Page created by Enrique Conner

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE                                                             MENSAJE DE LA DIRECTORA
Welcome to Oxnard Adult School. The administration, faculty and                      Bienvenidos a la Escuela de Adultos de Oxnard. La administración, la
staff are ready to help you achieve your academic and career goals.                  facultad y el personal estamos listos para ayudarle a lograr sus metas
We have a selection of classes that were developed to assist those                   académicas y profesionales. Tenemos una selección de clases que
seeking a high school diploma, employment certification, advanced                    fueron desarrolladas para ayudar a aquellas personas que buscan un
skills, and for those desiring to increase English language skills.                  diploma de preparatoria, certificación de empleo, habilidades avanza-
For over 80 years, Oxnard Adult School has provided residents with                   das y para quienes desean incrementar sus habilidades en el inglés.
many educational opportunities. Our programs offer support services                  Durante más de 80 años, Oxnard Adult School ha brindado a los resi-
to prepare you for college, entry level work or advanced training.                   dentes muchas oportunidades educativas. Nuestros programas ofre-
Whether in academic or career training, we assist adult students in                  cen servicios de apoyo para prepararle para la universidad, el trabajo a
making an optimal transition to the workplace or higher education.                   nivel inicial o capacitación avanzada. Ya sea en la formación académi-
                                                                                     ca o profesional, ayudamos a los estudiantes adultos a realizar una
This brochure highlights a variety of classes, programs and opportu-
                                                                                     transición óptima al lugar de trabajo o la educación superior.
nities available to those who enroll at our school. We are hopeful this
document contains information that will encourage you to explore                     Este folleto destaca una variedad de clases, programas y oportuni-
your options and then enroll in one of our school programs.                          dades disponibles para quienes se inscriben en nuestra escuela. Es-
                                                                                     peramos que este documento contenga información que le anime a
Sincerely,                                                                           explorar sus opciones y luego inscribirse en uno de nuestros pro-
Kathy Greaves                                                                        gramas escolares.
                                          Oxnard Adult School is accredited by       Sinceramente,
Principal                               The Western Association of Schools and                                                Oxnard Adult School está acreditada por
                                         Colleges Accrediting Commission for         Kathy Greaves                            la Comisión de Acreditación de Escuelas
                                                  Schools (WASC)                                                              de la Asociación Occidental de Escuelas
                                                                                     Directora                                        y Universidades (WASC)

                     OUR MISSION STATEMENT                                                                 OUR VISION STATEMENT

Oxnard Adult School prepares and empowers students to achieve                        Oxnard Adult School empowers and equips all students to be life-
educational, career and personal goals; promoting lifelong learn-                    long learners and powerful participants in today’s global community.
ing in a safe, supportive and multicultural environment.
                                                                                                    Spring 2021              Important Dates

                                                                                      First Day of Spring Semester                               January 5, 2021
                                                                                      Martin Luther King Day                                   January 19, 2021
                                                                                      President’s Day                                         February 15, 2021
                       BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                                                                                      Lincoln’s Birthday                                      February 19, 2021
                       Dr. Steve Hall, President
                   Beatriz R. Herrera, Vice President                                 Spring Break                                   March 29 - April 9, 2021
                         Karen M. Sher, Clerk                                         Memorial Day                                                  May 31, 2021
                   Wayne Edmonds, Board Member
                   Elizabeth Botello, Board Member                                    Last Day of School / Graduation                              June 10, 2021

                         SUPERINTENDENT                                                                            Contents
                           Dr. Thomas McCoy                                           High School Diploma, High School Equivalency, ABE                                 3
                                                                                      High School Equivalency in Spanish, HiSET Test Dates                              4
                                                                                      English as a Second Language                                                      5
Dr. Deborah Salgado, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
                                                                                      Computers, Citizenship, Spanish, Manual Arts                                      6
                                                                                      Health and Medical Programs                                                 7- 8
                        Kathy Greaves, Principal                                      Employment, Job Search Assistance, Survey, OAS Email                              9
                  Leticia Carabajal, Assistant Principal
             Viki Costa, Instructional and Curriculum Coach                           Migrant Education, Community and Family Support                               10
                      John Grande, Test Examiner                                      Partners in Education, Refund Policy, OAS Directory                           11
                                                                                      Oxnard Adult School Site Maps/ General Info                                   12
                     Alexa Sanchez, School Counselor
                   Valeria Balderrama, School Counselor                                          SPRING 2021       SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS
                 Jesus Lopez-Varela, Guidance Technician                              Monday - Thursday                                      8:30 am - 8:00 pm
            William (Bill) Martin, College and Career Technician                      Friday and Weekends                                               Closed

After publishing of the class schedule, we may change times, class locations, or cancel a class. We regret any inconvenience
this may cause. Call 805-385-2586 if you cannot find a class, or if you need more information. Schedule published 12-18-2020

High School Diploma, High School Equivalency, ABE
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the State Government has mandated that schools offer classes exclusively online. To partici-
pate in classes, students must purchase their own equipment to allow them access to online sessions. Oxnard Adult School
will offer free online workshops for people who need to learn how to use Google platforms.
Debido a la pandemia covid-19, el gobierno del estado ha ordenado que las escuelas ofrezcan clases exclusivamente en línea.
Para participar en las clases, los estudiantes deberán adquirir su propio equipo que les permita acceder a las sesiones en
línea. Oxnard Adult School ofrecerá talleres gratuitos de actualización de sistemas en línea para personas que necesiten
aprender el uso de las plataformas de Google.

High School Diploma - (HSD)
Oxnard Adult School offers FREE individualized instruction for students wishing to obtain their high school diploma. The high school di-
ploma program is an independent study program where students meet with their instructors once a week with set online appointments
and complete work at home. During their weekly meeting, students turn in completed work, go over homework and completed subject
area exams, get additional assistance from instructors or get tutoring in problem subject areas. Students usually work on one class at a
time and work at their own pace. Textbooks can be purchased or borrowed with a deposit, at the school office for home use. This course
offers continuous enrollment throughout the school year. Prospective students must have all previous high school transcripts and sched-
ule an online meeting with the high school diploma counselor at valeria.balderrama@oxnardunion.org before enrolling in the class.
New and returning students must take the CASAS pre/post test to determine course placement and academic goals.
DATES: January 5, 2021 - June 10, 2021
Instructor and Section              Location        Days    Hours
Determined at time of enrollment    Online          M-Th    9am - 8pm

High School Equivalency (HSE)
The High School Equivalency (HSE) Exam preparation course is FREE and helps prepare students for the HSE exam offered at Oxnard
Adult School, HiSET. Each participant studies online under the supervision of a teacher who supports the students in identified problem
areas to gain the skills needed to pass the test. This is an open-entry program, and students may register at any time during the regular
school semester. The class has flexible hours which allows students to contact the instructor previously assigned when it is most conven-
ient for them. Students may qualify for test vouchers after 20 hours of class time towards the HiSET exam. Prospective students must
schedule an online meeting with the high school equivalency counselor at alexa.sanchez@oxnardunion.org before enrolling in the
New and returning students must take the CASAS pre/post test to determine course placement and academic goals.
DATES: January 5, 2021 - June 10, 2021
Instructor and Section              Location        Days    Hours
Determined at time of enrollment    Online          M-Th    9am - 8pm

Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Adult Basic Education is a FREE non-credit basic reading, writing, spelling, and math instruction course. Instructors teach students at
their individual skill level. This program helps students develop the basic educational foundation needed to enter the High School Diplo-
ma or High School Equivalency programs. This is an English only class. This is an open-entry program and students may register at any
time during the regular school semester. The class has flexible hours which allows students to contact the instructor in charge of the pro-
gram when it is most convenient for them. This class also works as a 40-hour remediation course in English, Math, or both to retake the
CNA entrance exam.
Prospective students must schedule an online meeting with the adult basic education counselor at alexa.sanchez@oxnardunion.org
before enrolling in the class.
New and returning students must take the CASAS pre/post test to determine course placement and academic goals.
DATES: January 5, 2021 - June 10, 2021
Instructor and Section              Location        Days    Hours
Determined at time of enrollment    Online          M-Th    9am - 8pm

         Dates and Fees are subject to change. Call the Oxnard Adult School office at 805-385-2586 for more information
   Fechas y costos están sujetos a cambios. Llame a la Escuela de Adultos de Oxnard al 805-385-2586 para más información

Certificado de equivalencia de preparatoria, HiSET Test

HSE Prep Spanish - Equivalencia de preparatoria en español                               Spanish Pre-HSE/ABE
                                                                                         Educación básica para adultos en
Este curso GRATIS de preparación en línea para el examen de equivalencia de pre-
paratoria está basado en un repaso general de matemáticas, lectura y redacción,
estudios sociales y ciencias. Hay tres grupos con dos niveles y horarios (ver abajo).    Este curso GRATIS es para personas que quieran
Dependiendo del grado de educación de cada estudiante, éste podría necesitar más         aprender a leer, escribir y hacer operaciones arit-
de un semestre para prepararse para tomar los exámenes. El estudiante debe poseer        méticas en español. Las clases son presenciales
un nivel de escolaridad mínimo de 6 o grado para inscribirse en el curso básico Pre      con un máximo de ocupación de 12 personas. Al
HSE Sp y en el multinivel de la mañana HSE Prep Sp, y de 8 o para el curso interme-      término de este curso podrán ingresar en el pro-
dio por la tarde HSE Prep Sp. Adicionalmente se ofrece un taller opcional en línea de    grama Pre HSE Sp (Básico); después en el pro-
matemáticas los siguientes sábados: enero 30, febrero 27, marzo 20, abril 24 y mayo      grama regular HSE Sp, y cuando estén preparados
22. Después de participar en al menos 20 horas de clase, los estudiantes podrían         podrán tomar el examen HiSET. Pre-HSE/ABE es
obtener vales para exámenes HiSET. Alumnos nuevos y de reingreso deben tomar el          un programa inicial que puede beneficiar a per-
examen CASAS pre y post requerido por el Estado.                                         sonas que no hayan tenido oportunidad de estudiar
                                                                                         en sus países de origen y que estén tramitando su
DATES: January 5, 2021 - June 10, 2021
                                                                                         residencia a través del programa DACA.
Class            Instructor Section Location Days        Hours          Dates
                                                                                         DATES: January 19, 2021 - June 10, 2021
Pre HSE Sp Castro           2501      Online    M,W      6p - 8:30p     1-11 to 6-10     Instructor Section Location
HSE Prep Sp Gutiespi        2635      Online    T,Th     6p - 8:30p     1-5 to 6-9       Hernandez 2401            OAS-12
HSE Prep Sp Varela          2631       Online   T,W,Th 8:30a-11:30a 1-5 to 6-10          Days        Hours
Math Seminar Varela         2633      Online     1 Sat/mo 9a - 12p       See above       T,Th        6:30pm - 8:30pm

High School Equivalency Test - HiSET ®
The High School Equivalency Test (HiSET®) allows students to earn a California state issued High School Equivalency Certificate. The
HiSET® High School Equivalency Certificate is considered the equivalent of a High School Diploma and is recognized throughout the
United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Most employers, community colleges and vocational schools accept it in place of a high school
diploma. The fee for the HiSET is $150 which includes all 5 subject area tests: Reading, Writing, Math, Science and Social Studies. The
fee to retake a failed subject area test is $20. Tests can be retaken twice in a calendar year. There is a rescheduling fee of $10 for each
HiSET test. Rescheduling can only be done in the front office at least five working days before each test rescheduled. Please bring your
original paperwork and an ID when requesting to reschedule a test. All testing fees must be paid at the Oxnard Adult School main cam-
pus in cash or credit/debit card (Visa, Master Card) only.
Registration: Examinees must be 18 years or older or within 60 days of their 18th birthday if any of the parents or a tutor gives consent.
Examinees must not be US high school graduates; must have a valid email address and a valid ID (CA Driver’s license or ID, military ID,
passport or international government ID with current picture).
   To schedule an exam, you must go online to create your profile. (hiset.ets.org/test-takers)
   Name on ID must be identical to the name on registration (excluding accents). If it doesn’t, you may not be allowed to test, or your
    scores may be canceled after you take the test.
   After you create your profile, print out the page with your HiSET ID number.
   Bring printed HiSET page and a valid ID, which can be California ID, driver license, military ID, passport or any ID issued by a gov-
    ernment to Oxnard Adult School Office and register for the HiSET Exam. No phone photos. Originals only.
There are no refunds on test fees.

Spring 2021 HiSET Test Dates
        Times                January             February                March             April             May               June

 9:00 am - 1:00 pm         No AM Test            9, 10, 11            9, 10, 11         No AM Test        11, 12, 13        22, 23, 24

 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm          19, 20, 21          23, 24, 25           23, 24, 25         27, 28, 29        18, 19, 20          1, 2, 3
                                                                                                          25, 26, 27        15, 16, 17
         Dates and Fees are subject to change. Call the Oxnard Adult School office at 805-385-2586 for more information
    Fechas y costos están sujetos a cambios. Llame a la Escuela de Adultos de Oxnard al 805-385-2586 para más información

English as a Second Language ESL FREE ONLINE CLASSES

                                                                as a
                                                         SECOND LANGUAGE
English as a Second Language (ESL) / Inglés como Segundo Idioma                                CLASES EN LÍNEA GRATIS
The English as a Second Language (ESL) program is a sequential series of classes focusing on English conversation, pronunciation, lis-
tening, reading, writing, grammar, common errors, American culture and basic civics. Each student is given a placement exam before
being assigned to one of the six levels OAS offers. Call for information about assessment schedule at (805) 385-2578. In Spanish, call
(805) 385-2586 or 385-5435.
New and returning students must take the CASAS pre/post test to determine course placement and academic goals.
El programa de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL) es una serie de clases que se enfoca en conversación, pronunciación, comprens ión auditiva,
lectura, escritura, gramática, errores comunes, cultura estadounidense y educación cívica básica. Cada estudiante recibe un examen de ubi-
cación antes de ser asignado a uno de los seis niveles que ofrece OAS. Llame para obtener información sobre el calendario de evaluación (805)
385-2578. Para español llame a (805) 385-2586 o 385-5435.
Alumnos nuevos y de re ingreso deben tomar el examen CASAS pre y post para determinar su ubicación en un curso y sus metas académicas.

       Site/Localidad               Levels/Niveles               Class Dates/Fechas               Days/Días           Hours/Horarios

            Online                        1-6                January 5 - June 10, 2021               M - Th         9:00 am - 11:30 am

            Online                        1- 6               January 5 - June 10, 2021               M - Th         6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the State Government has mandated that all schools offer classes exclusively online. To partici-
pate in classes, students must purchase their own equipment which may consist of tablets, smart phones, laptops or desktop
personal computers to allow them access to online sessions.
Oxnard Adult School will offer free workshops for people who need to access their Oxnard Union email accounts or learn how to
access platforms such as Google Classroom or Google Meet.
Because all sessions will be remote, the only place available for information, placement tests, CASAS tests, books and calcula-
tor purchases, high school book loans, and registration will be the campus located at 1101 W. Second Street, Oxnard CA 93030.
Debido a la pandemia covid-19, el gobierno del estado ha ordenado que las escuelas ofrezcan clases exclusivamente en línea. Para par-
ticipar en las clases, los estudiantes deberán adquirir su propio equipo que podría consistir en tabletas, teléfonos inteligentes, laptops o
computadoras de escritorio que les permitan acceder a las sesiones en línea.
Oxnard Adult School ofrecerá talleres gratuitos de actualización de sistemas en línea para personas que necesiten ayuda para acceder a
sus cuentas electrónicas del Distrito o aprender el uso de plataformas como Google Clasroom o Google Meet.
Dado que todas las sesiones serán a distancia, el único lugar disponible para información, exámenes de ubicación, pruebas CASAS,
compra de libros y calculadoras, préstamo de libros de high school, e inscripciones será el campus ubicado en 1101 W. Second Street,
Oxnard CA 93030

ESL Computer Lab Multi-Level                   FREE CLASS

This bilingual English-Spanish lab offers help in the form of workshops to those students who need to become familiar with the use of
electronic devices for their use in online classes. Special emphasis will be put on the creation of Google accounts, G-Mail, access to plat-
forms and applications such as Google Meet, Google Classroom, Rosetta Stone and Burlington.
Este lab cibernético bilingüe inglés-español ofrece ayuda en forma de talleres a aquellos estudiantes que necesiten familiarizarse con el
uso de los dispositivos electrónicos para su empleo en las clases en línea. Se pondrá especial énfasis en la creación de cuen tas Google,
G-Mail, y el acceso a plataformas y aplicaciones como Google Meet, Google Classroom, Rosetta Stone y Burlington.

DATES: January 5, 2021 - June 10, 2021
Instructor Section Location Days Hours
TBD        TBD     OAS-15     T,Th 9:30am - 11:30am
TBD        TBD     OAS-15     T,Th 5:30pm - 7:30pm

         Dates and Fees are subject to change. Call the Oxnard Adult School office at 805-385-2586 for more information
   Fechas y costos están sujetos a cambios. Llame a la Escuela de Adultos de Oxnard al 805-385-2586 para más información

Computers, Citizenship, Spanish, Manual Arts

Computer Business Applications (Bilingual)                                 Computer Business Applications
This is an online five-week class in which each participant studies        Accounting and Intro to QuickBooks
the program they need from the following: Keyboarding, Introduc-
tion to Computers, to intermediate-advanced classes like Word,             OAS offers computer training to make you ready to enter the
Excel, and PowerPoint. When a student has completed the assign-
                                                                           workforce with a 15-week lab class distributed into three 5-week
                                                                           sessions. This self-paced computer class is taught online. Stu-
ments in each program, they can move on to the next.
                                                                           dents choose their focus area in any of the computer applica-
Esta es una clase en línea de cinco semanas en la que cada                 tions that range from basic classes such as Keyboarding, Com-
alumno estudia el programa que necesita de entre los siguientes:           puter Literacy, Microsoft Outlook and Work Readiness Skills
Mecanografía e Introducción a la computación con el sistema ope-           (resumes, cover letters, interview techniques and job search), to
rativo Windows 10, y también clases intermedias-avanzadas como             intermediate-advanced classes like Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
Word, Excel y PowerPoint. Cuando un estudiante ha completado               Google Drive and Docs. The instructor will assist you in your
las asignaturas de cada programa, puede pasar al siguiente.                choice. Once you have a solid foundation in one application you
                                                                           can move on to another.
Fee: $125 per 5-Week Session
  6603 / 6601          6605 / 6607        6609 / 6611                      Fee: $125 per 5-Week Session
                                                                             66-- / 66--   66-- / 66--        66-- / 66--      66-- / 66--
Jan 6 - Feb 10       Feb 22 - Mar 24     Apr 12 - May 12
                                                                           Jan 5 - Feb 4   Feb 9 - Mar 18   Apr 23 - May 6    May 11 - June 10
Instructor   Location          Days Hours
                                                                           Instructor Section Location Days         Hours
Lara         OAS-Online        M,W 9:00am - 11:30am
                                                                           TBD        TBD     Online   T,Th         9:00am - 11:30am
Instructor   Location          Days Hours
Lara         OAS-Online        M,W 6:00pm - 8:30pm                         Online Accounting and Intro to QuickBooks classes offered
                                                                           at evening time. New Classes Start Each Month.
Citizenship Preparation                   FREE CLASS

This free course introduces the prospective citizen to the history         Sewing/Garment Construction
and government of the United States and prepares students with
                                                                       Learn pattern layout, cutting and sewing techniques, proper selec-
the knowledge needed to pass the citizenship exam and interview.
                                                                       tion of materials, and receive assistance with common problems in
Students must posses high intermediate English skills, demonstrat-
                                                                       garment construction. Students learn about quilting, wearable art
ed by passing the Oxnard Adult School ESL level 4 course or
                                                                       and related quilting projects in a relaxing atmosphere. Sewing ma-
equivalent English skills.
                                                                       chines are available for your use, or you may bring your own and
New and returning students must take the CASAS pre/post test to
                                                                       learn how to use it. A Janome Embroidery machine is available for
determine course placement and academic goals.
                                                                       students use.
DATES: January 19, 2021 - June 10, 2021
                                                                       English proficiency required. Occupancy limited to 10 students
Instructor Section Location Days Hours
Newton       4000       OAS-19 T,Th 6:00pm - 8:30pm                    Instructor Location    Dates                  Fee
                                                                       Peterson OAS-5         Jan 6 - Mar 17, 2021   $115 / Section
                                                                                              Mar 24 - June 9, 2021
                                                                       Hours: 9:00am - 11:30am; 12:00pm - 2:30pm; 5:30pm - 8:00pm
                                                                       Sections: 6321, 6323, 6325 Wednesdays Only

Spanish in the Workplace                                                   Upholstery - Beginning and Intermediate
This Spanish language course is for individuals who wish to com-       This course will introduce students to the basics of the upholstery busi-
municate in a job-related setting, for casual conversation, or per-    ness or working on your own home projects. Students learn to use
sonal enrichment. Students will develop skills through immersion in    heavy-duty upholstery machines and upholstery hand tools. Get hands-
the language, using a variety of interactive activities. The course    on practice with techniques for layout, cutting, installation, and yardage
will emphasize vocabulary, pronunciation and basic grammatical         calculations. Students must provide their own projects and materials.
                                                                       No leather projects. No project over 4 feet is allowed. Beginners to
patterns, phrases, idioms, conversation, and Latino cultural traits.
                                                                       experienced welcomed! Spanish speaking teacher. Minimum enroll-
DATES: TBD                                                             ment of 12 students required. Classes are held at Frontier High School
Fee: $50 Includes book                                                 (FHS) Upholstery Room, 515 Airport Way, Camarillo CA 93012
Instructor Section Location Days Hours                                 Instructor: Rivera Location: FHS Fee: $250 per session
TBD          TBD       Online   TBD TBD                                Not available for Spring 2021

         Dates and Fees are subject to change. Call the Oxnard Adult School office at 805-385-2586 for more information
    Fechas y costos están sujetos a cambios. Llame a la Escuela de Adultos de Oxnard al 805-385-2586 para más información

Health and Medical programs
Registered Pharmacy Technician Program                                           Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
This 240-hour PTCB* recognized program consists of theory and                    This course prepares students for licensure as a Certified Nurse
clinical preparation for employment in a pharmaceutical setting.                 Assistant with classroom theory and clinical practice. Instructors
Topics include: medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, phar-               teach the basic nursing skills and procedures for providing quality
maceutical settings, duties and responsibilities of a pharmacy tech-             patient care at the bedside of acutely or chronically ill persons in a
nician, pharmaceutical terms, abbreviations and symbols; metric and              hospital, skilled care facility, or home setting. Nursing fundamen-
apothecary systems, record-keeping, dispensing prescriptions, and                tals and procedures, hygiene and infection control, patient com-
the manufacturing and labeling of drug products. Successful course               fort, safety, and home health concepts are covered. Upon suc-
completion qualifies students to apply to the California Board of                cessful completion of the course, students will be eligible to take
Pharmacy for a Registered Pharmacy Technician license.                           the CA State Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) competency exam. Exam
To enroll, a student must be 18 years of age or older and must have              consists of a written and skills tests. Students are responsible for
a US high school diploma or HSE certificate (GED or HiSET) to                    the testing fee because it is not mandatory to take exam. Current
qualify for Registered Pharmacy Technician license. Foreign high                 fee is $100. This course is a combined lecture/lab that teaches
school diplomas are welcomed as long as they are translated into                 students the theory and clinical skills needed to work with clients
English by an accredited agency. Candidates must be able to speak,               in the home care setting. Emphasis is given to safety principles
read, and write English fluently. Class is hybrid (Online - In person).          and to methods for providing physical and emotional care, and
                                                                                 social support.
DATES: January 11, 2021 to June 3, 2021
                                                                                 Prerequisites. CNA entrance exam is required. There is no fee
Fee: $1250 Includes books and Externship (120 hours) with                        for the test. Candidates who do not pass the entrance exam must
Walgreens Drug Store                                                             complete 40 hours of free ABE class before testing again (test will
Instructor Section Location             Days        Hours                        be free). Call office for entrance exam schedule at (805)385-2590.
Karchai     6081    Online OAS-4 M-Th               5:30pm - 8:30pm              All students must have a valid government issued ID and Social
                 Plus one Saturday per month 9:00am - 1:00pm                     Security card for Livescan and State Competency Exam. The
                                                                                 names on both cards must match. All students must have current
* PTCB: “Pharmacy Technician Certification Board.” National organi-
zation which provides certification to qualified pharmacy technicians.           TB clearance, current immunizations, flu vaccine and physical
                                                                                 exam prior to clinical training. They must be able to lift 50 pounds
                                                                                 with good body mechanics. Students must have either an Ameri-
Medical Terminology                                                              can Red Cross CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers card (not
                                                                                 offered at OAS), or an American Heart Association BLS for
This course will improve your knowledge for your current job, or develop
the vocabulary you need to communicate with doctors or other medical             Healthcare Providers CPR card (offered at OAS, see page 8)
professionals. This class, in conjunction with the Medical Assistant Clin-       valid for the duration of the course. OAS is not permitted to send
ical and Administrative courses, will make you eligible to take the Cali-        students who have been convicted of a crime (other than a minor
fornia Medical Assistant Certification exam.                                     traffic violation) to CNA clinical sites unless they obtain a clear-
To obtain certificate of completion, a student must complete 72 hours of         ance under California law. All students will be Livescan fingerprint-
coursework. Hybrid course.                                                       ed on the first day of class. Drug screening may be required dur-
                                                                                 ing the program.
DATES: February 24, 2021 to June 2, 2021
                                                                                 Fee includes course fee, malpractice insurance and textbooks. A
Fee: $300 Plus Book $48                                                          cancellation fee of $200 will be imposed if student cancels before the
Instructor Section Location Days      Hours                                      class starts. No refunds after class begins.
Ruiz       6901    OAS-10 Wed          8:30am - 11:00am                          Note: After publishing the schedule of classes, it may be necessary to
                                                                                 change times and locations of classes, or cancel a class. We regret
                                      Plus 2.5 hours online                      any inconvenience this may cause. Please call (805) 385-2590 if you
                                                                                 require more information.
Caregiver (Pre-CNA) / ESL Public Health                                          Instructor: Thorpe, McKinney
This 10 to 12-week 6 hr/week program is ideal for individuals look-              Dates: January 12, 2021 to June 3, 2021
ing for employment as caregivers or training for those providing                 Section Location Days               Hours                   Fee
care for a loved one. Become qualified for employment in Assisted                6400       Online      TBD          8:30am - 12:30pm $1150
Living Facilities. Learn support for Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s).                    OAS-17 TBD               (Clinical) 7:00am - 11:00am
Program contents include: Dressing/personal grooming, toileting,
                                                                                            Pre-clinical hours T,W,Th 8:30am - 12:30pm
feeding, nutrition and food preparation, transportation, getting in
                                                                                 Must follow approved CDPH Temporary Program Flexibility
and out of beds/chairs, vital signs, and pain management. Fee                    Waiver Guidelines. See Spring 2021 CNA calendar for man-
includes CPR certificate and Livescan. TB Test required.                         datory in person, clinical skills check off dates.
Fee: $99
Instructor Section Location                Days Hours
TBD           TBD       TBD               T,Th      TBD
TBD           TBD       TBD               TBD       TBD

         Dates and Fees are subject to change. Call the Oxnard Adult School office at 805-385-2586 for more information
   Fechas y costos están sujetos a cambios. Llame a la Escuela de Adultos de Oxnard al 805-385-2586 para más información

Health and Medical programs. A Pathway to success!
Health Careers (VESL Health)                     FREE CLASS                   Medical Assistant – Clinical
This is a FREE introductory course to prepare students for postsec-           This course provides students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes,
ondary education and employment in the health care industry. It is            and behaviors necessary for a successful entry into the back office
a multi-level Vocational ESL course and may be taken prior to or              position in a medical clinic, health care agency, or physician's of-
with concurrent enrollment in a health/medical class. Topics cov-             fice as a medical assistant. Clinical duties include recording vital
ered in this class include: Health care career pathways, occupation-          signs and medical histories, preparing patients for examination,
specific terminology and communication skills in the workplace. In            assisting the physician during an exam and administering medica-
addition, sentence structures, listening, speaking and reading lan-           tions as directed. This course is one in a series of four classes
guage skill proficiencies will be further developed.                          required to take the California Certified Medical Assistant Exam.
DATES: TBD                                                                    Hybrid course (classroom and online instruction).
Instructor Section Location Days Hours
                                                                              Prerequisites: Employment level English competency as well
Shaw          TBD       TBD         TBD 12:00pm to 1:30pm                     as Math as proved by passing the entrance exam; typing cer-
                                                                              tificate showing 25 WPM or more (free typing test available at
Medical Assistant – Administrative                                            OAS), and intermediate computer literacy skills.

This course provides students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes,          Fee: $600 Book $100 Study Guide $50
and behaviors necessary for successful entry into the front office            Additional items at students expense. See table below.
position in a medical clinic, health care agency, or physician's office
as a medical assistant. Administrative duties include welcoming               DATES: February 23, 2021 to June 8, 2021
patients, maintaining medical records, scheduling appointments,               Instructor Section Location Days        Hours
and bookkeeping. This course is an excellent introduction to medi-
cal administration, and is one in a series of four classes required to        Ruiz       6051     OAS-10 T,Th         8:30am - 11:30am
take and pass the California Certified Medical Assistant exam. This
                                                                              DATES: February 23, 2021 to June 8, 2021
is a hybrid course (classroom and 4.5 hours online instruction).
                                                                              Instructor Section Location Days        Hours
Prerequisites: Employment level English competency in written                 Valeria    6053     OAS-10 T Hybrid 5:30pm - 8:30pm
and verbal communication as well as Math as proved by pass-
ing the entrance exam; typing certificate showing 25 WPM or
more (free typing test available at OAS), and intermediate com-               Medical Assistant – Externship
puter literacy skills.
                                                                              This valuable class will give you experience working as an extern in
Fee: $600    Book $95 Plus Sim Chart Card $85                                 the medical field. This course is the last in a series of four classes
                                                                              required to take the California Certified Medical Assistant Exam. The
DATES: January 14, 2021 to May 20, 2021                                       first 4 weeks and the last week of the course will be in the classroom
Instructor Section Location Days                 Hours                        and online; the rest will be assigned to the externship site.
Valeria    6041     Online   Th                  8:30am - 10:30am             Prerequisites: Completion of Medical Assistant Administrative,
DATES: January 14, 2021 to May 20, 2021                                       Medical Assistant Clinical and Medical Terminology (concurrent
                                                                              enrollment OK). Students must have a current BLS CPR card
Instructor Section Location Days                 Hours                        and TB and Hep B series immunizations to be eligible to start the
Valeria    6043    Online    Th                  5:30pm - 7:30pm              clinic.
                                                                              Fee: $300
BLS – Basic Life Support                                                      DATES: TBD
CPR for the Professional Rescuer                                              Instructor Section Location Days Hours
This course trains participants to recognize several life-                    Valeria     6041     OAS-10 Th       TBD + 4 hrs Online
threatening emergencies, give chest compressions, deliver ventila-            10 hrs per week M-F for 10 weeks. Hours vary by clinical site
tions, and provide early use of an Automated External Defibrillator
(AED). Students participate in simulated clinical scenarios with an           For reasons of COVID-19 this calendar is subject to changes
American Heart Association - Basic Life Support (AHA-BLS)                     decreed by the State Government.
instructor to complete skills practice testing and a written exam.
                                                                              Approximate Costs for Medical Assistant Front & Back
Six students required to run the class.
Fee: $75 Includes Card Textbook $14                                           Scrubs/Office attire                                             $ 60
Instructor      Location Days Hours                                           Textbook Front Office                                            $ 95
Valeria       OAS-10       F       9:00am - 1:30pm                            Back Office (Set of two books)                                   $150
Dates: January 29, February 26, March 19, April 23, May 21
Instructor  Location Days Hours                                               HEP B series shots and TB Test                                   $100
Ruiz          OAS-10       S       9:00am - 1:30pm                            Sim Chart Card                                                   $ 85
Dates: January 30, February 27, March 20, April 24, May 22                    Blood Pressure Cuff & Stethoscope Kit                            $ 35

          Dates and Fees are subject to change. Call the Oxnard Adult School office at 805-385-2586 for more information
   Fechas y costos están sujetos a cambios. Llame a la Escuela de Adultos de Oxnard al 805-385-2586 para más información

Employment, Job Search Assistance, Survey, OAS Email

           Essential Soft Skills Credential                                College and Career Center
This Essential Soft Skills Credential course will provide valuable         Oxnard Adult School is offering college and career application
knowledge, job specific skills and a nationally recognized work read-      assistance. Students will receive step by step instructions to en-
iness credential. This class will set you apart from the other job         roll in our local community colleges and universities. Students will
seeking candidates providing you with communication, interper-             also learn to write cover letters, resume and practice interviewing
sonal, decision-making, and lifelong learning skills.                      techniques. Through our community partnerships, students gain
If you are an advanced ESL student, this class will give you the com-      access to our network of potential employers. Our employment
munication and critical thinking you need to fully integrate into the      specialist will assist all Oxnard Adult School students with job
workforce. Additionally, students may earn 5 elective credits to-          search from start to finish. Call Bill Martin for an appointment
wards high school diploma. Oxnard Adult School provides this               (805) 385-5986. Email him at william.martin@oxnardunion.org
blended online, self-paced courseware to help learners and job             La Escuela de Adultos de Oxnard ofrece asistencia en postu-
seekers prepare for the Essential Job Skills Credential. The Soft          lación universitaria y profesional. Los estudiantes recibirán
Skills Courseware is a great resource for preparation or remediation,      instrucciones detalladas para inscribirse en nuestras univer-
and give learners and job seekers the right tools for the job. Email       sidades locales. También aprenderán a redactar cartas de
valeria.balderrama@oxnardunion.org for more information.                   presentación y résumés, y practicarán técnicas de entrevista. A
                                                                           través de nuestros socios comunitarios, los estudiantes tendrán
Employment and Earnings Status Survey                                      acceso a nuestra red de empleadores potenciales. Nuestros
                                                                           especialistas asistirán a los estudiantes de OAS en la búsqueda
The California Department of Education in collaboration with the
                                                                           de empleo de principio a fin. Llame o escriba a Bill Martin para
Employment Development Department (EDD) requires Oxnard Adult
                                                                           una cita (805) 385-5986 william.martin@oxnardunion.org
School to conduct two surveys among the student body to track the
results of adult education program participants in the labor market,
in accordance with all federal and local laws and mandates.                Staff            Location          Dates
If you chose to confidentially share your social security number with      Martin           Online            Jan 5, 2021 - June 10, 2021
Oxnard Adult School, then you will not be required to complete the
survey; but, if you did not confidentially share your social security      Days              Hours
number, you will be asked to answer three very simple questions
                                                                           M-Th              By appointment
about your employment status and your earnings twice per semes-
ter. This survey is CRITICAL to the ongoing funding and free ser-
vices offered at Oxnard Adult School. Call (805) 385-2578 or email
 leticia.carabajal@oxnardunion.org for more information.

 OAS Email for Students                                                   Job Search Workshops
 Beginning January 4, 2021, ALL Oxnard Adult School (OAS) stu-            Oxnard Adult School is offering free job search workshops at its
 dents will be required to use an Oxnard Union High School District       College and Career Center where students work on the many
 (OUHSD) assigned email address. New students will receive their          stages of the job search process:
 email address upon enrollment. Currently enrolled students have          1)   Write a resume and a cover letter
 already been assigned an email. Please look for an email sent to
 your current personal email address with instructions on how to          2)   Access job leads and job search
 access your OAS email account. If you have further questions,            3)   Fill out job applications
 please call the OAS office at 805-385-2586.
                                                                          4)   Practice interviewing skills
 A partir del 4 de enero de 2021, TODOS los estudiantes de la Es-
                                                                          Each of these facets are covered in weekly workshops.
 cuela de Adultos de Oxnard (OAS) deberán utilizar una dirección
 de correo electrónico asignada por el Distrito Unido de Preparato-       To sign up for these workshops, please call Bill Martin at
 rias de Oxnard (OUHSD). Los nuevos estudiantes recibirán su              (805) 385-5986. Email him at william.martin@oxnardunion.org
 dirección de correo electrónico al inscribirse. A los estudiantes
 actualmente inscritos ya se les ha asignado un correo electrónico.       Staff           Location         Dates
 Busque un mensaje enviado a su dirección de correo electrónico           Martin          Online           Jan 5, 2021 - June 10, 2021
 personal actual con instrucciones sobre cómo acceder a su cuenta
 de correo electrónico de OAS. Si tiene más preguntas, llame a la         Days            Hours
 oficina de la Escuela de Adultos de Oxnard al 805-385-2586               M-Th            By appointment

         Dates and Fees are subject to change. Call the Oxnard Adult School office at 805-385-2586 for more information
   Fechas y costos están sujetos a cambios. Llame a la Escuela de Adultos de Oxnard al 805-385-2586 para más información

Migrant Education Program, Community and Family Support

Migrant Education Program                                                     Learning Through Work and Service Program
English as a Second Language, High School Diploma and High                    The City of Oxnard City Corps has teamed up with Oxnard Adult
School Equivalency students between 18 and 21 years of age, who               School to provide young people the opportunity to earn money and
work or whose family works in agriculture, the fishing industries or          work experience while they work towards attaining their High
food packing industry may be eligible for educational assistance              School Diploma or High School Equivalency. Students will be ex-
under the Migrant Program. The Migrant Program can assist stu-                pected to participate in distant learning classes at Oxnard Adult
dents in paying for their educational materials. High school diploma          School on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. The
students can take some classes in Spanish through Cyber High.                 City of Oxnard City Corps program is designed to give youth be-
Students need to complete an application and interview process to             tween the ages of 18 to 25, entry level work experience. Youth will
be evaluated for program eligibility. For additional information,             learn team based work experience and interpersonal skills, while
please email Letty Garcia, Migrant Program Guidance Technician                serving their community. The City of Oxnard City Corps offers the
at leticia.garcia@oxnardunion.org Phone (805) 436-8508                        following learning opportunities: Town keeping, community gar-
                                                                              dens, after school education, event logistics and multimedia. The
Los estudiantes de Inglés como Segundo Idioma, Diploma de Pre-                participating youth gain self-confidence, job preparation and self-
paratoria y Equivalencia de Preparatoria entre 18 y 21 años de                discovery as they gain valuable work and life experience. Youth
edad, que trabajan o cuya familia trabaja en la agricultura, las in-          perform jobs around the community at a pay rate of ± $13.50 an
dustrias pesqueras o la industria de empacado de alimentos pue-               hour. If this sounds like something you would like to take part in,
den ser elegibles para recibir asistencia educativa a través del Pro-         please     contact    the    Oxnard    Adult    School    site   at
grama Migrante. El Programa Migrante puede ayudar a los estu-                 www.oxnardadulted.us        and schedule an appointment with a
diantes a pagar sus materiales educativos. Los estudiantes de                 counselor.
Diploma de Preparatoria pueden tomar algunas clases en español
a través de Cyber High. Los estudiantes deben completar un pro-
ceso de solicitud y entrevista para ser evaluados para la elegibili-
                                                                                 OXNARD CITY CORPS AND
dad del programa. Para información adicional, por favor escriba a
Letty Garcia, Migrant Program Guidance Technician                                 OXNARD ADULT SCHOOL
leticia.garcia@oxnardunion.org Tel (805) 436-8508

DATES: January 5, 2021 - June 10, 2021
Staff  Location Days Hours
Garcia Online   M-Th 8:00am - 12:00pm & 5:00pm - 8:00pm

 The Parent Project
 Parents learn basic parenting skills such as how to reconnect and
 establish a relationship with their son/daughter as well as discuss
 teen social issues and behavior. These programs are designed for
 parents with teenage children who are difficult, defiant, or for par-
 ents that might simply want to learn how to handle difficult situa-
 tions. Please contact Hilda Gomez, OUHSD Parent Liaison.
 Phone: (805) 486-1809
 Los padres aprenden habilidades básicas de crianza, tales como
 reconectarse y establecer una relación con su hijo(a), así como              Disabled Adults
 hablar sobre los problemas sociales y el comportamiento de los
 adolescentes. Estos programas están diseñados para padres con                Adults with developmental disabilities may enroll in these spe-
 hijos adolescentes que son difíciles, desafiantes, o para padres             cialized classes through the Adult School or through one of the
 que simplemente quieren aprender a manejar situaciones difíciles.            affiliate service providers. Adults with disabilities may email the
 Por favor póngase en contacto con Hilda Gomez OUHSD Parent                   counselors to discuss appropriate learning opportunities.
 Liaison                                                                      alexa.sanchez@oxnardunion.org
 hilda.gomez@oxnardunion.org                                                  valeria.balderrama@oxnardunion.org
 Teléfono (805) 486-1809

         Dates and Fees are subject to change. Call the Oxnard Adult School office at 805-385-2586 for more information
   Fechas y costos están sujetos a cambios. Llame a la Escuela de Adultos de Oxnard al 805-385-2586 para más información

•   Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the only
    administrative facilities open during the
    Spring 2021 semester will be those located
    at 1101 W. Second Street. Oxnard 93030
•   The precautionary measures required by
    the laws of the State will be observed until
    further notice from the authorities.
•   The main office hours of operation will be
    Monday through Thursday from 8:30 am to
    8:00 pm It will be closed on Fridays,                     CLASS / TEXTBOOK REFUND POLICY
    holidays and weekends.
•   All academic activities will be conducted            NO refunds will be issued once a class begins.
    online to meet social distancing and                 NO refunds will be granted on fees paid for tests.
    prevent the spread of infection.
•   Please check our website at                          NO refunds will be issued for textbooks, unless Oxnard
    www.oxnardadulted.us to schedule                        Adult School issues the wrong book.
    counseling appointments, print transcript            A receipt must accompany all refund requests. No ex-
    requests, or for general information.                   ceptions.
•   Phones 805-385-2586 805-385-5435                     Oxnard Adult School will refund registration fees for
    English / Spanish                                       cancelled classes. Refunds may take 4 to 6 weeks to
•   FAX number to request transcripts or                    process.
    records 805-385-2581                                 There is a $20 non-refundable registration fee for all fee-
                                                            based classes.
•   Debido a la pandemia COVID-19, las únicas            Fees are non-transferable.
    instalaciones administrativas abiertas
    durante el semestre de Primavera 2021               OAS DIRECTORY
    serán las ubicadas en 1101 W. Second                Kathy Greaves           Principal                      805-385-5227
    Street, Oxnard 93030                                Leticia Carabajal       Assistant Principal            805-385-2616
•   Se observarán las medidas precautorias              Viki Costa              Instructional Coach            805-385-2533
    requeridas por las leyes del Estado y hasta         John Grande             Chief Examiner                 805-278-1174
    nuevo aviso por las autoridades.                    Sylvia Trueba           Administrative Secretary       805-385-2590
•   Las horas de operación de la oficina princi-        Valeria Balderrama      HSD, ABE, CTE Counselor        805-394-8229
    pal serán de lunes a jueves de 8:30 am a
                                                        Alexa Sanchez           HSE, ESL Counselor             424-354-9612
    8:00 pm Los viernes, días festivos y fines
                                                        Susana Rivera           Registrar                      805-385-2595
    de semana permanecerá cerrado.
•   Todas las actividades académicas se                 Nancy Plymale           Account Clerk                  805-385-2577
    llevarán a cabo en línea para cumplir con el        Jesus Lopez-Varela      Guidance Technician            805-385-5435
    distanciamiento social y evitar la
                                                        Bill Martin             College and Career Tech        805-385-5986
    propagación de la infección.
                                                        Roosevelt Beckett       Paraeducator Computer Lab      805-394-4671
•   Por favor consulte nuestra página de
    internet www.oxnardadulted.us para                  Leticia Garcia          Guidance Tech Migrant Prog.    805-436-8508
    concertar citas con las consejeras,                 Gracie Zizumbo          Clerical Assistant             805-385-2586
    imprimir solicitudes de historias acadé-
                                                        Noemi Rios-Hernandez Clerical Assistant III Attd/Rec   805-385-5802
    micas o para información general.
•   Teléfonos 805-385-2586 805-385-5435                 Guillermina Ocampo      Duplicating Mach. Operator     805-385-5225

    inglés / español                                    Connie Trujillo         Clerical Assistant             805-385-5757
•   Número de FAX para solicitar “transcripts”          Chris Houle             Campus Supervisor              805-385-2578
    o records 805-385-2581
                                                        Gerardo Vergara         Custodian                      805-385-2578

                                                   11                                                           12/4/20
     OXNARD ADULT SCHOOL REGULAR LOCATIONS:                                                   STUDENTS' RIGHTS
    SECOND STREET IS THE ONLY CAMPUS AVAILABLE                                               NON-DISCRIMINATION
             DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC                                                              POLICY
                       Main Campus
                                                                                         Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section
            1101 W. Second Street, Oxnard 93030
                                                                                         504, Title VI and Title IX The Oxnard
                   Hueneme High School                                                   Union High School District does not
              500 W. Bard Road, Oxnard 93033                                             discriminate on the basis of race, col-
                                                                                         or, national origin, ethnic group, sex,
                      Camarillo Library                                                  religion, age, handicap, or lack of Eng-
             4101 Las Posas Rd, Camarillo 93010                                          lish skills in admission to, or employ-
                                                                                         ment in, its programs and activities.
                Rio Plaza Elementary School                                              The Oxnard Union High School District
               600 Simon Way, Oxnard 93036                                               has designated the Director of Special
                    Ray Prueter Library                                                  Education to serve as Section 504
             510 Park Ave, Port Hueneme 93041                                            coordinator and any questions should
                                                                                         be directed to that Director. Students
       Multi Service Center - Oxnard Housing Authority                                   with physical or mental disabilities
             1500 E. Colonia Road, Oxnard 93030                                          shall be identified, evaluated, and if
                                                                                         determined to be disabled under the
                    America’s Job Center                                                 Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973
             2901 N Ventura Road, Oxnard 93036                                           Section 504, shall be afforded reason-
                                                                                         able accommodations for their educa-
                                                                                         tion. Should a student have a disa-
    OXNARD ADULT SCHOOL WILL BE RELOCATING TO                                            greement with the District's determina-
       1800 SOLAR DRIVE, OXNARD 93030 IN 2021                                            tion or accommodation, a complaint
              PLEASE CALL FOR UPDATE                                                     may be filed under the District's Uni-
                                                                                         form Complaint Policy.
                                                                                                 UNIFORM COMPLAINT
Oxnard Adult School                                                                                   PROCEDURES
School Site Maps                                                                         Pursuant to Board Policy 1312.3, a
                                                                                         complaint alleges a matter which, if
                                                                                         true, would constitute a violation of
                                                                                         state or federal law(s) or regulation(s)
                                                                                         or complaints regarding district per-
                                                                                         sonnel or matters regarding instruc-
                                                                                         tional materials. If a person wishes to
                                                                                         file such a complaint, a form is to be
                                                                                         obtained in the Adult School Office,
                                                                                         completed in its entirety, and returned
                                                                                         to the Adult School Principal or to the
                                                W. Bard Rd                               District Complaint Officer (the Assistant
                                                                                         Superintendent-Educational Services).
                                                                         S. Saviers Rd

                                             Hueneme                                     Oxnard Adult School is an accredited
                                                             S. “C” St
                                S. “J” St

                                            High School                                  high school and post-secondary insti-
                                                                                         tution approved by the Western Asso-
                                                                                         ciation of Schools and Colleges and is
                                                                                         authorized to issue high school diplo-
                                                                                         mas and proficiency certificates. All
                                             Van Ness Ave
                                                                                         courses offered are approved by the
                                                                                         Oxnard Union High School District
                                                                                         Board of Trustees and the California
                                                                                         State Department of Education. Nurs-
                                                                                         ing classes are accredited by the State
                                                                                         of California. It is the policy of the
                                                                                         Oxnard Union High School District to
                                                                                         serve students irrespective of ethnic
                                                                                         group, religion, age, color, sex, physi-
                                                                                         cal or mental disability, as per Title IX

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