Page created by Lisa Kelley


             Supported and endorsed by the 10 ASEAN member nations
A journey
that matters
The ASEAN economic bloc is celebrating its big five-oh

in 2017, a milestone that the region’s tourism industry
can be proud of too as ASEAN Tourism Forum holds its
36th edition in Singapore next year.
   As an event that dives into regional and interna-
tional issues impacting ASEAN’s tourism business and
seeks useful collaboration, and showcases the beauty
of South-east Asia’s diversity to tourism buyers from
all over the world, ASEAN Tourism Forum has been                                        04   Getting to know the machine
instrumental in positioning the region as a single, excit-                              10   A thirst for ASEAN
ing destination.
   ASEAN member nations’ singular and collective                                        14   Courting the dragon and elephant
pursuit of the business events market may have started                                  18   The power of one region
later than their quest for holiday-makers, but it is
catching up fast. Today in this region are several inte-
grated resorts with MICE capabilities as well as a good
mix of business hotels under international and home-
grown brands. Notable tourism and civil infrastructure
investments are being made in every member country.
Young individuals are also stepping up to lead.
    While considerable advancements have been made,
work isn’t done yet for the ASEAN MICE community.
   That said, one should always celebrate every single                                  21   Best MICE experiences
victory and we hope the TTGmice ASEAN’s 50th An-
niversary Special Issue will help you appreciate how far                                22   MICE playground on the high seas
South-east Asia has come in its MICE pursuit and what
more needs to be done to achieve ultimate triumph.
                                                                                        26   ASEAN’s top investments
                                                                                        32   Integrated wonderland
Karen Yue
Group Editor
                                                                                        34   Homegrown hotel darlings
                                                                                        40   Hardiest MICE specialists
                                                                                        45   New chiefs on the block

                                                Karen in Ko Racha Yai,
                                                Thailand                                47 Trip down memory lane

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Where great minds come to dream.
                      Where the future is at your fingertips.
                                This is Singapore.

At    the heart of Southeast Asia is a vibrant,
      cutting-edge city where leaders meet to
work and play with complete peace of mind,
                                                  draws the world’s best and brightest to its
                                                     Singapore’s knowledge-based economy is
                                                                                                        The city-state is a breeze to get to, as it is
                                                                                                    connected to some 300 cities in 70 countries
                                                                                                    by 100 international airlines and is powered
powered by all the modern conveniences and        known for excellence in the banking & finance,    by the world’s best airport, as voted by air
resources the world has to offer.                 biomedical sciences, energy, ICT & media,         travellers in Skytrax’s World Airport Awards
   Singapore is the region’s centre for MICE      transport and security industries. This in turn   2016 for the seventh consecutive year.
and innovation — and with good reason.            attracts international thought leaders and            Breathe easy knowing you are taking your
Boasting a dynamic economy, one of the            quality summits from a multitude of fields,       delegates to the least corrupt and one of the
world’s most stable and secure environments,      including the Global Young Scientist Summit       safest countries in Asia, according to the World
convenient connections, and myriad activities     @one-north 2016; Sibos 2015; The FutureChina      Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2015, while
inside and out of the boardroom, Singapore is     Global Forum; the Singapore Summit; the           being supported by Singapore’s ecosystem of
the smart choice for your events and delegates.   annual Russia Singapore Business Forum;           experienced MICE players.
                                                  and the annual IISS Shangri-La Dialogue.              On top of the creative services of
Home base of thought-                                More than half of the 7,000 multinational      Singapore’s MICE professionals, the Business
leadership and innovation                         companies here make Singapore their regional      Events in Singapore scheme by the Singapore
Named the World’s Easiest Place to do             headquarters, drawn by its thriving business      Exhibition & Convention BureauTM offers
Business for 10 consecutive years by the          environment.                                      customised support and access to quality
World Bank and Asia’s Top Convention City                                                           venues, as well as government and marketing
for 13 consecutive years by the International     All you need, in one place                        support. Rest assured that your every
Congress and Convention Association’s             Given its legendary reputation for ease and       need will be met for an exciting and smooth
Global Rankings 2014, Singapore is the top        efficiency, planning an event in Singapore        event to give your delegates that once-in-a-
economic powerhouse of Southeast Asia and         takes literally just one phone call.              lifetime experience.

                              Where inspiration and imagination
                            take flight. Where Asia comes to play.
                                      This is Singapore.

F  rom its unique food culture to the towering
   symbol of architectural ingenuity Marina
Bay Sands©, Singapore is more than just a
                                                                                                  ingredients are there for a great selection,”
                                                                                                  he said.
                                                                                                      Besides its food culture, Singapore
regional economic powerhouse; it’s a cultural                                                     draws many admirers around the world for
capital in its own right.                                                                         its unrivalled approach to urban planning
   Complement MICE events in the city-state                                                       and innovation in the recreational space.
with any of the unforgettable entertaining                                                        Take delegates to see what goes on behind
and informative experiences on offer.                                                             the scenes of this glitzy city with a
                                                                                                  business tour.
Inspiring experiences abound                                                                          Singapore City Gallery, for instance,
Food is a point of pride for locals and                                                           showcases the country’s approach to
Singapore punches above its weight when                                                           development and sustainable living via
it comes to all things culinary, having been                                                      interactive exhibits and large-screen videos
credited as the inspiration for celebrity chef                                                    on display, or a guided, customisable tour.
Anthony Bourdain’s upcoming food market in                                                            Botanic spectacle Gardens by the
New York. Gastronomy in Singapore is an easy                                                      Bay offers technical back-of-house
way to indulge your MICE delegates after a                                                        tours that outline how the Gardens were
long day.                                                                                         conceptualised and brought to life.
    In July this year, the city became the                                                        Delegates will also learn more about the
first country in Southeast Asia and the third                                                     Gardens’ sustainability efforts and the daily
territory in Asia to merit its own Michelin                                                       operations of the Conservatories.
food guide after Japan, and Hong Kong and
Macau, with local favourites from humble                                                          Discover Southeast Asia
food centres like Hill Street Tai Hwa Pork                                                        For planners who want to take their
Noodle ranking alongside Michelin three-                                                          delegates a little farther, consider a cruise
starred Joël Robuchon Restaurant.                                                                 through colourful Southeast Asia from
    The vibrant dining scene in Singapore                                                         Singapore, the region’s most established
ranks “among the most dynamic in Asia”,                                                           cruise hub.
commented Mr Michael Ellis, international                                                            Cruising is a perfect way to blend
director of the Michelin Guides. “The city is                                                     team bonding, exciting activities, and
a cultural and commercial crossroad and its      From top: Michelin three-starred Joël Robuchon   convenience in order to cater to the
gastronomy is enriched by influences from        Restaurant; Guided tour at Singapore City        individual and varied preferences of your
all over Asia, which makes it particularly       Gallery; Marina Bay Cruise Centre Singapore;     delegates.
attractive to foreign chefs. All the necessary   Singapore Gardens by the Bay.                       Choose from over 37 UNESCO World
                                                                                                  Heritage sites to visit, with Cambodia a
                                                                                                  mere three days’ voyage away and Japan
FOR MORE INFORMATION ON EXCITING SINGAPORE EXPERIENCES                                            just a seven-day cruise from Singapore.
FOR CORPORATE GROUPS, VISIT                                                This is all thanks to Singapore being the
                                                                                                  regional headquarters of the world’s most
mice/m&i-experiences OR EMAIL US AT SECB@STB.GOV.SG                                               distinguished and international cruise lines
                                                                                                  such as Royal Caribbean International,
                                                                                                  Princess Cruises, Costa Cruises, Celebrity
                                                                                                  Cruises, and Star Cruises.
                                                                                                     All of them are experienced in hosting
                                                                                                  meetings & incentive groups and can
                                                                                                  arrange customised programmes for
                                                                                                  groups, including special entertainment
                                                                                                  options, teambuilding activities,
                                                                                                  educational talks, and F&B offerings.
ASEAN 50th Anniversary Special Edition > Analysis

Getting to know the machine
ASEAN’s tourism sector is represented by various divisions, each with its own
important role to play. S Puvaneswary profiles three of them

ASEAN Tourism                                 efforts to develop and grow tourism in the
Association (ASEANTA)                         region, offering support and assistance
                                              when required; playing an active role in
Known commonly among the trade as             the shaping of tourism policies within the
ASEANTA, this organisation was estab-         region that will safeguard the interests of
lished on March 27, 1971, with the aim of     its members – through feedback, recom-
providing a common body to facilitate in-     mendations and having dialogues with
teraction between tourism players in the      relevant government departments and
private sector and the government bodies      agencies; creating synergistic alliances
in South-east Asia with the intention of      among ASEANTA members to enhance
expanding the growth of tourism in this       the growth of tourism in the region;
region. Its other objective is to provide a   stressing the need for improving and pro-
common platform for South-east Asian          viding reasonable quality service to travel-    “When we create a buzz
tourism players to have a voice.              lers and tourists by monitoring standards       among member countries
   From its humble beginnings, ASEANTA
is well established today and have mem-
                                              of service and professionalism; providing       to visit South-east Asia, the
                                              assistance to any government, statutory
bers from both the public and private         or international body in connection with        message will catch on in
tourism sectors across all 10 ASEAN           tourism matters; setting a platform for         markets outside of the re-
member countries. Members include
NTOs, national travel and tourism as-
                                              the South-east Asian tourism fraternity to      gion and travellers there will
                                              interact; and opening of opportunities to
sociations, national hotel associations and   ensure the sustainability of the integrated     be curious and want to dis-
airlines based in the region.                 ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).                 cover what we have.”
   ASEANTA initiatives include foster-           ASEANTA president, Aileen Clemente,
ing closer working relationships with all     said: “The biggest achievement in market-       Hamzah Rahmat
its members, partners and travel related      ing ASEAN is the fact that the private sec-     President, FATA
government agencies, with ASEANTA as          tor is putting itself at the forefront along-
a platform for bridging communications        side the NTOs. You will see more of that
and collaborating efforts in sustainable      happening in the succeeding months.”            Federation of ASEAN Travel
growth and development; encouraging              Among recent milestones include              Agents Associations (FATA)
                                              ASEANTA reorganising itself in 2014. That       FATA was established in early 1990s, a
                                              year also saw it kicked off a strong cam-       few years after the first ASEAN Tourism
                                              paign among ASEAN NTOs to remember              Forum was held in 1991. FATA’s role is
                                              the partnership and its membership in           to bring into greater focus the issues and
                                              ASEANTA, and that the private sector was        challenges faced by travel associations.
                                              an important component in ensuring the             FATA’s aims are: to contribute signifi-
                                              success of ASEAN integration as it per-         cantly to the growth and development of
                                              tains to tourism, especially in campaign-       the travel industry in ASEAN; to pro-
                                              ing ASEAN as a single destination.              vide effective advocacy in industry and
                                                 In November 2015, ASEANTA was                government affairs, training, education
                                              re-registered as an association with the        and communication initiatives as well as
                                              Registrar of Societies Malaysia including       marketing opportunities; to strive towards
                                              amendments in its by-laws to include            the attainment of the highest standards
                                              membership of other sectors such as edu-        of services and facilities for travellers and
                                              cation institutions with tourism curricu-       tourists; to uphold the dignity and ethics
                                              lum and the meetings and events sector,         of the tour and travel business and to
                                              among others. That same year, ASEANTA           strive towards its professionalism.
                                              was invited to participate in the ASEAN            On FATA’s biggest achievements,
                                              Business Council as its research partner        Hamzah Rahmat, president of FATA,
“The biggest achievement                      for tourism.                                    said: “We have embarked on Domestic
in marketing ASEAN is the                        Plans coming up soon to market the           ASEAN which promotes intra-ASEAN
fact that the private sector is               South-east Asia region include supporting       travel. In all travel fairs held in our
                                              activities around the Visit ASEAN@50-           member countries, ASEAN as a destina-
putting itself at the forefront               Golden Celebration campaign, such as            tion has been given great prominence.
alongside the NTOs.”                          Visit ASEAN@50 tour packages, ASE-              Arrivals at each South-east Asian country
                                              ANTA Excellence Awards for the travel           from others in the region are also on the
Aileen Clemente                               and tourism industry, a photo contest and       rise. This speaks volumes of the result
President, ASEANTA                            a food trail.                                   achieved thus far.”
TTGmice • 5

                                              Mutual cooperation
   He added: “When we create a buzz
among member countries to visit South-
east Asia, the message will catch on in
markets outside of the region and travel-
lers there will be curious and want to
discover what we have.”
   Hamzah said new and young visitors
from longhaul markets should be targeted,
                                              for the greater good
as they regard ASEAN in the same way as       What can the private sector in South-east Asia do better
   “This is where ASEAN is appealing as       in marketing the region as a whole?
a multi-destination and cultural holiday
region,” he said.                                                  The private sector should definitely work closer with the governments
                                                                   to offer new products and marketing. We had the Visit ASEAN
   In March this year, FATA joined the
                                                                   campaign in 2002, and ASEANTA launched the ASEAN Circle Pass and
World Travel Agents Associations Alliance                          ASEAN Hip-Hop Pass (for one or two countries). We should promote
(WTAAA).                                                           more of such cross-country packages with ASEAN for longhaul markets
   “Joining WTAAA has allowed for                                  and identify target segments such as youth travel. (For example), many
exchange of information and promotions,                            Thai youths don’t know much about ASEAN and look towards Japan,
and an opportunity to reach a wider                                South Korea and London as travel destinations. We always create
market. All information and promotional       packages for working adults but we should look at kids and youth too.
messages of ASEAN are channelled to              We can also look at ladies to “soften” the image of ASEAN and make it more inviting
WTAAA, which in turn shares it with           by tailoring programmes for ladies such as spa packages, fruit carvings and local dessert
its members. When the world economy           classes. Tourism Authority of Thailand’s (TAT) Women’s Journey Thailand campaign is one
                                              good example.
recovers in a couple of years, we will reap
the fruits of our labour today,” Hamzah       Phornsiri Manoharn,
said.                                         former TAT governor (2007-2009)

                                                                 In hindsight, associations are not the best vehicle to implement a
ASEAN Hotel & Restaurant                                         successful commercial undertaking. Marketing is promoting and selling
                                                                 products or services, including market research and advertising.
Association (AHRA)                                               Promoting is just one aspect, while selling is the fulfilment of the effort
One of the key reasons for the establish-                        of promoting.
ment of AHRA in 1971 was to create a                                In my opinion, the private sector should enlist a private organisation
platform for the national associations of                        to promote and sell to the public. A dynamic packaging tool is also
                                                                 needed so that it can pull together the various components (air travel,
hotels and restaurants in ASEAN member
                                              hotel accommodation and ground services) by a commercial entity and marketed online.
countries to come together to share trends
and best practices.                           Tunku Iskandar Tunku Abdullah,
   The two broad aims of AHRA are             former secretary-general of ASEANTA (2003-2005)
to promote international, regional and
domestic tourism and to advance the busi-
ness of hotels and restaurants within the                          There must be total commitment in the industry followed by
South-east Asia region.                                            appropriate resource allocation. Halfway measures to achieve success
   Cheah Swee Hee, president of AHRA,                              will not work. The products being promoted must be up to the
said: “I believe our biggest achievement in                        expectations of potential clients the private sector are trying to woo.
marketing ASEAN is our strong working
                                                                   Datuk Abdullah Jonid,
relationship with NTOs, airlines, travel,                          former director-general of Tourism Malaysia (1999-2004)
tour and transport operators, hotels and
restaurants in the region through ASE-
ANTA. This strong bond shared by all                               We need to contribute in creating the ASEAN packages. It should be
stakeholders strategically promotes our                            done by a reputable and experienced company, but every tour operator
region’s rich and diverse offerings, and                           in ASEAN should be able to sell it.
ASEAN as a single destination.
   “My hope is for AHRA to continue to                             Elly Hutabarat,
                                                                   former president of ASEANTA (2006-2007)
grow in stature so as to be an even more
effective platform to increase business and
raise standards for hotels and restaurants
in the region.”                                                    Every ASEAN tourism stakeholder must use the spirit of ASEAN – we
   Cheah added that AHRA members are                               are one in diversity – as the basic principle of marketing. Then, the
working with their respective NTOs to put                          business integration among ASEAN stakeholders will be easy.
together special packages to commemo-
rate ASEAN’s 50th anniversary in 2017 and                          I Gede Ardika,
beyond.                                                            former Indonesia Minister of Culture and Tourism (2000-2004)
   Meanwhile, AHRA will continue to
promote multiple destination events and
cultures in ASEAN member countries
through two soon-to-be-launched
websites – and smilea-
Reasons to
                                                         Fall in Love
                                                         with Thailand
                                                          …and the 70 million hosts
                                                          who’ll make sure you do!
                                                           We all remember our first love. As you
                                                           savour this ASEAN 50th Anniversary
                                                           Special Issue of TTGmice, here are 50
                                                           reasons to fall in love again – this time,
                                                           with the Land of Smiles.

Meet at                  Delightful Destinations
                                         Bangkok – ‘Endless Variety in An                      Chiang Mai – ‘Hip and Heritage in the
                                     1                                                     3
                                         Inspiring City’: Bangkok offers visitors              North’: Chiang Mai captivates visitors
                                    everything they could desire: lively nightlife,       thanks to its cosmopolitan nature, abundance of
                                    unlimited shopping options, rich history, and an      exhilarating outdoor activities, pristine settings,
                                    unparalleled variety of activities and attractions.   easy accessibility, and creative local suppliers.

                                          Pattaya – ‘A Festival Seaside Resort for             Phuket – ‘Pearl of the Andaman Sea’:
                                     2                                                     4
                                          Business and Pleasure’: A resort town 90             Phuket is a tropical paradise, where
                                    minutes’ drive from Bangkok, Pattaya is a place for   jungle meets the planet’s finest beaches, with
                                    travellers to indulge their hedonistic side, while    everything for discerning business travellers, from
                                    enjoying a friendly, service-oriented culture.        architecture and galleries, to the Andaman Sea.

Thailand’s 77 provinces and
70 million people are waiting
to offer rich experiences to
business travellers of all kinds:
from destinations to venues,
360 degree sustainability to
energetic adventures, and of
course, delectable cuisine.
TTGmice Advertorial

                                         Khon Kaen – ‘Isan Indulgence’: Khon
                                     5   Kaen is the major commercial and
                                    educational centre of Isan, Thailand’s fascinating
                                    North-East. The province offers a rich culture
                                    and a glimpse of the traditional Thai way of life.

                                         Chiang Rai – ‘The Ancient Capital of
                                     6   Lanna Kingdom’: Chiang Rai’s rich heritage
                                    makes it a province with a wealth of arts,
                                    customs, culture and traditions to explore.

                                                                                                              Koh Samui – ‘A Tropical Island Paradise’:
                                                                                                         7    Koh Samui is a slice of heaven in the Gulf
                                                                                                        of Thailand, boasting jungle hikes, elephant
                                                                                                        treks, diving, kayaking, upscale venues and a
                                                                                                        vibrant health spa scene.

                                                                                                              Krabi – ‘A Picture Perfect Paradise’: Krabi
                                                                                                         8    is ideal for ultimate relaxation. It features
                                                                                                        idyllic islands, stunning beaches, towering
                                                                                                        limestone cliffs, and spectacular sunsets which
                                                                                                        offer organisers an outstanding event backdrop.

                                                                                                             Hua Hin – ‘Convenient & Charming
                                                                                                         9   Seaside Retreat’: Just two and a half hours’
                                                                                                        drive from Bangkok, Hua Hin features world-
                                                                                                        class golfing resorts, luxurious spas, and more
                                                                                                        than 11,000 hotel rooms.

                                                                                                             Khao Yai – ‘Flora, Fauna, and Fun’:
                                                                                                        10   Khao Yai National Park is arguably one
                                                                                                        of Thailand’s most inspiring natural spaces.
                                                                                                        Business facilities are well-developed and there
                                                                                                        are endless opportunities for adventure – from
                                                                                                        horse riding to rafting.

Meet at Breathtaking                                                                       venues
Today’s discerning MICE travellers seek once-in-a-lifetime experiences. From museums, to restaurants,
galleries to theme parks, here are 10 of Thailand’s many fresh, unique venues:
At the heart of Bangkok                                                                                  Beachside bliss

     Nai Lert Park Heritage Home                    visiting artists. A 600 square metre sculpture            YL Residence in Samui
11   Located next to Swissotel Nai Lert Park        garden offers planners extra flexibility.
                                                                                                        18    Featuring minimalist décor with a hint of
Bangkok, the 100 year old Nai Lert Park                                                                 southern Thai design, this exclusive 10 room
Heritage Home is set amidst 24,000 square                ICONSIAM                                       villa is Thailand’s largest and can cater up to 100
metres of lush gardens.                                  Set to open in 2017, ICONSIAM will play        guests, making for a unique corporate retreat or
                                                    host to two glamorous shopping complexes, a         meeting venue.
     The Royal Thai Navy                            3,500-seat world-class auditorium, and first-
     Convention Hall                                of-their-kind attractions, known as the ‘Seven           The Glass House
Offering an extravagant view of the Chao            Wonders at ICONSIAM’.
                                                                                                        19   Looking out over the waves of Sattahip’s
Phraya River and the Grand Palace, this venue’s                                                         famous Sai Thong Beach, The Glass House
largest Chaopraya Room boasts a capacity of              SHOW DC                                        restaurant is shaded by pine trees, and offers
2,000 people.
                                                     16  SHOW DC is a brand new retail and              both indoor, air-conditioned dining spaces and
                                                    entertainment complex, with a versatile             breezy, outdoor options.
     Issaya Siamese Club                            Performance Hall that bridges the gap between
     A renowned Thai restaurant and bar, Issaya     convention centre and entertainment complex.             Onboard a private yacht or
Siamese Club is set in a majestic traditional
                                                                                                        20   sailboat (Phuket/Pattaya)
Thai house, with décor and locally made fabrics         Park Hyatt Bangkok                              Several MICE specialists offer once-in-a-lifetime
drawn from Thai influences.
                                                     17 A six-star property with 222 rooms soon to      opportunities to hold a meeting or incentive trip
                                                    open in Bangkok’s Ploenchit district, this iconic   on a fully-serviced private yacht or sailboat.
    YenakArt Villa                                  landmark rises 37-floors above Central Embassy,
14  A chic gallery that opened in mid-2015,         Bangkok’s most luxurious shopping mall.
YenakArt Villa houses exhibitions from local and
Reasons to
                             Fall in Love
                             with Thailand

     Meet with

                             From breaking the ice to setting mutual goals, building effective working relationships,
                             and harnessing organisational performance, Thailand can play host to a wide variety of
                             team building and adventure activities. Here are 10 ideas:

     Explore Northern              Design map-based           Fly down the river,
21                           24                          27
     Thailand in a                 puzzles around             lake or sea in a fast
caravan of all-terrain       your venue for groups       and furious canoe
vehicles (ATVs) to           that enjoy physically       or kayak!
get an exhilarating          or mentally challenging
experience of nature.        activities.                       Immerse yourself in
                                                         28    a magical marine
      Join a zip-line              Learn rock            life experience on a
22    tour across the tree
                             25    climbing and          snorkelling trip.
tops in various locations    abseiling, conquering
near Bangkok, Pattaya,       your fear of heights and         Get exercise while
and Chiang Mai.              building trust among
                                                         29   learning to work as
                             instructors and team        a cohesive unit with fun
     Connect with            members.                    team sports such as
23   nature and                                          ‘bobble football’.
enhance your well-                Raise team spirits
being by visiting an
                             26   with fun beach               Learn to cook tom
organic farm, learning       activities, such            30    yum goong like a pro
Thai massage, and            as beach soccer and         at any number of world-
experiencing the true        volleyball, bucket lifts,   class cooking schools.
Thai lifestyle.              and sand sculpting.
TTGmice Advertorial

Meet the                          Sustainable
                                         S u s ta i Way
Meetings in Thailand are now greener than ever. Organisers have the chance                                  39
                                                                                                                 MICE travellers can also take part in the
to host business events that contribute to environment, economic and social                                      conservation of Thailand’s pristine
                                                                                                            coastlines by planting artificial reefs, or releasing
well-being. Here are 10 reasons to love sustainable meetings in Thailand:                                   marine life such as fish and sea turtles.
    Green Meetings help planners and venue                 Plaza Athénée Bangkok, A Royal
31  owners achieve cost reduction, resource
                                                     35    Méridien Hotel is the world’s first ISO          40
                                                                                                                 Events held in the city can involve helping
                                                                                                                 youth and underprivileged
conservation, local job creation, public image       20121: Sustainability Event Management System
                                                                                                            community members, providing educational
enhancement, and carbon footprint reduction.         certified hotel.
                                                                                                            support, assisting at an orphanage, or reading for
                                                                                                            the blind.
      Thailand offers Green Meetings                      Queen Sirikit National
32    Guidelines covering all aspects,
                                                     36   Convention Centre is another
from convention and exhibition venues;               venue to have adopted ISO 20121, and has
accommodation; transportation; food and              achieved ISO 50001 certification for its energy
beverages; production; PR; souvenirs; and            management systems.
office procedures.
                                                          Kingsmen CMTI Co Ltd, a MICE
33 Sustainable events in Thailand take into               operator certified under ISO 20121, designs
     consideration the 3Rs (reduce, reuse,           and builds structures for exhibitions and trade
recycle), by reducing energy consumption,            shows, and is the first MICE operator in ASEAN to
using air conditioning in an eco-friendly way,       be certified under the standard by SGS (Thailand).
using reusable items, and recycling.
                                                         Event organisers can make an impact by
     Organisers can select green certified               thinking outside the box and incorporating
34 venues such as IMPACT Exhibition and              outdoor CSR activities, such as planting
Convention Center in Bangkok, Pattaya Exhibition     mangroves, building salt licks for wildlife, and
and Convention Hall (PEACH), among others.           constructing check dams.

                              Meet around                                          Great Flavours
                                                     Thailand offers unique culinary experiences, from street food to fine dining.
                                                     Below are 10 reasons to fall in love with Thai flavours all over again:

41   ‘Kitchen of the World’                                The world at your door                                Peace of mind
      With activities like cooking classes, market
                                                     44                                                     47
                                                           If visitors fancy a taste of home, a wide             High levels of quality, hygiene and food
and farm visits on offer, MICE travellers can        variety of cuisine is also available, from hearty      safety ensure international standards such as
discover the unique tastes of the Kingdom.           Italian, to fresh Japanese, spicy Chinese, gourmet     GMP, HACCP, ISO and BRC are met.
                                                     French and more.
     The spice of life                                                                                           Truckin’ around
42   Each corner of the Kingdom offers its own                                                              48
unique take: the sour and bitter soups of the
                                                      45 Halal-certified                                         Food trucks offer endless flexibility and
                                                           Thai experts can cater for an event of any       portability to organizers who want to inject a
North, the rich curries of the south, the Chinese-   size using products that bear a halal logo, assuring   range of local flavours into their event.
influenced central region, and the fresh chilli      Muslim guests that their selection is certified by
spice of the North East.                             the Central Islamic Council of Thailand.                    Coffee culture
                                                                                                            49   Thailand’s love affair with the coffee bean
     Service with a smile                                 Organic life                                      knows no bounds. There are hip coffee joints on
43   Thailand’s world-renowned service culture       46   Thailand’s love of green and healthy living       nearly every street corner.
is on show with authentic Thai cuisine at events,    means certified organic produce is readily
from buffet lines to open kitchens, and everything   available, with local sourcing and a farm-to-               Street cred
in between.                                          table philosophy.
                                                                                                            50   For a truly authentic local experience, street
                                                                                                            food can’t be beat. Districts include Bangkok’s
                                                                                                            Chinatown at Yaowaraj, trendy Thong Lor, or Hua
                                                                                                            Hin walking street.

                                                                                                            For more information, visit TCEB’s website at
ASEAN 50th Anniversary Special Edition > Analysis

A thirst for ASEAN
South-east Asian outbound agents share which
neighbouring destinations are faring well for MICE
and how they are whetting buyers’ appetites
>> Brunei                                     incentives. He said: “Companies need to
                                              be educated on the benefits. Prices are all
With uncertainties gripping the local
                                              inclusive and groups get to stay together.”
economy, outbound agents in Brunei said
                                                 According to Lee, Singapore and Kuala
the results of tightened corporate budgets
                                              Lumpur are “too ordinary” for Bruneians
have become more noticeable in MICE
                                              who are keen on “exotic” destinations
travel trends this year.
                                              such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Phuket,
   Pan Bright Travel Service, operation
                                              Hua Hin and Chiang Mai. Shopping, food
executive, Sim Beng Hoon, said: “Many
                                              and relaxation are big factors influencing
are opting for four-star accommodation
                                              their choices. – S Puvaneswary
instead of the usual five-star. Budgets for
gala dinners have also reduced.”
   Century Travel Centre general manager,
CP Foo, added that incentive organisers
                                              >> Indonesia
now like to leave one day free-and-easy,      South-east Asian countries are appealing
a departure from earlier trends where itin-   options for Indonesian incentive groups,
eraries were packed with activities and all   with Thailand noted as being the most
meals were provided for.                      popular destination.
   Bangkok and Hua Hin remain popu-              Those interviewed said destination
lar among clients in Brunei, thanks to        promotions by the Tourism Authority of
competitive rates, good food and interest-    Thailand (TAT) have been successful.
ing offerings. And due to close proxim-          Rudiana, director of sales and market-
                                              ing of WITA Tour, said: “TAT is not only          He said: “As
ity, Miri in Sarawak and Kota Kinabalu
                                              very effective but also flexible in meeting    availability of
in Sabah are hot choices for companies
                                              our clients’ requests. They can provide        information and ac-
looking to hold two- or three-day train-
                                              incentives and gimmicks and link us up         cess improves, emerg-
ings and teambuilding activities close by,
                                              with suppliers in the destination.”            ing destinations will shine
he added.
                                                 Yento Chen, CEO of Destination Tour,        in the next couple of years.”
   Freme’s managing director, Michael
                                              added that corporate groups were being            Willy acknowledged the po-
Lee said his company is working to pro-
                                              lured beyond the usual cities of Bangkok       tential of the Indo-China destinations
mote short cruises out of Singapore for
                                              and Pattaya, to Hua Hin and Krabi owing        but felt there needed to be more halal
                                              to aggressive promotions by TAT.               offerings to meet the requirements of
                                                 Moreover, Thailand is also becoming         Indonesian travellers. – Mimi Hudoyo
                                              more Muslim-friendly, according to Willy
                                              Sihombing, managing director of Sedona
                                              Holidays Tour and Travel, Medan.               >> Malaysia
                                                 On other major destinations in South-       Malaysia’s market for secondary South-
                                              east Asia, those interviewed shared            east Asian destinations is growing, owing
                                              similar opinions that Malaysia was less        to improved air connectivity, interesting
                                              appealing for MICE because it was easy         offerings and budgetary considerations.
                                              for travellers to get there on their own and      John Chan, business development
                                              the destination had been quiet on destina-     director at Kris International Traveltours,
                                              tion marketing campaigns.                      said: “In Thailand, we get increasing
                                                 Singapore continues to be appealing,        requests for Phuket, Krabi, Koh Samui
                                              but it is an expensive destination that        and Pattaya. In Indonesia, Yogyakarta,
                                              some companies weigh against destina-          Surabaya, Medan and Bandung are
                                              tions like South Korea and Japan.              emerging.”
                                                 Rudiana urged: “ASEAN countries                Outbound MICE operators said budget
“Bali was popular but as ho-                  should work hard to promote within             carriers have also spurred interest in sec-
tel rates have gone up over                   the region, otherwise they will be over-       ondary destinations. AirAsia, for example,
the past five years, (Malay-                  looked and companies will pick destina-        operates rotues to Danang (Vietnam) and
                                              tions outside the region, which are con-       Lombok (Indonesia).
sian) companies are looking                   tinuously (courting) companies here and           Desmond Lee, group managing director
for newer destinations...”                    making it easier for them to travel there.”    of Apple Vacations & Conventions, added:
                                                 Yento further pointed out that destina-     “The new LCC (terminal), klia2, with
Adam Kamal                                    tions like Cambodia, Vietnam and Myan-         its many facilities and retail outlets, has
CEO, Olympik Holidays                         mar were getting more popular.                 made flying budget an attractive option.
TTGmice • 11

   “Even financial institutions and insurance     not averse to using LCCs and buying ho-
companies do not mind (flying) budget for         tels and airfares months in advance for
an incentive trip if the timing is convenient.”   incentive trips, Arwin De Castro, sales
   Adam Kamal, CEO Olympik Holidays,              manager, Mango Tours, said.
said Lombok was an upcoming destina-                 A travel consultant requesting ano-
tion and an alternative destination to Bali,      nymity said some choose South-east
because ground arrangements cost roughly          Asia as they can be cheaper than the
eight to 10 per cent cheaper. He added: “Ha-      Philippines. “Sometimes a 3D2N land
lal food is also              easily available.   arrangement in Bangkok is cheaper than
                                                  3D2N in Boracay,” he remarked.
                                                     But the region is not everyone’s
                                                  top-choice. Melvin Cordero, new busi-
                                                  ness and marketing head, Seasons
                                                  Travel and Tours, whose MICE clients
                                                  are mostly pharmaceutical compa-
                                                  nies, said clients tend to choose Europe
                                                  and the US for meetings and conven-
                                                  tions. Security threats in Europe have
                                                  no impact on them but they are now
                                                  more careful with their airline choice.
                                                     Cordero added that incentive groups       “As availability of informa-
                                                  from insurance companies also prefer         tion and access improves,
                                                  sending their best sales people to Eu-       emerging destinations will
                                                  rope and the US. Asia is seen as a lesser
                                                  incentive for lower achievers, he said.      shine in the next couple of
                                                     Japan and South Korea pose further        years.”
                                                  competition, with De Castro noting that
                                                  the two countries, although expensive,       Yento Chen
                                                  are becoming more popular because they       CEO, Destination Tour
                                                  grant visas more liberally.
                                                     And in light of the security issues in
                                                  Istanbul, some trips were being diverted
                                                  to Australia and Asia. Enquiries for         Thailand as destinations that are “doing
                                                  Bali and Bandung in Indonesia are also       well”, Lum said: “More of the established
                                                  increasing, some consultants shared.         NTOs are offering incentives for organis-
                                                  – Rosa Ocampo                                ers to sway their decisions on choice of
                                                                                               destinations. The NTOs are playing a
                                                                                               more prominent role in attracting MICE
                                                  >> Singapore                                 and supporting PCOs, PMOs and PEOs
                                                  While MICE planners in Singapore see         than in the last decade.”
                                                  growing demand for destinations that            Aonia’s managing director, Daniel
                                                  have recently opened up such as Myan-        Chua, agreed that established destinations
   “In the past, Bali was popular but as          mar and Laos, they maintain that more        such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand,
hotel rates have gone up over the past five       established destinations are not shaken.     still have their winning sell-points given
years, (Malaysian) companies are looking             Melvyn Nonis, director of MICE Mat-       their infrastructure.
for newer destinations (such as) Lombok.”         ters, said: “There’s greater flight acces-      He said: “The more rigorous logistical
   Noting a new trend in cruising in              sibility to these newer South-east Asian     needs for MICE mean certain exotic desti-
ASEAN waters, Agnes Loh, general man-             destinations and affordable options with     nations are less likely to host such groups
ager at Sri Sutra Travel, said: “The rates are    budget flight carriers going in. There is    compared to these established destina-
all inclusive. Moreover, the group is (kept)      no lack of hotels or activities there.”      tions.” – Paige Lee Pei Qi
together which makes it easy to manage               Nonis added they are currently step-
without having to worry about logistics.”         ping up efforts to promote Myanmar
– S Puvaneswary                                   especially as a MICE destination.            >> Thailand
                                                     Judy Lum, Tour East senior vice           Thailand’s direct neighbours are getting
                                                  president sales & marketing interna-         increased attention from MICE players and
>> Philippines                                    tional market, said: “South-east Asian       industry bodies, but most business travel-
South-east Asian destinations are popular         destinations for MICE are in various         lers still turn to Singapore first among the
among some Philippine MICE groups for             stages of maturity but all have a clear      10 ASEAN countries.
their affordability, while others see the re-     vision to increase market share in the          Jim Kullapat from Bangkok’s Thai Mice
gion as being inferior to Europe and the US.      MICE segment.”                               said Singapore’s convenience made it his
   Fe Abling-Yu, general manager of Arfel            While Lum noted that the Philip-          clients’ top destination within South-east
Travel and Tours, noted that Thailand has         pines, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar are         Asia due to there being “many sightseeing
long been a favourite for its reasonable          “gaining momentum” as MICE destina-          places, good food and shopping”, with
prices, variety of offerings and government       tions, she highlighted that the estab-       Myanmar and Laos almost neck and neck
incentives.                                       lished NTOs still have firm footing in       in second place.
   Moreover, corporations are becoming            the market.                                     Singapore recorded a 15 per cent in-
more cost-conscious so many of them are              Highlighting Malaysia, Singapore and      crease in the number of Thais visiting in
ASEAN 50th Anniversary Special Edition > Analysis                                                                                            TTGmice • 12

4Q2015 compared to 4Q2014.
   Thai corporates are also increasingly                                                     “South-east Asian destinations for
heading to Vietnam, with a 37 per cent                                                       MICE are in various stages of ma-
rise in the first seven months of the year
compared to 2015.                                                                            turity but all have a clear vision to
   The Thai government’s focus this year                                                     increase market share in the MICE
on pushing the domestic MICE industry,                                                       segment.”
by offering incentives to government
agencies and state enterprises to hold                                                       Judy Lum
inter-provincial meetings, is thought to                                                     Senior vice president sales & marketing
have dampened the outbound market.                                                           international market, Tour East Singapore
   Meanwhile, Thailand Incentive and
Convention Association president, Su-
mate Sudasna, spoke of how the ASEAN                    This has mainly been fuelled by a rise            are looking to their neighbours to host
Economic Community will free the MICE                in offerings across the region, as well as           events. The Vietnamese are Cambodia’s
industry to cross-sell and share best prac-          increased connectivity with more LCCs                number one market, with 987,792 visit-
tices and expertise.                                 being introduced.                                    ing last year, and a rise in the number of
   While the “level of engagement” may                  Ha said: “Vietnamese businesses are               companies hosting events there has been
vary between countries, he urged players             more actively seizing the opportunity to             noticed.
to take advantage of the open border                 develop their business through activi-                  Kimhean Pich, CEO of Discover the
agreement.                                           ties abroad. There is more of a desire to            Mekong, said: “Cambodia has more busi-
                                                     integrate into the international market,             ness hotels and conference centres open-
>> Vietnam                                           where they can meet potential partners or            ing, cheap prices and better connectivity.”
More Vietnamese businesses are looking               discuss new business.”                                  According to Ha, top MICE destinations
to hold events abroad as the economy                    Tinh Huynh, founder of Danang-based               among local companies in the last decade
continues to grow alongside the local                Green Age, said this has led to a need               – Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and
market’s appetite to branch out.                     for add-on activities while abroad, such             Singapore – have been replaced by Cam-
   Pham Ha, CEO of Luxury Travel Vi-                 as teambuilding and social and cultural              bodia and the Philippines. He predicts
etnam, said the last decade has seen an              events with a ‘wow’ factor.                          these destinations will continue to gain
increase in the number of organisations                 With infrastructure gaining momen-                popularity as more Vietnamese firms opt
opting to hold events in other parts of              tum in less developed countries, such as             to host business events there. – Marissa
South-east Asia.                                     Cambodia, many Vietnamese businesses                 Carruthers

The last frontier
These emerging destinations are gaining traction
among MICE buyers. By Xinyi Liang-Pholsena
Once perceived as frontier destinations for          does not have a dedicated CVB.
MICE, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos are now                 For Myanmar, recent high-profile events          Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf and Spa Resort
stealing more of the international spotlight.        like the ASEAN Summit and SEA Games have
   Cambodia has become “a perfect play-              thrust the spotlight on Nay Pyi Taw, accord-         flight connections, although the abundance
ground for foreign MICE travellers”, thanks to       ing to Khin Than Win, deputy director general,       of boutique high-end properties in Luang Pra-
attractions like Angkor Wat that allow bleisure      ministry of hotels and tourism Myanmar.              bang has attracted high-end incentive groups,
opportunities, said Ianic Menard, AccorHotel’s           Yangon, on the other hand, has seen its          according to Jon Bourbaud, Laos general
vice president sales, marketing & distribution       MICE strength steadily rising on the back of         manager at Apple Tree Group. Laos’ ASEAN
for upper South-east Asia.                           growing air connectivity and hotel construc-         chairmanship in 2016 is likely to raise Vienti-
   Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf & Spa              tion, observed Tom Wood, sales and marketing         ane’s appeal to MICE planners, he added.
Resort saw a 41.2 per cent growth in the MICE        manager at Myanmar Polestar. “Qatar and                  Laos’ lack of beaches has to an extent cur-
        segment last year over 2014. “Much of        Emirates have been particularly game-changing        tailed the country’s appeal for incentive travel,
            that growth has come from Asia,          for Yangon.... connecting it to more than 20         shared Laos Mood Travel’s co-founder and
               with delegates from Singapore,        cities worldwide,” he added.                         general manager Laurent Granier.
                Thailand, Hong Kong and China            Indeed, Myanmar has caught the attention of          He commented: “Our efforts to promote
                 naming it a favourite,” he said.    global DMC and event management company              Laos as a stand-alone destination have gener-
                    However, “promoting and          Pacific World, which in June 2016 announced          ated steady business. We are also working
       probably the          its expansion into the country through a part-       closely with regional partners, especially in
               greatest challenge,” admitted Prak    nership with Myanmar Polestar.                       Bangkok, who are more willing to propose
             Vuthy, deputy director of marketing         As well, Myanmar’s liberalising visa policy –    (Laos) for post-conferences extensions.”
             & promotion department at Cam-          most recently the 30-day visa exemption with             But visa remains a key issue. Said Menard:
            bodia’s Ministry of Tourism, which       Singapore beginning December 2016 – is “an           “For sizeable MICE events, (visa fees) could
                                                     added stimulus”, Accor’s Menard remarked.            translate into thousands of dollars. The au-
                   Ianic Menard, VP sales,               Development in Laos’ MICE sector, mean-          thorities need to reduce fees, keeping in mind
                   marketing & distribution, upper   while, is “slow” due to lack of infrastructure and   they actually make more money (doing that).”
                   South-east Asia, AccorHotels
ASEAN 50th Anniversary Special Edition > Analysis

Courting the dragon
Easy access, cultural familiarity,
affordability and a reputation for
being safe are why Chinese MICE
groups are drawn to South-east
Asia. By Caroline Boey

                  any countries in South-
                  east Asia appeal to
                  Chinese MICE groups
                  for reasons such as easy
                  access, cultural familiarity
and good value for money.
   A key factor is the perceived safety of
particular South-east Asian destinations,
according to Violet Wang, destination
manager, Pacific World, China.
   “Thailand, and Bangkok in particular,
is popular. It’s easy to get to and safe,”
she said, adding that the capital has been
picked for an upcoming senior manage-
ment meeting.
   Alicia Yao, general manager, IME
Consulting, who is a member of the SITE
international board and vice chairman
of the SITE China Chapter, agreed that
Thailand, with its many flights to China
and visa-free entry, is a boon to Chinese
   Yao, the former vice president of CITS
International MICE, added: “Having the
required air access and no visas save
time and money for bigger Chinese MICE
groups. They can also enjoy the weather
in South-east Asia (compared to China in
winter), the cleaner air, the food and the
good value for money.”
   She also stressed the importance of
government support.
   “For one of the China direct sales event
we organised, former Thai prime minis-
ter, Yingluck Shinawatra agreed to meet          for organising its                                            “It helps when suppliers
the group,” Yao pointed out.                     MICE trip there!”                                          are flexible,” he commented.
   She credited the Thai industry for its           “Many Chi-                                                Not all destinations are see-
creativity and politeness, similarly for In-     nese businesses have                                     ing the same level of interest,
donesia and Malaysia. Group size to these        factories or are in joint                               with Wang saying some Chinese
countries tends to range between 200 and         ventures in South-east Asia                            companies perceive Indonesia,
1,000 people, though IME has sent up to          so MICE programmes or study                          Malaysia and the Philippines as
5,000 people for an event in Indonesia.          tours are often organised for                       being less safe.
   Albert Lee, senior business develop-          staff to familiarise themselves,” she                 As well, although Cambodia and
ment director, CYTS M.I.C.E. Service,            explained.                                        Vietnam are up and coming, Yao
China, agreed that the support of local             Among the ASEAN CVBs, Lee noted            said there are just not enough flights to
authorities is very important to woo MICE        Thailand stood out and was the most          China.
groups from China.                               constant in terms of the support of-            Itinerary preferences are also changing,
   “Support can be (in the form of) cost         fered to Chinese MICE groups. He added       as Wang noted: “Resort-style programmes
savings or non-monetary benefits. For            airlines, such as Vietnam Airlines, which    used to be more appealing but not so
example, one island destination in North         was willing to change the aircraft type to   now with the rise of more resorts in
Asia named a street after the company            move more people, was a plus.                China.”
TTGmice • 15

n and the elephant                                                                            are on the rise in South-east Asia.
                                                                                                   “While Thailand and Malaysia top
                                                                                                      the chart, destinations such as
                                                                                                          Indonesia, the Philippines and
                                                                                                             Vietnam are increasing
                                                                                                               their market share,” said
                                                                                                                 Prasant Saha, CEO, CIM
                                                                                                                      He was quick to
                                                                                                                   add that only security
                                                                                                                   threats can slow de-
                                                                                                                    mand for South-east
                                                                                                                    Asia in India.
                                                                                                                        Anand added: “Un-
                                                                                                                    til a few years ago,
                                                                                                                   Bangkok and Pattaya
                                                                                                                    were Thailand’s must-
                                                                                                                        go destinations.
                                                                                                                          However, we are
                                                                                                                           now also receiv-
                                                                                                                           ing enquiries
                                                                                                                           for destinations
                                                                                                                           like Hua Hin and
                                                                                                                          Chiang Mai as
                                                                                                                         they are off the
                                                                                                                         beated track and
                                                                                                                        less explored by
                                                                                                                          Meanwhile, some
                                                                                                                   demand segments are
                                                                                                              hampered by lack of direct
 Infrastructural development, MICE promotion strategy,                                            “Demand for Bali is very high but all
                                                                                              flights are via Thailand, Malaysia or Sin-
 and incentives offered to corporates can enhance the                                         gapore which in turn increases the cost of
 appeal of South-east Asia for Indians. By Rohit Kaul                                         air tickets,” remarked Rizvi.
                                                                                                  Amaresh Tiwari, managing director,

                                                                                              A.T. Seasons & Vacations Travel, said:
               lthough Indian MICE buyers      a perfect MICE destination for the Indian      “Destinations like Indonesia, Cambodia
               are already witnessing strong   market,” said Naveen Rizvi, executive          and Philippines have no direct flights
               demand for South-east Asian     director, Pacific World India/TUI-Meetings     from India. Corporate clients don’t want
               destinations, some players      & Incentives.                                  to waste time on stopovers.
               remark that there is room for      According to Indian PCOs, Singapore –           “These countries need to push for
 the market to grow.                           attractive for its diverse culinary options,   direct connectivity, offer visa on arrival
    Pharmaceutical, paint, glass, automo-      shopping and infrastructure – and Thai-        to all Indian nationals and offer incentive
 bile, food, telecomms, medical, banking       land – for its architectural marvels, shop-    schemes.”
 and finance are some of the industries        ping markets and sandy beaches – are               Anand further urged the region’s CVBs
 that have been consistently contributing      favourites among Indian MICE groups.           to come up with aggressive promotional
 to MICE tourism to South-east Asia, ac-          “Thailand is the most preferred MICE        strategy for the Indian market, and for
 cording to Karan Anand, head – relation-      destination among our corporate travel-        its MICE players to provide customised
 ships, Cox & Kings.                           lers,” agreed Anand.                           services for different corporate verticals.
    “Demand for South-east Asian destina-         He continued that South-east Asian              He said: “Infrastructure must be de-
 tions has always been high from the           destinations have taken concrete steps to      veloped with side trips in mind as Indian
 Indian MICE market, especially South          attract Indian MICE traffic and serve them     corporate travellers club (business events)
 India owing to the close proximity. The       with top-tier services including world-        with leisure. Hence, easy access to tourist
 combination of vivid cultures, tempting       class convention and exhibition centres,       places becomes one of the deciding fac-
 cuisine, white sandy beaches, tropical        luxury hotel chains, good airport connec-      tors. Indian corporates also look out for
 rainforests, excellent flight connectivity    tivity, experienced human resources and        special incentives offered by the destina-
 from major Indian hubs and the variety of     sound infrastructure.                          tions such as complimentary cultural
 accommodation options make the region            Some also noted that new destinations       programmes and discounts etc.,”

Feel The Asean Heartbeat In The

        SEAN celebrates its 50 th            Southeast Asia as a single, integrated,      Look and find world-class event
        anniversary in 2017 and which        and spectacular tourism destination.      venues and facilities throughout
        country better to host the              With a combined population of 630      the country, backed by a fleet of
festivities than the Philippines?            million people, ASEAN is on a stellar     professional and cheerful MICE
    The archipelago — also one of the        growth trajectory that has caught the     professionals to meet your every need.
first five founding members of the pan-      attention of the global community.        Rest your delegates at comfortable,
regional association — will become the          As a committed member of ASEAN,        secure international-standard hotels
centre of all the action in Southeast        the Philippines is proud to welcome       such as the new Conrad Manila, and
Asia in 2017, when it takes the ASEAN        the community during this historic        delight them with local delicacies.
chairmanship and hosts the 2017              occasion and promises a no-holds-            Beyond the meeting room, the
ASEAN Summit, following the success          barred and memorable experience for       Philippines surprises at every turn.
of the APEC 2015 and ASEAN Tourism           2017 ASEAN Summit delegates.              Enjoy the crystal clear waters of
Forum 2016.                                     Attendees will see exactly why         Palawan and buzzing nightlife of
    A new regional tourism campaign          the Philippines is the ideal MICE         Boracay, or explore the Chocolate
Visit ASEAN@50: Golden Celebration           destination within Southeast Asia.        Hills of Bohol, and historic streets
will be the running theme for next              Boasting 7,107 islands, the            of Manila.
year’s activities, with the aim of uniting   Philippines offers an unrivalled range       The Philippines is where the fun’s
member countries to mark ASEAN’s             of experiences as both a MICE and         at — not just for the ASEAN Summit,
Golden Jubilee and raise awareness of        leisure travel spot.                      but for all your MICE events!
Putting the FUN in functions

                                     H    olding a MICE event in the
                                          Philippines is to combine work and
                                     fun. The ideal MICE destination in Asia,
                                                                                                     Complementing that is the range
                                                                                                  of accommodation options. Choose
                                                                                                  from the many relaxing beachside
                                     the Philippines provides planners world-                     retreats or the comfort of international
                                     class meeting infrastructure, choice                         brand-name properties including Hyatt,
                                     accommodation, and entertainment,                            Marriott, and Shangri-La hotels, and
                                     all served up with plenty of the famed                       know that your delegates are in
                                     warmth and hospitality of her people.                        safe hands.

                                     MICE power                                                   Where the fun begins
                                     The fastest-growing economy in                               When it comes to pre- and post-
                                     Asia this year according to CNN, the                         event trips, nothing quite compares
                                     Philippines is also one of the region’s                      to the Philippines and its nine major
                                     most deregulated and business-friendly                       destinations, each with their own
                                     markets, with a high-quality labour                          unique charms: Manila, Cebu, Bohol,
                                     force to boot.                                               Boracay, Davao, Palawan, Baguio,
                                        Already a power in the industries                         Banaue, Vigan, and Laoag.
                                     of business process outsourcing and                              There is always plenty to do in the
                                     services, the Philippines is known                           Philippines. History buffs will go wild
                                     for its specialities in aquaculture,                         for the five UNESCO World Heritage
                                     agriculture, film animation, health                          sites, while nature lovers can take in
                                     and well-being, rice research as well                        the glory of the Philippines’ beautiful
  Left: Davao city skyline at dusk
                                     as fashion. Meanwhile software                               beaches and divine underwater diving
     Above: Whitewater rafting in    development, engineering design and                          sites. There are championship golf
          Davao; sunset in Cebu;     communications are rapidly gaining                           courses for the men, and luxury spas
          Fort Santiago in Manila    strength.                                                    and shopping malls for the ladies.
      Above right: Diving in Cebu       Getting to and around the Philippines                     Thrill-seekers will love the adventure
                                     is a joy. Strategically located within                       destinations and party animals enjoy
                                     Southeast Asia, the country has                              the unbeatable nightlife and local
                                     11 international airports and many                           festivals.
                                     regular flights to and from the world’s                          Not to mention, the favourable
                                     major cities and most important                              foreign currency exchange rate makes
                                     business destinations. The English-                          the Philippines one of the most value-
        The ideal MICE               speaking population makes it easy for                        for-money MICE destinations around.
                                     international travellers to get around.                          But what leaves the deepest
   destination in Asia,                 Planners can be assured of nothing                        impression on visitors to the
        the Philippines              but the highest quality for their                            Philippines are the people. Known for
                                     delegates.                                                   their warmth, welcoming and love for
     provides planners                  The Philippines offers a plethora                         life, they are the magic ingredient
  world-class meeting                of cutting-edge meeting venues and
                                     convention halls for the picking,
                                                                                                  to an unforgettable experience in
                                                                                                  the Philippines.
infrastructure, choice               including eight major sites within Metro
                                     Manila alone. Whether you are planning                       For more information on the Philippines’
 accommodation, and                  for a group of five or 5,000, you will find                  MICE power, visit the Tourism Promotions
     entertainment, all              something to suit your needs.                                Board website at

served up with plenty

                                                                                                                            P HL
 of the famed warmth                 Footnotes
                                     • Number of international airports as according to - Department of

     and hospitality of                Civil Aviation, Philippines (
                                     • Fastest growing economy in Asia this year - CNN

            the people.                (
                                       fastest-growing-economy-asia-gdp-q1.html)                             TOURISM PROMOTIONS BOARD PHILIPPINES
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