Workflow Quarterly - How can CIOs reshape the future of work by advancing workflow digitization across the business? - ServiceNow

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Workflow Quarterly - How can CIOs reshape the future of work by advancing workflow digitization across the business? - ServiceNow
FALL 2019

    Workflow Quarterly
               The Strategy Issue

How can CIOs reshape
the future of work by
advancing workflow
digitization across
the business?
Workflow Quarterly - How can CIOs reshape the future of work by advancing workflow digitization across the business? - ServiceNow
The Strategy Issue
     Workflow Quarterly is dedicated to                                  DATA VISUALIZATION AND Q & A
     publishing original research and enterprise                      26 Measure value to prove impact
     journalism on workflow digitization.                                ServiceNow platform data analysis combined with
                                                                         survey responses show how CIOs are driving results

03 Letter from the editor                                                FEATURED ARTICLE
     The gap between investment and outcomes                          28 Digitization relies on great vendor
     is determined by strategy                                           relationships
                                                                         Digital workflows require CIOs to build effective
                                                                         partnerships inside and outside their organizations
05 How CIOs advance workflow
     digitization                                                        TIPS
     A guide to crafting a digital strategy that                      32 Meet the experts
     will make work better                                               Influential CIOs and business experts share
                                                                         advice on how to advance digital workflows

11   New digital workflows, better results                               IN FOCUS: COUNTRIES
     How CIOs led transformations in customer                         36 Digitization best practices around
     service, finance, and HR                                            the world
                                                                         Statistics on how CIOs in different countries
                                                                         apply best practices
15   5 Steps to influence change
     Teri Takai shares advice on how to win support,                     IN FOCUS: INDUSTRIES
     digitize workflows, and transform organizations                  39 Digitization strategy across
     in the public sector                                                industries
                                                                         Statistics on how five different fields apply
                                                                         best practices
18   The CIO’s visual guide for advancing
     and tracking digitization
     ServiceNow’s approach to implementing                              View the full issue
     workflow digitization across functions                   

     Cover photo: Jim Fowler, Chief Information Office, Nationwide,
     meeting with his team (By David Kasnic)
Workflow Quarterly - How can CIOs reshape the future of work by advancing workflow digitization across the business? - ServiceNow

Letter from
the editor
The gap between investment and
outcomes is determined by strategy

              ore than half of chief information officers say
              in a global survey commissioned by ServiceNow
              that they have significantly increased budget
for workflow digitization, a sign that these technology
leaders are accountable for identifying how process
automation can transform work to meet today’s
business demands.                                                Nationwide headquarters (Photo by David Kasnic)

However, when we talked more in depth with CIOs,                 For digital transformation to work, CIOs need to get their
we learned that outcomes from these investments rely             organizational strategy right. In this issue of Workflow
on how they set up their organization for success. That          Quarterly, we share data and advice on how industry
includes collaborating with peers and vendors, aligning IT       leaders are doing just that.
goals with the rest of the business, embedding digitization
initiatives across the organization, and holistically tracking   Read how CIOs from JPMorgan Chase, Siemens and
results. Few CIOs are developing these foundational blocks       Nationwide, among others, are building a digital strategy,
highly effectively, according to research published in the       the key elements to rolling out workflow digitization
latest issue of Workflow Quarterly.                              across business lines, and how ServiceNow created a
                                                                 framework for digitizing any function. The Strategy
In fact, fewer than 20% of CIOs surveyed say they                Issue also explores never before analyzed ServiceNow
are highly effective at using emerging technologies to           platform data to understand how companies are achieving
transform services and operations, equipping employees           value through their process automation strategies—and
with digital tools to manage workflows, or even educating        how you might consider tracking outcomes. Plus, hear
their organization about new technology and changes              fresh perspectives from Teri Takai, executive director of
to workflows.                                                    the Center for Digital Government.

Perhaps, then, it’s not surprising North Carolina
State University’s Enterprise Risk Management                        Tell us your thoughts on workflow
Initiative reported that digital transformation is the 2019          digitization strategy @ServiceNow.
top-cited risk by business executives, jumping from the
10th spot, as leaders worry about their business models,             Download the research summary
new customers, and workplace culture.                      

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                       3
Workflow Quarterly - How can CIOs reshape the future of work by advancing workflow digitization across the business? - ServiceNow
Research Methodology

                     The Strategy Issue draws on a survey commissioned by ServiceNow of 516 Chief
                     Information Officers across 12 countries and 24 industries. The survey explores how
                     technology leaders are collaborating with business partners and external vendors,
                     investing in automation, and aligning digitization goals to the broader organization to
                     drive value across functions, including customer service, finance, human resources, and
                     legal. Alongside in-depth interviews with CIO experts, the data illustrates how best-in-
                     class CIOs devise an organization-wide workflow digitization strategy. Oxford Economics
                     conducted the survey via Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI), during which
                     respondents were guaranteed anonymity, could ask clarifying questions, and confirmed
                     demographic information.

                     Respondents by country                             Respondents by industry*
                     46   Australia (39)/New Zealand (7)                 50   Financial Services
                     46   France                                         50   Government
                     47   Germany                                        50   Healthcare
                     49   Italy                                          31   IT Services
                     46   Japan                                          35   Retail
                     48   Netherlands
                                                                        *Industries with greatest number of
                     46   Singapore
                                                                        survey participants
                     45   Spain
                     45   Sweden
                     48   United Kingdom
                     50   United States

                     Respondents by company revenue                     Respondents by digitization stage

                                                                               58                  Far along
                          182         167          Over $5B
                                                                                                   In the early stages
                                                   $1B–5B                               258
                                                                              199                  Beginning to evaluate
                                167                                                                Not focused on digitizing

                     Respondents by number of employees
                       < 1,000         1,001–5,000      5,001–10,000   10,001–20,000

                     19                      183                                       212                        69

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                        4
Workflow Quarterly - How can CIOs reshape the future of work by advancing workflow digitization across the business? - ServiceNow

How CIOs
A guide to crafting a digital strategy
that will make work better

                                          Jim Fowler, Chief Information Officer, Nationwide (Photo by David Kasnic)

                                                    efore Jim Fowler joined Nationwide as chief information officer in
                                                    June 2018, he and the company’s CEO talked at length about the
                                                    challenges facing the 100-year-old insurance giant. The insurance
                                          industry, they both felt, hadn’t yet been disrupted by technology and the
                                          pair wanted to be the ones who did it first.

                                          While Nationwide was well into a massive modernization of its core
                                          transactional systems, this wasn’t transforming the business. To drive
                                          Nationwide into its next phase of growth, Fowler asked himself: “How do
                                          we take advantage of these new capabilities to meet our customers’ needs
                                          in new ways?”

                                          To do that, he concluded, he needed to better connect IT’s goals with
                                          the goals that other business functions cared about. And he needed to
                                          collaborate with those other leaders to identify steps and even entire
                                          processes that could be automated.

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                  5
Workflow Quarterly - How can CIOs reshape the future of work by advancing workflow digitization across the business? - ServiceNow
Now, Nationwide has cross-functional teams embedded
with the lines of business to make sure IT is digitizing          Few CIOs say their organization is doing
processes in a way that makes work more efficient for             a good job at understanding the value of
                                                                  different business functions, or the tools
employees and results are faster for customers.
                                                                  they need to succeed.
                                                                  How effectively does your overall organization
“You’d have a hard time telling who was from IT, who was          perform the following activities related to process
from finance, and who was from operations,” he says.              digitization?
“That whole team is measured on the success of shared
                                                                     Highly effective           Mostly effective
business metrics.”
                                                                     Somewhat effective               Mostly ineffective
                                                                     Highly ineffective
A year into this effort, Nationwide has reduced the time it
takes to issue a new life insurance policy from a month to,       Understand the extent of digitization across the business

in some cases, minutes.                                            20%            34%                      29%                  11%

Fowler attributes these successes to the company’s ability
                                                                  Educate the organization about new technology and changes to
to implement a digital workflow strategy.                         workflows

                                                                   17%         36%                        32%                       12%
CIOs are being tasked by boards, investors, and business
leaders to digitize workflows, the interdependent business
                                                                  Act upon digitization opportunities for high-priority processes
processes required to reach a result, like onboard a
new employee or resolve a customer issue. Workflows                20%            34%                      34%                       8%
are the circulatory system of any enterprise. Digitizing
the repetitive parts of these processes can grow the
                                                                  Actively research new areas for collaboration between business
productivity of organizations, improve customer                   functions and IT

experiences, and empower employees to spend more                   17%       36%                         33%                        11%
time doing meaningful work.

                                                                  Set workflows and business goals that permeate all areas
Nine out of 10 CIOs expect to digitize at least 60% of their      of the business and are clearly understood by all employees

company’s workflows in the next three years, according             18%           39%                         30%                     10%
to a survey conducted by Oxford Economics and
commissioned by ServiceNow. Among the benefits these
CIOs are already achieving through this transition are
speed to market, attracting and retaining customers and        don’t effectively understand the value of various
employees, and operational efficiency.                         functions or are communicating the goals of technology
                                                               investments clearly.
The survey, which includes responses from 516 CIOs
from around the world, offers a comprehensive look at          In complementary interviews that contextualize the survey
how companies are approaching workflow digitization,           data, leading CIOs—from a range of companies including
including the business lines they start with, how              Nationwide, Siemens AG, and JPMorgan Chase & Co.—
standardized their approach is, and the peers they lean on     describe how a good workflow strategy can help overcome
most to see results.                                           these and other challenges. As Shamim Mohammad, chief
                                                               information and technology officer (CITO) of CarMax, the
The data also reveals the CIO’s greatest challenges.           largest used-car retailer in the U.S., says: A comprehensive
For example, a significant percentage of IT departments        strategy can equip a CIO with the “tools and tactics and

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                                    6
Workflow Quarterly - How can CIOs reshape the future of work by advancing workflow digitization across the business? - ServiceNow
Nationwide’s Fowler won’t take on a digitization effort
                                                                            without that link being clear. He starts by connecting the
                                                                            company’s strategic priorities to IT efforts. He asks his
                                                                            team: “What are the things that have to be true technically
                                                                            for the business to be able to achieve those business goals
                                                                            by 2021?” The answer becomes his digitization goal.

                                                                            For example, to improve customer engagement and
                                                                            satisfaction, his team is working on making all of
                                                                            Nationwide’s products and services available through APIs
                                                                            on different channels, such as social networks and the
                                                                            company app. “We can hook into whatever ecosystem our
                                                                            customer wants to use to interact with us,” says Fowler.

                                                                            On top of that, Fowler’s team regularly rechecks whether
                                                                            the projects are meeting goals and readjusts strategy
                                                                            accordingly. Progress is measured with business-impact
                                                                            metrics, not IT metrics like uptime. For example, when
                                                                            digitizing to improve how long it takes to complete
                                                                            transactions, the team measures insurance-industry
                                                                            KPIs like time to quote, time to bind, and time to process
                                                                            service requests.

                                                                            The digitization goal “drives the technology strategy, which
                                                                            drives the tactical planning for the next three years of what
Stephen Mansfield, Chief Information Officer, Americas & Global Executive
Sponsor, ServiceNow with colleagues (Photo by Daniel Alexander)             initiatives we’ll run,” says Fowler.

policies” necessary to ensure the digitization journey                      Step 2: Have a standard process for digitizing
is successful.                                                              workflows
                                                                            Almost 8 out of 10 CIOs have a standard process for
Here are four components of a good digital workflow                         digitizing workflows across functions, but given the scope
strategy.                                                                   of processes running an enterprise, many still struggle
                                                                            with figuring out the opportunities ripe for improvement.
Step 1: Tie digitization goals to business goals                            Just 14% of those surveyed by Oxford Economics say they’re
To be successful, a digital workflow strategy must reflect                  highly effective at creating a catalog of all processes and
the priorities and goals of the business at large. Yet this is              assessing what can be digitized. Successful CIOs have
an area where many CIOs struggle: Just 18% of CIOs report                   developed tricks for doing this that help them prioritize
that their organization is highly effective at understanding                which workflows to start with.
the ways that various business functions provide value,
with the same percentage saying they’re highly effective                    For example, at ServiceNow, every business function has
at setting business goals that permeate all areas of the                    three top priorities—things like speeding up the time it
business. Even fewer, 17%, say they’re highly effective at                  takes to close the financials, release new products, and
tying their plans to business outcomes.                                     onboard new employees. CIO Chris Bedi looked at each of
                                                                            these corporate priorities to see which had a dependency
                                                                            on technology. His conclusion: more than 70% did.

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                                   7
Workflow Quarterly - How can CIOs reshape the future of work by advancing workflow digitization across the business? - ServiceNow
This effort surfaced “the big rocks we absolutely have to        While 61% of CIOs say they collaborate with their
knock down as an organization,” he says.                         company’s COO to standardize workflows through
                                                                 digitization and 50% of CIOs say they collaborate with
Bedi’s organization devised a digital assessment to              their CEOs, far fewer work with other execs. In fact, 21%
standardize the process for each business line and then          say they alone are responsible for workflow digitization.
created a digital maturity “heat map” that visualized all        Meanwhile, just 15% of CIOs say their organization is highly
the smaller processes where friction could slow down             effective at identifying executive sponsors to support
these big priorities. “Now when we ask the question at           digital transformation.
 a very micro level—how digital is our accruals process?
—we have an answer,” he says.                                    Likewise, 15% say their organization is highly effective
                                                                 at building out specialized teams across functions to
The heat map also makes it possible to take a broader view.      carry out digital transformation. About one-quarter of all
That way, Bedi says, he can answer questions like: “How          respondents say their organization is highly effective at
digital is our financial close?” Zooming out even further,       integrating IT in all business functions.
the heat map lets Bedi and the business process owners
look across functions to identify disconnects that need          One way that successful CIOs have overcome these
to be addressed.                                                 challenges is by integrating technology teams responsible
                                                                 for digitizing a workflow directly into the business
Using the heat map, he’s also able to generate a digitization    function. This approach, by its nature, creates a sense of
scorecard for each business line. This not only helps to         “collaboration and shared goals,” CarMax CITO Mohammad
align IT more closely with the business, it provides a sense     says. This in turn produces results.
of accomplishment and momentum as scores improve.
                                                                 For instance, CarMax appraises more than two million
To help identify priorities and guide decision-making at         cars a year. This was previously a manual process, with
JPMorgan Chase, Global CIO Lori Beer created a “business-        appraisers physically checking vehicles in all weather,
capability taxonomy.” The taxonomy helps isolate the most        sometimes in the dark, armed with clipboards and
important processes—for example, real-time payments as           cameras to fill out a paper checklist and document the car’s
opposed to payments more generally. Rather than take on          condition. Then, the appraiser had to leave the vehicle and
the entire payments process, they were able to identify that     go into the store to complete the appraisal.
real-time payments was the capability that needed to be a
strategic priority, which led to the decision to build it on a   A team of technology staff and field associates worked
modern technology infrastructure instead of the company’s        together to design a digital workflow in which associates
legacy one.                                                      use an app on a handheld mobile device to capture the
                                                                 vehicle assessment information, take pictures of the vehicle,
“We actually wanted to modernize and take a new                  and enter the vehicle’s VIN. A system then pre-populates
approach,” Beer says.                                            much of the data that would previously have been
                                                                 entered manually inside the store, drawing from CarMax’s
Step 3: Collaborate across the C-Suite and integrate IT          extensive car database as well as third-party sources.
into the business                                                This gives associates access to the information they need
Of course, no matter how strategic a CIO’s initiatives, none     to assess the vehicle in real-time and provide an appraisal
of this work can be done without buy-in from the business        without leaving the vehicle.
owners and employees whose processes are being targeted
for transformation. Still, collaboration is a struggle for       The new workflow streamlines the process for associates
many CIOs.                                                       and creates a much better customer experience. The
                                                                 information is more accurate, too.

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                        8
Workflow Quarterly - How can CIOs reshape the future of work by advancing workflow digitization across the business? - ServiceNow
“This has created quite a lot of efficiency and cost reduction,”   Previously, the IT department was highly centralized.
Mohammad says.                                                     Now, 60% of IT personnel work directly for one of these
                                                                   units. These technologists are “very, very close to the
With more than two million appraisals a year, shaving off          business,” says Helmuth Ludwig, the company’s CIO.
a few minutes per appraisal adds up quickly. And since
CarMax often buys from and sells to the same customers,            They work with the now smaller central IT department
improving this process enhances its relationship with them.        on cross-company projects, including deploying new
In addition, building this technology has enabled CarMax           platforms. But by working in the business units, they’re
to make appraisal offers on customer’s vehicles remotely,          better able to focus on helping their colleagues “sell better
so customers can receive an appraisal offer on their current       [and] address their customers better,” Ludwig says.
vehicle and complete the car buying and selling process
from home.                                                         Step 4: Embrace a test-and-learn mindset
                                                                   Just 16% of CIOs say they’re highly effective at using data
Siemens, the global industrial conglomerate, has taken the         to track the success of cross-team projects and adjust
notion of embedding IT teams inside the business lines a           accordingly. Forward-looking CIOs now test and learn their
step further. The company earlier this year reorganized into       way to the right answer, drawing inspiration from process
units focused on its different target markets, such as smart       methodologies like agile and DevOps.
infrastructure and gas and power.
                                                                   For CarMax’s online financing capability, for instance,
                                                                   the company began with a small subset of customers to
                                                                   see how they would react. Over the course of around six
                                                                   months and many iterations, they enhanced and matured
                                                                   the product before rolling it out to the whole country.

                                                                   “We had a hypothesis that customers would like it, but we
                                                                   really didn’t know much beyond that,” says Mohammad.
                                                                   “We knew that if we turned it on, we’d learn something.”

                                                                   At Nationwide, to ensure that new workflows hit the mark,
                                                                   the people who will use the new processes (customers or
                                                                   employees) are engaged throughout. This involves design
                                                                   thinking, journey mapping, and an iterative, minimum-
                                                                   viable-product approach to development.

                                                                   A digital-enabled future
                                                                   The results leading CIOs have achieved by following these
                                                                   steps have had an outsized impact on their businesses.
                                                                   Until recently, for example, Nationwide sent customers
                                                                   a paper-based application when they applied for life
                                                                   insurance. The customer would fill it out and then mail it
                                                                   back. Later, the company would schedule a medical test
                                                                   and blood work. The entire process could take a month
                                                                   or more before the customer had a policy in hand.

IT team collaborating at Deloitte (Photo by Daniel Alexander)

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                            9
Workflow Quarterly - How can CIOs reshape the future of work by advancing workflow digitization across the business? - ServiceNow
Today, Nationwide customers fill out an online application.
Answers to certain questions might trigger a phone
interview with a company representative. But aside from
                                                                          Abbie Lundberg
that occasional human interaction, many policy-issuing
decisions are automated. They’re based on the customer’s
answers combined with data Nationwide already has on          Abbie Lundberg is a business technology analyst,
the applicant and from third-party sources. Predictive        author and professional speaker with over 30
modeling, not a human, now determines things like             years experience writing about the ways in which
whether a customer needs a medical test.                      business leaders transform their organizations. She
                                                              is a Contributing Editor to both Harvard Business
Because of these digital workflow changes, Nationwide         Review Analytic Services and CIO magazine, where
can complete the entire approval, binding, and                she was part of the founding team and served as
underwriting of a life insurance policy within a day for      Editor in Chief for 13 years. Abbie has contributed
up to 30% of applicants. This has not only reduced cycle      to research at the MIT Center for Information
time from around a month, it has reduced the cost to          Systems Research (CISR) and the MIT Jameel World
process an application by about 75%.                          Education Lab (JWEL). For more information, visit
                                                              Abbie’s website,
The improvement was so extreme that the first agent who
went through the process with a customer thought there
must have been a problem with the system. “The agent
called our call center because the policy came back so
quickly,” Fowler says. “They actually couldn’t believe that
it was real.”

CIOs and their business partners are mapping the future
through workflow digitization. Those who manage the
process effectively will be well positioned to lead their
industries in the years ahead. Elsewhere in this issue,
we look at how companies are digitizing workflows in
different functions, collaborating with outside partners,
and talk to former Department of Defense CIO Teri Takai
about how she’s advanced digitization projects throughout
her long career.

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                             10

New digital
better results
How CIOs led transformations in
customer service, finance, and HR

           s chief information officers transform their
           organizations through workflow digitization,
           they are looking across business lines to improve
efficiency, experience, and business decisions.                 Jim Fowler, Chief Information Officer, Nationwide (Photo by David Kasnic)

While 57% of CIOs report they’ve digitized workflows in IT      15%, report their teams are highly effective at integrating
to a great extent, they’re now making significant progress      technology across the business to enable collaboration.
in finance, customer service, legal, and human resources as
well, according to a survey of 516 CIOs conducted by Oxford     The following workflow digitization examples, spread
Economics and commissioned by ServiceNow. For instance,         across different functions, illustrate how CIOs can
51% say they’ve digitized workflows in finance to a great       overcome these hurdles, standardize processes, and
extent, 48% in customer service, and 40% in HR.                 achieve remarkable results.

“Every corporate function is going through major                Finance
transformation now,” says Lori Beer, Global CIO at              Seventy-seven percent of CIOs say digitizing workflows
financial services giant JPMorgan Chase.                        has increased finance’s effectiveness. CarMax, the nation’s
                                                                largest used-car seller, counts itself among them.
In the process, data analysis shows they have increased
the effectiveness of each function. On average, across 10       Many of today’s auto buyers, like all consumers, start
business functions outside of IT, 77% of CIOs reported          their journey online, researching models and prices, and
an increase in the function’s effectiveness as a result of      checking out inventory. At CarMax, more than 90% of
workflow digitization.                                          customers begin their car-buying expedition this way. But
                                                                until a few years ago, applying for financing at CarMax was
But there are challenges CIOs must overcome to ensure           still stuck in manual.
process and strategy changes lead to results. For example,
just 17% of CIOs say they’re highly effective at educating      Customers had to physically go to or call a CarMax store
the organization about new technology and changes to            and work with a sales consultant to submit a credit request
workflows. Only 17% also say their organization is highly       in the point of sale application. This created a major
effective at actively researching new areas for collaboration   impediment to the company’s goal of enabling customers
between IT and other business functions. Slightly fewer,        to engage with CarMax however they want—in person,

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                                     11
through the website, or over their mobile device—at any
stage of the car-buying process.                                       Business functions benefit from workflow
                                                                       digitization, but strategy challenges may
So, a cross-functional technology and finance team set                 hinder results
out to digitize the process and provide customers the                  To what extent has your organization digitized
                                                                       workflows in the following functions and how has it
opportunity to obtain financing pre-approval online.
                                                                       had an impact?
When they mapped out what they believed would be
the workflow for this product offering, they anticipated                    This function is somewhat digitized or digitized to a great extent
                                                                            Digitizing workflows has increased this function’s effectiveness
there would be some 80 steps involved.

                                                                       Customer service                                                        92%
Working with customers and field associates, CarMax                    operations
streamlined the customer process to just 8 to 10 steps and
enabled it to be completed online. In doing so, it not only                                                                                    92%
digitized the pre-approval process, it also was a critical first
step to give customers the ability to complete the entire              Finance                                                                 91%
car-buying process from home.                                                                                                         76%

                                                                       Human resources /                                                       89%
Customers can now apply for financing from anywhere                                                                                   75%
using the CarMax website or mobile app. When a customer
                                                                       Legal / Governance /                                              84%
fills out an application, they in turn become a promising              Risk / Compliance
lead. Online finance leads have become the top lead
type CarMax receives. And by digitizing this workflow,
along with the other steps in the customer journey,
CarMax has achieved its goal of offering a truly omni-             To digitize the patent application process, ServiceNow
channel experience.                                                involved engineers, applied design thinking, and took a
                                                                   mobile-first approach. They used rapid iteration to develop
Legal                                                              a minimum viable product, which they rolled out to learn
Seventy-five percent of CIOs say digitizing workflows              at scale as they continued to evolve the product. The result
has increased the effectiveness of legal and compliance.           was a process that was much easier for engineers to use.
ServiceNow CIO Chris Bedi is among them. In his case, he
had to make sure his company’s most valuable asset, its            Within two quarters, just by changing the experience,
intellectual property, wasn’t being squandered.                    the company saw an 83% increase in the number of
                                                                   patents it filed.
As a software company, ServiceNow wants its engineers
to file patents on their work in order to protect the              Human resources
company’s intellectual property. But engineers weren’t             Global companies are reinventing their approach to talent
doing so, mostly because the process was cumbersome                management, shifting from a siloed, compliance-based
and had too many unnecessary steps.                                approach to developing employees and managing their
                                                                   performance in a more comprehensive and integrated way.
When he and the general counsel looked at the existing             Traditional HR systems don’t support this. Instead, most
workflow, they discovered “it was a really clunky, horrible”       large organizations have separate systems for performance
way to do things, says Bedi. To increase IP protection, they       management, employee engagement and learning, with
needed a better way for engineers to file for patents. Their       business units often running their own systems and data.
question was: “How do we reimagine this process?”

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                                              12
experience through journey mapping and personas,
                                                                            applying the same techniques as they use when addressing
                                                                            customer workflows. “So, if I’m a road warrior versus a
                                                                            trader versus a software engineer, my personas are going to
                                                                            look very different,” says Global CIO Beer.

                                                                            One of the decisions they made was to go with a mobile-
                                                                            first strategy. IT helps their HR colleagues get the tools and
                                                                            capabilities they need to better serve employees. “But we
                                                                            also work side by side with them, transforming the whole
                                                                            way we look for talent,” says Beer.

                                                                            Customer service
                                                                            Seventy-five percent of CIOs say workflow digitization has
                                                                            increased the effectiveness of customer service. Carsales.
                                                                            com, Australia’s largest seller of new and used cars, did it
                                                                            without even trying.

                                                                            A few years ago, during one of its company-wide
                                                                            hackathons, a team of engineers decided to streamline
                                                                            a labor-intensive process for identifying cars. Company
                                                                            photographers took up to 6,000 pictures of motor vehicles
                                                                            each day, then spent 30 minutes per day to classify,
                                                                            catalogue, and tag the images, which were then uploaded
                                                                            to third parties and to its own classifieds site. The entire
Jim Fowler, Chief Information Officer, Nationwide (Photo by David Kasnic)
                                                                            manual process ate up 9,000 person hours per year.
JPMorgan Chase is addressing this challenge by
implementing a new software-as-a-service platform across                    The engineers at the hackathon figured, “if we could do this
its human resources organization and, in the process,                       electronically, we would get the photographers back out in
optimizing its HR workflows. The IT organization is                         the field taking more photos, and not thinking of what do
working collaboratively with HR not only to help them with                  they have to do when they get back in the office,” says the
the technology piece, but also to shepherd them through                     company’s CIO Jason Blackman. “Rather than have to do
the workflow development process.                                           that, they’re going to take more photos.”

Some 75% of CIOs say they have increased the function’s                     Using open source image libraries, the team created
effectiveness through workflow digitization. But most                       a machine learning algorithm that streamlined and
organizations aren’t yet maximizing the potential. Focusing                 automated the process. Later dubbed “Cyclops,” and
on talent and culture strategies, just 21% of CIOs say they’re              trained using millions of images that Carsales had
highly effective at reducing time spent on repetitive tasks;                collected and stored over the previous decade, the AI
20% at improving the employee experience; and 21% at                        has successfully reduced those 9,000 person hours.
improving onboarding.                                                       But it’s also done something else.

At JPMorgan, the digital transformation team for HR is                      As customers on Carsales’ platform upload hundreds of
using design thinking to really understand the employee                     thousands of photos per week, the AI identifies the exact

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                                    13
model and offers suggestions on how best to showcase that
particular model on the site—especially high-end cars that
might require specific types of photos.

Customers can choose which photo order is best suited to
market the vehicle based on the AI’s suggestions, giving
both the seller and the buyer more control in the process.

Blackman calls the innovative Cyclops creation
“the birthplace of AI at Carsales.” The company has since
used its “moonshot” hackathons to deploy AI for other
customer-facing functions. For example, it has automated
the process for reviewing a customer’s classified ad, which
was once vetted by humans for inappropriate content
and could take up to four hours to approve. That caused
a backlog of ads and endless frustration for the click-and-
have-it online public.

“That’s long in this day and age,” says Blackman. “That’s not
a great customer experience.”

Today, an AI called TESSA does the checking and the
process now takes mere seconds. “That frees up our
customer services team to have more time to deal
with customer problems and help customers out,” says
                                                                Colleagues at Deloitte (Photo by Daniel Alexander)
Blackman, “which decreases wait times and calls into
the call center.”

Neither Cyclops nor TESSA started life as a customer-facing
tool. But “our internal process improvements also mean
external customer benefit,” Blackman says.

And that, he says, is what the 22-year-old company must be
about in order to thrive in the digital marketplace. “We’re
fundamentally here to help consumers,” says Blackman.
“We help buyers get together with sellers and we help
sellers get their products to buyers.”

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                              14

5 steps to
Teri Takai shares advice on how to
win support, digitize workflows,
and transform organizations in the
public sector

                                            Teri Takai, Executive Director, Center for Digital Government

                                                      eri Takai has had a long career as a CIO, both in government
    Watch the video                                   and in the private sector. After 30 years working in IT at Ford,
                                                      in 2003 she began a series of government CIO jobs, first for the
                                            states of Michigan and California, and then from 2010 to 2014 for the      U.S. Department of Defense. Most recently, she was CIO of Meridian
    issue/3/top-cio-digitization-strategy   Health Plan.

                                            Along the way she’s learned that great ideas aren’t enough. She has had to
                                            build consensus, prioritize projects that would advance the organization’s
                                            overall goals, communicate often, and practice a lot of patience.

                                            Now executive director of the Center for Digital Government, Takai spoke
                                            with Workflow Quarterly about how to succeed as a technology leader, best
                                            strategies for digitizing workflows, and what she thinks government CIOs
                                            should focus on moving forward.

                                            Edited excerpts:
                                            Is there one thing that stands out as critical to your success?
                                            The most important thing for any chief information officer to remember
                                            is that your job is not about technology. It’s really about how you use
                                            technology to improve the organization.

                                            You have to get in and listen. You have to really understand what the
                                            organization sees as success. Then, when you can help them, you get
                                            credibility and then you’re able to do a number of things that perhaps
                                            might not have been on their agenda in the beginning.

                                            As individuals, if we have a great idea and we try to sell that idea,
                                            if somebody else didn’t agree with us, we get upset or offended.

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                  15
But really, as CIOs, we’re negotiators, and I just think          running differently. Every plant had their way to do it.
it’s a skill that we don’t often think of as important.           Every plant knew their way was the best. It took us close
Everything we do is in negotiation. How do you work               to a year just to get a leveling of those processes, just to
with your customer to get to a solution that works for            show people that we weren’t going to damage their jobs
them and works for you?                                           even before we started to actually implement software.

I actually attended a workshop where they brought in              I had a similar case in government. Many state
the authors of the book “Getting to Yes.” It just really          governments were putting in new child welfare systems.
emphasized to me that having a good idea isn’t really what        It took my state, Michigan, three tries. Two of the three
it’s all about. It’s really about being able to sell that idea.   failed. Ultimately, it was a combination of the technology,
                                                                  leadership, and then working with those individuals that
I think it’s important because, again, sometimes we as            had to change their workflow in order to make it successful.
technology folks see everything as black and white, and
we don’t necessarily realize that in order to get the best        What did you learn from these experiences?
impact for our ideas, we have to modify, we have to               First of all, don’t introduce technology for technology’s
change, and we have to fit to the circumstances.                  sake. Also don’t assume that the most complex technology
                                                                  is going to be the best. I used to tell my folks I would rather
Do you have a set strategy you use for workflow                   put in a really simple technology that everybody liked than
digitization?                                                     a really complex technology that nobody could understand.
You have certain strategies that you bring with you. You          I’ve put a few very complex technologies in that just never
have a point of view; you have an approach that’s standard.       got traction because people didn’t identify with them.
But the first thing to do is to see how that approach is being
received. Then adjust that approach depending upon the            It’s also really important to me to have a partner in senior
business area that you’re working with.                           leadership in that area say, ‘yes, we want to change.’
                                                                  Then, to have that person identify one or two champions
It’s important to have a point of view. You can’t just go in      within their organization that would work with us to
and say to someone, ‘What would you like to do?’ Because          determine what the way ahead is. Without that, I’ve just
you have some folks that are afraid of the technology,            seen so many projects fail.
you have some folks that embrace the technology but are
maybe way out in left field, and then some folks that just        Always involve those who are going to have to use the
want you to help them.                                            technology. Maybe not in the decision process because
                                                                  that gets a little tough, but at least make sure they’re
Also, very often the workforce identifies with whatever           represented and also make sure that they’re involved in
technology they’re using and, in many cases, whatever             the actual rollout of that technology.
technology they’re using defines their workflow. When you
bring a new technology and that changes their workflow,           How do you make sure people feel involved?
it’s easy to think, “Wow, this is just a technology change.”      My technique is to give everyone a chance to be involved.
In reality, you’re actually disrupting the way they do their      We can do it with work groups or focus groups—there are a
jobs. It’s important to recognize that distinction so that        variety of different ways to do it. But start off the process by
people aren’t threatened by the new technology.                   saying, look, I want your input, but you’re going to have to
                                                                  come together and collaborate and come to a consensus.
Is there a project where you feel you did this well?
In the automotive industry, we implemented software               The second thing I tell people is consensus means that we
that made standard processes across all of our non-               do it in a way that fits for everyone. But if you can’t come to
automotive assembly plants. Every plant was used to               a consensus, I will make the decision, which is not what you

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                          16
want because I don’t have the experience and background
that you have.

                                                                            Teri Takai
When you’re changing a workflow, you always get a few
who are mad, and you always get a few that say, I don’t
want to do this, but you also get some really creative input    Teri Takai is the Executive Director of the Center
from individuals.                                               for Digital Government, a national research and
                                                                advisory institute on information technology
We did this with a process around being able to do field        policies and best practices in state and local
support in the state of Michigan. I had field support folks     government. She worked for Ford Motor Company
that came up with fantastic ideas that we implemented.          for 30 years in global application development
People realize you’re listening to them and they realize        and information technology strategic planning.
that they have a role. They go out and talk to their peers.     From Ford, she moved to EDS in support of
It isn’t just coming from Teri.                                 General Motors.

What process changes do you expect we’ll see in the             A long-time interest in public service led her
public sector over the near and medium term?                    to the government sector, first as CIO of the State
Some of the process changes that are going to happen            of Michigan, then as CIO of the State of California,
are due to the difficulty in hiring individuals to come         and subsequently the CIO of the U.S. Department
to government. With the labor market the way it is,             of Defense, the first woman appointed to this role.
government jobs just aren’t as attractive as they once were.    She then served as the CIO for Meridian Health
So every department in government has to figure out how         Plan. She is a member of several industry
they’re going to deal with fewer people.                        advisory boards.

A technology trend that fits that is artificial intelligence    Teri has won numerous awards including
and machine learning. In other words, are we going to start     Governing Magazine’s Public Official of the Year,
to automate jobs that we weren’t thinking about before          CIO Magazine’s CIO Hall of Fame, Government
because we had a workforce?                                     Technology Magazine’s Top 25 Doers, Dreamers
                                                                & Drivers, the Women in Defense Excellence in
In the next three years, what do you think government           Leadership Award, and the Department of Defense
technology leaders should prioritize when it comes to           Medal for Distinguished Public Service.
their digitization strategies?
Just continuing to make it easier for citizens to do business
with government. A business should be able to say, ‘tell me
all the licenses I need’ instead of needing to know that one
is from environmental quality and one is from tax.

Another one is if you have a hunting license and two
months before your license is due, you get a ping that says,
click here and renew your license. Wouldn’t that be great?
We don’t do much of that today.

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                17

The CIO’s
visual guide
for advancing
and tracking
ServiceNow’s approach to                  A visual heatmap is a useful tool to see how digitized an organization is—and to identify
implementing workflow                     areas for improvement.

digitization across functions


                                                    IOs are advancing workflow digitization across the entire business
                                                    to improve experiences and unlock productivity. However, our
                                                    research shows that technology organizations face challenges in
                                          cross-function collaboration and reporting results. We spoke with Patricia
                                          Grant, vice president of IT strategy, planning and business operations at
                                          ServiceNow, on how her team designed a replicable process to guide and
                                          track digitization projects.

                                          Why was it so important to create a repeatable digitization approach?
                                          What does it look like?
                                          We needed to create a framework or central approach that we could
                                          use across our organization to automate repetitive tasks that were taking
                                          up too much employee time. Increasingly, our customers have also been
                                          asking us for direction on how to advance digital transformation in their
                                          companies. In talking with industry analysts, we found there really
                                          was no practical guide. We decided to create a step-by-step procedural
                                          view on our own.

                                          First, we needed to figure out where we were in our digital maturity as an
                                          organization. To do that, we created an 11-question assessment for business
                                          groups to use to evaluate each process in their organization. Our goal
                                          was to make sure that each of these questions were understandable to a
                                          non-technical audience—and we could use the same questions, no matter
                                          the function.

                                          Then, the groups select standardized responses to each question.
                                          A score is associated with each response, indicating a process’s level
                                          of digital maturity. The scores are also color-coded. So, at the end of
                                          the questionnaire period, we have a visual heat map that shows every

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                               18
process inside a business function and very clear view of    to identify processes that HR did on a regular basis.
each group’s overall state of digitization.                  We then asked the process owners to answer the 11
                                                             assessment questions to identify their digital maturity
The scores for each individual process are weighted          levels. The framework automatically recommended specific
and added through a ServiceNow-created formula,              actions they needed to take to move their digital maturity
and then trigger a set of recommendations. As these          to the next level.
recommendations are implemented and a group
progresses, new recommendations are triggered, and           How did you work with each function to apply the
the score is updated.                                        recommendations?
                                                             The recommendations are crafted in a way that is
On a quarterly basis, IT and the business reviews progress   easy to understand, yet actionable. For example, add a
over the past quarter and targets for the next quarter.      service to the catalogue to make it easier for users to
Wins are celebrated and captured to help inspire our         request something. Any recommendation that requires
customers, and it’s great to see progress on the heat map    a technical solution is managed with the support of an
quarter-over-quarter.                                        assigned business partner in the group. Service owners
                                                             then package these recommendations into projects and
That’s how we created a system, but we needed to make        small initiatives that ultimately become their digital
sure each team was also excited to go on this journey        transformation roadmap.
and understood the value. We established shared mission
statements and objectives at the outset, which aligned to    On a quarterly basis, we hold executive readouts that
our overall corporate goals and language used by our CEO.    explain the progress we are making on the projects.
And employees got that and were excited to move forward,
because it was in our language and the goals that we speak   What was the impact of this digitization strategy
about every day. The teams also welcomed this process        on employees, leadership, customers, and business
because it helped them learn how much time they were         outcomes?
wasting on manual work.                                      We have been using this strategy for over two years now
                                                             and have seen a very clear impact on a broad array of
How did you decide which team to begin with?                 areas. For example, employees are excited to see how their
It started with our CIO, Chris Bedi, socializing the idea    everyday work contributes to the company transformation.
with peers, like Chief Talent Officer Pat Wadors. Because    They have a new common language for discussing their
of their alignment, we started in HR. This non-IT group      work with their team. In addition, the framework gives
also gave us the ability to pilot the framework to ensure    our leaders an actionable way to translate their vision and
it would resonate with other departments.                    strategies into concrete transformational roadmaps.

Once you identified teams that were interested, what         Our customers benefit in two ways. First, digital
did you do next?                                             transformation drives automation adoption,
We had to set expectations with the leaders of each          enabling ServiceNow to deliver services faster and,
department that embarked on this transformation program      as a result, improve the customer experience. Second,
that there was going to be an investment in time at the      many customers have found value in applying the
beginning to catalogue what they do on a day-to-day basis.   methodology within their own organizations to help
                                                             speed up their own transformation.
We worked with HR to identify who would drive the
transformation effort. That turned out to be the VP of HR    As a business, we’ve seen a remarkable change within
Operations, who appointed a process expert to record key     ServiceNow as we automate repetitive tasks and enable
business processes. We used an interview-based approach      employees to do more value-added work.

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                                    19
Digital transformation is the foundation upon which we
can unlock productivity and deliver great experiences
to our employees and customers. Once the momentum
                                                                           Patricia Grant
started, teams were competing with each other to see who
could drive the most automation in their areas.
                                                               Patricia Grant joined ServiceNow in March 2017
What were some key lessons you learned along the way           running our IT Strategy, Planning and Business
that are shaping how you are rolling out digital workflows     Operations team reporting directly to our CIO, Chris
going forward?                                                 Bedi. She is responsible for creating a world class
We have learned several lessons in our journey over the        PMO leveraging ServiceNow’s own products, and
last couple of years. First, every process does not need to    building a business operations organization to run
be digitized. Our goal is to be able to identify the areas     IT like a business. She leads digital transformation
that make the most sense to automate and be able to track      across G&A generating business outcomes and
progress and impact over time.                                 real value. She is also responsible for creating and
                                                               driving the company’s Now on Now programs
We also learned to be adaptable and flexible. When the         to showcase how ServiceNow uses its own Now
scores didn’t change while transforming one of our high-       Platform™ to drive digital transformation.
opportunity processes, we stopped, took a fresh look at
what we were doing, and quickly evaluated.                     She has been in IT for over 26 years and has held
                                                               several leadership positions across the board during
Another lesson is that some groups have similar processes      her tenure which gives her broad knowledge in
that appear to have the same potential for automation. But     many areas. She holds a BA in Communication from
it’s important to remember that each group is at a different   Ohio State University, a BS in Computer Information
stage of the maturity curve. You can’t directly transfer the   Systems from DeVry University, and an Executive
same automated process from one group to the other. We         MBA from California State University.
create greater efficiencies by sharing lessons learned from
one group to another.                                          Patricia has several years of experience with
                                                               ServiceNow as a former customer which is where
We invested significant time in developing the framework,      her passion for ServiceNow products began as did
so we were excited when it finally began producing             her joy of meeting with customers to share her
results for individual groups. But each group is on its        experiences to ensure their customer success.
own transformation journey, with its own hurdles and
milestones. A consistent, yet adaptable approach to digital
transformation helps us mentor, coach, and guide them to
success along the way.

    Review sample heat maps for various
    business lines on the next pages.

Workflow Quarterly   The Strategy Issue                                                                               20
Workflow Quarterly
                     Sample Digital Heat Map – Global Talent (HR)
                     HR technologies                   Total rewards                                       HR operations                                                                                              Talent acquisition

                     Business         HRIS             Benefits                            Compensation    Analytics        Compliance        Global            HR                  Shared                            Talent

The Strategy Issue
                     Systems                                                                                                                  mobility          operations          services                          acquisition
                                                                                                                                                                services                                              services

                     HR NDA           Assign           Add              New hire           ACR             Global           Compliance        Business travel   Internal transfer   Address change Manage             Access            Interview
                                      workday          beneficiary      benefits                           headcount        reporting         request                                              probation          request:          scheduling
                                      security         international    enrollment                         reporting                                                                               Periods            linkedin rps
                                      address                           international                                                                                                              (international)
                     KB article       Workday/         Add              New hire           Job change      Quarterly        Education and     Employee          RIF/ Reorg          New hire          Manager         Contingent        Job Posting
                     administration   service          beneficiary us   benefits                           metrics          training          relocation        processes           password reset    change          worker
                                      now data audit                    enrollment US                                                                                                                                 conversion

                                      Workday          Add dependent    Qualified status   Mid-year        Query & report   Hr policies and   Expatriate        New hire            Degree /          Name change     Contingent        Background
                                      password         International    change             compensation    requests         procedures        management        survey - week 1     certification                     worker            check Intl
                                      reset-test                        international      review                                                                                   update                            extension
                                      Workday hire     Add              Open               On call pay     Regional         Policy revision   Visa              New hire            Audit: workday    Onboarding      Contingent        New contingent
                                      (Global)         dependent US     enrollment                         reporting        management        administration    survey-day 45                         international   worker            worker request
                                                                        process                                                                                                                                       termination
                                                       Emergency        Tuition            One time                         SOX adults                                              Audit: workday    Onboarding      Contingent        New hire
                                                       contact          reimbursement      payment                                                                                  new hires us      US              worker            orientation
                                                       change           international                                                                                                                                 transfer

                                                       Leave of         Tuition            Pay change                                                                               Business title    Phone number    Close Req         Background
                                                       absence          reimbursement                                                                                               change            change or                         check US
                                                       international    US                                                                                                                            update

                                                       Holiday          Qualified          Quarterly                                                                                Location          Employee        Early career-     Offer
                                                       calendar         status             bonus process                                                                            change            inquiries       feedback          acceptance
                                                       administration   change US                                                                                                                                     surveys

                                                       Leave of         Open               Stock                                                                                    Contractor        Offboarding     Hiring manager    Offer
                                                       absence US       enrollment         grand request                                                                            extension         (Involuntary)   training          extension
                                                                        process US

                                                       Matching                            Stock                                                                                    Cfeate /          Offboarding     Early career      Manage
                                                       gift request                        reporting                                                                                edit cost         (Voluntary)     hiring request    Req

                                                                                           Weekend                                                                                  Create            HR case         Employee         Open
                                                                                           shift pay                                                                                supervisory org   management      referral program requisition

                                                                                                                                                                                    Government ID                     Offer extension   Sourcing
                                                                                                                                                                                    administration                    international     request

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Employee         Request on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      referral program interview room
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      inquire form

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Offer             TA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      acceptance        reporting

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Single score

Workflow Quarterly
                     Sample Digital Heat Map – IT Operations
                     Digital           IT employee services                              IT infrastructure                                                                                                                     IT operations governance

                     Digital           Collaboration    End-point       Service          Contact          Database &   Hybrid                                Identity &   Network &                                            Asset             Operations      Service
                     media             services         services        desk             center           Apps admin   cloud                                 Access       Voice                                                management        management      management
                                                        (Eis/ce)                         services                      management

The Strategy Issue
                     Video             Box account      End point       IT onboarding    Agent            DBA          Antivirus           New system        ADgroup      Capacity           Intrusion        Capacity         Circuits          Service         Change
                     production -      creation         configuration   for new          management                    management          monitoring        creation     planning           detection        planning         asset             mapping         management
                     internal                           management -    employees                                                                                                            and prevention                    management
                     Video             Onedrive         Hardware        IT offboarding   Agent            SAP admin    Backup              Patch             AD group     DHCP scope         Load balancing   Dial plan        Global mobility   Configuration   Critical
                     production -      account          standards -     for new          provisioning                  configuration       management        membership   creation           configuration    management       management        management      escalation
                     external          creation         mac             employees                                                                            change                                                                                              management

                     Video content     Slack - create   Hardware        Switch           Capacity         SAP GRC      Capacity            Physical server   Service      DNS record         Network access   End point        Hardware asset    Discovery       Incident
                     management -      workspace        standards       boarding         planning                      planning            provisioning      account      creation           management       provisioning     management                        management
                     external                           windows                                                                                              creation

                     Video content     Slack - add      Os image        Amazon dash      Dial plan        Servicenow   Citrix              Security                       Fault              Network          Geo dns          Software asset    Event           Knowledge
                     management -      single-channel   deployment -                     management       admin        application         remediation                    management         scanning         record           management        management      base
                     internal          guest users      windows                                                        publishing                                                                             creation                                           management

                     Visual design     Slack -          Os image        Tech lounge      Ivr/Scripts/     Servicenow   Data                Sserver                        Firewall           New device       IP addressing                                      Problem
                     & branding        add apps         deployment -                     Queuing          release      restoration         configuration                  changes            configuration                                                       management
                                                        mac                                               management                       management

                     Event                              Os image        Asset bundling   Numbering plan   Servicenow   Datastore           Server                         Firewall health    Performance      Numbering plan                                     Service request
                     management                         management -                     management       SOX          provisioning        decommission                   monitoring         monitoring       management                                         management

                     Live event -                       Os image        Call center      Patching &                    Disaster            Shared mailbox                 Firewall policy    Purchase         Patching &
                     production                         management -    services         Change                        recovery            configuration                  management         equipment        change
                                                        windows                          management                    testing                                                                                management

                     Live event -                       Os                                                             Distribution list   Shared mailbox                 Hardware           Sw upgrades      PSTN
                     broad casting                      upgrades -                                                     configuration       creation                       standards                           configuration

                     Tier1 events -                     Os                                                             Distribution list   Storage zoning                 HW upgrade         Switchport       Qos (design,
                     local-only                         upgrades -                                                     creation                                                              configuration    monitoring)

                     Tier2 events -                     Patch                                                          Email alias         Virtual server                 Internet           Vlan creation    Upgrades and
                     department                         management -                                                   configuration       configuration                  management                          feature
                     wide                               mac                                                                                                                                                   deployment

                     Tier3                              Patch                                                          Equipment           Virtual server                 Wireless service   Monitoring       Voice VLAN
                     events – sub                       management -                                                   disposal            provisioning                                                       creation
                     department wide                    windows

                     Tier4 events -                     SW                                                             Esxi server         VM template
                     companywide                        packaging -                                                    image               management
                                                        mac                                                            management

                     Digital asset                      SW                                                             Hardware            Volume
                     management                         packaging -                                                    decommission        provisioning

                                                        SW                                                             Linux cluster       Windows
                                                        standards -                                                    configuration       cluster
                                                        mac                                                                                configuration

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Single score

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