Page created by Samuel Rivera
An eToro Investment Strategy
3   Shifting to
              e-commerce              4   Why is online shopping
                                          so popular?              5    E-commerce in

          6   What’s driving the
              growth of e-commerce?   9   The e-commerce
                                          ecosystem                10
                                                                        Investing in

Shifting to   It’s no secret that over the last few decades, e-commerce has revolutionised
                  the way that consumers spend their money.

    e-commerce    This new way of shopping has completely disrupted the retail sector, and in
                  the process, become a multitrillion dollar market.

                  Yet, realistically, this could still be the beginning of a long-term growth story.
                  With technology continually making it easier and more convenient to shop
                  online, the e-commerce industry is likely to experience substantial growth
                  in the years ahead.

                  In this guide, we take a closer look at the e-commerce growth story and
                  explain how investors can gain exposure to online shopping-related stocks
                  through eToro's ShoppingCart CopyPortfolio.

                                     Add ShoppingCart to your Watchlist

                                                  Your capital is at risk

What is e-commerce?                                                                        Why is online shopping so popular?

    E-commerce is a term that is used to          Consumer to consumer (C2C): this is          It’s not hard to see why online shopping      are offering when shopping online.
    describe any transaction that occurs          where a consumer sells a product or          has become so popular in recent years.
    over the Internet. It involves the sale and   service to another consumer online (e.g.     From a consumer’s point of view, it offers    Lower costs: because e-commerce
    exchange of goods or services, as well        you sell a book on eBay to someone           three main advantages over traditional        retailers benefit from lower operating
    as the exchange of money and data to          else)                                        forms of shopping. These include:             costs, they can pass on discounts to
    execute the transaction.                                                                                                                 consumers. As a result, it’s often much
                                                  Consumer to business (C2B): this is          Convenience: shopping online is far           cheaper to shop online as compared to
    E-commerce transactions can be divided        where a consumer sells a product or          more convenient than visiting a physical      shopping at a physical store.
    into four main categories:                    service to a business (e.g. a photographer   retailer. Not only can consumers save
                                                  sells a photo to a stock image company)      time and avoid queues by purchasing           Reasons consumers shop online
                                                                                                                                             instead of in stores
    Business to consumer (B2C): this is                                                        online but they can also shop 24 hours
                                                                                                                                             Ability to shop 24/7                       58%
    where a business sells its products or                                                     a day.
                                                                                                                                             Ability to compare prices                  54%
    services to consumers online (e.g., you                                                                                                                                             46%
                                                                                                                                             Online sale/better prices
    buy a pair of shoes from Amazon)                                                           Larger    choice:    e-commerce       also    To save time                               40%
                                                                                               provides consumers with far more              Convenience of not going to shops          39%
    Business to business (B2B): this is                                                        choice. No longer are consumers limited       Greater variety/selection                  29%
    where a business sells its products or                                                     to purchasing goods from local retailers      Free shipping offers                       27%
                                                                                                                                             Convenience of everything in once place    27%
    services to other businesses online (e.g.                                                  – today they can order goods from all
                                                                                                                                             To locate hard to find items               20%
    a software company sells its product to                                                    over the world. In addition, it’s very easy
                                                                                                                                             Products are not sold in my city/country   15%
    another company)                                                                           to compare prices that different retailers

                                                                                      $233 billion
    in Numbers                                                                        Amazon’s net sales in 2018

         $3 trillion                                                                  the proportion of US
                                                                                      consumers that have made a
         total global retail                                                          purchase on Amazon in the
         e-commerce sales in 2018                                                     last six months

         $6.5 trillion
         expected total global retail
         e-commerce sales by 2023
                                                                                      the percentage of total
                                                                                      purchases that US
                                                                                      millennials now make online

         the percentage of
         consumers who shop
         more on their mobile
         than in a store
                                                                                      1.8 billion
                                                                                      the number of people across

                                                                                      the world who purchased
                                                                                      something online in 2018
                                        the percentage of total global retail sales
                                        that will be conducted online by 2023, up
                                        from 10.4% in 2017
What’s driving the growth of e-commerce?

Since the mid-1990s, when companies such as               around 4.5 billion people globally have access to the     won’t be the case. For those growing up now, online
                                           Amazon and eBay were founded, the growth of               Internet, up from around two billion people in 2010.      shopping is the norm.
                                           e-commerce has been phenomenal.                           In the years ahead, we can expect many more people
                                                                                                     to go online, particularly in the emerging markets.
                                                                                                     As more people around the world gain access to the        Global smartphone penetration rate as share
                                           Today, nearly two billion people around the world         Internet, the number of people shopping online should     of population from 2016 to 2020
What’s driving the growth of e-commerce?

                                           purchase products and services over the Internet, with    continue to rise.
                                           sales amounting to over $3 trillion globally.                                                                                                              44.9%
                                                                                                     Smartphone penetration                                                                   41.5%
                                           Yet, there remains vast potential for growth. Despite     E-commerce growth is also being boosted by increased
                                           the prolific rise in e-commerce sales in recent years,    access to smartphones. As the chart below shows,                      35.8%
                                           online sales still only account for around 15% of total   smartphone penetration around the world is rising
                                           retail sales globally, meaning that e-commerce sales      at a rapid rate. By 2021, mobile sales are expected to
                                           could potentially double or triple in the years ahead.    represent over 50% of total global e-commerce sales,
                                                                                                     up from just over a third of total e-commerce sales in
                                           Here’s a look at some of the key growth drivers of        2017.
                                           Access to the Internet                                    Demographics are another key factor in the growth of
                                           The number of people around the world with access         e-commerce. Today, many of those who shop online
                                                                                                                                                                  2016      2017       2018   2019     2020
                                           to the Internet continues to rise steadily, which means   have had to adapt to this new style of shopping which
                                           that more people are able to shop online. Today,          didn’t exist 30 years ago. However, in the future, that

More online retailers                                          Instagram to advertise products and capture sales as      people with access to the Internet, augmented
                                           We’re also currently seeing far more products come             research shows that social media users often buy things   reality set to enhance online shopping experiences,
                                           online. In the past, retailers tended to focus on certain      that they have seen online. For example, a study by       and technologies such as autonomous vehicles and
                                           products such as clothes, books, electronics, and food         Facebook in 2019 found that 54% of people purchased       drones set to reduce delivery costs, e-commerce is
                                           when selling online. Today, however, you can buy               a product after seeing it on Instagram. The number of     likely to continue growing at a fast pace.
                                           everything from speciality coffee to pet food to online        people using social media is expected to keep rising in
What’s driving the growth of e-commerce?

                                           through niche retailers.                                       the years ahead.
                                                                                                                                                                    Number of social networks users worldwide
                                                                                                                                                                    from 2010 to 2021 (in billions)
                                           Data analytics                                                 Payment technologies
                                           Advances in data analytics are also enabling retailers to      Advances in payment technologies are also making
                                           tailor their marketing efforts, which is increasing online     it much easier to purchase goods online. Thanks                                     2016
                                           sales. According to a recent study by Evergage, nearly         to innovative payment companies, consumers now                     1.59                                2.82
                                           90% of retailers have experienced a measurable rise            have much more trust in online shopping as they                    2013                                2019

                                           in sales after personalising marketing efforts. As data        can purchase goods online quickly and securely. For
                                           analytics continue to advance due to technologies such         those interested in investing in payment companies,
                                           as big data and artificial intelligence, retailers should be   eToro offers a MobilePayments CopyPortfolio and a           0.97                                              3.09
                                                                                                                                                                      2010                                              2021
                                           able to continue increasing sales.                             FuturePayments CopyPortfolio.

                                           Social media                                                   New technologies
                                           The rise of social media is also playing a major role          Looking ahead, new advanced technologies are
                                                                                                                                                                       Add ShoppingCart to your Watchlist
                                           in the growth of e-commerce. Today, retailers use              likely to continue playing a key role in the growth of
                                           popular social media platforms such as Facebook and            e-commerce. With 5G networks set to provide more                           Your capital is at risk

The e-commerce                       Online retailers:             Online marketplaces:           Multi-channel retailers:        Delivery companies:

    ecosystem                            these are companies
                                         that sell their products
                                         exclusively online and do
                                         not have physical stores.
                                                                       these bring together buyers
                                                                       and sellers and offer many
                                                                       different products. Examples
                                                                       include eBay, Alibaba, and
                                                                                                      these are businesses
                                                                                                      that sell their goods both
                                                                                                      in shops and online.
                                                                                                      Examples include Apple,
                                                                                                                                      these play an important
                                                                                                                                      role in the e-commerce
                                                                                                                                      ecosystem as they facilitate
                                                                                                                                      the delivery of goods to
                                         Examples include Amazon,      Etsy.                          Nike, and Macy’s.               consumers. Examples
    The e-commerce ecosystem             ASOS, and Wayfair.                                                                           include UPS, FedEx, and
    consists of companies in many
    different industries that together
    create a seamless experience for
                                         Network operators:            Logistics companies:           Payment providers:              Price comparison
    the consumer.                        these provide the cellular    these help retailers           these play a key role in        companies:
                                         technology that makes         with the storage and           e-commerce transactions         these enable consumers
                                         e-commerce possible in        distribution of goods.         by enabling customers to        to compare the prices
    These include:                       the first place. Examples     Examples include DHL           pay for goods quickly and       offered by different retailers.
                                         include AT&T, Verizon, and    Supply Chain, XPO              securely. Examples include      Examples include Google,
                                         Vodafone.                     Logistics, and Tritax          Visa, Mastercard, and PayPal.   Trivago, and Skyscanner.
                                                                       Big Box.

                                         Cyber security                Software and
                                         companies:                    automation companies:
                                         these help ensure that        these help retailers
                                         consumers do not fall         streamline processes to
                                         victim to cybercrime when     increase efficiency and
                                         making online transactions.   reduce costs. Examples
                                         Examples include Symantec,    include Shopify, Ocado,
                                         McAfee, and Palo Alto         and SAP.

Investing in e-commerce
     Naturally, the growth of e-commerce is creating some amazing opportunities for                                    To help investors gain exposure to the theme, eToro has created the ShoppingCart
     investors. Just look at the rise in Amazon’s share price since the company’s Initial                              CopyPortfolio – a fully allocated thematic investment portfolio focused specifically
     Public Offering (IPO) in 1997.                                                                                    on online shopping stocks.

     Yet, it’s important to realise that not every e-commerce stock performs like Amazon’s.                            Designed to help long-term investors capitalise on the investment opportunities
     The e-commerce industry is highly competitive, which means that there will be both                                created by the growth of e-commerce, this investment strategy offers exposure to a
     winners and losers.                                                                                               broad range of online retailers.

     If you’re looking to invest in the e-commerce industry, the most sensible approach                                For those looking to gain exposure to the e-commerce theme, eToro’s ShoppingCart
     is to spread your exposure over a number of different companies. That way, you’ll                                 CopyPortfolio offers an innovative and cost-effective way to invest.
     minimise company-specific risk.

                                                                                                                                              Add ShoppingCart to your Watchlist

                                                                                                                                                               Your capital is at risk

     eToro is a multi-asset platform which offers both investing in stocks and cryptocurrencies, as well as trading CFD assets. Your capital is at risk. CopyPortfolios™ is a portfolio management product. CopyPortfolios™
     should not be considered as exchange traded funds, nor as hedge funds. Zero commission means that no broker fee has been charged when opening or closing the position. Other fees may apply. For additional
     information regarding fees click here.

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