Our office in Madrid 2021 - allenovery.com - Allen & Overy

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Our office in Madrid 2021 - allenovery.com - Allen & Overy
Our office
in Madrid

Our office in Madrid 2021 - allenovery.com - Allen & Overy
“Allen & Overy are
     like an iPhone –
     very simple to use,
     but you know
     there is huge
     processing power
     behind the advice.”

                                  Our office in Madrid             3
                                  Our awards and rankings          4
                                  Overview of our legal services   5
                                  Our legal expertise              6
                                  Our team                         10

2   Our office in Madrid | 2021
Our office in Madrid 2021 - allenovery.com - Allen & Overy
Our office in Madrid

Since 1991, Allen & Overy has become one of                                         A&O

Spain’s leading legal practices, providing high quality
and innovative advice to steer complex transactions                                 1930
                                                                                    Founded in London
to a successful conclusion.
Based in Madrid, our lawyers have
both international experience and
                                        As a global elite practice, Allen & Overy
                                        is at the cutting edge of international
                                                                                    Founded in Spain
an in-depth knowledge of the local      legal and commercial insights.

market. We can leverage the resources   Our teams are able to offer our clients
and skills of a highly integrated       the support and advice needed to
worldwide network. Our office is led    succeed in the ever-changing national
by 17 top tier partners, each of whom   and global markets.                         Partners in Spain
has an exceptional track record of
success and achievement across a
range of industry sectors, supported
by a dedicated team of experienced
lawyers. Our clients are our top

priority and they include financial
institutions, high profile Spanish
companies and international
                                                                                    Of IBEX 35 listed companies
corporations with interests in Spain
                                                                                    are our clients
and beyond, and public entities.

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Our office in Madrid 2021 - allenovery.com - Allen & Overy
Our awards
    and rankings

                    Band 1                                         Band 1
                    Banking & Finance                              Banking & Finance
                    Chambers Europe, 2021 (Spain)                  Legal 500, 2021 (Spain)

                    Band 1                                         Band 1
                    Restructuring and                              Corporate and M&A
                    Insolvency: Insolvency                         Legal 500, 2021 (Spain)

                    Chambers Europe, 2021 (Spain)

                    Band 1                                         Band 1
                    Capital Markets – Debt                         Dispute Resolution
                                                                   Legal 500, 2021 (Spain)
                    Chambers Global, 2021 (Spain)

                    Best law firm in Spain                         Best Banking & Finance
                    in 2021                                        Law Firm in Spain in 2021
                                                                   IFLR1000, 2021
                    Chambers & Partners, 2021

                    Best Law firm in                               Band 1
                    the Energy sector                              Capital Markets – Debt
                    Expansión Jurídico Awards 2020                 Legal 500, 2021 (Spain)

                    European Wind                                  Best Deal
                    Deal of the Year                               of the Year
                    PFI Awards 2019                                Expansión Jurídico Awards 2018
                    Advicing to Banco Santander, BBVA and          Advicing to Atlantia on the takeover
                    CaixaBank on the financing, construction and   bid of Abertis
                    development of nine wind farms in Aragon for
                    300MW to Forestalia Renovables.

4   Our office in Madrid | 2021
Our office in Madrid 2021 - allenovery.com - Allen & Overy
Overview of our
legal services

We have been providing advice to               Banking & Finance

domestic and international clients for         Competition and European Law

over 30 years. We provide a broad range        Corporate and M&A

of sophisticated legal services, while being   Debt and Equity Capital Markets

fully integrated within the Allen & Overy      Derivatives and Structured Finance

network to meet the global needs of            Employment

our clients.                                   Financial Services Regulatory

                                               International Arbitration


                                               Projects, Energy and Infrastructure

                                               Public Law


                                               Real Estate

Global presence

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Our legal expertise

    Banking and Finance                        Competition and                            Corporate and M&A
                                               European Law
    With a department of over 25 lawyers       Our Antitrust team has extensive           Our Corporate/M&A team is composed
    based in Spain, we have one of the         knowledge and experience in dealing        of over 20 lawyers in our Madrid and
    most qualified and renowned team           with the most complex antitrust issues.    Barcelona offices. Its expertise covers
    of finance lawyers of any law firm in      By combining global reach with local       all phases of a transaction whether
    the Spanish market. Few practices can      depth, we are uniquely positioned to       private or public. We have significant
    match our top position across the full     advise you on your antitrust strategy to   experience in acting on complex,
    range of financial products, offering      achieve consistent, effective solutions    high-value, cross-border work as well
    advice under both Spanish and English      throughout your operations.                as a range of domestic transactions.
    law. Moreover our team closely works
                                               Our Antitrust team represents              Our expertise and local knowledge
    with and is supported by a top-tier
                                               clients globally and locally in matters    in the Spanish market ensure that
    global team of over 800 colleagues
                                               involving compliance and counselling,      we deliver cost-effective, seamless,
    across our more than 40 offices.
                                               government investigations and              high-quality legal advice. Our strong
    We have been ranked top in every           litigation, private actions, merger        teamwork and wide track record
    single Thomson Reuters league table        control, public procurement and            are vital to ensuring that deals are
    for EMEA syndicated loans, since they      competitive tendering, and state aid.      managed effectively.
    began producing these tables in 2011.
                                               Choosing the right antitrust strategy      In addition to our core M&A expertise,
    This shows the continued confidence
                                               can have a major impact on your            we offer a full complement for all the
    which clients place in us. Allen & Overy
                                               business. Whether it concerns alleged      specialist areas that are necessary
    has topped the league table for both
                                               anticompetitive conduct, commercial        for a complex M&A transaction, such
    borrowers and lenders again,
                                               negotiations and litigation or merger      as antitrust, employment or tax.
    having advised in each category
                                               control, antitrust law advice is highly
    on more deals by value and volume
                                               business sensitive.
    than any other law firm in the region.
                                                                                          “The firm has a good
    In addition we are ranked in Band 1
    for Project Finance. In addition the                                                   combination of senior partners
    prestigious legal directory Chambers &                                                 and more junior people who are
    Partners ranked our Banking & Finance
                                                                                           knowledgeable and ready right
    practice as top tier.
                                                                                           away if you need them to help
                                                                                           on complex matters,” reports
                                                                                           another client, going on to praise
                                                                                           the “accuracy and intensity”
                                                                                           of the lawyers' work.
                                                                                           Chambers Europe, 2021 (Spain)

6   Our office in Madrid | 2021
Our office in Madrid 2021 - allenovery.com - Allen & Overy
Capital Markets                           Litigation and Arbitration

 Our Capital Markets practice in Iberia    Closely aligned with key market
 comprises a group of experienced          sectors such as life sciences,
 lawyers capable of advising on the full   technology, energy and financial
 spectrum of debt and equity related       institutions, our dispute resolution
 capital markets work under English        lawyers have a real understanding of
 law and also provides local law advice,   our clients’ businesses, enabling them
 either in-house or with leading local     to give truly effective management
 law firms.                                advice. We are also seen as experts
                                           in corporate risk management,
 Our Capital Markets department is
                                           advising senior level board members
 part of the Allen & Overy International
                                           and executives within a range of
 Capital Markets practice, with some
                                           high-profile corporates and banks.
 329 lawyers, including more than
 81 partners. This global group is         Our experience of mediation,
 among the largest of any law firm.        international arbitration and negotiation
 Few practices can match our top           enables us to pursue all avenues of
 tier position across the full range of    dispute resolution, helping our clients
 financial products – or match our         to choose the method that best suits
 consistency in being ranked in first      their needs.
 place by league tables for the volume
                                           We act for a wide-ranging and
 and the value of our deals. We are
                                           diverse client base and have close
 known globally for industry-leading
                                           relationships with, in particular:
 ‘first-of-a-kind’ transactions and,
 as a result, have been instrumental in    – corporates
 nearly all of the major developments in
                                           – financial institutions
 the modern financial markets, starting
 with the first-ever eurobond issue in     – entrepreneurs and private individuals
 the 1960s.                                – governments and
 The Spain-based team advises                 government agencies
 underwriters, arrangers, selling          – national and international
 shareholders, issuers and rating             governmental and
 agencies in connection with the              non-governmental organisations
 following key areas, among others.

“The firm is very well coordinated        Clients enthuse: “The speed of
 in the different jurisdictions,           response is impressive; the
 which for me is vital,” states one        lawyers always take care of us
 source, noting: “The relationships        and immediately start working.
 between partners in different             It is an agile, well-oiled and
 jurisdictions all work well,              market-leading team, especially in
 which is reflected in the service         complex environments.”
 the firm provides.”                       Chambers Europe, 2021 (Spain)

 Chambers Europe, 2021 (Spain)

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Our office in Madrid 2021 - allenovery.com - Allen & Overy
Employment                                                                         Tax
    Allen & Overy Spain’s Employment          and hands-on, with expertise in          In the increasingly complex and
    Practice stands out for its wide          communicating directly with workers,     global area of tax law and practice,
    experience and knowledge of               employee representatives and             our team of tax specialists can
    employment law, benefits and              regulatory authorities on HR and         successfully support your business
    incentives, providing and developing      reward issues.                           needs. Our experience in all
    individualized, overall and creative                                               aspects of corporate, commercial
                                              Our Employment team is part of the
    solutions to any employment issues,                                                and finance taxation enables us to
                                              Global Employment & Benefits Group.
    both from and individual and collective                                            provide high-quality, innovative and
                                              We are not just there to support
    perspective: top executive employment                                              solution-driven advice.
                                              you ‘on-deal’. A good example of
    contracts, negotiation and modification
                                              value-added service available to our     We offer tax expertise in relation to
    of working conditions, separations,
                                              Employment & Benefits clients is the     capital markets transactions and
    restructurings, HR policies, compliance
                                              Employment Restructuring Roadmap,        products; general and specialist
    and investigation procedures, complex
                                              a service that enables you to manage     banking transactions; tax-based
    litigation, among others.
                                              key employment law obligations           structured finance; corporate
    Our approach is very much that            on a cross-border restructuring.         reorganisations, restructurings and
    of a partnership, working in              With this tool you can identify, at a    M&A; the structuring of and investment
    collaboration with clients to develop     glance, the applicable consultation      by funds; real estate investment;
    individual and creative solutions to      and other procedural requirements,       and the resolution of tax disputes
    their workplace and benefits needs.       together with related timing and cost    and investigations, whether on a
    We are accessible, pragmatic              implications in 31 countries.            stand-alone basis or as an integral part
                                                                                       of a full legal service. We are frequently
                                                                                       involved in the first transaction of its
    Interviewees commend the firm for “always giving us                                kind to be undertaken.
    their utmost attention; they always provide us with the
                                                                                       No matter how complex the project
    correct answer and the work is impeccable.”                                        or how tight the deadlines, our
    Chambers Europe, 2021 (Spain)                                                      tax lawyers demonstrate sound
                                                                                       commercial awareness and excellent
                                                                                       technical skills in everything they do.
                                                                                       Through our team of specialists we
                                                                                       provide cutting edge expertise in all
                                                                                       principal areas of tax advice.

                                                                                      “The team offers total availability
                                                                                       and good client service, and is
                                                                                       always looking for the option
                                                                                       that is most suitable for our
                                                                                       business,” says one source.
                                                                                      Chambers Europe, 2021 (Spain)

8   Our office in Madrid | 2021
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Real Estate                                 Public Law
We advise some of the world’s leading       Our Spain Public Law practice offers
organisations on their most important       expertise and advice on the full range
transactions in the real estate             of administrative and regulatory
sector. Our work encompasses real           issues. In recent years we have
estate investments, fund formation,         further developed our expertise in
structuring and joint ventures,             key sectors such as infrastructure,
complex real estate mergers and             utilities (including energy and water),
acquisitions, development and               telecommunications, financial markets,
planning construction, loan workouts,       and transport.
NPL pool acquisition, distressed debt
                                            Regulatory measures, government
acquisition (including loan-to-own
                                            intervention and public sector
strategies), structured finance,
                                            spending are omnipresent in today’s
tax and litigation.
                                            economic climate. A large variety
The challenging economic climate            of public law entities intervene to
is the impetus for clients having an        implement these measures.
increased appetite for high-quality and
                                            Understanding how dealing with
imaginative real estate legal advice that
                                            public law entities may be different
places the matter at hand within the
                                            from dealing with private entities and
context of wider strategic objectives.
                                            the impact of regulation has always
Our Real Estate practice offers             been an important aspect of business
forward-looking legal solutions on          life. It is even more important with
the full range of property-related          governments cutting costs, privatising
transactions to some of the most            and selling assets, and turning to or
ambitious and perceptive organisations      away from public-private partnerships,
in the world. They know they can count      as well as increasing public sector
on us for technically accomplished          spending in some areas.
advice and legal solutions that are
intelligent, workable and – crucially –
that demonstrate our understanding          “The customer service is excellent
of their business.                            and the cohesion as a team is
                                              fantastic. I can only say that the
“The firm has a great culture and             lawyers provide an outstanding
 a teamwork-based approach to                 service,” says another
 projects,” says one interviewee,             impressed interviewee.
 adding: “They offer specialised            Chambers Europe, 2021 (Spain)
 attention to clients and are
 experienced, responsive and
Chambers Europe, 2021 (Spain)

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Our team

     Silvia Bauzá                        Javier Castresana                  Vanessa Cuellas                   Íñigo del Val
     Employment Partner – Madrid         Litigation and Arbitration         Banking & Finance                 Corporate and M&A
     Tel +34 91 782 98 00                Partner – Madrid                   Partner – Madrid                  Partner – Madrid
     silvia.bauza@allenovery.com         Tel +34 91 782 98 14               Tel +34 91 782 98 36              Tel +34 91 782 98 32
                                         javier.castresana@allenovery.com   vanessa.cuellas@allenovery.com    inigo.del.val@allenovery.com

     Santiago de Vicente                 Alfonso Gutiérrez                  Juan Hormaechea                   Ignacio Hornedo
     Real Estate Partner – Madrid        Banking & Finance                  Banking & Finance                 Corporate and M&A
     Tel +34 91 782 98 58                Counsel – Madrid                   Partner – Madrid                  Partner – Madrid
     santiago.devicente@allenovery.com   Tel +34 91 782 98 15               Tel +34 91 782 98 45              Tel +34 91 782 98 31
                                         alfonso.gutierrez@allenovery.com   juan.hormaechea@allenovery.com    ignacio.hornedo@allenovery.com

     José Luis Terrón                    Victoria Martin                    Antonio Martínez                  Pablo Mayor
     Litigation and Arbitration          Public Law Counsel – Madrid        Competition and European Law      Public Law Partner – Madrid
     Counsel – Madrid                    Tel +34 91 782 98 50               Partner – Madrid                  Tel +34 91 782 98 48
     Tel +34 91 782 98 25                victoria.martin@allenovery.com     Tel +34 91 782 98 17              pablo.mayor@allenovery.com
     joseluis.terron@allenovery.com                                         antonio.martinez@allenovery.com

10   Our office in Madrid | 2021
Teresa Méndez                      Javier Mendieta                       Emma Morales                            Charles Poole-Warren
Corporate & M&A                    Litigation and Arbitration            Litigation and Arbitration              Capital Markets/Banking
Counsel – Madrid                   Partner – Madrid                      Counsel – Madrid                        and Finance Partner – Madrid
Tel +34 91 782 97 66               Tel +34 91 782 99 79                  Tel +34 91 782 98 90                    Tel +34 91 782 98 53
teresa.mendez@allenovery.com       javier.mendieta@allenovery.com        emma.morales@allenovery.com             charles.poole-warren@allenovery.com

Jaime Rodríguez                    Salvador Ruiz Bachs                   Ignacio Ruiz-Cámara                     Ishtar Sancho
Competition and European Law       Capital Markets/Financial             Banking & Finance                       Taxation Counsel – Madrid
Counsel – Madrid                   Services Regulatory                   Partner – Madrid                        Tel +34 91 782 98 37
Tel +34 91 782 98 08               Partner – Madrid                      Tel +34 91 782 98 69                    ishtar.sancho@allenovery.com
jaime.rodríguez@allenovery.com     Tel +34 91 782 99 23                  ignacio.ruiz-camara@allenovery.com

Fernando Torrente                  Jimena Urretavizcaya                  Antonio Vázquez-Guillén                 Adolfo Zunzunegui
Corporate and M&A                  Banking & Finance                     Litigation and Arbitration              Taxation Partner – Madrid
Partner – Madrid                   Partner – Madrid                      Partner – Madrid                        Tel +34 91 782 97 55
Tel +34 91 782 99 40               Tel +34 91 782 98 57                  Tel +34 91 782 98 10                    adolfo.zunzunegui@allenovery.com
fernando.torrente@allenovery.com   jimena.urretavizcaya@allenovery.com   antonio.vazquezguillen@allenovery.com

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For more information, please contact:

Allen & Overy
Serrano, 73
28006 Madrid
Tel +34 91 782 98 00
Fax +34 91 782 98 99


Allen & Overy is an international legal practice with approximately 5,500 people, including some 550 partners, working in over 40 offices worldwide.

Allen & Overy means Allen & Overy LLP and/or its affiliated undertakings. Allen & Overy LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and
Wales with registered number OC306763. Allen & Overy LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales.

The term partner is used to refer to a member of Allen & Overy LLP or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualifications.
A list of the members of Allen & Overy LLP and of the non-members who are designated as partners is open to inspection at our registered office at
One Bishops Square, London E1 6AD.
© Allen & Overy LLP 2021. This document is for general guidance only and does not constitute advice.                            CS2104_CDD-63908_ADD-95442 English
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