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                                                THE CFO
                                                 OF 2030

                         Strength Test
          Hard-hit industries find ways to withstand
                        the pandemic.

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a.indd 12                                                 11/10/20 9:52 PM
              ISSUE                 November/December 2020
                                    Volume 36, No. 6


                                                                  30    Cover Story

                                                                  Profiles in
                                                                  Although the pandemic nearly crushed
                                                                  their industries, these companies are
                                                                  finding ways to thrive.
                                                                  By Russ Banham

                                                                  When Opportunity
                                                                  Knocks: Dealing
                                                                  With Recruiters
                                                                  Think calls from recruiters are a waste
                                                             36   of time? Here’s how to make the most
                                                                  of these career connections.
                                                                  By Sandra Beckwith

                                                                  Special Report: SPACs

                                                                  They’re Back
                                                                  Fueled by piles of capital, special-
                                                                  purpose acquisition companies want
                                                                  to take your company public. But are
                                                                  they the best route to a listing?
                                                                  By Vincent Ryan

        Cover: Getty Images; this page : Getty Images (2)                      November/December 2020 | CFO   1

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       November/December 2020
       Volume 36, No. 6



                                            Up Front                                  Health Benefit Costs Seen Rising
                                  15                                                  8.1% in 2021
                                            4 | FROM THE EDITOR                       By Matthew Heller
                                            6 | INBOX
                                            8 | TOPLINE: Small Businesses weigh       28 | BUDGETING
                                            Subchapter V filings | Beware this        Crafting Realistic, On-Time Budgets
                                            misstep with share buybacks |             By Perry D. Wiggins
                                            Wells Fargo abused COVID relief |
                                            IBM to spin off infrastructure unit       The High Costs of an Inefficient
                                            | Deloitte fined record $19M | CME,       Data Strategy
                                            Nasdaq to offer water futures |
                                                                                      By Yasmin Siddiqui
                                            SAExploration accused of fraud | SAP
                                            to buy Emarsys | SEC drops proposed
                                            whistleblower rule | Citigroup fined
                                            over risk defects | and more
                                                                                      By the Numbers
                                            20 | HEALTH BENEFITS
                                  26        7 Ways COVID-19 Will Transform
                                                                                      46 | OUTLOOK
                                                                                      The CFO Survey
                                            Health Care
                                            By Jeff Levin-Scherz, MD, Steve
                                                                                      CFOs Skeptical About Recovery
                                            Blumenfield, and Julie Stone              Before Next Year
                                                                                      On average, finance chiefs anticipate
                                            24 | TECHNOLOGY                           it will take months, if not years, until a
                                            The CFO of 2030                           full economic recovery.
                                            By Hal Polley                             By Matthew Heller

                                            26 | HUMAN CAPITAL                        48 | THE QUIZ
                                            What’s the Right Way to                   Do You Remember?
                                            Return to the Workplace?                  Take our quiz on these finance news
                                            By Saul B. Helman, MD, and David Berger   stories to see how many you might
                                                                                      have already forgotten.

       2     CFO | November/December 2020                                                                            Getty Images (4)

TOC.indd 2                                                                                                                    11/18/20 2:45 PM
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FROM THE                                                                                                                                EDITOR’S
                                                                                                                                                        ◗ MANAGEMENT

                                                         All I Want for 2021                                                                            “If Pandemic Productivity
                                                                                                                                                        Is Up, Why Is Innovation
                                                                                                                                                        Slowing Down?” looks at
                                                                                                                                                        why working from home
                                 We have no idea what 2021 will bring, but
                                                                                                                                                        has caused an innovation
                                 here are some things I hope happen. ¶                                                                                  deficit at some companies.
                                 1. Remote work. Working at home has                                                                                    “Videoconferencing and
                                                                                                                                                        instant messaging apps
                                 been a godsend for some people; it has
                                                                                                                                                        can’t perfectly replicate
                                 taken its toll on many others. My wish is                                                                              the dynamics of being
                                 that next year C-suite executives scrutinize                                                                           together in the same
                                                                                                                                                        room, hashing out ideas
         how remote working affects organizational culture and innovation.
                                                                                                                                                        and feeding off the energy
         If they decide to keep offices closed, I hope that CFOs also find a                                                                            of co-workers,” write the
         way to adapt HR practices and policies                                  spending programs they prioritize and                                  the Knowledge@Wharton
         so that employees feel less isolated and                                undertake.
         regain a sense of esprit de corps.                                         4. Pandemic. One of my desires is for
                                                                                                                                                        ◗ DATA
            2. Small businesses. Next year Con-                                  the U.S. health care system, its regulators,
                                                                                                                                                        The data economy is a
         gress and the president need to focus on                                and related government agencies to be                                  source of power and prof-
         saving the 30 million small businesses that                             more imaginative next year in figuring out                             it, but Dr. Carissa Véliz of
         are the engine of the U.S. economy. Large                               how to handle the COVID-19 pandemic                                    Oxford University says
         industries have the bankruptcy system,                                  and any future outbreaks. Lockdowns are                                it is also a threat. Listen
         highly competent executives, and liquid                                 a blunt tool that have serious side effects.                           to “Should We End the
         capital markets to keep them from running
                                                                                 The constant drumbeat of fear from the                                 Data Economy?” to get
         aground. Small businesses, on the other
                                                                                 media has overshadowed any balanced                                    a perspective on what’s
         hand, have fewer capital-raising options                                                                                                       wrong with the data econ-
                                                                                 messaging from scientific experts and
         and fewer routes to debt forgiveness. They                                                                                                     omy and what proposals
                                                                                 knowledgeable health care officials.
         are critical to any economic revival.                                                                                                          experts have suggested to
                                                                                    5. CFOs. Twenty-twenty has shown us,
            3. U.S. balance sheet. Implicitly and                                                                                                       end it. Access the podcast
                                                                                 once again, how intertwined businesses
         explicitly, many politicians have embraced                                                                                                     on the Harvard Business
                                                                                 are with the macroeconomy, government
         Modern Monetary Theory, the belief that                                                                                                        Review website.
         nations that issue their own currencies                                 policymaking, and their customers and
         can never “run out of money” the way                                    partners. I hope that in 2021 CFOs begin
                                                                                                                                                        ◗ EVENT
         people or businesses can. Ergo, they are                                to take a positive role in solving all of the
                                                                                                                                                        Argyle Digital’s last
         proposing programs under the notion that                                problems confronting our nation. They                                  Finance Leadership Forum
         the U.S. can spend freely to revive the                                 have a responsibility to help make 2021 a                              of 2020 takes place on
         economy. I hope that in 2021 policymakers                               year of historic recovery.                                             December 17. The virtual
         get a clear picture of the real limits of the                                                                                                  event’s theme is “Finance
         federal government’s balance sheet. They                                                                               Vincent Ryan            Strategy and Innovation
         also need to show wisdom in the stimulus                                                                             Editor-in-Chief           in 2021 and Beyond.”
                                                                                                                                                        Speakers include finance
                                                                                                                                                        executives from IHG,
         CFO, Vol. 36, No. 6 (ISSN 8756-7113) is published six times a year and distributed to qualified chief financial officers by CFO Publishing     QuickLogic, Honeywell
         LLC, 50 Broad St., 1st Floor, New York, NY 10004 (editorial office). Copyright ©2020, CFO Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. Neither this
         publication nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,        Home, and Inframark.
         mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of CFO Publishing LLC. Direct requests for reprints
         and permissions to (800) 428-3340 x149 or Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY, and additional mailing            Visit and
         offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CFO, 50 Broad Street, 1st Floor, New York, NY 10004. CFO is a registered trademark of
         CFO Publishing LLC. SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: To subscribe to CFO magazine, visit; to update your address or
                                                                                                                                                        click on “Events” for more
         cancel a subscription, please email To order back issues, email Back issues are $15 per            information.
         copy, prepaid, and VISA/MasterCard orders only. Mailing list: We make a portion of our mailing list available to reputable firms.

         4    CFO | November/December 2020                                                                                                                              Mark Bennington

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                              ◗“Fed Chair Jerome Powell
                               Calls for More Stimulus” (CFO.       ◗  “The CFO of 2030” (page 24) asked how finance
                                                                       chiefs are going to create value across the next
                              com, November 6) discussed            decade. “A finance team should be stressing how
                              how the central bank chair said       important robust and agile systems of budgeting,
                              fiscal stimulus is needed to help     planning, and analysis are,” said one LinkedIn reader.
                              the economy recover from the          “Many companies should have learned that preparing
                              effects of the coronavirus.           for scenarios to better manage the business not
            "I strongly believe we should face up to the            only in a crisis but for taking advantage of market
        COVID-19 challenge by instituting a robust nationally       opportunities is a role where the CFO and his/her
        coordinated and well-funded strategy, with state-           finance team can bring so much value.”
        specific complementary operating plans, to keep both            “A CFO must be able to sharply recognize the
        our American citizenry and our whole economy alive,         internal capabilities and resources of the company
        while making it possible to have a timely and full          so they will know what the real needs are,” added
        restoration of both our physical and economic health,       one reader. “That’s a [task] that must
        in the long run,” said one reader. “Shutting down the       be immediately completed. Then look for market
        economy may be an effective scientific lab approach         opportunities that can be taken by the company to
        to control this disease, but our modern American            expand business growth.”
        society does not permit us this special luxury. There
        is no alternative but to find a cure for this pandemic,
        now, with effective, easy access to everybody.”             ◗  In response to the online version of “Small
                                                                       Businesses Weigh Subchapter V Filings” (page 8),
           Another reader added: “Maybe, since the world            one reader commented: “I am a bankruptcy attorney in
        has so far shown that the virus is not stopped, it          Chicago, and I can tell you that small businesses need
        would be better to trust people to use common               to be aware of this option. I have helped a number
        sense and not stop the economy. Shutting things             of small business owners save their businesses by
        down will in the end, in my opinion, delay, not stop,       using Chapter 11.” They continued: “Plain and simple,
        the virus, and only hurt people more by not allowing        it works. Subchapter V can make what can be a
        them to work.”                                              burdensome process easier than ever before.”

                                    CFO PUBLISHING LLC            CFO MARKETING SERVICES       SUBSCRIBER SERVICES
                                    is a wholly owned             RESEARCH DIRECTOR            To subscribe to CFO
                                    subsidiary of Argyle                                       magazine, visit
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            are subject to, e-mail
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            editing for clarity     MANAGING EDITOR
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        OF THE                              TOPLINE

                                         Small Businesses Weigh
                                         Subchapter V Filings
                                         Small Business Debtor Reorganization offers advantages over
            PAY CHECK
                                         other restructuring options for owners brought to the brink by
                                         COVID-19 shutdowns. By Vincent Ryan
            Increase in                      Many small businesses are using a niche         zation process, says Stephen Klein, managing
            middle-market                    part of the Bankruptcy Act to discharge         director of Atlanta-based Bennett Thrasher's
            CFO total direct             their debts during COVID-19, and bankruptcy         bankruptcy & restructuring practice.
            compensation                 experts are encouraging other ailing small             Second, "the absolute priority" rule does
                                         companies to consider the option instead of         not apply. A debtor may retain its equity
                                         shutting down entirely.                             interest even though unsecured creditors
            6.9%                             About 1,000 small businesses have filed
                                         under the so-called Subchapter V, Small Busi-
                                                                                             do not receive payment in full. In a typical
                                                                                             Chapter 11, the debtor cannot keep its equity
            Increase in
            retail and                   ness Debtor Reorganization, in 2020, accord-        unless (1) creditors vote in favor, and (2) the
            manufacturing                ing to statistics cited in a session of the Amer-   equity security holder "adds value." In many
            CFOs’ TDC                    ican Bankruptcy Institute's
                                         Insolvency 2020 conference.
                                             Part of the reason might
            $423K                        be the enhancement to Sub-
            Average salary,              chapter V in the Coronavi-
            middle-market                rus Aid, Relief, and Econom-
            CFOs                         ic Security (CARES) Act.
                                         CARES temporarily raised

            $322K                        the ceiling on a filer's aggre-
                                         gate secured and unsecured
            Average bonus                non-contingent and liquidat-
            and annual
                                         ed debt to $7.5 million from
                                         $2.7 million. The higher debt
                                         limit ends on March 27, 2021.
            17%                              "[Subchapter V] is tailor-
                                         made for small businesses
            CFOs that took               that can survive COVID
            2020 pay cuts +              and come out the other end," said Deirdre           Chapter 11 cases, the owner loses its equity
                                         O'Connor, a managing director at Epiq Global.       and ownership in the business.
            * For fiscal year 2019.
                                             A Subchapter V filing has advantages over           Third, in a Subchapter V, the management
            Average of 600 publicly      a Chapter 11. First, in Chapter V, a creditors'     of the small business can remain with the
            held middle market
                                         committee is not formed, and as a result, the       debtor (absent expansion of the trustee's role).
            + Disclosed in SEC filings   debtor's bankruptcy estate does not bear the            And fourth, Subchapter V gives the small
            between March and June
                                         committee's professionals' costs. A creditor's      business debtor flexibility to pay administra-
                                         committee has significant power in a Chapter        tive claims over the life of the plan rather than
            Source: The BDO 600
            compensation study
                                         11 case and is adversarial to the secured credi-    in cash on the effective date of the bankrupt-
                                         tors, which significantly impairs the reorgani-     cy, Klein says. The lack of that flexibility has

        8   CFO November/December 2020

20Dec_Topline.indd 8                                                                                                                     11/16/20 7:15 PM
impeded the successful reorganization      August and September. However, the             There were also 52 mega-bankrupt-
        of many companies, Klein says.             fourth quarter could be much busier,        cies (over $1 billion in assets), more
            The bankruptcy bar and the courts      according to bankruptcy experts.            than the number of mega bankruptcies
        are expecting more Subchapter V cases         Data from Cornerstone Research           in any full year from 2005 to 2019 ex-
        to be filed this year and next as Pay-     released in October revealed that           cept for 2009.
        check Protection Program funds are         the first three quarters of 2020 saw           "Mega-bankruptcy filings were
        exhausted. Indeed, the U.S. courts have    record numbers of large company             concentrated in two industry sectors—
        hired 250 new Subchapter V trustees.       bankruptcies. About 138 companies           mining, oil, and gas; and retail trade—
            In other bankruptcy trends, Reorg.     with over $100 million in assets filed      as oil prices collapsed and remained
        com's data cited in the session showed     for Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy      depressed, and traditional retailers
        that 2020 has been rife with Chapter       protection in that period. That figure is   faced an increasingly difficult environ-
        11 cases. The second quarter saw 138       84% higher than the 75 similarly sized      ment," said Allie Schwartz, a Corner-
        cases, and the third quarter, 133 cases.   bankruptcies filed in 2019. The second      stone Research principal.
        (The quarterly average since 2016 has      quarter's 55 filings marked the second-        The decline in worldwide travel
        been 97 cases.)                            highest total for any quarter since 2005,   precipitated 3 of the 20-largest bank-
            The months of June and July saw 50-    only behind the 65 in the first quarter     ruptcies: Hertz, LATAM Airlines, and
        plus cases each, but filings slowed in     of 2009.                                    Avianca Holdings. CFO

        REGULATION                                                       Then, in January 2018, they agreed to resume talks.
                                                                            The order found that two days before the date set for

        Beware This Misstep
                                                                         resuming the discussions, Andeavor’s CEO directed the
                                                                         company’s CFO to initiate a $250 million stock buyback.

        With Share Buybacks
                                                                         The stock was repurchased in February and March 2018.
                                                                            But a company policy that was part of the board-
                                                                         authorized buyback prohibited repurchases while
           Think it’s an OK time to repurchase some of the com-          Andeavor was in possession of material nonpublic infor-
           pany’s stock? Better have the compliance depart-              mation. Andeavor failed to maintain internal accounting
        ment check with the CEO first, even he’s the one who             controls that provided reasonable assurance that the
        told you to pull the trigger on the repurchase.                  buyback complied with Andeavor’s policy, the SEC said.
           That’s just one of the lessons from the Andeavor LLC             The SEC said Andeavor used “an abbreviated and
        case announced by the Securities and Exchange Com-               informal process” to evaluate whether the buyback
        mission in October.                                                                      requirements were satisfied.
           The SEC accused San An-                                                               More specifically, the process for
        tonio-based Andeavor, now                                                                evaluating the materiality of the
        part of Marathon Petroleum,                                                              acquisition negotiations did not
        of controls violations related                                                           include discussing, with the CEO,
        to a stock buyback plan’s tim-                                                           the likelihood of a deal between
        ing. According to the SEC, while                                                         Andeavor and Marathon.
        the company was in talks to be                                                               About one month after com-
        acquired by Marathon in 2018,                                                            pleting the buyback, the order
        Andeavor bought back $250 mil-                                                           found, Andeavor publicly an-
        lion worth of stock, violating its                                                       nounced that it would be ac-
        own policies regarding trading                                                           quired by Marathon in a deal
        while in possession of material,                                                         valuing Andeavor at over $150
        nonpublic information, and se-                                                           per share.
        curities laws.                                                                               Andeavor agreed to pay a $20
           Andeavor and Marathon held months of confidential             million penalty to settle the charges without admitting
        discussions in 2017 about Marathon potentially acquir-           to the violations.
        ing Andeavor. But, the order found, in October 2017                 The SEC’s order finds that Andeavor violated the in-
        Andeavor’s then-Chairman and CEO and Marathon’s                  ternal controls provisions of Section 13(b)(2)(B) of the
        Chairman and CEO agreed to suspend the discussions.              Securities Exchange Act of 1934. | V.R.

        Getty Images (2)                                                                            November/December 2020 | CFO     9

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        Wells Fargo Abused
        COVID Relief
            Wells Fargo fired up to 125 employees for allegedly misrepre-
            senting themselves to obtain stimulus money intended to help
        businesses hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic.
            CNN, citing an internal memo written by Wells Fargo’s head of       THE CLOUD
        human resources, David Galloreese, reported the misrepresenta-

                                                                                IBM to Spin Off
        tions may have amounted to fraud against the U.S. Small Business

                                                                                Infrastructure Unit
            In the memo, David Galloreese wrote that the bank identified
        employees whom it believes may have “defrauded the U.S. Small
        Business Administration (SBA) by making false representations in
        applying for coronavirus relief funds for themselves through the           IBM is spinning off its managed infra-
        Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, which is administered di-           structure services unit into a new public
        rectly through the SBA.”                                                company. The company said the move would
            Galloreese wrote the employees’ actions did not involve cus-        help accelerate its hybrid cloud growth strat-
        tomers and were taken outside of their responsibilities at the          egy and drive digital transformation.
        company.                                                                   “IBM is laser-focused on the $1 trillion
            “We have zero tolerance for fraudulent behavior and will con-       hybrid cloud opportunity,” IBM chief execu-
                                                     tinue to look into these   tive officer Arvind Krishna. “Client buying
                                                     matters,” Galloreese       needs for application and infrastructure ser-
                                                     wrote. “If we identify     vices are diverging, while adoption of our
                                                     additional wrongdo-        hybrid cloud platform is accelerating.”
                                                     ing by employees, we          Following the spinoff, IBM will have
                                                     will take appropriate      more than 50% of its portfolio in recurring
                                                     action.” He said the       revenues products. It said it will transition
                                                     company would fully        from a company with more than half of its
                                                     cooperate with law en-     revenues in services to one with a majority
                                                     forcement.                 in high-value cloud software and solutions.
                                                         “As a company, we         It said the spinoff company will imme-
                                                     are vigilant in detect-    diately be the leading managed infrastruc-
                                                     ing fraud,” he said.       ture services provider with more than twice
                                                     “While these instances     the scale of its nearest competitor. The new
        of wrongdoing are extremely unfortunate and disappointing, they         company does not yet have a name.
        are not representative of the high integrity of the vast majority of       “We have positioned IBM for the new
        Wells Fargo employees.”                                                 era of hybrid cloud,” Ginni Rometty, IBM
            In 2016, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fined the         executive chairman, said. “Our multi-year
        bank $185 million over allegations it created millions of fraudulent    transformation created the foundation for
        savings accounts and checking accounts. In 2018, the Federal Re-        the open hybrid cloud platform, which we
        serve announced it was capping the bank’s assets citing “wide-          then accelerated with the acquisition of
        spread consumer abuse.”                                                 Red Hat.”
            In September, JPMorgan Chase the largest lender under the              IBM closed on its $34 billion acquisition
        Paycheck Protection Program, said some of its employees had             of Red Hat in July 2019. The Red Hat deal,
        “fallen short” of company standards and participated in conduct         the largest ever for IBM, was led by Krishna
        around the program that may have been illegal. The bank reported-       who took over as CEO in April.
        ly fired several employees who improperly applied for COVID-19 re-         The spinoff is expected to be tax-free and
        lief funds through the Economic Injury program. | WILLIAM SPROUSE       completed by the end of 2021. | W.S.

        10    CFO November/December 2020                                                                         Getty Images(2)

20Dec_Topline.indd 10                                                                                                     11/16/20 8:05 PM
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a.indd 11                                                                                           11/10/20 9:56 PM

                                                                                                  The FRC announced Thurs-
        AUDITING                                                                              day that the tribunal had upheld its
                                                                                              request for sanctions, with Knights

        Deloitte Fined
                                                                                              and Mercer being fined 500,000
                                                                                              pounds and 250,000 pounds, respec-

        Record $19M
                                                                                                  “The significant sanctions …
                                                                                              reflect the gravity and extent of the
           Concluding a years-long inves-                                                     failings by Deloitte and two of its
           tigation, the U.K.’s accounting                                                    former partners in discharging their
        watchdog has fined Deloitte a record                                                  public interest duty concerning
        15 million pounds ($19.4 million) for                                                 Autonomy’s audits,” Elizabeth Bar-
        “serious and serial failures” in its audits of software firm   rett, the FRC’s executive counsel, said.
        Autonomy.                                                         “The identified failures to act with integrity, objectivity,
           The Financial Reporting Council’s investigation             skepticism, and professional competence go to the heart of
        focused on Deloitte’s audits of Autonomy’s financial state-    audit,” she added.
        ments before the company was acquired for $11 billion by          The FRC alleged Deloitte allowed Autonomy to hide
        Hewlett-Packard in 2011.                                       118 million pounds of loss-making hardware sales before
           After a seven-week hearing last year, an independent        the company was sold to HP. A year later, HP took an
        disciplinary tribunal found Deloitte and two former part-      $8.8 billion writedown on the deal, alleging accounting
        ners, Richard Knights and Nigel Mercer, were culpable of       irregularities.
        misconduct for audit failings related to the accounting and       “Our audit practices and processes have evolved signifi-
        disclosure of Autonomy’s sales of hardware and its sales of    cantly since this work was performed over a decade ago,”
        software licenses to value-added resellers.                    Deloitte said. | MATTHEW HELLER

        CAPITAL MARKETS                                                global head of equity index and alternative investment
                                                                       products, said. “Developing risk management tools that

        CME, Nasdaq to Offer
                                                                       address growing environmental concerns is increasingly
                                                                       important to CME Group.”

        Water Futures
                                                                          Peter Gleick, a water expert at the Pacific Institute,
                                                                       said the market could result in some users conserving
                                                                       water and selling a surplus for a profit, but he thought
           CME Group and Nasdaq said they plan to                             the impact of the futures market would be small
           offer futures contracts based on the                                   because selling was complicated due to rights
        Nasdaq Veles California Water Index.                                        issues.
           The index, launched in 2018, is based                                        “There are fewer places in California
        on the volume-weighted average of the                                         where water can be transferred legally,”
        transaction prices in California’s five                                       Gleick said. “The vast majority of Califor-
        largest and most actively traded water                                        nia water isn’t accessible to these water
        markets.                                                                      markets.”
           In a statement, the companies said                                           Rostin Behnam, a commissioner at the
        each contract would represent 10-acre                                      Commodity Futures Trading Commission, said
        feet of water and allow users to lock-in                                 derivatives based on water prices would be an
        prices, increasing transparency, price discov-                      important way for businesses to manage climate
        ery, and risk transfer.                                        risk, citing increasing prevalence of extreme weather
           “With nearly two-thirds of the world’s population ex-       events.
        pected to face water shortages by 2025, water scarcity            “Every time I talk about this, these weather events are
        presents a growing risk for businesses and communi-            just validating the need to take action,” Behnam said.
        ties around the world, and particularly for the $1.1 bil-         Sales of the contracts would begin late in the fourth
        lion California water market,” Tim McCourt, CME Group          quarter, pending regulatory review. | W.S.

        12    CFO November/December 2020

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ACCOUNTING                                                                                    million with a purport-
                                                                                                      edly unrelated Alas-

                                                                                                      ka-based company
                                                                                                      that was in fact con-

        Accused of Fraud
                                                                                                      trolled by Hastings and
                                                                                                      Whiteley. The defen-
                                                                                                      dants allegedly misap-
           The Securities and Exchange Commission                                                     propriated nearly $6
           has filed civil charges against SAExploration                                              million from SAE and
        Holdings, a publicly traded seismic data acquisi-                                             used the funds for a
        tion company based in Houston, over an alleged                                                series of round-trip
        multi-year accounting fraud that falsely inflated the      transactions. They then stole approximately $6 million
        company’s revenue and concealed the theft of millions      for themselves. Whiteley allegedly misappropriated
        of dollars.                                                an additional $4 million through a separate fictitious
           In a complaint filed in the Southern District of New    invoice scheme.
        York, the SEC said senior executives engaged in an            The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of
        “elaborate, four-year-long fraud.” It names former CEO     New York announced criminal charges against Hastings
        and chairman Jeffrey Hastings, former CFO and gener-       in a parallel action.
        al counsel Brent Whiteley, former CEO and chief oper-         Hastings was arrested last month in Anchorage,
        ating officer Brian Beatty, and former vice president of   Alaska. A spokesperson for the company said he was
        operations Michael Scott as defendants. It also names      put on administrative leave more than a year ago and
        the spouses of Hastings and Whiteley, Lori Hastings        then resigned.
        and Thomas O’Neill, as relief defendants.                     The SEC is seeking a permanent injunction against
           The executives allegedly entered into a series of       SAE and executives, civil penalties, disgorgement, and
        seismic data acquisition contracts totaling about $140     office-and-director bars against the executives. | W.S.

        M&A                                                        in a highly competitive space,” CRM Essentials founder and
                                                                   principal analyst Brent Leary said. “Emarsys adds industry-

        SAP to Buy Emarsys
                                                                   specific customer engagement capabilities that should help
                                                                   SAP CX customers accelerate their efforts to provide their
                                                                   customers with the experiences they expect as their needs
           German software giant SAP has reached an agreement      change over time.”
           to buy Emarsys, a cloud-based customer engagement          Qualtrics was the last big acquisition under former CEO
        platform, for an undisclosed sum.                          Bill McDermott, who was criticized for overpaying for the
           “Once the transaction closes, SAP will enable brands    company days ahead of its scheduled public offering. Ex-
        to connect every part of their business to the customer,   perience management remained the smallest of SAP’s four
        including experience data,” SAP chief executive officer    business segments, however.
        Christian Klein. “We will de-                                                            In a statement, SAP said Emar-
        liver a portfolio for a ‘commerce                                                     sys would enhance its customer
        anywhere’ strategy allowing for                                                       experience portfolio and create
        hyper-personalized digital com-                                                       a new paradigm to deliver om-
        merce experiences across all                                                          nichannel enagements in real
        channels at any time.”                                                                time.
           The deal comes some two                                                               Emarsys was founded in 2000
        months after SAP announced it                                                         in Austria and has more than 800
        was spinning off Qualtrics, the                                                       employees in 13 offices around
        customer experience (CX) man-                                                         the world. U.S. headquarters are
        agement company it bought for                                                         in Indianapolis. It has reportedly
        $8 billion in 2018.                                                                   raised $55 million.
           “This illustrates that SAP is                                                         The transaction is expected to
        serious about CX and competing                                                        close in the fourth quarter. | W.S.

        Getty Images(4)                                                                      November/December 2020 | CFO     13

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                                                                    lion in penalties and $523 million in tipster rewards.
                                                                       The commissioners recognized “the importance of
        REGULATION                                                  paying awards to whistleblowers and the invaluable
                                                                    contributions whistleblowers make to protecting inves-

        SEC Drops Proposed
                                                                    tors,” Stephen M. Kohn, an attorney and chairman of the
                                                                    National Whistleblower Center, said. “The unanimity of

        Whistleblower Rule
                                                                    support for the basic principles underlying the whistle-
                                                                    blower reward law sends a powerful message to Wall
            The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission                The proposed cap applied to a whistleblower suit
            announced changes to its                                             resulting in monetary sanctions of at least
        whistleblower program but dis-                                           $100 million. In such cases, SEC staff would
        carded a controversial proposal                                          have had the discretion to reduce the award
        to allow staff to reduce awards of                                       percentage so that an award “[did] not
        more than $30 million.                                                   exceed an amount that is reasonably nec-
            The proposal for a discretionary                                     essary to reward the whistleblower and to
        “cap” on large awards had sparked                                        incentivize other similarly situated whistle-
        an outcry among whistleblower                                            blowers.”
        advocates and lawyers, who said                                             An award could not be reduced to less
        it would discourage tipsters from                                        than 10% of the sanctions.
        flagging the most egregious frauds.                                         The business community had encouraged
            The whistleblower program, which allows the SEC         the SEC to revisit its evaluation of potential large awards
        to reward tipsters whose original information leads to      and some commissioners were also worried that large
        a penalty exceeding $1 million with between 10% and         awards would drain the independent fund from which
        30% of the fine, has so far resulted in more than $2 bil-   whistleblower payouts are drawn. | M.H.

        RISK MANAGEMENT                                                The OCC cited deficiencies in Citigroup’s enterprise-
                                                                    wide risk management and compliance risk management

        Citigroup Fined
                                                                    programs, saying it failed to “adequately identify, measure,
                                                                    monitor, and control risk.”

        Over Risk Defects
                                                                       In August, Citigroup mistakenly paid $900 million to
                                                                    Revlon lenders who had sued the cosmetics company—an
                                                                    error that heightened concerns over its risk-management
            U.S. banking regulators have fined Citigroup $400       systems, which are a legacy of a string of deals in the
            million for failing to correct                                                  1990s that turned it into a financial
        “serious and longstanding                                                           powerhouse.
        deficiencies” in its risk-management                                                    The bank said in a statement that
        systems.                                                                            it was disappointed to have fallen
           Citigroup agreed to the fine as                                                  short of regulatory expectations
        part of a settlement with the Office                                                and has “significant remediation
        of the Comptroller of the Currency                                                  projects” under way.
        that also requires it to “take broad                                                    Under the consent order with
        and comprehensive corrective                                                        the Fed, the Citigroup board has 120
        actions to improve risk management,                                                 days to submit a plan describing
        data governance, and internal                                                       how it will hold senior managers
        controls.”                                                                          accountable for executing effective
           The bank also entered into                                                       and sustainable remediation plans
        a similar consent order with the Federal Reserve that       and ensure they fix the risk-management problems.
        said it had “not adequately remediated the longstanding        Citigroup’s chief risk officer, Bradford Hu, left the bank
        enterprise-wide risk management and controls                in early November. He had been head of risk for eight
        deficiencies” previously identified by the Fed.             years. | M.H.

        14    CFO November/December 2020

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FRAUD                                                                                                allegedly was engaging
                                                                                                             in a brazen fraud,” acting

        Fraud Detection
                                                                                                             Manhattan U.S. Attorney
                                                                                                             Audrey Strauss said.

        Ex-CEO Charged
                                                                                                                NS8, which Rogas
                                                                                                             co-founded in 2016, pro-
                                                                                                             vides fraud detection and
            The former CEO of fraud prevention startup NS8 has                                               prevention software to
            been charged with fraud for fabricating millions of dol-                                         e-commerce merchants.
        lars in revenue to raise $123 million from investors.                                                According to the SEC,
           The U.S. Department of Justice said Adam Rogas, 43,           Rogas began no later than 2018 to download electronic cop-
        altered NS8’s bank statements before providing them on a         ies of the firm’s revenue account statements and “altered
        monthly basis to its finance department to show revenue          the text of those statements to grossly exaggerate the dollars
        and bank balances that did not exist, resulting in an over       paid by customers to NS8.”
        $60 million inflation of assets as recently as June 2020.            “As a result, each of the NS8 financial statements from
           When NS8 raised approximately $123 million in two             2018 to 2020 [was] also false and materially misstated,
        offerings, Rogas allegedly provided the false statements to      among other things, the balance of the revenue account,
        existing and prospective investors, pocketing nearly $17.5       NS8’s revenue, and NS8’s assets,” the commission said.
        million of the proceeds for himself.                                 A doctored balance sheet as of Feb. 29, 2020, showed
           Rogas, who was arrested in September on federal charges       there was $38.1 million in the revenue account in January
        of securities fraud, is also facing a civil complaint filed by   and $42.2 million in February when the actual balances were
        the Securities and Exchange Commission.                          $39,005 and $45,408, respectively, according to the SEC.
           “As alleged, Adam Rogas was the proverbial fox guard-             Rogas resigned on Sept. 1, the SEC said, after an employ-
        ing the henhouse. While raising over $100 million from           ee in NS8’s finance department discovered the true balance
        investors for his fraud prevention company, Rogas himself        of funds in the revenue account. | M.H.

        CREDIT                                                           demand for the loans to increase over the next three

        Banks Wary of
                                                                            However, only 13.4% of banks said they expected
                                                                         their willingness to approve loans to increase over the

        Main Street Loans
                                                                         next three months, with 83.6% expecting it would stay
                                                                         the same.
                                                                            Banks enrolled in the program “often cited concerns
            An overwhelming number of U.S. banks do not expect           about borrowers’ financial condition before and during
            to become more willing to make loans to business-            the COVID-19 crisis, as well as overly restrictive MSLP
        es under a key pandemic relief program amid concerns             loan terms for borrowers as reasons for not approving
        over the financial condition of borrowers and overly             MSLP loans,” the Fed said.
        restrictive loan terms.                                             More than half of the senior loan officers who respond-
           The Main Street Lending Program (MSLP) is aimed at            ed to the survey indicated they had rejected Main Street
        keeping middle-market firms afloat that were solvent             loans for firms that were “creditworthy before the
        before the coronavirus pandemic.                                                       COVID-19 crisis, but too severely
        However, only about $2 billion of a                                                    impacted to remain viable and
        potential $600 billion in funding has                                                  hence unable to repay the loan.”
        been approved by the Federal Reserve                                                      Nearly three-fourths of respon-
        so far.                                                                                dents said they had made no Main
           According to a Fed survey released                                                  Street loans at all or were not reg-
        in September, a major fraction of                                                      istered for the program and, for
        large banks approved at least 40%                                                      most of those that had made loans,
        of the inquiries for Main Street loans                                                 the program accounted for less
        that they had received since mid-June                                                  than 2.5% of their overall commer-
        and nearly a third of banks expected                                                   cial and industrial lending. | M.H.

        Getty Images(4)                                                                            November/December 2020 | CFO    15

20Dec_Topline.indd 15                                                                                                             11/16/20 8:06 PM
                                                                                                                  Puerto Rico, and the
                                                                                                                  U.K. “No patient or
        CYBERSECURITY                                                                                             employee data ap-
                                                                                                                  pears to have been

        Ransomware Hits
                                                                                                                  accessed, copied, or
                                                                                                                  misused,” the com-

        Hospital Chain
                                                                                                                  pany said in a news
                                                                                                                     But news site
           A suspected ransomware attack shut down the com-                                                       Bleeding Computer
           puter systems at Universal Health Services, one of the                                                 said the attackers ap-
        largest U.S. hospital chains, and raised fears that the hack-    pear to have used Ryuk ransomware, which is widely linked
        ers gained access to patient and employee data.                  to Russian cybercriminals, and that “if this is a ransomware
           The attack on UHS in September left doctors and nurses        attack, there is also a high chance of the attackers stealing
        scrambling to render care, with computers replaced by pen        patient and employee data, which will further increase the
        and paper. Telemetry monitors that show critical care pa-        damage.”
        tients’ heart rates, blood pressure, and oxygen levels went         In 2017, a ransomware strain called WannaCry, created
        dark and had to be restored with ethernet cabling.               by hackers working for the North Korean government, in-
           “These things could be life or death,” a clinician told the   fected the U.K.’s National Health Service, disrupting at least
        Associated Press.                                                80 medical facilities. In September, the first known fatality
           CEO Alan Miller told The Wall Street Journal that the         related to ransomware occurred at a hospital in Germany.
        hackers used a previously unknown technique to break into           “We are most concerned with ransomware attacks which
        UHS’ computer systems. He declined to say whether they           have the potential to disrupt patient care operations and
        had requested payment from the company.                          risk patient safety,” said John Riggi, senior cybersecurity
           UHS operates more than 400 facilities across the U.S.,        adviser to the American Hospital Association. | M.H.

                                                                         Dow Jones in September 2018 after previously working

        S&P Manager Traded
                                                                         for the derivatives businesses of JPMorgan Chase and
                                                                         BNY Mellon.

        On Index Changes
                                                                            As an index manager at S&P Dow Jones, he was
                                                                         “privy to index committee discussions and related
                                                                         matters, including the identities of companies that
           A senior index manager at S&P Dow Jones Indi-                 might be added to or removed from one of [the compa-
           ces and his friend have been charged with trading             ny’s] U.S.-based indices,” the SEC said.
        on inside information he misappropriated from his                   Yang and Chen allegedly made illegal trades in the
        employer, generating $900,000 in illicit profits.                call or put options of companies including Etsy, Grub-
           The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said              Hub, and T-Mobile, with Yang on some occasions
        Yinghang “James” Yang of Flushing, N.Y., traded in the           accessing Chen’s brokerage account directly through
        options of 14 companies between June and October                 the internet and on others tipping off Chen.
        2019 after he learned in advance that they would be                 The defendants generated returns on their option
        added to or removed from one of S&P                                                        purchases as high as 624%,
        Dow Jones’ three indices.                                                                  the SEC said, with their most
           The trades were allegedly executed                                                      lucrative trade being an
        through the brokerage account of co-                                                       $18,014 investment in call
        conspirator Yuanbiao Chen of Corona,                                                       options of CDW on Sept. 17,
        N.Y., manager of a sushi restaurant.                                                       2019. After S&P Dow Jones
           Yang was arrested in September in                                                       announced CDW would be
        a related criminal case.                                                                   added to one of its indexes,
           According to his LinkedIn profile,                                                      they allegedly liquidated the
        Yang has a master’s degree from                                                            options the following day for
        Columbia University and joined S&P                                                         $112,487 in profits. | M.H.

        16    CFO November/December 2020                                                                                   Getty Images(3)

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FRAUD                                                         McAfee’s bodyguard, Jimmy Gale Watson, was also
                                                                   charged with “substantially assist[ing] McAfee’s tout-

        Tycoon Accused of
                                                                   ing and scalping schemes.”
                                                                      “Potential investors in digital asset securities are

        Touting ICOs
                                                                   entitled to know if promoters were compensated by the
                                                                   issuers of those securities,” Kristina Littman, chief of
                                                                   the SEC’s cyber unit, said. “McAfee, assisted by Watson,
            Anti-virus software developer John McAfee has been     allegedly leveraged his fame to deceptively tout numer-
            charged with promoting initial coin offerings (ICOs)   ous digital asset securities to his followers without
        to his Twitter followers without disclosing that issuers   informing investors of his role as a paid promoter.”
        paid him more than $23 million in digital assets for the      McAfee had increased his Twitter following to
        promotions.                                                        784,000 as of Feb. 17, 2018, in part by becoming
           McAfee, 74, (photo) is the latest high-                             a booster for bitcoin. As he gained fame in
        profile figure to be accused of illegally                                 the digital asset community, the SEC said
        “touting” ICOs, joining celebrities                                         in a civil complaint, ICO issuers began
        including music producer DJ Khaled                                            asking him to promote their upcoming
        and professional boxer Floyd                                                   digital asset offerings.
        Mayweather.                                                                       The ICOs he promoted raised at
           According to the U.S. Securities                                            least $41 million and he made approxi-
        and Exchange Commission, the                                                   mately $23.2 million in secret compen-
        cybersecurity millionaire touted                                              sation, demanding an up­front payment
        at least seven ICOs to his hundreds                                         in bitcoin in addition to a percentage of
        of thousands of Twitter followers                                         the digital assets offered in the ICOs and,
        from at least November 2017 through                                    later, a percentage of the total funds raised
        February 2018.                                                    from investors. | M.H.

                                                                                 Access valuable
                                                                              finance information.

                                        Download the CFO Mobile App Today

                                                                                                     December 2020 | CFO   17

20Dec_Topline.indd 17                                                                                                   11/16/20 8:07 PM

             Take a bow, CFOs.
             You deserve it.
             CFOs at the Forefront of Crisis and in
             Position to Impact the Future.
                              year 2020 will be re-     provide guidance to better
                 The          membered by finance
                              professionals as one
                                                        position CFOs and finance
                                                        leaders for continued
             marked by great challenges, but also       success amidst uncertainty.
             by resilience and accelerated change.      Topics discussed cut across
             The global impact of the COVID-19          areas such as scenario-
             pandemic and the resulting economic        planning and improving
             disruption presented CFOs and fi-          accuracy of forecasts;
             nance leaders with business issues not     reducing enterprise costs; developing        Looking Ahead
             seen in generations, forcing them to       agile operating models; transitioning        The survey revealed five key insights
             demonstrate greater resolve and stra-      to remote and virtual workforces;            that CFOs can draw upon to navigate
             tegic leadership than ever before.         deploying automation; and much more.         current and future challenges and
                Considering these events, FTI               What’s clear is that the implications    drive value in 2021.
             surveyed more than 325 CFOs and            from COVID-19 and economic instabil-
             finance executives to uncover the          ity have heightened the importance of        1. The CFO role has quickly elevated.
             tremendous efforts that finance leaders    Finance’s role to drive change across the    The pandemic focused a spotlight on
             demonstrated through adversity,            enterprise. Survey respondents indicat-      the CFO’s ability to lead the organiza-
             and to provide a look at what’s still to   ed that key priorities and initiatives for   tion. The most successful CFOs drove
             come. The insights from the survey         2021 were as follows (chart below):          scenario and contingency planning,
                                                                                                     took swift cost reduction actions to
                                                                                                     ensure economic viability, and main-
                 Manage Business           Adapt and Develop         Prepare for the
                                                                                                     tained liquidity by improving working
                 Volatility                Capabilities              Rebound
                                                                                                     capital and tapping capital markets as
                 • Improve planning,       • Attract new talent       • Improve capital
                                                                                                     What it means: CFOs can and should
                   scenario modeling,        and develop capa-          structure and
                   and forecasting           bilities                   strengthen balance           do more to drive enterprise strategy,
                                                                        sheet                        capitalizing on the inherent strength
                 • Optimize cash flow      • Enable a remote
                                                                                                     of the finance function to manage key
                   and working capital       workforce and plan       • Redefine operating
                                             for corporate real         model and expand             initiatives, provide analytical insights,
                 • Manage enterprise         estate, technology,        use of external              and free up resources for higher-value
                   costs                     and talent impacts         partners                     activities.
                 • Identify and manage     • Eliminate/automate       • Develop analytic
                   risks                     manual processes           capabilities                 2. Finance maintained productivity
                 • Deliver real-time                                                                 working remotely and moving to do
                                           • Enhance data             • Implement new
                   information to make       management and             technologies
                                                                                                     so on a permanent basis.
                   faster business           security                                                In response to COVID-19 shutdowns,
                   decisions                                          • Undertake M&A/
                                                                                                     finance functions were adept in mov-
                                           • Improve account-           strategic alternatives
                                             ing processes                                           ing to both remote and virtual work-
                                             and internal controls                                   forces. Survey respondents indicated
                                                                                                     that over 70%of their physical finance

        18     CFO | November/December 2020

ND20_FTI Consulting Advertorial.indd 18                                                                                                      11/12/20 1:40 PM

             teams will remain remote; however,                 a value creator within Finance and              be successful, the CFO must utilize
             teams are likely to move to a hybrid               demonstrating the benefits of these             analytic insights to make enterprise-
             model in the future as desire for                  solutions in other areas. Accelerated           wide decisions that impact cost, work-
             interpersonal connections and an in-               adoption of the digital workforce will          ing capital, liquidity, risk and capital
             office presence increases. Addition-               be critical to managing margin pres-            markets. This pivot from a finance
             ally, 61% of respondents stated that               sures that are likely to persist in the         and accounting professional to the
             transitioning to and enabling their                coming years.                                   enterprise value creator role has been
             remote workforces were either critical                                                             driven in part by adoption of digital
             or a high priority in the next 12 to 18            4. Finance operating models are                 innovation and technology that helps
             months.                                            being redefined with expanded use               provide visibility in volatile busi-
             What it means: Going forward, CFOs                 of BPO.                                         ness climates. There is also broad
             will have to carefully consider real               CFOs will change the delivery of the            recognition­—as supported by 89% of
             estate needs, new office interaction               finance function’s services in the next         the survey respondents—that the CFO
             models, compensation adjustments,                  12 to 18 months. The underlying moti-           and finance function have the talent
             employee mental health and a scal-                 vation is driven by increased focus on          and skills to drive enterprise value for
             able engagement model. CFOs who                    reducing the cost of Finance without            the organization. It is simply a matter
             have already seen high performance                 undermining the function’s strate-              of the CFO can harness the talent and
             with a remote workforce will need                  gic objectives. In addition, CFOs are           skill, with precision, to deliver results.
             to optimize the remote experience to               recognizing that BPO providers are              What it means: In many organiza-
             maintain or improve performance,                   growing front- and back-office capa-            tions, the CFO has effectively act-
             and they’ll need to anticipate how the             bilities and offering economic incen-           ed as the enterprise lead through
             new operating models will impact                   tives such as variable, volume-based            COVID-19, according to survey
             corporate real estate, technology, and             pricing, that further allow them to             respondents. This favorable attitude
             human resources requirements.                      manage through volatility.                      toward CFOs is attributable to their
                                                                What it means: A growing number                 ability to deliver accurate real-time

             In a post-pandemic                                 of CFOs recognize the value of execut-
                                                                ing finance processes within a central-
                                                                                                                planning, reporting and data analysis
                                                                                                                and quickly initiate efforts to reduce
             world, there will be                               ized model. Now, CFOs are partnering            and/or optimize enterprise costs.
             no substitute for solid                            with BPO providers to source labor,
             planning and leadership.                           expertise and automation in order               Looking Ahead
                                                                to bolster enterprise value. Buck-              There are high expectations for the
             3. Automation proved its value                     ing recent trends, CFOs are increas-            CFO to drive performance while
             and the digital workforce continues                ingly turning to BPO providers to also          protecting the business from risks.
             to grow.                                           support non-transactional processes.            Finance's imperative is to deliver
             While most CFOs have started to                    Some CFOs are using BPOs to assist              insights, steer strategy and opera-
             adopt automation, the survey results               with higher-value processes, such as            tional decisions by facilitating effec-
             suggest that it has not reached its full           financial and profitability analyses,           tive partnerships in the business. In
             potential in Finance. Nearly 80% of                and with budgeting and forecasting              a post-pandemic world, there will be
             respondents indicated that at least 5%             using analytics.                                no substitute for solid planning and
             of their finance team was composed of                                                              leadership, and Finance’s role in driv-
             a digital workforce through automa-                5. CFOs will continue to lead                   ing change across the enterprise will
             tion1. However, less than one-third of             the way.                                        be critical to thriving in future disrup-
             the respondents indicated that one in              The CFO and finance function’s abil-            tions and shaping the organization for
             five of their finance teams was digital,           ity to provide predictive insights in           success.
             suggesting automation has more room                an ambiguous market will continue
             to grow.                                           to position the CFO as an enterprise            To obtain a full report of FTI
             What it means: CFOs should encour-                 leader. Having guided their compa-              Consulting’s CFO Survey, email
             age the adoption of RPA and broad-                 nies through the COVID- 19 crisis,    
             er intelligent automation solutions                CFOs are well-positioned to lead the            For more information, visit
             across the enterprise by serving as                way as enterprise value creators. To  

              Automation can be characterized as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), automation via software-
             enabled planning and reporting (e.g. Anaplan, OneStream), automated account reconciliation (e.g.
             Blackline, Oracle FCCS), and dashboard automation/BI.                                                    November/December 2020 | CFO       19

19.indd 19                                                                                                                                              11/16/20 7:12 PM

        7 Ways COVID-19 Will
        Transform Health Care
         The pandemic could promote disruptive innovation to lower costs, but it will take
         pressure from the business community to make it happen. By Jeff Levin-Scherz, MD,
         Steve Blumenfield, and Julie Stone

         Health care in the United States is broken. CFOs know we                                  four times as many adults (40.1%)
                                                                                                   reported symptoms of major depres-
         have the most expensive health care system in the world, yet                              sion or anxiety in July 2020 compared
         our outcomes are worse than those in most developed coun-                                 with a year earlier.
                                                                                                       The pandemic has led to dramatic
         tries. What’s more, long-standing efforts to decrease cost and                            increases in the use of digital and vir-
         increase value through disruptive innovation have fallen flat                             tual mental health care. The treatment
                                                                                                                         ranges from digi-
         due to the influence of established                                                                             tal emotional
         stakeholders, the persistence of restric-                                                                       wellbeing tools to
         tive rules, and the moral hazard of                                                                             chatbots offering
         third-party payment.                                                                                            cognitive behavior-
            The COVID-19 pandemic provides                                                                               al therapy to text-
         us with a real opportunity to finally                                                                           based coaching by
         transform our health care system. We                                                                            humans to robust
         expect seven phenomena brought                                                                                  virtual networks
         on by the COVID-19 pandemic will                                                                                with access to a
         accelerate change in health care.                                                                               full continuum of
         If managed effectively, they will                                                                               mental health care,
         allow health care purchasers such as                                                                            including psychiat-
         employers to harness the benefits of                                                                            ric services. These
         dynamic changes in the market.                                                                                  alternatives can
                                                                                                                         decrease costs and
         1. The rise of virtual care. Americans                                                                          help address gaps
         avoided most non-emergency care this          ter evaluation of suspicious lesions via    in access to mental health services.
         spring. Data shows massive decreases          smartphone cameras. Good consumer
         in preventive services such as colonos-       experiences with virtual care will create   3. More entrepreneurial health care
         copies (86%), mammography (94%),              stickiness, and much care will continue     startups. The first half of 2020 saw
         and dental care (92%).                        to be delivered remotely even after the     the greatest venture capital investment
             Telehealth visits rose to as much as      pandemic is over.                           in digital health ever—more than $5.4
         14% of total visits at their peak in April.                                               billion in investment. Buoyed by the
         Patients saved time and parking fees,         2. New digital approaches to meet-          successful IPOs of Teladoc, Livongo
         and fewer ancillary tests were per-           ing mental health needs. We have            (now owned by Teladoc), Progyny, One
         formed. Patients will not mourn the loss      long had inadequate access to men-          Medical, and others, investors now see
         of packed waiting rooms and hours away        tal health care, and the pandemic has       great potential in this space.
         from work for a 10-minute appointment.        heightened needs that society and               This torrent of investment could
             Innovative virtual visit support tools    employers alike were already feeling        mean a future where patients can use
         continue to evolve, and algorithms            acutely. The Centers for Disease Con-       apps to triage their needs, initially
         and artificial intelligence enable bet-       trol and Prevention found that almost       connecting to an artificial intelligence

         20     CFO | November/December 2020                                                                                     Getty Images

Departments - Health Benefits 20                                                                                                       11/12/20 1:31 PM
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