Online Security and Safety in Government, Industry and Civil Society - A Special Report Published by e Washington Times Special Sections ...

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Online Security and Safety in Government, Industry and Civil Society - A Special Report Published by e Washington Times Special Sections ...

Online Security and Safety in Government,
        Industry and Civil Society

  A Special Report Published by The Washington Times Special Sections Department and Salute to Veterans
Online Security and Safety in Government, Industry and Civil Society - A Special Report Published by e Washington Times Special Sections ...
Cybersecurity 2018: Online Security and
                                                                                                                              Safety in Government, Industry and Civil Society
                                                                                                         Innovation, modernization key to U.S. cybersecurity leadership..................................... 3                                                    Global cooperation of ‘utmost importance’ for a stable cyberspace...............................17
                                                                                                         Sen. Jerry Moran                                                                                                                                         Ambassador Marina Kaljurand

                                                                                                         New bipartisan law will finally ‘retire’ outdated U.S. computer systems.......................4                                                          Painful cyberattacks driving demand for security................................................................18
                                                                                                         Sen. Tom Udall                                                                                                                                           Lenore Hawkins and Chris Versace

                                                                                                         Stop WannaCry’ing? Step up leadership on cyber hygiene.................................................4                                                 Cybersecurity and elections: Are we ready for November?....................................................19
                                                                                                         Joshua Corman                                                                                                                                            Rep. Yvette Clarke and Rep. Terri A. Sewell

                                                                                                         Salute to Veterans Series: Inspiring success, insightful discussion, resources,                                                                          West Point’s Army Cyber Institute: Developing the cyber leadership model............20
                                                                                                         solutions and cybersecurity careers for our 22 million veterans...................................... 5                                                  Col. Andrew O. Hall and Lt. Col. Terence M. Kelley
                                                                                                         Cyrus Zol

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ‘Zero Trust’ computer policy: A timely solution................................................................... 21
                                                                                                         Reducing security risk by protecting enterprise applications...........................................6                                                 Howard P. “Buck” McKeon
                                                                                                         Justin Somaini
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Federal cyber leadership should be bipartisan......................................................................22
                                                                                                         Preparing now for safe, secure self-driving cars and other                                                                                               Rep. Gerry Connolly
                                                                                                         innovative technologies.....................................................................................................................8
                                                                                                         Rep. Bob Latta                                                                                                                                           Our nation’s counties, cybersecurity and ransomware.......................................................23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dr. Alan R. Shark
                                                                                                         Time’s up for poor cyber hygiene.................................................................................................9
                                                                                                         Rep. Anna G. Eshoo                                                                                                                                       Too small to get hacked? Think again .......................................................................................24
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Maria Roat
                                                                                                         The 3 prongs of a sound cybersecurity strategy........................................................................ 10
                                                                                                         Rep. Robin Kelly                                                                                                                                         Veterans wanted! Cyber career opportunities abound for veterans.............................. 25
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Karen S. Evans
                                                                                                         Fighting cybercrime: A shared responsibility for the nation, home
                                                                                                         and workplace...................................................................................................................................... 11   Cyber deterrence remains a missing piece of U.S. cybersecurity...................................26
                                                                                                         Gary McAlum                                                                                                                                              Leo Taddeo

                                                                                                         Effective national policy needed to protect the cyber domain ...................................... 12                                                   Human phish-bait: Why people are the weakest link in our cyber defense ..............27
                                                                                                         Rep. Doug Lamborn                                                                                                                                        Tom McAndrew

                                                                                                         How tech can address the greatest security challenges of our time...............................13                                                       U.S. ingenuity created the Internet; can it keep it safe and secure?................................28
                                                                                                         Gary Shapiro                                                                                                                                             Rep. Mike Gallagher

                                                                                                         Safeguarding Americans’ data in federal agencies.................................................................14                                      Chinese information warfare: ‘The Panda That Eats, Shoot, and Leaves’................... 28
                                                                                                         Rep. John Ratcliffe                                                                                                                                      Bill Gertz

                                                                                                         America’s Air Force: Defenders of air, space and cyberspace................................................14                                            For cybersecurity problems, seek bottom-up solutions ....................................................30
                                                                                                         Maj. Gen. Robert J. Skinner                                                                                                                              Andrea O’Sullivan

                                                                                                         Preparing our nation for 21st century challenges in the digital age................................15                                                    Cybersecurity: Is anything really safe?...................................................................................... 31
                                                                                                         Rep. Elise Stefanik

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Steve Durbin

                                                                                                         The 5th domain: Cyber defense needed in the 21st century..............................................16
                                                                                                         Rep. Adam Kinzinger
    Monday • January 29 • 2018

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                                                                                                                                                                                       Special Sections are multipage tabloid products that run in The Washington Times daily newspaper and are posted online and in PDF form on its website. Sponsors and
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Online Security and Safety in Government, Industry and Civil Society - A Special Report Published by e Washington Times Special Sections ...
Innovation, modernization key to U.S.
                     cybersecurity leadership
                                             tied the hands of agency CIOs in their     programs across all federal agencies in    bicameral support the MGT Act re-
                                             efforts to modernize their IT sys-         the interest of national security. Addi-   ceived through its enactment and look
                                             tems in an efficient fashion. The U.S.     tionally, a well-trained cyber workforce   forward to working with my colleagues
                                             Government Accountability Office’s         capable of upholding and supporting        and the White House Office of Ameri-
                                             (GAO) 2015 High-Risk Series report         comprehensive, interoperable fed-          can Innovation on more legislation so
                                             highlighted several issues it deemed       eral government systems will prove         America remains the most secure high-
                                             critical to improving IT acquisition.      to be critical to this mission, paired     tech country in the world. We know
                                             Specifically, the report stated that
                                             about 75 percent of the $80 billion the
                                             federal government spends annually
                                             on IT investments is spent operating
                                             and maintaining outdated and unsup-
                                             ported legacy systems — draining
                                             taxpayer dollars and creating major
                                             cybersecurity vulnerabilities at home

                                                                                                                                                                                       A SPECIAL REPORT PREPARED BY THE WASHINGTON TIMES Special Sections DEPARTMENT And
                                             and abroad.
                                                 Earlier this Congress, I joined a

By Sen. Jerry Moran
                                             number of my colleagues in writing to
       n recent years, it has become clear   the 24 federal agencies covered by the
       that the world of cybersecurity is    Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Act, in-
       rapidly changing — cyberattacks       cluding the Department of Defense and
       are not only growing in volume,       the Department of Homeland Security,
       but also in complexity. As chair-     requesting updates on the moderniza-
       man of the Senate Commerce            tion of their mission-critical systems.
Subcommittee on Consumer Protection,         Unfortunately, the majority of agency
Product Safety, Insurance, and Data          responses indicated that they operated
Security, I’ve convened hearings and         numerous insecure legacy systems.
publicly questioned private corpora-             President Trump and his admin-
tions to determine what protections and      istration have dedicated a plethora
practices they have in place to better       of resources to improve in this space
protect their customers’ personal and        through the president’s establishment
financial data.                              of the White House Office of American
    In 2015, the U.S. Office of Person-      Innovation, which has helped guide
nel Management (OPM) experienced             critical executive orders to update
a breach that exposed the personally         aging systems.
identifiable information of tens of              Further, with the support of the
millions of Americans. The danger            administration, I partnered with
that results from compromising the           Senator Tom Udall of New Mexico to
federal government’s data cannot be          introduce the Modernizing Govern-
overstated, and as companies must do         ment Technology (MGT) Act last April
all they can to prepare for and prevent      in the Senate after working together
hackers from gaining access to their         on earlier versions in past Congresses.
customers’ information, the federal          The MGT Act establishes IT working
government must do the same.                 capital funds at the 24 CFO Act-eligible
    As advancements in information           agencies and allows them to use sav-
technology (IT) continue to shape our        ings obtained through streamlining

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       THESalute To
nation’s evolving needs related to na-       IT systems, replacing legacy products

tional security, economic competitive-       and transitioning to cloud computing
ness, communications, health care and        for further modernization efforts for
privacy, the federal government must         up to three years. The bill also sets up
keep pace with these changes through         a separate, centralized modernization

flexible, expeditious and results-driven     fund within the Department of the

decision making.                             Treasury for the head of the General
    In 2014, Congress enacted the Fed-       Services Administration (GSA) to

                                                                                                                                                                                    | Monday •  January 29 •  2018
eral Information Technology Acquisi-         administer across the federal govern-
tion Reform Act (FITARA), which              ment in consultation with a federal IT                                                                  illustration by linas garsys
took the first step toward reforming         expert board.
the way our federal agencies make                It is only fitting that the MGT Act
IT decisions. FITARA makes certain           was signed into law last year as part      with competitive science, technology,      the threats are real, and we must con-
that subject matter experts are part         of the National Defense Authoriza-         engineering and math (STEM) educa-         tinue to innovate to remain the world’s
of decision-making processes and en-         tion Act for FY2018, as cybersecurity      tion programs that we must continue        leader in cybersecurity defense.
hances covered agency chief informa-         policy is increasingly interwoven          to prioritize.
tion officers’ (CIOs) authorities related    into comprehensive national security          My goal is to continue promoting        Sen. Jerry Moran, Kansas Republican,
to agency modernization initiatives in       discussions. As a member of the Sen-       modernization and security in the          is Chairman of the Senate Commerce,
budgeting and planning processes.            ate Appropriations Subcommittee for        federal government’s IT systems. As        Science and Transportation Subcom-
    Still, a stringent and cumbersome        Defense, I will continue to prioritize     we recognize Data Protection Day on        mittee on Consumer Protection, Product
budgeting and acquisition process has        robust resources for cybersecurity         January 28, I appreciate the bipartisan,   Safety, Insurance, and Data Security.            3
Online Security and Safety in Government, Industry and Civil Society - A Special Report Published by e Washington Times Special Sections ...
New bipartisan law will finally
                                                                                                                                ‘retire’ outdated U.S. computer systems
                                                                                                                                                     secure.                                      new law will finally bring the federal      major modernizations. And the MGT
                                                                                                                                                         The only government building that        government’s IT systems into the 21st       Act establishes a centralized fund that
                                                                                                                                                     should have a computer system from           century.                                    agencies can access to pay for major IT
                                                                                                                                                     the 1960s is the Museum of American              Right now, the federal government       overhaul projects.
                                                                                                                                                     History. But across the federal govern-      spends $80 billion a year on IT — but          In total, the MGT Act will save
                                                                                                                                                     ment, agencies continue to depend on         a whopping 75 percent of that money         taxpayers up to $20 billion a year. And
                                                                                                                                                     grossly outdated information technol-        is being spent to maintain so-called        as it saves taxpayer money, the MGT
                                                                                                                                                     ogy (IT) systems to function.                “legacy” systems that are no longer         Act will also give federal agencies the
                                                                                                                                                         The government’s ongoing reli-           functional or up to the task. And agen-     tools they need to tackle dangerous
                                                                                                                                                     ance on out-of-date technology comes         cies haven’t had any incentive to limit     cyber vulnerabilities and better protect
                                                                                                                                                     at a time when hackers from across           waste — or to modernize or innovate         Americans’ data from cyberattacks.
                                                                                                                                                     the globe are orchestrating ever-more        the way they work.                             The bipartisan, commonsense MGT
                                                                                                                                                     sophisticated cyberattacks to target the         The MGT Act will give federal IT        Act will ensure that we’re getting
                                                                                                                                                     American people. If you’re one of the        managers the flexibility they need to       better service at a better value for the
                                                                                                                                                     millions of Americans whose sensi-           make strategic IT investments and           American people.
                                                                                                                                                     tive information was caught up in the        decisions. The law will free agencies          And it will help take those outdated,

                                                                                                                                                     Yahoo!, Equifax or Office of Personnel       to pursue modern IT solutions like          antique computer systems out of gov-
                                                                                                         By Sen. Tom Udall                           Management (OPM) breaches, then              cloud computing, which can offer more       ernment offices — and put them in the

                                                                                                                                                     you know how serious and complex             flexibility, better efficiency and faster   history museums where they belong.
                                                                                                                    he Internal Revenue system       these attacks have become.                   processing time than the systems we’re
                                                                                                                    is using a nearly 60-year-old        Our obsolete federal IT infrastruc-      currently stuck with.                       Sen. Tom Udall, New Mexico Demo-
                                                                                                                    computer code to process         ture is expensive, it’s wasteful, and            In addition, the MGT Act cre-           crat, serves on the Senate Appropria-
                                                                                                                    tax returns and to maintain      it’s dangerous. And fortunately, we’re       ates new flexible funding options for       tions Committee; Senate Committee
                                                                                                                    highly sensitive taxpayer        finally taking action to fix it.             federal agencies to modernize their IT      on Commerce, Science and Transpor-
                                                                                                                    information.                         Last month, after lots of hard work      systems — and incentivizes agencies         tation; Senate Committee on Foreign
                                                                                                            You read that correctly: The IRS         behind the scenes and across the aisle,      to eliminate waste. The law enables         Relations; Senate Committee on In-
                                                                                                         relies on a computer system from            Senator Jerry Moran of Kansas and I          agencies to put the money they save         dian Affairs; and Senate Commit-
                                                                                                         the 1960s — the days of the Kennedy         celebrated the enactment of our land-        every year into a working capital fund,     tee on Rules and Administration.
                                                                                                         administration — to get you your tax        mark, bipartisan Modernizing Govern-         which can then be used to pay for long-
                                                                                                         refund and keep your personal data          ment Technology (MGT) Act. This              overdue technology improvements and

                                                                                                                                                    Stop WannaCry’ing?
                                                                                                                                             Step up leadership on cyber hygiene
                                                                                                                                                     outlier can have a profound and asym-        Industry Cybersecurity Task Force.          preparedness and corrective actions.
                                                                                                                                                     metric impact on human life, economic        While we all knew the situation was            Over the last 30 years, we have been
                                                                                                                                                     and national security.                       quite dire, the headline of our summary     reluctant to regulate software and IT.
                                                                                                                                                         We need to find political will to lead   graphic correctly and candidly stated:      There are a number of concerns that
                                                                                                                                                     on cybersecurity affecting public safety.    “Healthcare Cybersecurity is in Critical    have fueled this — some valid, some
                                                                                                                                                     We need to find it now.                      Condition.” Within weeks of the June        now less so, and some never were. The
                                                                                                                                                         As society increasingly depends          2017 final publication of our findings,     chief concern has been a fear that such

                                                                                                                                                     upon technology, the importance of           the WannaCry ransom worm took out           actions might “stifle innovation and
                                                                                                                                                     effective cybersecurity must evolve          81 United Kingdom hospitals in a single     hurt the economy.” Malware attacks like

                                                                                                                                                     in kind. In the case of connected cars,      day — over 40 percent of their national     Mirai launched from the long tail of low-
                                                                                                                                                     connected medicine, Industrial Internet      capacity. The U.S. got very, very lucky.    cost, low-hygiene IoT devices showed
                                                                                                                                                     of Things (IoT), oil and gas, smart cities       Worse, time is the enemy. There         us that a failure to regulate IT can “stifle

                                                                                                                                                     and the like, the consequences of failure    is notoriously slow movement in the         innovation and hurt the economy.”
                                                                                                                                                     will bleed into public safety and human      relay race of public policy, regulation,       Uncomfortable truths command

                                                                                                                                                     life. We must be at our best.                research and development, buying            uncomfortable responses. If we want
                                                                                                                                                         There is a promise and a peril to con-   cycles and deployment lifespans for         to see something different, we need to
    Monday • January 29 • 2018

                                                                                                                                                     nected technologies. Medical innova-         safety critical technologies. We cannot     incentivize something different.
                                                                                                         By Joshua Corman                            tions are increasing access, reducing        wait for such a crisis to initiate neces-      We have technical solutions for many
                                                                                                                                                     costs, improving care and enabling           sary hygiene. Moreover, under duress,       of our exposures. What we have lacked
                                                                                                             “Our dependence on connected tech-      breakthroughs. But if we’re cavalier         such reactions are often hurried and        is motivation and will. In October, I
                                                                                                         nology is growing faster than our ability   about the perils, a single exotic death      more prone to introducing unintended        testified to the House Oversight and
                                                                                                         to secure it — in areas affecting public    could trigger a crisis of confidence in      consequences.                               Government Reform subcommittee on
                                                                                                         safety and human life.” —                   the public or medical professionals to           We need to be more mature in our        Information Technology about Virginia
                                                                                                         @iamthecavalry                              trust these otherwise superior technolo-     posture toward technology and account-      Democrat Sen. Mark Warner’s IoT
                                                                                                             Through our overdependence on           gies. We must be conscientious and           ability. Much debate over regulating        cybersecurity bill, which seeks more
                                                                                                         undependable information technology         proactive in managing these perils.          technology sounds a good deal like “fire    hygienic IoT for federal use. The House
                                                                                                         (IT), we have created the conditions            I had the privilege to serve on the      bad!” Clutching to clichés and talk-
                                                        4                                                such that the actions of any single         Congressionally mandated Health Care         ing points is burning valuable time for                        » see CORMAN | C8
Online Security and Safety in Government, Industry and Civil Society - A Special Report Published by e Washington Times Special Sections ...
Salute to Veterans Series:
 Inspiring success, insightful discussion, resources, solutions
    and cybersecurity careers for our 22 million veterans
                                               and working under pressure to meet               2009, more than 350,000 veterans have       Legendary businessman and philanthro-
                                               deadlines, our nation’s heroes are well          earned postsecondary certificates and       pist Warren Buffett warned last year
                                               equipped to step into and excel in cyber-        degrees through the GI Bill.                that cyberattacks are a top priority that
                                               security roles.                                • The SANS Institute is the largest           needed to be addressed worldwide and
                                                   The cybersecurity field is full of op-       source for information security train-      that “I don’t know that much about cyber,
                                               portunity for veterans, with or without          ing and security certification in the       but I do think that’s the number one
                                               degrees, and cybersecurity professionals         world. The SANS Institute provides          problem with mankind.”
                                               report an average salary of $116,000 per         training for defending systems and             The U.S. veteran population can posi-
                                               year — almost triple the average salary          networks. The training can be admin-        tion themselves for success, given their
                                               nationwide. More resources should be             istered in a class with SANS-certified      mission-critical military experience and
                                               established and maintained to ensure             instructors through online education        knowledge of security procedures, into
                                               our troops and vets know how to access           or in mentored settings, reaching           this ever-growing field.
                                               this information when seeking jobs in            more than 30,000 people in the U.S.            Now is the time.
                                               these fields. The U.S. is projected to have      and internationally. In 2015, SANS

                                                                                                                                                                                              A SPECIAL REPORT PREPARED BY THE WASHINGTON TIMES Special Sections DEPARTMENT And
                                               500,000 unfilled positions within cyberse-
                                               curity by 2021, but with our service men
                                               and women constantly returning to civil-
By Cyrus Zol                                   ian life, this should not be our forecast.

                                                   The timing is crucial for our veter-
             he Salute to Veterans Series      ans and military service members to be
             delves into the top issues that   aware of some of the resources, oppor-
             our veterans and troops face      tunities and solutions that are available
             daily. The TV series features     to them within the promising cybersecu-
             vibrant discussions and           rity industry. We can all do our part by
             provides advice and solutions     spreading the word, both in person and
from distinguished veterans who are also       in our daily communications, about this
successful businessmen, community lead-        exciting opportunity for our nation’s well
ers and were accomplished college and/         trained and highly capable veterans, to
or professional football athletes: Rocky       continue protecting our nation through
Bleier, Bryce Fisher and Greg Gadson.          defending our nation’s networks.
    Their personal stories of overcoming           The internationally broadcast Salute to
professional and personal setbacks fol-        Veterans TV program for 2018 is hosted
lowing military service, while embarking       by PBS NewsHour anchor Lisa Dejardins
on a fulfilling career path using the tools    and is just one of many available channels     (From left to right), PBS NewsHour Anchor Lisa Desjardins, Rocky Bleier U.S. Army Veteran,
they learned in the service and on the         of information available to our troops and     4-time Champion with Pittsburgh , Greg Gadson U.S. Army Veteran, Honorary Captain &
football field, paints a picture of promise    vets. Here are a few others:                   2-time Champion with New York and Bryce Fisher U.S. Air Force Veteran, 1-time Champion
to our nation’s veterans. They offer strate-   • The Department of Homeland Secu-             Runner Up with Seattle
gic insight and instruction to those troops        rity (DHS) is offering several free re-
and vets who will be transitioning into            sources to veterans looking to expand
civilian life and facing unemployment              their education and knowledge within          launched its first VetSuccess Acad-
or underemployment, seeking educa-                 the growing field of cybersecurity,           emy, giving veterans the opportunity
tional advancement, changing careers,              with free on-demand video train-              to receive advanced technical training,
becoming entrepreneurs and seeking                 ing, scholarship opportunities and            GIAC certifications, and employment
career growth opportunities, namely, in            a free, downloadable guide entitled           opportunities among leading compa-
cybersecurity.                                     “Veterans Cybersecurity Training and          nies offering exciting cybersecurity

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              THESalute To
    This is just one important focus of            Education Guide.”                             careers.                                   Cyrus Zol is creator of the Salute to

the Salute to Veterans broadcast, which        • Veterans are able to log onto DHS’s             Veteran employment has greatly im-         Veterans Series, a televised series cov-
intentionally airs on military and patriotic       free cybersecurity training through        proved nationally; however, hundreds of       ering the top issues that our veterans
holidays when awareness for our troops             the Federal Virtual Training Environ-      thousands of transitioning service men        and troops face daily, including veteran
and vets are raised.                               ment (FedVTE) and review some              and women will continue to enter the          employment and cybersecurity opportu-

    Cybersecurity among government,                of the academic programs offered           workforce over the next few years, many       nities among our nation’s 3.3 million U.S.

military, industry and consumers will              through the National Centers of Aca-       of whom are qualified to fill these many      active-duty service members, reservists,
continue to be a major priority in our             demic Excellence (CAE).                    open positions. A recent report from          and 22 million veterans. The veterans’

                                                                                                                                                                                           | Monday •  January 29 •  2018
lifetime. Cybersecurity career opportuni-      • The Forever GI Bill’s expanded tu-           ISACA found that 55 percent of organiza-      series spotlights veteran success stories,
ties are growing rapidly in this country           ition assistance will further advance      tions reported that open cyber positions      discussion and solutions for important
and 12 times faster than the overall job           veteran opportunities within the           take at least three months to fill while      veteran issues and advocacy in advanc-
market; trained cybersecurity profession-          lucrative cybersecurity field through      32 percent said they take six months or       ing the interests of our nation’s veterans.
als are needed to defend the government            removing the time limit to utilize ben-    more. And 27 percent of U.S. companies        The TV program is hosted by PBS New-
and private industry networks. For the             efits and increasing tuition assistance    said they are unable to fill cybersecurity    sHour anchor Lisa Dejardins and airs
most part, veterans already have existing          access among National Guard, Re-           positions at all.                             during the military and patriotic holi-
skill sets to transition from defending            servists and Purple Heart recipients.         Overall, veterans have an understand-      days nationwide and internationally to
the country to defending our networks          • Veterans can seek cybersecurity              ing of technology and IT through their        our troops and their families serving in
through cybersecurity jobs. With our               degrees that are becoming increas-         training and military experience. With        174 countries and U.S. Navy ships at sea.
veterans’ highly sought-after traits of            ingly offered at universities, colleges,   the cybersecurity unemployment rate at        Visit for more
a strong work ethic, problem-solving               community colleges and online edu-         0 percent, the timing is ideal for veterans   information.
skills, teamwork, situation adaptability           cational institutions nationwide. Since    to enter the cybersecurity job market.                                                       5
Online Security and Safety in Government, Industry and Civil Society - A Special Report Published by e Washington Times Special Sections ...
Reducing security risk by
                                                                                                                                  protecting enterprise applications
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               previously unseen attacks. Our upcom-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ing generations of software should be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               able to identify and prevent attacks from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               within the application, store data in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               cloud, protect it from outside control,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and minimize vulnerability across the IT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   As public sector organizations con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               sider transforming their cybersecurity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               strategies, there are several key steps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               they should consider.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Take care of the basics. Breaches
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               are more likely when there is a consis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               tent lack of patch management, configu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ration management, and log analysis.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Implement mechanisms that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               enhance visibility. Networks are more
                                                                                                         By Justin Somaini                                                                                                                     complex than ever before, with digi-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               talized businesses connected throughout
                                                                                                                       elentless threats from in-                                                                                              the value chain and executing as one. Se-
                                                                                                                       creasingly sophisticated at-                                                                                            curity solutions that increase cross-en-
                                                                                                                       tackers. Organized crime and                                                                                            terprise visibility can help organizations
                                                                                                                       rogue nation-states. Hacktiv-                                                                                           identify and stop malicious activity.
                                                                                                                       ism and new mechanisms                                                                                                      Prioritize ease of use. Traditional
                                                                                                                       of compromise. Many years                                                                                               security solutions often created hurdles
                                                                                                         ago, the prospect of these security chal-                                                                                             that compromised the protectiveness of
                                                                                                         lenges seemed like something out of James     Nothing could be further from the truth.                                                the technology. With powerful security
                                                                                                         Bond. Now I defend organizations from             The solution to this problem is dou-                                                features embedded in their applications,
                                                                                                         these threats every minute of every day.      ble-sided. Enterprise software vendors                                                  organizations can expedite and stream-
                                                                                                            Cybersecurity is an endless journey        need to employ more mature cybersecu-                                                   line protection.
                                                                                                         for organizations, including government       rity technologies. And decision makers                                                      Finally, get started identifying the
                                                                                                         agencies at the federal, state, city, and     need to make security a higher priority                                                 most sensitive data and transactions
                                                                                                         county levels. Facing an ever-changing        when choosing and deploying enterprise      software that includes advanced security    in your network and know where they
                                                                                                         threat landscape, public administrations      software.                                   features, such as:                          reside. By combining enhanced security
                                                                                                         know they need to protect IT systems              Because SAP solutions handle the        • Sophisticated 360-degree correla-         knowledge with enterprise software that
                                                                                                         and critical infrastructure. Less under-      most sensitive data and transactions of        tion analytics across the network,       offers security at the application layer,
                                                                                                         stood, however, is the need to secure         more than 300,000 of the world’s largest       endpoints, applications, and data.       you can better defend your organization
                                                                                                         enterprise software applications and          companies and institutions, we consider     • Real-time incident response and           against today’s — and tomorrow’s —
                                                                                                         solutions.                                    security one of our highest priorities.        forensics to accelerate detection,       most difficult threats.
                                                                                                            The data and transactions processed        Our focus is on incorporating advanced,        limiting the impact of threats.              We’re all in this together. And we
                                                                                                         by these applications represent the oper-     threat-based security features in all of    • Next-generation context- and applica-     don’t need James Bond to figure it out.
                                                                                                         ational center of many agencies, entities,    our applications.                              tion-aware firewalls to enhance both     By joining forces to tackle cybersecurity
                                                                                                         and organizations. This is especially true        This approach differs from that of         protection and performance.              challenges, software vendors and public
                                                                                                         in oil and gas, aerospace, defense, public    other software vendors whose secu-          • Deep, machine learning-powered            sector organizations can enable secure
                                                                                                         sector, and utilities. Ensuring deep se-      rity features are designed to meet the         cybersecurity analytics that respond     IT environments that support your time-
                                                                                                         curity at the application layer — where       minimum requirements needed to attain          to threats in an adaptive manner.        less mission of protecting the commu-

                                                                                                         data resides and transactions radiate to      compliance certification. For govern-          Focusing on securing critical infra-     nity, providing services, and helping the
                                                                                                         networks and the endpoints beyond — is        ment and industry regulators, compli-       structures helps ensure they can be de-     economy prosper.

                                                                                                         a fundamental requirement.                    ance mandates are the only way to raise     fended against both physical and digital        For more information on how you
                                                                                                            But the vast majority of software          the bar when it comes to protection. But    threats. In doing so, organizations can     can ensure deep security at the applica-
                                                                                                         companies fail to implement security as       public sector executives must realize       protect everything from logistics and       tion layer, visit

                                                                                                         an integral component of their applica-       that regulatory compliance is the lowest    operational management to HR systems        corporate/en/company/security.html
                                                                                                         tions. Most software offers only the          bar — one that cannot and will not ad-      and vendor interactions.

                                                                                                         most basic security protections for data      dress all of their security concerns.          Protection should also extend to         Justin Somaini heads the SAP Global
                                                                                                         and transactions, enabling organized              Instead, IT departments must build      the burgeoning network of Internet of       Security (SGS) team. With more than 20
    Monday • January 29 • 2018

                                                                                                         groups and individual actors to easily        out a security strategy, using software     Things (IoT) sensors and devices. In        years of information security experience,
                                                                                                         exploit security weaknesses. In many          that offers enhanced protection out         the last few years, we’ve seen customers    he is responsible for SAP’s overall security
                                                                                                         products, protection is applied as an         of the box. To stay one step ahead of       use IoT security features to keep trains    strategy, ensuring that SAP and our cus-
                                                                                                         afterthought — a Band-Aid intended to         hackers and bad actors, it’s important to   running in Italy, cranes operating in       tomers have a consistent and convenient
                                                                                                         compensate for a lack of security at the      choose vendors that are committed to        Dubai, and city streets well-lit and safe   security experience and establishing SAP
                                                                                                         application layer.                            continuously improving and updating         in Germany.                                 as a recognized and trusted leader in the
                                                                                                            Government and business leaders            their products.                                To stay ahead of the increasing num-     industry. In his role Justin is account-
                                                                                                         typically are surprised by this. They             To help organizations become secure     ber and variety of threats, we continue     able for three core domains — Physical
                                                                                                         believe that their collection of security     and protected, we aim for the highest       incorporating new technology into our       Security, Product Security, and Enterprise
                                                                                                         tools will protect their organization         bar: targeting the actual threat. Orga-     solutions. Today we’re exploring new        Security — for all of SAP.
                                                                                                         from the bad guys and that applications       nizations that want to reach beyond         ways to use artificial intelligence and
                                                        6                                                placed behind their firewalls are safe.       compliance should look for enterprise       machine learning to identify new or
Online Security and Safety in Government, Industry and Civil Society - A Special Report Published by e Washington Times Special Sections ...
You can’t lead
the way with
that’s behind

                                                                    A SPECIAL REPORT PREPARED BY THE WASHINGTON TIMES Special Sections DEPARTMENT And
the times.
              Government is Live
              SAP can help you meet the challenges –
              and the opportunities – of a truly
              platform that combines emerging
              technologies from Machine Learning to
              Blockchain to the Internet of Things and
              of superior experiences for citizens.


                                                                                                                                                    THESalute To
Online Security and Safety in Government, Industry and Civil Society - A Special Report Published by e Washington Times Special Sections ...
Preparing now for safe, secure self-driving
                                                                                                                       cars and other innovative technologies
                                                                                                                                                         time — from horse-drawn carriages           challenges to protecting consumer               We’re also looking at the challenges
                                                                                                                                                         to the Ford Model T to the potential        information while ensuring access to         and implications that come with the
                                                                                                                                                         of fully self-driving vehicles — but        the services they want.                      Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is the
                                                                                                                                                         the committee has always provided              These issues remain at the top of         name for the network of connected
                                                                                                                                                         stewardship over American innovation,       my agenda in 2018. The subcommittee          devices, services and objects that col-
                                                                                                                                                         promotion of commerce and protecting        has already begun working with a wide        lect and exchange information. IoT
                                                                                                                                                         consumers.                                  range of stakeholders on potential pro-      applications, like smart home devices
                                                                                                                                                             Not only are we examining present-      posals and recommendations that can          and wearable technologies, can offer
                                                                                                                                                         day issues involving consumer safety        incentivize security and help prevent        significant benefits to consumers by
                                                                                                                                                         and technology, we are looking ahead        breaches of personal and financial data.     providing quick responsive services,
                                                                                                                                                         to the future of innovation — what             Another consumer protection issue         convenience and enhanced user
                                                                                                                                                         is coming five or 10 years down the         that continues to be on our radar is         experiences.
                                                                                                                                                         road. With the promise of new in-           self-driving cars. We need to make sure         However, cybersecurity remains an
                                                                                                                                                         novations and technological capabili-       these vehicles are safe for consumers        ever-present concern for any internet-
                                                                                                                                                         ties coming our way, the landscape is       and at the same time promote inno-           connected device. Constant vigilance
                                                                                                                                                         ever-changing.                              vation in this space. That’s why we          and improved coordination are neces-

                                                                                                                                                             The number of connected devices         passed the SELF DRIVE Act — a first-         sary to help prevent bad actors from
                                                                                                                                                         is on the rise, and our digital economy     of-its-kind piece of legislation — to        taking advantage of weaknesses. With
                                                                                                         By Rep. Bob Latta                               continues to grow. American consum-         do just that. It passed the Energy and       so many of these items now in homes

                                                                                                                                                         ers have come to expect the speed,          Commerce Committee in a bipartisan           and businesses across the country, our
                                                                                                                      here really isn’t anything         choice and convenience of online            54-0 vote and then received unanimous        committee continues to examine the
                                                                                                                      quite like American innova-        shopping, digital commerce, on-             approval in the House.                       privacy and security concerns associ-
                                                                                                                      tion. What makes U.S. inno-        demand credit, mobile payments and             This bill helps ensure that self-         ated with IoT.
                                                                                                                      vation so different is that it’s   much more. While most Americans             driving cars are safe by focusing on            As a result of advancements like the
                                                                                                                      not just one field or sector;      feel that technology positively affects     both structural features and cyberse-        Internet of Things, self-driving cars
                                                                                                                      it’s an ethos that inspires        society and our everyday lives, polls       curity. In fact, the legislation makes       and digital commerce, the American
                                                                                                         business across the country. Whether            show they are skeptical about how           clear that auto manufacturers cannot         people are more connected to informa-
                                                                                                         it’s due to Americans’ work ethic, an           personal information is used and pro-       sell or introduce into commerce a self-      tion and opportunity than ever before.
                                                                                                         entrepreneurial spirit or a framework           tected online.                              driving car unless a cybersecurity plan      My goal on the Digital Commerce
                                                                                                         that allows innovators to succeed, the              Recent data breaches from Equi-         has been developed. This legislation is      and Consumer Protection Subcom-
                                                                                                         United States is second to none when            fax, Uber and other companies raise         also important for our senior citizens       mittee has always been to act in the
                                                                                                         it comes to creating technology that            the specter about the protection of         and for individuals with disabilities as     best interest of the consumer and the
                                                                                                         improves our daily lives.                       consumers in a data-driven economy.         autonomous vehicles would increase           American people. In any policy deci-
                                                                                                             With that in mind, the U.S. Constitu-       Breaches involving sensitive personal       mobility.                                    sion, we must anticipate what’s coming
                                                                                                         tion empowers Congress with an im-              and financial information are a serious        As this technology is already             next in the fast-paced environment of
                                                                                                         portant duty — included in the Com-             threat to the well-being of American        underway and further development             innovation. The tremendous benefits
                                                                                                         merce Clause — to provide oversight             consumers and our economy. Last fall,       continues, the SELF DRIVE Act pro-           of our internet-enabled, data-driven
                                                                                                         of interstate and foreign commerce.             the Subcommittee on Digital Com-            vides a clear, consistent framework          economy need not be at the expense
                                                                                                         This constitutional power is central to         merce and Consumer Protection —             under which innovation can thrive. We        of safeguarding consumers’ personal
                                                                                                         the work of the 223-year-old Energy             which I chair — made solid progress         remain committed to working with our         information.
                                                                                                         and Commerce Committee, the oldest              in examining data breach and cyber-         Senate colleagues and getting self-driv-
                                                                                                         continuously standing committee in              security issues. Through a number of        ing car legislation to the president’s       Rep. Bob Latta, Ohio Republican, is
                                                                                                         the House of Representatives. While             public hearings, including testimony        desk. This is an important step for con-     Chairman of the House Energy and
                                                                                                         none of the members of the Committee            running the gamut from the former           sumer safety and innovation as more          Commerce Subcommittee on Digital
                                                                                                         have been around since its inception,           CEO of Equifax to renowned cyberse-         and more of this incredible technology       Commerce and Consumer Protection.
                                                                                                         it’s fair to say much has changed over          curity experts, we learned about the        reaches America’s roads.


                                                                                                                                                         I am hopeful these discussions take root.   stunning growth rate of IoT and con-         things are more dependable or depend
                                                                                                                                                            From a policy perspective, Mirai         nected technologies represents a public      upon them less. We are prone. We are
                                                                                                         From page C4                                    disrupted the “prior prevailing hopes”      health issue. Hackable — but unpatch-        prey. Predators have taken notice. Our

                                                                                                                                                         with regards to lighter touch regulation/   able technologies — cannot remain the        relative obscurity is over. What will we
                                                                                                                                                         policy. There was the belief that adding    norm. If you add software to something,      do about it?

                                                                                                         Energy & Commerce Committee asked               transparency, security “nutrition labels”   you make it hackable. If you connect
                                                                                                         the Health and Human Services Depart-           and a software bill of materials would      something, you make it exposed. While        Joshua Corman, a nationally recognized
    Monday • January 29 • 2018

                                                                                                         ment to enact one of our Health Care            enable consumers and purchasers to          this was bad enough when it was $100         security expert, is Chief Security Officer
                                                                                                         Task Force recommendations: create a            better discern “more secure products”       internet cameras taking out the Internet     and Senior Vice President at PTC. He is
                                                                                                         software “bill of materials” (or ingredi-       from “less secure products.” The bulk       for an afternoon, we will surely regret      Founder of I Am The Cavalry (iamthe-
                                                                                                         ents list) for medical technologies. Two        of discussion was about enabling free       it when a similar attack is comprised, a global, grassroots orga-
                                                                                                         Members of Congress, Rep. Will Hurd,            market choice. Mirai revealed the           of life-and-limb medical equipment           nization that focuses on issues — such
                                                                                                         Texas Republican, and Rep. James Lan-           externalities challenges and “tragedy of    and patient care and actual lives are        as medical devices, automobiles, home
                                                                                                         gevin, Rhode Island Democrat, joined            the commons” aspects of our interde-        impacted.                                    electronics and public infrastructure —
                                                                                                         me at DEF CON∏, the world’s largest             pendence. Yes, transparency can enable          Mirai, WannaCry, NotPetya and at-        where computer security intersects public
                                                                                                         hacker conference in August. Earlier            informed and conscientious individuals      tacks on the grid and critical infrastruc-   safety and human life. @joshcorman.
                                                                                                         that summer, the Cyber Med Summit in            to buy a safer product, but choices made    ture are increasing. If we are overdepen-
                                                                                                         Phoenix saw the first hospital hacking          by others can still hurt us — severely.     dent on undependable things, we have
                                                        8                                                simulations with medical stakeholders.             At current hygiene levels, the           choices: Muster the will to ensure these
Online Security and Safety in Government, Industry and Civil Society - A Special Report Published by e Washington Times Special Sections ...
Time’s up for poor cyber hygiene
                                           threaten our daily lives and personal     by implementing security controls,          government by mandating that the
                                           security, we have to address the twin     classifying sensitive data, and creat-      Department of Homeland Security
                                           pillars of network security: cyber hy-    ing and practicing attack response          regularly assess cybersecurity threats
                                           giene and security management.            plans. Vigilant security management,        and work with agencies to address
                                               Cyber hygiene is the responsibility   coupled with good cyber hygiene, is a       them. As the federal government cu-
                                           of all Internet users to take basic and   recipe for keeping our digital systems      rates the most sensitive and vast col-
                                           proactive steps to secure networks        secure.                                     lection of data on Earth, it is central to
                                           and devices. Installing software up-          In the wake of last year’s attacks,     our national interest to keep that data
                                           dates to patch known vulnerabilities;     I introduced the bipartisan Promot-         secure.
                                           using strong, secure passwords; and       ing Good Cyber Hygiene Act to                   In today’s ever-increasing digital
                                           utilizing modern firewall and security    strengthen both pillars of American         world, the American people need to
                                           techniques are some of the hallmarks      cybersecurity. The bill promotes            trust the Internet with their most
                                           of good cyber hygiene. As an entire       cyber hygiene by instructing the            sensitive and intimate information.
                                           network can be compromised by a sin-      National Institute of Standards and         From online bank accounts to medical
                                           gle individual’s neglect of cybersecu-    Technology (NIST) to maintain a             records, the information we store and
                                           rity, as in the Equifax case, maintain-   user-friendly list of cybersecurity         transmit online must be protected. For
                                           ing good cyber hygiene is imperative.     best practices that is easily accessible    the state of our union to be strong, it
                                               The other essential pillar of cy-     to the American people. As security         is imperative that Congress act this

                                                                                                                                                                                 A SPECIAL REPORT PREPARED BY THE WASHINGTON TIMES Special Sections DEPARTMENT And
By Rep. Anna G. Eshoo
                                           bersecurity is security management.       protocol is constantly evolving, this       year to improve our nation’s cyber-
              n Jan. 30, President         It is the responsibility of organiza-     list of up-to-date best practices will be   security. The digital systems that
              Trump will deliver his       tions to maintain secure networks.        prized by anyone seeking to improve         sustain our way of life are vulnerable
              first State of the Union     Businesses and government agencies        their cyber hygiene.                        to attack, and we must act to pro-
              address to Congress. The     can greatly reduce the incidence of           This bill also strengthens cyberse-     tect whatever the American people
              purpose of this consti-      cybercrime within their networks          curity management within the federal        deem as private and whatever our
              tutionally sanctioned                                                                                              government deems as essential to our
speech is to reflect on the challenges                                                                                           national security.
facing our country and policies to ad-        If we’re actually serious about protecting ourselves
dress them. One challenge that must              from data breaches and cybercrime ... we have                                   Democrat Rep. Anna G. Eshoo repre-
not be ignored is the ongoing threat of
cyberattacks to our personal security.
                                                 to address the twin pillars of network security:                                sents the 18th Congressional District of
                                                                                                                                 California. She is a senior member of
   Last year was one of the worst                   cyber hygiene and security management.                                       the Energy and Commerce Committee.
years for cyberattacks in U.S. history.
In May, the WannaCry ransomware at-
tack affected hundreds of thousands of
computers in more than 150 countries,
including the U.S., and held comput-
ers hostage until ransoms were paid
by owners to restore access. This new
type of ransomware, which we later
learned was launched by the North
Korean regime, exploited known vul-
nerabilities in computers that failed to
install basic software patches.
   The WannaCry attack was soon
dwarfed in comparison by the Equifax
data breach, which compromised the
personal information of nearly 146
million Americans including names,
Social Security numbers, birth dates,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 THESalute To
addresses and driver’s license num-

bers. Appearing before the House
Energy and Commerce Committee,
Equifax’s now-former CEO announced
that the breach was reportedly caused

by the failure of a single Equifax

employee to install basic software up-
dates in a timely manner. Altogether,

                                                                                                                                                                              | Monday •  January 29 •  2018
the personal information of hundreds
of millions of consumers was exposed
to malicious hackers last year, and it’s
likely yours was too.
   Despite the severity of these at-
tacks and the pronouncements of
outrage by Members of Congress, no
sensible legislation has been advanced
to prevent a similar attack from hap-
pening in the future.
   If we’re actually serious about pro-
tecting ourselves from data breaches
and cybercrime that increasingly                                                                                                                                              9
Online Security and Safety in Government, Industry and Civil Society - A Special Report Published by e Washington Times Special Sections ...
The 3 prongs of a sound cybersecurity strategy

                                                                                                         By Rep. Robin Kelly


                                                                                                               n 2018, our security can no longer
                                                                                                               exclusively be defined in terms of
                                                                                                               tanks, airplanes and weapon systems.
                                                                                                                  As government, private indus-
                                                                                                               try and American families have
                                                                                                               adopted technology into nearly
                                                                                                         every aspect of our lives, the need for
                                                                                                         cybersecurity has grown exponentially.
                                                                                                         Unfortunately, our response to this
                                                                                                         threat has been piecemeal at best.
                                                                                                            In order to combat this real and                                                                                                                                    illustration by
                                                                                                         growing threat, we need a three-pronged                                                                                                                                Greg Groesch
                                                                                                         approach that involves everyone from
                                                                                                         Washington D.C., to Chicago to Silicon
                                                                                                         Valley and everywhere in between.
                                                                                                            Prong One — Washington, D.C.: On
                                                                                                         too many issues, business as usual is            While these                                                                                                    out Internet ac-
                                                                                                         either broken or ineffective within the      are good ideas,                                                                                                  cess to users on the
                                                                                                         Beltway. Thankfully, one area where          they achieve nothing                                                                                           East Coast. It should
                                                                                                         we are making strides through biparti-       if they are trapped in                                                                                      not be that easy for cy-
                                                                                                         sanship is in cybersecurity.                 our subcommittee. When                                                                                  bercriminals to exploit these
                                                                                                            I’m privileged to serve as the Rank-      we worked on the MGT Act,                                                                           vulnerabilities, and families can
                                                                                                         ing Member of the House Oversight            we held field hearings and hearings                                                           take simple steps to prevent it.
                                                                                                         and Government Reform Subcommit-             in Washington, we allowed amend-                                                              As new cyberthreats continue to grow
                                                                                                         tee on Information Technology with           ments, and we worked across the             professionals that our economy needs,         and evolve, every person needs to take
                                                                                                         Chairman Will Hurd, Texas Republi-           aisle to craft the best possible plan.      we need to reach into every community:        these issues seriously and be proactive
                                                                                                         can. It would be difficult to find some-     Congress needs to do more of this. We       suburban, veteran, working class and          in stopping them. There are simple, ev-
                                                                                                         one in Congress, or frankly anywhere         need to work on legislation together,       communities of color. With this great         eryday things that every person can do,
                                                                                                         else, who has more experience and            not in party-driven ideological silos.      need, we cannot allow someone’s ZIP           even with limited technical expertise,
                                                                                                         understanding on these critical issues.      Let’s actually allow the space for the      code or background to lock them out of        to make themselves, their data and the
                                                                                                            Together, we have been able to craft      best ideas to come forward. When it         these opportunities.                          entire system safer.

                                                                                                         legislation in an open, process-driven       comes to cybersecurity, we cannot               One real challenge we face is that just       These include simple things like mul-
                                                                                                         way that will revolutionize government       afford to let good policy sit on the        22 percent of schools with AP programs        tifactor identification (when you receive

                                                                                                         IT acquisition, increase cybersecu-          shelf because of whose name is on the       offer computer science coursework and         a text with a code to confirm a login) and
                                                                                                         rity and save taxpayer dollars. This         sponsor line.                               nationwide nearly 30 percent of schools       using only trusted Wi-Fi networks and
                                                                                                         legislation, called the Modernizing              Prong Two — Every Community:            do not offer any AP coursework. This          passwords that are secure (please stop

                                                                                                         Government Technology (MGT) Act              When it comes to combating cyber-           means that thousands, if not millions,        using Password123). Trust me, you want
                                                                                                         and signed into law in December, is an       threats, we need everyone from every        of American students are blocked from         to do these things before your data is

                                                                                                         important first step. Still, more work       community involved. According to the        learning critical skills that could open      compromised or your bank account is
                                                                                                         remains to ensure that all government        Level Playing Field Institute, there will   the door to a career as a cyber profes-       drained, and it will help make everyone
    Monday • January 29 • 2018

                                                                                                         data is protected from today’s and           be 1.4 million new tech jobs by 2020        sional. The first step toward addressing      and the system safer.
                                                                                                         tomorrow’s cyberthreats.                     and 70 percent will be unfilled. Many       this crisis is to get more computer sci-          We still have a lot of work to do to
                                                                                                            Right now, I’m working on pieces of       of these jobs will be devoted to cyber-     ence teachers into the classroom. My          bolster cybersecurity. We are starting to
                                                                                                         legislation to ensure baked-in secu-         security or play a critical role in cyber   Today’s American Dream Act includes a         make the right steps and now is the time
                                                                                                         rity measures for internet-connected         defense. We clearly cannot allow the        provision that would incentivize people       to go from small steps toward giant leaps.
                                                                                                         devices like webcams and to help             vast majority of these jobs to remain       to teach computer science by helping to       Technology and hackers will not wait.
                                                                                                         agencies better manage their IT inven-       open; we need to redouble our efforts       pay off some of their student loan debt.
                                                                                                         tory. Additionally, Chairman Hurd has        to train new workers, retrain mature            Prong Three — On Every Computer:          Democrat Rep. Robin Kelly represents
                                                                                                         proposed the idea of a Cyber National        workers and inspire students to pursue      Combatting cybersecurity is not some-         Illinois’ 2nd Congressional District. She
                                                                                                         Guard to increase cybersecurity talent       STEM careers.                               one else’s responsibility. It is everyone’s   serves as the Ranking Member of the
                                                                                                         within government; I support this com-           In order to meet the bourgeoning        responsibility. In October 2016, house-       House Oversight and Government Reform
                                10                                                                       monsense proposal.                           demand for new cybersecurity and tech       hold kitchen items were used to knock         Subcommittee on Information Technology.
Fighting cybercrime: A shared responsibility
       for the nation, home and workplace
                                          stop more than 9 million cyberattacks
                                          and prevent $8.7 million fraud loss
                                          daily. This data point makes me proud
                                          of our team, but it also reinforces
                                          the important fact: Threat is real and
                                              Oftentimes, consumers think that
                                          they are immune or safe from cyber-
                                          crime. However, as a veteran, I have
                                          been the victim of many data breaches
                                          and, most recently, was a victim of
                                          the Office of Personnel Management
                                          (OPM) breach. In this case, I knew
                                          what type of information was compro-

                                                                                                                                                                                 A SPECIAL REPORT PREPARED BY THE WASHINGTON TIMES Special Sections DEPARTMENT And
                                          mised from the sensitive information I
                                          provided for my security clearance.
                                              The data compromised wasn’t just
By Gary McAlum                            my information; my family was im-

                                          pacted as well — and received letters
            ybercrime is an unfortu-      from OPM directly. Knowing that my
            nate reality in our world     family members were now victims of
            today. It is something        identity theft for the rest of their lives
            that has become com-          made me angry. I understand firsthand
            mon language, and many        the frustration of being a victim of
            Americans have become         identity theft, and I carry it with me
fatigued and numb to the continuous       every day in protecting our members
cyberthreats.                             at USAA. They depend on us, and I
   This is why Data Privacy Day is        know how they would feel if it hap-
important to me and my team. It is an     pened to them on my watch.
opportunity to reinforce to consumers         I’ve also experienced a wide range
the importance of always being vigi-      of cyberattacks directly, ranging from
lant and allows us to continue the con-   phishing emails to fraudsters attempt-
versation of what we can do to better     ing to impersonate me or even call me
protect ourselves from cyberthreats.      pretending to be a company I trust. At
                                          USAA, we reinforce that fighting fraud       credible company. Bottom line, follow     award in Javelin’s 2017 Account Safety
                                          is a shared responsibility and try to        your senses. If in doubt, pause to con-   in Banking Scorecard, we embrace
                                          reiterate some of the key ways to pro-       firm you really want to proceed.          one of the Navy SEALs’ mottos as a
                                          tect yourself from cyber threats:               Monitor your info (and your            top security priority: The only easy
                                              Multifactor authentication               children’s accounts): We tend to          day was yesterday. There is no place
                                          (MFA): The reality is our personal           focus on steps to avoid identity theft    for complacency when you work in
                                          information is already known or easily       for ourselves but may not think about     cybersecurity.
                                          available. The most effective thing we       our children. This is a growing trend
                                          can do to protect our online accounts        and can be difficult to detect and        Gary McAlum is Chief Security Officer
                                          is to use strong authentication. If your     resolve. Make sure to review your in-     at USAA. His responsibilities include
                                          online account offers options beyond         formation and respond to any security     Information Security & Privacy, Fraud

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 THESalute To
                                          passwords and security questions,            or fraud alerts.                          and Financial Crimes Management &

                                          please consider them. I use a combi-            Many individuals may feel online       Investigations, and Physical Security
                                          nation of the random code option — a         security seems like a lost cause. The     services. Prior to joining the USAA
                                          one-time security code that is texted        reality is that it’s a risk management    team in February 2010, he completed
    Throughout my military career of      to me — and biometric options when           situation, and we have the ability to     25 years of service in the U.S. Air Force,

25 years with the Air Force, I had the    available, including fingerprint, voice      minimize some risks by the actions we     which included years within the in-

opportunity to work in a variety of IT    or facial recognition.                       take, or don’t take. As consumers, we     formation technology career field.
and technology roles, but the posi-           Better passwords: When you               can take control by embracing these

                                                                                                                                                                              | Monday •  January 29 •  2018
tions involving cybersecurity were        don’t have access to MFA options, it’s       tips into our daily lives. Fraud will
the most challenging. The scope and       critical to use a strong password that       always exist — the key is to make it as
magnitude of cyber issues facing our      includes a mixture of symbols and            difficult as possible so the fraudster
nation became crystal clear to me,        letters. The key is to change it up —        will prey elsewhere.
and I realized I wanted to continue to    don’t use the same password for all             As the chief security officer at
work in this important area for a com-    accounts.                                    USAA, my team stands strong to
pany like USAA after retiring from the        Stay vigilant: Phishing is a com-        protect our members’ information.
military.                                 mon tactic to gain your personal             This commitment requires a 24/7
    At USAA, my team is responsible       information, and fraudsters prey on          mindset and offers no room for failure.
for protecting our more than 12 mil-      individuals hoping the user clicks a         We have the best talent on our team,
lion members from cybercrime. It          link or takes actions without acknowl-       and a solid percentage are veterans
is an honor to serve our military,        edging red flags. Fraudsters will often      or military spouses. While we were
veterans and their families and help      call you directly impersonating a            honored to receive the “Best in Class”                                                 11
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