OPEN MINUTES Manurewa Local Board - Thursday, 16 September ...

Page created by Carolyn Walker
Manurewa Local Board
                                OPEN MINUTES

Minutes of a meeting of the Manurewa Local Board held via Skype for Business on Thursday, 16
September 2021 at 6.04pm. Either a recording or written summary will be uploaded on the Auckland
Council website


 Chairperson                     Joseph Allan
 Deputy Chairperson              Melissa Moore
 Members                         Anne Candy
                                 Tabetha Gorrie
                                 Rangi McLean
                                 Glenn Murphy
                                 Ken Penney
                                 Dave Pizzini


 Councillor                      Angela Dalton


 Councillor                      Daniel Newman, JP      Until 7.44pm, Item 14
 Independent Māori Statutory     Glenn Wilcox
 Board Member
Manurewa Local Board
16 September 2021

1     Welcome

      Independent Māori Statutory Board Member Glenn Wilcox led the meeting in a karakia.

2     Apologies

          Resolution number MR/2021/139
          MOVED by Member R McLean, seconded by Member G Murphy:
          That the Manurewa Local Board:
          a)    whakaae / accept the apology from Councillor Angela Dalton for absence.

3     Declaration of Interest

      There were no declarations of interest.

4     Confirmation of Minutes

          Resolution number MR/2021/140
          MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member R McLean:
          That the Manurewa Local Board:
          a)    whakakoia / confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 19
                August 2021, as true and correct.

5     Leave of Absence

      There were no leaves of absence.

6     Acknowledgements

          6.1   Acknowledgement - the Manurewa Community
                Resolution number MR/2021/141
                MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member R McLean:
                That the Manurewa Local Board:
                a)    whakamihi / acknowledge the Manurewa community during the current
                      Delta variant COVID-19 level four and lockdown.
                      Our front-line essential services workers have once again selflessly put
                      themselves at increased risk in hospitals, supermarkets, pharmacies, on
                      our streets, on public transport, and across our community.
                      We acknowledge the personal sacrifices people have made through self-
                      isolation such as not being able to visit sick friends and relatives, or
                      attend births and funerals. Our thoughts go out to the families who have
                      loved ones with COVID-19 in intensive care units.

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16 September 2021

                     We acknowledge our healthcare workers in the outstanding work they
                     have been doing to vaccinate our community.
                     We also acknowledge the significant challenges and financial burdens
                     this outbreak has caused on many of our people as the result of reduced
                     incomes and business closures.
                     Thank you again to the community organisations that have mobilised as
                     essential services to offer support and wraparound to our most
                     vulnerable communities living in Manurewa and surrounding suburbs.
                     Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui.

          6.2   Acknowledgement - Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori
                Resolution number MR/2021/142
                MOVED by Member R McLean, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Moore:
                That the Manurewa Local Board:
                a)    whakamihi / acknowledge Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori which is being held
                      from 13-19 September 2021. Māori Language Week has been celebrated
                      each year since 1975. The revitalisation of te reo Māori is a movement
                      that continues to this day. Kia kaha te reo Māori.

          6.3   Acknowledgement - Council Staff
                Resolution number MR/2021/143
                MOVED by Member K Penney, seconded by Member A Candy:
                That the Manurewa Local Board:
                a)    whakamihi / acknowledge council staff in particular Local Board Services
                      for their work.

7     Petitions

      There were no petitions.

8     Deputations

          8.1   Deputation - Belong Aotearoa
                Resolution number MR/2021/144
                MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Moore:
                That the Manurewa Local Board:
                a)   mihi / thank Malu Malo-Fuiava and Najira Khanam from Belong Aotearoa
                     for their attendance and presentation.

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16 September 2021

9     Public Forum

      There was no public forum.

10    Extraordinary Business

      There was no extraordinary business.

11    Manurewa Youth Council Quarter Three Update
      Resolution number MR/2021/145
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member K Penney:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   riro / receive the Manurewa Youth Council quarterly update.

12    Governing Body Members' Update
      Councillor Daniel Newman’s written update was tabled at the meeting. A copy has been
      placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a
      minutes attachment.
      Resolution number MR/2021/146
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Moore:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   riro / receive the written and verbal update from Councillor Daniel Newman
      b)   invite Independent Māori Statutory Board Member Glenn Wilcox to address the
      A 16 September 2021, Manurewa Local Board - Item 12 Governing Body Members'
          Update - Councillor Daniel Newman Written Update

13    Members' Update
      Resolution number MR/2021/147
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member K Penney:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   riro / receive the verbal updates from Members Melissa Moore, Rangi McLean,
           Dave Pizzini and Anne Candy.

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16 September 2021

14    Chairperson's Update
      Resolution number MR/2021/148
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member G Murphy:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)      riro / receive the verbal report from the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson.

15    Wiri Bridge - Capital Works
      Resolution number MR/2021/149
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member D Pizzini:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)      whakaae / approve the concept design of the Wiri Bridge, Wiri as per
              Attachment A.

16    Auckland Transport – Local Board Transport Capital Fund Report September 2021
      Resolution number MR/2021/150
      MOVED by Member K Penney, seconded by Member R McLean:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)      request that Auckland Transport commits $880,000 from the Local Board
              Transport Capital Fund to the following:
              i)     Roys Road traffic calming measures $170,000
              ii)    Dennis Avenue and David Avenue pedestrian safety $450,000
              iii)   Finlayson Avenue traffic calming $260,000
      b)      defer the remainder of the Local Board Transport Capital Fund allocation for
              consideration at a further workshop and business meeting.

17    Local board feedback on Auckland Transport's Parking Strategy Review
      Resolution number MR/2021/151
      MOVED by Member K Penney, seconded by Chairperson J Allan:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)      whakaae / agree the following feedback on the review of Auckland Transport’s
              Parking Strategy, ahead of public consultation on the review.
          Relevance to the Manurewa Local Board
          Manurewa Local Board Plan 2020
          The Manurewa Local Board Plan 2020 contains a dedicated outcome relating to

          Outcome 4: Our safe and accessible network provides transport options to meet
          community needs

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Manurewa Local Board
16 September 2021

          We have the following aspirations:
            • We move easily around Manurewa, well-connected by links between public
                transport, walkways, cycleways and local roads.
            • Our efficient transport system boosts the local economy and we’re
                healthier for choosing more active ways of getting around.
          We want to keep Manurewa moving. We know people want to be able to get to
          work, school and other destinations on time. As such we will continue our
          advocacy to AT for road infrastructure that keeps traffic moving and improves the
          efficiency of key transport routes.

          Providing transport choices will become even more important as we look to meet
          the challenges of climate change and increased road congestion due to rapid
          development. Manurewa has more residents travelling to work in private vehicles
          than anywhere else in the region.

          To change this, we need alternative methods of transport to be attractive,
          affordable and accessible. We’re aiming for better transport connections across
          our area, joining parks and community facilities, transport hubs, town centres
          and industrial areas.

          The Manurewa and Clendon shopping centres provide valuable services,
          including doctors, libraries, banks and pharmacies. It is imperative we increase
          the frequency and capacity of trains and buses to and from these town centres,
          and improve our cycleways, linking more of our communities to public transport

          Our feedback is reflective of the fact that until this is achieved, our residents will
          continue to be forced to use private cars. As such, our feedback reflects possible
          implications for our community we want considered as part of the review of the
          AT Parking Strategy.

          Topic                Local board feedback
          Comprehensive        Any development or updating of a CPMP for Manurewa must
          Parking              be undertaken in partnership with the local board, the
          Management           community and key stakeholders. We acknowledge the need
          Plans (CPMP)         for consistent guidelines and approaches but reinforce the
                               fact that ‘one size does not fit all’, and that local needs must
                               be taken into account.
          Parking for          Aucklanders have not yet made the shift required to fully
          different types of   utilise our transport network. In order for people to
          transport            relinquish their dependency on cars, the public transport
                               system needs to be reliable, frequent, affordable, accessible
                               and convenient. This may include identifying and delivering
                               opportunities to promote alternatives in the suburbs
                               experiencing intensification and in new subdivisions, such
                                 • localised Cityhop type car system
                                 • vehicle hire
                                 • on demand ride share options
                                 • on-site parking for bicycles and motorbikes.

                               One in four people have a disability and one in ten have a
                               mobility disability. Given the current required number of
                               accessible carparks versus general carpark requirements, it

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16 September 2021

                                must be assumed a number of people with moderate mobility
                                issues are using general carparks.

                                If the Parking Strategy impacts general carparking, people
                                with moderate mobility issues, who would have otherwise
                                utilised such carparks to enable access, will not have the
                                same level of access.

                                Any accessible carpark requirements should be based on
                                the number of dwellings and/or number of residents in any
                                given local area. It should not be based on current
                                requirements for accessible carparks.

                                The Parking Strategy must also be supported with
                                alternatives for people that work at different hours than the
                                availability of public transport (for example, night shifts) and
                                not applied as a ‘one size fits all’. Many in our community
                                work at night across Auckland as cleaners, caregivers etc. It
                                is simply not realistic to expect these people to fulfil their
                                commitments using the current public transport network.

                                A high percentage of low-income shift workers in Manurewa,
                                who rely on private vehicles to get to work throughout the
                                region, are subsidising regional transport infrastructure,
                                such as completion of the City Rail Link, infrastructure which
                                they are unlikely to ever use, through paying the fuel tax. To
                                require them to pay metered parking while working
                                exacerbates this inequity.
          Event                 The board does not have feedback on this item.
          Regulation            We do not want to see the introduction of parking meters in
          (including pricing)   the Manurewa and Clendon town centres. This would create
                                a significant disincentive for local customers, thereby
                                impacting local businesses.

                                We do support clear messaging about any parking changes,
                                and that any messaging effectively reaches our diverse
                                community members. We want to avoid a situation where
                                families are penalised unwittingly through lack of
                                knowledge, impacting on weekly budgets.
          Technology for        The board does not have feedback on this item.
          Park and Ride         The board does not support charging for parking at park and
          provision and         ride venues in our local board area. The public transport
          pricing               network must offer effective links such as frequent feeder
                                services or specialised services such as on-demand ride
                                share services to our train station and transport hubs to
                                enable people to leave their cars at home. Until this happens,
                                as mentioned elsewhere, the board does not want to see its
                                community penalised for something outside of its control.

                                The priorities of the Parking Strategy should encourage
                                behavioural change over time, rather than focus on any
                                revenue gathering.

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16 September 2021

                               The board suggests that if charges for parking at park and
                               rides needs to be implemented at some point, this should
                               start in the city and emanate out, taking a staggered
                               approach over time.
          Compliance and       Manurewa has an ongoing issue with large trucks parking in
          enforcement          residential streets overnight. This is causing unnecessary
                               safety issues around schools and for residents attempting to
                               leave their properties safely.

                               If any consideration is given to compliance and enforcement,
                               the board requests this issue be addressed as a means of
                               urgency through the review of the Parking Strategy.
          Management of        Housing developments are progressively forcing people to
          on-street and off-   park on local streets, laneways, footpaths and on berms.
          street parking       This is exacerbated by there being a lack of visitor parking.
                               In addition, local roads are becoming increasingly narrow.
                               This is having a compounding impact on our residents.

                               Our community is having to deal with the threat of car break-
                               ins and thefts, safety issues, accidents, lack of access by
                               emergency, delivery and utility vehicles, risks to children
                               playing, and creating barriers for people with access needs.
                               The board feels strongly that minimum road widths should
                               be reconsidered and widened, with these impacts in mind.

                               The board supports the idea of incentivising business
                               owners to cater for on-site staff carparking or provision of
                               alternative travel options for their staff. The board does not
                               support the idea of penalising businesses who are unable to
                               cater for the above.

                               The board does not support the introduction of parking
                               meters in the Manurewa and Clendon town centres as it
                               would create a significant disincentive for local customers
                               and impact local businesses.

          Discussion and       The board feels the Parking Strategy is framed in the context
          direction on the     of those who have access to a range of transport options
          degree, extent and   which is not the reality for many in Manurewa. Specifically,
          timing of parking    the options given in the slide do not address the diversity of
          policy change (as    communities in Tāmaki-Makaurau, varied levels of access to
          per slide 14 in      rapid transport, available active mode infrastructure, and
          workshop             ability to cope with increased charges.
                               We would not support expansion of paid parking in areas of
                               high deprivation and limited public transport services. To do
                               so would unfairly target communities with the least ability to
                               adapt to the change (ie. absorb the additional charges) and
                               with no practical alternative option.

                               Expansion of paid parking areas and increases in prices
                               should be limited to communities that already have an
                               abundance of public transport options, including rapid
                               transport networks and active mode cycleways.

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16 September 2021

                              Removal of carparks to further the development of a rapid
                              transport network would be supported. In particular,
                              communities in the west of Manurewa are geographically
                              isolated from the rapid transit network and an Airport-
                              Clendon-Manurewa rapid transit bus link would enable them
                              to enjoy the advantages and access that others in Tāmaki-
                              Makaurau have by virtue of where they live.

                              With respect to active mode transport, we see the change
                              coming in the form of projects such as the Māngere East and
                              Manukau Cycling Project and the Waka Kotahi Southern Path
                              Cycleway. These are both wonderful options north and south
                              of our local board area, but nothing as yet for the community
                              of Manurewa located in between.

                              The gaps in both the rapid public network and active mode
                              network must be addressed before carparking options are
                              removed, reduced or charges introduced.
          Are there any       The board notes its concern that we appear to be moving to
          particular issues   a model that will make the cost/logistics of car ownership
          that aren’t         prohibitive. We also note the potential consequences to
          currently being     communities who drive by necessity, not choice, because of
          addressed           current public transport inequality.
          through the
          Strategy that       We have a population of almost 100,000 people, housing the
          should be?          highest number of Māori in Auckland, and Pasifika making
                              up our highest percentage of residents. Many in our
                              community have limited transport options, and/or face
                              financial hardship.

                              To provide everyone their fundamental right to access the
                              economic, cultural, and social fabric of Tāmaki Makaurau, it
                              is imperative that planning and funding of transport
                              connections such as an Airport-Clendon-Manurewa rapid
                              transit bus link and an effective and connected transport
                              network, is in place prior to the implementation of any
                              aspects of the revised Parking Strategy. Transport modes
                              need to be attractive and easy to use accommodating the
                              needs of all residents living in Manurewa.
          Are there any       As expressed elsewhere in our feedback, any momentum in
          themes in parking   the implementation of the Parking Strategy must be aligned
          management          with available practical public transport options on a
          issues that could   neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood basis. The rate of change
          inform policy       in the inner city, where there is an abundance of public
          development?        transport options, active mode cycleways, pathways and
                              other networks is not reflected in suburbs such as

                              Any changes that may become mandated in the Parking
                              Strategy should not be applied to communities with high
                              deprivation or limited public transport options until these
                              limitations are resolved. To do so would be inequitable.

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16 September 2021

          Additional comments
          While the Auckland Transport Parking Strategy does not cover the work being
          undertaken on the National Policy Statement - Urban Development - removing
          parking minimums, the board feels the two cannot operate independently of each
          other. There are significant implications in both, and they need to be considered
          in unison.


18    Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki
      Resolution number MR/2021/152
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member D Pizzini:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)      whakaae / agree the following feedback on the draft Business Improvement
              District Policy (2021) and supporting documents by 1 October 2021.

          BID Policy 2021   Description                        Local board feedback
          Issue             BID Policy (2021) focuses on       The board supports the
          resolution        resolving gaps identified with     additions to the BID Policy
          Section 3.5       issues resolution in the BID       (2021) in relation to issues
                            Policy 2016.                       management. However, it
                            2021 Policy improves the ability   suggests the maximum
          requirement 24
                            to resolve an issue with a clear   timeframe of 12 months to
                            process and in a timely manner.    resolve issues is too long, and
                                                               that a 6 month timeframe
                                                               would be more suitable.
          BID               Replaces the current BID           The board supports this
          Programme         Programme Agreement (2016).        change.
          Funding           This document is based on the
          Agreement         standard council funding
          (2021)            agreement template.
          Section 3.1,
          Attachment B.
          requirement 18
          Size and scale    Minimum BID targeted rate grant    While the board supports this
          of BID            of $120,000 for all newly          change in principle, it notes
          programmes        establishing BID programmes        that business associations
          Section 1.4       (same as current policy).          operating BID programmes are
                            Requirement for BIDs currently     often partners in delivering
                            receiving less than $120,000 pa    key economic outcomes
          requirement 3
                            in target rate to move towards     aligned to local board plans. If
          and 4
                            that amount over five-year         a BID programme is operating
                            period. Options to achieve this    under the $120,000 threshold,
                            provided.                          without the need to rely on
                                                               ongoing funding support from
                            Direct response to local board
                                                               local boards, the board would
                            informal feedback to concerns
                                                               not like to see it penalised by
                            in needing to continually fund
                                                               this new requirement.

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16 September 2021

                            non-financially sustainable BID
          Exceptional or    To identify the options should       The board supports the option
          unexpected        an event impact on a BID             to be responsive and flexible
          circumstances     balloting process. Council may,      as appropriate.
          affecting a BID   at its discretion, depart from the
          ballot            requirement set out in section
          Section 3.4.2     2.4 (25% of total voting forms
                            must be returned for the ballot
                            to be valid).

                            Council will consider evidence
                            of support to date, what is fair
                            and any impact from amending
                            the voting threshold mandate.
          BID operating     These supporting documents        The board supports this
          business          were included as part of the BID change.
          association       Policy (2016). The proposal is to
          constitution      remove them from being part of
          and board         the BID Policy (2021).
          charter           Constitution and Charter still
          (template 2016)   required but there is opportunity
          sitting outside   for these documents to be
          of the BID        amended to better suit local
          Policy 2021       needs.
          Section 1.1 and
                            Final versions of documents
          Policy            must not be inconsistent with
          requirement 12    the BID Policy (2021). Template
                            documents are provided on the
          Other council     Taking a council wide view on        The board supports this and
          funding           risk regarding BID-operating         acknowledges business
          Section 2.3.4     business associations that are       associations sometimes
                            receiving funding from other         deliver a range of other
                            parts of council, in addition to     initiatives such as
          requirement 16
                            the BID targeted rate grant.         placemaking, in addition to
                                                                 economic activities.
                            The draft BID Policy
                            acknowledges other council
                            funding grants allocated to BID-
                            operating business associations
                            and requires full accountability
                            for these other grants.
          Local boards –    No change from BID Policy            No comment
          other roles       (2016). Wording updated with
          Section 2.5.3     reference to elected members’
                            code of conduct (2021).

          BID Annual        Name change from BID Annual          No comment
          Accountability    Accountability Agreement
          Report (2021)     (2016).

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          Section 3.2.
          Attachment C      Updated to include BID targeted
          Policy            rate grant amount and copy of
          requirement 22    AGM resolution.
          Audit –           Sliding scale of audit options     The board supports this
          provision for a   proposed, in recognition of        change.
          review audit or   increased risk and reporting
          full audit        requirements based on the
          Section 3.2       amount of targeted rate

                            BID targeted rate grants less
                            than $200,000 p.a. must
                            commission a review audit
                            BID targeted rate grants more
                            than $200,000 p.a. must
                            commission a full audit
          Rating            Proposal to increase the        The board supports this
          mechanism -       maximum flat rate amount from   change, noting that any
          Flat rate         $500 to $900 per rateable       decision is made by affected
          Section 3.1.2     property.                       BID affiliates via the business
                                                            association operating the BID.
                            To provide more flexibility for The board recommends the
                            BID-operating business          words “up to” be included
                            associations when considering   before the figure $900+GST in
                            BID programme budgets and the both the flat rate method and
                            impact of BID targeted rates on the hybrid method.


19    Local board feedback on the kerbside refuse charging mechanism policy
      Resolution number MR/2021/153
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Moore:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)      whakaae / agree the following feedback on the kerbside refuse charging model
              policy review.

          Topic                                   Local board feedback

          Based on council policies, such as      The board agrees that these are all
          the Waste Management and                priorities that should be considered in
          Minimisation Plan 2018 and Te-          reviewing how to charge for rubbish
          Tāruke-Ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s            collection services.
          Climate Plan, the key priorities when
                                                  However, we believe that there are
          considering how to charge for
                                                  additional priorities that should also be
          rubbish collection services are:
                                                  taken into consideration (see comments
             1. Waste minimisation –              below).
                minimises waste to landfill
             2. Cost – both to the council and
                to the consumer

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16 September 2021

             3. Equity – providing a service
                that is accessible for
                everyone regardless of
                income and location
             4. Climate change – has the
                lowest impact on Auckland’s
                greenhouse gas emissions
          Do you agree with these priorities?
          Comments on key priorities            The board suggests that the following
                                                priorities should also be taken into
                                                   •   Environmental impact, including the
                                                       impact of illegally dumped rubbish
                                                       contaminating waterways.
                                                   •   Social impact, including:
                                                          o   the effect of residents,
                                                              particularly children, seeing
                                                              large amounts of illegally
                                                              dumped waste in their
                                                              neighbourhoods (impact on
                                                              community pride)
                                                          o   the impact on low-income
                                                              households, who have less
                                                              capacity to adapt to changes
                                                              in policy.
                                                   •   Public health impacts from residents
                                                       who are unable to afford to dispose
                                                       of waste, storing it within their
                                                The board believes that the question of the
                                                cost of this policy should be assessed
                                                more broadly than just the direct costs to
                                                council and the consumer in paying for the
                                                service. Changes in charging mechanisms
                                                also create additional costs such as the
                                                costs of collecting illegally dumped waste
                                                and cleaning up environmental
                                                contamination from dumped waste.
                                                During the current Auckland Covid-19
                                                lockdown, we are noticing an increase in
                                                the generation of waste due to families who
                                                are at home all day, being unable to cope
                                                with the size of the smaller red lid rubbish
                                                bins and the fortnightly pick up of
                                                recycling. This is particularly so for large
                                                families. As well as any public health risk
                                                this presents, it also compounds stress
                                                levels for our community at this time. The
                                                board recommends staff consider
                                                identifying contingencies such as an
                                                increase in the size of bins, and/or an
                                                increase to service levels during lockdown

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16 September 2021

                                                  periods and/or during any natural disaster,
                                                  to mitigate any increased waste generation.
                                                  Social and environmental costs, such as
                                                  those mentioned above, should be taken
                                                  into consideration in addition to financial
          What is the most desirable aspect of    The current system of paying for rubbish
          the way your residents currently pay    collections through rates is simple and
          to have their rubbish collected?        easy for residents. There is no need to
                                                  remember to purchase tags or to attach
                                                  them to bins for collection. There is also no
                                                  risk of tags to be stolen, damaged, lost or
                                                  otherwise removed from bins, resulting in
                                                  bins not being emptied.
                                                  The weekly frequency of rubbish
                                                  collections is necessary for, and
                                                  appreciated by, our community.
          What is the least desirable aspect of   There is a limited ability to cater for
          the way your residents currently pay    different household circumstances. With
          to have their rubbish collected?        the exception of a small variation in the size
                                                  of bin provided, the same service is
                                                  provided to households regardless of the
                                                  number of residents or age breakdown of
                                                  the household.
                                                  Even for households that are carrying out
                                                  best practice in waste reduction, there will
                                                  always be a significant difference in the
                                                  levels of waste being produced by, for
                                                  example, a young family with several small
                                                  children, and single person living alone.
                                                  The limitations that bin sizes place on
                                                  amounts of waste that can be collected
                                                  weekly is problematic for some
                                                  households. This has led to increased
                                                  amounts of waste being dumped illegally or
                                                  stored in residents’ homes.
                                                  The changes to the inorganic rubbish
                                                  collection that have reduced the amount of
                                                  waste that can be collected have also
                                                  exacerbated these issues. Many residents
                                                  find the booking system difficult to use,
                                                  and if they are successful in making a
                                                  booking, often only a portion of the rubbish
                                                  will be collected due to item eligibility or
                                                  exceeding total volume allowed.

          Additional comments

             •   The board has previously opposed the introduction of the pay-as-you-throw
                 (PAYT) funding model for kerbside refuse collection in Manurewa.

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Manurewa Local Board
16 September 2021

           •   The board supports undertaking a review of the current policy within the
               Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018 to expand the PAYT
               funding model across the Auckland region.
           •   The board believes that the introduction of the PAYT funding model in
               Manurewa would exacerbate the current issues with illegal dumping and
               inability of residents to dispose of waste.
           •   The board requests that the current, rates-funded model be retained for
               Manurewa, and that the traditional inorganic rubbish collection service, with
               no requirement to book a collection date and no limitations on the amount
               of waste to be collected, is restored.
           •   The board supports ongoing education on waste reduction to increase
               residents’ capacity to make the best use of the recycling and (where it is
               available) food scraps collection services. Waste reduction education
               programmes have a focus on communities who have the lowest capacity to
               adapt to changes in waste management policy, and should be regionally
               funded. Local boards should not need to use their Locally Driven Initiatives
               (LDI) funding to address the unintended consequences of regional policies.
               We believe that the current waste minimisation plan has created a situation
               where boards have had to pick up these costs.
           •   The board does not support reducing the frequency of household rubbish
               collection services in Manurewa to fortnightly.
           •   The board believes that there is a need to provide residents with a range of
               options for disposing of waste that recognise the diversity of needs
               between households. These could include: access to local recycling
               centres; periodically placing skips or bins in neighbourhoods to allow for
               disposal of inorganic waste without the need to make a booking or place
               limitations on the amount of waste that can be collected (similar to the ‘Neat
               Streets’ programme); or other services.


20    Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua - Age-friendly Auckland Action Plan
      Resolution number MR/2021/154
      MOVED by Member R McLean, seconded by Member G Murphy:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   tautoko / support the draft Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua – Age-friendly Auckland
           Action Plan
      b)   tuhipoka / note the local board is active in the provision of projects and
           initiatives that contribute to the draft Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua – Age-friendly
           Auckland Action Plan. Examples include:
               i)   funding pools and leisure access for targeted groups including older
               ii) offering the Life-long learning fund
               iii) resourcing activity that raises awareness of the needs of older people
                    and supports participation and inclusion of seniors across the
               iv) funding initiatives that respond to the needs of older residents to
                   support positive social outcomes and wellbeing

Minutes                                                                               Page 16
Manurewa Local Board
16 September 2021

              v) funding the Manurewatanga shuttle bus that enables older people (and
                 others) to access the Manurewa town centre easily
              vi) provision of community grants four times a year
              vii) exploring options for providing exercise opportunities for all age groups
                   and abilities, including seniors in our parks.

21    Public feedback on proposal to amend the Animal Management Bylaw 2015
      Resolution number MR/2021/155
      MOVED by Member G Murphy, seconded by Member K Penney:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   riro / receive the public feedback on the proposal to amend Te Kaunihera o
           Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture-ā-rohe Tiaki Kararehe 2015 / Auckland Council
           Animal Management Bylaw 2015 and associated controls in this agenda report
      b)   mihi / thank those members of the public who took the time to provide their
           views on Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture-ā-rohe Tiaki Kararehe 2015 /
           Auckland Council Animal Management Bylaw 2015 and associated controls in
           this agenda report
      c)   provide the following views on how the Bylaw Panel should address matters
           raised in public feedback to the proposal in recommendation (a) to assist the
           Bylaw Panel in its deliberations:
             Topic         Description              Local board views
             Proposal 1    Require an approval to   The local board does not support
                           keep more than two       proposal 1 for the following
                           standard beehives on     reasons:
                           urban premises with a
                                                       •   we recognise the
                           land area of less than
                                                           environmental benefit of bees
                           2000 square metres
                                                           as part of our natural
                           (no approval currently
                                                           ecosystem, particularly in an
                                                           urban setting
                                                       •   we are concerned that new
                                                           charges would see the
                                                           reduction of existing
                                                       •   we support existing
                                                           beekeepers with more than
                                                           two established beehives to
                                                           be able to retain these
                                                           beehives without the need to
                                                           seek approval nor be subject
                                                           to any licence charge, on the
                                                           provisio they are not causing
                                                           public nuisance
                                                       •   we encourage residents who
                                                           encounter issues with bees
                                                           to report these to the council.
                                                    The board acknowledges the need
                                                    to minimise bee-related nuisance in
                                                    areas with growing population

Minutes                                                                            Page 17
Manurewa Local Board
16 September 2021

                                                  density while still allowing for the
                                                  keeping of bees in urban areas.
           Proposal 2   Incorporate rules from    The local board supports moving
                        another bylaw about       the rules about feeding of animals
                        the feeding of animals    on private property from the
                        on private property.      Property Maintenance and Nuisance
                                                  Bylaw to the Animal Management
           Proposal 3   Update the definitions,   The local board supports
                        structure, format and     improvements to the bylaw that
                        wording of the Bylaw      make it clearer and easier to
                        and controls.             understand by those seeking to
                                                  operate within it.
           Other        Other bylaw-related       No comment
                        matters raised in
                        public feedback and
                        other additional


Minutes                                                                           Page 18
Manurewa Local Board
16 September 2021

22    Public feedback on proposal to make a new Public Trading Events and Filming Bylaw
      Resolution number MR/2021/156
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member R McLean:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   riro / receive public feedback on the proposal to make a new Te Kaunihera o
           Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture ā-Rohe Tauhokohoko, Whakahaerenga me te Tango
           Kiriata Tūmatanui 2022 / Auckland Council Public Trading, Events and Filming
           Bylaw 2022 in this agenda report
      b)   mihi / thank those members of the public who took the time to provide their
           views on the proposal to make a new Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture
           ā-Rohe Tauhokohoko, Whakahaerenga me te Tango Kiriata Tūmatanui 2022 /
           Auckland Council Public Trading, Events and Filming Bylaw 2022
      c)   provide the following views on how the Bylaw Panel should address matters
           raised in public feedback to the proposal in recommendation (a) to assist the
           Bylaw Panel in its deliberations:
            Topic          Description                        Local board views
            Proposal 1     Continue to regulate trading,      The local board supports an
                           events and filming in a similar    approach that ensures the
                           way to the current Bylaw.          bylaw is sensible,
                                                              reasonable, fair and
            Proposal 2     Clarify the need for rental        The local board supports
                           micromobility devices to be        measures that mitigate risk
                           approved under their own           to public safety.
                           licence instead of a mobile
                           shop licence as they currently
            Proposal 3     Clarify which activities require   The local board supports
                           an approval, don’t require an      improvements to the bylaw
                           approval as long as certain        that make it clearer and
                           conditions are met, and are not    easier to understand by
                           addressed in the Bylaw.            those seeking to operate
                                                              within it on public land.
            Proposal 4     Update the title, structure,       The local board supports
                           format, definitions, and           improvements to the bylaw
                           wording to ensure that a new       that make it clearer and
                           bylaw is easier to read,           easier to understand by
                           understand and comply with.        those seeking to operate
                                                              within it on public land.
            Other          Other bylaw-related matters        No comment
                           raised in public feedback and
                           other additional matters.


Minutes                                                                            Page 19
Manurewa Local Board
16 September 2021

23    Public feedback on proposal to amend the Water Supply and Wastewater Network
      Bylaw 2015
      Resolution number MR/2021/157
      MOVED by Member K Penney, seconded by Member G Murphy:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)      riro / receive public feedback on the proposal to amend the Te Kaunihera o
              Tāmaki Makaurau Ture ā Rohe Whakarato Wai me te Pae Kōtuitui Wai Para /
              Auckland Council Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015 in this
              agenda report.

24    Addition to the 2019-2022 Manurewa Local Board meeting schedule
      Resolution number MR/2021/158
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member K Penney:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)      whakaae / approve the addition of three meeting dates to the 2019-2022
              Manurewa Local Board meeting schedule to accommodate the Annual Budget
              2022/2023 timeframes as follows:
                 •   Thursday, 2 December 2021, 6.00pm
                 •   Thursday, 12 May 2022, 6.00pm
                 •   Thursday, 23 June 2022, 6.00pm.

25    For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board
      Resolution number MR/2021/159
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member A Candy:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)      riro / receive the following information from the Governing Body committee
              meetings, Council Controlled Organisations, forums or other local board

          No. Report Title                Item     Meeting Date     Governing Body
                                          no.                       Committee or Council
                                                                    Organisation or Forum
                                                                    or Local Board
          1    Notice of Motion -         13       20 July 2021     Waitematā Local
               Member Graeme                                        Board resolutions
               Gunthorp - Liberate the                              circulated to all local
               lane                                                 boards for their
          2    Proposal to make a new     15       18 August 2021   Kaipātiki Local Board
               Freedom Camping in                                   resolutions circulated
               Vehicles Bylaw                                       to all local boards for
                                                                    their information

Minutes                                                                               Page 20
Manurewa Local Board
16 September 2021


26    Manurewa Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - September 2021
      Resolution number MR/2021/160
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member T Gorrie:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   tuhipoka / note the Governance Forward Work Calendar.

27    Manurewa Local Board Workshop Records
      Resolution number MR/2021/161
      MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member R McLean:
      That the Manurewa Local Board:
      a)   tuhipoka / note the Manurewa Local Board workshop records held on:
           i)     5 August 2021
           ii)    12 August 2021
           iii)   26 August 2021.

28    Consideration of Extraordinary Items

      There was no consideration of extraordinary items. ‘

      Member Rangi McLean closed the meeting with a karakia.

      8.19 pm                             The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance
                                          and attention to business and declared the meeting

                                          CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD
                                          AT A MEETING OF THE MANUREWA LOCAL BOARD
                                          HELD ON



Minutes                                                                                                        Page 21
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