On Cochlear Implants in Children - 16th Symposium CI2019 Pediatric

Page created by Doris Stephens
On Cochlear Implants in Children - 16th Symposium CI2019 Pediatric
CI2019 Pediatric:

16th Symposium
on Cochlear
Implants in
Children                              MIAMI


July 10 - 13, 2019
The Diplomat Beach Resort
Hollywood, FL

American Cochlear Implant Alliance
and University of Miami, Department
of Otolaryngology/Ear Institute

On Cochlear Implants in Children - 16th Symposium CI2019 Pediatric
Dear Exhibitor,                                 The CI2019 Pediatric Symposium brings           The ACI Alliance values its partnership with
                                                together over 1,300 physicians, audiologists,   our corporate colleagues. We are confident
On behalf of the American Cochlear Implant
                                                speech pathologists, educators, hearing         that our conference will meet all of your
Alliance (ACI Alliance) and University of
                                                scientists, and members of the industry.        expectations and we look forward to seeing
Miami, Department of Otolaryngology/
                                                This three-day meeting provides educational     you in Hollywood!
Ear Institute, you are invited to join us at
                                                and networking opportunities, as well as
CI 2019 Pediatric: 16th Symposium on                                                            Sincerely,
                                                the chance to interact directly with you,
Cochlear Implants in Children to be held on
                                                our corporate partners. Attendees come
July 10-13, 2019 at The Diplomat Beach
                                                prepared to explore a range of hearing–loss
Resort in Hollywood, FL. The ACI Alliance
                                                products and technologies—so anticipate
is a non-profit organization whose mission
                                                a high level of engagement! For additional
is to advance access to the gift of hearing
                                                conference information, please visit our        Kate Hastings
provided by cochlear implantation through
                                                website at www.ci2019miami.org.                 CI2019 ACI Alliance Exhibit Coordinator
research, advocacy and awareness. To learn
                                                                                                c/o American College of Surgeons
more about the American Cochlear Implant        This year, we are offering several exhibiting
                                                                                                633 North Saint Clair Street
Alliance, visit our website:                    opportunities, as well as marketing
                                                                                                Chicago, IL 60611
www.acialliance.org.                            opportunities that will help to promote your
                                                brand. If you have any questions about
                                                exhibiting or providing an educational grant,
                                                please contact me directly at 312-202-5298
                                                or khastings@facs.org.

Non-Profit Exhibitor: $1,000                    Government Exhibitor: $1,500                    Silver Exhibitor: $2,500
(must be pre-approved by ACI Alliance)
                                                Exhibit fee will include the following:         (Silver Publisher Exhibitor: $1,750)
Exhibit fee will include the following:         zz (1) 6 ft. draped table                       Exhibit fee will include the following:
zz (1) 6 ft. draped table                       zz (2) Complimentary registrations for          zz (1) 6 ft. draped table
zz (1) Complimentary registration for              company personnel (see exhibitor rules       zz (2) Complimentary registrations for
   company personnel (see exhibitor rules          and regulations for details)                    company personnel (see exhibitor rules
   and regulations for details)                 zz Recognition from the podium, on event           and regulations for details)
zz Recognition from the podium, on event           signage, and in the Program Book.            zz Recognition from the podium, on event
   signage, and in the Program Book.            zz Admission to all sessions                       signage, and in the Program Book.
zz Admission to all sessions                    zz Complimentary link on CI2019 meeting         zz Admission to all sessions
zz Complimentary link on CI2019 meeting            website                                      zz Complimentary link on CI2019 meeting
   website                                      zz All equipment must be placed on (1)             website
zz All equipment must be placed on (1)             6-foot draped table and fit within the       zz All equipment must be placed on (1)
   6-foot draped table and fit within the          allotted space (6 feet or 12 feet wide x 3      6-foot draped table and fit within the
   allotted space (6 feet or 12 feet wide x 3      feet deep).                                     allotted space (6 feet or 12 feet wide x 3
   feet deep).                                                                                     feet deep).

Ruby Exhibitor: $5,000                          Gold Exhibitor: $25,000
Exhibit fee will include the following:         Exhibit fee will include the following:
zz 10’x10’ exhibit space                        zz 20’x20’ exhibit space
zz (5) Complimentary registrations for          zz (15) Complimentary registrations for
   company personnel (see exhibitor rules          company personnel (see exhibitor rules
   and regulations for details)                    and regulations for details)
zz Recognition from the podium, on event        zz Recognition from the podium, on event
   signage and in the Program Book                 signage and in the Program Book
zz Admission to all sessions                    zz Admission to all sessions
zz Complimentary link on CI2019 meeting         zz Complimentary link on CI2019 meeting
   website                                         website
zz Advance attendee list (mailer subject        zz Advance attendee list (mailer subject
   to ACI Alliance Exhibit Management              to ACI Alliance Exhibit Management
   approval)                                       approval)

On Cochlear Implants in Children - 16th Symposium CI2019 Pediatric
                                                Cancellation of exhibit space after May 18,
                                                                                                EXHIBITOR REPRESENTATIVES
                                                                                                Exhibits must be staffed at all times
REGULATIONS                                     2019, will result in a penalty of 100% of the
                                                total cost of the space assigned.
                                                                                                during the exhibit hours. Each exhibiting
                                                                                                company will receive a specific number
The Exhibition will take place at The                                                           of complimentary badges based on the
Diplomat Beach Resort and Spa in
                                                DISPLAY AND LIMITATIONS                         exhibit level, provided representatives are
                                                All display areas will be marked off by the     registered in advance.
Hollywood, FL.
                                                contracted decorator. Maximum height of
ELIGIBILITY TO EXHIBIT                          any free-form exhibit that is 400 sqft or       Additional and replacement badges are
                                                less, including signs, may not exceed 8’.       available for purchase at $495 per badge
All products and services must be                                                               for early registration or $595 per badge
approved by ACI Alliance Exhibit                Fire code regulations prohibit storage of       for registration after the early registration
Management in its sole and absolute             any material behind booths. All items for       deadline as published on the CI2019
discretion. All decisions of ACI Alliance       storage must be properly labeled and            meeting website.
Management are final. Exhibitors may only       marked. Empties will be removed prior to
display those products and services that        the opening. Any items stored behind the        Only exhibitors with badges will be
they manufacture or distribute.                 booth will be removed and considered            permitted to enter the exhibit area during
                                                refuse. Exhibitors requiring storage of         hours of installation and dismantling. NO
Any product that is an “investigational                                                         CHILDREN under 16 years of age will be
                                                product must make arrangements with
device or drug” must be clearly marked                                                          allowed in the exhibit hall at any time.
                                                the contracted decorator. Exhibit hall is
as such. Exhibitors must ensure that with
respect to all such devices or drugs only                                                       FAILURE TO OCCUPY SPACE
permissible pre-approved dissemination          INSTALLATION/EXHIBIT HOURS/                     Any space not occupied by 4:00 pm,
of scientific and educational information is                                                    Wednesday, July 10, 2019 will be forfeited
provided at the exhibit and that appropriate                                                    by the exhibitor. This space may be
                                                Morning and afternoon breaks will be
disclosure and cautionary notices are                                                           reassigned or used by ACI Alliance without
                                                served every day in the exhibit hall. The
included with the devices or drugs.                                                             refund, unless arrangements for delayed
                                                following is the tentative exhibit schedule:
                                                                                                occupancy have received prior approval
All products and services exhibited at
                                                 INSTALLATION                                   from ACI Alliance Exhibit Management.
CI2019 shall comply with U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) rules and              Wednesday, July 10       8:00am–7:00pm         In the event that the Exhibition is cancelled,
regulations (particularly with respect to the    OPEN HOURS                                     postponed, or relocated on account of fire,
marketing and labeling of investigational                                                       strikes, government regulations, casualties,
                                                 Thursday, July 11        8:30am–5:30pm
devices and drugs) and other applicable                                                         Acts of God, or other causes beyond
rules and regulations. For additional            Friday, July 12          8:30am–5:30pm         the control of ACI Alliance, the exhibitor
information, contact: FDA 888-463-6332           DISMANTLING                                    waives any and all damages and claim for
or http://www.fda.gov                            Friday, July 12          6:00-10:00pm          damages and agrees that the sole liability
                                                                                                of ACI Alliance shall be to return to each
An exhibitor shall not in any manner directly
                                                                                                exhibitor the exhibitor’s rental payment.
nor indirectly imply that ACI Alliance
endorses or approves of an exhibitor’s          ASSIGNMENT OF SPACE
product or service merely because ACI           Date of receipt of application will guide
                                                                                                Contracted decorator will control access to
Alliance Exhibit Management approved            the assignment of booth space. Only one
                                                                                                loading docks in order to provide for a safe
such product or service for display at          company may be represented per space
                                                                                                and efficient move-in and move-out.
CI2019.                                         assignment. Subletting of exhibit space is
                                                prohibited.                                     ADMISSION
The use of logos, seals of approval,
                                                                                                ACI Alliance will have sole control over all
trademarks, or other similar property
                                                                                                admission policies at all times. All persons
rights that are in disuse may not be
used in connection with any product or
service or advertising material displayed or
disseminated at the exhibit.

No applications will be processed without
full payment. A deposit of 50% is due
upon receipt of application. Full payment
is due by May 18, 2019. Failure to submit
full payment by this date may result in
cancellation of space and a penalty. All
applications received after May 18, 2019
must be received with full payment.

On Cochlear Implants in Children - 16th Symposium CI2019 Pediatric
visiting the exhibit area as well as staffing        or be treated by an approved fire           own property through insurance or self-
the booths must register and wear the                prevention method. All display material     insurance and shall hold harmless each of
official meeting badge to enter.                     must be flame proofed and is subject        the other parties for any and all damage
                                                     to inspection by the Hollywood Fire         caused by theft and those perils normally
SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS                                 Department. No flammable fluids or          covered by a fire and extended coverage
zz Giveaways are permitted only if                   substances may be used or shown in          policy.
   approved in writing by ACI Alliance               booths.
   Exhibit Management prior to the              zz   The Diplomat is completely non–             SECURITY
   meeting. Such items must be submitted             smoking. All smoking is confined to         ACI Alliance Exhibit Management cannot
   to ACI Alliance Exhibit Management by             designated smoking areas outside the        guarantee nor assume any liability against
   Thursday, June 13, 2019.                          building.                                   loss or damage of any kind but will
zz Any activity in the exhibit aisles is        zz   Exhibits that, in the opinion of ACI        endeavor to protect exhibitors by locking
   strictly prohibited.                              Alliance Exhibit Management, are            the doors after convention hours and
zz Prizes, drawings, and lotteries in                objectionable in design or operation will   providing a security guard.
   conjunction with CI2019 need to                   be prohibited.
   be approved by ACI Alliance Exhibit          zz   Displays may not be dismantled nor          SIGNS/ANNOUNCEMENTS
   Management by Thursday, June 13,                  any packing begun before 6:00pm on          No signs, posters, or brochures will be
   2019.                                             Friday, July 12, 2019.                      allowed anywhere in the hotel except
zz Exhibitors may use audio equipment if        zz   Any food and beverage that is ordered       within each exhibitor’s booth. No signs or
   such equipment does not interfere with            by the exhibiting company for the booth     other articles are to be fastened to walls or
   or become objectionable to adjacent               must be approved by ACI Alliance            electrical fixtures. The use of thumbtacks,
   exhibitors or ACI Alliance Exhibit                Exhibit Management and ordered              tape, nails, screws, bolts, or any tool or
   Management.                                       through the The Diplomat.                   material that could mark the floor or walls is
zz Exhibitors’ activity must be confined to
   their booth space. All social activities     LIABILITY/INSURANCE
   must be approved by ACI Alliance             Each party involved in the exhibition (hotel,    Written copy for all announcements,
   Exhibit Management.                          ACI Alliance, contracted decorator, and          invitations, or fliers is to be approved, in
zz Fire hose cabinets and exits must be         exhibitor) agrees to be responsible for any      writing, by ACI Alliance Exhibits Coordinator
   left accessible and in full view at all      claims arising out of their own negligence       and should be submitted by Thursday, June
   times. Decorations and displays must         or that of their employees or agents. Each       13, 2019.
   either be of nonflammable material           party agrees to be responsible for their
                                                                                                 ENFORCEMENT OF RULES AND
                                                                                                 The Rules and Regulations of Exhibition
                                                                                                 are intended to bring order and equity to
                                                                                                 all parties involved. In addition to being
                                                                                                 subject to restriction or termination of an
                                                                                                 exhibit, exhibitors who violate regulations
                                                                                                 could be prevented from exhibiting at future
                                                                                                 meetings of the ACI Alliance. ACI Alliance
                                                                                                 reserves the right to restrict or terminate an
                                                                                                 exhibit without notice if an exhibitor violates
                                                                                                 any of the Rules and Regulations contained
                                                                                                 herein. In the event of such restriction or
                                                                                                 eviction, ACI Alliance is not liable for any
                                                                                                 refunds, rentals, or other exhibit expense.

                                                                                                 CONTACT: EXHIBIT MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                 CI2019 c/o ACS Association Management
                                                                                                 Kate Hastings
                                                                                                 Exhibits Coordinator
                                                                                                 633 N. St. Clair St.
                                                                                                 Chicago, IL 60611-3211
                                                                                                 Direct: 312-202-5298
                                                                                                 Fax: 312-267-1774
                                                                                                 Email: khastings@facs.org

16th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children
                                              July 10 - 13, 2019 • The Diplomat Beach Resort, Hollywood, FL

Exhibit Space Application
 COMPANY NAME                         CONTACT NAME


 CITY                                 STATE                                  ZIP/POSTAL CODE                      COUNTRY

 TELEPHONE                            FAX                                    EMAIL

We the undersigned hereby apply for exhibit space at the 16th              EXHIBIT LEVEL
Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children, subject to the rules
                                                                            Non-Profit: $1,000        Government: $1,500
and regulations governing the exhibition as stated in the prospectus,
which we accept as part of the agreement.                                   Silver Publisher: $1,750  Silver Level: $2,500
                                                                            Ruby Level: $5,000        Gold Level: $25,000

TERMS OF PAYMENT:                                                                              Return Application and Deposit to:
                                                                                               Attn: CI2019 c/o ACS Association Management
50% Deposit of total booth cost due upon receipt of application
                                                                                               Kate Hastings
Full payment is due May 18, 2019. Failure to submit full payment by this date may              Exhibits Coordinator
result in cancellation of space and a penalty. All applications received after May 18,         633 N. St. Clair St.
2019, must be received with full payment. No applications will be processed without full       Chicago, IL 60611-3211
payment.                                                                                       Fax: 312-267-1774
Cancellation of space after May 18, 2019, will result in a penalty of 100% of the total        Email: khastings@facs.org
cost of the space assigned.
Checks: Make all checks payable to American Cochlear Implant Alliance. Checks must be drawn in U.S. dollars from a U.S. bank.
Credit Card: American Cochlear Implant Alliance is authorized to charge the following credit card the fee of the exhibit level checked above.
Card Type:  American Express  MasterCard  VISA


 CARD NUMBER		                                                               EXP DATE                             CSC CODE


As an authorized representative of the company named above, I have read and understand             ACI ALLIANCE MANAGEMENT USE ONLY
the rules and regulations outlined in the CI2019 Exhibitor Prospectus. I understand and
                                                                                                   Booth Size _____ Total Cost _________
agree to accept and abide by those rules and regulations.
                                                                                                   Deposit ________ Balance Due _______
 SIGNATURE		                                                                 DATE
Marketing and Educational Grant Opportunities
Get ahead of the competition and put your company’s message front and center. ACI Alliance is offering several marketing opportunities to
our exhibitors that allow prime exposure to this influential group of hearing professionals.

MARKETING OPPORTUNITY                                                   Professional Photographer                                 $1,000
                                                                        Help the ACI Alliance capture the moment with a professional
Program Book Ad                                                         photographer. CI2019 staff will make all arrangements.
Half Page         $2,000
Full Page		       $3,500                                                State Champion Meeting                                    $3,000
Reach all conference attendees by advertising in the CI2019             Give ACI Alliance advocates and State Leaders the ability to learn
Program Book. Distributed at registration, this must-have guide to      in the best possible environment by providing support for light food
meetings and sessions offers exceptional on-site exposure for your      and AV on Wednesday, July 10.
marketing message.
                                                                        Other details:
Other details:                                                          zz Recognition of the supporting company will be given verbally by
zz Supporting company is responsible for all costs associated with         ACI Alliance staff at the beginning and end of the training.
   production of the ad.                                                zz CI2019 staff will make arrangements for all AV, food and
zz Ad sizes                                                                beverage.
  {{ Full page: 8” x 11”
  {{ Half page: 8” x 5 ½”                                               Board of Directors Meeting (Exclusive)                    $3,000
zz Supporting company must provide digital proof of artwork for
   approval prior to production.                                        Allow ACI Alliance leadership to convene productively by helping to
                                                                        support the costs associated with the board meeting including AV,
                                                                        light food and beverages.
Banner Ad in App (3 available;
limit 1 per supporting company)                          $2,000        Other details:
                                                                        zz Recognition of the supporting company will be given verbally by
Place your message in the palm of attendees’ hands by a banner ad
                                                                           ACI Alliance staff at the beginning and end of the training.
in the CI2019 Symposium mobile app.
                                                                        zz CI2019 staff will make arrangements for all AV, food and
Other details:                                                             beverage.
zz Supporting company is responsible for all costs associated with
   the production of banner ad.                                         Wi-Fi (Exclusive)           $7,500
zz Supporting company must provide digital proof of banner ad for
   approval prior to production.                                        Keep ACI Alliance attendees connected by providing support for
                                                                        Wi-Fi service throughout the meeting.
EDUCATIONAL GRANTS OPPORTUNITIES                                        Other details:
The following policies apply to all Educational Grant support:          zz Recognition at the podium.
zz Supporting company will be acknowledged as a supporter of the        zz Recognition in login information cards passed out at registration.
   CI2019 Symposium                                                     zz Recognition in Program Book.
zz Supporting company must sign a Letter of Agreement (LOA)             zz Supporting company is responsible for production and shipping
zz Supporting company will receive recognition from the podium,            of login information cards. Company must provide proof for
   through event signage and the CI2019 website (please note that          approval prior to production.
   due to ACCME regulations, no company logos may be included
   as recognition for Educational Grants)
The following marketing opportunities may be utilized with support
through an educational grant:

If you would like to support the ACI Alliance and the CI2019 Pediatric Symposium through Marketing or Educational Grant support, please
contact Kate Hastings, ACI Alliance Exhibits Coordinator, at khastings@facs.org or 312-202-5298.
The following policies apply to all Educational Grant support:
zz Supporting company will be acknowledged as a supporter of the CI2019 Symposium
zz Supporting company must sign a Letter of Agreement (LOA)
zz Supporting company will receive recognition from the podium, through event signage and the CI2019 website (please note that due to
   ACCME regulations, no company logos may be included as recognition for Educational Grants)
Other details:
zz Recognition of the supporting company will be given verbally by ACI Alliance staff at the beginning and end of the sessions.
zz CI 2019 staff will make arrangements for all Audio Visual and Food and Beverage logistics.


Attendee Networking Sessions               $1,000 (2 available)         Chinese Language Symposium
Friday, July 12, 2019                                                    and Post-Event Reception                    $13,000 (Exclusive)
5:30 – 6:30 pm                                                           Saturday, July 13, 2019
Audience – Opportunity 1: Psychologists and Social Workers               1:30 – 5:00 pm
Audience – Opportunity 2: Educators                                      Audience: Open to all conference attendees
Help CI2019 attendees network more effectively by providing              This symposium will involve clinicians from China, the US, and
support for light refreshments at the Attendee Networking Sessions       Asian/Pacific areas to discuss perspectives on managing the patients
on Friday evening. These events will directly benefit attendee groups    with CI in a multi-disciplinary team approach. This post-conference
with a unique interest in cochlear implants and role in providing care   segment will be given entirely in Chinese language with English
for pediatric patients and families.                                     slides. Support this unique educational and networking opportunity
                                                                         by helping to support costs for AV and light food and beverages at a
Spanish Language Symposium                                               following the event. This opportunity must be secured by supporting
- Post-Event Reception                       $6,500 (Exclusive)         company by December 14, 2018.

Saturday, July 13, 2019
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Audience: Spanish Language Symposium Attendees
Help facilitate networking among participants at the Spanish
Language Symposium by supporting costs for light food and
beverages at a following the event.
CI2019 Marketing & Educational Grant Application
 COMPANY NAME:                               CONTACT NAME (Will Receive All Correspondence):


 CITY:                                       STATE:                                   ZIP/POSTAL CODE:


 TELEPHONE:                                  EMAIL:

 Item                                                  Fee                                     Qty              Total
 Program Book Ad – Full Page                           $3,500
 Program Book Ad – Half Page                           $2,000
 Banner Ad in App                                      $2,000
 Professional Photographer                             $1,000
 State Champion Meeting                                $3,000
 Board of Directors Meeting                            $3,000
 Attendee Networking Session                           $1,000
 Wi-Fi                                                 $7,500
 Spanish Language Symposium Reception                  $6,500
 Chinese Language Symposium and Reception              $13,000
 TOTAL DUE:                                                                                                     $

TERMS OF PAYMENT                             PAYMENT METHODS:
Full Payment is due at time of application   Checks: Make checks payable to: American Cochlear Implants Alliance. Checks must be
and is non-refundable.                       drawn in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank.
                                             Credit Card: American Cochlear Implants Alliance is authorized to charge the following credit
Return application and payment to:
CI2019 ACI Alliance Exhibits Coordinator
                                             Amount to be charged: ___________________________
Kate Hastings
                                              Check       American Express  MasterCard  VISA
c/o American College of Surgeons
633 N. Saint Clair Street
Chicago, IL 60611-3211                        NAME ON CARD

khastings@facs.org | 312-202-5298
                                              CARD NUMBER

                                              EXP DATE                                               CSC CODE

CI2019 Pediatric:

16th Symposium
on Cochlear
Implants in

July 10 - 13, 2019
The Diplomat Beach Resort
Hollywood, FL

American Cochlear Implant Alliance
and University of Miami, Department of
Otorlaryngology/Ear Institute

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