Page created by Katie Payne
                          Governing Board 2017/2018
                               General Assembly
                         Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

     Ms. Cristiano welcomed the assembly and explained the responsibilities of the
     Governing Board.
     Ms. Irene Garcia volunteered to be Secretary of the meeting.
     Ms. Cristiano chaired the meeting and the elections.
     The returning members are:
             1. Paolo Galati, year 2 of 2
             2. Irene Garcia, year 2 of 2
             3. Laura Marra, year 2 of 2
*î* The following parents were nominated:
             1. Todd Roberts
             2. Rocco Speranza
             3. Anna Sasso
             4. Connie Vitale
             5. Jovan Antonovic
             6. Alba Fiorino
             7. Mario Pietroangelo
             8. Robert Soroka
             9. Franca Coscia
 »î« Fotlowing the vote, the new parent representatives on VMC's GB are :
             1. Alba Fiorino
             2. Mario Pietroangelo
             3. Todd Roberts
             4. Robert Soroka
     The following parents were nominated for CPC rep:
              1. Mario Pietrangelo
              2. Robert Soroka
      Fotlowing the vote, the new VMC parent representative for CPC is:
              Robert Soroka
      The assembly was asked to vote on the formation of a PPO at VMC. There was a
      motion by Alba Fiorino to have a PPO for the 2017-18 school year (seconded by
      Carolina Det Papa). All in favor: unanimous.
      The newly elected parent representatives and returning members then proceeded to
      the staff room to partake in the first GB meeting for the 2017-18 school year.
      Meeting Adjourned at 19:38.

                                                  (^^ Ch^r
                     Meeting #1 - Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017 at 7:38pm

PARENTS                                              STAFF
Robert Soroka (Chairperson and CPC                   Enrico Di Maio (Teacher)
                                               x                                           x
Laura Marra (Vice-Chairperson)                 x     Marco Rosa (Teacher)                  x
Irene Garcia (Treasurer)                       x     Vincent Gagnon (Teacher)              x
Mario Pietrangelo (Alternate Delegate)         x     Vince Trimboli (Teacher)              x
Todd Roberts                                   x     Dartene Williams (Teacher)            x
Alba Fiorino                                   x     Andy Pittman (Support Staff)          x
Paolo Gatati                                    R    Tina Stoupakis (Professional Staff)   R

ADMINISTRATION (non-voting):                          Observers:
Franca Cristiano (Principal)                    x     Kelli Brunner (Parent)               x
Lisa Ancona (Vice-Principal)                    x     Anna Sasso (Parent)                  x
                                                      Adriana Scarpelli (Parent)           x
    1,      Approval of Agenda
            Motion: Todd Roberts      Second: Laura Marra
            Vote: unanimous, motion carried

    2.      Approval of June GB Meeting minutes: TABLED, copy to be obtained from LY

     3.     Business arising from the minutes: TABLE

     4.     Elections:
            Chairperson : Robert Soroka
            Motion by Alba Fiorino; seconded Irene Garcia - Acctaimed

            Vice-Chairperson: Laura Marra
            Nominations: Laura Marra by Mario Pietroangelo; seconded Irene Garcia
                            Alba Fiorino by Irene Garcia; seconded by Robert Soroka
            Vote by secret ballot. Laura Marra elected

            Secretary: Minutes will be written on a Rotation as no one volunteered.
            Laura Marra will write up the minutes for this first GB meeting.

            Treasurer: IreneGarcia
            Motion by Alba Fiorino; seconded by Robert Soroka -Acclaimed

      5.     New Business Arising

      4.1    Sec 1, October 6th field trip:

             Motion: Mario P.       Second: Todd R.
             Details: Geography students to visit a farm (same tocation as last year)
             Charge per student: $25 to cover entrance and transport by school bus.
             Students that do not have geography will be visiting 2 spiritual sites.
             Charge per student: approx. $11 to cover cost oftransport by school bus.
Vote: unanimous, Mlotion carried

5.2    Community Service activity Sec 4- Lighthouse project
       Motion: Laura M.          Second: Mario P
       Details: This activity is created to help select students complete their required 30
       hours of community service by packing and sorting items at a food bank.

       Vote: Unanimous, Motion carried

5.3    Veteran's lunch at VMC on November 6th
       Motion: Alba F       second: Irene G
       Details: ERC students and Remembrance Committee will take part in a lunch for

       Vote: Unanimous, Motion carried

5.4    St. Brendan's Parish, December 15th activity
       Motion: Laura M.         Second: Marco R.
        Details: Falls on a Ped Day. Students who wish to volunteer will hetp package
       holiday baskets at St.Brendan's Parish hall for the local community.

       Vote: Unanimous, Motion carried

 5.5   Remembrance Day Parade on Saturday, November llth
       Point of information: voluntary particlpation by students

6.     Question Period -
       Q: Kelly Brunner asked about the unanimous decision that was taken at the Sept.13, 2016 GB
       meeting for GB to contact the Council of Commissioners to ask about increasing the GB
       members to 9 parents (and subsequently, increasing staff members).

       A: Principal and Chairperson will follow up.

7.     Reports

7.1    Principal

       * $lmill renovation project took place. Light, ceilings, floors were re-done. Some
       painting was done. Majority ofwork is completed.
       * Uniform supplier: all orders s/b completed by end of month, Mr. Bovet will be
       invited to a future GB the tending process shall begln agaln this year.

7.2    Delegate - Nothing to report as of yet.

7.3    House News- presented by Darlene W.
       *Icebreaker with teambuilding activities took place and WIND house won.
       *Will be trying to plan more activities to make things more competitive.
       *Upcoming Halloween activity

       Motion: Darlene W.         Second: Mario P
       ... that on ONE period on a house shirt day, up to a maximum of 4 periods per school
       year, be allocated to a HOUSE activity
Details: beginning, September 29th

      Vote : ALL FOR except for ONE Abstention

      Motion carried.

7.4    Chairperson/Correspondence     - None

7.5   Commissioner's report: Commissioner, Rosario Artona, will be invited to attend future
       meetings by our chairperson.

8.     Varia

8.1    Meeting Dates: Chairperson will suggest dates for October using Doodle

8.2    Community Reps: Mario Marrazza will be contacted by chairperson. And, depending
       on Mr.Marrazza's response either Anna Sasso and/or Ketli Brunner will volunteer for
       the second spot.

9 .    Adjournment -
       Motion: Enrico DM    Second: Vince T.
       Motion carried unanimously to adjourn at 8:24 pm.

Respectfully Submitted: Laura Zuanigh Marra

Principal:        ^MY^                        Date:

Chairperson:                                     Date:

                                 Meeting # 2: October 13. 2017
                                      at 7:30 PM at VMC

PARENTS                                            STAFF
Robert Soroka (Chairperson and CPC delegate)   x   Enrico Di Maio (Teacher)                 x
Laura Marra (Vice-chairperson)                 x   Marco Rosa (Teacher)                     x
Irene fiarcia (Treasurer)                      x   Vincent Sagnon (Teacher)                 x
Mario Pietrangelo (Alternate uelegate)         x   Vince Trimboli (Teacher)                 R
Todd Roberts                                   x   Darlene Williams (Teacher)               x
Alba Fiorino                                   x   Andy Pittman (Support Staff)             x
Paolo Salati                                   R   Tina Stoupakis (Professional Staff)      x
ADAUNISTRATION (non-voting)                        OBSERVERS
Franca Cristiano                               x   n/a
3.0   Business Arising from the Minutes

      3.1 Follow up on Sept. 16, 2016 decision to ask Council of Commissioners to increase
      VMC 6B members to 9 parents (and consistent number of staff members)
             - all agree to defer this item to the following meeti'ng

      3.2 Uniforms
             - Principal
                         provides an update: there are still some uniforms pending delivery,
      which have been outstanding since July.

4.0   Motions for Approval

      4.1 _Todd Roberts_ moves, seconded by _Man'o Peitrangelo_ that 6 casual days
      be established. where funds will be collected and donated to non-profit
      organizations (Just for Kids, Veterans, Movember, Non-perishable food purchases.
      Montreal Children's Hospital and one other, to be determined.)

             In Favor: _13_ Opposed: _1_ Abstentions: _0_

             Motion carries with one opposed.

      4.2_Enrico ûiMaio_ moves, seconded by _Darlene Williams_ that a Library Field
      Trip (science research bdsed library exploration) be organized for November 30,
      2017, maximum 20 students (Secondary 3-5). (Cost: Public transportation, to be
      covered by _students)

             In Favor: _all_        Opposed:                 Abstentions:

             Motion carries unanimously

      4.3_Andy Pittman_ moves, seconded by _A\ba Fiorino_ that Movember club
      students would be permitted to sell             merchandise at lunch time (with no
      missed class times), with proceeds to be donated to charity.

             In Favor: _all_          Opposed:                 Abstentions:

             Motion carries unanimously
4.4_Marco Rosa_ moves, seconded by _Laura Marra_ that there be fundraising for
Remembrance Day in the form of poppy sales by students, with any dollar amount
donated to Veterans' Affairs; no student will miss class.

In Favor: _all_          Opposed:               Abstentions:

       Motion carries unanimously

4.5_Laura Marra_ moves. seconded by _Mario Pietrangelo_that approximately 10
Secondary 2 to 5 students on the Be the Change Committee participate in WE DAY
Ottawa on November 15, 2017 (all day) (Cost: 10$/student)

       In Favor: _all_         Opposed:                   Abstentions:

       Motion carries unanimously

4.6_Vincent 6agnon_ moves, seconded by _Enrico Di Maio_that students be
permitted to participate in Camp Jouvence an Optional Intensive Gym/Leadership
Trip. on November 8th, 9th. 10th (Ped day); Cost: $160.00 /student and bus
transportation approximately $35.00-$50.00/student (with final cost dependent on
       In Favor: _12_          Opposed:                   Abstentions: _2_

       Motion carries

4.7_Enrico Di Maio_ moves, seconded by _Mario Pietrangelo_ that students
organize a PROM fundraiser (to decrease the unit cost of tickets) in the form of
individual fundraising taking place outside of the school environment; Specific
product merchandised and/or activity performed to be determined.
       In Favor: _all.          Opposed:                  Abstentions:

        Motion carries unanimously

 4.8_Laura Marra_ moves, seconded by _Todd Roberts_ that 2 students participate
 in Toy Tea on Dec 7th (Cost: public transportation to be covered by _students_)

        In Favor: _all_ Opposed:           Abstentions:
        Motion carries unanimously
5.0   Items for ûiscussion

      5.1 Prospective Motions for discussion (Motions to be deferred to next meeting):
                    Sec 2 Trip Boston (2 nights 3 days)
                    Sec 3 Trip Washington-Philadelphia (3 nights 4 days)
                    Sec 4 Trip New York (2 nights 3 days)
                    Sec 5 Trip TBÛ
                           Option 1: Dunng Europe Tn'p Week - Skiing or other
                           Option 2: During trip week in the Spring - Nature retreat.
                                  Washington or other

      5.2 Opening hours for VMC - Principal explains that the school opens at 7:30
      because supervision is available starting at that time. Before 7:30 there is no
      supervision, so the school is not open as this would create a safety issue.

      5.3 Security measures to protect against intruders - Pn'ncipal explains that all
      doors lock automatically from the outside.

      5.4 VMC student violence protocols (in light of recent Lester B. Pearson High
      School aggression by students) - Pn'ncipal explains that all issues brought to her
      attention involving VMC students are investigated.

      5.5 Community Representatives for VMC Board of eovernors - Principal indicates
      that Mario Marrazza has agreed to be the Community Representative. Robert
      Soroka indicates that he will enquire within the Concordia community if anyone is
      interested in being a community representative.

      5.6 Central Parents Committee - October 12, 2017 meeting update - Robert Soroka
      indicates that there were elections for various positions. and he was elected to
      form part of the education committee.

6.0   Question Period

      No questions.
7.0    Reports

       7.1 Principal's Report / Teachers' Report
               -there is a new initiative to replace the science fair with the STEAM fair.

               - Open house was a success and feedback was very positive.

               - 404 wrote the entrance exam this
                                                  year and 180 have been accepted.

       7.2 CPC Report - nothing additional to report

       7.3     House News
               - tug of war was successfut

               - for Halloween there will be a costume and
                                                               pumpkin contest, and an
               initiative called       a can for a treat" (give a non-perishable food item)

       7.4       Commissioner's Report

                 No commissioner present so no report.

8.0    Varia
       - next meeting to take place on November 23rd at 7:15 PM

 9.0    Adjournment

                 Motion: Alba Fiorino      Second: Andy Pittman
                 Vote: all in favour - motion carries unanimously


                                Meeting # 3: November 29, 2017
                                      at 7:30 PM at VMC

PARENTS                                            STAFF
Robert Soroka (Chairperson and CPC delegate)   x   Enrico Di Maio (Teacher)                           x
Laura Marra (Vice-chairperson)                 x   Marco Rosa (Teacher)                               x
Irene Sarcia (Treasurer)                       x   Vincent Sagnon (Teacher)                           x
Mario Pietrangelo (Alternate Delegate)         x   Vince Trimboli (Teacher)                           x
Todd Roberts                                   x   ûarleneWilliams (Teacher)                          x
Alba Fiorino                                   R   Andy Pittman (Support Staff)                       x
Paolo Salati                                   x   Tina Stoupakis (Professional Staff)                R
ADAUNISTRATION (non-voting)                        Rocco Speranza (interim replacement prof. staff)   x
Franca Cristiano                               x   House Council
OBSERVERS                                          Bryan Vu                                           x
 Kelly Brunner                                 x   ûanielCovello                                      x
COMMUNTT/ REP (non-voting)                         COMMUNTTY REP (non-voting)
Mario Mazazza                                  R   6ift Tshuma                                        R

Meeting began at: 19h22

1.0    Approval of the Agenda
                       "graduation"    "prom"
          Change from               to        at point 5.6

                Motion: Paolo ôalati    Second: Enrico DiMaio
                Vote: unanimous, motion carried.

2.0    Approval of the Minutes of October 13, 2017 meeting
          Change from Andy Williams to Andy Pittman

                Motion: Mario Pietrangelo     Second: Andy Pittman
                Vote: unanimous. motion carried.

3.0     Business Arising from the Minutes

        3.1 Follow up on Sept. 16. 2016 decision to ask Council of Commissioners to increase
        VMC GB members to 9 parents (and consistent number of staff members)
        - Discussion focused on the fact that the eoverning Board is a parity committee; an
        expressed concem was that there might not be enough staff participants to
compensate for an increased number of parent representatives, compromising
parity. Vote was taken (see 4.1.)

3.2 Uniforms
       - Principal
                  provided update: the current supplier will not be invited to bid for
       next year's contract. EMSB lawyers are involved in the drafting of the new
       bidding contract. There will be few modifications to the upcoming contract
       to include conditions to ensure delivery of uniforms on time, appropriate
       textile quality, etc. The contract will go to tender within 2 weeks from this

3.3    Update on Be the Change Committee Trip to Ottawa on Nov. 15, 2017
       - Mr. Speranza reported that the trip went very well at no cost to the school
       or student participants.

3.4    Update on Camp Jouvence - Optional Intensive eym/Leadership Trip
       Nov. 8-10. 2017
             principal reported that it was a very successful event. 6reat potential
       venue for the Sec 1 Nature trip as well. The facilities, food, and monitors
       were outstanding. Intensive gym class students are requesting another
       similar outdoor physical activities within the 2017-2018 school year.

3.5    Update on Remembrance Day fundraising efforts
       -Mr. Speranza reported that it went well. Poppies were distributed.
       Collection of non-pen'shables went well and were distributed to the Legion.

3.6     Update on Raffles
        - The
               principal, supported by Mr. OiMaio, reported that we were faced with
        an unusual amount of opportunities for hockey tickets and Lady 6aga Concert
        tickets offered for raffle. The timing of the events were time sensitive. It
        is not customary to have so many; however the funds raised are for pre-
        selected chan'ties.
4.0   Motions for Approval

      4.1 Mario Pietrangelo moved. seconded by Enrico t)i Maio, that VMC ooveming
      Board membership be limited to 7 parents, effectively rescinding the motion of
      September 16, 2016 to increase parent representation to 9 members.

      In Favor: _11_         Opposed:                  Abstentions:     _1_

      4.2 Todd Roberts moved, seconded by Darlene Williams. that the online vote
      favoring the raffle of a pair of recently-acquired Lady Gaga tickets for her
      November 3rd 2017 show, with proceeds to be used by students taking part
      in the Costa Rica Service trip to buy milk, diapers. and other necessities
      (and not to defray costs of trip) be ratified.

      In Favor: _16_ Opposed:                       Abstentions:

      4.3 Rocco Speranza moved. seconded by Irene Garcia, that maximum two (2)
      future unanticipated raffles during the 2017-18 academic year that are time
      sensitive (in the event that are available within 5 business days of the vent)
      ratified by Staff Council be permitted to take place.

      In Favor: _15_         Opposed:        O          Abstentions:

      4.4 Bryan Vu moved, seconded by Darlene Williams, that Secondary 2 students be
      offered the opportunity to travel to Boston for 2 nights and 3 days, with
      appropriate faculty supervision of approximately of a 1:12 ratio, with cost born to

      In Favor: _16_             Opposed:     _0_       Abstentions:

       4.5 Paolo ôalatimoved, seconded by Enrico t)i Maio, that Secondary 3 students be
       offered the opportunity to travel to Washington and Philadelphia for 3 nights and 4
       days, with appropriate faculty supervision of approximately of a 1:12 ratio. with
       cost borne to students.

       In Favor: _16_            Opposed:     _0_       Abstentions:
4.6 Vincent Gagnon moved. seconded by Rocco Speranza, that Secondary 4 students
be offered the opportunity to travel to New York for 2 nights and 3 days, with
appropriate faculty supervision of approximately of a 1:12 ratio, with cost borne to

In Favor: _16_         Opposed:                  Abstentions:

4.7 Motion removed because it was already approved last year.

4.8 Paolo Galati moved. seconded by Rocco Speranza, that Secondary 5 students be
offered the opportunity to travel to Washington/Philadelphia for 3 nights and 4
days with appropriate faculty supervision of approximately of a 1:12 ratio, with cost
born to students

In Favor: _16_         Opposed:         _0_      Abstentions:

4.9 Rocco Speranza moved. seconded by Todd Roberts that the MESA
(Management Educational Success Agreement) and report be ratified.

Discussion: the principal reported that the documents presented will be amended in
order to incorporate the accurate numbers calculated from the releve des notes
rather than GPI/LUMIX program. Discrepancies were easily identified as our
student success rate is 100% in the subjects reported.

In Favor: _16_ Opposed:                 _0_      Abstentions:

4.10 Enrico biMaio moved. seconded by tïarlene Williams, that the Glee
Hockey Ticket Fundraiser raffle be ratified.

In Favor: _16_          Opposed:       O         Abstentions:

4.11   Rocco Speranza moved, seconded by Todd Roberts, that Secondary 3-4
students (approximately 17 students) take part in the McGill University Women in
Biology field trip on November 29, 2017, with appropriate faculty supervision.

In Favor: _16_          Opposed:                  Abstentions:
4.17 Motion to amend wording of motion presented at October. 2017
     meeting regarding Veteran's Lunch at VMC, so as to reflect that this outing
     was indeed a Field Trip.

     In Favor: _16_        Opposed:                 Abstentions:

     Çontextfor Motion and Details:
     ERC students and Remembrance Committee will take part in a lunch for

     Vote: Unanimous, Motion carried

     This motion should have been presented as a field trip for one group of ERC
     students and members of the Remembrance Day committee (comprising
     approximately 50 students.)

     As this event took place between our October 13th and November 29th 2017
     meetings, the requisite motion to amend wording is made at this Nov. 29th
     2017 meeting.

     4.18 An online vote took place on October 30-31, 2017 to approve the Staff Council
     approved amendment to the the new Code of Conduct provision that details
                               "lates" in
     procedures for reporting             the morning. This was done between meetings in
     order to expedite the execution of this new procedure. The change in procedure
     does not affect the spirit of the rule. The original code of conduct stated:


Students are expected tobe on time forall oftheir classes. Sti.l^Wtl^^^ilate

          ^The student will be given a detention slip which must be presented to
each teacher during the day. The detention will be served at dismissal on the day
on which the student was late.

The hi9hlighted portion was recommended to bechan9ed to:

In Favor: _10           Opposed:         _0        Abstentions:        _8_
4.12   Enn'co DiMaio moved. seconded by Vincent ©agnonthat a school dance be
held on ûecember8, 2017 at VMC, with sale of tickets and concessions on site. and
with appropriate faculty supervision.

In Favor:   _16_       Opposed:                 Abstentions:

4.13   Vincent ôagnon moved. seconded by ûarleneWilliams, that two classes
comprised of Secondary V Art students take part in an Art field trip (in
collaboration with Concordia) at no cost to students on November 30, 2017,
departure 11:30 am, with appropriate faculty supervision.

In Favor: _16_         Opposed:                 Abstentions:

4.14  Rocco Speranza moved. seconded by Bryan Vu, that all Secondary 2
students take part in the Science Center: Amazon (IMAX) and Indigenous
ingenuity exhibit field trip. with cost of $30.00 per student (entrance fee
and transportation paid by student) on Dec 1st 2017.

In Favor:    16        Opposed:      O          Abstentions:

4.15  tïaniel Covello moved. seconded by Bryan Vu, that a modified school
schedule be permitted on December 22nd 2017.

In Favor: _16.         Opposed:          O      Abstentions:

4.16    Paolo Galati moved. seconded by Rocco Speranza, that, subject to approval
by Staff Council. a joint activity between 1 class of Secondary V Sports Intensive
and l class from Mountainview Alternative School (1 class) take place. where
Secondary V VMC students travel to Mountainview School and Mountainview
students subsequently come to VMC, with possible dates Jan 10 or 11, Feb 7 or 8,
Mar 14 or 15 and Apr 25.

In Favor: _16.         Opposed:                 Abstentions:
5.0   Items for Discussion

      5.1 Temporary Staff Changes and Replacements
             5.1.1 Mr. Marco Rosa (VP Interim) will remain a member of 6B as teacher.
             5.1.2 Mr. Rocco Speranza will replace Tina Stoupakis on GB until she returns
             from leave.

      5.2 MESA ûocument
            5.2.1 ûiscussion,report from principal and vote was taken. See 4.9.

      5.3 Community Representative for VMC Governing Board - Update
            5.3.1 Our two (2) community reps are Mario Mazazza and Gift Tshuma

      5.4 Consultation with the eoverning Board on the Selection Criteria for Principal
            5.4.1 Chair reported that the selection criteria for Principal was not
            provided to the school board for the tast 2 years. This items will be
             deferred to next meeting and will be completed for submission before the
             February 2018 due date.

      5.5 PPO (Parent Participation Organization) Update
            5.5.1 Principal reported that to date 5 parents have volunteered to be part
            of the PPO. Principal indicated that an email to these parents will be sent to
            initiate a meeting.

      5.6 ôraduation Sub-Committee
             5.6.1 The chair reported that some other schools have a sub-committee to
             help plan the prom. uiscussion took place among the 6B members. It was
             suggested that instead of a sub-committee. parents may volunteer through
             the PPO. No motion was proposed. Deferred to next meeting.

      5.7 Annual $250 budget (and carryover)
             5.7.1 According to budget the VMC 68 has 20$ cam'ed over from the
             previous year. making the current year's available funds 270$.
             5.7.2. ûiscussionto ask for an increase in order to cover common standard
             of living increase and price overall. Chair will look into requesting an
             additional 100$ to the GB annual budget.

       5.8 Next Meeting
             5.8.1 Next meeting is scheduled on 12th uecember 2017
5.8.2 The remaining revised 6B meetings
                     Monday January 22 . Monday March 19 , Monday April 16
                     Monday May 28 , Monday June 18

6.0   Question Period

      6.1 No questions from the observer.
      6.2 Proposal to move the question period earlier in the GB proceedings to allow
      observe to ask their question and leave if need be.


      7.1 Principal's Report / Teachers' Report

      7.2 CPC Report
          7.2.1 Bill 105

      7.3 House News

              7.3.1 Bryan and Daniel reported that the Halloween activities were
              7.3.2 Bryan and Danial reported on the upcoming activities. The snow ball
              will occur in the old 6ym. During the Holiday week there will be activities
              every day, Toy Tea is done in collaboration with Mr. Rocco Speranza and
              House Council for the collection of non-violent toys.

      7.4 Commissioner's Report

      7.5 GB Orientation (Nov. 16, 2017) Report

8.0   Van'a

      8.1 Rocco Speran2a movèd,seconded by Paolo Galati, that the wrestling
      fundraiser (photo taken with the UFC Championship belt) to benefit the
      wrestling team be ratified.

      In Favor:         15_      Opposed:                    Abstentions:        1

9.0   Adjournment

      Motion: Rocco Speranza. seconded by Paolo oalati

      Time: 21h30

                                                    C.^.c^'          ^

       Vincent Massev Colleeiate EMSB MESA Aereement- Annual Report 2016-2017

WHEREAS Bill 88 reqmres that the school enter into a MESA Agreement with the school board;

WHEREAS an Annual Report ofthe MESA Agreement for 2016-2017 has been developed by the
school staffand the School Admimstrator;

WHEREAS Bill 88 also requires that the School produce a yearly report of the said MESA
Agreement for School Board;

WHEREAS the said report of the MESA Agreement was deemed to be in conformity with the
School Board requirements;

IT WAS MOVED BY /oo^ S^ran^AND RESOLVED THAT the 2016-2017 Annual
Report of the MESA Agreement be approved by the Goveming Board and that it be
 communicated to all stakeholders.

                  M^v, ^,"0<   Z5l^
Signature, Goveming Board Chair/Date

                          ^o^ ^u ^o/r
Signature, Principal / Date

 * Presentation to stakeholder and
                                   posting the report on school website.


               Vincent Massev Colleeiate          /EMSB-MESA Agreement 2016-2019

WHEREAS Bill 88 requires that the school enter mto a MESA Agreement with the school board;

WHEREAS Bill 88 also requires that the School update the MESA Agreement yearly;

WHEREAS a MESA Agreement for 2016-2019 has been developed by the school staff and the
school Admmistrator;

WHEREAS the MESA Agreement was subimtted for consultation to the school staff";

WHEREAS the said MESA Agreement was deemed to be m conformity with the School Board

IT WAS MOVED BY        ^ooco Sp^r^r^-^c^          AND RESOLVED THAT the 2016-
201& MESA Agreement be approved by the Govemmg Board aiid that it be *eommumcated to all

                          o\J- 3>o,
Signature, Goveming Board Chair/Date

     Ji                        0V   3o    ob/?

Signature, Principal / Date

* Posting the report on school website.

       Vincent Massev Colleeiate EMSB MESA Aereement- Aimual Reoort 2016-2017

WHEREAS Bill 88 requires that the school enter into a MESA Agreement with the school board;

WHEREAS an Annual Report ofthe MESA Agreement for 2016-2017 has been developed by the
school staffand the School Admuiistrator;

WHEREAS Bill 88 also requires that the School produce a yearly report of the said MESA
Agreement for School Board;

WHEREAS the said report of the MESA Agreement was deemed to be m conformity with the
School Board requirements;

IT WAS MOVED BY Ac.c^ S^ram-^AND RESOLVED THAT the 2016-2017 Aimual
RepOrt of the MESA Agreement be approved by the Goveming Board and that it be
              to all stakeholders.

                  ^0V, 2-0, Zsi^l
Signature, Goveming Board Chair/Date

 ^^-                      A^OV.^y   csto//
 Signature, Principal / Date

 * Presentation to stakeholder and posting the report on school website.

                  VincentMassev Colleeiate          /EMSB-MESA ÂCTeementZO16-2019

WHEREAS Bill 88 requires that the school enter mto a MESA Agreement with the school board;

WHEREAS Bill 88 also requiies that the School update the MESA Agreement yearly;

WHEREAS a MESA Agreement for 2016-2019 has been developed by the school staff and the
SjehQoI Admmistrator^ :_..^ ^.:.^.^....^:.^^..'^ .:;.".. ....^                  ; _,

 WHEREAS the MESA Agreement was submitted for consultation to tfae school staff;

 WHEREAS the said MESA Agreement was deemed to be in conformity with the School Board

 IT WAS MOVED BY ^oow                                        AND RESOLVED THAT the 2016-

                            ô\/- 3'û,
 Signature, Goveming Board Chair/Date

                     ^^                 3o ^ui-j.

 Signature, Principal / Date

  * Posting the report on school website.
                                                                                                              V ^d - fuQ-^

               Signatories of the Agreement;

                Signature, Principal               /~.                                   Date
                                                             /           ,

vnc- i^To^T
        Coinmission scotaire English-IVIontreal
        Englfsh IWonfraal School Board

  ® Our speciaî needs population is experienciug success m aU subject areas.
  ® Follow up with plans to deal with studene anxiety through development of guidance
      and CCW worker areas, study & organization sMlls that is general, as well as, subject
      specific. AIso, part of goal 4.

  ® The objective is to tumimize mcidences of bullymg-victimization through various
      mitiatives. Refer to SSAP plan. Examples: SCA, Homeroom and House system, the
      RAMS (Raising Awareness Makes Sense) committee mitiates, play it fair, etc... These
      activities contribute to the feeling ofsafety and decrease the instances ofbullymg and
      victîmization. Students involved receive trainmg and they impIemeBt their leaniing by
      organizmg and putting mto practice their îearning school-wide.
  ® Increase in reporting of incidences, mediatioii, use of guidance services, CCWs and
      other staff
   ® lîivestigate parent workshops about how to support high achievers aad transition to
      high schooî
   ® Plamiing for the mtegration of sex education, LGTBQ and changes m laws related to

Goal 5 ~
   » N/A

                                                  "*'- .-^"""-.'\/
  Signatwe, Principal ~\J^..../ .(.                                  Date

M.E.E.S. MESURES2017-2018:
Monies Dedicated and Protecîed for Decentralization to Schools

WHEREAS the Ministère de l'Éducationet de I'Enseignement supérieur (M.E.E.S.) allocated to
the English Montreal School Board (EMSB) various financial resources related to Dedicated and
Protected Measures, as defined in the amended Operating Budgetary Rules forthe 2017-2018

WHEREAS the EMSB uses some of these financial resources to provide direct services to the
schools, as perthe Ministry's guidelines and in accordance with their intended purpose;

WHEREAS the EMSB decentralized the majority of these financial resources to our school for
their intended purpose, in accordance with the Ministry's guidelines;

WHEREAS our school acknowledges that the funds allocated by the M.E.E.S. as decentralized
by the EMSB, were used fortheir intended purpose, as perthe Ministry's guidelines;

IT WAS RESOLVED and APPROVED that the Governina Board of Vincent Massev Colleaiate
confirms that the financial resources allocated by the English Montreal School Board (EMSB),
retated to the MEES' Dedjcated and Protected Measures, as per the attached summary, in the
total amount of $ 77 ^ûl _, were allocated to the school in accordance with their
intended purpose and as defined in the amended Operating Budgetary rules forthe 2017—2018
school year.

                                                           ' ...-A ! i .//
 Principal's Signature                             Goveming Board Chair's Signature

                           ^/ ^l3
 Date:       jâ^-iiVt^

 cc.     Regional Director
         Director of Financial services

MESURES DU MEES 2017-2018 :
Sommes dediéeset protéaeespour la décentralisationvers les écoles

ATTENDU QUE le ministere de I'Education et de I'Enseignement superieur (MEES) a allouéà
la Commission scolaire English-Montréal (CSEM) diverses ressources financieres relatives aux
mesures dédiées et protégées, telles que définies dans les Règles budgétaires de
fonctionnement amendées pour l'annéescolaire 2017-2018;

ATTENDU QUE la CSEM utilise une partie de ces ressources financieres dans le but de fournir
des services directs aux ecoles, confomnement aux directives du ministere et aux fins visees;

ATTENDU QUE la CSEM a décentraliséla majorite des ressources financieres vers notre ecole,
aux fins viséeset conformémentaux directives du ministere;

ATTENDU QUE notre écolereconnaît que les sommes allouees par le MEES et décentralisées
par la CSEM ont été
                  utiliséesaux fins visées, conformémentaux directives du ministere;

IL EST RESOLU et APPROUVE que le conseil d'etabtissement de Vincent Massev Colleaiate
confirme que les ressources financieres allouees par la Commission scolaire English-Montreal
(CSEM), en lien avec les mesures dédieeset protégéesdu MEES, tel qu'il est indique dans le
sommaire ci-joint et totalisant 77 201            allouéesàl'écoleaux fins viséeset tel qu'il
                                         $, ont été
est définidans les Règlesbudgétairesde fonctionnement amendéespour l'annéescolaire 2017-

 Direction de l'école                      Président(e)du conseil d'établissement

 Date     ^"}U^7U^^^

 cc.    Directeur regional
        Directeur des finances
ÊthiesUon                                      Répartitiondes montants reçus par votre
                                               établissementpour les mesures dédiéeset
       QuébecEaca                               protégéeset plan de déploiementpour les
                                                    mesures 15016,15024,15025 et 15026

Le conseil d'établissement de l'école CollègeVincent Massey confirme que la Commission scolaire English-
Montréal a alloué à l'établissement, dans le cadre des mesures dédiéeset protégées, un montant de
77801.00 $. *

* Veuillez
             prendre note que ce montant ne couvre pas tes mesures dédiéessuivantes :
- Matemelle 4 ans àtemps plein en milieu défavorisé(11020);
- Le Programme Une ecole montrealaise pour tous (15013) ;
- Projets particuliers visant la persévérance,le raccrochage et la reussite scolaire prioritairement des clienteles
- Rehaussement et maintien des competences en litteratie des populations aduttes les plus vulnerables
(15162) ;
- Intégrationde l'éveitàta lecture dans les pratiques familiales (15163) ;
- Soutien en mathématique (15530) ;
-Activités culturelles pour te programme La culture àl'école(30090).

                                                                                                      Page 1 de 9

                       MINUTES 60VERNIN6 BOARD MEETEN6

                           Meeting ff 4: January 22. 2018
                                 at 7:00 PM at VMC

PARENTS                                        STAFF
Robert Soroka (Chairperson and CPC             Enrico Di Maio (Teacher)
                                           x                                                      R
Laura Marra (Vice-Chairperson)             x   ROCCO Speranza (Interim replacement Prof. Staff)   x
Irene Garcia (Treasurer)                   x   Vincent Gagnon (Teacher)                           x
Mario Pietrangelo (Alternate Delegate)     x   Vince Trimboli (Teacher)                           x
Todd Roberts                               R   Darlene Witliams (Teacher)                         R
Alba Fiorino                               x   Andy Pittman (Support Staff)                       x
Paolo Galati                               x   Tina Stoupakis (Professional Staff)                R

ADMINISTRATION (non-voting):                    Observers:
Franca Cristiano (Principal)               x
Lisa Ancona (Vice-Principal)               x   House Council:

 Marco Rosa (Interim Vice Principal)            Bryan Vu                                          x
                                                Daniel Covello
                                                Community Representative:
                                                Gift Tshuma (By Facetime)                         x
                                                Mario Marazza

    Meeting began at 7:26 pm

    1.0    Approval of the Agenda
             Add: Raffle under section 11.0 Varia
             Add: Special êoverning Board Meeting to be set in February in order to discuss
           new uniform supplier.

               Motion: P. êalati Second: R. Speranza
                   Vote: unanimous. motion carried
2.0   Approval of the Minutes of November 29. 2017 meeting
      Small corrections were noted and will be corrected prior to final sign off.
      Motion: R. Speranza    Second: I. Garcia
            Vote: l abstention. all others in favour. motion carried

3.0   Introduction of Community Reps

      6ift Tshuma attended meeting via Facetime (due to weather conditions.) Mr.
      Tshuma is currently the Universal Access Advisor for McGill University. He
      previously held an advisory role for student access with the Faculty of Law,
      reporting directly to the Dean of Law.

4.0   Question Period 1

      No questions arose

5.0   Business Arising from the Minutes

      5.1    Follow up on inquiry concerning increasing VMC GB budget by $100

       Robert S. enquired at the School Board and the request was refused.

      5.2      Follow up on Art Field Trip (in collaboration with Concordia University),
               November 30. 2017

               Ms. Cn'stiano mentions that the trip went well and that the other Secondary
               5 art classes will be attending in the spring.

      5.3     Follow up on School Dance. December 8, 2017

               Brian V. indicates that 230 tickets were sold. He suggests that coat racks
               be available at the next event. Ms. Cristiano indicates mostly junior level
               students attended and all went well. Robert 5. enquired about why outside
               students other than from VMC were allowed to attend. Ms. Cristiano
               specified that only a maximum of 50 students are allowed and must be
               accompanied by a VMC student and must show their It) from their
               respective schools.

      5.4 Update on planning/dates of joint activity between 1 class of Secondary V
Sporl-s Intensive and 1 class from Mountainview Alternative School (1 class)

            Per R. Speranza, February 8th, 2018 will be at Mountainview and March
            14th. 2018 will be at VMC.

      5.5   PPO (Parent Part-icipation Organization) Update

            Meeting was held on January 31st, 2018. There was a total of five parents
            who attended.

      5.6 Follow up on modified school schedule for uec 22nd. 2017

             During Period 6 and 7 students were able to attend, game room, movie,
             dodge ball, etc. uuring that morning, 407o of the school was absent.

6.0   Student Report-s - House News

             Carnival Week after spring break. There will be lunch time activities.

7.0   Motions for Approval

      7.1 Andy Pittman moves, seconded by Mario Pietrangelo that an additional Costa
      Rica Hockey ticket fundraiser take place, where proceeds from tickets sold at school
      will be used to buy diapers, milk and consumables for families as part of the
      humanitarian aid trip. (Purchases will be made by students during the trip and
      delivered personally as in previous years.)

      In Favor: _ALL_ Opposed:                        Abstentions:
      Motion carried

      7.2 Paolo Galati moves, seconded by Vincent Gagnon that We ûayen Français take
      place on February 22, comprising 50 FLE sec 4 students. (Project to follow into the
      new school year related to humanitarian aid. No cost.)

       In Favor: _ALL          Opposed:      O        Abstentions:
       Motion carried
7.3 Rocco Speranza moves, seconded by Mario Pietrangelo that VMC fulfills Collecte
      info:              des montants reçus par votre établissement pour les mesures
      dédiéeset protégéeset plan de déploiement pour les mesures 15016,15024,15025,
      15026 (Note: this is the standardized motion for EMSB. For VMC oniy measure
      15026 applies.)

      In Favor: _ALL            Opposed:              Abstentions:
      Motion carried

8.0   Items for ûiscussion

      8.1 Educational Project/Success Plan - Plan for Informing Community

      This will replace MESA. Needs of individual schools is being looked at.

      8.2 Sec.l Workbook Fees

      Ms. Cristiano to review amount to obtain from new students with regards to
      workbook fees. Tentatively $125, same as last year. This allows to see how many
      student we will have attending the 2018-2019 school year.

      8.3 Nature Trip

      With regards to the Nature Trip for upcoming Secondary 1 students Ms. Cristiano
      would like to request $200 even if they have not gone to tender yet.

      Motion: To collect workbook fee of $125 and $200 Nature Tn'p fee in advance.
      Approve the payment in 2017-2018 of $125 for the workbook fee and Nature Trip
      fee of $200 for prospective Secondary 1 students to VMC for the 2018-2019
      academic year.

      Motion; M. Pîetrangelo    Second: V. Trimboli
          Vote: unanimous, motion carried

      8.4 Annual School Budget-Follow-up

      Tabled to next meeting.
8.5 Consultation with the ooverning Board on the Selection Criteria for

       Background: Under Article 79 of the Education Act, the EMSB must consult the
       ôoverning Boards concerning the selection criteria for the appointment of a
       principal. This process should not be interpreted to mean that there will be a
       change to the administration of this or any School. Quoting the memo issued by
       the EMSB,       simply provides the opportunity for the wishes of the community to
       be taken into consideration when the Senior Administrators are discussing
       administrative changes."
       The VMC GB's selection criteria must be submitted by the GB Chair to the Regional
       Director no later than February 21.

       8.6 Use of 6B Budget

       It was proposed that funds be used to have a post-holiday / working dinner on
       January 22. Due to cancellation of Dec. 12, 2017 due to weather, GB members were
       emailed and invited to express nay vote via email. No nay votes were conveyed.

       8.7 Update of 6B Rules of Conduct and Procedure

        Tabled to next meeting

9.0    Question Period 2

          No questions

10.0    Report-s

       10.1 Principal's Report- / Teachers' Reporf

       Some VMC students helped at 5t Brendan Parish to make food baskets.

       Andy painted his beard red and $1300 was raised

        Fifty Sec 5 volunteered at Sun Youth to prepare food baskets as part of
        leadership activities initiative.

       10.2 CPC Report (regarding meeting held on January 11th. 2018)

       On Jan 11th survey for school fees was distributed

        A pilot project for sex education is being considered.
10.3 Commissioner's Report-


       10.4 GB Orientation (Nov. 16. 2017) Report-

        Robert S attended and indicated it was very informative.

11.0 Varia
        Posting of Minutes
        Posting of donation plaques

12.0    Adjournment

        12.1 R. Speranza moves, seconded by B. Vu. To adjourn meeting at 9:34 PM;
        approved by all.

                QÛ^.                                       i^c
                           )ft/                            (;.^.-Ê^r
                           THE SCHOOL GOVERNING BOARD
        WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 95 ofthe Education Act, the governing board
|is responsible for adopting the school's annual budget as proposed by the principal;

        WMfcKfcAS, in accoraance wiin ïaection yt>.Z4 OT tne baucaiion ACI, tne scnooiDuaget
Imust maintain a balance between expenditures, on the one hand, and the financial resources
iallocated to the school by the school board and the school's own revenues, on the other;

        WHEREAS this budget is based on the 2017-2018 MEES budgetary parameters;

        WHEREAS this budget also includes funds rolled over from prior year;

                    _MUVt=u i MAI , tne governing Doara QT V'i^ce^'t ^a.sse^ Codc^to^
jadopt the school budget for the 2017-2018 school year, as presented by the school Principal,
'which forecasts revenues of $ S'lo (^ I.00     and expenditures of $ S'33     ;

IAND THAT the budget be submitted to the English Montreal School Board for final approval.

 SCHOOL NAME :           ^ ince^t       t1^sse«.f Cofle^Lat^

  Signature :                                                  Date : ^cuf /
                             SPECIAL MEETIN6

                                 Meetinq # 5: February ll^
                                 2018 at 7:30 PM at VMC
PARENTS                                            STAFF
Robert Soroka (Chairperson and CPC delegate)   R   Nino Cavallaro (Teacher)                            x
Laura Marra (Vice-chairperson)                 R   Angela Ortiz (Teacher)                              R
Irene fiarcia (Treasurer)                      x   Vincent Sagnon (Teacher)                            x
Mario Pietrangelo (Altemate Delegate)          x   Vince Trimboli (Teacher)                            x
Todd Roberts                                   x   Darlene Williams (Teacherl                          x
Alba Fiorino                                   x   Andy Pittman (Support Staff)                        x
Paolo ôalati                                   R   Tina Stoupakis (Professional Staff)                 R
ADMINISTRATCON (non-voting)                        Rocco Sper-anza (interim reptacement prof. staff)   x
Franca Cristiano                               x   House Council
OBSERVERS                                          Bryan Vu                                            R
                                                   ûanielCovello                                       x
 COMMUNFT/ REP (non-voting)                        COMMUNrT/ REP (non-voting)
 Mario Mazazza                                 R   6ift Tshuma                                         R

1.0      Approval of the Agenda
      Motion; Alba Fiorino; Second: Rocco Seeranza

2.0       Approval of the Minutes - deferred

3.0       Special Meeting for Uniform Supplier

Three suppliers presented their clothing line atong with their bids. Only Loft was present at
the meeting.

          Triangulum- $285 457.50 - sent samples but did not meet allspecs

          Loft- $290 445.00 - sent samples and met all specs

          Top Marks- $309 735.00 sent samples but did not meet allspecs

Discussed specifically with Loft;

      "   Charges for special orders - none if they could not accommodate with pieces that
          are readily available.

      "   Hemming of pants are at a cost of $6.00

      "   ûiscussthe possibility of adding a v-neck sweater

      "   Comfort pants - no pleats and in the reflex twill material

      "   Discuss the cost of offering a biker short

      "   What would the cost of the skirt be without the short? Would it be beneficial to
          remove the short?
4.0      Motions for Approval

      4.1 _A.Pittman moves. seconded by V.6aanon that the VMC uniform contract
      be awarded to Loft for the next two years with an option to extend as it met our
      requirements/specs outlined in the bid.

      In Favor: 10 Opposed:     O   Abstentions: 1

4.2      R. Speranza moves. seconded by T. Roberts thatthe sale of cotton candy and
      popcorn during carnival week.
      In Favor: 11 Opposed:     O   Abstentions: O

5.0      Items for Discussion

         5.1 Introduction of a Sec V computer science elective:

         Discussion about introducing a new elective at the sec V level. Questions about
        content which will be offered. A beginner programming course is being designed.
        Explanation was given by Ms. Cristiano that a new course cannot cause excess in
        staffing and therefore relies on expertise developed by staff.

6.0      Question Period; None

7.0      Reports

         7.1 Principal-Teacher Report:

             "    An introduction of the Mozaik report card system to be launched this
                  February with instructions
             "    On-line attendance system will be launched in May

         7.2 CPC Report: None

         7.3 House News;

             "    Cahoot activity in the cafeteria. Over 100 students participated per lunch
                  period. Prizes were house points.
             "    Plushie sales for Valentine's Day were sold. To date, 120 will be delivered
                  to classes.

             "    Teacher Appreciation: Food all week and tickets for teachers.

             "    Carnival week; Activities at lunch and theme days after March break

8.0       Varia

9.0       Adjournment - 21:06


                   Pnncfpe^.1                                    çr^, ôha/'f
Cammfaston scotatm
                                                                                      Cngllsh Montnrat

                                 BUDGET BUILDING PROCESS
                                      FOR 2018-2019
                                                                                     Page 1 of 2

APPENDIX B: Suaaestions for Budaet Pnorities
            Feedback on Guidinçi Principles, Critena, and Related Orientations

Group/School/Centre:                    V N\i C^l              ^ A^ ^ v/|     COLLe C. lA^

     1. Budaet Priorities:

Within the context of declining enrolment-and therefore decreasing subsidies- establishing budget
priorities can realistically imply that these priorities could simply be exempted from reductions. In
this light, please list, in order of priority, the needs among the schools/centres which you feelare
most important:

1.                   Pt£n
Budget Priorities - Addendum:

    1.   Increase the number of staff, including teachers, CCW, Behaviour Techs, community animators,
         and guidance counsellors.
    2.   Increase resources to (i) enhance students' physical and menta! health and fii) promote healthy
         iifestyles (nutritionist, health and fitness expert, facility improvements.)
   3.    Increase literacy programs and resources in both Language and Math.
   4.    Increase technotogy funding (access to computers, laptops, and related software.)
    5.   Maintainfundingforteachertrainingand increase fundingfor professional development for all
    6.   Increase building maintenance and improvements (schoolyard fence, repairs of walls, etc.)

Robert Soroka
Chair - Governing Board, Vincent Massey Collegiate
May 1,2018

Commisston scolaire English-Montréal

                                                                   @   English Montreal School Board

                                   BUDGET BUILDING PROCESS
                                        FOR 2018-2019
                                                                                                 Page 2 of 2

APPENDIX B: Suaaestions for Budaet Priorities
            Feedback on Guidina Principles. Criteria^and Related Orientations

Group/ School/Centre:               Vt^C&^T              KA^^^I        CoLL^lA'^C'


Please provide your comments on the Gulding Pn'nciples, Criteria, and related Orientations as
outlîned in the attached document. You may use the reference numbers i) to xii) used in the

1.                 PUA^              ^¬ S\\>^H^ 1/^M




        (Please use another sheet if this space is insufficient)

Feedbackon Guiding Principles, Criteria, and Related Orientations-Addendum:

   1.   We agree with Guiding Principles, Criteria, and Related Orientations listed as (i) to (ix), inclusive,
        and (xi).

   2. We agree with (x) with an additional comment:
      The Board shall ensure that equitable compensation is received from municipalities and other
      organizations using its facilities such that operating costs and all possible wear and tear is
      adequately covered. Decisions as to how the funds are allocated should be decentralized.

Robert Soroka
Chair - Governing Board, Vincent Massey Collegiate
May 1, 2018
                             SPECIAL MEETIN6

                                 Meetina # 5: February 12.
                                 2018 at 7:30 PM at VMC
PARENTS                                             STAFF
Robert Soroka (Chairperson and CPC deleqate)    R   Nino Cavallaro (Teacher)                           x
Laura Marra (Vice-chairperson)                  R   Angela Ortiz (Teacher)                             R
Irene ôarcia(Treasurer)                         x   Vincent Sagnon (Teacher)                           x
Mario Pietrangelo (Alternate Delegate)          x   Vince Trimboli (Teacher)                           x
Todd Roberts                                    x   Darlene Williams (Teacher)                         x
Alba Fiorino                                    x   Andy Pittman (Support Staff)                       x
Paolo Salati                                    R   Tina Stoupakis (Professional Staff)                R
AÛAm^lISTRATION(non-voting)                         Rocco Speranza (interim replacement prof. staff)   x
Franca Cristiano                                x   House Council
OBSERVERS                                           Bryan Vu                                           R
                                                    Daniel Covello                                     x
COMMUNCTY REP (non-voting)                          COMMUNFTy REP (non-voting)
Mario Mazazza                                   R   6ift Tshuma                                        R

1.0      Approval of the Agenda
      Motion: Alba Fiorino; Second: Rocco SDeranza

2.0        Approval of the Minutes - deferred

3.0        Special Meeting for Uniform Supplier

Three suppliers presented their clothing line along with their bids. Only Loft was present at
the meeting.

           Triangulum- $285 457.50 - sent samples but did not meet all specs

           Loft- $290 445.00 - sent samples and met all specs

           Top Marks- $309 735.00 sent samples but did not meet all specs

Discussed specifically with Loft:

      "    Charges for special orders - none if they could not accommodate with pieces that
           are readily available;

      "    Hemming of pants are at a cost of $6.00;

      "    Discuss the possibility of adding a v-neck sweater;

      "    Comfort pants - no pleats and in the reflex twill material;

      "    Discuss the cost of offering a biker short separate from the short;

       "   What would the cost of the skirt be without the short? Woutd it be beneficial to
           remove the short?
4.0      Motions for Approval

      4.1 _A.Pittman moves. seconded by V.oagnon that the VMC uniform contract
      be awarded to Loft for the next two years with an option to extend as it met our
      requirements/specs outlined in the bid.

      In Favor: 10 Opposed:      O   Abstentions:   1

4.2      R. Speranza moves. seconded by T. Roberts that the sale of cotton candy and
      popcorn dun'ng carnival week.
      In Favor: 11 Opposed:      O   Abstentions: O

5.0      Items for Discussion

         5.1 Introduction of a Sec V computer science etective:

         ûiscussionabout introducing a new elective at the sec V level. Questions about
        content which will be offered. A beginner programming course is being designed.
        Explanation was given by Ms. Cristiano that a new course cannot cause excess in
        staffing and therefore relies on expertise developed by staff.

6.0      Question Period: None

7.0      Reports

         7.1 Principal-Teacher Report:

             "     An introduction of the Mozaik report card system to be launched this
                   February with instructions

             "     On-line attendance system will be launched in May

         7.2 CPC Report: None

         7.3 House News:

             "     Cahoot activity in the cafeteria. Over 100 students participated per lunch
                   period. Prizes were house points.
             "     Plushie sales for Valentine's Day were sold. To date, 120 will be delivered
                   to classes.

             "     Teacher Appreciation: Food all week and tickets for teachers.

             "     Carnival week: Activities at lunch and theme days after March break

8.0       Van'a

9.0       Adjournment - 21:06
                          Meetmg # 6: March 19, 2018

PARENTS                                          STAFF
Robert Soroka (Chairperson and CPC           x   Vincent Gagnon (Teacher)                    x
Laura Marra ÇVice-chairperson)               x   Vmce Trimboli (Teacher)                     R
Irene Garcia (Treasurer)                     x   Darlene Williams (Teacher)                  R
Mario Pietrangelo (Alteraate CPC Delegate)   x   Andy Pittman (Support Staff)                x
Todd Roberts                                 R   Tina Stoupakis (Professional Staff)         R
Alba Fiorino                                 x   ROCCO Speranza (interim replacement prof.   x
Paolo Galati                                 x   Nino Cavallaro (Teacher)                    x
ADIVONISTRATION (non-voting)                     Angela Ortiz (Teacher)                      x
Franca Cristiano                             x   HOUSE COUNCIL
Marco Rosa                                   x   BryanVu                                     x
OBSERVERS                                        Daniel Covello                              x
Kelly Brunner                                x   COMMUNITY REPRSENTATIVES
                                                 Mario Marrazza                              x
                                                 Gift Tshuma                                 R

Meeting began at: 19h25

1.0    Approval ofthe Agenda
       1.1   Item 5.6: Change wording : delete "graduation"; replace with

               Motion: Paolo Galati   Second: Mario Pietrangelo
               Vote: unaoimous, motion carried.

2.0    ApprovaloftheMinutesofJan22nd, 2018meeting

               Motion: Rocca Speranza     Second: Mario Pietrangelo
               Vote: unanimous, motion carried.

3.0    Chaage of Goveming Board members
       3.1 Introduction ofNino Cavallaro and Angela Ortiz

4.0    Business Arising from the Minutes
       4.1 Febmary 12,2018 special meeting for uniform supplier: deferred to next meeting
       4.2 Loft des enfant met all thie specifications.
       4.3 The PPO has been created. Chair is Elisa Ruffini. The PPO met on March 13th and
       discussed community-building activities.
5.0   Motions for Approval
      5.1 Alba Fiorino moved, seconded by Paolo Galati that the VMC PPO proceed to plan a
      community-building event, scheduled for the aftemoon and evening ofMay 25th 2018.
      In Favor:    14      Opposed:     Q,_         Abstentions:    O
      motion carried.

      5.2_Rocca Speranza_ moved, seconded by               Andy Pitman that the VMC PPO
      be accorded a budget of $800 for goods and services associated with fhe creation ofa
      community-building event (such as DJ and other ancillary expenses) scheduled for May
      25th 2018.
      In Favor: 14      Opposed:        O_ Abstentions:            O
      motion carried.

      5.3     Vincent Gaenon       moved, seconded bv Mario Pietraneelo_ that VMC be
      permitted to offer the purchase ofa $20 workbook for math on secondary 1 students.
      In Favor: _i4.         Opposed:      O_ Abstentioiis:        O
      motion carried.

      5.4    Mario Pieti^neelo        moved, seconded by Laura Marra           that
      approximately 12 students be permitted to attend a wrestling outing on Friday March 16th
      2018, 8h30 to 17h00, at the Centre Claude-Robilliard, performing community seryice in
      the fonn ofvolunteering to assist the toumament organizers with various tasks, and to
      participate in a Wrestling Clinic ofFered by 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist Erica Wiebe; no
      cost to students; students will meet at the Centi-e.
      In Favor: _J4_ Opposed: _O_ Abstentions: _O
      motion carried.

      5.5     Paolo Galati moved, seconded by          Alba Fiorino            that the
      program ofstudies for secondary 1 through 4 be approved as presented.
      In Favor: _J4_ Opposed:               O       Abstentions:    Q
      motion carded.

      5.6     AneelaOrtiz        moved, seconded by       Rocca Speranza        that the
      program  ofstudies for secondary 5 be approved as presented. This is an addition ofanew
      "options" course
                       (SEC V) which would be offered in the 2018-2019 academic year,
      designed as an introduction to the world ofprogramming, web design, and many other
      aspects ofthe digital worid.
      In Favor:     L4       Opposed:        O       Abstentions:    O
      motion carried.

6.0   Items for Discussion

      6.1 GB Rules and procedure document update
             6.1.1. The document was last updated in 2009. A Google Doc wifh the current
             document will be created, and all GB members will be invited to contribute their
             input for revisions. The revisions will be discussed at the next GB meeting.
6.2 Operatmg budget
            6.2.1 Deferrcd to next meeting

      6.3 School Dances
             6.3.1 Parents were inquiring as to the number of school dances organised by
             VMC. The faculty and student representatives indicated that two dances per
             academic year was the norm.

      6.4 CPC
             6.4.1 Pointofinformation. The CPC is consulting with its members about the
            rules fhat will be recommended to the school board pertammg to EMSB teachers
             who tutor EMSB shidents.

      6.5 HouseCouncil
            6.5.1 Bryan and Daniel reported that the house activities (i.e. St-Patricks' Day
            and Valentme's Day activities) were successful.
            6.5.2 Bryan and Danial reported on upcoming activities: Camival Week will
            occur during the last week of March. There will be a different theme each day;
            students will be mvited to dress consistently with the theme.
            6.5.3     Rocca Speranza^^ moved, seconded by              Andy Pitman        that
            House Council be permitted to sell at $1 popcom/Cotton Candy duringjr and sr
            limch in the month ofMarch.
            In Favor:     14       Opposed:         Q        Abstentions:      O
            motion  carried

7.0   Question period
      7.1 Observer wanted to know ifthe flyer for the Parent's Committee workshop event
      (May 5) would be emailed to parents. The response was yes.

8.0   Varia
      8.1 Vincent Gagnon moved, seconded by _Daniel CoveUo that the Veterans'
      Community lunch on April 25 be approved. One ERC Class and the Remembrance
      Committee will attend the event.
      In Favor:   ALL         Opposed:    Q_ Abstentions:          O
      Motion Carried

       8.2 Mario Pietrangelo moved, seconded by Laura Marra to approve that the VMC
       wrestling team participate at the 2-day Wrestling Field Trip Canadian Nationals
       (Junior/Senior) at no cost by the school (paid by the wrestling association); students
       depart on April 11 and retum on April 15.

       In Favor:    14        Opposed:       O        Abstentions:       o
       Motion Carried
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