employer's Mailing Room at the
                                                     Vaughan Press Centre for not less than
(b) paid hours of Employees hired on or              five (5) calendar days.
    after January 22, 2006that are six
    hours or more in a day with a six                 ii) first consideration will be given to
    hour shift being counted as seven                regular part-time      employees and the
    hours and shifts longer than seven               Employer will grant a trial period in the
    hours counted as in (a)                          vacancy to one such part-time employee
                                                     who in its judgment is a suitable
(c)   Shifts where Employees are paid for            candidate based upon (but not limited to)
      seven hours                                    the criteria of       competency, ability,
                                                     reliability, attendance, disciplinary record,
Specifically excluded from conversion                potential and general fitness to perform
    hours are:                                       the work.

      •   shifts less than six (6) hours             iii) a notice of vacancy shall be posted in
                                                     the Employer's Mailing Room at the
      •   shifts of Employees hired on or            Vaughan Press Centre for not less than
          before January 22, 2006 of less            five (5) calendar days.
          than seven (7) hours
                                                     iv) first consideration will be given to
      •   scheduled for the sole purpose of          applicants from the Mailroom Operators
          training                                   holding     regular    positions  and    the
                                                     Employer will grant a trial period in the
      •   shifts worked to cover absence             vacancy to one such applicant provided in
          due to sickness or disability or as        its judgment such applicant is a suitable
          a personal request for time off or         candidate for a trial period. If no suitable
          approved leaves of absence                 candidate from the Mailroom Operator
                                                     classification     applies     then     next
Such regular full-time positions shall be            consideration shall be given to applicants
offered, in order of priority, to the regular
                                                     who have worked at least 50 shifts as
part-time Mailroom Operators who have                Mailroom Operators in a temporary
the     necessary     skill,   ability   and         employment capacity and that it will
qualifications to perform the full range of          grant a trial period in the vacancy to one
duties of the position.      The Employee            such applicant provided in its judgment
named to fill the position shall be subject
                                                     such applicant is a suitable candidate for
to a trial period as specified in                    a trial period, failing which the Employer
Clause 807.                                          shall select a candidate for a trial period

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from    whatever    source    it   deems         negotiation and, failing agreement by the
appropriate.                                     parties, to binding arbitration, but in the
                                                 event new classifications are introduced
All applications for vacancies must be in        as a result of the introduction of bindery
writing     and    addressed      to  the        equipment, it is agreed that rates for
Superintendent of the Mailing Room.              such classifications shall be competitive
Applications must be received in the             with those paid in commercial binderies in
appropriate Superintendent's office no           the Toronto area.
later than seven (7) calendar days
following the date of the posting.               It is understood and agreed that the
                                                 Employer shall have the right to introduce
(805) A temporary employee, either full-         new classifications at rates set by the
time or part-time is defined as one hired        Employer and that in the event such rates
to cover absence due to sickness,                are changed by negotiation or arbitration,
disability, vacation, or leave of absence,       the amended rates shall be made
or to meet additional work requirements.         retroactive to the date of commencement
Temporary employees shall be exempt              of work in the new classification.
from all of the terms and conditions of
this Agreement, except those pertaining          Trial Period
to rates of pay, hours of work, and
overtime and they shall be entitled to a         (807) In the event that:
minimum of two (2) shifts per week,
between the week in which June 1 falls           a part-time employee seeks to claim a
and the week in which Labour Day falls.          regular full-time position, the employee
Temporary employees shall be subject to          shall be confirmed therein if he/she
payroll deduction of Union membership            proves himself or herself suitable, able
dues on a proportionate basis and such           and competent to perform the duties of
dues shall be remitted by the Employer to        the position and satisfactorily completes
the Union monthly. The proportion shall          the trial period as defined herein. At any
be based upon the ratio of hours worked          time during a trial period and prior to
by the employee to the regular hours for         confirmation      in   the   position    or
the same class of work under this                classification, the employee may return to
Agreement       worked    by    a  regular       his/her former position and classification
employee, but in no case shall the dues          if he/she so desires or may be returned
deducted and remitted in respect of a            thereto if the Employer determines that
temporary      employee     exceed   those       the employee is not performing the duties
payable by a regular full-time employee.         of the position or classification to the
                                                 Employer's satisfaction or is not suitable,
(806) The following Mailing Room Job             able or competent to perform such
Classifications are recognized:                  duties.

   •   Mailroom Operator                         An employee who engages in a trial
                                                 period and actually works in the position
Additional classifications may be created        or classification sought for a period of
during the life of the Agreement as a            service composed of a minimum of 65
result of the introduction of new                normal shifts (determined in accordance
equipment or processes. Rates for such           with Article 12) shall be confirmed in the
classifications   shall   be  subject  to        position or classification.     Such trial

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period may be extended or waived by               ARTICLE 9: NEW HIRES AND
mutual agreement among the Employer,              PROBATION
the employee and the Union. The Union
agrees that any extension of a trial period       (901) All new employees hired to fill
of up to 65 normal shifts required by the         regular positions, either full-time or part-
Employer as a result of the employee's            time, shall be on probation for a period
absence from work during the trial period         not to exceed one hundred (100) shifts
shall be granted automatically upon               actually worked from date of hire.
notice in writing by the Employer.
The terms of the foregoing two                    (902) The Employer's right to discharge
paragraphs shall not apply to an                  an employee during the course of his/her
employee who works in a higher                    probation shall not be subject to the
classification for the purpose of covering        grievance procedure.
an authorized leave of absence or
absence due to sickness.                          (903) Any pre-employment medical
                                                  examinations shall be at the discretion of
(808) It is understood and agreed that if         the   Employer     in   accordance    with
a part-time employee, is, at any time             Company policy and practice and shall
during the said trial period, found by the        not be the subject of any grievance.
Employer not to be suitable, able or
competent to perform the duties of the
position or classification or not to be
performing such duties to the satisfaction
of the Employer he/she shall be returned
to     his/her    former    position    and
classification without loss of seniority or
(809) A temporary employee who wishes
to be considered for employment in a
regular position, either full-time or part-
time, may, solely at the discretion of the
Employer, be permitted a trial period in
accordance with and subject to the
limitations of the foregoing paragraphs
and may also be required to submit to a
medical examination performed by a
physician designated by the Employer
before being confirmed.

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(1001) As at April 24, 2005 the
Employer   agreed that the staff
compliment was:                                    (1101)       For the purposes of this
                                                   Agreement, the parties recognize and
Vaughan Press Centre                               agree that "seniority" shall be defined in
                  Full-Time Part-Time              terms of an employee's total length of
Mailers              103        38                 continuous service as an employee of the
Preparation Clerk      1           -               Employer and shall be the basis upon
Machine Inserters     22        33                 which an employee's entitlement to
                                                   service-related   benefits,    such     as
Effective January 22, 2006 the parties
                                                   vacations with pay but not vacation
agree to a single classification in the mail
                                                   scheduling, shall be determined in the
room (Mailroom Operator) and that the
                                                   absence of a specific provision to the
number of Mailroom Operators is subject
to change in accordance with the
provisions of the Collective Agreement.
                                                   (1102) The parties further agree that,
It shall be at the discretion of the
                                                   for the purpose of this Agreement,
Employer as to whether or not such
                                                   "priority" shall be defined as the relative
employees shall be replaced if absent for
                                                   ranking of employees who are employed
any reason.
                                                   in the same job classification in the
                                                   Mailing Room and shall be determined on
(1002) The number of regular employee
                                                   the basis of the employees' length of
positions may be modified upwards or
                                                   service in their classification.
downwards at the Employer's discretion.
A reduction in the number of regular full-
                                                   (1103) Regular Full-Time Employees
time positions specified herein shall only
be made by attrition or upon ninety (90)
                                                   (i) The Priority of a regular full-time
days' notice. A reduction in the number
                                                   Mailroom Operator shall be determined
of regular part-time positions specified
                                                   solely on the basis of the Mailroom
herein shall only be made by attrition or
                                                   Operator’s service in the classification
upon thirty (30) days' notice. For the
                                                   following satisfactory completion of the
purposes of this Agreement, "attrition"
                                                   Employee’s probationary period.
shall be defined as the non-replacement
of employees who leave, quit, die, retire,
                                                   (ii) The priority of an employee employed
go on Long Term Disability, voluntarily
                                                   in any other classification, existing or
transfer or are discharged. Any reduction
                                                   introduced during the term of this
in the number of positions by attrition
                                                   Agreement, shall be determined solely on
shall be without notice.
                                                   the basis of his/her service in this
                                                   classification     following   satisfactory
Notwithstanding the above set out notice
                                                   completion      of   his/her  probationary
periods, the Employer may at its
discretion, provide pay in lieu of the 90 or
30 day notice periods (whichever is
                                                   In the event of a vacancy in a full-time
applicable) to affected employees. Such
                                                   situation covered by this Collective
pay in lieu of notice shall not negate the
                                                   Agreement, such vacancy shall be filled
requirement for discussion with the Union
                                                   on the basis of priority as defined herein,
as set out in Article 15.
                                                   so that the part-time employee with the

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greatest length of priority shall be                 (1106) In the event that two or more
awarded the position subject to the                  employees have the same priority date,
provisions of Article 8.                             continuous Mailing Room service shall be
                                                     the criterion applied in regard to all
(1104) Regular Part-Time Employees                   differentiations between employees in the
                                                     application    of   the  terms  of   this
(i) The Priority of a regular part-time              Agreement.
Mailroom Operator shall be determined
solely on the basis of the Mailroom                  (1107) Seniority and Priority Lists
Operator’s service in the classification
following satisfactory completion of the             The Employer shall maintain separate
Employee’s probationary period.                      lists as to seniority and priority for all
                                                     classifications in the Mailing Room. (And
The priority of an employee employed in              see Letter of Understanding regarding
any other classification, existing or                Existing Staff).
introduced during the term of this
Agreement, shall be determined solely on
the basis of his/her service in this
classification    following  satisfactory
completion     of   his/her probationary

(And see Letter of            Understanding
regarding Existing Staff)

To establish priority part-time employees
must make themselves available to work
five (5) shifts per week.

(1105) Priority

Priority shall be the criterion applied in
regard to all differentiations between
employees in the application of the terms
of this Agreement which are not
specifically required to be made on some
other basis or which do not relate to an
employee's        suitability,     ability  or
competence to perform the work of a
classification.      In particular, and as
provided      in     this    Agreement,     an
employee's       priority    shall   determine
his/her entitlement in regard to the
effects of any staff reduction, shift
selection and vacation scheduling.

(And see Letter of            Understanding
regarding Existing Staff)

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ARTICLE 12: HOURS OF WORK                         6:00 p.m.; a night shift shall be defined
                                                  as being a shift the straight time hours of
(1201) Except as may be provided                  which start and end between 6:00 p.m.
elsewhere in this Agreement the normal            and 6:00 a.m.; a lobster shift shall be
straight time workweek shall consist of 35        defined as a shift the straight time hours
hours per week made up of five (5) shifts         of which start in the day shift hours and
of seven (7) working hours exclusive of a         end in the night shift hours, or start in
meal period of 30 minutes as designated           the night shift hours and end in the day
by the Employer. Employees shall be               shift hours.
allowed a paid five (5) minute wash up
period immediately prior to the meal              (1204) Individual starting times for
period.                                           regular full-time employees on any given
                                                  shift shall be designated by the Employer
(1202) An employee shall be entitled to           and posted. Such posted starting times
an unpaid lunch period at a time                  (not necessarily the same each day) will
designated by the Employer, which shall           remain in effect for seven (7) consecutive
be posted at the start of the shift. The          shifts.
lunch period shall be scheduled to
commence not earlier than two (2) hours           Except as provided hereinafter, or as may
and not later than five (5) hours after the       be agreed by mutual consent, a
employee's posted shift starting time.            workweek      for   a   regular   full-time
The stated lunch period may be delayed            employee shall consist of either five (5)
or advanced by thirty five (35) minutes.          day shifts, five (5) first night shifts, or
Nothing in the foregoing precludes the            five ( 5) second night shifts.
Employer from talking to the Union to
expand the 35 minutes where operational           (1205) The number of employees
needs require a greater amount of time,           assigned to any shift on a regular basis at
but no change would be made to the 35             any given time shall be at the discretion
minutes without mutual consent.                   of the Employer, but the assignment of
                                                  shifts to regular full-time employees shall
If, due to the necessity of maintaining           be made on the basis of priority within
production continuity and if an employee          the Mailing Room.
agrees to work through his/her lunch
period, the Employer will make every              (1206) In the event of a change in the
effort to provide within the shift, a             rotational day off schedule, the new
continuous thirty-minute lunch period as          schedule shall be posted and shall take
close to the designated time as possible          effect three (3) weeks following date of
or, if that is not possible and the               posting.
employee works through a complete shift
without a lunch break, the Employer will          (1207) Change in Shift
pay the employee an additional one-half
hour's pay at the appropriate overtime            At least one week's notice (or less, by
rate.                                             mutual consent) shall be given of any
                                                  change in shift from day to night or night
(1203) For Mailing Room employees, a              to day, or from day or night to lobster or
day shift shall be defined as being a shift       vice versa.
the straight time hours of which start and        The Employer will endeavour to provide
end between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and            relief periods when work requirements

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permit, but it is understood and agreed           ARTICLE 13: OVERTIME
that relief periods shall be at the sole
discretion of the Employer.                             For Employees Hired Before
                                                             January 22, 2006
Subject to the operation or application of
any contrary or inconsistent provision of         (1301) Overtime to regular shifts is
this Agreement, no employee may be                defined as all time worked, which is
scheduled by the Employer to work more            required and authorized by the Employer,
than one normal shift during a calendar           in excess of the straight time hours of a
day and each employee shall be entitled           shift and contiguous to that shift. Such
to at least one eight-hour interval               overtime shall be paid for at the rate of
between     scheduled shifts.       These         time-and-one-half of the regular hourly
limitations are not to apply in the event         rate for the shift for the first 2 1/2 hours,
that an employee works extra shifts for           and at double the regular hourly rate for
which he/she was not scheduled.                   the shift thereafter. Overtime shall not
                                                  change the status of a shift from what it
(1208) A Mailing Room employee who                would have been had no overtime been
reports late and who is not sent home             worked. If an employee works one hour
shall be paid only for time actually              or more of post-shift overtime, he/she
worked and shall not be entitled to               shall receive a meal period of 30 minutes
overtime pay until he/she shall have              or pay in lieu thereof at overtime rates,
worked the normal straight time hours of          provided that no such meal period shall
the     shift  unless   the   employee's          be required or paid for unless the
Supervisor accepts the employee's reason          employee in question shall have actually
for lateness as reasonable and specifically       worked 60 minutes or more after the
agrees that pay at the overtime rate shall        conclusion of the scheduled shift,
be paid.                                          excluding all pre-shift and lunch period
(1209) The Employer agrees that a
Mailing Room employee who reports late            (1302) The Employer agrees to provide
but is ready and able to commence work            as much notice as possible when post-
not more than one (1) hour after his/her          shift overtime is to be worked and will
scheduled shift starting time shall be            also provide employees its best estimate
permitted to work for the balance of that         of the duration of such post-shift
scheduled shift. The Employer shall have          overtime when advising employees of its
the option of requiring any employee who          requirement.
reports late and is not ready and able to
commence work within one (1) hour of              (1303) For the purposes of these
his/her scheduled shift starting time to          provisions, time off work resulting from
work the balance of the shift, but shall be       absence due to recognized holidays
under no obligation to allow such work or         (including the birthday holiday) jury duty,
to make any payment to such employee              witness duty, bereavement, and paternity
who is not required to work.                      day (all as provided for in this Collective
                                                  Agreement) and time off work to attend
(1210) Nothing herein shall preclude or           Health and Safety Committee meetings or
limit the Employer's rights to discipline         meetings with the Employer, and to
any employee for absenteeism or                   attend to official Union business shall be
lateness.                                         treated as time worked in determining

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the shifts worked by an Employee.                 shall not be considered part of the call
Absence due to sickness, disability or            back period.
“book-off” of any kind shall not constitute
time worked in determining the shifts             (1308) Double shifts shall be paid on
worked by an Employee.                            the same basis as sixth            shifts as
                                                  described in (c) above, except that a
(1304) An employee assigned to and                double shift worked by a regular part-
actually working a full 6 shifts within a         time employee as an extra shift in
work week shall be paid at the overtime           accordance with the terms of Article 8
rates for the sixth shift worked.       For       shall be paid at straight time rates.
added clarity, actual shifts worked in this
case exclude sick days, vacations,                (1309) The Employer shall compensate
recognized holidays and leaves of                 for all authorized overtime in quarter-
absence authorized by the Employer,               hour units.
save and except union leaves for Toronto
business,    including    union    training              For Employees on or After
sessions, which shall be considered as                       January 22, 2006
time worked towards the sixth shift.
                                                  (1310) Overtime is defined as all time
(1305) Except as provided elsewhere in            worked, which is required and authorized
this Agreement, all work that is                  by the Employer, in excess of 35 straight
performed between 12:01 a.m. and                  time hours per week.        Such overtime
11:59 p.m. on Sundays shall be paid at            shall be paid at the rate of time and one-
double the regular straight time hourly           half of the regular hourly rate for each
rate.                                             hour worked in excess of 35 straight time
                                                  hours per week. Breaks shall be given in
(1306) All       work    performed     on         accordance with the provisions of the
recognized holidays, or days celebrated           Employment Standards Act.
as such, shall be paid for at double the
regular straight time hourly rate for the         (1311) Clauses 1302, 1303, 1306 and
shift, in addition to the regular pay for         1309 shall apply to employees hired on or
the workweek.                                     after January 22, 2006

(1307) A regular full-time employee
called back to work after he/she has
completed his/her regular shift's work
and has left the premises shall be paid for
a minimum of 4 hours. If an employee
works 2 1/2 hours or less, he/she shall
receive 4 hours pay at time-and-one-half
rates. If the employee works in excess of
2 1/2 hours he/she shall be paid at the
rate of time-and-one-half for the first 2
1/2 hours and double time thereafter, but
in no event shall he/she receive less than
4 hours pay at time-and-one-half rates.
Time travelling to and from the office

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ARTICLE 14: WAGE RATES                           In addition to the above wage rate
                                                 increases,    eligible    employees     will
(See Letter Outside the Collective               participate in the “Profit Share Plan for
Agreement re Wage Rates for detailed             Unionized Employees of The Toronto
information)                                     Star” (“The Plan”). The Plan, attached as
                                                 Appendix “A” shall remain in effect for the
(1401) MAILROOM OPERATORS                        duration of the Collective Agreement.

    I: For Employees Hired Before                Employees assigned and performing lead
           January 22, 2006                      hand duties as shall be paid a differential
                                                 of 10.00 per shift worked to a maximum
                                                 of $50.00 per straight time workweek.
Effective January 1, 2005
                                                 Effective the first day of the first full week
Day Shift   $1,117.72    per week                following date of signing of this
                                                 Agreement, employees assigned and
Night or Lobster                                 performing lead hand duties and assigned
 Shift      $1,167.72    per week*               as machine set-up persons shall be paid a
                                                 differential of $16.00 per shift worked to
                                                 a maximum of $80.00 per straight time
Effective January 1, 2006                        workweek.

Day Shift   $1,145.66    per week                           MAILROOM OPERATOR

Night or Lobster                                 Effective January 1, 2005
 Shift      $1,195.66    per week*               Starting Rate             $ 21.20 per hour
                                                 Fully Experienced Rate
                                                 (after 65 shifts worked)  $ 23.55 per hour
Effective January 1, 2007
                                                 Effective January 1, 2006
                                                 Starting Rate             $ 21.73 per hour
Day Shift   $            per week                Fully Experienced Rate
                                                 (after 65 shifts worked)  $ 24.14 per hour
Night or Lobster
 Shift      $            per week*               Effective January 1, 2007
                                                 Starting Rate             $           per hour
*Includes shift differential of $10.00 per       Fully Experienced Rate
shift, five shifts, 35 hours per week.           (after 65 shifts worked)  $           per hour

                                                 Operators shall be eligible for a night shift
                                                 differential of 10.00 per shift, and a
                                                 lobster shift differential of $10.00 per
                                                 shift. Mailroom Operators assigned as
                                                 shall be paid a differential of $8.00 per
                                                 shift worked to a maximum of $40.00 per
                                                 straight time workweek.

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 II: For Employees Hired On or After              ARTICLE 15: REDUCTION IN
          January 22, 2006                        WORKFORCE

Mailroom Operators shall be paid in               (1501) Any reduction in workforce shall
accordance with the Mailroom Operator             be made by attrition or in accordance
Grid:                                             with the notice provisions specified in
                                                  Article 10.   In the event of a staff
Date of Hire            $13.50                    reduction in any job classification other
                                                  than by attrition, dismissals shall be
After 900 Hours         $13.90                    made in inverse order of priority.
After 1,800 Hours       $14.30
                                                  (And see Letter of             Understanding
After 2,700 Hours       $14.70
                                                  Regarding Existing Staff)
After 3,600 Hours       $15.20
After 4,500 Hours       $15.50                    (1502) Dismissal Pay

                                                  Upon dismissal to reduce staff, an
*An hour is a paid hour for time actually
                                                  employee shall receive dismissal pay in a
worked by an employee regardless of the
                                                  lump sum equal to one week's pay for
rate paid for the hour worked.
                                                  every five months of continuous service
In addition to the above wage rate                or major fraction thereof with the
increases,    eligible    employees    will       employer, to a maximum of 52 weeks'
participate in the “Profit Sharing Plan for       pay. One week's pay shall be defined as
Unionized Employees of the Toronto Star”          straight time pay for a normal workweek
(the “Plan”).     The Plan, attached as           based on day shift rates.
Appendix A, shall remain in effect for the        A regular full-time employee named to be
duration of the Collective Agreement.             dismissed as a result of a reduction in
                                                  staff may, as an alternative to accepting
Employees assigned and performing lead            dismissal pay as provided hereinbefore.
hand duties as shall be paid a differential
of 10.00 per shift worked to a maximum            Revert to part-time employment if part-
of $50.00 per straight time workweek.             time employment is available within the
                                                  job classification concerned and in that
Employees assigned and performing lead            event such employee shall retain his/her
hand duties and assigned as machine set-          established full-time priority date and
up persons shall be paid a differential of        such priority date      shall establish the
$16.00 per shift worked to a maximum of           employee's priority on the part-time
$80.00 per straight time workweek.                priority list, in which event the regular
                                                  part-time employee with least priority
(1402) Effective January 1, 2008, the             shall be dismissed and shall receive
Company, at its sole and exclusive                dismissal pay in accordance with the
discretion, may elect to pay wages bi-            provisions of this Article, or
weekly in cash or by cheque or by bank
deposit or by any other mutually agreed           (1503) Recall Rights
                                                  Notwithstanding the provisions of Article
                                                  8, effective January 1, 1992, when,
                                                  following a staff reduction or reductions

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pursuant to Article 15, the Employer                time employee elects to receive dismissal
intends to add regular full- time positions         pay, the part-time employee shall be
in    job    classifications   from    which        deemed to have waived any recall rights.
employees were dismissed, any such                  If the part-time employee elects to be
employees who claimed a position                    placed on the part-time employees’ recall
pursuant to clause 1502 hereof shall be             list, in the event the employer intends to
offered reinstatement to their former               add regular, part-time employees in job
positions in order of priority to the extent        classifications from which part-time
required to fill the number of positions            employees were dismissed, part-time
called for by the Employer and all such             employees on the part-time employees’
employees shall be reinstated to their              recall list shall be offered such positions
former job classifications before any new           in order of priority and so long as the
employees may be hired or other existing            part-time employee next in priority has
employees       promoted     to   fill  such        the skills and ability to do the work
positions.       In the event of such               required in the job classification. If a
reinstatement, the reinstated employee              part-time employee on the part-time
shall retain his/her priority date and such         employees’ recall list is not recalled to a
priority    date     shall   establish   the        job classification within one year from the
employee's priority on the relevant full-           date of dismissal, the part-time employee
time priority list.       An employee who           shall receive the part-time employee’s
claims a job pursuant to (1502) or a                dismissal pay set out in this Article. At
reinstated employee shall not be required           the time, the part-time employee’s name
to go through an additional trial period.           shall be removed from the part-time
                                                    employees’ recall list and the part-time
(1504) A regular full-time employee                 employee shall have no further recall
having opted for available regular part-            rights. In addition, at any time during the
time employment in lieu of accepting                one year period from the date of
dismissal pay shall, if subsequently                dismissal, a part-time employee can elect
terminated as a result of a staff                   to receive the part-time employee’s
reduction, be eligible to receive at that           dismissal pay. In such instance, the part-
time the dismissal pay to which he/she              time employee’s name shall be removed
would have been eligible under the                  from the part-time employees’ recall list
original staff reduction termination plus           and the part-time employee shall be
whatever further dismissal pay such                 deemed to have waived any further recall
employee may have earned by virtue of               rights.
part-time service to a maximum of 52
weeks' pay plus a once in a lifetime lump           Staff Reduction Due to Technological
sum payment equal to two (2) weeks at               Change
the basic day shift rate in effect
immediately prior to date of termination.           (1506) In the event a staff reduction is
                                                    brought about as a result of the
(1505) In the event of a dismissal to               introduction of new technology, a regular
reduce staff, an affected part-time                 full-time employee may, as an alternative
employee has the option of accepting                to dismissal pay, or as an alternative to
dismissal pay, as set out in this Article, or       claiming employment as a part-time
electing to be placed on a recall list for a        employee,     elect    enrollment    in  a
maximum period of one year from the                 recognized    educational    establishment
date of dismissal. In the event a part-             with a view to retraining.

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(1507) If an employee elects enrollment           (1508) During the life of this Agreement
in a recognized educational establishment         every effort will be made in co-operation
with a view to retraining, the Employer           with the Union for the relocation of the
will establish a retraining allowance fund        personnel involved within the Union's
through a chartered bank or trust                 jurisdiction who are affected by a staff
company, and such fund will provide the           reduction resulting from the introduction
employee with an amount of money equal            of new technology.
to 65% of the straight time weekly day
rate in effect at the time of his/her             (1509) The Employer agrees to discuss
termination for a period of up to three (3)       with the Union the possibility of voluntary
years, payable monthly.           Programs        retirement of personnel within the Union's
qualifying for the retraining allowance           jurisdiction in order to reduce the impact
specified herein must be recognized by            of any layoffs, and to discuss any other
the Canada Manpower Department or by              alternative means of reducing the impact
a properly qualified educational authority        of such layoffs, including the introduction
and must be designed to qualify the               of a reduced workweek. It is understood
applicant for gainful employment in some          that pressure will not be exerted on any
field     other       than      pressroom,        individual with regard to voluntary
paperhandling, platemaking or Mailing             retirement.
Room work.        If, because of special
circumstances, recognition as described           Reduction in Workforce
above cannot be achieved for a specific
program, then such a program may be               (1510) For the purpose of this Article a
reviewed by both parties to this                  reduction in workforce is defined as a
Agreement and may be deemed to qualify            reduction in the number of regular full-
for participation by consent of both              time or part-time positions brought about
parties.                                          through termination of employment, but
                                                  not as a result of transfer, retirement,
An employee electing this option must             resignation, disability, death or discharge
maintain    a    record   of   satisfactory       for just and sufficient cause.
attendance to qualify for a continuation of
compensation. Where it is established             (1511) Severance pay at the rate of one
that a trainee has dropped out of a               week's wages for each six (6) months of
program,       compensation     may      be       continuous service (or major fraction
discontinued and no further obligation of         thereof) with the Employer, with a
any kind shall be deemed to exist toward          maximum of fifty-two (52) weeks' wages,
such    a   person    by    Toronto    Star       shall be paid on loss of position caused
Newspapers Limited or any agent acting            through    permanent     suspension   of
on its behalf.                                    publication or plant closure. Severance
                                                  pay shall not apply in the case of an
An employee electing this option shall            employee who does not lose employment
cease to be an employee upon his/her              through suspension of publication due to
enrollment in such program.                       merger or plant closure.

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