School of Nursing Academic Calendar 2020-2021 - Queen's University Faculty of Health Sciences

Page created by Tracy Juarez
School of Nursing Academic Calendar 2020-2021 - Queen's University Faculty of Health Sciences
Queen’s University
Faculty of Health Sciences

School of Nursing
Academic Calendar


                                                           Table of Contents

   Disability Accommodations Statement ..................................................................................................... 6
   Access and Privacy .................................................................................................................................... 6
   Academic Integrity .................................................................................................................................... 6
   Notice ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
   Notification of Disclosure to Statistics Canada ......................................................................................... 7
Timetable Information .................................................................................................................................. 8
Sessional Dates 2020-2021 ........................................................................................................................... 9
Mission ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Goals ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
Programs Offered- Undergraduate ............................................................................................................. 17
   Bachelor of Nursing Science.................................................................................................................... 17
   Bachelor of Nursing Science Philosophy ................................................................................................. 17
   Program Goals ......................................................................................................................................... 18
BNSc Four-Year Track of Study for Secondary School Graduates ............................................................... 19
   Year 1 (30 Units)...................................................................................................................................... 19
   Year 2 (30 Units)...................................................................................................................................... 19
   Year 3 (33 Units)...................................................................................................................................... 20
   Year 4 (30 Units)...................................................................................................................................... 20
BNSc Accelerated Standing Track of Study (AST) for Students with 10 Full University Courses ................ 22
   AST Year 3 (39 Units)............................................................................................................................... 22
   AST Year 4 (51 Units)............................................................................................................................... 22
Admission Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 24
   Academic Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 24
       1.        Admission from Ontario Secondary Schools ............................................................................... 24
       2.        Admission from Non-Ontario Secondary Schools ....................................................................... 24
            Admission from the United States ................................................................................................... 24
            Admission from Other Educational Systems .................................................................................... 25
       3.        Advanced Placement................................................................................................................... 25
       4.        International Baccalaureate System ........................................................................................... 25
       5.        Admission for University Students .............................................................................................. 25
            a.      Four-Year BNSc Program.......................................................................................................... 25


            b.      Two-Year BNSc Program (AST) ................................................................................................. 25
       6.        Admission Process for Indigenous Candidates............................................................................ 26
       7.        Admission After Withdrawal from the School of Nursing........................................................... 27
            a.      Admission After Voluntary Withdrawal .................................................................................... 27
            b.      Admission After Requirement to Withdraw for Academic Reasons ......................................... 28
   Denial of Application for Admission ....................................................................................................... 28
   English Language Proficiency .................................................................................................................. 28
Application Procedures ............................................................................................................................... 29
   General Applications ............................................................................................................................... 29
   Internal Transfers .................................................................................................................................... 29
   Special Non-Degree Nursing Students .................................................................................................... 29
Registration ................................................................................................................................................. 30
   Student Responsibility ............................................................................................................................ 30
   Change of Registration ............................................................................................................................ 30
   Academic Advising .................................................................................................................................. 30
Additional Requirements Upon Acceptance ............................................................................................... 31
   Criminal Record Check ............................................................................................................................ 31
   Immunization Screening Process, Standard First Aid and CPR Training ................................................. 31
   Immunization .......................................................................................................................................... 31
   Standard First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training ................................................. 32
Fees and Expenses ...................................................................................................................................... 33
   Additional Expenses (Approximate)........................................................................................................ 33
   Transportation ........................................................................................................................................ 33
Course Expenses (Approximate) ................................................................................................................. 34
   Year 1 and Year 3 AST ............................................................................................................................. 34
   Year 3 ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
   Year 4 and Year 4 AST ............................................................................................................................. 34
   Year 4 ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
   Additional Expenses ................................................................................................................................ 34
Bachelor of Nursing Science Course Descriptions ...................................................................................... 35
   NURS 100: Nutrition and Health ............................................................................................................. 35
   NURS 101: Professional Relationships .................................................................................................... 35
   NURS 103: Philosophy and Healthcare ................................................................................................... 35


   NURS 202: Health Assessment ................................................................................................................ 36
   NURS 205: Medical-Surgical Nursing I .................................................................................................... 36
   NURS 206: Nursing Practicum: Care of Chronic and/or Acutely Ill Adults I ............................................ 36
   NURS 207: Nursing Practicum: Care of Chronic and/or Acutely Ill Adults II ........................................... 36
   NURS 209: Gerontological Nursing ......................................................................................................... 37
   NURS 305: Medical-Surgical Nursing II ................................................................................................... 37
   NURS 323: Introduction to Statistics....................................................................................................... 37
   NURS 324: Nursing Research .................................................................................................................. 38
   NURS 325: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing ....................................................................................... 38
   NURS 345: Nursing Practicum: Medical-Surgical and Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing ..................... 38
   NURS 371: Nursing Practicum: Maternal and Child Family-Centred Nursing Care ................................ 39
   NURS 372: Family-Centred Maternal and Newborn Nursing Care ......................................................... 39
   NURS 373: Family-Centred Pediatric Nursing Care ................................................................................. 39
   NURS 401: Current Issues in Nursing and Health Care ........................................................................... 40
   NURS 403: Concepts of Acute and Critical Illness ................................................................................... 40
   NURS 404: Community Health Promotion Theory.................................................................................. 40
   NURS 405: Nursing Practicum: Community Health Promotion .............................................................. 40
   NURS 414: Management and Leadership in Health Care ....................................................................... 41
   NURS 492: Integrated Practicum ............................................................................................................ 41
Nursing Electives ......................................................................................................................................... 41
   NURS 304: Nursing Practicum: Hospice Palliative Care Nursing ............................................................. 41
   NURS 347: Fundamentals of Healthcare Quality, Risk, and Safety ......................................................... 42
   NURS 425: Managing for Success ........................................................................................................... 42
   NURS 490: Independent Studies in Nursing............................................................................................ 42
Biological and Physical Sciences ................................................................................................................. 43
   ANAT 101: Introductory Human Anatomy .............................................................................................. 43
   BCHM 102: Introduction to Biochemistry ............................................................................................... 43
   MICR 121: Microbiology for Nursing Students ....................................................................................... 43
   PHAR 230: Pharmacology for Health Sciences ........................................................................................ 44
   PHGY 215: Principles of Mammalian Physiology I .................................................................................. 44
   PHGY 216: Principles of Mammalian Physiology II ................................................................................. 44
Social and Behavioural Sciences and Humanities ....................................................................................... 45
   PSYC 100: Principles of Psychology ......................................................................................................... 45


   PSYC 251: Developmental Psychology .................................................................................................... 45
Electives ...................................................................................................................................................... 45
BNSc Academic Regulations ........................................................................................................................ 46
Programs Offered - Graduate ..................................................................................................................... 47
   Online Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) ......................................................................................................... 47
   Master of Nursing Science (MNSc) – Two Patterns ................................................................................ 47
       MNSc Thesis-based ............................................................................................................................. 47
       MNSc Course-based ............................................................................................................................ 47
   Master of Nursing - Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner (MN-PHCNP) ........................................... 47
   Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Diploma (PHCNP Diploma) ...................................................... 47
   Master of Science in Healthcare Quality (MScHQ) Program .................................................................. 48
   Doctor of Philosophy in Health Quality (PhDHQ) Program..................................................................... 48
Graduate Program Information .................................................................................................................. 49
Health Quality Programs Information......................................................................................................... 50
Hospitals, Ambulatory Care Settings, and Community Health Agencies used for Clinical Fieldwork ........ 51
   Primary clinical resources used by students for educational experiences: ............................................ 51
   Examples of other clinical resources that may be used for educational experiences: ........................... 51
Scholarships, Bursaries, and Financial Assistance ...................................................................................... 53
   Student Financial Assistance ................................................................................................................... 53
   Current Undergraduate Student Nursing Scholarships .......................................................................... 53
The School of Nursing Academic Council .................................................................................................... 54
The Nursing Science Society – Student Government at the School of Nursing .......................................... 55
School of Nursing Contact Information ...................................................................................................... 55


Disability Accommodations Statement
The Queen’s University Equity Office has shared the following statement on their webpage
( statement):
Queen's University is committed to achieving full accessibility for persons with disabilities. Part
of this commitment includes arranging academic accommodations for students with disabilities
to ensure they have an equitable opportunity to participate in all of their academic activities. If
you are a student with a disability and think you may need accommodations, you are strongly
encouraged to contact Student Wellness Services (SWS) and register as early as possible. For
more information, including important deadlines, please visit the Student Wellness website at:

Access and Privacy
Queen’s University collects, maintains, uses and discloses student personal information in
accordance with the Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. As
secondary custodians of student personal information faculties, schools and departments
should be guided by the Office of the University Registrar’s Student and Applicant Record Policy
available online at
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Administration Manager, School of
Nursing at 613- 533-2669 or visit

Academic Integrity
“Queen’s students, faculty, administrators and staff therefore all have responsibilities for
supporting and upholding the fundamental values of academic integrity. Academic integrity is
constituted by the five core fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and
responsibility (see and by the quality of courage. These
values and qualities are central to the building, nurturing and sustaining of an academic
community in which all members of the community will thrive. Adherence to the values
expressed through academic integrity forms a foundation for the "freedom of inquiry and
exchange of ideas" essential to the intellectual life of the University.” (see Queen’s University
Senate Academic Integrity Policy Statement

The University shall not be liable if circumstances beyond its control result in restrictions in the
number and range of course or program choices available to students, or in the cancellation of
classes during the academic year. Circumstances beyond the University’s control include,
without limitation, budget shortfalls, timetable constraints, fire, explosion, natural disaster,
power failure, rules or requirements of any government or legal body having jurisdiction, and

labour unrest (such as strikes, slow-downs, picketing, or boycott). The University reserves the
right to limit access to courses or programs, and at its discretion, to withdraw particular
programs, options, or courses altogether. In such circumstances, the University undertakes to
the best of its ability to enable students registered in affected programs to complete their
degree requirements.

The Senate and the Board of Trustees of Queen’s University reserve the right to make changes
in courses, programs and regulations described in the Calendar, in either its printed or
electronic form, at any time without prior notice.

Notification of Disclosure to Statistics Canada
Under the Federal Privacy Act, individuals can request access to their own, individual
information held on federal information banks, including those held by Statistics Canada.

The Federal Statistics Act provides the legal authority for Statistics Canada to obtain access to
personal information held by educational institutions. The information may be used only for
statistical purposes, and the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act prevent the
information from being released in any way that would identify a student.

Students who do not wish to have their information used are able to ask Statistics Canada to
remove their identification and contact information from the national database.

Further information on the use of this information can be obtained from Statistics Canada’s
website:, or by writing to the Postsecondary
Section, Centre for Education Statistics, 17th Floor, R.H. Coast Building, Tunney’s Pasture,
Ottawa, K1A 0T6


Timetable Information

The purpose of this calendar is to provide details for programs and courses offered by the
School of Nursing. This calendar contains information concerning admission requirements,
academic regulations, courses of study and other general interest matters to students who are
registered in, or who are contemplating, a program in the School of Nursing.

Students are advised to consult the 2020-2021 Timetable. Not every course listed in this
Calendar is offered every year. For the most up-to-date information on course offerings in the
current year, check Student Online University System (SOLUS) or consult with the appropriate
departmental offices.

Please check the online calendar for updates.


Sessional Dates 2020-2021

Refer to the Faculty of Arts and Science calendar at for Sessional Dates for Fall, Winter, Summer
and multi-term courses in the Faculty of Arts and Science.

Refer to Faith Dates when scheduling events. A multi-faith calendar is available at by selecting the
Multi-Faith Calendar link.

 May 2020
 1            Summer term begins.
              Tuition fees due in full for all Summer term classes (May-June and May-July
              Students unable to register in Summer term (May-June and May-July sessions)
              by this date must appeal in writing to the Chair of the Undergraduate Academic
              Progress & Graduation Committee. If the appeal is granted, students must pay
              tuition fee in full.
              Last date to apply for admission to the Upper Year Program at the Bader
              International Study Centre for Summer term (August session).
 11           Summer term classes begin (May-June and May-July sessions).
 15           Last date to add Summer term classes (May-June and May July sessions).
              Last date to drop Summer term classes (May-June session) without financial
 18           Victoria Day (classes will not be held).
 20           Last date to drop Winter term and multi-term classes without academic penalty.
              Last date to drop Summer term classes (May-July session) without financial
 22           Last day of NURS 207 clinical for AST Year 3 students (TENTATIVE).

 June 2020
 NOTE: Spring 2020 Convocation: Dates will be determined in November 2019. Please refer to to review these dates.
             Last date to apply to the University for admission as a part-time student for Fall
 1           Last date for Queen’s students to apply to a Dual Degree program for Fall term.
             Last date for Queen’s students to apply to transfer into the Faculty of Arts and
             Science and the Faculty of Health Sciences for Fall term.
             Last date to apply to the University for upper-year full-time admission for Fall
             term from another post-secondary institution.


June 2020 Cont’d
            Last date to drop Summer term classes (May-June session) without academic
            Last date to apply for accommodation for an official examination conflict for the
            June, July and August examination sessions.
            Last date for receipt of required documentation from students seeking
15          admission for Fall term to full- or part-time study, including transfer students, to
            ensure that an admission decision is made before the term begins.
19          Last date of NURS 345 Clinical for AST Year 4 students (TENTATIVE).
22          Summer term classes (May-June session) end.
25-26       Summer term examinations in May-June session classes.
28          Last date of NURS 371 Clinical for AST Year 3 students (TENTATIVE).

July 2020
1             Tuition fees due in full for Summer term classes (July-August session).
1             Canada Day (classes will not be held).
2             Summer term classes begin (July-August session).
              Last date to drop Summer term classes (May-July session) without academic
              Students unable to register in Summer term (July-August session) by this date
              must appeal in writing to the Chair of the Undergraduate Academic Progress &
              Graduation Committee. If the appeal is granted, students must pay tuition in
8             Last date to add Summer term classes (July-August session).
              Last date to drop Summer term classes (July-August session) without financial
15            First date to apply to graduate in SOLUS for Fall 2020 (TENTATIVE).
              Last date to drop Summer term classes (July-August session) without academic
31            Summer term (May-July session) classes end.
              Last date to apply for admission to the Upper-Year Program at the Bader
              International Study Centre for Fall term.

August 2020
              Refer to
              deadlines for deadlines for admission to UG Online Studies for the Fall term.
3             Civic Holiday (classes will not be held).
4-8           Summer term examinations in May-July session classes.
10            Summer term classes (July-August session) end.
10-27         Registration period for Fall and Winter Term classes (TENTATIVE).
12, 13        Summer term examinations in July-August session classes (TENTATIVE).
31            Time period to add and drop classes (Open Enrolment) begins (TENTATIVE).

                                                                                     10 | P a g e

August 2020 Cont’d
31          Summer term ends.

September 2020
1          Fall term begins.
1          Tuition fees due in full for Fall Term – Exception: OSAP students.
4          Last date of NURS 492 Clinical / NURS 401 for Year 4 AST students (TENTATIVE).
5          Residence move-in day.
5          Welcome Ceremony for new students.
7          Labour Day (classes will not be held).
8          Fall term classes begin.
21         Last date to add Fall term and multi-term classes.
           Students unable to register in Fall term by this date must appeal in writing to
23         the Chair of the Undergraduate Academic Progress & Graduation Committee. If
           the appeal is granted, students must pay tuition fee in full.
30         Deadline for payment of residence, UHIP and student activity fees.

October 2020
12         Thanksgiving (classes will not be held).
15         Last date to apply to graduate in SOLUS for Fall 2020 (TENTATIVE).
16         University Day.
26-30      Fall mid-term break.

November 2020
Note: Fall 2020 Convocation: Dates will be published by the Office of the University Registrar
by June 2020. Please refer to to view these dates.
             Refer to
             deadlines for deadlines for admission to UG Online Studies for the Winter term.
2            Last date to drop Fall Term and multi-term classes without financial penalty.
2            Last date to drop Fall term classes without academic penalty.
             Last date to apply for accommodation for an official examination conflict for the
             December examination period.
11           Remembrance Day Service (classes cancelled 1030 to 1130).
             Last date to apply for admission to the Upper-Year Program at the Bader
             International Study Centre for Winter Term.

December 2020
           Last date for Queen’s students to apply for admissions to a Dual or Second
           Degree Program for Winter term.
1          First date to apply to graduate in SOLUS for Spring 2021 (TENTATIVE).
6          Commemoration Day (academics cancelled).
7          Fall term classes end.

                                                                                    11 | P a g e

December Cont’d
8          NURS 206 Clinical make-up day (TENTATIVE).
8-10       Fall term pre-examination study period.
11-23      Final examinations in Fall term classes and mid-year tests in multi-term classes.
31         Fall term ends.

January 2021
1           New Year’s Day (University closed. Classes will not be held).
1           Winter term begins.
11          Winter term classes begin.
10          Tuition fees due in full for Winter term – Exception: OSAP students.
            Last date to apply to the International Programs Office for exchange programs
            for 2021-2022.
            Students unable to register in Winter term by this date must appeal in writing to
15          the Chair of the Undergraduate Academic Progress & Graduation Committee. If
            the appeal is granted, students must pay tuition fee in full.
22          Last date to add Winter term classes.
22          Last date to drop Winter term classes without financial penalty.

February 2021
1           Registration for Summer term classes begins.
15          Family Day (classes will not be held).
16-19       Winter mid-term Reading Week.

March 2021
5          Last date to drop Winter term and multi-term classes without academic penalty.
           Last date to apply for accommodation for an official examination conflict for the
           April examination period.
           Last date to apply for admission to the Upper-Year Program at the Bader
           International Study Centre for Summer term (May-June Session).
           Last date to apply to the University for upper-year full-time admission for
           Summer term from another post-secondary institution.

April 2021
             Refer to
1            deadlines for deadlines for admission to UG Online Studies for the Summer
             Last date for Queen’s students to apply to a Dual Degree Program for Summer
2            Good Friday (classes will not be held).
7            NURS 206 and NURS 207 Clinical make-up day (TENTATIVE).
9            Winter Term classes end.

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April 2021 cont’d
10-13        Winter Term pre-examination study period.
14-30        Final examinations in Winter Term and multi-term classes.
             Last date for receipt of required documentation from students seeking
15           admission for Summer term to full- or part-time study, including transfer
             students, to ensure that an admission decision is made before the term begins.
23           First date of clinical for AST Year 3 and 4 (TENTATIVE).
30           Last date to apply to graduate in Spring 2021 (TENTATIVE).
30           Winter term ends.

May 2021
1            Summer term begins.
             Tuition fees due in full for all Summer term classes (May-June and May-July
3            Summer term classes (May-June and May-July sessions) begin.
             Students unable to register in Summer term (May-June and May-July sessions)
             by this date must appeal in writing to the Chair of the Undergraduate Academic
             Progress & Graduation Committee. If the appeal is granted, students must pay
             tuition fee in full.
7            Last date to add Summer term classes (May-June and May-July sessions).
             Last date to drop Summer term classes (May-June session) without financial
             Last date to drop Summer term classes (May-July session) without financial
21           Last day of NURS 207 Clinical for AST Year 3 students (TENTATIVE).
24           Victoria Day (classes will not be held).
             Last date to drop Summer term classes (May-June session) without academic
             Last date to apply for admission to the Upper Year Program at the Bader
             International Study Centre for Summer term (August session).

June 2021
NOTE: Spring 2021 Convocation: Dates will be determined in November 2020. Please refer to to review these dates.
1           Last date to apply to the University for admission as a part-time student for Fall
1           Last date for Queen’s students to apply to a Dual Degree program for Fall term.
1           Last date for Queen’s students to apply to transfer into the Faculty of Arts and
            Science and the Faculty of Health Sciences for Fall term.
            Last date to apply to the University for upper-year full-time admission for Fall
1           term from another post-secondary institution.

                                                                                    13 | P a g e

June 2021 Cont’d
7           Last date to apply for accommodation for an official examination conflict for the
            June, July and August examination sessions.
14          Summer term classes (May-June session) end for Arts & Science Courses.
15          Last date for receipt of required documentation from students seeking
            admission for Fall term to full- or part-time study, including transfer students, to
            ensure that an admission decision is made before the term begins.
17,18       Summer term examinations in May-June session classes (TENTATIVE).
18          Last date of NURS 345 Clinical for AST Year 4 students (TENTATIVE).
25          Last date to drop Summer term classes (May-July session) without academic
30          Last date of NURS 371 Clinical for AST Year 3 students (TENTATIVE).

July 2021
1             Tuition fees due in full for Summer term classes (July-August session).
1             Canada Day (classes will not be held).
5             Summer term classes begin (July-August session)
              Students unable to register in Summer term (July-August session) by this date
              must appeal in writing to the Chair of the Undergraduate Academic Progress &
              Graduation Committee. If the appeal is granted, students must pay tuition fee in
9             Last date to add Summer term classes (July-August session).
              Last date to drop Summer term classes (July-August session) without financial
12-30         Registration period for Fall and Winter term classes (TENTATIVE).
15            First date to apply to graduate in SOLUS for Fall 2021 (TENTATIVE).
23            Summer term (May-July session) classes end.
27-30         Summer term examinations in May-July session classes.
              Last date to drop Summer term classes (July-August session) without academic
              Last date to apply for admission to the Upper-Year Program at the Bader
              International Study Centre for Fall term.

August 2021
              Refer to
              deadlines for deadlines for admission to UG Online Studies for the Fall term.
2             Civic Holiday (Classes will not be held).
13            Summer term classes (July-August session) end.
16-17         Summer term examinations in July-August session classes (TENTATIVE).
24            Time period to add and drop classes (Open Enrolment) begins (TENTATIVE).
31            Summer term ends.

                                                                                     14 | P a g e

September 2021
1          Fall term begins.
1          Tuition fees due in full for Fall term classes – Exception: OSAP students.
3          Last date of NURS 492 Clinical for Year 4 AST students (TENTATIVE).
4          Residence move-in day.
4          Welcoming Ceremony for new students.
6          Labour Day (Classes will not be held).
9          Fall term classes begin.

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The School of Nursing

The Mission of Queen’s University School of Nursing is to advance learning and scholarship in
the discipline and profession of nursing. Such advancement will be achieved through the
educational, scholarly and clinical pursuits of the students, faculty, and alumnae of the school.

 1.    Provide excellent undergraduate programs to outstanding students that prepare future
       nursing leaders.
 2.    Prepare Baccalaureate students who will start their professional career capable of
       providing quality nursing practice.
 3.    Promote innovation and excellence in research and scholarly activity.
 4.    Support initiatives to sustain and expand quality academic programs and research.
 5.    Provide comprehensive graduate programs to prepare students for the advancement of
       the discipline.
 6.    Integrate education in patient centred care and collaborative interprofessional practice
       throughout the undergraduate and graduate programs.

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Programs Offered- Undergraduate

Bachelor of Nursing Science
The program of study for the undergraduate degree program consists of two tracks:

 1.    The Four-Year Track of study is for secondary school graduates and students with some
       university education. The Four-Year Track of study is four years in length.

 2.    The Accelerated Standing Track of study is for students with 10 full course credits and
       with certain prerequisites from a university (minimum two years of full-time post-
       secondary education). It is two calendar years in length (including Summer term) and
       students are required to take a full normal course load. Courses must be taken at
       Queen’s University. A maximum of 33 units will be transferred from previous university
       studies upon admission to the Accelerated Standing Track (AST).

Graduates of these two tracks may apply to the regulatory body of the province in which they
plan to work in order to secure registration to practice with the title “Registered Nurse.”

Students are expected to complete the courses within the track to which they were accepted.

Bachelor of Nursing Science Philosophy
The philosophy of Queen’s University School of Nursing is consistent with the mission and
vision of Queen’s University and reflects the nursing faculty belief that exemplary nursing
practice is built upon the foundational blocks of the sciences and arts. The purpose of the
nursing program is to educate individuals to competently address the health needs of
individuals, families, and communities in a variety of environments. Central to the program are
the five core concepts of health, populations with complex conditions, health care quality,
transitions, and practice environments.

Nursing is a dynamic profession requiring critical and reflective thinking based on current
scientific rationale, as well as humanistic perspectives. Partnering with individuals, families, and
communities, nurses assist the people who are in their care through various life transitions,
using sound decision-making and therapeutic communication in their interactions. Competent
care requires not only an understanding of bio-psychosocial processes, but also the socio-
environmental and cultural contexts that affect clients, families, and communities.

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We believe these approaches to academic excellence prepare practitioners to make caring
connections and allow learners to transition – integrating sciences, humanities, and evidence-
informed health care – into their professional roles as nurses and life-long learners.

We believe students should have the opportunity to learn interprofessionally with, from, and
about each other. Students learn best from nursing faculty and nursing role models who foster
caring and inquiry into human transitions from theoretical, practice, and research perspectives.

Program Goals
Graduates of the BNSc program will:

 1.    Provide competent, professional and culturally sensitive nursing care in response to
       changing needs of society and according to prevailing legal and ethical standards.
 2.    Use critical thinking, problem-solving and scientific inquiry in the practice of nursing,
       and in monitoring and ensuring quality of health care practices.
 3.    Effectively communicates and collaborates in relationships with clients* and health care
 4.    Use nursing knowledge and skills in partnership with clients* and health care
       professionals to maintain and promote health and well-being and provide care and
       support during illness.
 5.    Use population-based and intersectoral approaches to assess, protect and promote the
       health of communities.
 6.    Demonstrate understanding and responsiveness to how specific environments and
       socio-political conditions affect health behaviour and influence professional practice and
       public policy.
 7.    Apply leadership and managerial abilities and political skills to attain quality care for
       clients and quality of work-life for themselves and their co-workers.
 8.    Engage in self-directed learning, reflective and evidence-informed practice.

* Clients are defined as individuals, families, communities, and populations.

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BNSc Four-Year Track of Study for Secondary School Graduates

Year 1 (30 Units)
Fall Courses
 Course Code        Units   Description
 NURS 101           3       Professional Relationships
 NURS 103           3       Philosophy and Healthcare
 NURS 323           3       Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis
 BCHM 102           3       Introduction to Biochemistry
 PSYC 100A                  Principles of Psychology

Winter Courses
 Course Code        Units   Description
 NURS 100           3       Nutrition and Health
 NURS 202           3       Health Assessment
 ANAT 101           3       Introductory Human Anatomy
 MICR 121           3       Microbiology for Nursing Students
 PSYC 100B          6       Principles of Psychology

Year 2 (30 Units)
Fall Courses
 Course Code        Units   Description
 NURS 205           3       Medical-Surgical Nursing I
 NURS 206           3       Nursing Practicum: Care of Chronic and/or Acutely Adults I
 PHAR 230           3       Pharmacology for Health Sciences
 PHGY 215           3       Principles of Mammalian Physiology I
 PSYC 251           3       Developmental Psychology

Winter Courses
 Course Code        Units   Description
 NURS 207           3       Nursing Practicum: Care of Chronic and/or Acutely Ill Adults II
 NURS 209           3       Gerontological Nursing
 NURS 324           3       Nursing Research
 PGHY 216           3       Principles of Mammalian Physiology II
 ELECTIVE           3

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Year 3 (33 Units)

Note: These 3 courses will be taken during the same term, either in Fall or Winter.
 Course Code        Units      Description
 NURS 305           3          Medical-Surgical Nursing II
 NURS 345           6          Nursing Practicum: Medical-Surgical and Psychiatric Mental
                               Health Nursing
 NURS 325           3          Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

Note: These 3 courses will be taken during the same term, either in Fall or Winter.
 Course Code        Units      Description
 NURS 372           3          Family-Centred Maternal and Newborn Nursing Care
 NURS 373           3          Family-Centred Pediatric Nursing Care
 NURS 371           6          Nursing Practicum: Maternal and Child, Family-Centred
                               Nursing Care

Note: These 3 electives will be divided between Fall and Winter terms.
 Course Code         Units      Description
 Elective            3
 Elective            3
 Elective            3

Year 4 (30 Units)
Fall Courses
 Course Code        Units     Description
 NURS 403           3         Concepts of Acute and Critical Illness
 NURS 404           3         Community Health Promotion Theory
 NURS 405           6         Practicum in Community Health Promotion
 NURS 414           3         Management and Leadership in Health Care
 Elective           3

Winter Courses
 Course Code        Units     Description
 NURS 401           3         Current Issues in Nursing and Health Care
 NURS 492           9         Integrated Practicum

Total number of units required for BNSc degree: 123.

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•   Students must successfully complete each year of the program, excluding electives,
    prior to progressing to any nursing course in the next year.
•   To fulfill elective requirements, students may choose any available elective courses
    within Queen’s University, with the exception of courses below P10 level (i.e. MATH
    P06), which may not be used for credit in the nursing program.
•   Students in the Four-Year Track must complete a minimum of 50 percent of the total
    number of required units for the BNSc degree plus 3 units through Queen’s University.
•   Please note that to be eligible for the Dean’s Honour List and the Graduation Honours
    List, students must have completed a minimum of 27 Queen’s units in each academic
    year. See Academic Regulation 23.

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BNSc Accelerated Standing Track of Study (AST) for Students
with 10 Full University Courses

AST Year 3 (39 Units)
Fall Courses
 Course Code      Units     Description
 NURS 101         3         Professional Relationships
 NURS 103         3         Philosophy and Healthcare
 NURS 205         3         Medical-Surgical Nursing I
 PHAR 230         3         Pharmacology for Health Sciences
 PSYC 251         3         Developmental Psychology

Winter Courses
 Course Code      Units     Description
 NURS 202         3         Health Assessment
 NURS 206         3         Nursing Practicum: Care of Chronic and/or Acutely Ill Adults I
 NURS 305         3         Medical-Surgical Nursing II
 NURS 372         3         Family-Centred Maternal and Newborn Nursing Care
 NURS 373         3         Family-Centred Pediatric Nursing Care

Summer Courses (May-June)
 Course Code      Units     Description
 NURS 207         3         Nursing Practicum: Care of Chronic and/or Acutely Ill Adults II
 NURS 371         6         Nursing Practicum: Maternal and Child, Family-Centred Care

AST Year 4 (51 Units)
Fall Courses
 Course Code      Units     Description
 NURS 325         3         Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
 NURS 403         3         Concepts of Acute and Critical Illness
 NURS 404         3         Community Health Promotion Theory
 NURS 414         3         Management and Leadership in Health Care
 BCHM 102         3         Introduction to Biochemistry

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Winter Courses
 Course Code        Units     Description
 NURS 100           3         Nutrition and Health
 NURS 209           3         Gerontological Nursing
 NURS 324           3         Nursing Research
 NURS 405           6         Practicum in Community Health Promotion
 MICR 121           3         Microbiology for Nursing Students

Summer Courses (May-August)
 Course Code      Units     Description
 NURS 345         6         Nursing Practicum: Medical-Surgical and Psychiatric Mental
                            Health Nursing
 NURS 401         3         Current Issues in Nursing and Health Care
 NURS 492         9         Integrated Practicum

Total number of transfer units from previous University                                    33
Total number of units completed at Queen’s University in Year 3 and Year 4 BNSc degree AST
Track                                                                                      90
Total number of units required for BNSc degree                                           123

   •   Students must successfully complete both Fall and Winter term courses, excluding
       electives, prior to progressing to Spring term clinical courses.
   •   Students must successfully complete each year of the program, excluding electives,
       prior to progressing to any nursing course in the next year.
   •   Students in the Accelerated Standing Track must complete all courses at Queen’s

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Admission Requirements

The admission requirements stated in this chapter are minimum requirements. Preference will
be given to applicants with the best qualifications. The actual standing required for admission
may be higher than the minimum levels stated.

Applicants should also review requirements for practicing as a nurse (for example:
College of Nurses of Ontario, Requisite Skills and Abilities necessary for Nursing Practice in

Academic Requirements
Applicants must meet academic requirements under one of the following categories:

 1.    Admission from Ontario Secondary Schools
       Applicants from the Ontario Secondary School system must complete the Ontario
       Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and a minimum of four Grade 12 U courses (including
       ENG4U*, SBI4U, SCH4U, and any 4U MATH) and two additional 4U or 4M courses. *A
       minimum grade of 75% (or equivalent) in English is required for admission

 2.    Admission from Non-Ontario Secondary Schools
       Admission from other Canadian Provinces and Territories
       Applicants from Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland
       and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Yukon, the Northwest
       Territories, and Nunavut must have university preparatory courses in Grade 12 Biology,
       Chemistry, English*, and a Mathematics, and must satisfy secondary school graduation
       requirements. Quebec applicants must have one academic year in CEGEP beyond
       the Secondary V diploma. Prerequisite courses in Biology, Chemistry, English*, and
       Mathematics must be at the CEGEP level. Applicants are encouraged to visit for region-specific admission requirements. *A minimum
       grade of 75% (or equivalent) in English is required for admission consideration.

       Admission from the United States
       Candidates who will be graduating from a university preparatory program will be
       considered for admission. Applicants must provide either S.A.T. results (a minimum
       combined score of 1200 points is required with at least 580 in the verbal category and
       520 in the mathematical category) or ACT results (a minimum score of 26 is required),
       and a profile of their high school. Applicants must have Grade 12 (Senior Year) English*
       (two terms), four full-year courses in Mathematics, and one (preferably two) full-year
       courses in each of Biology and Chemistry. Prerequisite courses should be completed at

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     the Junior or Senior level. *A minimum grade of 75% (or equivalent) in English is
     required for admission consideration.

     Admission from Other Educational Systems
     Specific admission requirements may be viewed on the Undergraduate Admission
     website at Please note, applicants must have an
     acceptable level of an English Literature course (not English Language).

3.   Advanced Placement
     A maximum of 18 units may be granted for Advanced Placement examinations passed
     with a grade of 4 or higher. Official examination results must be forwarded to
     Undergraduate Admission by August 1 of the year of entry.

4.   International Baccalaureate System
     Candidates completing the IB diploma may be considered for admission provided they
     pass six subjects, with at least three at the Higher Level, and accumulate a minimum
     total grade of 28, not including bonus points. The six subjects taken must include the
     prerequisite courses of HL or SL English, Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics. A
     minimum predicted/final score of four in English is required. Whether or not the IB
     diploma has been completed, a maximum of 18 units may be granted for HL courses
     completed with a score of five or greater.

5.   Admission for University Students
     Applicants must present, at either the Senior Secondary School or University level,
     courses in Cell Biology, Introductory Chemistry, English*, and Mathematics. Completion
     of the Personal Statement of Experience (PSE) is mandatory.
     *A minimum grade of 75% (or equivalent) in Senior Secondary School English Literature
     (not English Language) or a 60% in a University English Literature course is required for
     admission consideration.

     Students with previous university education have two options:

     a. Four-Year BNSc Program
     Transfer credits will be granted for comparable courses reducing the course load, but
     the program remains four years in length.

     b. Two-Year BNSc Program (AST)
     This program is available to students applying to transfer into nursing from other
     disciplines with at least 10 full university courses, four of which must be the following:
        i. a full year introductory psychology course equivalent to Queen’s PSYC 100
             (6.0), or alternately, one transferrable half year introductory psychology course
             plus a second transferrable half year psychology course;

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         ii.   a full year human physiology course equivalent to Queen’s PHGY 215/216 (6.0);
        iii.   one half year (one term) human anatomy course equivalent to ANAT 101 (3.0);
        iv.    a half year (one term) statistics course equivalent to NURS 323 (3.0).

All prerequisite courses must be equal or greater to a minimum GPA of 1.7. Final grades for all
prerequisite courses must be available by 15 June. Proof of enrollment in prerequisite courses
must be submitted by February 15th. The AST Program is two full calendar years (including
Summer Session) during which students are required to take a full normal course load.
Admission to the AST is academically competitive; applicants need a minimum B cumulative
standing for admission consideration. Completion of the Personal Statement of Experience (PSE)
is mandatory.

Successful applicants must seek course counselling from the Academic Advisor in the School of

Queen's University subscribes to the following General Policy on the Transfer of Course Credits,
as adopted by the Council of Ontario Universities:

Acceptance of transfer credits among Ontario Universities shall be based on the recognition
that, while learning experiences may differ in a variety of ways, their substance may be
essentially equivalent in terms of their content and rigor. Insofar as possible, acceptance of
transfer should allow for the maximum recognition of previous learning experiences in
university-level courses. The acceptance of course credit is subject to: 1) admission, and 2)
degree, grade, and program requirements. Further details regarding transfer credit policies can
be obtained by contacting Undergraduate Admission, Office of the University Registrar.

 6.    Admission Process for Indigenous Candidates
       In recognition of the need to encourage participation by members of the Indigenous
       community in post-secondary education, Queen’s University offers Indigenous
       candidates an additional and alternative pathway for admission to the first year of a full-
       time, first-entry undergraduate degree program.

       Indigenous candidates must apply through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre
       (OUAC) and should expect to meet the general admission conditions for each program
       (at minimum the university admission average of 75%) and deadlines for undergraduate
       admission. Completion of the Personal Statement of Experience (PSE) is optional but

       Offers of admission will be made to Indigenous candidates whose total application
       shows strong evidence of academic preparedness and potential. Students who are
       admitted under this policy will be encouraged to make use of the academic advising and
       academic support services available to all students at Queen’s University. The Aboriginal

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     Council of Queen’s University, the Queen’s Native Student Association, and the Four
     Directions Indigenous Student Centre are important resources for Indigenous students.
     In addition, the students will be introduced to the contacts and services available at the
     Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre during the application process, upon
     admission, and during Orientation Week. Queen’s University encourages students to
     access these services throughout their time at Queen’s.

     Candidates seeking admission consideration under this policy should submit a separate
     letter directly to the Indigenous Community Outreach Coordinator stating that they wish
     to be considered under this policy and provide evidence of Aboriginal Ancestry (First
     Nation, Status/Non-Status, Metis or Inuit). Admission to Queen’s University will depend
     on the assessment of the student’s program prerequisites (or equivalencies) as well as
     the student’s overall average and submission of the Personal Statement of Experience.

     If you have questions about applying through this policy, please contact Keira LaPierre,
     the Indigenous Community Outreach Coordinator;

7.   Admission After Withdrawal from the School of Nursing
     Students who have voluntarily withdrawn, in good academic standing, must
     subsequently apply for admission as new applicants. Students required to withdraw for
     academic reasons may apply for admission to the School as a new applicant during a
     subsequent academic year. Students who are required to withdraw from the BNSc
     program for safety reasons cannot reapply to the School of Nursing.

     NOTE: Acceptance to the program is not automatic. Students seeking admission to the
     School of Nursing should apply directly to the Chair of the Undergraduate Student
     Admissions Committee, School of Nursing by 1 February. The application shall include a
     letter outlining the reasons for seeking admission, what the candidate has done since
     withdrawal, and all transcripts of courses taken since leaving the School of Nursing. If
     admission is offered, students are subject to the degree program requirements in effect
     at the time of their return. Note that any student who has been required to withdraw
     and is re-admitted is automatically placed on academic probation.

     a. Admission After Voluntary Withdrawal
     Admission decisions are made subject to availability of space. Where space is limited,
     preference will be given to the applicant(s) most competitive academically as
     determined by the Undergraduate Student Admissions Committee. Students may be
     required to audit specific courses as a condition of admission as determined by the
     Undergraduate Student Admissions Committee. Refer to University Sessional Dates at

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