Local Industrial Strategy - New Anglia LEP

Page created by Carl Watson
Local Industrial Strategy - New Anglia LEP
Local Industrial Strategy

Local Industrial Strategy - New Anglia LEP
the UK’s clean
growth region
A globally recognised, technology-driven, creative and
inclusive economy which is leading the transition to
a post-carbon economy through sustainable food                                   Cover photos:
                                                             Turbines off the All Energy Coast,

production and sustainable energy generation.            researchers at Quadram Institute and
                                                           crops at the Norwich Research Park

2 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
Local Industrial Strategy - New Anglia LEP
Foreword                                                                                               Below: Dudgeon
                                                                                                       Offshore Wind Farm

Building on centuries of innovation, Norfolk         With specialisms in telecoms, cyber security,
and Suffolk is pioneering the technologies           quantum technology, artificial intelligence,
and science needed to power, feed and                Internet of Things, user experience design,
connect a growing national and global                marine and microbiome research, the area
population for a cleaner and more                    has some of the highest concentrations of
sustainable future.                                  knowledge-intensive jobs in the UK.

It is the epicentre of the world’s largest market    Home to the largest agri-food sector in the UK,
for offshore wind energy with expertise in all       the area boasts world-leading research into
forms of energy generation. Planned investment       plant and soil technology, agricultural systems
will make it the leading supplier of renewable       and health. Norfolk and Suffolk continues to
energy to the UK, providing power for more than      push the boundaries of food and health science,
58 per cent of UK homes.                             from agriculture pioneers such as Coke of
                                                     Norfolk and Turnip Townshend to scientists at
It is home to BT’s global research and               the John Innes Centre leading the global search
development headquarters at Adastral Park,           to develop new antibiotics discoveries.              © Jan Arne Wold
Ipswich – the UK’s leading patent filer for
artificial intelligence technologies, where global   There are few places which are so uniquely
standards and coding for the internet were           equipped to make telling contributions to the
pioneered and the single-mode optical fibre          major challenges facing the world in the 21st
was realised.                                        century – food and energy security, healthy          There are few places which are
                                                     ageing and living with environmental change in
Norfolk and Suffolk is at the cutting edge of        a world where technology is advancing rapidly.
                                                                                                          so uniquely equipped to make
digital innovation, with a globally competitive                                                           telling contributions to the major
communications technology and digital creative       This Local Industrial Strategy has been adopted
sector anchored by nationally recognised tech        by local partners. It has been submitted to
                                                                                                          challenges facing the world in
clusters centred on Ipswich and Norwich’s fast-      Government and is awaiting their approval.           the 21st century
growing digital creative hubs.

                                                                                                                            Local Industrial Strategy 3
Local Industrial Strategy - New Anglia LEP
Right: Ipswich Waterfront

            As global, national and local economies adapt        The main urban centres of Ipswich and Norwich       This Local Industrial Strategy reflects the
            to climate change and the transition to a zero-      are dynamic, fast-growing centres with a rich       opportunities and needs of Norfolk and Suffolk’s
            carbon economy, Norfolk and Suffolk is taking        cultural offer and are core to future economy       growing economy and how it will respond in a
            action to bring together expertise and emerging      growth. Norfolk and Suffolk market towns are        fast-changing world. Local partners have put in
            technologies across different disciplines and        also important and are a significant anchor         place a strong partnership that has a track record
            sector boundaries to provide new solutions and       points for businesses and individuals.              of delivery. This Local Industrial Strategy shows
            clean growth opportunities.                                                                              how Norfolk and Suffolk is going to continue to
                                                                 Record numbers of people are engaged in the         collaborate across disciplines and boundaries to
            With an economy worth £36bn, Norfolk and             economy, with 81 per cent of the working age        provide new solutions and the infrastructure that
            Suffolk makes a significant contribution to UK plc   population in Norfolk and Suffolk active, and       its communities and businesses need.
            and investment here delivers growth. The area        employment levels exceeding the national
            strives to be a place with a productive, highly      average. Skills levels and wages, however, are
            skilled workforce; a place where high-growth         lower but that gap is closing. Initiatives across
            businesses aspire to be.                             Norfolk and Suffolk are improving opportunities
                                                                 for those furthest from the labour market.
            This Local Industrial Strategy is based on strong
            evidence and sets out the actions local partners     Norfolk and Suffolk is strongly connected with        Norfolk and Suffolk is taking
            are taking and how they are working with             the rest of the world. Felixstowe is the UK’s         action to bring together
            government to continue to make this one of the       largest container port and handles about 42 per
            best places in the world to live, work, learn and    cent of its container trade. Norwich Airport, via     expertise and emerging
            succeed in business.                                 Schiphol, connects people to over 400 global          technologies across different
                                                                 destinations while other airports like London
                                                                 Stansted are within close reach. The area             disciplines and sector boundaries
                                                                 benefits from important links to London and
                                                                 Cambridge, boasting the UK’s most modern fleet
                                                                                                                       to provide new solutions and
                                                                 of railway rolling stock.                             clean growth opportunities.

4 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
Local Industrial Strategy - New Anglia LEP
Local Industrial Strategy 5
Local Industrial Strategy - New Anglia LEP
6 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
Local Industrial Strategy - New Anglia LEP
Executive summary
Norfolk and Suffolk – the UK’s clean growth region.
A globally recognised, technology-driven,                             The cross-sector opportunities are particularly           The scale of the productivity prize is significant.
creative and inclusive economy which is                               exciting, delivering solutions such as energy             If Norfolk and Suffolk was operating at the same
leading the transition to a post-carbon                               self-sufficiency in farming, or using older gas           productivity rate as the UK average, it would
economy through sustainable food production                           platforms for sustainable energy generation, for          contribute an additional £4bn gross value
and sustainable energy generation.                                    example, to make a major contribution to the              per annum.
                                                                      UK’s transition to a post-carbon economy.
With an economy worth £36bn1, Norfolk and                                                                                       As global, national and local economies adapt
Suffolk makes a significant contribution to UK                        The Norfolk and Suffolk economy has clear and             to climate change and the transition to a zero-
plc, with globally competitive clusters and                           well-defined potential for growth alongside               carbon economy, Norfolk and Suffolk is taking
growing specialisms from agri-food and clean                          these major opportunities. This Local Industrial          action to bring together expertise and emerging
energy to information and communications                              Strategy sets out a series of coherent and                technologies across different disciplines and
technology and digital creative.                                      specific actions that will drive productivity and         sector boundaries to provide new solutions and
                                                                      growth across the economy as a whole, so that             clean growth opportunities.
Clean growth sits at the heart of this Local                          all businesses and communities benefit from
Industrial Strategy. Norfolk and Suffolk is at                        sustainable and inclusive growth with clean
the forefront of tackling the challenges and                          energy, improved wages and better-quality jobs,              This Local Industrial Strategy
opportunities of climate change. The area's                           innovative transport solutions and support for
major strengths in energy generation and usage,                       the ageing population.
                                                                                                                                   sets out a series of coherent and
and high-tech sustainable agri-food, present                                                                                       specific actions that will drive
major opportunities.
                                                                                                                                   productivity and growth across
                                                                                                                                   the economy as a whole.

Left: Turbines off the All Energy Coast

    Norfolk and Suffolk Local Industrial Strategy evidence base – contains all data in this document unless otherwise stated.

                                                                                                                                                        Local Industrial Strategy 7
Local Industrial Strategy - New Anglia LEP
Clean Energy: Powering the world
            Norfolk and Suffolk is well placed to be a            This strategy sets out a range of actions that      Expanding OrbisEnergy’s scope from
            global exemplar for clean, low carbon energy          local partners will take to maximise the clean      offshore renewables to ‘clean energy’,
            production, exporting services and skills             energy opportunity including:                       delivering an ambitious innovation and
            globally, whilst increasing the availability                                                              growth programme focussing on supply
            of affordable sustainable energy for local               Developing an ambitious research and
                                                                    	                                                chain development, new technology
            communities and businesses.                               innovation programme that will build on         solutions, investment in skills and talent,
                                                                      existing clean energy research strengths        attracting investment, increasing global
            Norfolk and Suffolk has expertise in all forms            across the regional universities, Cefas         exports and supporting collaboration
            of energy generation and sits at the heart of             and ORE Catapult, working closely with          across industry to develop a shared all-
            the world’s largest market for offshore wind              industry to deliver increased innovation and    energy workforce.
            energy. Planned investment in renewable and               productivity, new research collaborations
            nuclear power generation will make it the leading         and cross-sector translational projects.
            supplier of renewable energy to the UK, providing
            power for 58 per cent of the UK’s homes.                 Enhancing the capacity and capability of
                                                                    	                                                Planned investment in
                                                                      Norfolk and Suffolk’s ports with a series of
            As well as a key role in the production of energy,        ambitious projects to attract and capture
                                                                                                                      renewable and nuclear
            Norfolk and Suffolk is also playing a leading             investment in operations and maintenance,       power generation will make
            role in the transition to a zero-carbon economy.          manufacturing and construction to serve the
            Working with the Greater South East Energy                offshore energy market.
                                                                                                                      it the leading supplier of
            Hub to deliver local projects at scale that benefit                                                       renewable energy to the UK,
            communities, private investors and businesses
            operating in the low carbon sector is a priority.
                                                                                                                      providing power for 58 per cent
            Transforming the local energy system and new                                                              of the UK’s homes.
            innovations in wider energy resource use will
            drive productivity gains across all businesses.

8 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
Local Industrial Strategy - New Anglia LEP
Agri-food: Feeding the world
                                         Norfolk and Suffolk has the innovation and          There is a substantial opportunity to add value
                                         expertise to develop, pioneer and apply new         to the economy with an increase in processing
                                         approaches to sustainable agriculture, utilising    and high-tech production methods, automation,
                                         clean energy and innovative water management,       enhanced use of information technology and
                                         and increase value-added processing and exports     other innovations.
                                         through the application of new technologies
                                         and systems.                                        This strategy sets out a range of actions that
                                                                                             will be taken forward to maximise the clean
                                         Norfolk and Suffolk has the largest                 agri-food opportunity including:
                                         agri-food sector in the UK, and world-leading
                                         research into plant and soil technology and            Invest in a Food Innovation Hub based at
                                         agricultural systems. Agriculture is changing           the Honingham Food Enterprise Zone to
                                         fast. Opportunities such as automation are              deliver business growth through innovation,
                                         transforming agriculture, streamlining crop and         productivity, processing, exports and
                                         livestock production, and informing crop and soil       supporting new start-ups.
                                         modelling. At the same time, soil degradation,
                                         biodiversity loss and climate change alongside         Collaborate with partners including
                                         a growing global population are driving new             Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire and
                                         challenges and consumer behaviours.                     Peterborough leveraging the existing
                                                                                                 strengths of Agri-Tech East to realise the
                                         Norfolk and Suffolk is home to an advanced              collective power as the UK centre for
                                         and nationally significant food and drink               high-tech, precision agriculture and
                                         sector, with globally renowned companies.               food production.
                                         There are many more quality processing
                                         businesses with potential to grow in domestic          Develop a world-leading hub for plant and
Above: Scientists at Quadram Institute   and international markets.                              microbial research at the John Innes Centre.

                                                                                                                    Local Industrial Strategy 9
Local Industrial Strategy - New Anglia LEP
ICT and Digital Creative:
                                                                                                                                             Right: The new STEM
                                                                                                                                             Innovation Campus at
                                                                                                                                             West Suffolk College will

                Connecting the world
                                                                                                                                             train the next generation
                                                                                                                                             of engineers, innovators
                                                                                                                                             and manufacturers

                                                          This strategy will grow and secure the                  This strategy sets out a range of actions that will
                                                          information and communications technology               be taken forward to maximise the ICT and digital
                                                          and digital creative clusters at Adastral Park          creative opportunity including:
                                                          and Norwich as national assets. It will build
                                                          the integrated networks that businesses need               Deliver the Adastral Park 2025 vision to
                                                          including the UK’s first advanced high-speed                take the site to a new level as a major
                                                          optical wireless network.                                   national strategic asset and growth engine
                                                                                                                      for the UK.
                                                          Norfolk and Suffolk’s ICT and digital creative
                                                          opportunity is both fast-growing and high-value.           Create a new digital hub in Norwich for the
                                                          It is at the cutting edge of digital innovation, with       incubation of start-ups and accommodation
                                                          distinctive strengths in telecoms, cyber security,          of scale-up businesses in the digital and
                                                          quantum technology, artificial intelligence,                creative cluster.
                                                          Internet of Things and user experience design.
                                                                                                                     Develop the economic case for a Smart
                                                          It is also imperative in supporting productivity            Emerging Technology Institute (SETI) and
                                                          growth and technology-driven innovation across              testbed – a unique advanced high-speed
                                                          all local sectors, for example through agri-tech            optical and wireless network (including 5G)
                                                          and the application of advanced intelligent                 which interlinks Internet of Things testbeds
                                                          information technology supporting the low                   to support large-scale experiments and
                                                          carbon energy transition. It is anchored by                 data transfer.
                                                          nationally recognised tech clusters centred
                                                          on Norwich’s fast-growing digital creative hub,         Adastral Park has been identified by Government
                                                          and at Adastral Park near Ipswich.                      as one of the UK’s High Potential Opportunities
Above: Norwich is a hub for digital creative businesses                                                           for investment.

10 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
Local Industrial Strategy 11
The foundations of productivity
            This Local Industrial Strategy also recognises       •	Introducing a new integrated offer and                Skills levels are increasing in Norfolk and Suffolk
            the strengths and the importance of a number of         programme of activity that will stimulate             faster than in the UK as a whole. But there is
            underpinning sectors in the Norfolk and Suffolk         collaboration and innovation. This will               more to be done, particularly in digital skills
            economy – financial services, culture and the           include an innovation research and                    needed by businesses of all sectors.
            visitor economy, ports and logistics, advanced          development fund, innovation ambassadors
            manufacturing and construction. Tackling the            and an innovative projects revenue fund.              Local partners will continue to work together
            productivity challenges in these sectors is a key                                                             to grow an inclusive economy with a highly
            part of the Local Industrial Strategy.               •	Developing next-generation innovation                 skilled workforce where skills and employment
                                                                    infrastructure, including an exemplar                 provision meets business need and the
                                                                    assisted living community for an ageing               aspirations of individuals by:
                         Ideas: Norfolk and Suffolk has             society, and exploring the possibility of the
                         strong innovation assets, but              Port of Felixstowe becoming an exemplar               •	Closing the skills and labour gaps, especially
                         innovation is concentrated in a small      for blue tech.                                           in digital and technical skills, and continuing
                         number of innovative firms, and                                                                     to build skills across the strategic opportunity
            world-class research assets, including Norwich       •	Creating partnerships with other parts of the            areas by delivering sector skills plans,
            Research Park and Adastral Park near Ipswich.           UK to scope out shared and complementary                 supporting opportunity areas in Ipswich and
            There is a long tail of non-innovative businesses.      capabilities to drive forward new                        Norwich and delivering the youth pledge.
                                                                    innovations and access to new markets.
            Together local partners will widen the cross                                                                  •	Providing a range of opportunities that
            section of businesses innovating and investing                                                                   enable all residents to upskill throughout
            by providing the right support and access to the                  People: Norfolk and Suffolk has a              their lives, including developing a digital
            finance needed to increase productivity through                   diverse and growing population.                skills programme and working with
            innovation, particularly focusing on clean                        Employment levels are higher                   industries to scale up existing initiatives.
            growth and the networks needed. Collaboration,                    than the UK average. The area is a
            learning and partnership between science,            desirable place to live, quality of life is constantly   •	Improving aspirations and continuing to
            research and business, across different sectors      ahead of the national trend with a consistent net           develop employability and work readiness
            and disciplines, will be strengthened by:            inflow of people of all ages, including families            amongst young people, including developing
                                                                 and skilled professionals.                                  an apprenticeship levy transfer scheme and
                                                                                                                             enhancing the New Anglia Enterprise Advisor
                                                                                                                             Network and Careers Hub.

12 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
opportunity to encourage a wider cross-section
             Infrastructure: Boosting                 of businesses to engage in exporting, with                         Places: Norfolk and Suffolk is an
             infrastructure enables success. Places   current levels of exports lower than comparator                    outstanding place to live and do
             and communities are interconnected,      areas. There is an extensive network of business                   business. 140 miles of coastline, three
             depend on transport links and draw       advice services across Norfolk and Suffolk,                        Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
on many of the same labour markets and supply         centred around the New Anglia Growth Hub, the         and a diversity of landscapes, internationally
chains. Local partners will work to increase          single point of access for all business support.      important wildlife reserves and historic sites. The
local investment in energy and water efficiency,                                                            main urban centres of Ipswich and Norwich are
storage and management infrastructure,                Local partners will increase the number of            dynamic, fast-growing centres with a rich cultural
alongside existing transport, housing and digital     businesses growing and scaling up, and the            offer and are core to future economy growth.
services that will enable all residents to take       number of new businesses with high growth
advantage of economic opportunities by:               potential; and raise sustainability, productivity     Norfolk and Suffolk will build on the place-
                                                      and wages amongst the wider business base.            focused approach to improving access to
•	Delivering an integrated approach to               Businesses will be supported in their efforts         skills and employment agreed in its Economic
   infrastructure and inter-regional connectivity     to expand market access and attract inward            Strategy, recognising the different requirements
   to maximise clean growth impacts locally           investment by:                                        of its towns and urban, coastal and rural areas,
   and for UK plc.                                                                                          connecting pockets of deprivation which exist
                                                      •	Providing industry leadership that drives          alongside the largest future opportunities. Local
•	Delivering the right mix of sustainable, energy       actions and takes advantage of the                 partners' actions will include:
   efficient, intelligent homes, commercial space        opportunities that exist within and across clean
   and communities that are fit for the future.          energy, agri-food and ICT and digital creative     •	Communicating a clear, ambitious offer to
                                                         through establishing industry councils.               the world central to attracting the people,
•	Developing exemplar low carbon energy                                                                       investors and businesses of the future.
   generation, networks and storage which             •	Sharpening the high-quality business
   benefit local businesses and communities.             support offer to ensure it meets the               •	Accelerating investment on the Enterprise
                                                         changing needs of businesses adapting to              Zones to help drive economic growth.
                                                         new ways of working and new technology,
             Business Environment: Norfolk               including an integrated inward investment          •	Developing a shared investment
             and Suffolk has a strong business           and business location offer, expanding                prospectus with Arts Council and National
             environment and is a great place            Invest East, a free 'investor-led' programme          Lottery Heritage, ensuring that cultural
             to build and grow a business,               and delivering supply chain programmes.               infrastructure is maintained and developed,
with stable and resilient firms, strong levels of                                                              including specific new development in
business support and good business survival                Norfolk and Suffolk is an                           market towns and places where there is
rates. The area is home to internationally facing                                                              significant new housing.
businesses which export £2.9bn of goods
                                                           outstanding place to live
and £2.4bn of services. However, there is an               and do business
                                                                                                                                                 Local Industrial Strategy 13
Making it happen
                                                                                                                      A number of tools and systems have been put in
                                                                                                                      place to support delivery:

                                                                                                                          Shared evidence base

                                                                                                                          Delivery and investment plans

                                                                                                                          A common investment prioritisation

                                                                                                                          A shared inclusive growth toolkit

                                                                                                                          An annual stock-take of progress

                                                                                                                          An evaluation programme.

                                                                                                                      Left: Norwich Research Park is
                                                                                                                      home to 3,000 researchers

            Norfolk and Suffolk partners know that the          voluntary, community and social enterprise
            economy is most successful when they work           sectors. It builds on the priorities and targets
            together for the benefit of the people who live,    set by local partners in the Norfolk and Suffolk
            learn and work here.                                Economic Strategy, the local blueprint for
                                                                inclusive growth and productivity gains, with
            This strategy looks to 2036, is based on a robust   an overall goal to transform the economy into
            evidence base and has been developed by a           one of the best places in the world to live, learn,
            strong local partnership of businesses, local       work and succeed in business.
            authorities, universities and colleges and the

14 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
Technology and Economic Change                     Global Change           Demographic and Climate Change

                                National Industrial Strategy Strategic Drivers                   Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy
                                                                                                 'a strategy for growth and opportunity'

                                                    Clean Growth: The UK's clean growth region
   At the forefront of tackling the challenges and opportunities of climate change. Strengths in energy generation and usage, and high-tech, sustainable agri-food
    present major opportunities, in particular the cross-sector opportunities which will have a major contribution to the UK’s transition to a post-carbon economy.

                                                                           Agri-food                               ICT and Creative Digital
                          Clean energy                                                                              connecting the world
                        powering the world                             feeding the world
                                                                                                                     Global centre of research and
                                                                  Advanced and nationally significant
                   The epicentre of the world’s largest                                                             development and innovation in
                                                                    agri-food and drink sector, with
                    market for offshore wind energy.                                                                 communications technology.
                                                                    globally renowned companies.
                     The only place in the UK where                                                                Fast growing digital creative hub,
                                                                  World-leading research base, at the
                     all forms of energy generation                                                                 with an international reputation
                                                                     forefront of global food and
                             exist together.                                                                            for producing graduates
                                                                            health research.
                                                                                                                               who excel.

Underpinning Sectors Financial services, culture, the visitor economy, ports and logistics, advanced manufacturing and construction

           Ideas: Improving                 People: Continue to                Infrastructure:                     Business                             Place: Transforming
           collaboration                    grow an inclusive                  Deliver integrated                  Environment:                         the Norfolk and
           across businesses                economy with                       infrastructure to                   Creating more high                   Suffolk economy
           and sectors,                     a highly skilled                   enable productivity                 growth businesses,                   into one of the
driving up levels of business     workforce where skills and        gains and clean growth and to       increasing entrepreneurship        best places in the world to
innovation, whilst increasing     employment provision              create places that people want      and helping businesses take the    live, learn, work and succeed
the adoption and diffusion of     meet business need and the        to live and work.                   decisions they need to be agile,   in business.
new technologies.                 aspirations of individuals.                                           productive and responsive.

                                                                                                                                              Local Industrial Strategy 15
Economic profile at a glance

A large, diverse economy, but with                                                 Opportunity for businesses
productivity challenges                                                            to innovate and export

            Micro (0 to 9        88.4 % 30.0 % 19.3 %
            employees)           businesses employment turnover                            £2.9bn
                                                                                           of goods exported
            Small (10 to         9.7 %      13.5 % 13.3 %
            49 employees)        businesses employment turnover
            Medium (50 to        1.6
                                 %          10.6
                                             %           13.0
                                                                                           of services exported
            249 employees) businesses employment turnover

            Large (250+          0.4 %      45.8 % 54.4 %                                  50%
                                                                                           growth in
            employees)           businesses employment turnover
                                                                                           Science and R&D
                                                                                           since 2007
62,750 46.8% £35.8bn 0.7%                                         2nd                      compared with 19% UK average

independent survival rate         contributions   average annual fastest growing
enterprises of start-ups          to the UK plc   productivity   area for high-
                                                  improvement    growth firms
16 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
Inclusive growth

                                                         The inclusive growth gap is closing. A faster rate than national
                                                         average and all comparator areas.

                                                                                                              Housing affordability is
A growing population                                                  growth in                               x8.7
                                                                      NVQ3+ levels                            times higher than
                                                                                                              earnings compared to UK 7.8

        31.6%                         3.6%                            Norfolk and
        rate of net
        migration of
                                      growth of
                                      residents                       Suffolk lags                             76.8%
                                                                      behind the                               employment rate of
        16-50-year-olds               compared to 3.7%
                                                                                                               population aged 16-64
        compared to -14% UK average
                                                                      share of pupils
                                                                      achieving a 9-5                          in work compared to 75% across the UK
                                                                      pass in English
                                                                      and Maths
                                                                      compared to
                                                                                                              £487.50 per week
        23.5%                         9,000                                                                   average full-time earnings
                                                                                                              compared to £537.50 UK average
        of residents                  positive net
        aged 65                       migration          40% in 2017/18
        and over
        compared to 18.2% in the UK
                                      trend of
                                      residents          43.9% East of                                       7%
                                                                                                              apprenticeship uptake
                                      per annum                           England                             compared to 6% national average

                                                         43.5% in the UK
                                                                                                                         Local Industrial Strategy 17
Connectivity and Commuting                                                      Housing and commercial property

Felixstowe is the UK's largest container port
                                                                                          Median property
                                                                                          prices 2017
              42%                 29m           70%                 330
              of the UK's         tonnes of     of containers       rail
                                  imports and
                                                delivered to
                                                'Golden Triangle'
                                                                    per week
                                                                                £218,000 £228,000
                                                                                Norfolk                    UK

              92%                 94% have access to
              of Norfolk          of Suffolk
              properties          properties superfast broadband
                                                                                          average commercial
                                                                                          property price
              Over    400                               90 minutes                        compared to £105/m2 average in England

              destinations connect                      by rail to Norwich
              to Norwich, Stansted                      from London
              & Schiphol airports                                                         58%
                                                        60 minutes                        of homes in Norfolk and
                                                        by rail to Ipswich                Suffolk will be powered
                                                        from London                       by energy generated in
                                                                                          the region by 2030
18 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
Felixstowe Port

                  Local Industrial Strategy 19
Norfolk and
Suffolk’s Potential
A globally recognised, technology-driven, creative and
inclusive economy which is leading the transition to
a post-carbon economy through sustainable food
production and sustainable energy generation.

20 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
Clean growth
A globally recognised, technology-driven              Suffolk, including agri-food, energy, construction      As an area with an outstanding natural
and inclusive economy which is leading the            and transport. Coastal flooding, water                   environment and natural resources which are
transition to a post-carbon economy through           resourcing and infrastructure resilience are also        particularly vulnerable to climate change but
sustainable food production and sustainable           key considerations.                                      where innovative new mitigation measures
energy generation.                                                                                             and technologies are being pioneered.
                                                      The results suggest an increase in mean summer
Clean growth sits at the heart of this Local          temperatures of at least 0.5°C between the two          As an area with a wealth of world-class
Industrial Strategy. Norfolk and Suffolk is at        30-year baseline periods of 1961-90 and 1981-            innovation and thinking, and exportable
the forefront of tackling the challenges and          2010. Per capita CO2 emissions estimates for             skills along with many award-winning
opportunities of climate change – the area            the UK declined from 8.7 to 5.4 tonnes/person            businesses that are on the leading edge
will be affected earliest by rising sea levels        between 2005 and 2016. Norfolk and Suffolk               of a low carbon future.
and changing rainfall patterns, and has major         went from having CO2 emissions per capita
research and business strengths in adapting           below the UK average in 2005 to above average        Addressing the challenges of climate change
to the change. The area’s major strengths             in 2016 (5.7 and 5.6 tonnes/person respectively),    will require actions across society and by
in energy generation and usage, and high-             reflecting the area’s rural character and the        many different organisations. Co-ordination of
tech, sustainable agri-food present major             importance of road transport.                        interventions and actions between sectors is
opportunities. The cross-sector opportunities are                                                          critical to achieving future clean inclusive growth.
particularly exciting, delivering solutions such as   Norfolk and Suffolk’s key strengths and assets
energy self-sufficiency in farming, or using older    make it well placed to be at the forefront of the    This local industrial strategy sets out targeted
gas platforms for renewable energy generation,        clean growth revolution:                             actions against each of the five foundations of
for example, to make a major contribution to the                                                           productivity, which when taken together will
UK’s transition to a post-carbon economy.                As the UK’s leading producer of renewable
                                                        	                                                 maximise the contribution of our expertise
                                                          and low carbon energy and a significant          in clean energy, agri-food and ICT, boosting
Norfolk and Suffolk has an established, dynamic           producer of low carbon goods and services.       productivity and forging Norfolk and Suffolk’s
and growing low carbon economy which is at                                                                 future as the UK’s inclusive clean growth region.
the cutting edge of the UK’s response to the             As a testbed for innovation in industries
clean growth Grand Challenge. New research                such as farming and food production,
commissioned from the world-renowned climate              transportation and construction which need
science team at the University of East Anglia             to reduce their carbon footprint and adapt to
highlights the local impacts and mitigation               a changing climate.
opportunities of climate change in Norfolk and
                                                                                                                                  Local Industrial Strategy 21
Case                                           The Low Carbon Innovation Fund
   Studies                                        operated by the University of East Anglia,
                                                  provides equity finance for SMEs in the         Norfolk and Suffolk is
                                                  East of England that are contributing           well placed to be a global
                                                  to the low carbon economy. This fund
                                                  provides investments from £25k to               exemplar for clean, low carbon
                                                  £1m to companies from any sector who            energy production, exporting
                                                  are seeking investment to grow and
                                                  develop, reduce their carbon footprint          services and skills globally.
   THURN Group, based in Acle, received           and maximise carbon savings through
   industrial strategy challenge funding          technologies, products and services. The
   for its robot submarines, which enable         programme has already invested £20.5m        Norfolk and Suffolk has a diverse energy sector
   engineers to see hazards that ice may          of EU funding matched with nearly £50m       with significant generation capacity of solar,
   cause to infrastructure, pipelines and ships   of private co-investment from UK and         wind, nuclear, biomass and gas. It is the only
   around the Arctic.                             international investors.                     UK region that has such a rich mix of large-scale
                                                                                               energy generation technologies, and expertise
                                                                                               on local generation, utility networks and energy
   Strutt and Parker Farms has a significant      Muntons is a leading global player in the    storage. It has a clear, distinctive and compelling
   commitment to renewable energy.                supply of malts, malt extracts, flour and    offer around its all-energy sector.
   Alongside several solar power initiatives,     flakes to many well-known names in the
   it runs two major anaerobic digesters –        food and drinks industry and exports
   the plant at Euston, near Thetford, exports    50% of its production. Sustainability
   50,000MWh to the National Grid a year.         is at the heart of everything Muntons
   In a recent project, it took horse muck        does. Liquid waste from its ingredients
   and straw, processed this through a bio-       business at its Stowmarket headquarters
   digester to extract biogas and CO2. Using      is treated at a £5.4m anaerobic digestion
   advanced membranes, it separated out           plant, producing a fertiliser substitute
   food-grade CO2, which is sold to a local       for spreading on local farms, cutting
   brewery for use in beer and lemonade.          out the 3,000 tanker movements a year
                                                  currently required to take sludge from the
                                                  site – saving around 340 tonnes in CO2
                                                  emissions from the lorries.

22 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
Clean energy                                                                  Bacton Gas Terminal
                                                                              and network of offshore gas
                                                                              platforms supplies over a third of
                         Over 600                           2040
                                                                              the UK's low carbon transition fuel

                         businesses                                           Planned investment
                         mainly specialising in offshore     £59.4bn          in offshore wind a nd
                         wind, gas and nuclear                 capital
                                                                               nuclear power will
                                                                               produce power for
                                                                               58% of the UK's homes

              12,000 jobs                                  in offshore
                                                                              Capacity to deliver
              with thousands more                          energy and
              employed in the wider    £119,200            engineering        50% of sector deal
              supply chain             GVA per job         by 2040            offshore windfarms in operation
                                                                              and development will meet half
                                                                              the Offshore Wind Sector Deal’s
                                                                              30GW target by 2030

concentration of      Experts           £1.4bn             £193m
offshore windfarms    across nuclear    contribution to    worth of exports
in the UK             life cycle        the economy                           with further capacity in the pipeline
Clean energy

            Offshore Energy Production
            Norfolk and Suffolk is at the epicentre of the       an additional £22bn in private sector capital                     New and innovative energy technology concepts
            world’s largest market for offshore wind energy,     expenditure bringing the total operational                        are being investigated in Norfolk and Suffolk,
            worth almost £1bn a year. The two counties have      expenditure to £550m3.                                            including offshore desalination, leading to
            the potential to benefit more than any other                                                                           hydrogen fuel production; carbon capture and
            area in England from growth in offshore wind         Offshore, the area hosts over 100 gas fields,                     storage; and gas to wire developments linked
            jobs, with an additional 6,150 full time well-paid   over 150 gas-related platforms and 4,500km                        to the rejuvenation of the Southern North Sea.
            skilled jobs by 2032 (+600 per cent growth)2.        of pipelines. Over the next 30 years there is a                   There is a real opportunity for Norfolk and
                                                                 potential market of £330bn in decommissioning.4                   Suffolk to become a ‘test and demonstration
            Norfolk and Suffolk has world-class operations       The Southern North Sea is the UK’s natural                        zone’, highlighting its national and global
            and maintenance facilities. The ports of Great       gas basin, with a third of the UK’s domestic                      value. There are opportunities for the reuse
            Yarmouth and Lowestoft have benefited from           gas requirements handled at the Bacton Gas                        or repurposing of gas assets either for use by
            over 50 years of experience supporting the           Terminal in North Norfolk.                                        offshore wind (converting gas platforms in
            offshore gas industry and have become strategic                                                                        accommodation modules) or for the production
            centres for the offshore wind sector, positioning    Coastal protection works are currently                            of hydrogen with former gas pipelines used
            themselves as England’s premier energy               taking place, including a UK-first innovative                     to deliver the gas to landfall at the Bacton
            ports, with the potential for further growth in      sandscaping project to protect Bacton Gas                         Gas Terminal.
            operations and maintenance, manufacturing            Terminal and the surrounding area for at least
            and assembly.                                        a further 25 years.                                               The area is also an ideal exemplar for energy
                                                                                                                                   transition, with oil and gas and offshore wind
            Over the last 15 years, £11bn capital has been       This strategy recognises the vital role natural gas               players co-operating in areas such as offshore
            invested, with operational turbines generating       will play as part of the ‘energy transition’ as the               training, platform electrification from offshore
            annual operational and maintenance costs             UK moves towards a net-zero economy, further                      wind, and shared logistics (accommodation,
            of £253m. Full build-out of projects under           underpinning the role of Norfolk and Suffolk’s                    vessels and helicopter operations for instance).
            construction and in development will require         offshore energy sectors.

24 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited                                            3
                                                                            4C Offshore – East of England: Enabling Offshore Wind2018 4 4C Offshore – East of England: Enabling Offshore Wind2018
Clean energy

Onshore Energy Production
Suffolk is home to three nuclear power stations at               operates an anaerobic digester which was the
different stages of their planning and lifecycles –              first to export biogas to the grid produced from
Sizewell A is in decommissioning; EDF’s Sizewell                 brewery and food waste.
B is the UK’s only pressurised water reactor in
operation; and the Sizewell C nuclear new build                  The bioenergy industry is worth nearly £2bn
project is expected to seek development consent                  and is based on the scale of agriculture locally,
in 2020.                                                         with 13.7 per cent of England’s crop output and
                                                                 9 per cent of the livestock output. Norfolk and
It is predicted that the Sizewell C power station                Suffolk is the largest straw-producing area in the
would inject up to £200m a year into the regional                UK, with 313,000 hectares of cereals and 60,000
economy during peak construction5 and £40m                       hectares of oilseed crops, with an estimated
per year during its 60 years of operation.                       straw yield of 1.06m tonnes per year.6
Furthermore, Sizewell C would create 25,000
roles during the construction phase with 900
permanent operational jobs created, plus the
need for an ‘outage’ workforce.

Norfolk and Suffolk is the leading area nationally
for animal waste biomass installations with a
third of the national capacity in two large plants
at Thetford and Eye power stations. One of
the UK’s newest straw-fed biomass plants has                                                                          OrbisEnergy
opened at Snetterton, whilst brewer Adnams

    https://newanglia.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/New-Anglia-Clean-Energy-Skills-Plan_FINAL-March-2019.pdf                     Local Industrial Strategy 25
Clean energy

            Clean Energy Generator

            Planned investment in new generation                nuclear power station, Sizewell C. It is critical   Transforming the local energy
            projects will result in Norfolk and Suffolk         that this is planned and delivered in a strategic
            being the largest contributor of clean energy       and joined-up way to ensure it does not impact
                                                                                                                    system and new innovations in
            to the UK and central to the UK’s successful        on communities and the natural environment,         wider energy resource use is
            national transition to a zero-carbon economy.       which is a key asset for the area and underpins a
                                                                highly valuable visitor economy.
                                                                                                                    also a priority for local partners
            Despite the area’s strengths in clean energy,                                                           to deliver productivity gains
            access to power is limited, holding back housing    There is a clear opportunity for Norfolk and
            and industrial development in many parts of         Suffolk to be better recognised as a global
                                                                                                                    across all businesses.
            the area. Therefore, transforming the local         exemplar for clean, low carbon energy
            energy system and new innovations in wider          production through:
            energy resource use is also a priority for local
            partners to deliver productivity gains across          Exporting services and skills globally;
            all businesses.
                                                                   Expanding the distribution of affordable
            Significant investment by National Grid and             sustainable energy to local communities
            other partners will be needed alongside local           and businesses; and
            electricity network reinforcement, to support the
            offshore energy sector and the proposed new            Improving skills locally.

                                                                                                                            Right: Our region has over 50 years’ expertise
                                                                                                                           in the oil and gas sector and the world’s largest
                                                                                                                                   windfarms in development off the coast

26 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
Local Industrial Strategy 27
Clean energy

               Ambitious Future Plans
                                                                                                                     Expand OrbisEnergy’s scope from offshore
                                                                                                                     renewables to ‘clean energy’, delivering
                                                                                                                     an ambitious innovation and growth
                                                                                                                     programme focussing on supply chain
                                                                                                                     development, new technology solutions,
                                                                                                                     investment in skills and talent, attracting
                                                                                                                     investment, increasing global exports and
                                                                                                                     supporting collaboration across industry to
                                                                                                                     develop a shared all-energy workforce.

                                                                                                                     Explore with central government and
                                                                                                                     regulators developing innovative and locally
                                                                                                                     targeted planning and regulatory pathways
                                                                                                                     for new energy projects, and locally funded
                                                                                                                     infrastructure responsive to environmental
   Aviva Solar Carport                                                                                               and community needs.

               Local partners will work together to:                                                                 Support the Greater South East Energy
                                                                                                                     Hub in developing opportunities across the
                    Develop an ambitious regional research and
                   	                                                Enhance the capacity and capability of
                                                                    	                                               energy and utility networks and enabling
                     innovation programme that will build on         Norfolk and Suffolk’s ports with a series of    more flexible and innovative solutions to the
                     our existing clean energy research strengths    ambitious projects to attract and capture       future power generation needs of Norfolk
                     across our regional universities, Cefas and     manufacturing, construction and operations      and Suffolk.
                     ORE Catapult’s new Lowestoft facility,          and maintenance investment, to serve the
                     working closely with industry to deliver        offshore energy market and to facilitate and
                     increased innovation and productivity, new      attract business and supply chain clusters
                     research collaborations and cross-sector        and support business incubation.
                     translational projects.

28 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited

                                              growth. Local investments will have a
3Sun Group, based in Great Yarmouth, led      major impact on developing the future           Peake Fruit, owned by Boxford Group and
the way in diversifying from a wholly oil     energy workforce, including the £11.3m          based in Stoke-by-Nayland, were recently
and gas business to more than 90 per cent     energy skills centre at East Coast College      awarded Best Green Enterprise BALE
renewables. It has been integral in the       in Lowestoft.                                   Award for their anaerobic digester fed
installation, servicing and maintenance                                                       by the pomace from the Konings Copella
of offshore wind turbines in the UK and                                                       juice plant and maize. The family business
European waters through the supply            Aviva Solar Carport Norwich – One of            (operating over 80 years) has a number of
of skilled technicians and statutory          the largest solar carports in the UK was        biomass boilers and solar panels across
inspection teams. 3Sun has gained a           completed for Aviva by Norfolk-based            their agricultural and leisure sites. The
global reputation for expert operational      RenEnergy. More than 542,000 kWh of             energy produced is stored on-site and is
support services specialising in the UK,      power, enough to power 138 homes, may be        used to power their site systems, chiller
German and Danish markets.                    generated by the carport at Aviva’s Horizon     storage and hotel. This business and
                                              building in Norwich. During peak hours, the     many others across Norfolk and Suffolk
                                              office (accommodating 1,000 employees) will     are working hard to transform traditional
Energy sector skills – Strong co-ordination   effectively be off-grid and powered 100%        agricultural businesses through the use of
of energy skills initiatives is key to        by the sun. Annually this system will provide   technology and clean energy.
ensuring that skills needs are met. Local     more than 63% of the site’s total energy
partners are delivering an energy sector      demand – a carbon offset saving of 166.5
skills plan which focuses on a higher         tonnes p.a. The carport has futureproofed
technical engineering offer; mobilises        the Horizon office to allow for the addition
industry leadership; builds workforce         of electric vehicle charging infrastructure,
transferability; addresses overall energy     enabling employees to charge their low
skills fragility; and delivers inclusive      carbon vehicles directly from the sun.

                                                                                                                             Local Industrial Strategy 29
2%      UK's population

                                                                         accounts                        UK landmass

                       Largest agri-food output
                            of any LEP area at
                                                                                                 11%      Agri input

                 93,300              8,885                                                        Exports worth
                 jobs                businesses                                                   £569m

Output per job is high
                                           12%             16.6%             22.7%            17.6%              60%
at £38,500                                 of the        of the UK’s fruit    of the         of the UK’s        of the UK’s
making it a productive sector.          UK’s cereals   and vegetables     UK’s pigs   poultry production      sugar

30 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited

A regional focus for agri-food innovation
Norfolk and Suffolk has the       The world-leading Norwich Research Park is          The Centre now employs some 600 staff
                                  at the forefront of global agri-food research       between Lowestoft, Weymouth, English ports,
innovation and expertise to       and innovation, employing 3,000 scientists          Kuwait and Oman. This is the UK’s most diverse
develop, pioneer and apply        and clinicians.                                     centre for applied marine and freshwater science
                                                                                      and research, providing innovative solutions for
new approaches to sustainable     It is a UK asset equipped to make a leading         the aquatic environment, biodiversity and food
agriculture, utilising clean      contribution to the major challenges of food        security. A trusted bridge between government,
                                  and energy security, healthy ageing and living      academia and industry, CEFAS provides a
energy and innovative water       with environmental change. It is Europe’s largest   multidisciplinary approach to a range of sectors
management, and increase value-   single-site hub of research, training, education    including offshore renewables, fisheries, marine
                                  and enterprise in food and health. It brings        and coastal infrastructure, and shipping.
added processing and exports      together several research organisations with
through the applications of new   global reputations:

technologies and systems.         •	the John Innes Centre
                                  •	the Earlham Institute
                                  •	the Quadram Institute
                                  •	The Sainsbury Laboratory
                                  •	University of East Anglia
                                  •	Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital.

                                  Centre for Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
                                  (CEFAS) has been based in Lowestoft since 1902,
                                  when it began as a small fisheries laboratory.
                                                                                       Tropic Biosciences

                                                                                                            Local Industrial Strategy 31

            The climate, labour and technology challenge
            Alongside this global research expertise,                 Local agricultural businesses have recognised                    from switching more primary production to spelt
            Norfolk and Suffolk has some of the most                  the need to adapt in response to the climate                     and other cereals used in gluten-free flours, to
            productive farmland in the UK. However, the               emergency, biodiversity challenge and                            developing new plant-based foods informed by
            impact of climate change is bringing drier                technological change. There is a growing                         the food innovation programme at the Quadram
            summers and wetter winters overall, with                  appetite to meet the challenge, with the right                   Institute. Supporting businesses to adapt their
            the likelihood of extreme rainfall events                 kind of support.8 But across the agri-food sector,               products to meet the changing demands of the
            increasing and extreme weather events                     innovation is concentrated in a small number                     modern consumer will be important.
            becoming more frequent7.                                  of high performing businesses. There is a big
                                                                      opportunity to improve the diffusion of ideas and
            The changing pattern of rainfall is already               technology further through the farming base.
            leading to water abstraction restrictions, which is
            likely to have an impact on growers. Norfolk and          Biodiversity and healthy soils are key to a
            Suffolk is at the forefront of the challenge, as          sustainable environment and effective carbon
            well as the research needed to adapt to it.               capture, acknowledged by UK leaders in these
                                                                      areas working here – such as the team at the
            Machine learning, automation, material science            Holkham Estate. But farming more widely
            and satellite technology have the potential to            faces a major challenge in its capacity and                          Increasing consumer
            increase productivity and improve sustainability          ability to adapt and adopt new techniques and                        demand for food traceability
            across the food supply chain. Adoption of                 technologies.
            technology is also needed to address challenges                                                                                and sustainability presents
            created by a lack of labour supply, raising               Increasing consumer demand for food traceability                     an opportunity for growers
            productivity and creating higher skilled, higher          and sustainability presents an opportunity for
            paid jobs.                                                growers and processors alike. This could range                       and processors alike.

                                                                      Scoping Report for the New Anglia LEP Climate Change Adaptation and Carbon Reduction Strategy, UEA Consulting, 2019 page 12
32 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited                                               8

Increasing Processing Value
Norfolk and Suffolk is home to an advanced          Norfolk and Suffolk will explore, working with
and nationally significant food and drink sector,   others, the scope for capacity support and new
with globally renowned companies including          skills development to encourage farmers to
Kettle Chips, Greene King, Pasta Foods, Muntons,    adopt new approaches and to better understand
British Sugar, Aspall Cyder, Mars Food, Bernard     the opportunities for innovation. There is
Matthews and Birds Eye. There are many more         significant potential for effective mentoring
quality processing businesses with potential to     and sector leadership.
grow in domestic and international markets.

The area only processes 50 per cent of the food
it grows. The opportunity to add value to the
economy with an increase in processing and
high-tech production methods is substantial.
A 50 per cent increase in processing locally
grown food could add over £2bn to the economy.

Automation, enhanced use of information
technology and other innovations also present
opportunities to increase the productivity of
these businesses, enhance sustainability and
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There is
a commitment locally to help businesses
develop the skills and technology needed to
take this opportunity.
                                                                              Right: Our region produces
                                                                           11% of the UK’s food and drink

                                                                                                            Local Industrial Strategy 33
            Ambitious                                           Studies

            Future Plans
                                                                                                             fuel-efficient processes available to turn
            Local partners will work together to:               Crop Systems in Happisburgh, North           over two million tonnes of sugar beet into
                                                                Norfolk is an industry-leading innovator     320,000 tonnes of sugar. In 2016 British
                Invest in a Food Hub based at the Food
               	                                               in modern crop storage. Its WarmStor         Sugar invested £15m in a new Anaerobic
                Enterprise Zone site at Honingham Thorpe        product is a revolutionary low-energy        Digestion (AD) plant at Bury St Edmunds,
                in Norwich, to deliver business growth          system for the automatic conditioning        producing energy in the form of electricity.
                through innovation, productivity, processing,   of potatoes for the packing industry.        While a small proportion is used to power
                exports and supporting new start-ups.           Air source heat pumps are used to bring      the AD plant, making it self-sufficient,
                                                                cold stored potatoes up to the required      the majority (up to 5MW) is being
                Explore ways of attracting inward
               	                                               temperature for packing and also             exported to the National Grid as clean
                investment to enable higher value               provide rapid cooling of new potatoes.       renewable electricity.
                food production.                                It also produces SmartStor, a system
                                                                that manages the atmosphere in potato
                Collaborate with partners including
               	                                               stores with total remote control and         Hargreaves Plants, near King's Lynn,
                Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire and                management. TaperStor and PosiStor are       is a leading berry fruit, asparagus and
                Peterborough leveraging the existing            innovative potato storage facilities which   rhubarb nursery, with one of the UK’s
                strengths of Agri-Tech East to realise the      maximise airflow and store conditions to     largest micropropagation labs. A £47,000
                collective power as the UK centre for           keep the potatoes better for longer.         grant from the Eastern Agri-Tech Growth
                high-tech, precision agriculture and                                                         Initiative enabled it to develop several
                food production.                                                                             new varieties of rhubarb to support
                                                                British Sugar supplies around half of the    the growing popularity of rhubarb
                Develop a world-leading hub for plant and
               	                                               UK’s sugar and supports 9,500 jobs. The      with consumers.
                microbial research at the John Innes Centre.    advanced manufacturing plant in Bury
                                                                St Edmunds uses Combined Heat and
                                                                Power (CHP) which is one of the most

34 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
ICT Digital
                           Workforce of 23,400                  £59,100         £293m
                                                                GVA per job     worth of exports

a further 35,000
digital technologists and engineers are active in companies
in these and other local sectors, more than doubling the size
of the digital tech workforce
                                                                                10,000 tech
                                                                                roles / vacancies
                                                                £1.4bn          to be filled
                                                                to the UK PLC   by 2024
                                                                                Local Industrial Strategy 35
ICT Digital
            The strategy plans to grow and secure the               Rainbird, Fountain Partnership and Foolproof)                  primary industries, such as web and software
            information and communications technology               as well as micro start-ups and freelancers.                    design, and in customer experience in the
            (ICT) and digital creative clusters at Adastral         The sector overlaps and interlinks with the                    broader digital economy.
            Park and Norwich as national assets, and build          financial and insurance services and business
            the integrated networks that businesses need            services sector. There is real growth potential,               UEA and NUA have developed partnerships with
            including the UK’s first advanced high-speed            but the sector is also a driver for innovation,                Aviva and Virgin Money to respond to the digital
            optical wireless network.                               creativity and productivity across the broader                 demands of the FinTech finance sector and support
                                                                    business base.                                                 SMEs within the local tech networking groups.
            Norfolk and Suffolk’s ICT and digital creative
            opportunity is both fast-growing and high-value.        University of East Anglia (UEA) and Norwich                    SyncNorwich, with over 1,300 members,
            It is at the cutting edge of digital innovation, with   University of the Arts (NUA) are key to the                    provides a vibrant networking programme
            distinctive strengths in telecoms, cyber security,      supply of talent for the Norwich area. UEA                     that supports business start-ups, business
            quantum technology, artificial intelligence,            ranked 15th of the UK’s universities9, has global              development and ongoing good practice sharing
            Internet of Things and user experience design.          pull with students drawn to specialisms that                   for the local technology community. Other
            It is also imperative in supporting productivity        include computing science, computer systems                    networking groups include Norfolk Developers
            growth and technology-driven innovation across          engineering, business information systems,                     and Hot Source.
            all local sectors and delivering the Artificial         computer graphics, imaging and multimedia, data
            Intelligence and Data Grand Challenge, for              mining, engineering and environmental science.                 Adastral Park
            example through agri-tech and the application                                                                          Adastral Park, near Ipswich, is home to
            of advanced intelligent information technology          NUA is ranked the UK number 1 and in the                       BT’s Global Research and Development
            supporting the low carbon energy transition. It         world's top 10 for games by the gaming                         headquarters, and a growing cluster of over 120
            is anchored by recognised tech clusters centred         industry10 and has secured an international                    high-tech companies at Innovation Martlesham,
            on Norwich’s fast-growing digital creative hub,         reputation for producing graduates who excel in                employing almost 4,000 people, generating
            and at Adastral Park near Ipswich. There are            a constantly evolving industry and the emerging                £515m gross value with a comparatively high
            opportunities to exploit the area's advantageous        cluster. It is also gaining national recognition               productivity rate of £140,000 per job. It is
            proximity to the Cambridge cluster and London           for its user experience and digital design                     home to the largest test and integration facility
            Liverpool Street.                                       courses. and is home to the Ideas Factory                      in Europe and the world’s first ‘real-world’
                                                                    incubation centre for digital creative businesses              demonstration of quantum encryption. Adastral
            Norwich – Digital Creative Cluster                      and user experience lab.                                       Park is the third largest patent filer in the UK
            The cluster is characterised by several high-                                                                          and number one for artificial Intelligence
            performing home-grown businesses (many of               There is major demand for user experience                      technologies.
            which are global players including Epos Now,            standard skills across both digital creative

                                                                                                                                 The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019
36 Norfolk & Suffolk Unlimited
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