Parks & Recreation SUMMER 2021 - Village of Elm Grove

Page created by Theodore Higgins
Parks & Recreation SUMMER 2021 - Village of Elm Grove
Parks &
        SUMMER 2021
Parks & Recreation SUMMER 2021 - Village of Elm Grove
                                               CAMPSITE SET-UP: 12PM-2PM, JULY 31st
                                              CAMPSITE TAKEDOWN: 9AM-11AM,AUG1st
                                                    LOCATION: VILLAGE PARK
                                                  RESERVATION FEE: $55/FAMILY

      WE WILL TAKE CARE OF THE                        Saturday, July 31st
   GAMES AND S’MORES! PLEASE         12:00pm-2:00pm               Registration & Campsite Set Up
  BRING YOUR OWN SUPPLIES FOR         2:00pm-Found                          Medallion Hunt
  VATIONS CAN BE MADE ON THE         4:00pm-6:00pm               Fishing contest at Village Pond
 ELM GROVE RECREATION WEBSITE        2:00pm-6:00pm              Giant Twister, Jenga, and More!
                                     6:00pm-8:00pm                          S’more Station!
           LIMITED TO THE
         FIRST 70 FAMILIES!          8:00pm-8:30pm                    Get your Glow Gear!
 ALL RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE       9:00pm-10:45pm                  Movie under the stars!
          BY JULY 10th!                 10:45pm                       Lights & Sound off!
       All activites and times are                    Sunday, August 1st
     subject to change check the
Village of Elm Grove webpage for     8:00am-9:00am            Breakfast goodies near Poolhouse
                 updates!            9:00am-10:00am                     Park Clean-up!

                        VILLAGE OF ELM GROVE
                             FIRE & EMS
                      LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS!
   For more information contact Chief Kastenholz at (262)-782-6700
Parks & Recreation SUMMER 2021 - Village of Elm Grove
     Recreation 		 Page                                Contact Information
Letter from the Director		   1
General Information		        2
                                               Elm Grove Recreation Department
Reservation Information		    3
                                                      13600 Juneau Blvd.
Registration Information		   4
                                                      Elm Grove, WI 53122
Concussion Information		     5
                                                     Office: (262) 782-6700
COVID-19 Information		       6
Aquatics			                  7-8
Swim Lessions			             9-11
                                                        Office Hours
Aquatic Programs		           12
                                                 Monday-Friday 8 AM - 4:30 PM
Tennis Programs			           13-14
Youth Recreation		           15-16
                                                         Recreation Director
Camp Elm Grove               17
                                                         Jerod K. Mikkelsen
Hands Only CPR			            18
Dance Programs		             19                Email:
Sunset Playhouse		           20-21
Adult Recreation		           22-24
  Village Information		     Page                     Summer Session Begins:
Village Calendar		           25                  Session 1: June 14th- June 25th
4th of July Family Fun Fest   26-27                  Session 2: June 28th-July 9th
Library Actvites			          28
Flood Plain Information		    29                      Session 3: July 12th-July 23rd
Public Works Information		   30                  Session 4: July 26th-August 6th
Brush Pick-Up Schedule		     31

                                 Mission Statement

   TheVillage of Elm Grove Recreation Department is committed to
          improving the quality of life for all residents of Elm Grove.
      This is accomplished by providing high quality parks and open
               spaces, facilities, programs, and special events.
Parks & Recreation SUMMER 2021 - Village of Elm Grove
                                I hope you are all excited for SUMMER! It is right around
                                the corner! We have a lot of new and exciting things
                                happening at the Elm Grove Recreation Department.
                                We are so excited for summer to begin, make sure to
                                read through all the pages and sign up for your favorite

Due to the current status of our country some dates for programs and events may
change. To keep up with the changes please continuously check the Elm Grove
Recreation Department Facebook page as well as announcements on the Elm Grove

I look forward to seeing you all at our programs and I am super excited to serve you
again for SUMMER 2021!


Jerod Mikkelsen
Recreation Director
(262) 782-6700

             Trustee and Chairperson Kim Irwin           Joe Coffey
                    Trustee Katy Cornell                 Allison Kelly
                   Trustee Tom Michalski                 Wes Parkin
                         Ryan Black                    Dr. Sue Retzack

                                   Program Locations
                         Elm Grove Village Park: 13600 Juneau Blvd.
                    New Berlin Community Center: 14750 W. Cleveland Ave.
                        Hickory Grove Center: 2600 S. Sunnyslope Rd.
                              Sunset Playhouse: 800 Elm Grove Rd.

Parks & Recreation SUMMER 2021 - Village of Elm Grove
                Eligibility for Programs                                     Waiting Lists
All Village of Elm Grove recreation programs are       If the class you wish to register for is full, you may
open to residents & non-residents. The Village of      place your name on our waiting list. Every effort
Elm Grove Recreation Department reserves the           will be made to accommodate those on the
right to limit the number of non-residents in any      waiting lists. Should an opening occur, we will
program. For registration purposes, a RESIDENT         contact people in the order they were placed
is anyone who lives within the boundaries of           on the list. If numbers warrant it, another class
the Village of Elm Grove or pays property taxes        may be added.
to the Village of Elm Grove and the Elmbrook                            Program Leadership
School District. A NON-RESIDENT is anyone who          Qualified, competent leadership is the key
does not reside within the boundaries of the           to any successful program! The Elm Grove
Village of Elm Grove and does not pay property         Recreation Department attempts to employ
taxes to the Village of Elm Grove AND the Elm-         such leaders in all of its programs. Our current
brook School District. Non-resident participants       instructors welcome the opportunity to discuss
contribute an additional fee or surcharge to           participants progress with parents. If you would
offset their non-tax status for programs.              like your child’s instructor to contact you, or if
                           Fees                        you feel you are qualified to lead, instruct, or
Program fees and charges are assessed in order         officiate a specific program, please contact the
to help defray the cost of program operations.         Recreation Department.
Non-resident fees are 1.5 times those of resi-                                Insurance
dents. ALL FEES MUST BE PAID AT THE TIME               The Village of Elm Grove does not provide
OF REGISTRATION.                                       hospital, medical, dental, or accident insurance
                     Refund Policy                     coverage for people participating in recre-
Persons registered for a program which is can-         ational programs or activities. Program partic-
celled by the Recreation Department shall re-          ipants are strongly encouraged to obtain their
ceive a full refund of fees or a credit for a future   own insurance coverage prior to the start of
program, whichever the registrant prefers.             any program or activity. Absence of personal
If participants cancel their registration 14 days      health insurance coverage does not make the
or more prior to the start of the program, they        Elm Grove Recreation Department responsible
shall receive a refund plus a $5.00 service            for payment of a participant’s medical cover-
charge for each transaction, or a fee credit           age. All participants in department sponsored
towards a future program, whichever the reg-           activities must assume risk for all injuries. The Elm
istrant prefers. NO REFUND OR CREDIT WILL BE           Grove Recreation Department will not be liable
ISSUED WITHIN 14 DAYS OF THE START OF CLASS.           for personal liabilities or accidents.
THERE IS NO PRORATION FOR CLASS FEES.                                       Say Cheese!
              Cancellation of Programs                 For program promotion purposes, we will be
Programs may be cancelled for inclement                photographing several of the activities & their
weather or under extreme circumstances.                participants. The photos have the potential to
When possible, cancellation information may            appear in future brochures & promotions. If you
be obtained by calling the Recreation Depart-          do not wish to have your photo taken, please
ment at (262)782-6700. If inclement weather            notify the Recreation Department in advance.
causes cancellation of a class, an effort will be                               Oops!
made to schedule a makeup time if possible,            Occasionally there may be errors in the days,
except where noted in individual programs.             times, registration requirements, or fees noted in
                     Accessibility                     the brochure. If so, the Recreation Department
If you need special accommodations for partic-         will do everything possible to correct the situa-
ipation in programs due to a disability, contact       tion promptly. Thank you for your patience and
the Recreation Director at (262) 782-6700.             understanding should these situations arise.
Please give as much notice as possible.                                                                    2
Parks & Recreation SUMMER 2021 - Village of Elm Grove
                                           PICNIC AREAS
Two picnic areas are available to be reserved for families or groups . These areas are available
for reservation by both residents and non-residents. A non-refundable fee is required for each
area being reserved. Pcinic area reservations can be made online at the Recreation Department
webpage. An application permit for beer and wine coolers must be filled out if either will be con-
Reservations for non-residents begins May 1st of each year.

                   Park Area               Resident Fee           Non- Resident Fee
                 Large Pavillion
                                           $105 (Plus Tax)          $157.50 (Plus Tax)
               (Up to 75 people)
                 Large Pavillion
                                           $165 (Plus Tax)          $247.50 (Plus Tax)
               (Up to 150 people
                White Gazebo
                                            $50 (Plus Tax)            $75 (Plus Tax)
             (Maximum 50 people)

                                             POOL RENTAL
The pool is available for private pool parties Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday evenings from 6:30-9:30
PM, from June 5th- August 15th, 2021. Reservations must be made online at the Recreation De-
partment webpage. The pool rental fee is $350 +tax for residents, and $525 +tax for non-residents.
There is a maximum capacity of 150 people per party. Maximum capcity may change due to
COVID-19 restrictions.

                                       VOLLEYBALL COURTS
The sand volleyball courts may be reserved for $5.00 +tax per hour by residents, and for $7.50 +tax
by non-residents on Monday-Friday, 8AM-10PM and Saturday and Sunday, 12PM-10PM. Reserva-
tions must be made online at the Recreation Department webpage.

                                          TENNIS COURTS
The tennis courts may be reserved for $5.00 +tax per hour by residents, and for $7.50 +tax by
non-residents, Monday-Friday, 8AM-10PM and Saturday and Sunday, 12PM-10PM. Reservations
must be made online at the Recreation Department webpage.

                 2021 reservations for picnic or pool rentals are made on a first-come,
                            first-served basis and may be made as early as
                                             January 4th, 2021
3                                       for residents of Elm Grove.
Parks & Recreation SUMMER 2021 - Village of Elm Grove

   Steps to Register for a Program or Reserve a Facility Online

      • Go the Village of Elm Grove website:

       • Click the “Recreation” circle on the left side of the page.

  • Click the “Online Registration and Facility Reservation” link on the
                               left hand side

               • Click on the “Login/Create an Account”

• Once you have created an account you can see the most up to date
   information, class details, registration dates and facility availability.

       • Follow the prompts to register for your desired programs.

     • If you have any questions call (262)-782-6700 and ask for the
                         Recreation Director

Parks & Recreation SUMMER 2021 - Village of Elm Grove
    Due to the increase in concern for concussions in youth sports, there is now a Wisconsin Concussion
    Law. The Elm Grove Recreation Department requires all participants to review the Concussion
    Information prior to registering for programs. Our participant’s safety is our number one concern!

             WHAT IS A CONCUSSION?                       •   Cannot recognize people or places
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that    •   Becomes increasingly confused or agitated
changes the way the brain normally works. A concus-      •   Loses consciousness for any amount of time
sion is caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or
body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly            WHY SYMPTOMS SHOULD BE REPORTED?
back and forth. Even a “ding”, “getting your bell        If an athlete has a concussion, his/her brain
rung”, or what seems to be a mild bump or blow to        needs time to heal. While an athlete’s brain is
the head can be serious.                                 healing, they are more likely to have another
                                                         concussion. Repeat concussions can increase
                                                         the time it takes to recover. In rare cases, re-
      WHAT ARE THE SIGNS & SYMPTOMS OF A                 peat concussions in young athletes can result
                 CONCUSSION?                             in brain swelling or permanent damage to their
Signs and symptoms of a concussion can show up           brain and can even be fatal.
right after the injury or may appear days or weeks
after the injury. If an athlete reports one or more           WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU THINK YOUR
symptoms of concussions listed below after a bump,                   ATHLETE HAS A CONCUSSION?
blow, or jolt to the head or body, they should be kept   If you suspect that an athlete has a concus-
out of play the day of the injury and until a health     sion, remove them from play and seek medical
care professional, experienced in evaluating concus-     attention. Do not try to judge the severity of the
sions, says they are symptom free and they are OK to     injury yourself. Keep the athlete out of play until
return to play.                                          a medical professional says they are symptom
                                                         free and are OK to return to play. Rest is the key
      SIGNS OBSERVED BY COACHING STAFF:                  to help an athlete recover. Exercise or activ-
•     Appear dazed or stunned                            ities that involve a lot of concentration may
•     Forgetfulness/confusion                            cause concussion symptoms to reappear or
•     Moves clumsily                                     worsen. After a concussion, returning to sports
•     Answers questions slowly                           and school is a gradual process that should be
•     Loses consciousness                                carefully managed and monitored by a health
                                                         care professional.
•     Shows mood or behavior changes
                                                          WHY SHOULD PARENTS & ATHLETES BE AWARE OF
         SYMPTOMS REPORTED BY ATHLETES:                                  THIS INFORMATION?
•     Headaches or pressure in the head                  Wisconsin Act 172 relates to concussions and
•     Nausea or vomiting                                 head injuries sustained in youth activities. The
•     Balance problems or dizziness                      law requires all youth athletic organizations to
•     Blurry vision                                      educate coaches, athletes and parents on
•     Sensitivity to noise                               the risks of concussions and head injuries and
•     Concentration or memory problems                   prohibits participation in a youth activity until
•     Confusion                                          the athlete and parent/guardian has returned
•     Feeling sluggish, hazy or groggy                   a signed agreement sheet indicating they have
                                                         reviewed the concussion and head injury mate-
           CONCUSSION DANGER SIGNS                       rial. The law requires immediate removal of an
In rare cases, a dangerous blood clot may form on        individual from youth athletic activity if symp-
the brain in a person with a concussion and crowd        toms indicate a possible concussion. A person
the brain against the skull. An athlete should receive   who has been removed from a youth activity
immediate medical attention if after a bump, blow,       for this reason, may not participate again until
or jolt to the head or body they exhibit any of the      /she is evaluated by a health care provider
                                                         and receives written clearance to return to the
following danger signs:
•     One pupil larger than the other
•     Cannot be awakened                                              LEARN MORE AT:
•     A headache that gets worse or slurred speech
•     Convulsions or seizures, repeated vomiting                            or
Parks & Recreation SUMMER 2021 - Village of Elm Grove
 At the Village of Elm Grove Recreation Department, the health of our
park guests and employees is our top priority. We are constantly mon-
itoring the COVID-19 situation and are prepared to make adjustments
as needed to ensure we are providing the best possible service to our
          community. We have policies in place to support our
            employees and are committed to providing a safe
                     environment for our park guests.
                                                  Park Usage
                                      •    All amenities are open in the park
                                           at this time.
                                      •    Please social distance as much as
                                           possible when at the park.
                                      •    Please minimize touching of
                                           commonly used surfaces
                                      •    Please continue to throw away all
                                           trash into trash bins.

                                              Facility Reservations
                                      •    All park facilities are available for
                                      •    Refunds will be issued on case by
                                           case basis.
                                      •    Please follow all State COVID-19
                                           mandates during your rental.

                                              Recreation Programs
                                       •   Face masks are required for all
                                           staff and participants when par-
                                           ticipating in an inside program.
                                       •   Class numbers have been
                                           lowered to allow proper social
                                           distancing during class.
                                       •   More programs are being offered
                                           outside during fall, spring and
                                           summer sessions.
Parks & Recreation SUMMER 2021 - Village of Elm Grove

 Swim times and capacity are subject to change due                               Pool Closing
 to CDC guidelines. Updated information is available             The pool may/will close temporarily if:
        on the Recreation Department website!                    •   Air temperature is less than 65 F
                                                                 •   Moderate to heavy rain
                                                                 •   Dangers of severe storms/thunder
                 Open Swim Schedule                              •   Low attendance
                        Mon.,Wed.,Fri.:                          •   Biohazard incident
            9:00 am - 11:00 am (Splash Pad only)                 •   Mechanical problems
                     11:15 am -1:45 pm                           •   NO REFUNDS will be given unless the pool
                      2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
                      6:30 pm - 8:30 pm                              closure is due to mechanical problems.
                         Tues., Thurs.:
             9:00am-11:00am (Splash Pad Only)                                Water Temperature
                      11:15am-1:45pm                             Normal water temperature of the swimming
                       2:30pm-4:30pm                             pool is 81-84 degrees
                           Saturday                              U.S. Coast Guard Approved Personal
                    10:00 am - 12:30 pm
                     12:45 pm - 3:15 pm                                   Floatation Devices
                      3:30 pm - 6:00 pm                           U.S. Coast Guard Approved Personal Floata-
                            Sunday                               tion devices will be permitted in the pool during
                     12:00 pm - 2:30 pm                          all hours of pool operation.
                      2:45 pm - 5:15 pm                                       Pool Membership
                      5:30 pm - 8:00 pm                          When purchasing an Elm Grove Pool Pass you
                                                                 are agreeing to follow and respect the pool
                                                                 rules. The Village of Elm Grove and Elm Grove
            Open Swim Daily Admissions                           Recreation Department reserve the right to
Resident		                		                   $6.00             suspend or forfeit pool membership at any time
Non-Resident		                                 $9.00             due to dangerous conduct, violations to pool
Senior (65+) Resident                          $4.00             rules, and disrespect towards staff or damage
Senior (65+) Non-Resident          		          $6.00		           to pool facilities.
Children Under Age of 2 		                     FREE                                Lap Swim
                                                                 Available to adults and swim team partici-
              Open Swim Season Passes                            pants for lap swimming. Regular admission is
Non-refundable season passes for use during open swim            required.
hours may be purchased at the Village Hall or pool. The                    Tuesday & Thursday Mornings
physical passes will be issued the first day you use the pool.                     7:30-8:45AM
Please list only immediate family members on your registra-                       Adult Swim
tion form (nannies/babysitters excluded). Pool passes will be    Due to the COVID-19 reservation struture
required for admission.                                          their will be no scheduled Adult Swim for the
Pool Pass Prices (Valid June 5th– August 15th)                   Summer 2021 Season
Resident– Individual                              $70                        Family Swim Nights
Resident– Family         		                       $260           All Friday & Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm
Non-Resident Ind.        		                       $105           are reserved for Family Swim. Bring your
Non-Resident-Family                                $390          noodles, and other pool toys along! Regular
Senior Rate (65+)                                                admission required.
Resident-Individual                               $60
Non-Resident Ind.                		               $90
    Summer 2021 ELM Grove Pool
           SAFETY PLAN
Due to COVID-19 the Elm Grove Pool will be operating under a reservation only system.
This same system was sucessful last summer and we will be continuing this plan until fur-
ther notice. Below are the guidelines that the Elm Grove Pool will follow. Any updated
information can be found on the Recreation website!

                            RESERVATION INFORMATION
       - All patrons must be registered for a time slot to enter the pool. Regiistration for a
        time slot can be made at
       - Maximum patron capacity per time slot is 100.
       - All time slots are two and a half hours in length. At the end of your session you
        are asked to leave the pool to allow staff to sanitize before the next session.
       - Patrons can register for multiple time slots during a single day.
       -Any child under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
       - Pool memberships will be available to purchase but you will still need to reserve
        your spot online before coming to the pool.
       - Sign-up opens 24 hours before the session is scheduled to begin
       - All patrons are required to pay admission whether or not they plan to swim, and
        no cash exchange will be done at the pool house.
       - Please have the person who made the reservation check-in with the front door
        attendant with receipt.
                                 REGISTRATION IS COMPLETE.

                           COVID-19 SAFETY GUIDELINES
       - All patrons are required to wear a facemask when entering the poolhouse and
       when on the pool deck. Face masks are not required when in the pool.
       - Groups larger then 10 will not be permitted
       - While on the pool deck we ask patrons to social distance as much as possible.
       - Their will be no pool chairs offered this season due to COVID-19 concerns.
       Patrons are free to bring their own soft sided chairs.
       - There will be no concessions offered this season due to COVID-19.
       - All pool drinking fountains are closed but patorns are permitted to bring their
        own bottled water. No glass bottles allowed!

   Swim lessons at Elm Grove follow a student-centered learning approach. Our swim
  programs allow participants the opportunity to advance at their own pace. Children
 will learn water safety, stroke development, personal growth skills, as well as developing
                                values and positive behaviors!

 Please review all of the swim lesson information and level description carefully to ensure
      you enroll your child in the correct level! Swim Lessons are held Monday-Friday.
                                Fee: $60 Resident, $90 Non-Resident
What are the prerequisites for each level?           Ratios of Instructors to Swimmers
The prerequisite for each level is the successful               Parent/Child		1:6 pairs
demonstration of skills from the proceeding                     Preschool Level 1      1:6
level. The skills are listed in each level’s de-                Preschool Level 2      1:6
scription on the next page.                                     Level 1			1:6
When should I anticipate my child passing into                  Level 2-6		1:12
the next level?                                      *Class ratios may vary due to enrollment
We advise you NOT to anticipate your child           or instructor.
passing. Swim lessons are not like school and Private Swim Lessons
students progress at different rates. It is not      Individual swim lessons by WSI trained
unusual for your child to repeat the same level lifeguards are offered as an alternative
several times. Try not to compare your child         to group lessons. Sign up for private swim
with others, instead concentrate on their ability lessons will begin on June 7th. Once
to physically and mentally perform each skill. signed up, arrangements for private
Swim Lesson Information                              lessons may be made with the individual
There are no make-up lessons held due to in- instructor through the Recreation Depart-
clement weather. Classes could be canceled ment. The instructor will call to schedule
due to the following reasons: 1) moderate to lessons on an agreeable time, date, start-
heavy rain, 2) thunder or lightening, 3) air tem- ing with the first person on the sign-up list.
peratures below 65F, 4) mechanical or facility Payment for private lessons will be due
issues. Every effort will be taken to make de-       at the beginning of the week for all of
cisions on cancelations one half hour before         the week’s scheduled lessons. No lessons
each lesson starting time. Weather can be            may take place without prior payment.
unpredictable and changes quickly, please            Cancellations must be received more
call the pool for cancelation information at         than 48 hours in advance. Lessons
(262)782-6940.                                       canceled less than 48 hours in advance
Parent Observation                                   will still be assessed the entire fee to
Outdoor lessons may be observed from out-            compensate the instructor for their time.
side the pool fence, parents must stay clear of Should an instructor need to cancel, the
the immediate surrounding pool deck. Swim- lesson will be rescheduled with no penal-
mers are allowed on the deck 10 minutes be- ty to the swimmer.
fore the start of the class, but are not allowed Fee per half hour:
to enter the water.                                  1 person: $32 Resident, $48 Non– Res.
                                                     2 people: $45 Resident, $67.50 Non-Res.
                                                     Max: 2 people per private lesson

         Parent & Child, Preschool 1& 2 and Level 1 are all 30 minutes
                          Level 2-6 are all 50 minutes

   LEVEL               PREREQUISITES                             SKILLS TaUGHT

                                              Water entry, blowing bubbles, front kick, back float, underwater explo-
Parent & Child (P/C)       Ages 1-3 years
                                              ration , reaching assists, basic water safety

                                              Entering and exiting the water, blowing bubbles, front glide, back
                           Ages 4-5 years     float, treading, leg actions back and front, arm actions back and
 Preschool Level 1
                                              front, combined leg and arm action, and water safety

                           Pass Preschool     Entering and exiting the water, bobbing, front and back floats and
 Preschool Level 2            Level 1         glides, tread water, combined arm and leg actions, finning arm action
                           Ages 4-5 years     on back, and water safety

                                              Entering and exiting the water, blowing bubbles, retrieve submerged
      Level 1:
                             Ages 5-6         objects under water, bobbing, front and back glides and back float,
  Introduction to
                          Grades K5 & up      tread water, leg actions on front and back, arm actions on front and
    Water Skills
                                              back, combined arm and leg actions, and water safety.

                                              Entering and exiting the water, fully submerge and hold breath, bob-
     Level 2:              Pass Level 1 or    bing, open eyes underwater and retrieve submerged objects, front
   Fundamental            Preschool Level 2   float, jellyfish float, tuck float, front and back glides and back float,
   Aquatic Skills            Ages 6 & up      tread water, combined arm and leg actions, finning arm action on
                                              back, and water safety.

                                              Jump into water from the side of the pool, headfirst entry from the
     Level 3:
                            Pass Level 2      side, bobbing, rotary breathing, survival float, back float, tread water,
                            Ages 7 & up       dolphin kicks, front crawl, elementary backstroke, scissors kick, and
                                              water safety.

                                              Headfirst entry from the side, swim under water, feet first surface dive,
      Level 4:              Pass Level 3      survival swimming, front crawl and backstroke, open turns, tread
Stroke Improvement          Ages 7 & up       water, front and back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke,
                                              sidestroke, butterfly, dolphin kicks, and water safety.

                                              Dive from side, tuck and pike surface dives, front flip turn and
      Level 5:              Pass Level 4      backstroke flip turn, tread water, front and back crawl, elementary
 Stroke Refinement          Ages 8 & up       backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke, butterfly, scull on back, and
                                              water safety.

       Level 6:                               Refine the strokes to swim with ease, efficiency, power, and smooth-
                            Pass Level 5
   Swimming &                                 ness over great distances to prepare participants for lifetime fitness
                            Ages 8 & up
  Skill Proficiency                           and safety as well as more advanced courses.

Session 2: June 14th-June 25th

                       Pre     Pre Level
            P/C                            Level 1    Level 2    Level 3   Level 4   Level 5   Level 6
                     Level 1       2

 9:00am     001                              006        009                 013                 016
 9:30am               003                    007                  011
 10:00am    002                   005                   10        012*      014       015
 10:30am              004                    008
                               All classes with a (*) start at 10:10am

Session 2: June 28th- July 9th

                       Pre     Pre Level
            P/C                            Level 1    Level 2    Level 3   Level 4   Level 5   Level 6
                     Level 1       2

 9:00am     017                              022        025                 029                 032
 9:30am               019                    023                  027
 10:00am    018                   021                   026       028*      030       031
 10:30am              020                    024
                               All classes with a (*) start at 10:10am

Session 3: July 12th- July 23rd

                       Pre     Pre Level
            P/C                            Level 1    Level 2    Level 3   Level 4   Level 5   Level 6
                     Level 1       2

 9:00am     033                              038        041                 045                 048
 9:30am               035                    039                  043
 10:00am    034                   037                   042       044*      046       047
 10:30am              036                    040
                               All classes with a (*) start at 10:10am

Session 4: July 26th-August 6th

                       Pre     Pre Level
            P/C                            Level 1    Level 2    Level 3   Level 4   Level 5   Level 6
                     Level 1       2

 9:00am     049                              054        057                 061                 064
 9:30am               051                    055                  059
 10:00am    050                   053                   058       060*      062       063
 10:30am              052                    056

                                 All classes with a (*) start at 10:10am

Elm Grove Swim Team
Improve endurance , fine tune strokes, and compete with other teams throughout the
summer! Participants under 9 yrs. old should have passed Level 2 swim lessons and be
able to swim multiple pool lengths unassisted. Participants 9+ old should have passed
Level 2 swim lessons and must be able to swim two pool lengths (50yds).
Swim team suits and apparel will be available to try-on during the first week of swim
team. All swim suits and apparel orders must be placed by June 22nd.
Ages 6-16
Mon-Fri, June 14-Aug 6
Team Max: 100 (50 per session)
Session 1: 4;30pm-5:00pm      Class #065
Session 2: 5:15pm-5:45pm      Class #066
Session 3: 6:00pm-6:30pm      Class #067
Fee: $200 Resident, $300 Non– Resident
(includes individual season pool pass)

Saturday Morning Adult Novice Swim
The swim program is designed specifically for adult swimmers who are interested in
beginning a fitness program that involves swim training. Ideal for participants who are
interested in sharpening their skills, refining their stroke, and improving endurance.
Ages: 18+
Saturdays, June 19-July 31st			                   Time: 10:00-10:45am		         Class #068
Fee:$45 Resident, $67 Non-Resident
Location:Elm Grove Pool

Junior Lifeguard
Junior Lifeguard is designed to guide and prepare youth ages 11-15 for the American
red Cross Lifeguarding course by building a foundation of knowledge, attitudes and skills
for future lifeguards. Participants will be introduced to lifesaving skills, such as in-water
rescues use of rescue tube, First Aid and CPR. Participants will have the opportunity to
shadow lifeguards in rotation to get a real sense of being on the job. This course does
not certify participants in First Aid, CPR or as a Lifeguard.
Each participant will receive Jr. Guard waist pack with first aid supplies and whistle.
Ages: 11-15
Mon-Fri, July 12-16				                          Time: 10:00-11:00am 		           Class #069
Location: Course meets at Elm Grove Pool
Fee: $120 Residents, $180 Non-Resident

Youth Tennis Lessons
Participants will learn the fundamentals                                   Tennis Lesson Schedule
of tennis! Classes will range from the be-
ginner to more advanced, stressing the                          Session 1: June 14th- June 25th
rules, understanding of the game, scor-                         Beginner       8-8:50am       Class #070
ing, strategy and basic skills needed to                        Adv. Beginner 9-9:50am        Class #071
enjoy the game. Lessons will include drill                      Intermiediate 10-10:50am      Class #072
work as well as beginning match play.                           Pre-Beginner 11-11:50am       Class #073
Tennis balls will be provided, but please
bring a racquet and wear tennis shoes.                          Session 2: June 28th- July 9th
                                                                Beginner       8-8:50am                       Class #074
Course Requirements:                                            Adv. Beginner 9-9:50am                        Class #075
Pre-Beginners: (Ages 4-6) Novice player                         Intermiediate 10-10:50am                      Class #076
with little to no experience,no previous                        Pre-Beginner 11-11:50am                       Class #077
Beginners: Players with little experience,                      Session 3: July 12th- July 23rd
no previous instruction or consistent                           Beginner        8-8:50am        Class #078
practice.                                                       Adv. Beginner 9-9:50am          Class #079
Advanced Beginners: Basic knowledge                             Intermiediate 10-10:50am        Class #080
of forehand, backhand and serve. Play-                          Pre-Beginner 11-11:50am         Class #081
er should have some experience and
have attended lessons in the past..                             Session 4: July 26th- August 6th
Intermediates: Ability to serve, return and                     Beginner        8-8:50am       Class #082
volley. Knowledge of scoring and singles                        Adv. Beginner 9-9:50am         Class #083
and doubles play. Player should be                              Intermiediate 10-10:50am       Class #084
ready for competition.                                          Pre-Beginner 11-11:50am        Class #085
Fee: $50 Resident, $75 Non-Resident
Location: Village Park Tennis Courts
Parent & Me Tennis
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! Join us as we modify fun games to work on some
of the basics from handling a racquet to tracking a ball through the air. These lessons will
focus on children having a fun and positive first experience with the sport of tennis. What
better way than to participate with your child! Foam tennis balls will be provided, but
please bring an appropriate sized racquet and wear tennis shoes.
Saturdays, June 19-Aug 7
Ages: 2-5 yrs.					                            TIme:10:00-10:30am		          Class #086
Fee: $45 Resident, $67 Non-Resident
Location: Village Park Tennis Courts

                           RAIN, LIGHTNING, & THUNDER- OH MY!
           If a class or activity is cancelled due to inclement weather or other circumstances beyond our
         control, Elm Grove Recreation will make every effort to reschedule the activity . If it is not possible to
                                provide a make– up time, no partial refunds will be given .

13              There is no refund, credit or reduction of fees for classes/activities missed by a student.
USTA Junior Tennis Team
This program is designed to give the intermediate and advanced tennis player an oppor-
tunity for practice and game development. Children under 14, as of October 1, 2019 are
eligible. Participants will take part in scrimmages, USTA matches and intra-team matches
throughout the season including the traditional Elm Grove Tennis Club Tournament. Skill
level along with the players desire to play outside matches is taken into consideration
* Parent volunteers needed for transportation to matches
Ages: 14 & Under
Monday– Friday, June 14th-August 6th            Time: 2:00-4:00pm           Class # 087
Location: Village Park Tennis Courts
Fee: $135 Resident, $202.50 Non-Resident
Max: 45 Participants

   The Village of Elm Grove Recreation Department is looking to re-name the
 South Park Facility, which is another of our beautiful parks ... but we need YOUR
  help! Please submit your name suggestions on the fillable form on the Recre-
         ation Department webpage and submit your responses to the
               Recreation Director at

                          Treetop Explorers
                          Fun, fitness, adventure! Peaceful and invigorating, recreational
                          tree climbing allows climbers to ascend into and explore trees
                          safely! Gain a new perspective on Village Park and a new
                          appreciation for trees and nature! All gear and instruction is
                          provided! Additional Info: Participants are asked to wear long
                          pants, sturdy shoes, and to bring a water bottle

Ages: 7 yrs. and up
Thursday, July 29th 				                      Time: 9:30-11:30am		            Class #088
Thursday, July 29th				                       Time: 12:00-2:00pm		            Class #089
Fee: $42 Resident, $63 Non-Resident
Location: Meet outside Village Hall
Max Participants per session: 7

Music Makers & More
This sing along musical activity group is designed for children and their parents or care-
givers. The class incorporates traditional children’s songs, finger play, rhythm instruments,
and dance movements as well as puppets that help tell a story within the songs. Our
goal is to give children an interest and love for all kinds of music. Bring your dancing feet
and join us for a fun class!
Ages: 9 months-4 years w/parent
Tuesdays, June 22nd-July 20th		                Time: 9:15am-9:45am		           Class #090
Fee: Resident $65, Non-Resident $97.50
Location: New Berlin Community Center

Elm Grove Outdoor Explorers
This fun outdoor nature program, based on the DNR Wisconsin Program, will explore the
many wonders found right here in Village Park. Participants will learn how to plant trees,
identify different species, explore wildlife found in the pond, go fishing and kick start a
lifelong enjoyment of the outdoors.
Ages:3-5 years				                              Time:11-11:45am		             Class #091
Date: Saturdays, June 12, June 26, July 10, July 24
Fee: Resident $40, Non-Resident, $60
Location: Meet at Pool House

Dance out your Sillies
In this class, youth will attend with a parent or responsible adult to have fun dancing out
your sillies and being creative with ribbons and more!
Ages: 2-3 years with parent
Session 1: Wedneday, June 23rd-August 11th Time:5:40pm-6:10pm                  Class #092
Session 2: Friday, June 25th-August 13th           Time: 10:00am-10:30am       Class #093
Fee: $60 Resident, $90 Non-Resident
Location: Hickory Grove Center, Door #1
                           Mooka’am Martial Arts- Taekwondo
                           Looking to learn something new or brush up on old skills? Son-
                           gahm Taekwondo is recognized as Korea’s traditional style of
                           taekwondo. In this class you will learn techniques for self-de-
                           fense while focusing on personal development of mind and
                           body. Students will also have the opportunity to advance in
                           rank in Songham Taekwondo through the ATA focusing in disci-
                           pline, respect, belief, communication, and honesty. Additional
                           fees will apply for, uniform, rank testing, and equipment. This
                           ATA licensed club is independently owned and operated.
                           ALL AGES AND ALL LEVELS ARE WELCOME!!

Beginner: 2-6 years				                   Time: 4:30-5:00pm 		                Class #094
Intermidate: 6 & Up				                   Time: 5:00-5:45pm 		                Class #095
Advanced: Ages: 8 & Up                    Time: 5:45-6:30pm 		                Class #096
Session 1: Tues,Thurs June 8th-August 5th
Fee: Resident $80, Non-resident, $120
Location: Community Room, Lower Level of Village Hall
Instructor: Valerie Braun

American Red Cross CPR/AED/First Aid Class
Want to learn how to save a life? Need a CPR certification for a job? Want to learn a
new skill with the whole family? We got the class for you! You never know when you
will be put in a situation that may require you to know CPR. It only takes a few hours to
learn and could possibly save a life. All participants that pass the class will be issued an
American Red Cross CPR/AED/First Aid Certification.
Dates: Wednesday: July 21st                    Time:12:00-3:00pm		              Class #097
Fee: Resident $100 Non-Resident $150
Location: O’Neil Room, Village Hall

                                        You haven’t seen anything like this before! Designed for the
                                        pre-school and elementary school-aged children, Camp Elm
                                        Grove offers a safe, fun environment where camp staff lead a
                                        variety of activities including, sports, fames, swimming, arts and
                                        crafts, and good ol’fashioned summer fun! Give your child a
                                        summer full of exploration, excitement, and the opportunity to
                                        create lasting memories an friendships!
                                        Morning snacks are provided but campers signed up for all
                                        day should bring a bag lunch. Child’s 3rd birthday must occur
                                        before January 1st, 2021.Please note on the registration form if
                                        your child has any allergies and/or health concerns.

Pre-School Morning Camp (Ages 3-5)
Fee: Resident $90, Non-Resident $135
Class Min:10, Max :20
Elementary All Day Camp (Ages 6-12)
Fee: Resident $140, Non-Resident $210
Class Min: 6, Max: 15
Elementary Afternoon Camp (Ages 6-12)
Fee: Resident $90, Non-Resident $135
Class Min: 10, Max: 25

 Week #- Theme               Dates             Preschool AM         Elem. All Day          Elem. PM
     1- SUPER HERO
                           June 14-18               #098                 #099                 #100

 2-WILDWEST CAMP        June 21-June 25             #101                 #102                 #103

 3- RED, WHITE, BLUE!   June 28- July 2nd           #104                 #105                 #106

  4- SHIPWRECKED!         July 5- July 9            #107                 #108                 #109

 5- TIME TRAVELERS!      July 12-July 16            #110                 #111                 #112

     6- GAME SHOW
                         July 19-July 23            #113                 #114                 #115

 7- OLYMPICS CAMP!       July 26-July 30            #116                 #117                 #118

                        August 2-August 6           #119                 #120                 #121

911 has an average response time of
8 min 30 sec...

                      When a person has a cardiac arrest ,
                      survival depends on getting immediate
                      CPR from someone nearby.

               DOUBLE or even TRIPLE a victim’s chance of

 Chest compression push oxygen-rich blood through the body
                 to keep vital organs alive


 Make sure to sign up for this life saving couse! Information on classes
                  can be found on pages 16 and 24!

         All classes on this page are co-ops with New Berlin Recreation Department
Class Structure: 45 minute class, Creative movement 30. Programs are designed as a year long program.
Participants should remain in the same level for at least two sessions before proceeding onto the next level.
Location: Hickory Grove Center, Door 1, upstairs
Instruction Fees: $70 Residents, $105 Non– Resident
Dance Attire: Tutu’s, leotards, and dance specific shoes; please see instructor on first day of class for more

Creative Movement
Ages 3-4                                                                 8 WEEK SESSION
This class is for youth to learn basic dance            Monday, June 21-August 9th
movements while being creative with ribbon              Pre Ballet & Tap 1    4:30pm            Class #122
wands, bean bags, fun songs and more with-              Pre Ballet & Tap 2B   5:20pm            Class #124
out parent participation. (Ballet shoes strongly        Pre Ball & Tap 2A     6:10pm            Class #126
suggested)                                              Ballet & Tap 1        7:00pm            Class #128

Pre-Ballet and Tap 1                                    Wednesday, June 23rd-August 11th
Ages: 4-5                                               Pre-Ballet & Tap 2B   9:00am Class #125
In this introductory class, children will learn ba-     Pre– Ballet & Tap 2A  9:50am Class #127
sic ballet & tap steps. Through dance move-             Creative Movement     5:00pm Class #128
ments, they will increase their spatial & body
awareness and work to increase coordination             Thursday, June 24th-August 12th
in a very positive social interactive setting.          Creative Movement      10:05am Class #130

Pre-Ballet and Tap 2B                                   Friday, June 25th-August 13th
Ages: 4 and up                                          Pre Ballet & Tap 1      9:00am          Class #123
Children will learn basic ballet & tap steps.
Through dance movements, they will increase
their spatial and body awareness, coordina-
tion, grace & poise                                                         Zumbini
                                                          This is a fun , energetic music and movement
Pre– Ballet and Tap 2A                                   class with a parent or caregiver. Nurture your
Ages: 6 & up                                             child’s natural musical abilities, bond and play
Children will learn basic ballet and tap steps.           together, and enjoy music and dance explo-
Through dance movements, they will continue             ration in a social setting with a “Zumba “ flavor.
to increase their spatial and body awareness,            This class includes a Zumbini Bundle– 2cds and
as well as coordination, grace & poise.                                        songbook
                                                                   Ages: walking-3 years w/parent
Ballet and Tap 1                                                     Thurs, June 24th-August 12th
Ages: 2nd-3rd grade                                               Time: 9:15-10:00am Class #131
Children will learn/review basic ballet & tap               Location: Hickory Grove Center, Door #1
steps through bar work & dance movements.
                                                              Fee: $90 Resident, $135 Non-Resident
Terminology will also be taught .

       All classes on this page are co-ops with Sunset Playhouse, 800 Elm Grove Rd.
Safari Adventure
Grab your packs and your binoculars. Meet lions, giraffes, monkeys, and more as we go
on a Safari Adventure! Each class is a new adventure for students as we have fun with
dramatic play, story enactment, imagination journeys, theater games, visual arts, music,
and movement. Students will take an audience on a safari adventure during their show-
case on the last day of class.
Ages 4 – 5yrs old				                         Time: 9:00am-12:00pm         Class #132
Dates: June 21st-June 25th
Fee: $147 Resident, $220.50 Non-Resident

Center Stage: Poetry & Rhymes
You’re a poet and you didn’t even know it. Bring to life great poems by Shel Silverstein,
Jon Scieszka, and Roald Dahl (to name a few). This foundation class is the perfect intro-
duction to the world of theater. Students will use theater games and exercises to explore
the basics of acting while learning ensemble-building skills and gaining self-confidence.
Students will then apply these skills to perform a showcase on the last day of class.
Grades 4-6					                                 Time: 9:00am-12:00pm         Class #133
Dates: June 21st-June 25th
Fee: $147 Resident, $220.50 Non-Resident

Imagination Adventurer
Each day is a new adventure as students take a trip of a lifetime. Go anywhere in the
world, and to any point in time. We’ll use the power of your imagination to take an
amazing journey, developing your vocal, physical and ensemble skills along the way.
Students will use movement, acting, story-telling, and arts and crafts to travel anywhere
their imaginations will take them. On the final day, family and friends are invited to at-
tend a live travelogue.
Grades 1-3					                               Time: 1:00pm-4:00pm		           Class #134
Dates: June 21st-June 25th
Fee: $147 Resident, $220.50 Non-Resident
A Midsummer Night’s Dream for Kids
Students will work on a fun, melodramatic, 15-minute version of Shakespeare’s A Mid-
summer Night’s Dream! Using movement, acting, story-telling, common language and
arts and crafts, students will bring to life this delightfully funny rendition of Shakespeare’s
full-length play. On the final day of this camp, students will perform their play for family
and friends. So let us “meet me in the palace wood by moonlight. There will we rehearse.
There may we rehearse most obscenely and courageously! Take pains. Be perfect!
Grades 4-6					                                    Time: 1:00pm-4:00pm		            Class #135
Dates: June 21st-June 25th
Fee: $147 Resident, $220.50 Non-Resident

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
Shrek!, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Mary Poppins,
The Jungle Book, Tarzan . . . the list goes on and on. Disney is magical and so is this the-
ater class. Students will work with their favorite Disney productions to explore all aspects
of theater including acting, movement, scene design, and costume design. Each day
we’ll go on a grand adventure using Disney classics as a springboard and expand our
ability to tell a story using the tools of every actor: our voice, body, and imagination. On
the final day of the camp, students will perform a Disney-inspired mini-production.
Grades 1-3					                                   Time: 9:00am-12:00pm          Class #136
Dates: June 28th-July 2nd
Fee: $147 Resident, $220.50 Non-Resident

Imagination Adventurer
Each day is a new adventure as students take a trip of a lifetime. Go anywhere in the
world, and to any point in time. We’ll use the power of your imagination to take an
amazing journey, developing your vocal, physical and ensemble skills along the way.
Students will use movement, acting, story-telling, and arts and crafts to travel anywhere
their imaginations will take them. On the final day, family and friends are invited to at-
tend a live travelogue.
Grades 1-3					                               Time: 9:00am-12:00pm            Class #137
Dates: June 28th-July 2nd
Fee: $147 Resident, $220.50 Non-Resident

Live Art
Bring art to life! Students will use famous paintings by artists like Seurat, Picasso, and
Monet as the basis for imaginative play. Each day we will study a new painting and
bring it to life with storytelling, pantomime, music, movement, and our own art projects.
This week will be filled with acting, dancing, creative movement and visual arts. A great
imagination is required for this exciting camp! On the final day, family and friends are
invited to a live gallery showing.
Grades 1-3					                                 Time: 9:00am-12:00pm              Class #138
Dates: June 28th-July 2nd
Fee: $147 Resident, $220.50 Non-Resident
Make a Scene
This fun format introduces students to warm-ups, stage direction, theater etiquette, char-
acter analysis, scene work, and more while learning ensemble-building skills and gain-
ing self-confidence. Discover how to use your body and voice to create a convincing
character, improve your ability to communicate emotions on stage, and work together
to tell a story. Students will work as an ensemble to perform a scene from a play on the
final day of class.
Grades 7-10					                               Time: 1:00pm-4:00pm		        Class #139
Dates: June 28th-July 2nd
Fee: $147 Resident, $220.50 Non-Resident
                            Mooka’am Martial Arts- Taekwondo
                            Looking to learn something new or brush up on old skills? Son-
                            gahm Taekwondo is recognized as Korea’s traditional style of
                            taekwondo. In this class you will learn techniques for self-de-
                            fense while focusing on personal development of mind and
                            body. Students will also have the opportunity to advance in
                            rank in Songham Taekwondo through the ATA focusing in disci-
                            pline, respect, belief, communication, and honesty. Additional
                            fees will apply for, uniform, rank testing, and equipment. This
                            ATA licensed club is independently owned and operated.
                            ALL AGES AND ALL LEVELS ARE WELCOME!!

Intermidate: 6 & Up				                   Time: 5:00-5:45pm 		                  Class #095
Advanced: Ages: 8 & Up                    Time: 5:45-6:30pm 		                  Class #096
Session 1: Tues,Thurs June 8th-August 5th
Fee: Resident $80, Non-resident, $120
Location: Community Room, Lower Level of Village Hall
Instructor: Valerie Braun
Unite the mind body and spirit for health and well-being. Sustained poses and meditation
are taught with a strong emphasis on internal body awareness and energetic support of
the asanas(yoga props to support the body) to help elongate the spine, open the hips
and customize the poses to suit each individuals needs. Class is suitable for the beginning
yogi as well as those ready to move beyond. Please dress comfortably.
Ages: 18+ years
Dates: Thurs June 10– August 19		            Time: 5:30-6:30pm		             Class #140
Fee: Resident $70, Non-Resident, $102
Location: O’Neill Room, Lower Level of Village Hall
Instructor: Kathy Fried
Develop long, lean muscles without building bulk by focusing on the core to assist in
distributing strength evenly throughout the body. This class will help you increase flexibility,
improve posture, build strong, lean muscles, and reduce stress. Each week will be differ-
ent and various equipment will be used including stability balls, sponge balls, bands, and
Ages: 18+ years                    		         Time: 9-9:45am 		               Class #141
Dates: Tues & Thurs June 22– August 19 (Off 1 week, TBA)
Fee: Resident $70, Non-Resident $102
Location: Community Room, Lower Level of Village Hall
Instructor: Jayne Massopust

Adult Tennis Lessons
Basic instruction for adults who want to learn how to play or freshen up their skills. Class is
also offered for those looking to fine tune their skills! Be sure to wear proper tennis shoes!
Ages: 18 + years
Dates: Wednesdays, June 16-July 28             Time: 6:00-7:00pm               Class #142
Fee: Resident $60, Non-Resident $90
Location: Village Park Tennis Courts
                           Adult Water Aerobics
                           Always a summer favorite! This class is designed to combine
                           aerobic conditioning (and calorie burning) with strength train-
                           ing, muscular endurance and flexibility using resistance handles
                           and balls. It is not necessary to get the face or hair wet or know
                           how to swim to participate in this invigorating workout. Work-
                           out at your own pace and have fun at the same time! Sign up
                           early though, this class fills fast!

Ages: 18+
Dates: Mon, Wed, Fri                        Time: 8:00-8:50am
Session 1: June 7-July 2                                                       Class #143
Session 2: July 7– July 30                                                     Class #144
Mini Session : August 2– August 13                                             Class #145
Fee: Resident $55, Non-Resident 82.50
Fee: Mini Session: Resident $25, Non-Resident $37
Location; Village Pool
Instructor: Dian Zandi

Summer Adult Bocce League
Don’t miss out on this great social league! Great people, time outdoors, a fun game...
what more could you ask for? Teams are made up of 2-4 players.
Ages : 18+
Dates: Wednesdays, June 16-July 28		         Time: 6:00-8:00pm		           Class #146
Fee: Resident $55 per team, Non-Resident $82.50 per team
Location: Front of Elm Grove Poolhouse
Max: 8 teams
Min: 4 teams
American Red Cross CPR/AED/First Aid Class
Want to learn how to save a life? Need a CPR certification for a job? Want to learn a
new skill with the whole family? We got the class for you! You never know when you
will be put in a situation that may require you to know CPR. It only takes a few hours to
learn and could possibly save a life. All participants that pass the class will be issued an
American Red Cross CPR/AED/First Aid Certification.
Dates: Wednesday: July 21st                    Time:12:00-3:00pm		              Class #097
Fee: Resident $60 Non-Resident $90
Location: O’Neil Room, Village Hall

This class is for the beginner and beyond. Learn the basics of this relaxing, portable, and
time-honored craft, or take your knitting skills to the next level. Our beginner project will
cover how to cast on, knit, purl, and bind off. Come and enjoy the support of fellowship
of other knitters. New knitters should bring 125 yards of a smooth, bulky weight wool yarn,
a size 9 circular knitting needle, 16” in length, and stitch markers.
Ages: 18+years
Session 1: Thurs. June 3rd-July 22nd		           Time:12:00-2:00pm		          Class #147
Session 2: Mondays June 7-August 2nd             Time: 10:30am-12:30pm        Class #148
Fee: Resident $80 Non-Resident 120
Location: Village Hall, Park View Room
Instructor: Trish Ricci


                                          1-Resident online registration
                                          5– Non-Resident registration
                                          31– Memorial Day Event
                                          5– Elm Grove Pool Opens
                                          11-Friday Flicks- The Lion King
                                          14– Session 1 classes begin
                                          15– Tunes on Tuesday–
                                          Andrea & The Mods
                                          25– Friday Flicks!– Trolls: World
  The Village of Elm Grove is excited     28– Session 2 Classes Begin
                                          29– Tunes on Tuesday–
 to announce the opening of the Elm       Ryan McIntyre
       Grove Pickle Ball Courts!                         July
                                          4– Fourth of July Celebration
                                          in Village Park
     Pickleball courts are located on     9– Friday Flicks!–The Croods:
             Tennis Court #9.             New Age
                                          12– Session 3 Classes Begin
                                          23– Friday Flicks- Finding
A drivers license or car key and be ex-   Nemo
                                          26– Session 4 Classes Begin
changed for the use of the pickle ball    27- Tunes on Tuesday-
                  nets.                   Saturday June Band
                                          31- Friday Flicks- Onward
                                          31-1 THE GREAT ELM GROVE
 To reserve these courts you must call    CAMPOUT
the Elm Grove Pool house at (262)-782-                  August
                                          3– Tunes on Tuesdays-
 6940. Nets will be provided but other    The Hungry Williams Band
     equipment must be brought.           13-Friday Flicks- Raya and the
                                          Last Dragon
                                          15– Elm Grove Pool Closes
                                          (Splash Pad will remain open)
                                          29– Splash Pad Closes


     4th of July Event Schedule

  8:30am		                 Fun Run sign in and warm up
  9:00am		             Fun Run/Walk starts outside of Library
  11:30am     Bike Decorating Contest at the Fire Department
  12:00pm            Flag Raising ceremony at flagpole
  12-4pm		          Junior Guild Games (see schedule below)
  4:30-9:30pm     Food Trucks and Beer and other refreshments
  6-9:30pm                      DJ in the Park
  9:30pm		           National Anthem, followed by Fireworks

                  ITs GAME TIME!
       Time               Event                Age           Location
       1pm         Information table and                     Yellow Flag
                     volunteer check-in
    2pm-3:30pm         Fire Truck &         2-10 yrs old    Pool Drop Off
                     Ambulance Tours
       1pm            Inflatable Fun!       2-10yrs old       Pavilion
    1:30pm-2pm       Splash Contest        10-18+ yrs old       Pool
  2:00pm-2:30pm        Swim Race             8+ yrs old         Pool
    2:30-3:15pm     Foot Races & Field     2-15+ yrs old     Blue Flag
  3:30pm-4:00pm     Water Ballon Toss        All Ages        Blue Flag

All activities and times are subject to change and are all tentative.
		           For updates on schedule and event status check the
                        Village of Elm Grove website!                       26
Full Name: ______________________________________________ Age:
Address: ________________________________________________ T:shirt Size:
Phone: _____________________________ Email:
**I certify that this information is correct, and I hereby hold the Village of
Elm Grove harmless from any liabilities that may arise from my participa-
tion in this event.**
Signature (Parent/Guardian if under 18):

      Registration Fee: Individual—$13 - Family of 2-3—$12 per person,
                          Family 4+ - $11 per person.
Make checks payable to: The Village of Elm Grove Fun Run. Registration
                            includes Fun Run T-Shirt
 Registration begins Monday, May 6th at Village Hall during normal busi-
                                  ness hours.
                To register by mail, send completed forms to:
  Village Hall, July 4th Fun Run, 13600 Juneau Blvd. Elm Grove, WI 53122

 We gratefully acknowledge the efforts of all those who contribute and
   make our 4th of July celebration such a fun & memorable event!

       A special salute to the Elmbrook Rotary & the Junior Guild!
                     Fun Run provided by the Rotary
                     Elm Grove Business Association
                   Elm Grove Community Foundation
                          Elm Grove Junior Guild
                           John & Jeanne Allen

       The Elm Grove Libary Summer Program for 2021- Tails and Tales
   Please note: All plans may be subject to change if health and safety requirements change.
Schedule changes will be announced on the library website and on Facebook whenever possible.
        Additional activities may be added so check for updates at

Family Story Time
Join us on most Fridays at 10:30 a.m. all summer for songs, rhymes and stories outside the
library. Bring a blanket or chairs and plan to wear a mask and maintain social distance.
Story content will be for children 3-4 years old but all are welcome!
Ages: 3-4 years old
June 18th, June 25th, July 9th, July 16th, July 23rd, August 6th, August 13th, August 20th
Location: Outside the Library

Summer Reading Program
You can register for the reading program online and log your reading minutes and
activities on the Elm Grove Library Beanstack site or with the app. If you participated in
the online reading program this winter or last summer, you don’t need to create a new
registration. Just log into your existing account and select the new challenge! When you
log your reading and/or activities, you will receive coupons and drawing slips for the end
of summer drawing.
Dates: June 14th-August 14th, 2021

Special Performances:These will be live outdoor performances in the park pavillion!
Thursday, June 17, 10:30 a.m. – Magic Morgan & Lilliana—The art of illusion combined
with comedy for a program of wholesome entertainment, humor, magic, mime and
Thursday, July 1, 10:30 a.m. – Miss Jamie’s Farm—Go on a musical storytelling adventure
to the farm where you can sing, dance, laugh and learn!
Thursday, July 15, 10:30 a.m. – Cartooning is fun—Paul Merklein shows you how to draw
famous cartoon characters.
Thursday, July 29, 10:30 a.m. – David Landau—Upbeat music and comedy show where
kids can sing, dance, shout a little bit and laugh a bunch!
Thursday, August 12, 10:30 a.m. – Mr. Steve—Music, magic, ballooning and more!
Wednesday, August 18, 10:30 a.m. – Colossal Fossils “Whale of a Tale” - This program will
showcase a collection of ancient and modern whales, highlighting the amazing evolu-
tion of these enormous aquatic mammals.

                                           The Village of Elm Grove has initiated flood mitigation proj-
                                           ects in an effort to reduce the risk of flooding and improve
                                           flood risk awareness and preparedness in the Village.
                                           Floods are one of the most common hazards in the Unit-
                                           ed States. The effects of floods can be local, impacting a
                                           neighborhood or community, or very large, affecting entire
                                           river basins and multiple states.
                                           The current Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM, floodplain
                                           map) for the Village went in to effect on November 5,
                                           2014. The FIRM has taken into account the Village’s ex-
tensive flood mitigation efforts. The current floodplain maps as well as the current Flood Insurance
Study (FIS) are available for viewing at Village Hall and the Elm Grove Public Library located at
13600 Juneau Blvd. You may also view the maps on the Village’s website or
may be accessed on FEMA’s webpage Village staff can assist you in determining
if your property is located within the floodplain.

It is important to note that even though individual
properties may not be included within the 100-yard floodplain boundary provided by FEMA, there
is still a chance that your property may be at risk from flood damage. Homeowners within and
outside of the floodplain may purchase flood insurance to protect their homes and their valuables.
Insurance is available from the federal government or through a private insurance provider. If you
already have flood insurance, check with your insurance provider to ensure that you have insur-
ance on both your home and the contents within it. More information on flood insurance can be
found at

You can also take steps to reduce the risk of flood
damage. These steps include: installing landscaping
features to absorb excess water in the ground, direct-
ing downspouts away from the home, keeping window
wells free of debris, properly disposing of grass clippings
and other debris, and grading to direct water flow
away from your home. Publications are available at
Village Hall outlining various aspects of flooding. Vil-
lage staff is also available to assist property owners and
make recommendations on how to reduce flood risks.

Pictures of past flooding events are available for viewing at Village Hall. If you are interested in
looking at photos from the 1973, 1998, 2007, 2008 or 2009 flooding events, please stop by the front
desk of Village Hall and ask to view the Flooding Pictures.

For more information please contact:
Tom Harrigan, Zoning & Planning Administrator at

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