Page created by Tommy Rodgers
Summer 2020                  Issue 46                             #ModernGivingForAModernDiocese

How to continue to receive donations when Church      donations are automatically imported into My
buildings have been closed during the recent          Giving Online and are claimed using Gift Aid. If
lockdown restrictions has been a big issue across     the donation is from someone who is a regular
our Diocese.                                          donor it will be added to their record and claimed
Thankfully, a number of options became available      using their declaration, if one is present. There is
for Churches to set up in a simple and                no monthly platform fee to pay, but each
straightforward way, whilst also recording digital    transaction has a fee of 1.9% plus 20p.
Gift Aid declarations at the same time. The Gift      easyfundraising also provides a donation now
Aid Lite team have been working closely with two      button that can be added to your web and ACNY
providers, Data Developments and                      sites. They capture digital Gift Aid declarations
easyfundraising, whilst also highlighting the         that can be used to make a claim in your usual
options available via Parish Buying and Parish        manner. The donations will also need to be
Resources.                                            manually inputted or imported into the software
For those Churches who are Gift Aid Lite members,     you normally use. Again, there is no monthly
a donate now button can be added to your web          platform fee to pay, but each transaction has a fee
and A Church Near You (ACNY) sites. The               of 1.4% plus 20p.
                                                      Other alternatives are available, and they can be
                                                      accessed via the Parish Buying and Parish
                                                      Resources website. A detailed comparison of the
                                                      different options are available here. Please be
                                                      aware of that some providers are charging
                                                      monthly membership/platform fees, which could
    Data Developments’ and easyfundraising’s          prove more costly in the longer term.
         donation buttons look like this.

Now Churches are reopening following the              how to set them up.
lockdown period, it’s important to consider how to
                                                      Precautions for cash - It is important to say that
enable giving safely within our buildings. National
                                                      handling cash increases the risk of infection. In
Church and The Diocese of York has produced
                                                      view of this, we do not recommend promoting
some helpful points to consider, which are
                                                      cash giving, particularly as all other forms of
included and adapted below:
                                                      giving pose much less risk. If you are going to
Encourage regular giving - include a                  accept cash donations, make sure you have
downloadable Standing Order form on your              assessed the whole process, including thinking of
website, sign up to join our Regular Giving/Direct    those who will be counting and banking the
Debit scheme                                          money, and so will be exposed to risk. For those
                                                      people, provide appropriate precautions including
Explore Contactless options - these are
                                                      gloves and hand sanitisers.
accessible and safe, minimising contact, and the
donations go straight to your bank account.           Promote your Church’s work - tell your visitor’s
Please place hand sanitisers close by and cleaning    about what their giving supports your Church to
wipes to clean the screen between donations. Gift     achieve in your local community. Use your
Aid Lite can help and support with this, or have a    noticeboards and images effectively to tell your
look at Parish Buying’s recommended suppliers.        story.
Use QR codes - donors use a phone to scan a           Say thank you - please display thank you posters
square bar code, which takes them to an online        close to your donation points. This is easy to do,
donation page. We have a guide which explains         but means a lot!
Even as the lockdown restrictions are easing,            is undertaking a 300-mile walk, functioning as a
social distancing will still make it difficult to        virtual pilgrimage, to raise money for her church.
physically meet for social events with our church
                                                         •    Virtual Tour:
communities. So, why not organise some virtual
fundraising or online events?                            We love Newcastle Diocese’s idea of offering
                                                         a virtual tour of Church buildings, in exchange for
These can be a great way for Churches to raise
                                                         a donation. This could also be coupled with a short
money creatively and offer people an easy way to
                                                         talk about the Church’s history.
support their local Church. You can also have
some fun and see some friendly faces. Please see         •    Virtual Treasure Hunt:
below for some fun ideas for virtual fundraising         How about organising a virtual treasure hunt? As
events which have been collated by The Church of         with a virtual quiz, participants could make a small
England’s National Giving Team:                          donation to take part, with a prize on offer for the
1. Online Giving                                         winner. The person organising could come up with
                                                         a series of interesting things available to view on
Any Church organising a virtual fundraiser, or
                                                         Google Maps Streetview, coming up with clues for
during online services, will need to be able to
                                                         participants to crack.
process donations online, and have online giving
set up. For details about how to do this, see our        •    Virtual Balloon Race:
section on online giving.                                St Thomas’ Church in Oldham is hosting a virtual
2. Event                                                 balloon race to raise money for repair work on
Here are a few ideas…                                    their church tower.
                                                         3. Hosting
•    Virtual Quiz:
                                                         Please think carefully about which platform will be
With virtual quizzes becoming a popular way to
                                                         best to use for your event (e.g. Zoom, Microsoft
connect with friends at the moment, why not try
                                                         Teams, Google Meet) and whether you will need a
organising a virtual quiz to fundraise? You could
                                                         license for the capacity and expected duration.
ask people to make a small donation to take part
                                                         You can find more guidance on which platform is
and offer a prize to incentivise sign ups.
                                                         best for you here.
•    Sponsored Event:
                                                         4. Promotion
From people running half-marathons in their
                                                         Whatever your Church decides to do, don’t forget
gardens to Captain Tom walking 100 lengths,
                                                         to encourage to promote your fundraising
people are finding imaginative ways to undertake
                                                         activities, which could be through your email
sponsored exercise during lockdown. Virtual relay
                                                         newsletter, local press, social media, and your
walks or runs can be a great way for groups to
                                                         web and A Church Near You pages.
fundraise collectively; for example, four people
might ask for sponsorship to symbolically walk the       If you are thinking about any of the above,
distance from Land’s End to John O’Groats between        please contact the Gift Aid Lite for advice on
them over a set period of time. The vicar of St          how to do this effectively, and in a tax
John the Evangelist in Hurst Cross, Revd Liz Devall,     efficient manner.

Approximately, 50 Churches have set up new               and A Church Near You pages, social media sites,
accounts to accept online donations during the           or via their Parish Magazine or Newsletter.
lockdown period. Many more have also added the
                                                         As Churches start to reopen the use of cash is
ability to accept online donation to their existing
                                                         being discouraged, see the front page. Your
easyfundraising accounts.
                                                         online donate now button should be promoted in
However, the feedback we are receiving from our          your buildings. Visitors can easily donate from
suppliers is showing that some Churches have not         their mobile phones if online donations are
activated their new accounts after setting them up.      promoted using QR codes on posters. The Gift Aid
If this is an issue for your Church, and you need a      Lite team can provide your Church with a user
helping hand, please get in touch with the Gift Aid      guide explaining how to do this. This guidance
Lite team (see back page for our contact details).       from the Parish Resources website may be helpful
Also some Churches are not actively promoting
their online donations facility in their services, web
Gift Aid quarter end dates                               Parish Buying and Parish Resources
This year’s quarter end dates                            websites
                                                         The Church of England’s Parish Buying website is
•    Wed 30th September 2020                             an excellent way for your Church to access a
•    Thurs 31st December 2020                            variety of resources at reduced costs compared to
                                                         a seller’s normal prices. This could be particularly
•    Mon 5th April 2021                                  useful in the current ‘lockdown’ environment we
•    Wed 30th June 2021                                  are experiencing.

Online support and training                              It can be found at

Although working from home, the Gift Aid Lite            Parish Resources is an excellent online website for
team can still provide advice and support via email      all administrative, stewardship and financial
or by using a number of online tools, and they           information connected to the management of
include:                                                 Churches. It is has a dedicated section focusing
•    RealVNC is used to remotely access your             on COVID-19 advice.
     computer using a piece of software you have         It can be found at
     already downloaded. It is encrypted to
     ensure the safety of both users. You have to        Gift Aid Lite members using paper
     provide permission each time, and our staff         returns
     can provide you with a unique nine digit code
                                                         As Church House is closed until at least the
     to input into your PC.
                                                         beginning of September, we will not be able to
•    Zoom is used for audio and video calls using        post out paperwork to a Church’s Gift Aid
     a computer, tablet, mobile or landline phone.       Secretary in the useful way at the end of this
     It allows online meetings to be scheduled in        month. Instead, the Gift Aid Lite team is planning
     advance. The free version allows two people         to send out this paperwork again via email to
     to speak without a time restriction. A              enable a Church representative to print this out
     meeting with three people or more can last          and distribute the documents to the correct
     for up to 40 minute in the free version.            person, as appropriate. This will be sent in the
                                                         near future to the Incumbent, Priest in Charge
•    ‘Giving, fundraising and finance’ Facebook
                                                         and/or Treasurer only.
     group has been created to allow Churches
     within our Diocese to ask question connected        Please ensure all claims are up to date to assist
     to the name of this publicly accessible group.      with your Church’s cashflow. If you need
     The questions could be answered by Diocesan         assistance don’t hesitate to contact us.
     staff or members from other Churches.
                                                         Online and phone Gift Aid declarations
Free online training from Data Developments
                                                         One of the issues posed by the pandemic is how
Data Developments’ online training is being              to collect a donor’s Gift Aid declaration when the
provided free of charge at present. Course topics        donation is made online or over the phone. Aside
include those for My Giving Online and My Fund           from actually posting a hard copy Gift Aid
Accounting Online. Full details available at             declaration form, it is also possible to ask donors                      to make Gift Aid declarations by email, online or
A FREE webinar is taking place on Thursday               verbally by phone.
23rd July at 3 p.m. covering an overview of the
                                                         Please read the guidance from Parish Resources
facilities and features of My Giving Online. This will
                                                         ( outlining how to take Gift
be useful for Churches thinking about joining the
                                                         Aid declarations over the phone, online and via
Gift Aid Lite scheme, or using the software. If you
                                                         email. It includes details on what information you
are unable to join at this time once registered,
                                                         need to request from the donor to fill in a
you’ll be able to watch a replay at a later date.
                                                         declaration on their behalf, and what information
You can register at
                                                         you must include when entering a declaration into
                                                         My Giving Online.
There are video guides available in My Giving
                                                         Digital Gift Aid declarations were distributed to
Online when you click on the camera icons. Also,
                                                         Churches earlier this year. These can be sent to
copies of our ‘printed’ user guides are available to
                                                         your donors via post or email for completion and
download from our Facebook group page.
Requesting second user IDs and passwords               •    Firstly, add up the total amount of Standing
If a second person at your Church requires access           Orders to create, and input, a control total.
to My Giving Online please do not share your own       •    Secondly, work down the list of Standing
user ID and password with them. It is easy to set           Order to tick off those that have arrived in
them up with their own to access the software               the bank. Whilst doing this, you’ll need to
securely. Additionally, we can also limit the areas         check the donation date and amount for
they can access in case there is information or             accuracy, and make changes if required.
features you don’t want them to see (e.g. inputting
gifts).                                                •    Thirdly, check to make sure the donations
                                                            total and control total are the same.
Transferring (or deleting) gifts you have
inputted into My Giving Online, but not                •    Fourthly, add a batch reference and
transferred to donors’ records                              comment for the donations you have ticked.
As you’ll be aware there are a variety of methods      •    Finally, transfer the donations to the donors’
you can use to input donations into My Giving               records and print off your donation audit
Online. All of them at some stage require you to            report.
transfer the gifts you have inputted so they get
added to a donor’s record.
However, there are a couple of methods where
these donations are not deleted from the screen if
you haven’t done this before leaving My Giving
Online. For example, ‘enter donations by name,
envelope or reference’ and ‘quick add donor and
Please can you check these areas of the software
to see if you have left any donations behind.
Before you transfer them, please carefully check
the donor’s record to make sure you haven’t
already inputted them. If you haven’t added them
you’ll be able to safely delete them.
This can cause serious issue further down the line,    This is covered in greater detail in the user guide
as it will take time to resolve. Forgetting to press   GAL14. Of course, if you need help and assistance
transfer once you have completed your inputting        to set this up please contact us for assistance.
leaves items ‘in limbo’, which means they are not      Confusing the anonymous and aggregate
claimable and could result in double entries/claims.   inputting screens
Setting up your regular Standing Orders to             Some Gift Aid Secretaries have confused the
make inputting easier                                  screens used to input anonymous and aggregate
An increasing number of Churches are encouraging       donations. This has result in deletions and
their donors to complete Standing Order forms.         reinputting having to take place. For clarity please
This has a number of benefits to the Church as it      remember to use these inputting methods for the
automates giving, reduces transaction fees and         following donations only:
banking expenses, and often the donor’s annual         •    View and edit anonymous donations - is used
giving is increased.                                        to input your open plate and wall box
Within My Giving Online it is possible to enter the         donations only. Once inputted, these
Standing Order details into a donor’s record in             donations are claimed under your Church’s
advance of their expected gifts. This includes the          GASDS allowance
donation amount, usual donation date, and
                                                       •    View and edit aggregate donations - is used
frequency of the gift.
                                                            for the one-off Gift Aid envelopes you have
Upon receipt of your bank statement these pre-              received on a single donation date. If the
entered donation details can be transferred to the          envelopes are valid, the donations can be
donors’ records using ‘view and transfer regular            added together into a single amount
gifts’. Before you start, you’ll need the date range        (aggregated) and inputted. The batch
covered by your bank statement. Then follow                 reference used should include ‘agg’, the
these steps:                                                donation date, and the number of envelopes
that made up the donation (e.g. agg050720-        •    You can split the report to allow you to just
     004).                                                  see your GASDS eligible donations. If you
Please continue to send your one-off Gift Aid               are inputting your envelope donations from
envelopes to the Gift Aid Lite team for validation.         non-tax payers, the report will show them as
However, If the donation is received from an                line-by-line entries for each donation date.
existing regular donor please record this against           This allow you to check if you missed
their donor record, and we don’t need to see their          inputting any GASDS eligible donations.
envelope to validate it if they already have an        •    A report can be produced showing all of your
existing Gift Aid declaration.                              unclaimable donations. Some of these will
If the donation is in excess of £20 you have to add         be genuinely unclaimable (e.g. non-taxpayer
this donation by setting up a new donor record              donations received via cheques or Standing
using ‘quick add donor and gift’ to ensure you are          Orders). However, you may spot donations
following HMRC requirements.                                which could be claimable. If so, use the
                                                            details in the report to visit the donor’s
Ensuring you balance with the total amount                  record, or relevant entry in the software, to
of donations received by your Church                        make the changes and ensure the donations
Before you send your claim report/claim                     are claimable using Gift Aid or GASDS.
paperwork to the Gift Aid Lite team, it is vitally     Whether you are live and inputting into My Giving
important you have ensured the total amount of         Online, or if you are still completing ‘paper’
giving you have inputted/recorded matches the          returns, please ensure you are completing some/
total received by your Treasurer for the month or      all of these checks each time you send in your
quarter. If this check isn’t completed, it could       claim. Your Church could be missing out on some
result in your Church either under or over claiming    valuable income, but it could also be overclaiming
from HMRC.                                             and a HMRC refund would be required.
My Giving Online users have a number of ways in        Churches trained, but not yet live
which they can use the reports section to ensure
they are balancing/reconciling back to their           A number of Churches have received training to
Treasurer’s total. This is also a great to check to    use My Giving Online, but they have still not gone
see if your donations showing as unclaimable can       live and started using it. Please can these
instead become claimable! The Gift Aid Lite team       Churches make a conscious effort to get
uses these reports to check your claims before we      underway, of course with help and support from
submit them to HMRC.                                   the Gift Aid Lite team.
                                                       Our Diocese received funding from the National
                                                       Church to provide this level of support and training
                                                       to our Churches, but it is time-limited and will
                                                       come to an end in April 2021.
                                                       Keeping up to date and monthly claims
                                                       The Gift Aid Lite keeps a regular eye on how
                                                       recently a Church has made a Gift Aid and GASDS
                                                       claim. This has shown that a substantial number
The ‘donations excluded from claim’ report can be      of Churches did not make a claim to cover
found under the reports menu in the claims             donations received during 2019, and some pre-
section. In step 1, enter the date range of the        date this. Please ensure you’re up to date as this
donations; in step 2, leave this unchanged; and in     will benefit the cashflow of both your Church and
step 3, ensure your screen looks like the image        the Diocese.
below before you click on generate report.             If your Church has received donations in excess of
The reports will list any of your donors that have     £400, please note you can make a HMRC claim on
been excluded from your claim because of Gift Aid      a monthly basis.
declaration issues.                                    My Giving Online user guides
The ‘audit trail’ report can be found in the reports   Please note, if you need to download copies of our
menu in thank you letters section. This report can     My Giving Online user guides you can do this at
be used in a variety of useful ways, for example:
•    A report showing all of the giving you have
     inputted. This includes the Gift Aid and          They will also be downloadable from The Diocese
     GASDS donation received from individuals,         of Manchester website in the near future.
     open plate donations, aggregate donations
Lockdown is presenting particular challenges for     Unfortunately, if these donations were given by
those donors who utilise the Gift Aid Small          cheque, Standing Order, BACS transfers or PayPal
Donations Scheme (GASDS). Many of our                they are still not claimable under GASDS.
Churches have contacted the Gift Aid Lite scheme
                                                     It is essential that all planned giving envelopes are
about this, and we have also issued updated
                                                     clearly marked as required by HMRC, and we
advice via the Diocese’s eNews to all Churches
                                                     suggest the full retention of these envelopes for
                                                     the required six years. Audit trails should be fully
Please see the following guidance from HMRC.         maintained.
“During the COVID 19 crisis HMRC would accept        Please follow National Church and Diocesan
separate weekly envelopes containing £30 or less     guidance regarding collection of these envelopes
given when the Churches re open as eligible for      during lockdown (see page 1).
GASDs. Alternatively, one envelope with a
                                                     Planned giving envelopes donated by those who
declaration which clearly states how much was
                                                     have a current regular Gift Aid declaration are not
being donated each week would also be                affected and can be claimed in the usual way!
eligible. For example: If a donor sends (say) £40
"to cover the next four weeks" then this would be    Please make sure you follow the inputting advice
eligible as £10 per week provided it is made clear   recently issued by the Gift Aid Lite team. Further
(date provided for the weeks covered) that it is     information and guidance is available from
four separate donations in the same envelope.”       (0161 828 1424).
This can apply for any envelope donations
received during lockdown as well.

PROOF OF CHARITABLE                                    Please don’t forget to follow us on social
                                                       media or join our Facebook group:
STATUS                                                             @manchesterdiocesegiftaidlite

Some organisations require charities to prove                      @giftaidlite
they have charitable status to access certain
discounts, or to set up bank accounts. This
has proved to be difficult for Churches who              
are excepted charities.
It is now possible to produce a PDF document
from your Church’s ‘A Church Near You’ page.
You can download a certificate to print off,
email or upload to provide the required
evidence they are looking for.
We’ve produced a YouTube video which
explains how to do this

          Sue Warren                          Paul Bailey                      Susan Lomas
   Diocesan Gift Aid Advisor            Digital Giving Officer            Administrative Assistant
       T: 0161 828 1424                   T: 0161 828 1464                   T: 0161 828 1464
       E: susanwarren@                      E: paulbailey@                   E: SusanLomas@     
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