ONAP TSC Meeting September 13, 2018 - ONAP Wiki

Page created by David Webb
ONAP TSC Meeting

September 13, 2018
ROLLCALL: Voting TSC Members and Proxies Only

      Please #info into the Zoom chat window
         using both your first & last name and your organization

       Member Example: #info BobbySue Fetzervalve, FooBar Corp
    Proxy Example: #info proxy Billybob Sniblette, J.Random Company

                 All participants are muted upon entry.
          Please keep yourself muted unless you are speaking.
                 To unmute a dial-in phone line use *6

Antitrust Policy Notice

• Linux Foundation meetings involve participation by industry competitors, and it is
  the intention of the Linux Foundation to conduct all of its activities in accordance
  with applicable antitrust and competition laws. It is therefore extremely important
  that attendees adhere to meeting agendas, and be aware of, and not participate
  in, any activities that are prohibited under applicable US state, federal or foreign
  antitrust and competition laws.
• Examples of types of actions that are prohibited at Linux Foundation meetings
  and in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux
  Foundation Antitrust Policy available at http://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-
  policy. If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company
  counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact
  Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal
  counsel to the Linux Foundation.
TSC Agenda Sept. 13, 2018
20 m      Housekeeping                           Kenny Paul       includes subc election certifications

15 m      Release Status                         Gildas Lanilis

15 m      Sonatype CLM Vulnerability. Follow up Gildas Lanilis

15 m      Subcommittee / Coordinator Update. - Amy Z              as per rotation schedule
5m        ONAP Documentation (Committer/PTL Rich Bennett          Committer Promotion Request Sofia
          updates)                                                Wallin for [DOC]
New TSC Membership

             Non-Reserved Seats                                Reserved Seats
Alla Goldner            (Amdocs)             Catherine Lefevre             (AT&T)
Andreas Geissler        (Deutsche Telekom)   Chen Yan                      (China Telecom)
Bin Yang                (WindRiver)          David Sauvageau               (Bell Canada)
Chris Donley            (Huawei)             Eric Debeau                   (Orange)
Jason Hunt              (IBM)                Lingli Deng                   (China Mobile)
Milind Jalwadi          (Tech Mahindra)      Murat Turpcu                  (Turk Telekom)
Ranny Haiby             (Nokia)              Ning So                       (Reliance Jio)
Srini Addepalli         (Intel)              Susana Sabater                (Vodafone)
Stephen Terrill         (Ericsson)           Viswanath Kumar Skand Priya   (Verizon)
AI Tracker

date     who            what                                                           outcome
Jul 26   Kenny          Formally close University project                              open
Aug 30   Kenny / Phil   Intern mentor education                                        WIP
Sep 6    Helen Chen     check into openlab sub c status                                open
Sep 6    Kenny          set up unconference session on TSC operation recommendations   closed
TSC Member Updates – Still WIP

• Updates
          onap-tsc LDAP group
          onap-tsc-vote Groups.io
          Profiles on onap.org
          Proxy Page
          Attendance Page
• Chair Nomination Process (slides upcoming)

• Process review session @ ONS-Europe - No remote access available
•   https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/Open+Networking+Summit+Europe+2018+-+Unconference+Topic+Proposals#OpenNetworkingSummitEurope2018-
OSN Days & OSNUG Meet-ups

Open Source Networking Days https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/osn_days_2018/
• Regional, single day events, organized by LFN ecosystem partners
      China: Shanghai: Oct 12 | Nanjing: Oct 15 | Beijing: Oct 17
      APAC: Singapore: Oct 15 | Taiwan: (Hsinchu): Oct 17 | Tokyo: Oct 23
      North America: Ottawa: Oct 30 | Santa Clara: Nov 1 | Dallas: Nov 6
      Toronto, Boston, Montreal, Austin: All TBD

Open Source Networking User Groups Meetups
• Local events, a few hours in length, organized by the community
• 38 different groups in 24 different countries
      Bratislava, Slovakia: Oct. 2
      Portland, OR, USA: Oct 7
Upcoming Dates
• Casablanca M4 Code Freeze: Sep. 20

• ONS-Europe: Sep. 25-27
  ( Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands )
       Will use normal dial in call for TSC meeting – no F2F scheduled
       Unconference sessions

• ONAP Academic Summit: Oct 22-23
  (Location: New York City, USA)

• Architecture F2F: Oct. 29-30
  ( Location: IBM, Montreal, Canada)

• ONAP Dublin Release Developers Forum: Jan. TBD
  ( Location: TBD ) May be co-located with OPNFV event ) See next slide
Dublin Dev Forum Planning

• ONAP Dublin Release Developers Forum: December or January TBD
 ( Location: TBD ) May be co-located with OPNFV event

      Ideal Space      Joint ONAP Other Requirements
  Auditorium capacity  ~350 ~250 • All meeting areas fully
breakout room capacity              accessible by attendees
           50            1        • On-Site dining
         25-30           3    2   • Network,  dial-in and   large
         15-25           6    4     format screens   in all
                                    meeting rooms
Huddle rooms (5-6 cap)   5    3
                                  • Flipchart or white boards
Subcommittees & Community Coordinators
    Subcommittees                   status                Coordinators                      status
        Architecture            Nominations today          Release Manager
         Modeling                To be reviewed*                Security                  Seccom Chair
         Open Lab                    Status ?               Standards/SDOs
          Security              Nominations today       External OS Community
         Use Case                To be certified*            Infrastructure              Release Manager
        Control-loop              January 2019

•   Modeling - single vote - top two become Chair & Vice-Chair respectively
•   Usecase - Chair only
•   Architecture – Chair only
•   Seccom - single vote - top two become Chair & Vice-Chair respectively

• Using the poll function built-in to groups.io (if needed) to ask the following:
     1. Does the subcommittee want to elect a Chair and a Vice-Chair
     2. If so, does the subcommittee want a single vote where the top 2 fill those seats, or does the
        subcommittee want 2 separate elections for those seats               *Results page not updated
Subcommittee Confirmations- Modeling
• Results: https://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/results.pl?id=E_a6a7a4d0fd54fabb

• Two candidates- Deng Hui, Andy Mayer

• Single vote - top two become Chair & Vice-Chair respectively

• 35 voting members, 30 votes cast, results Tied 14-14

• How would the TSC like to proceed?
Subcommittee Confirmations- Usecase

Results: https://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/results.pl?id=E_1bddc7eb7ef93572
• Single candidate- Alla Goldner
• 23 voting members, 13 votes cast, (2 abstention votes) == 11 votes

• Charter states: “Decisions made by electronic vote without a meeting
  require a majority vote of all voting members”

• Guidance provided: if the TSC voted to approve an election by
  plurality, then the plurality is all that is required to win that election

• Does the TSC wish to confirm the outcome of the 2018 Usecase
  Subcommittee election?
PTL Election Status
           AAF               MUSIC
           AAI                 OOF
                                           IF YOU ARE A NEW PTL:
          APPC                OOM
                                           Remember to update your INFO.yaml
         CCSDK          Policy Framework
         CLAMP           Portal Platform   AAF: Jonathan Gathman
           CLI                 SDC         APPC: Takamune Cho
          DCAE               SDN-C         DCAE: Vijay Venkatesh Kumar
         DMaaP                  SO         EXTAPI: Matthieu Geerebaert
                                           Multi Cloud: Bin Yang
    Documentation           University
         EXTAPI            Usecase UI
         Holmes                VFC
       Integration             VID
 Logging Enhancements       VNF SDK
        Modeling               VVP
          MSB               VNFRQTS
   Multi VIM/Cloud                             *Results page not updated
TSC Chair Election

• LF will Kick off the process today

• Will follow the same process as the SubC Chair elections
     Self Nominations – 4 full business days
     Elections via CIVS – 4 full business days

• Minor clarifications between Technical Charter and the Community
TSC Chair / Vice-Chair Provisions – ONAP Technical Charter

Section 2g of the Technical Charter:
• The TSC may elect a TSC Chair, who will preside over meetings of
  the TSC and will serve until their resignation or replacement by the

• The TSC Chair, or any other TSC member so designated by the TSC,
  will serve as the primary communication contact between the Project
  and the LF Networking Fund of The Linux Foundation.

• No mention of a Vice-Chair
TSC Chair / Vice-Chair Provisions – Community Document

Section 4.1.2 & 4.1.3 of the Community Document:
   The TSC will elect from amongst voting TSC members a chairperson for a
   term of one year according to the ONAP Technical Charter. The TSC shall hold
   elections to select a TSC Chair annually; there are no limits on the number of
   terms a TSC Chair may serve.

   The TSC will elect from amongst voting TSC members a Vice Chair. The TSC
   shall hold elections to select a Vice Chair annually; there are no limits on the
   number of terms a Vice Chair may serve.
TSC Chair / Vice-Chair Responsibilities – Community Document
Section Chair
• The primary responsibility of the TSC Chair is to represent the technical
  community in communications with the LF Networking Fund of The Linux
  Foundation and to be responsible for:
    Leading TSC meetings;
    This responsibility may be delegated to the another TSC member (in such case, this is
    to be informed via the TSC email list)
    Representing the technical community to external organizations.
    These responsibilities may be delegated to another member of the technical community.
    Lead the TSC in the execution of the TSCs responsibilities (section 4.3)

Section Vice-Chair
    The Vice Chair will support the TSC Chair.
    The Vice Chair will represent the TSC when the TSC Chair is not available unless other
    delegation has been made explicitly.
TSC Vice-Chair Election – Desired Model?

• Single stack-ranked vote where the top-two vote getters are Chair &
  Vice Chair respectively

• A Chair election followed by a Vice-Chair election
• Meeting Help, Requests, Changes, Hosting&Recording
  ( https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=8231933 )

• TSC Members Proxy List                     ( https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Proxy+List )

• LFN Store https://linuxfoundation.store/

• Community Feedback
  ( https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Community+Feedback )

• TSC Meeting Attendance and Engagement Tracker
  ( https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/TSC+Meeting+Attendance+and+Engagement+Tracker )
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