October 2020 Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Page created by Bob Romero
October 2020 Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
                                  One church...multiple communities

                               October 2020

                                 Mooring Line Drive Campus
                                        777 Mooring Line Dr.
                                          Naples, FL 34102

                             Sunday Services during the pandemic

                            Online Services Only
                   9:30 a.m. - Traditional / Contemporary
                            11:00 a.m. - Bilingual
  www.naplesemmanuel.org (Check out the “Weekly Schedule” on our Home Page)

                        10:00 a.m. - Drive-In Service at Emmanuel Park
                            2770 Oil Well Road, Naples, FL 34120

                                 Email: elc@naplesemmanuel.org 

                                              Our Mission:
A Christ-centered community where God’s Spirit guides our lives as we worship, learn, love, share and serve.
October 2020 Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Staff and Church Council
                                                          Our Staff:
Rev. Steven E Wigdahl, Senior Pastor - pastorsteve@naplesemmanuel.org
Rev. Dr. Rick Bliese, Associate Pastor - pastorrick@naplesemmanuel.org
Rev. José Lebrón, Associate Pastor for Mission Development - pastorjose@naplesemmanuel.org
Rev. William Kittinger, Associate Pastor for Mission Development - pastorwill@naplesemmanuel.org
Karole Langset, Resident Pastor - Karole@naplesemmanuel.org
Lois Sorensen, Resident Pastor - Lois@naplesemmanuel.org
Jim Cooper, ELCA Deacon, Youth & Family - jim@naplesemmanuel.org
Frine Donadelli, Administrative Assistant at Pebblebrooke - frine@naplesemmanuel.org
Gina Fidler, Office Manager - gina@naplesemmanuel.org
Joyce Finlay, ELCA Deacon, Music & Worship; organist - joyce@naplesemmanuel.org
Carol Hartman, Parish Nurse - carol@naplesemmanuel.org
Nieves Lebrón, Children’s Ministry Specialist - nieves@naplesemmanuel.org
Dee Schleutker, ELCA Deacon, Service & Outreach - dee@naplesemmanuel.org
Theresa Shaw, Executive Director - theresa@naplesemmanuel.org
Vivian Shea, Chief Operations Officer - vivian@naplesemmanuel.org
Alex Tovar, Maintenance Manager - JABCleaning3@aol.com
Deborah Vacca, Bookkeeper - deborah@naplesemmanuel.org

Church Council:
The Church Council is made up of nine dedicated people who act on behalf of the church membership. According to Emmanuel
Lutheran’s Constitution, “The Congregation Council shall have general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation,
and in particular its worship life, to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and
practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.”
Please do not hesitate to contact a council member if you have any questions or concerns. They are here to involve all mem-
bers of the congregation in worship, learning, witness, service, and support. If you would like to communicate with the mem-
bers of the Emmanuel Church Council, you will find their names and e-mail addresses below:

Here is your Council for 2019-2020:
Executive Board:
Michael Puchalla (President) - michael@collierhousing.com
Tom Jackson (Vice-President) - tom@tomjacksonresources.com
Ann Jones (Treasurer) - annjonesinfl@aol.com
Carlos Dominguez (Secretary) - joshuaandjacobsmom@yahoo.com
The other board members are:
Nancy Dick - nancyjdd@aol.com
Zetty Rivera - zettyrivera@gmail.com
Steve Esala - steve.esala@thrivent.com
Sylvia Boynton - sboynton@coe.ufl.edu
Ruben Teran - rubteran@gmail.com

1. Jim Cooper attended Council to explain how the MLD reopening plan will work. A motion was made by Council that they
   would support the targeted date of Nov. 1st to reopen with some parameters that will be presented to Council at next
   month’s meeting.

2. Pastor Will shared some forward thinking of how we as a church can “widen our net”: increase our income and bring
    more people in from the community. Looking into the future we cannot rely on tithes and offerings alone. The first step
    may be to establish a feasibility task force to explore some of the ideas. At the next Council meeting the next steps will be

                                         November Newsletter deadline is October 20th.
                   Please e-mail Jennifer, jennifer@naplesemmanuel.org, with any information by this date.

October 2020 Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Upcoming Events

Who: This event is for members and friends of Emmanuel. The event is primarily for adults, but youth and children are welcome to join.
When registering please list the names of everyone attending the event.

What: This event is an opportunity for our church family to GATHER TOGETHER. It will be hosted by our senior pastor Steve Wigdahl. It will
be a time of encouragement, information, conversation and prayer. There will be music, words of encouragement from our pastor's, Church
Council and staff. One of the highlights will be an opportunity for everyone to break into small groups where we can listen and share with
each other. We are HOSTING THE SAME EVENT TWICE, so, as many as possible can participate.

How: Registration is easy. Choose the date you want to attend and click on REGISTER. You will go to a Registration Page. From there fill out
two things, your name(s) and email. If you are signing up multiple people, please put all your first names in the area marked “First
Name”. Once you have submitted this, you will get a confirmation email. On the day of the event, just click on the appropriate link in your
confirmation email and you will have access to the event.

NOTE: If you have never used Zoom, you will be prompted to create a Zoom account. It’s easy to sign up, just follow the steps. If you have
trouble with this, you can call Gina at the church and she can assist you 239-261-0894.

To sign up click on this link: https://naplesemmanuel.org/gather-together-zoom-events/                                                  3
October 2020 Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Upcoming Events

Since 1993, more than 100 million boys and girls in over 130 countries have experi-
enced God’s love through the power of simple shoebox gifts from Operation Christ-
mas Child. Samaritan’s Purse works with local churches and ministry partners to
deliver the gifts and share the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ. You can use
empty shoe boxes or buy a plastic container to fill.

New this year: We have two ways you can participate!

Option 1: Physical drop off at the Park. We will be handing out a limited number of
OCC boxes at Emmanuel Community Park during the drive-up service Oct. 18 & 25.
You can drop your already filled shoebox off during the drive-up service Nov. 8 & 15.

Option 2: Build a Shoebox online! Virtually pack a box on our unique church goal page through this link:
For $25 you can virtually select all the items & include a letter. This also covers shipping & tracking.
For more information or questions contact Dee Schluetker at dee@naplesemmanuel.org or call Lynn Lewis at 609-213-2946
or go online to www.samaritanspurse.org/occ

             November 1, 2020 for in-person Sunday worship
                                (Daylight Saving Time ends, move clocks back one hour)
Plans and Guidelines for reopening Sunday worship services at Emmanuel Lutheran Church:

Our first services will be Sunday, November 1, 2020 in the Sanctuary and the Family Life Center.
        9:00 am           Sanctuary             traditional                    live stream (yes)
        10:00 am          Family Life Center    contemporary                   live stream (yes)
        11:00 am          Sanctuary             traditional                    live stream (NO)
        11:30 am          Family Life Center    ECC - Spanish speaking service live stream (yes)

We will open at 25% capacity - 70 people in the Sanctuary and 65 people in the Family Life Center. You will sign-up on the
website each week. Details for sign-up procedure will be forthcoming. The sign-up closes on Friday at 12:00 noon each

Bathrooms, Sanctuary and Family Life Center will be cleaned before each service. We also require that everyone wear a
mask, follow social distancing and CDC guidelines.

We will have ushers welcome and greet you as you come to church. The ushers are also there to answer any questions re-
garding the procedures for worship.

In the sanctuary we will have hand sanitizer, masks, and gloves if needed. We will also have a table with communion pack-
ets for each person to pick up upon entering. (A trash can will be available in the Narthex for individuals to dispose of com-
munion packet after service.) We will also have two offering stations available before, during and after the service. They
will be located in the front and back of the church.

In the Family Life Center there will be two entries - one by the bathrooms and the other by the center doors. Each entry-
way will have a table with masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and individual communion kits. There will be two clearly marked
offering stations for people to drop their offering into before, during and after the service.

We will continue to include Sharing of the Peace during worship service, but there will be no touching and we will maintain
social distancing. Hospitality will consist of people conversing, but maintaining social distancing. We will not have drinks or
snacks at this time.

October 2020 Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Upcoming Events

Dear Emmanuel Family,
For the past 14 years Emmanuel's Youth Ministry has
helped to mobilize funds to support the Boys & Girls
Club of Collier County. We have done this by partici-
pating in their annual “Fore-the Kids” golf fundraiser.
Sadly this year due to CoVid-19 and health concerns
the in-person event has been canceled.
This golf tournament is a major fundraiser for the
Boys and Girls Club of Collier County. Last year the
event netted $250,000. You can imagine the negative
impacts of losing this revenue on the Club’s ability to
serve these children. The lack of funds would most
certainly mean the cutting of programs for kids who
need it the most.
All is not lost... the Club is creatively moving ahead
with some exciting ways that we can all get involved
and help to raise the much-needed funds.
Here’s how:
Now through November 14, you can make a direct
As in the past, there will be exciting items to bid on.
                      CLICK HERE
November 14, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Guests will log into a Zoom call and participate in the
live stream, interactive show. The live auction will
allow for real-time competitive online bidding. Fun!

   If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Jim Cooper, Jim@NaplesEmmanuel.org, 239-261-0894

                         To participate and support the Boys & Girls club, GO to the website:
                                            or click one of the above links.

October 2020 Emmanuel Lutheran Church
A Message from Pastor Steve
Driving out of town always provides me with a larger landscape. I noticed it the moment we
got on I-75 and began to head north for a few weeks away. With the COVID situation many
of us have not ventured far from home in recent months. With many restrictions still in
place, the world around us may seem even smaller. Simply driving down the road began to
open up a larger reality beyond the context of Naples, FL.

While on the road I began to ponder how a person’s thinking can be confined when one
remains cloistered within a small context of experience. How easy it is to begin closing
doors around you, staying within limited parameters. The mind occasionally likes to put up
gates restricting information and stifling new thoughts and ideas from the outside. Yes, our
opinions can get misshapen through these restrictions, accompanied by an emerging unwillingness to listen to views and opin-
ions of others.

OK, I’ll admit it. Sometimes I am a lousy listener! Furthermore, I occasionally hesitate to reveal my opinions to others whom I
presume won’t agree or respect my way of thinking. The result? Cut-off. We become separated in trying to protect ourselves
by refusing to listen to others, or revealing things that make us vulnerable.

Oh, and yes, we might even try to cut ourselves off from God.

A woman once told me she doesn’t pray much anymore. “Why?” I asked her. “Well, with everything going on the this world,
I’m sure God has more important things to do than listen to me!” The reality? She was creating a roadblock in her relationship
with God. She believed her world and God’s world were not intertwined. She felt cut-off.

We may live in polarizing times, where people refuse to search for new avenues of understanding. Yet God is not shocked by
the wrestling matches we have with others and with ourselves. However, by coming to God we may be enlightened. Imagine
that! God can break through our limitations and create greater understandings — of ourselves and our relationships with oth-
ers too! Be open to it. Let the Spirit work.

Read through the Psalms again. Just start reading! Become aware of all the supplications offered up to a listening God, accom-
panied by the desire for hope to be restored.

At Emmanuel during worship we gather together and sing during our intercessions:

                Lord, listen to your children praying, Lord, send your Spirit in this place;
                Lord, listen to your children praying, Send us love, send us pow'r, send us grace.
                                         Copyright: © 1973 Hope Publishing Company Liturgical Use: Prayer Songs Author: Ken Medema (1970)

Yes! Our LISTENING GOD can also guide and direct us, enriching our personal lives and our relationships with those around us.
Something we all need in these strenuous times!

                                  A Message from Resident Pastor Lois Sorensen
Dear Siblings in Christ,

Here is a sampling of what I have been “up to” lately:

TRAVELS - No out-of-state adventures in September (thanks be to God), but I have been spending at least
part of each Wednesday at Emmanuel Community Park (see “Meals of Hope” below). My husband had
another health concern arise, but surgery was not necessary and so my care-giver skills were not required
in South Dakota, just some longer and more frequent phone calls.

MEALS OF HOPE – I have been working alongside some wonderful “Faces of Emmanuel” at the drive-through food pantry every
Wednesday at Emmanuel Community Park. “Thanks” to the pandemic, I am spending more time with Meals of Hope clients
than with Emmanuel members (other than those “Faces” who are doing the same: Pastor Will, Deacon Dee, and food pantry
volunteers). When I work both shifts, I pray over the volunteers as we officially open for the day. The client interaction is a
great form of evangelizing experience for me.

SOCIAL MEDIA – I have two easy “assignments” for you. First, if you use Facebook, remember to “check-in” at Mooring Line
Drive or Oil Well Road whenever you participate in some Emmanuel activity (yes, that can include
recorded activity as well as Livestream worship events and in-person volunteering). “Check in” is a
subtle way of influencing other people: when you answer the “what’s on your mind” by not only
using words but also by clicking on “check in” (the red compass pointer) and then selecting a loca-
tion, an average of 200 people (more or less, depending how many Facebook “friends” you have)
are reminded that Emmanuel has something interesting going on, and they might decide to check it
out themselves. Second, when you create an original post or share something related to Emmanuel,
use at least one hashtag (such as #naplesemmanuel, #MealsOfHope, #ECCNaples, or
#driveinchurch). Hashtags are another way to subtly influence other people, especially organizations
that investigate what is “trending” and individuals searching the
Internet in general or a social media platform in particular for a
specific word or abbreviation.

October 2020 Emmanuel Lutheran Church
A Message from Pastor Rick
New Developments in September: Adult Education

The engagement with adult education has been strong. Thank you. Our various programs from the
"Sunday Forum” to “Work Matters with Pastor Will” to all our Bible Studies on Thursday have been well
attended. “Happy Hour” each Thursday at 5 PM closes out our weekly program with good fellowship
and fun. Talking with Barrie Larvin has been a pure joy! If you’ve been tempted to join us, but always
found an excuse, October is the month to be a part of this lovely way to end the week.

So let me point out four items to notice in October:

1. The Bible Project/September 10th: On September 10th we started our new Bonus Bible Study series entitled: “The Bible
Project.” We focus on topics like the history of the Bible, and how to read different genres of the Bible (e.g. poetry, history,
parables, history, gospels and apocalyptic literature. Short videos are shared that are professionally created and rich in con-
tent. Join us every Thursday morning for The Bible Project.

2. Racial Justice: The Emmanuel Conversation. We have already conducted four sessions on racial justice since June. I’ve
noted those sessions below. We will continue this series in September. But in case you need to review or catch up with the
conversation, the four sessions are listed below:
Session 1: Conversations on Racial Justice: A Start https://youtu.be/5lgp5u6GjHk
Session 2: A Conversation on Racial Justice Continues https://youtu.be/85CXG3uVNcc
Session 3: Voices from Emmanuel on Racial Justice https://youtu.be/lh5pQI0NMjE
Session 4: All in the Family https://youtu.be/UIu0ogzun38
Session 5: Racial Justice Part I: Continuing the Conversation at Emmanuel     https://youtu.be/aMys7Ig2suQ
Session 6: Racial Justice Part II: Continuing the Conversation at Emmanuel https://youtu.be/QFYG7IrF4JI

3. God in the Grind with Pastor Will: This new series will continue in October, but with a different format– a podcast, not a
video. Pastor Will will be interviewing people about their attitudes toward their work. What does work mean for them? How
do they connect their work and their faith? This will be an exciting way to see faith, work and economics are actually being
lived out in our community. You won’t want to miss this series. Join us!

4. Worship Matter - Monday at Two by Karole Langset (See below article for details.)

See you in October at all our Educational Events during the week from Sunday through Thursday night.

Pastor Rick

                                 A Message from Resident Pastor Karole Langset

NEW ZOOM GROUP Starting in OCTOBER! MONDAY AT TWO: “Worship Matters”

Today, believers are truly expressing why worship matters. COVID-19 has challenged us in the ways
we worship, making us more aware of our spiritual need for worship. Starting October 5th, Every
Monday, we will gather together on Zoom to discuss and learn about worship. We will share our
insights and grow together.

The following are some of our Monday topics:
· We will discern together what makes meaningful worship, and why it matters to us.
· Discuss prior Sunday’s Sermon, and how we heard the Word.
· Name theological themes of the Sunday’s chosen readings.
· Examine current worship practices and follow changes with worship in midst of COVID-19.
· Learn about worship liturgies, symbols, tools, and practices.
· Recognize the liturgical season, and its impact on worship.

Group Led by Resident Pastor Karole Langset. If you have any questions about the group, or any technology questions, please
contact Karole Langset. Email: Karole@naplesemmanuel.org.

Topic: Worship Matters - Monday at 2:00 ET (Starting October 5th)

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86503824736?pwd=eWVrQVBaeURBRkRNL2FuNC94N3RyZz09
Meeting ID: 865 0382 4736
Passcode: 641698

October 2020 Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Serving Others Ministry

                    Never before has a safe, decent home been more critical to the well-being of every individual. The Covid
                    virus continues to spread at terrifying speed through the densely packed multifamily dwellings and mobile
                    homes occupied by families waiting for a single-family Habitat home. Habitat is feverishly working to get
                    these families into their new homes where they can be safer, and their children can have a decent place to

                   Can you make a donation to take advantage of this year’s matching challenge grant? Make checks payable
to Emmanuel, indicate they are for Habitat, and mail them to Emmanuel. To use a credit card, please call Habitat at 239-775-
0036, or go to www.HabitatCollier.org. And mention Emmanuel so that your donation gets matched! Thank you!

                                            A Grace Place Update - October 2020
 Dear friends at Emmanuel Lutheran Church,
 I am absolutely thrilled to announce that the Grace Place Board of Directors has unanimously approved
 the selection of Lära Fisher as our next Chief Executive Officer effective October 19, 2020.

 The Board and leadership team at Grace Place are confident that Lära is the right person to lead our organ-
 ization into the future. She fully appreciates and understands the pivotal role family literacy can play in
 supporting and lifting a community out of poverty and is prepared to bring all of her energy and professional skills to lead the
 effort. She is a seasoned leader with significant experience, creativity, and innovation grounded in smart business planning
 who will advance the mission and lead the future growth of Grace Place.

                       Lära Fisher has more than 20 years of experience and success in youth education and human services
                       for underserved communities, and understands the unique challenges we face here in Naples. She most
                       recently served as CEO and President of the South County Outreach – Hunger and Homeless Services
                       Agency (SCO) in Irvine, California, earning the distinction of 2019 California Nonprofit of the Year and
                       chairing a county-wide, 18-agency member Family Solutions Collaborative. At SCO, she was responsible
                       for the operation and management of five business centers: Housing, Food Pantry, Rental & Utility As-
                       sistance, Computer Learning Lab and Thrift Store. She was even known to drive the Food Pantry truck
                       on occasion! Prior to SCO, she was the Director of Development and Marketing at the Boy Scouts of
                       America. Her career began at Loras College in marketing and media relations roles of increasing respon-
                       sibility. Fisher holds a Master of Arts degree in Public Relations from the University of Northern Iowa
                       and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Journalism from Iowa State University.

 She can’t wait to meet you all in the coming months!

 Please join me in welcoming Lära to our team!

 In gratitude,

 Chrissie Missal
 Development Relationships Manager

                          Casseroles for St. Matthew’s House
                          Our Serving Others Ministry Team provides casseroles prepared by Church members to the St.
                          Matthew’s House Shelter for the benefit of those sheltered. This has been a very successful out-
                          reach led by Carolyn Faust. Unfortunately, the pandemic interrupted the process so we have im-
                          plemented an alternative until the Church reopens.

                          Gina Fidler is in the office every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9am to 2pm and has
                          made herself available to distribute the casserole pans, lids (and recipes if needed) and receive
 prepared casseroles to store in the freezer. This outreach is still much needed and greatly appreciated by all of those
 housed in the shelter.

 Please consider picking up a casserole container, or two, preparing one of the easy casserole dishes, and delivering the
 cooked casserole back to Gina at the Church. We will also have some containers at our drive-in service to make it even easi-
 er. At this time, the cooked casseroles can only be accepted at Church by Gina Tuesdays - Thursdays from 9am to 2pm.
 Those housed in the shelter, and the employees working there, all love our homemade cooked casseroles, as only we Lu-
 therans can do!

October 2020 Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Serving Others Ministry


Harry Chapin Food Bank supplies over 70% of the needed inventory to 38 partner organizations in Collier County, including
Meals of Hope, Grace Place, St Matthew's House, Boys and Girls Clubs and the Naples Senior Center.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Harry Chapin Food Bank has experienced an 80 percent increase in the demand for
food, and is now spending $1,000,000 a month on food, feeding over 250,000 people every month!

The Harry Chapin Food Bank is steadfast in its commitment to lead our community in the fight to end hunger, and it needs
our help to do this. You can make a donation online at www.harrychapinfoodbank.org.

Together, we can continue to serve those who are hungry in our community.


2020 will be the 26th year of the UNDY SUNDAY campaign to provide an ample sup-
ply of underwear and socks for the thousands of needy elementary school students
within Collier County.

Due to Covid 19, we will switch to virtual for 2020 (one time only; we hope to revert
to "normal" in 2021) - all contributions will be via Amazon or financial contributions which we'll use to purchase items for
delivery to schools.

We’re particularly excited about the ability for congregants to donate in a contactless manner; the donations will go directly
to St. William Church and be sorted, labeled and packaged for delivery to 37 selected Elementary & Charter schools, plus six
Social Service organizations who assist needy women and children in our community.
The Undy Sunday team has a Charity Wish List where you can find our current socks and undies needs!

If you would prefer to make a monetary donation, please use our secure online donor portal:
https://dov.regfox.com/undy-sunday-2020 All monetary donations received will be used to support Kindergarten through
8th grade student activities & programs.

                              As many of you know, our Good Samaritan Fund assists in helping people in need, whether
                              they are members, friends or acquaintances. If anyone has a desire to give toward that fund,
                              please make your checks payable to Emmanuel Lutheran Church and put Good Samaritan Fund
                              in the memo line.

Food for the Needy
Unlike many cities and counties in other parts of the country, Collier County has no wel-
fare department. Thus, many of the hungry and homeless among us have nowhere to
turn except to local charities. Nearly 1,000 children in the Collier County School District
are currently confirmed to be homeless, and officials believe the actual number is much

October 2020 Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Music and Worship


Singing in a Strange Land

Normally at this time of year, I would be writing this article inviting Choir members to come
back to our first fall rehearsal. Because of Covid-19, this year it is different.

Psalm 137: 1 -4 1 By the rivers of Babylon— there we sat down and there we wept when we remembered Zion. 2 On the wil-
lows there we hung up our harps. 3 For there our captors asked us for songs, and our tormentors asked for mirth, saying, “Sing
us one of the songs of Zion!” 4 How could we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land?

Bishop Teresa Jefferson-Snorton has written: “While many of us understood the threat of the coronavirus, few of us envi-
sioned how radically we would have to change our day-to-day habits in response to it. We have never been here before. This
new and strange land demands much from us from a simple refraining from hugging and greeting with affection, to being
locked out from visiting sick and shut-in loved ones, to being unable to go to our normal jobs and work. How can we sing in
such a strange land?”

So here we are in 2020, trying to sensibly and responsibility figure out the next step. Choral singing is said to be a
“superspreader” of the virus. We face the dilemma of not being able to sing together in a large group. Who would have ever
thought that singing in a Choir would be dangerous!

“As we dwell in this strange land, where COVID-19 has become our captor, we lament this destruction and devastation of hu-
man life and lives. However, let us not forget that there is still power in the Lord’s song. And it is God who will help us
through!” *

Even as you read this, we here at Emmanuel are praying and working on the safest and best strategy for reopening—so that
everyone will be protected.

Will keep you posted as things continue to unfold…meanwhile, keep the Lord’s song in your heart!

*Source: Teresa Jefferson-Snorton, Presiding Bishop, Fifth Episcopal District, The Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, Birmingham, AL

      FINANCIAL UPDATE (as of August 31, 2020)

                      TOTAL INCOME FROM ALL           Budget Year to Date           Actual Year to Date
                              SOURCES                     $1,517,722                     $1,365,365

                                                      Budget Year to Date           Actual Year to Date
                     TOTAL OVERALL EXPENSES
                                                          $1,529,189                     $1,366,807

                                                         August 2019                    August 2020
                       AVERAGE ATTENDANCE
                                                              307                            487

                            (A more detailed Treasurer’s Report can be found in our weekly eBlast.)

Please note the income numbers include the $200,000 Emmanuel received from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). This
money is a forgivable loan to small businesses to pay their employees during the COVID-19 crisis. The loan proceeds
are used to cover payroll costs and utility costs over the 8-week period after the loan is made and employee compensation lev-
els are maintained.

                                               Do you purchase things on Amazon? If so, you can get the same items with
                                              Amazonsmile. By purchasing items through Amazonesmile a very small per-
                                              centage of the sale goes to Emmanuel. On your first visit to AmazonSmile
                                              (smile.amazon.com), you are prompted to select a charitable organization. Em-
 manuel Lutheran Evangelical Church is one of those organizations. So, if you shop with Amazon, remember to go through
 AmazonSmile and select Emmanuel Lutheran Evangelical Church. (Tell your family and friends to do the same.) The direct
 link is https://smile.amazon.com/ch/59-1377616

 Thanks for supporting Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church. Thank you to those of you who do use Amazonsmile. Every little
 bit helps. To date we have received over $1,051.31 from Amazonsmile.

                                                                       GOAL: $ 2.2 million

                                                                       Total Pledges to Date: $ 1,179,920

             Tracking of stewardship for this year.

Total income for the month of August was $113,159 vs. a budget of $164,221. YTD income is $1,356,365 or 89% of
budget. Excluding the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding in April, YTD income is 76% of budget.
Total operating expenses in August were $147,821 compared to a budget of $179,704.
Year-over-year monthly attendance was up 58.6% including streaming and drive-in worship and up 30.5% YTD.

Parish Nurse

              Carol Calling:
              So, it is October and the beginning of the flu season. Let me remind you all to get your flu shot for this sea-
              son. As you know, the flu vaccine has to be given each season with a particular mix of the viruses which are
              responsible each year for causing the flu symptoms. So, don’t put it off too much longer…It is specially im-
              portant this year as we mix the seasonal flu with the Covid-19 concerns.

              I want to remind everyone again about the importance of good handwashing. Not only for safety from Covid
              but for safety from the seasonal flu as well. Consumer On Health also has an article about a new finding with
handwashing…(September 2020). Handwashing could help reduce exposure to flame retardants which are associated with
behavioral problems in kids and possible health problems in adults. Researchers found several types of flame retardants used
in the manufacture of televisions on surfaces of cell phones and tablets which are probably transferred there by TV users’

Did you know that lower scores for attention, concentration and reaction time are seen on tests after a person has consumed
a meal high in saturated fat (eggs, biscuits, gravy and turkey sausage) than after a meal that was high in heathier unsaturated

Whether red, orange or yellow those delicious tomatoes are high in disease-fighting phytochemicals. The rich color of the
tomato comes from lycopene ,a powerful antioxidant plus a large tomato offers decent amounts of vitamin C and blood pres-
sure lowering potassium. Lycopene squelches free radicals, which play a role in cancer, heart disease and other diseases
associated with aging. Lycopene may also protect the skin from sun damage that can cause skin cancer, and some research
suggests it helps women maintain bone mass as they age. The phytochemicals in tomatoes have a powerful anti-
inflammatory effect. You can’t go wrong by including in-season tomatoes in a salad or serving slices with fresh mozzarel-
la. Enjoy these nightshade vegetables as often as you can while they are abundant.

If you use reusable face coverings, it is smart to have at least two so you don’t get stuck if one is in the wash. If you can’t
scrub your hands for the 20 second rule, at least use hand sanitizer which has at least 60 percent alcohol. You might even
want to stash a sanitizer in your car for when you are on the go. Not all household cleaning products can kill the corona-
virus. The EPA has a full list of products that do. Go to epa.gov and search for “List N”.

Eating whole foods known to support the immune system A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and omega 3 fatty ac-
ids should provide the range of nutrition you need to stay healthy. Try to get plenty of sleep and regular exercise, and take
steps to reduce stress.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and October 16th is National Mammography Day. Do your breast self exams regu-
larly, and get your mammography scheduled if you have not already done so this year.

Stay safe and stay healthy. And air hugs to everyone while we are still isolated.

                The hospitals no longer notify us of your admission. If you have a planned hospital admission and would like a
                visit from our pastoral staff, please let us know ahead of time. If you have an unexpected hospital admission,
                please ask a family member or friend to contact the church office. We would be happy to visit with you.
                Thank you. Parish Nurse Carol Hartman at 239-261-0894 or carol@naplesemmanuel.org

     If you would like to have a prayer added to the prayer chain, please contact Joyce O’Neill. You may contact
     Joyce at 239-566-3373 or email her at KSOnaples@comcast.net. Send requests to Joyce O’Neill at

Parish Nurse
                              Grieving Group : Jesus Wept
                               In the Gospel, according to John, Jesus wept (11:35). He wept over the death of Lazarus, and in
                               seeing the grief of Lazarus’ sisters and all who mourned him. Many of us are grieving today.
                               Some of our loved ones have died. Some of us have lost jobs and are mourning our way of life
                               before COVID. Some of us are facing difficulties in our health, and some of us are being separat-
                               ed from our loved ones. There are many reasons we grieve today and many reasons we, like Je-
sus, weep. Grief can be isolating but we do not have to go through these losses alone. In Christ, we are a family. A family that
weeps and supports each other in difficult times.

Emmanuel Lutheran Church has a grief group. This group is for all who mourn, need to lament, or are suffering from loneliness.
We will listen to each other and we will pray with each other. “Grief group” meets on Zoom at 1:00 pm on the first and third
Wednesday of every month. Parish Nurse Carol Hartman and Resident Pastor Karole Langset lead the group. They can answer
any questions you have about the group.
To Join Grief Zoom Meeting (1st and 3rd Wednesday, 1 p.m.):
Copy and past: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88948974770?pwd=YWZ5S2pveGJ0NGp0d0czdXkvTEZKUT09
Meeting ID: 889 4897 4770
Password: 844239
You can join by phone without video, for that you will need the meeting number and password (above) when you dial-in to
one of these numbers:
                                                                       If you have any questions or concerns in
+1 301 715 8592 (Germantown), +1 312 626 6799 (Chicago),               regards to the Grief Group call Carol
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York), +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma),            Hartman at 239-261-0894 or email her at
+1 346 248 7799 (Houston), or +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose).

                                                    Stephen Ministry

                                         STEPHEN MINISTER CARING DOESN’T STOP FOR A PANDEMIC

                                         Even when Stephen Ministers can’t provide care in person there are still ways to be
                                         a light in the darkness of someone who is hurting. Many of the needs for care are
                                         the same or even greater during the pandemic as people are facing much fear, stress
and anxiety. Out Stephen Ministers are well trained to meet these needs even remotely.

Effective Christian Caregiving can be provided even during Social Distancing and mask wearing by phone or video.
Stephen Ministers are taught to:
…be available and stay in contact with the Care Receiver for however long it takes
…to be fully present emotionally and to give undivided attention in person or by phone
…Active listening is the most important skill that Stephen Ministers are taught and becomes even more important with remote
caregiving. Patience, kindness, and fully engaged caregiving allow the provision of effective Christian Caregiving
…Praying often for our Care Receiver and also with the Care Receiver when appropriate is another hallmark of Stephen Minis-
ters. We all know the Power of Prayer.

For more information or to receive Stephen Minister care contact Carol Hartman 239-261-0894


                                 Welcome Wren Elizabeth McMichael. Congratulations to parents Korine and
                                 Ian and big brother, Hans.


                                          David Cole passed away on September 7, 2020
                                      Beverly Mjolsness passed away on September 9, 2020
                                       Edwin Swenson passed away on September 12, 2020
                                        Lois Wattman passed away on September 28, 2020
                                     Please keep their family and friends in your prayers.                                13
Youth and Family Ministry

                       Sunday, November 1 at 4:00 PM on

           Ready to spend some time with Bishop Pedro Suárez and your friends from across the synod?
             Middle School and High School-aged youth are invited to the Florida-Bahamas Synod's next
                                      Youth Check-In on November 1 at 4:00pm.
You'll join Bishop Pedro Suárez and our synod youth leaders for an afternoon of discussion, music, and fun! We’ll have
                           small group time, as well as a Q & A with Bishop Suárez himself!
                 PLUS, when you register, you’ll be entered into a special drawing for a surprise gift!
            This event is for youth in middle and high school. Please specify your grade when registering.

             Email Jim Cooper at Jim@naplesemmanuel.org to get a link to register.

Emmanuel Park Community

                                                            Meals of Hope
                                                            Beginning in August, Meals of Hope offered a new food pantry distri-
                                                            bution site at Emmanuel Park. The pantry runs from 3:00 - 5:00 pm
                                                            each Wednesday; however, due to the increasing need, we begin the
                                                            food distribution at 1:30 pm. Since we first started, we have averaged
                                                            around 260 cars each Wednesday. On Wednesday, September
                                                            16th, we distributed food to 287 vehicles, nearly 300 families. We are
                                                            looking for 10 - 12 volunteers to assist with registration, parking, and
                                                            distributing food. If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the
                                                            EPC volunteer sign up page: www.naplesemmanuel.org/volunteer.
                                                            Students are eligible for service hours through Meals of Hope.

Sidewalk Sunday School

Beginning Sunday, November 1, we will offer Sidewalk Sunday school at Emmanuel Park for ages
Pre-K through 5th grade. After worship, we will turn around, face the playground, and provide a
fun, interactive, faith-filled hour for children in our community. Stay tuned; as we work out all
the details, including a plan to follow current CDC guidelines for Coronavirus.

                                       2770 Oil Well Road.
                For more information, please email us at epc@naplesemmanuel.org

                                                           Blessing of the Animals: Sunday, October 4, at Emmanuel Park.
                                                           2770 Oil Well Road, Naples, FL
                                                           We know how important our pets are to us, especially in this trying year of 2020. In
                                                           honor of the Italian friar and deacon, Francis of Assisi, we are having a Drive-Thru
                                                           Blessing of the Animals event this Sunday, October 4 from 9:00 – 11:00 am at Em-
                                                           manuel Community Park.

                                                         Pull up to the Park with your furry, fuzzy, or scaly four, two, or no-legged friend
                                                         (properly leashed, caged, or in a trailer, please) to a receive a blessing and a certifi-
                                                         cate from a member of the Emmanuel Park Community. For those with children,
 we also have a great playground that’s open for you to use as well as a multi-purpose sports field equipped with soccer nets!

 You’re invited to join us this Sunday morning to show some love for those who love us as God does, unconditionally – our pets. Emmanuel
 Community Park is located at 2770 Oil Well Road Naples, FL 34120. Questions? E-mail us at epc@naplesemmanuel.org.
Emmanuel Communities

              Emmanuel Communities and Emmanuel Community Park in the News!

Featured on the Front Page of the Collier Citizen, Saturday, September 5, 2020:
See the article at:   https://colliercitizen-fl.newsmemory.com?publink=1c18244ef_13437ed
                                                                 Volunteers gather to practice for
                                                                 the first Drive-In worship service.

Emmanuel Communities

Naples Daily News – both on September 3, 2020

Emmanuel Communities

Page 6D of Naples Dailey News - September 3, 2020

Emmanuel Communities

Emmanuel Academies

                                                          Educating Future Pastors!
                 The past month has been significant for Emmanuel Academies. A few of the highlights include:

•   Fall learning has begun! Here is an image of one of our Wednesday night study groups from last week:

•   Please say a prayer of support for three of our seminarians who are in the process of applying for ELCA candidacy: Frine
    Donadelli, Julio Ruiz and Ann Marie Gomez. We are excited to accompany them on their path forward! They each will have
    a formal interview by the Candidacy Committee in November, and each are currently preparing for that interview and ad-
    mission to Candidacy.

•   EA welcomes congregational and Church Council members Dr. Sylvia Boynton and Tom Jackson to its Board of Directors!
    Each bring many years of extremely valuable expertise, wisdom and insight!

It is always important to remember that most, if not all, of our future pastors would not have pursued serving the Church,
though they were Called, had it not been for the accessibility, affordability and flexibility of our MDiv program.

We are so pleased to be contributing to the future thriving of the Church and its service to the World. The Spirit continues to
guide us and energize our work!


All of our clubs have been suspended until further notice due to the pandemic. If you are interested in a particular
club, you may contact the leaders of that group.

Lit and Latte Book Club
The Book Club will begin meeting in November. At this time they are trying to create a list of books
to read and presenters for the upcoming year. If you have any ideas, please contact Carol Hartman
at Carol@naplesemmanuel.org.

Everyone in the community is invited to join our group. Please feel free to bring houseguests and
friends, as all are welcome. We meet in the Media Center monthly from 2:00-3:30 PM.

The Women with Women group has postponed gatherings and meetings until further notice.
Any questions call Carol Duncan at 239-777-3213.

                        Mah Jongg is postponed until further notice. If you have any questions, please call Carol Duncan at

Beading for Haiti Project Paperbead Jewelry

The beading group has postponed meeting until further notice. They are excited to get back together
once things get back to normal. They also look forward to having a Jewelry Sale.

Interested? Contact Carol Duncan at 239-777-3213
Check out our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/beadingforhaiti
Village of Hope Webpage www.villageofhopehaiti.org


                           The Stitchers will resume meeting in the Community Room on Mondays on November 2, 2020.
                           Call Jane Hauck, 605-366-4338, with any questions.

Emmanuel Lutheran Church
                      October Anniversaries

        Member                            Date
 Mr & Mrs Eric Svensson                 10/06/1962
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Devine                 10/07/1995
Donald & Loreeta Canton                 10/07/0000
Dan & Cynthia Mjolsness                 10/08/0000
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cedfeldt                10/09/1955
Mr & Mrs Edgar Wright                   10/09/1954
Mr & Mrs Michael Ziegelmaier            10/10/1992
Jim & Tish Gayeuski                     10/11/0000
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Krautsack            10/13/1962
Carole Shane                            10/14/1967
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hudson                 10/15/1949
Martin and Julie Corbin                 10/16/2004
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Omonte                 10/19/1996
Larry and Jennifer Coates               10/20/1979
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Williams              10/20/1999
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Loney                  10/26/1991
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Newman                  10/26/1984
Gaylord & Diane Thormodsgard            10/26/0000
Larry Wright & Lorna Gauthier           10/26/1996
Brad & Janet Anderson                   10/31/1970

Emmanuel Lutheran Church
                 October Baptisms
Member                          Date
Larry Jacobson                  10/00
Kenneth Wistrom                 10/00
CarlaReustle                    10/00
Samantha Blaes                  10/00
Nancy Umbach                    10/01
Zachary Sonneborn               10/02
Jackson Nieman                  10/04
Phillip Vender                  10/05
Linda Knutson                   10/06
Anthony Omonte                  10/07
Kaitlyn Ziegelmaier             10/08
Teresa Barancik                 10/12
Colleen Ziegelmaier             10/12
Ruth Schuler                    10/13
Mariah Klinck                   10/13
Darlene Russell                 10/14
Joy Gemmer                      10/15
Abigail Huml                    10/15
Barbara Terreri                 10/15
George Wardeberg                10/15
Ruth Loney                      10/16
Emily Dumouchel                 10/18
Kathleen Nelson                 10/19
John Newberry                   10/19
Donna Mikkola                   10/20
Christopher Sallee              10/21
Savanah Sallee                  10/21
Jean Dumouchel                  10/22
 Abigail Cooper                 10/23
Arland Waters                   10/24
Phyllis Hannemann               10/27

Emmanuel Lutheran Church
                              October Birthdays
Member                Date        Member                        Date
Carol Harrington      10/01       Phillip Strohm                10/16
Michael McNally       10/01       Bonnie Swartwout              10/16
Becky Ulsh            10/01       Arlin Calix                   10/17
Daniela Quiroga       10/02       Jeffrey Dalia                 10/18
Walter Tofteland      10/02       Daniela Hernandez Vale        10/18
Ben Chelini           10/03       Hanna Roppo                   10/18
Richard Koch          10/03       Warren Bogle, Jr.             10/19
Jamie Martin          10/04       David Feretti                 10/19
Charles Olson         10/04       Valorie Langford Richardson   10/19
Debbie Swanson        10/04       Jean Lee                      10/19
Carroll Lodahl        10/05       Diedre Milligan               10/19
Solenny Sanchez       10/05       Nicole Puchalla               10/19
Fran Buske            10/06       Jerry Ransom                  10/19
Richard Lee           10/07       Gerhard Strauss               10/19
Brianna Brink         10/08       Shirley Gronlund              10/20
Kathy Cooper          10/08       Carlene Petersen              10/20
Pat Hendricks         10/08       William Hauck                 10/21
Vicki Mjoen           10/08       Shirley Hickey                10/21
Eduardo Rivera        10/08       Brianna Joffre                10/21
Noah Kimble           10/09       Linda Lutz                    10/21
John Korbel           10/09       Karoll Rosales Ortiz          10/21
Robert Andrews        10/10       Carol Wallen                  10/21
Oscar Benavides       10/10       Casey Dick                    10/22
Hildegard Finnegan    10/10       Carol Duncan                  10/22
Dan Lyberg            10/10       Ann Ericsson                  10/22
Joan Miller           10/10       Saundra Spilotro              10/22
Lauren Gibson         10/11       Karen Zacho                   10/23
Samuel Loney          10/11       Frank Gomez                   10/24
Marvin Peterson       10/11       Patricia Guehler              10/24
J. Robert Carpenter   10/12       Nazareth Ruiz                 10/24
James Dick            10/13       Chas Frontz                   10/25
Marti Frisvold        10/13       Kathleen Gass                 10/25
Philip A. Hilliard    10/13       Bruce Ranstrom                10/25
Marshall Lewis        10/13       Harold Williams               10/25
James O'Brien         10/13       William Cedfeldt              10/27
Jeremy Terwisscha     10/14       Nathan Hilliard               10/27
Olivia Ceilley        10/15       Stephanie Mastro              10/28
Kathleen Gillund      10/15       Marcia Piipponen              10/29
Stacey Puchalla       10/15       Kraig Abraham                 10/30
Gail Svensson         10/15       Ann Berlam                    10/30
Susan Bogle           10/16       Cynthia Carlson               10/30
Ethan Hilliard        10/16       Jeff Dykema                   10/30
Shelsie Rivera        10/16       Maria Wigdahl                 10/31

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