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DISABILITY SPORT OPPORTUNITIES Please see below website, face-book and twitter addresses for the following organisation involved in developing disability sport across the Clackmannanshire, Falkirk and Stirling local authority area. Scottish Disability Sport, Forth Valley Disability Sport, Active Stirling, Clackmannanshire Council, Falkirk Community Trust. Website links: Scottish Disability Sport: www.scottishdisabilitysport.com Forth Valley Disability Sport: www.fvds.org.uk Active Stirling: www.activestirling.org.uk Clackmannanshire Council: www.clacksweb.org.uk Falkirk Community Trust: www.falkirkcommunitytrust.org Social Media : Twitter address below: Facebook: Addresses below: @SDS_sport https://www.facebook.com/scottishdisabilitysport @ ForthValleyDS https://www.facebook.com/ForthValleyDisabilitySport @activeClacks https://www.facebook.com/ActiveStirling @activestirling1 https://www.facebook.com/officialclackmannanshirecouncil @FalkirkSport COACH EDUCATION The central disability sport team and local clubs work in partnership to develop an annual coach education programme for the region. Historically this has consisted of a range of UKCC qualifications, sport specific inclusion workshops and UK Disability Inclusion Training for volunteers, coaches and teachers. For this years programme please visit FVDS website for more information and booking procedures. www.fvds.org.uk CENTRAL PARA-SPORT FESTIVAL Scottish Disability Sport, in partnership with the Central disability sport team and Scottish governing bodies delivers an annual sports festival. This event is targeting mainstream school pupils with a physical, hearing or visual impairment and supports them into the dis- ability sports pathway. For more information contact Cheryl Willet at Scottish Disability sport on Cheryl.Willet@scottishdisabilitysport.com
DISABILITY SPORT OPPORTUNITIES The central disability team consists of the following partners. Scottish disability sport, Forth Valley Disability Sport, Active Stirling, Clackmannanshire Council, Falkirk Community Trust. Where possible we strive together to offer people of all ages wide and varied sports opportunities across the central region. We encourage and support individuals with a physical, learning and sensory disability within activity sessions, sports clubs, alongside a robust junior and senior annual events programme. The map above shows Clackmannanshire , Falkirk and Stirling local authority areas that are involved in developing disability sports opportunities across the Forth Valley area. SCOTTISH DISABILITY SPORT Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) is the Scottish governing and co-coordinating body of all sports for people of all ages and abilities with a disability. Its vision is to develop opportunities and improve performance in disability sport for children, athletes and players with a physical, sensory (hearing and visual impairment) or learning disability. SDS have Regional Development Managers across the country who work with our branches, Scottish Governing Bodies, local partners and organisations to develop disability sport and support athletes achieve their potential within the performance pathway. For more information contact Cheryl Willet at Scottish Disability sport on Cheryl.Willet@scottishdisabilitysport.com
SPORT INCLUSION MODEL Inclusive Sports offers ALL children, athletes and players with a disability, the opportunity to realise their full potential in physical activity including sport and PE, by providing open, modified, parallel and separate sports options appropriate to their individual needs, abilities and environment. The Sports Inclusion Model (SIM) for physical activity, including sport and PE, supports children, athletes and players of all levels of ability. Engagement and transition within the model will be by choice or as part of a planned programme of sports participation, training or competition. Clubs and Activity Sessions - Clubs and activity sessions that promote inclusive principles. Coaches and Volunteers - Ensuring coaches and volunteers are prepared, confident and competent to meet the needs of all participants including children, athletes and players with a disability. Schools and Tertiary Education - Children entitled to participate in play, physical activity or sport every day, and two hours PE a week in primary or 2 periods of PE per week in S1- S4, plus ensuring teachers are prepared, confident and competent to meet the needs of all students. Key Stakeholders and Partners Working in Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport - Adopting policies and procedures that impact on delivery and ensure that children, athletes and players with a disability are considered and included. Open - Sports participation, training or competition without concession, modification or change. Modified - Sports participation, training or competition with appropriate adaptions to rules, equipment or setting to facilitate the inclusion of children, athletes and players of all abilities. Parallel - Sports participation, training or competition where children, athletes and players are grouped according to ability. Discrete - Sports participation, training or competition that is unique, developmental, meaningful and meets the needs of all participants.
FORTH VALLEY DISABILITY SPORT Forth Valley Disability Sports is a charitable GET INVOLVED organisation our main aim is to provide sporting opportunities for people with a physical, Are you interested in sport and helping sensory and learning disability in the Forth others. We are always looking for new Valley area Stirling, Clackmannanshire and volunteers to help with clubs and events. Falkirk. . We organise, plan and develop annual If you or anyone else you know are junior and adult programmes in partnership interested in volunteering and would like to with the three local authorities Active Stirling, find out more, please contact Forth Valley Clackmannanshire Council , Falkirk Community Disability Sport Trust and Scottish Disability Sport. However we are always looking at improving and increasing participation in these programmes. FVDS also manages Forth Valley teams to Scottish Disability Sport National events by organising transport and selecting athletes that qualify from regional events . FVDS gives grant aid supports for special equipment , athlete training, transport and support to disability specific clubs. Every four years FVDS take a regional forth valley team to the National British Special Olympics games. We also manage athletes that represent GB at the European and World Special Olympics games. For more information regarding FVDS please do not hesitate to contact by phone on Tel: 01786 466486 or email info@fvds.org.uk. You can also learn more about FVDS at the following: Website Address : www.fvds.org.uk Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ForthValleyDisabilitySport
ACTIVE STIRLING Disability Sport within Stirling: Currently there are no specific disability sport classes as there has been an approach made to make all community classes inclusive and accessible. This is the same also for all activities that take place within school holidays also. For more details on classes, specific enquiries and how to book please call 0300 028 0101 or check online at www.activestirling.org.uk. There are several disability Specific sports clubs located within Stirling. Clubs include Stirling City All Stars, Stirling Swimming Club, Stirling Wheelchair Curling Club and the Enable Arion Swimming Club. Contact details for these clubs alongside other community clubs located across Forth Valley can be located at www.fvds.org.uk Along- side these clubs, a list of accred- ited sports club through Clubsport can be found at www.clubsportstirling.org.uk to outline all. Active Stirling provide swimming lessons for children and young people under the age of 16 with a disability. Please contact Tel: 03000 280101 for more details. Contact Info: For general enquiries please contact Colin Naismith, Active Schools Manager on naismithc@activestirlng.org.uk or 0300 028 0101. Alternatively, if you have a specific enquiry then please contact one of the members of Ac- tive Stirling staff below. Club & Sport Development – Dougie Porteous, Club & Sport Development Manager, porteousd@activestirling.org.uk Coaching Programmes & Holiday Activities – Mark Findlay, Coaching Manager, findlaym@activestirling.org.uk For more information contact Cheryl Willet at Scottish Disability sport on the following email Cheryl.Willet@scottishdisabilitysport.com HOLIDAY PROGRAMME: The central disability sport team strives to deliver Junior and Senior sporting provision an- nually during the Easter and Summer school holidays. Please visit your local authority or FVDS website for dates and further information
CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Disability Sport within Clackmannanshire: Clackmannanshire offers the following disability sport opportunities as shown below in the following sports Athletics at Alloa Academy / Gymnastics at the Wasp Centre Contact Info: To book your place on any of the ASN classes within the Clackmannanshire area please call the contact centre on 01259 213131. All classes have limited spaces available so please book in advance to guarantee a place 1:1 Provision Must be met by parents / Carers and be provided if required. Unfortunately Sports Development are unable to provide this support There are several disability specific sports clubs located within Clackmannanshire. Clubs include The Right on Target Boccia Club, and inclusive community clubs including Tullibody Community Football Club and the Alloa East End Bowling Club. Contact details for these clubs alongside other community clubs located across Forth Valley can be located at www.fvds.org.uk For more information contact Cheryl Willet at Scottish Disability sport on the following email Cheryl.Willet@scottishdisabilitysport.com HOLIDAY PROGRAMME: The central disability sport team strives to deliver Junior and Senior sporting provision an- nually during the Easter and Summer school holidays. Please visit your local authority or FVDS website for dates and further information
FALKIRK COMMUNITY TRUST: Disability Sport within Falkirk: Falkirk Community Trust offers the following disability Specific sport opportunities as shown below in the following sports Athletics Swimming and Tennis. Athletics at Grangemouth Stadium Applications can be found on Grangemouth Stadium's website: www.falkirkcommunitytrust.org/venues/grangemouth-stadium/ or at Grangemouth Stadium, Kersiebank Avenue, Grangemouth, FK3 0EE Swimming Classes Braes HS Child ASN Swimming Deaf Junior Carrongrange Deaf Junior Carrongrange Denny HS Child ASN Swimming Tennis Classes Based at Zetland Park Tennis Courts in Grangemouth For further details contact: Connect Falkirk Sport Tel: 01324 590931 There are several disability specific sports clubs located within Falkirk. Clubs include The Dolphin Swimming Club, Forth Valley Flyers Athletics Club and the Falkirk Foot- ball Powerchair football club. Contact de- tails for these clubs alongside other com- munity clubs located across Forth Valley can be located at www.fvds.org.uk For more information contact Cheryl Willet at Scottish Disability sport on email Cheryl.Willet@scottishdisabilitysport.com HOLIDAY PROGRAMME: The central disability sport team strives to deliver Junior and Senior sporting provision an- nually during the Easter and Summer school holidays. Please visit your local authority or FVDS website for dates and further information
CLUBS Forth Valley Flyers Athletics Club The Forth Valley Flyers take place every Friday at Grangemouth Stadium from 5:30 to 6:45pm. For further information contact ann.finlayson@btinternet.com or contact FVDS Tel:01786 Right On Target Boccia Club Every Wednesday, 6– 7.30 pm at the Bowmar Centre for all members. For further information contact Jean Duncan Tel: 07970 153103 Alloa East End Bowling Club For further information regarding the Alloa East End Bowling Club contact Colin Blake on Tel: 01 259 219013 , Email: colandele3@live.co.uk Falkirk Indoor Bowling Club Falkirk indoor bowling club session run on Sunday night 6pm -8pm. from the Start of the new Indoor Season in September contact Falkirk IBC :01324 638417 or Ron Mc Arthur by email: mrronmcarthur@btinternet.com
CLUBS Falkirk Football Club Powerchair Class Session take place at the Woodlands Games Hall on Thursdays 4:15pm to 5:15pm sessions are open to anyone with a Power Wheelchair. For more information contact Dave Mackay by email davem@falkirkfcf.co.uk or Tel: 01324 624121 option 3 Tullibody Community Football Club Every Tuesday 5:30pm to 7pm Tullibody Civic Centre. Contact Davy.Reynolds@tullibodycommunityfc.com or Tel 07930200282 for more information. Stenny Stars football class Every Monday Larbert High School 5:00pm to 6:00pm email jamie.kirk@stenhousemuirfc.com or tel: 01324 562992 ext: 4 for more information Stirling City All Stars Football Club The Stirling City All Stars F.C (SC046022) is an award winning club that provides recreational foot- ball for people living with sensory, learning and physi- cal disabilities. Adults (16+) and Women's weekly training session takes place on Monday nights start- ing at 6pm. Our Junior section trains on Wednesday nights also starting at 6pm. Winter training takes place at Raploch Campus; Summer training at King's Park. New members always welcome! For more infor- mation, contact Fred Smith at stirlingcityall- stars@gmail.com or visit stirlingallstars.com SYNGENTA Football Club Syngenta Cerebal Palsy Football session is for childrena nd young people from a cross the Forth Valley and Central Scotland. The group trains monthly in Grangemouth For more informa- tion contact Kevin McGuire on Tel: 07930509658 Email; kmcguire5@aol.com East Stirligshire Galaxy Football Session The session are open to adults over the age of 16 with Learning Disabilities or who are ambulant with Physical disabilities the sessions are held at Little Kerse in Grangemouth over fortnight from 11to 2pm on a Friday. If you wish to attend please pass your details to Graham Harvey on Tel: 01786b 466486 email: graham.harvey@fvds.org.uk
CLUBS Enable Arion Swimming Club Swimming Club train on Thursday night at the Peak Sports Village in Stirling 7pm -8pm. For further infor- mation contact: Moria Williamson Tel: 07523 132144 Dolphin Swimming Club The Dolphin Club meets every al- Stirling Swimming Club ternate Saturday at Grangemouth Sports Complex. Stirling ASC train on Wednesday and Friday evenings at Stirling University between 6.30pm and 8.30pm Contact Shirley Jenkins on 01324 contact 715545 for more information secretary@stirlingswimming.co.uk Stirling Tennis Club The tennis session take place on Saturday afternoons at Stirling Tennis Club open to all chil- dren of school age with a disability. Please email or call Hannah Pickford on 07986221506 or hptennis@hotmail.com 2020 CLUB Multi-sport club for young people aged 10 to 18 with a physical or sensory disability venue Lar- bert High School Saturday 1pm to 3pm contact : Graham Harvey on Tel: 01786b 466486 email: graham.harvey@fvds.org.uk for more details. Central Wheelchair Multi-sports Club Mondays 4pm to 6pm Stirling University Wheelchair Basketball and Wheelchair Tennis contact Mitchell Graham: mitchell.graham@fvds.org.uk Stirling Wheelchair Curling Club Wednesday 12:30 pm at the Peak Sports Village in Stirling. For further information contact Jacky Mclaren on jackymclaren@talktalk.net
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