OUR BIGGEST ISSUE YET! - Liverpool Fairfield SWCT Client Social Outing Calendar April to June 2021 - South West Community Transport

Page created by Gilbert Rojas
OUR BIGGEST ISSUE YET! - Liverpool Fairfield SWCT Client Social Outing Calendar April to June 2021 - South West Community Transport
Liverpool Fairfield SWCT Client Social Outing
                 Calendar April to June 2021

                                                             MORE SOCIALS
                                                             MORE CHOICE
       ISSUE YET!


Safe, Secure and Accessible Transport for Social Outings
            For Liverpool & Fairfield Clients
           Phone 9603 5105 SOCIAL BOOKINGS ONLY
            All other bookings still phone 9426 8999
OUR BIGGEST ISSUE YET! - Liverpool Fairfield SWCT Client Social Outing Calendar April to June 2021 - South West Community Transport
We are opening Seniors Festival this
year with a range of outings to line up
with the festivities. This year’s theme?
In Our Nature!
Why not get moving? Try our
Welcome to EMAA classes in April for
an introductory lesson in Easy Moves
for Active Aging. For $10, we are
taking it outdoors! Join
us for an introduction
to some light exercise,
a chat and some snags.
Bring a friend for free!

Keep your eye out for some of our
Mystery Outings – sure to be something
fun from the 2021 line up of senior’s
Calendar Key

         You may have to walk more than 100M
                                                  Meal cost included in the price. This
         to access the entire venue. There may
                                                  may involve a fixed menu.
         also be stairs.
         This event is ticketed. A payment
                                                  This social, takes place in the late
         agreement must be made in order to
                                                  afternoon or evening.
         confirm this booking.

         Independent Social. Our staff will not   Small Group Outing. Contact Sharon
         be staying with you on this outing.      and Keith for more info!

         Campbelltown Only. These outings are
                                                  This social is a NSW Seniors Festival
         part of Campbelltown councils Café
         Connect program.

 If you decide to bring a frame with you on a social, please ensure that
    you let us know when you book so that we can plan for your frame
OUR BIGGEST ISSUE YET! - Liverpool Fairfield SWCT Client Social Outing Calendar April to June 2021 - South West Community Transport
COVID – 19 GUIDELINES                              Friendly Foodie
South West Community Transport is excited to       Fridays!
continue providing Socials for our clients.        A great way to meet up
However, the health and wellbeing of our clients   with old friends or make
and staff are our highest priority. As such, we    some new ones! Each
constantly monitor the situation and continue to   week we will take you to
follow the government’s directives regarding       either a club, café,
                                                   restaurant or pub for a
social distancing, masks and hygiene cleaning.
                                                   lunch date.

                                                   Again, we are excited to
                                                   keep these transport
                                                   costs down by dropping
                                                   you off for lunch and
                                                   picking you up

                                                   Try it out just
                                                   once to see if you
                                                   like it. Or become a
                                                   regular! Have a favourite
                                                   local restaurant, pub or
                                                   café? Make a suggestion
                                                   when you book or add it
Due to the ever-evolving Covid-19 situation, our
                                                   to your client feedback
socials may be adjusted to conform with            form!
prevailing guidelines and restrictions.            Call our friendly
ANZAC DAY                                          bookings staff and make
                                                   it a date!
Did you know that you can attend your
local Anzac Day Honours by using our
Before and After-Hours Service?
The office will be closed for business
on this public holiday, but by booking
your trip on 9426 8999 you can take
advantage of our 24/7 service to
honour our fallen. Bookings must be
made by 2pm, 23rd April.
Service must be local, please check with your local RSL regarding
Covid-19 Restrictions.
OUR BIGGEST ISSUE YET! - Liverpool Fairfield SWCT Client Social Outing Calendar April to June 2021 - South West Community Transport
                                TUESDAY                    WEDNESDAY                   FRIDAY
                         6th April                  7th April              9th April
                     Western                  Small Group              Club Foodie
                     Sydney Airport           Outing –                 Friday!
                     Tour & Lunch             Balmoral Beach
                          $11                         $5                    $10
           SUNDAY               MONDAY                     THURSDAY             THURSDAY
   11th April           12th April                 15th April             15th April
Scenic Drive:        EMAA Classes             Welcome                  Small Group
Nepean Dam &                                  To EMAA                  Outing –
                                              CAMDEN WOLLONDILLY
Appin Pub                                     SENIORS WEEK ACTIVITY
                                                                       Cockatoo Island
    $11                   $12                        $10                     $5
            FRIDAY                   FRIDAY                 SATURDAY
   16th April           16th April                 17th April
Café Foodie          Captain Cook             Fairfield                 WALKING
Friday!              Senior’s Lunch           Markets                   ALERTS –
                     Cruise                                            MEAN THERE
    $10                                              $11                 MAY BE
                          $87                                            UNEVEN
           SUNDAY               MONDAY                      TUESDAY
     th                    th                         th
                                                                       GROUND AND
   18 April             19 April                   20 April
                                                                        YOU MAY
Seniors              EMAA Classes             Welcome                    HAVE TO
Festival                                      To EMAA                  WALK MORE
Mystery Outing                                SENIORS WEEK ACTIVITY     THAN 100
    TBA                   $12                        $10                 METRES
          THURSDAY                   FRIDAY                SATURDAY
                                                                        Please choose
     nd                    rd                         th
   22 April             23 April                   24 April            the outings that
Symbio Zoo           Pub Foodie               Seniors                      suit your
                     Friday!                  Festival
                                              Mystery Outing
     $48                  $10                       TBA
OUR BIGGEST ISSUE YET! - Liverpool Fairfield SWCT Client Social Outing Calendar April to June 2021 - South West Community Transport
MONDAY                        TUESDAY                      THURSDAY                        FRIDAY
           th                            th                           th                            th
        26 April                     27 April                      29 April                      30 April
   EMAA Classes                 Spotlight &                  Small Group                   Restaurant
                                Lunch                        Outing –                      Foodie Friday!
                                                             Mystery Outing
          $12                          $10                            $5                           $10
                                                                     APRIL HIGHLIGHTS
         6th April. Find out more about the construction of Western Sydney’s airport with
         this driving tour followed by lunch at your cost at the Hubertus Workers Club.
         Cost: $11 Transport

 Captain Cook Senior’s Lunch Cruise
 16th April. Enjoy gorgeous views of the harbor as you enjoy a two-course meal.
 Tickets must be paid by 5th April.
 Cost: $87 ($65 Cruise, $22 Transport)
       17th April. Bag a bargain at one of our most popular market destinations.
       Food available at stalls at client’s own cost.
       Cost: $11 Transport
  18th & 24th April. We’re excited to participate in Seniors Festival this year. Keep an
  eye out for updates as we find activities aimed at promoting senior participation.
  Cost: TBA

22nd April. This family owned and operated zoo located on the Southern outskirts of Sydney is
home to all manner of Australian and exotic animals. Visit this animal park, set amongst
picturesque gardens, and enjoy a jam-packed day of presentations and exotic encounters.
Cost: $48 ($22 Transport, $26 Entry)

Cost: $22 Transport

    *Bookings are contingent on Government Covid-19 social distancing guidelines. Should venues be unavailable, an
    alternative will be made available and we will contact you with changes.
OUR BIGGEST ISSUE YET! - Liverpool Fairfield SWCT Client Social Outing Calendar April to June 2021 - South West Community Transport
             SATURDAY                   SUNDAY              MONDAY                TUESDAY
      1st May                  2nd May               3rd May                4th May
Cobbitty                   Australian            EMAA Classes           Outlet
Markets                    Motorlife                                    Shopping -
                           Museum                                       Bankstown
       $11                      $37                   $12                   $17
                FRIDAY                SATURDAY               MONDAY                TUESDAY
      7th May                  8th May               10th May              11th May
Club Foodie                Saturday              EMAA Classes           Garden Centre
Friday!                    Sports                                       & Lunch
       $10                     TBA                    $12                   $10
             WEDNESDAY                THURSDAY                 FRIDAY             SATURDAY
        th                       th                    th
     12 May                   13 May                 14 May                15th May
Small Group                Western               Café Foodie            Macbeth –
Outing - Manly             Sydney Airport        Friday!                Campbelltown
                           Tour & Lunch                                 Theatre
        $5                      $11                   $10                   $56
               SUNDAY                  MONDAY               THURSDAY                  FRIDAY
        th                       th                    th                    st
     16 May                   17 May                 20 May                21 May
Scenic Drive: La           EMAA Classes          Illawarra Light        Pub Foodie
Perouse                                          Rail Museum            Friday!

       $22                      $12                   $34                   $10
                  FRIDAY              SATURDAY               SUNDAY               MONDAY
        st                      nd                     rd                    th
     21 May                   22 May                 23 May                24 May
Small Group                Vaucluse              Piccolo Farm           EMAA Classes
Outing –                   House                 Tour
Kingsford Light Rail

        $5                      $34                  $26*                   $12
OUR BIGGEST ISSUE YET! - Liverpool Fairfield SWCT Client Social Outing Calendar April to June 2021 - South West Community Transport
TUESDAY                 THURSDAY                 FRIDAY                 SATURDAY
         th                      th                      th                      th
       25 May                 27 May                  28 May                   29 May
  Bunnings &             Small Group             Restaurant               Supper Club -
  Lunch                  Outing -                Foodie Friday!           Rashays
        $10                      $5                     $10                     $11
                                                               MAY HIGHLIGHTS
       30th May              COBBITTY MARKETS
  Scenic Drive               1st May. The Cobbitty Markets are back! Food available at stalls
                             at your own cost.
                             Cost: $11 Transport
        $22               NRMA AUSTRALIAN MOTORLIFE MUSEUM
                          2nd May. The second largest museum and motoring reference library
                          in Australia, home to vehicles and artifacts that are the only surviving
                          pieces of their kind left in the world. Lunch at own cost.
                          Cost: $37 ($15 Entry, $22 Transport)

4th May. Shop til you drop as we take you on a tour of the inner west’s best outlets.
Lunch at your own cost.
Cost: $11 Transport
     8th May. Call today and sign up for your favourite sport. We are recruiting for the NRL,
     Soccer, Basketball and Netball. Food to be purchased at the venue at your own cost.
     Cost: TBA

         13th May. Find out more about the construction of Western Sydney’s airport with this
         driving tour followed by lunch at your cost at the Hubertus Workers.
         Cost: $11 Transport

  15th May. So wither’d and so wild in their attire, the gang at Campbelltown Theatre are at it
  again! Watch Shakespeare’s classic tragedy before enjoying lunch at Wests. Tickets to be paid
  by 5th May.
  Cost: $56 ($45 Entry, $11 Transport)

    20th May. Find out more about the construction of Western Sydney’s airport with this
    driving tour followed by lunch at your cost at the Hubertus Workers.
    Cost: $34 ($12 Entry, $22 Transport)                                 Continued Page 10
OUR BIGGEST ISSUE YET! - Liverpool Fairfield SWCT Client Social Outing Calendar April to June 2021 - South West Community Transport
            TUESDAY                FRIDAY               SATURDAY              SUNDAY
      st                   th                     th                    th
    1 June                4 June                 5 June                6 June
Petting Zoo at        Club Foodie            Mystery Outing        Mount Annan
our Depot             Friday!                                      Sustainable
                                                                   Living Centre
     $21                   $10                    $11                   $36
            MONDAY                TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY               FRIDAY
    7th June              8th June               9th June             11th June
EMAA Classes          Spotlight &            Small Group           Café Foodie
                      Lunch                  Outing -              Friday!
     $12                   $10                     $5                  $10
           SATURDAY               SUNDAY .                                     FRIDAY
      th                    th                                          th
   12 June               13 June                                      18 June
Oakdale               Mystery Outing                               Pub Foodie
Workers                                                            Friday!

     $11                   $11                                         $10
           SATURDAY               SUNDAY                 MONDAY               TUESDAY
    19th June            20th June               21st June            22nd June
Nurses                Scenic Drive:          EMAA Classes          Garden Centre
Museum                National Park                                & Lunch

     $43                   $22                    $12                   $10
           THURSDAY              THURSDAY                 FRIDAY             SATURDAY
      th                    th                     th                   th
    24 June              24 June                25 June               26 June
Sydney Jewish         Small Group            Restaurant            Randwick
Museum                Outing -               Foodie Friday!        Racecourse
     $38                    $5                    $10                  TBA
OUR BIGGEST ISSUE YET! - Liverpool Fairfield SWCT Client Social Outing Calendar April to June 2021 - South West Community Transport
SUNDAY                  TUESDAY
      27th June               29th June
  Hamilton the            Penrith Plaza

        $92                     $22
                                                       JUNE HIGHLIGHTS
      1st June. Cuteness Overload! Join us at the SWCT depot for some animal therapy
      and other activities before having lunch at Raby Tavern. Lunch at own cost.
      Cost: $21 ($10 For Pats, $11 Transport)

                  MYSTERY OUTING
                  5th & 13th June. Something local, something fun. Feeling adventurous? Book
                  now! Lunch will be at own cost.
                  Cost: $11

6th June. Learn about renewable energy production, energy and water efficiency, waste
management and recycling and biodiversity. Take a tour before having lunch at Mount
Annan Flowerpower’s café at your own cost. Tickets must be paid by 21st May.
Cost: $36 ($25 Tour, $11 Transport)
              OAKDALE WORKERS
              12th June. Look forward to one of the best Chinese buffets in town! Lunch at
              own cost.
              Cost: $11 Transport

          19th June. Let’s take a drive to Little Bay and learn the history of Australia’s
          nursing and medical industry. Lunch will be at own cost.
          Cost: $43 (Entry $21, $22 Transport)
24th June. Documenting     the holocaust, the history of the Jewish people and human rights
            Cost: $11 Transport
issues, visit this world class museum, after stopping nearby for lunch. Lunch at own cost.
Tickets must be paid by 28th May.
Cost: $38 ($16 Entry, $22 Transport)

    26th June. Royal Randwick Race Day is like no other, attracting the most sophisticated
    and stylish. Lunch at own cost. Tickets must be paid by 10th June.
    Cost: TBA
                                                                       Continued Page 11
    Cost: $11 Transport
OUR BIGGEST ISSUE YET! - Liverpool Fairfield SWCT Client Social Outing Calendar April to June 2021 - South West Community Transport
Our travel trainer, Sharon is running low impact exercise classes for seniors. Easy Moves for
Active Aging focus on core exercises to safely promote flexibility, strength and balance in
older adults. These will be fun days held at our depot where you will do a bit of exercise,
then enjoy Morning or Afternoon Tea with friends. EMAA is running EVERY Monday.

                                            Contact our bookings staff for more information
                                            or book now!

                                                   INDEPENDENT SOCIALS
As part of our commitment to promoting wellness and independence, we are excited to
offer you regular social outings where we provide transport to a shopping or lunch venue
and empower you to conduct your own social experience.
Take advantage of our fortnightly trips to your local Bunnings, Spotlight or Garden Centre
to plan your shopping and grab a bite for lunch afterwards at the local club.

22nd May. One of Sydney’s few 19th century mansions still surrounded by its original
gardens and wooded grounds. Experience living history at Australia’s first house
museum. Limited numbers, payment to be made by 4th May. Lunch will be at own cost.
Cost: $34 ($12 Entry, $22 Transport)
Cost: $1123    May. Come for a tour of this local working farm at Thirlmere before
         stopping at some farm gate stalls for some fresh produce. Then grab lunch at
         Tahmoor Inn. Lunch and additional purchases at own cost.
         Cost: $26* (Tour $15, $11 Transport) *Price to be confirmed

  29th May. Back$11 Transport
                 by popular  request, Rashay’s! Catch up with old mates or make
  some new friends. This is an evening event. Dinner will be at own cost.
  Cost: $11 Transport
Join Sharon and Keith on our highly popular Small Group Outings!
This is an outing for those interested in travelling on public transport, using your Opal
Card, for a day out somewhere!
Contact the office and register your interest! This is an expression of interest only. All
bookings must be confirmed by Sharon or Keith. Check out the dates listed in this
calendar marked Small Group Outing then let us know which dates you are available
We will contact you with the outing details as places become available.
Travel on public transport involved. Opal Card required.

•   Balmoral
•   Cockatoo Island
•   Manly
•   Kingsford Light Rail
Availability of dates and outings may be
subject to numbers and mobility.
Additional dates may be scheduled
dependent on numbers and interest.
Calling the booking line is an Expression
of interest. Bookings are not final until
confirmed by Sharon or Keith.

                                            JUNE HIGHLIGHTS CONTINUED
       27th June. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s award-winning musical of the unlikely founding
       father determined to make his mark on the new nation has finally come to
       Australia. Tickets must be paid by 10th June.
       Cost: $92 ($70 Ticket, $22 Transport)

29th June. Do$11
                    window shopping, stock up on winter woollies or just meet
for a coffee. Westfields Penrith is your one stop hub! Lunch will be at own cost.
Cost: $22 Transport

Cost: $11 Transport
                 Grab Ice Cream near the Light House, explore the
                        tree-tops at Minnamurra falls and visit the
                                    seaside before it gets too cold!

                            A scenic drive through Kangaroo Valley, wine tasting and
                            historic tours. Enjoy picture perfect villages and rolling
                            hills right on our back doorstep!

          We head to northern beaches to cruise past Summer
        Bay, Barrenjoey Headland and Ettalong at the beginning
                                   of Whale Watching season!

                                                  SCENIC DRIVES
What could be better than the open road and a new adventure waiting? We have a range
of Scenic Drives this quarter to sate your wanderlust. All we charge for Scenic Drives is a
transport fee. We take you to see the sites, stop for lunch, leave some time for exploration
and get you back home before dinner! So, what are you waiting for? Check out this
                                                          quarters range of Scenic Drives!
                                                         11th April:   Nepean Dam
                                                         16th May:     La Perouse
                                                         30th May:     Mystery
                                                         20th June:    National Park
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