KOINONIA Faith - Christmas traditions from around the - Amazon S3

Page created by Marion Mccarthy
KOINONIA Faith - Christmas traditions from around the - Amazon S3
  WINTER 2018

in the workplace

                      Christmas traditions
                      from around the
KOINONIA Faith - Christmas traditions from around the - Amazon S3
Pastor Patter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Editor's Note

                                                Pastor Patter                                                                                                                           Editor's Note
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Richard Man, Koinonia Editor

    As we approach the Christmas season I think it’s important to                                                                              Christian faith and work are prominent themes at TUC at the
    acknowledge the Stewardship season we’ve just finished. The                                                                                moment. Personally, I find that this has been a challenge for me
    month of November is a time that we focus on the year ahead                                                                                at times in my career. I read the very inspirational testimony
    and the resources that each one of us can release to fuel the                                                                              by Nick Ashley. It reminded me of my journey, when my world
    church’s mission in the world.                                                                                                             was turned upside down by a similar loss of a dream job at the
                                                                                                                                               end of December 2016. With the sands shifting under my feet,
    Did you know that advent is actually the beginning of our                                                                                  seismic changes rippled into my life at home and at TUC.
    liturgical calendar? In the church’s calendar, November
    represents the end of a year, a closing of one chapter, pointing                                                                           The new found time I had on my hands meant that I could
    to the opening of another. That is why we ask the church to                                                                                not turn down the communication ministry’s request to be an
    consider the way that God has blessed each and every one of us                                                                             interim editor for Koinonia as there was a gap with Yuko Fujino
    and why we ask each person to dedicate a portion of that to the                                                                            moving on. Reluctantly, I said that I would do it until a new
    Lord, through the church.                                                                                                                  editor could be recruited. Never having edited a publication
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  new Koinonia. There are times when we literally start with a
                                                                                                                                               in my life, I was nervous but was surrounded by a supportive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  blank canvas with a few odd smudges on it but ultimately we
    In the ancient church, the gifts of the people provided the                                                                                ministry team which showered me with encouragement. I never
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  always end up with a wonderful smorgasbord of TUC action
    resources needed to facilitate the worship of God. In one                                                                                  guessed that my faith in our Lord would be so strengthened (and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and love, such is God’s guiding hand. I hope you enjoy this
    church, there was a need to have seven altars in order to provide                                                                          at certain times, tested!) by taking on this role. It really has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  issue and this special advent season.
    a space for the people’s offerings. From these offerings the priest                                                                        been a joy to serve and I have learnt much about myself in the
    would select bread and wine to be used for holy communion.                                                                                 process.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Have a peaceful Christmas and much joy in 2019.
    If the people didn’t bring it, there was a problem. These days
    we struggle with the connection between our giving and our                                                                                 Two, years on, into my “interim” role, this is now my seventh
    worship. We give our money and someone else goes and buys                                                                                  Koinonia and I have a demanding day job now but enjoy the
    the bread and juice we use in church. Perhaps we would all do                                                                              constant creative challenge of keeping things fresh inside each
                                                                          Additionally, next year TUC plans on launching a new
    well to remember that it is our gifts that provide the means for
                                                                          leadership/spiritual formation program for recent university
    our worship.
                                                                          grads.The Fuji Fellows, as we are calling them, will come to
                                                                          Tokyo to live in community with one another, engage their
    We now turn towards Christmas and the celebration of the
    coming of the Christ child as the savior of the world. I think
    that Christmas and the time just after, are some of the most
                                                                          vocations, and serve our city. They will do this through the
                                                                          community they find in TUC. In order for this program to
                                                                          work we imagine the need for about 80-100 volunteers, all
    important days of the year. It’s a time where we can reconnect
                                                                          told. Perhaps you might want to be a host family, or a mentor,
    with friends and family, eat plenty of unhealthy food, but
                                                                          or provide a meal. There are many ways, large and small, to
    most of all practice the fine art of giving. Christmas is a time

                                                                                                                                               fund raiser
                                                                          give the fellows the gift of hospitality. In whatever way you
    where we are called to recognize the true gift of grace that Jesus
    represents to the world. As an act of worship and obedience we        give, know that when you do you are participating in a holy
                                                                          following after Jesus Christ, who thought that it is more holy to
    give gifts to one another, as a sign, not only of the affection we
                                                                          serve than to be served, to give rather than to receive.
    have for each other, but also in view of the fact that in so doing
    we are participating in what God has done in Christ.
                                                                          Personally, I feel that TUC is a church that knows how to give.
                                                                          This is a church that is rich in faith, love and hope. I pray that
    There are many ways to give this season
                                                                          this coming season you might find a way to give to someone                                                                                  The Women's fellowship held their annual Asian Furniture Sale
    Perhaps you would like to help a child have a nice Christmas
                                                                          in Christ’s name. And as we do, may we all be blessed by the                                                                                on Nov. 8-10, working with local vendors to sell beautifully
    where he or she otherwise might not. Perhaps you would like
                                                                          celebration of the birth of Christ, reminding ourselves of the                                                                              crafted Asian pieces. At the same time, the Ah-Sew! ministry
    to give some of your time to the poor and needy here in our
                                                                          great gift that has been given to us.                                                                                                       sold hand-sewn Christmas decorations. The sweet finish was
    community. MOHN and the rice ball delivery is a good way
    to do that. Perhaps you’d like to pledge a number of hours to                                                                                                                                                     provided by other volunteers who offered delicious home
                                                                          Merry Christmas,                                                                                                                            baked goods for sale. The tireless efforts were rewarded with
    volunteering in the church in the upcoming year as a gift to
    Christ’s body.                                                                                                                                                                                                    a significant amount of money raised to feed our homeless
                                                                          Pastor Ivan Martinez                                                                                                                        neighbors and to help some other charities.

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KOINONIA Faith - Christmas traditions from around the - Amazon S3
Meet the Members                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Women’s Fellowship

                                                                        Meet the Members                                                           The 62nd Annual Women’s Conference
                                                                        The Hayashis                                                                              The Beatitudes: God's Paradox of Everyday Blessings
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sarah Oba

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall see God.
                                                                         TUC: Anything else you'd like to tell us about?                                                                                             Matthew 5:9
                                                                         HAYASHIS: Life is full of challenges but we are constantly
                                                                         lifted by God’s rich blessing and boundless love. When Naomi                                                                                Tokyo Union Church women, Mark your calendars and save the
                                                                         had to close her flower shop after a fire about 2 years ago, we                                                                             dates of February 15 - 17 for the 2019 Women’s Conference.
                                                                         received so much support from our Pastor and many church
                                                                         members. We will never forget the kindness we received, and                                                                                 Enjoy the warmth of Christian fellowship and hospitality on the
                                                                         we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone from                                                                               campus of the Asian Rural Institute in the beautiful natural setting
                                                                         the bottom of our hearts.                                                                                                                   of Nasu Shiobara, Tochigi Prefecture. It is meaningful to explore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     God's calling as peacemakers in such a special place of service and
                                                                         TUC: Can you tell us a bit about your family and your roots?                                                                                ministry.
                                                                         HAYASHIS: We (Matsuhiko and Naomi) were both born and
                                                                         raised in Minato-ku, Tokyo. Matsuhiko’s family has been living
                                                                         in Tokyo since his grandparents’ generation, while Naomi’s
                                                                         family goes back even longer, since the Edo-era. Naomi is a          It is a great joy to welcome back Rev. Gail Godwin Mundt as a guest
                                                                         retired f lorist. Matsuhiko worked as a nephrologist/general         speaker for the conference. Gail will be leading Sunday morning
    TUC: What brought you to TUC for the first time?                     internist for more than 40 years at Keio University Hospital.        worship and her own faith journey with the Beatitudes. Many TUC
    HAYASHIS: We attended Tokyo Baptist Church for more than             Our two sons are also physicians. Our elder son, Masanori,           members remember Gail's faithful ministry as interim Associate
    15 years after returning from the US. We met some wonderful          is a pediatric oncologist in Denver, while our younger son,          Pastor with Pastor Johann. She is now a pastor or the Evangelical
    pastors and members there. However, the worship style there          Hiro, is a hospitalist in Chicago. On a side note, Hiro attended     Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and serves a church in
    abruptly changed into a “purpose driven church” after the            preschool at TUC for 3 years. Our family is planning to get          Colorado.
    arrival of a new pastor. There were aspects of the purpose driven    together in Denver for Christmas, and we are looking forward
    church that did not resonate with us, so we started attending        to seeing everyone, including our 5 grandkids.                       The theme of The Beatitudes: God's Paradox of Everyday Blessings
    TUC, which happened to be near our home. The worship style                                                                                will be explored in sessions led by Veronica "Roni" Daniels on
    here suits us much better and we are now happy members.              TUC: Tell us about your journey of faith.                            Friday and Saturday. Now retired, Roni has served in healthcare
                                                                         HAYASHIS: Naomi attended a Christian school, so she was              roles as a Benedictine sister in many places of need. She will share
    TUC: What do you enjoy most about TUC?                               familiar with the Bible. Matsuhiko had minimal exposure to           how these blessings are experienced in day to day life.
    HAYASHIS: It brings us great joy that we are able to worship         Christianity while growing up but first attended church with
    with people with various backgrounds from all over the world.        Naomi while living in Chicago for a research fellowship. The                                                                                In addition to lodging in ARI Dorms, there is also an option to
    It is as if Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech, “I have     people there warmly welcomed us, and we started to attend                                                                                   stay in the Nogi Onsen Hotel. (Only 16 places are available at the
    a dream” has become a reality at TUC. We also love to listen to      Sunday school. Under the guidance of a wonderful couple we                                                                                  hotel.)
    the choir’s beautiful voice!                                         met, whom we would call our American “Mom & Dad”, we
                                                                         were baptized on Christmas Day in 1984. We learned that                                                                                     To register or for more information, please visit the Women's
    TUC: What are your favorite Bible verses and why?                    every moment in life, both happiness and misfortune, is a result                                                                            Conference website: woconjapan.wordpress.com
    H AYA SHIS: “Come to me, all you who are wear y and                  of God’s gift of love. This lesson really resonated in our hearts,
    burdened, and I will give you rest. “Matthew 11:28                   and we made a commitment to follow the Lord’s teachings.                                                                                    Plan ahead and register early.Discounted early bird rates are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     available for payments issued in 2018.First-timers to Women's
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Conference qualify for a discount if staying in the ARI Dorms.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mothers and daughters (age 14+) are also eligible for a special rate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     if staying on the ARI campus.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     For questions, please contact the 2019 Women’s Conference
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Planning Committee: info@woconjapan.org

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Special Feature                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Feature

          Bells resonate a brighter future                                                                                                                   Blast from
                      Devon Arthurson                                                                                                                         the Past
                                                                                                                                                                  Noriko Sakoh

        Dramas and bells are words not ordinarily associated
        with abused youth. However, Carillon Children Center is                                                                                 You know Wally. Yes, Wally Higgins who is a former elder
        not an ordinary organization. Established as a non-profit                                                                               of the Outreach ministry and active both in Outreach and
        organization (NPO) in 2002, Carillon’s founder, Ms. Setsuko                                                                             Stewardship ministries. He is also quite well known outside of
        Tsuboi came to speak at TUC on September 9. In 1986                                                                                     the Church, especially among railway enthusiasts in and outside
        the Tokyo Bar Association began consultation for abused                                                                                 Japan. Actually, he is a famous railway photographer.
        children who often have no protection from abusive parents
        or access to safe housing because of parental rights. Working                                                                           Since his first visit to Japan in 1956, Wally has been taking
        as a lawyer, Setsuko met with many abused children. In 1994,                                                                            photographs of the railways as well as the daily lives of people
        Setsuko wrote Mogareta Tsubasa or “Plucked Wings” which                                                                                 in Japan. As you might guess, color films were precious in the
        is a story about abused youth in a children’s center. After the                                                                         50s and 60s, especially in Japan. As an American photographer,
        first performance (it still continues to be performed annually),                                                                        he took many full-color photos which turned out to be valuable
        she said, “Many people began to say, ‘Let’s make the real                                                                               records of the post-war history.
        Carillon Children Center. If we do not do anything, their
        dream would remain a dream. We have to step forward.” As a                                                                              From his enormous collections of photos, we picked about 400
        result Carillon Children Center became a reality.                                                                                       photos taken in the 50s and 60s and published them as a full-
                                                                                                                                                color paperback. There is a photo of unpaved Omotesando, a           answer questions about individual photos. Some of the photos,
                                                                                                                                                picture of a very woody Aoyama Cemetery with a tram and              especially those showing trains or trams, also were used in a set
                                                                                                                                                the yellow train cars of the Yamanote Line. Just enjoy how this      of large format, hard-cover books that JTB Publishing issued
                                                                                                                                                society has changed in the last half a century.                      several years ago; the new book, from Kobunsha Publishing, has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     a much lower price, 1500 yen (plus the inevitable consumption
                                                                                                                                                It is unfortunate that the book is not bilingual but only in         tax), and is designed to appeal to readers whose memories don`t
        The center was established as an NPO in June 2004 by attorneys, child welfare staff and citizens and in 2008 it became a social         Japanese. Yet it is worth a look as it is filled with many photos.   go back 60 years, and is much easier to lift and carry.
        welfare corporation. A publication from the center points out that: carillon is a musical instrument consisting of bells arranged in    Go to a bookstore, pick up a copy and enjoy time travel to 50        If there is an overall theme to the photos, it would be that they
        sequence. Just as a number of bells are rung together to produce harmony, we hope that this activity for supporting children will       years ago.                                                           show what I found especially interesting, and, put together
        grow further.” This harmony is continuing today through various homes and services for abused youth. In the past four and a half                                                                             as a book, why I wanted - and still want - to live here. There
        years, 130 children, with 75% being girls, have benefited from the Center. Depending on the youth’s needs there are the children’s                                                                           aren't any Tokyo Union Church scenes, for our church was
        emergency center, the self-reliance assistance home and the corporate family home for youth who are unable to attend school or work     Footnote from Wally Higgins                                          introduced to the wider Tokyo world on NHK TV two years
        because of mental illnesses due to abuse. Also there is a housing unit for daycare services and recreational activities based on what   "60 Years Ago, Tokyo and Japan" is designed to give today's          ago. Tokyo scenes are on pages 20 to 133 (our offshore island
        the children want to do, such as singing and music lessons, learning another language, reflexology, acupuncture and counselling.        readers a look at what I saw in 1956-1965 and photographed,          of Oshima is here because it is part of metropolitan Tokyo) and
                                                                                                                                                fortunately in Kodachrome, which has kept its color through          the book then goes farther afield, even to Okinawa when it was
        “Our light is small, but we hope if many small lights are lit up all over this country, many lonely children will be rescued and find   the years. This is the book that I presented to Pastor Johann        still under American control.
        that their lives are valuable.” said Setsuko. The Outreach Ministry provided a financial donation to Carillon this past spring to       several weeks ago, and there's a copy at the reception desk.
        help cover their operating expenses. In December we will let them use our fellowship hall for their annual Christmas party as well      The text and photo captions are all in Japanese, and there           Browse and enjoy!
        as provide the drinks and desserts. Those members of the congregation who wish to provide financial support to the December 8           aren't any plans to publish an English version. But I can easily
        Christmas party can talk to Akito Ishibashi or Devon Arthurson.”

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Ministry Feature                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Advent Feature

                                        A chat with Yuka                                                                                          use this time for prayer and meditation. No applause is needed
                                                                                                                                                  or expected.” since it is not a concert. We sometimes present
                                                                                                                                                  uplifting music. This does not mean you should hold your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    TUC family every Sunday!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Some of the back numbers of the Koinonia related to the Choir.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (TUC web → Menu → Resources → Koinonia Newsletter →)
                                   Yuka Omi is TUC’s Choir Director                                                                               natural reaction. Remaining in silence or saying "Amen" may be    Spring 2018 “Hall of Hearts” (Valentine’s Day Tea Time
                                                                                                                                                  a way to participate in a God-centered service. Choir members     Concert)
                                                                         I also sometimes select songs to fit in with a personal event (a         appreciate any personal comments after the service. Not only      Autumn 2016 “My Souls Magnify The Lord” (Sanctuary Choir
                                                                         favorite one for a member’s sayonara, etc.).                             do singers feel motivated by it, but                                                            Sunday’s at TUC)
                                                                         Sometimes members tell me the songs they like to sing, and I try         it helps us grow spiritually.                                                                   Fall 2014 “Meet our members and
                                                                         to bring them in as much as possible if they match the conditions        We hope that this is reflected in our                                                           friends” (Yuka Omi)
                                                                         mentioned above.                                                         service.
                                                                         From a technical point of view, I consider balancing the difficulty      We are serving God with joy, and
                                                                         of the pieces, so that some are challenging yet not too much work        we look forward to serving with our
                                                                         for the singers and accompanist, and something to bring out singer's
                                                                         ability and character.

                                                                         For the introit, I usually select a hymn that matches the Bible
                                                                         reading, sometimes discussing with singers during the rehearsal to
    TUC: What is the selection process to join the TUC choir?
    YO: There is no selection process. Experience in choir singing
                                                                         select suitable hymns For special Sundays like Easter and Pentecost,
                                                                         or Christmas Eve, I select from other sources like Taizé music, prose,
                                                                                                                                                                               Poems for Christmas
    is not a requirement. Many people come to the rehearsal and          etc.                                                                                                                     Selected by Yuka Omi
    see how they feel. Ability to read music is preferred, but not
    a must. Some of our members do not read music, but they sit          TUC: What are the favorite hymns that you like performing?               The Shepherds Sing and Shall I Silent Be?                         For him all stars have shone
    next to a person who knows music well, and also listen to the        YO: I like simple but beautiful melody and harmony that express          Words: George Herbert                                             Elizabeth Jennings (1926-2001)
    part practice recordings at home. For people new to choirs, we       the meaning and reflect our spirit well and/or give us power. These
    encourage them to come to rehearsals and sing with us during         include:                                                                 The shepherds sing; and shall I silent be?                        He is so small the stars bow down
    the service when they feel ready.                                    “Fairest Lord Jesus”                                                                My God, no hymn for Thee?                              The fierce winds ease their breath,
                                                                         “In Christ there is no East or West”(Gospel Type)                        My soul’s a shepherd too: a flock it feeds                        And careful shepherds look upon
    TUC: How often do you practice?                                      “Personent Hodie” (Gustav Holst’s version - great unison singing                    Of thoughts, and words, and deeds.                     The one unsullied birth.
    YO: The SC practices every Sunday and Thursday, except for           and organ baseline with descending parallel chord)                       The pasture is Thy word; the streams, Thy grace                   They kneel and stare while time seems gone
    the summer break. I always plan to practice songs for several        “Let Us Break Bread Together on Our Knees” (version that TUC             Enriching all the place.                                          And goodness rules the earth.
    weeks ahead.                                                         uses with the third verse 3 with modified melody)                        Shepherd and flock shall sing, and all my powers                  The blight on man is all undone,
                                                                         “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah”(great Bass line and descant)                        Out-sing the daylight hours.                           And there will be no death,
    TUC: What happens if some choir members are unable to                “Lift High the Cross”                                                    Then we will chide the sun for letting night                      For though this child will be nailed on a cross,
    attend regularly?                                                                                                                                        Take up his place and right :                          he’ll be so since He is the jewel of untold worth.
    YO: They are encouraged to catch up at home, and check               TUC: How much preparation do you need to put in for Choir                We sing one common Lord ;                                         For him all the stars have shone.
    some markings of the score from the missed rehearsal by next         Sundays?                                                                 wherefore he should
    rehearsal from someone in the part.                                  YO: The choir usually starts working on Choir Sunday pieces 3-4          Himself the candle hold.                                          Jesus, Springing
    For difficult parts, either I or someone from the choir will help    months prior to the day. At the regular rehearsal, the choir practices   I will go searching, till I find a sun,     Shall stay, till we   Kevin Crossley-Holland
    them before or after the rehearsal. Our mission is to present        the offertory anthem, the introit and Choir Sunday pieces.               have done ;
    God's message with beautiful harmony in 'team singing'. If a         In the fall, we have Intensive practice at the choir retreat.            A willing shiner, that shall shine as gladly,                     I am the heart that houses the cone,
    singer has not practiced together enough in the group, he or she     TUC: What is the next Choir Sunday Program?                                         As frost-nipt suns look sadly.                         the cone enclosing the cedar,
    is encouraged to cooperate by not singing during the service,        YO: Our Next Choir Sunday is Dec.2, at the 8:30 and 11:00                Then we will sing, and shine all our own day,                     I am the cedar sawn for the cradle, forest of the body, body of
    just listening to us and telling us what they felt about the choir   services.                                                                           And one another pay:                                   the tree.
    singing.                                                             We will present a selection of Advent and Christmas pieces by Bob        His beams shall cheer my breast, and both so twine,               I am the cradle rocking the baby,
                                                                         Chilcott, a British Composer, beautiful settings on poem by British      Till even his beams sing, and my music shine.                     I am the baby containing the man, I am the man nailed on the
    TUC: How do you select the hymns for each Sunday?                    writers Kevin Crossley-Holland, George Herbert, Christina Rossetti,                                                                        cross, tree of the body, body of the forest.
    YO: For the offertor y anthem, I select and make plans               etc.                                                                     Note: This is an excerpt from a longer poem, All After            I am the cross sawn from the cedar, I am the cedar enclosed in
    considering the church calendar and the weekly lectionary. I                                                                                  Pleasures As I Rid One.                                           the cone, I am the cone housed in the heart, here in my heart
    balance the range of music (traditional - modern, praising -         TUC: Do you have any requests for the congregation?                      Source: The Book of Christmas Hymns                               Jesus, springing.
    meditative, Jesus - us).                                             YO: As in the bulletin, after the offertory anthem,“We hope you          (London: T. Nelson and Sons, 1868), pp. 42-43.

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Advent Special                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Advent Special

                  Christmas around the World                                                                                                           HONG KONG
                                                                                                                                                       Linda Hirata
Gesling Family                                                                                                                                                                                                    Religion and faith in Hong Kong is characterized by a multi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  faith diversity of beliefs and practises. The greater part of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  population of Hong Kong are of Chinese descent. As such they
The north wind is tossing the leaves.                                                                                                                                                                             the follow Chinese religious traditions of worshiping local gods
The red dust is over the town;                                                                                                                                                                                    and revering the ancestors, and in most cases not declaring their
The sparrows are under the eaves,                                                                                                                                                                                 religious affiliation in surveys.
And the grass in the paddock is brown;                                                                                                                                                                            During the British rule of Hong Kong of 100 years before 1997,
As we lift up our voices and sing,                                                                                                                                                                                the many Christian schools and hospitals established by the
To the Christ-child the heavenly King.                                                                                                                                                                            British had a significant impact upon the people of Hong Kong.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  However, with the end of the British rule and the handover of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the sovereignty of the city to China, there has been a renewal

                                                                       So begins a famous Christmas carol sung in Christian churches
                                                                       around Australia on Christmas morning. In Australia Christmas
                                                                       occurs during the long, summer holidays at the end of the
                                                                       school year. A week or two earlier schools have broken up for the
                                                                       summer, and just prior to that there were graduation ceremonies,        of Buddhist and Chinese folk religions. In a 2016 city survey,
                                                                       speech nights and end-of-school year events and work Christmas          it appeared that only 12% of the population in Hong Kong are
                                                                       parties keeping everyone busy. The Christmas shopping has been          Christians.
                                                                       completed Christmas (fruit) cakes, Christmas puddings and mince         During Christmas time Hong Kong offers many social and
                                                                       pies have been baked. Legs of ham, fresh prawns, salads, BBQ            commercial events celebrating the theme of Christmas for the
                                                                       ingredients and some turkeys have been prepared and everyone is         younger population of the city. Hotels and shopping centers are
                                                                       now ready to spend time with family and friends. Caroling events        decorated in Christmas a theme to attract consumer spending.
                                                                       take place in the warm summer evenings under the stars in local         It certainly is a colorful spectacle Chinese lanterns and street
                                                                       neighbourhoods and in big cities. Houses are decorated with             vendors offering their specialities to tourist and locals alike.
                                                                       Christmas lights – some even requiring a donation to charity prior
                                                                       to viewing.

 As Christmas morning dawns early, new bicycles are being ridden outside, or trampolines are being jumped on in the backyard, and roller                                                                           However, December is a busy month for churches with outreach
 skates are causing their first grazed knees. Churchgoers attend worship in t-shirts, thongs (flip-flops) and shorts; presents are unwrapped                                                                       activities such as choirs singing Christmas carols on the busy
 and the feasting begins. A lot of food is consumed on Christmas Day and some of it accompanied by alcohol. Some families gather at                                                                                streets or at various church venues. Surprisingly, there are three
 home, but others gather at the beach, by a river or in a nature reserve. Wherever people gather however, by about 3 PM, the stomachs are                                                                          Japanese churches in Hong Kong. It's easy to find and join one
 so full that hardly anyone can move. Rest is encouraged, and later in the afternoon, a lighter meal is made up of lunch leftovers! The day                                                                        of the Church services if you have a chance to visit Hong Kong
 after - Boxing Day is another Public Holiday and people enjoy another relaxing day sleeping, eating Christmas leftovers and watching the                                                                          during Christmas.
 cricket – or the start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race.

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Advent Special                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Advent Special

        UGANDA                                                                                                                                   SOUTH AFRICA
        Akech Okullo                                                                                                                             Hennie Symington
        Christmas is one of the days Ugandan Christians celebrate
        yearly. Most town dwellers migrate to the villages to be with the
        extended families which come together to give, receive and share                                                                         Of course Christmas in South Africa is different from
        gifts even with neighbors. New clothes and shoes are bought for                                                                          Christmas in the US, Britain and Europe simply because
        family members.The home is collectively cleaned and decorated.                                                                           Christmas comes during the summer. So no cosy fireplaces,
        On Christmas Eve,Christmas carols are sung by mobile church                                                                              snow on the the ground and hot chocolate and turkey with
        choirs in some peoples’ homes.                                                                                                           cranberries sauce and gluwein.
                                                                                                                                                 So how do we celebrate? Well there are the diehards who
                                                                                                                                                 continue to dish up a turkey with cranberry sauce. But for
                                                                                                                                                 most of us, Christmas is a lot simpler with mostly cold dishes
                                                                                                                                                 and salads, a large ham, and maybe turkey.
                                                                            After Christmas services, every family brings potluck dishes to
                                                                            the home of the eldest relative and feasts while sitting according
                                                                            to age groups.
                                                                            After the meal, children play together while the elders sit
                                                                            around campfires conversing and drinking. It is also the time
                                                                            when young babies are baptized in the church. It is a happy                                                                           In South Africa “braai” or bar-be-que is our national
                                                                            time of the year.                                                                                                                     “sport”. When in doubt, whip out the “braai grill” with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  steak, lamb chops, and if you live hear the ocean, you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  could just “braai” a fish on the grill. As far as dessert goes,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  it’s mostly trif le (an assortment of jelly, fruits, cream,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  custard and what have you). I recall my grandmother
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  making “tickey pudding” which was a large fruit cake
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  filled all sorts of charms and tikeys (three penny silver

        Ghim Hong-Il
        In Korea, Christians greet each other with
        the words                       which is Merry Christmas. Christmas is
        a National holiday so cities and broadcasters are celebrating the birth                                                                  coins) baked into the pudding. Great excitement!
        of baby Jesus with many places celebrating this day with colorful                                                                        Of course Santa will be there but definitely not arriving on a
        decorations.                                                                                                                             sleigh!
        Shopping centers and streets are crowded by people who are looking for                                                                   But what is not negotiable in most South African households,
        presents and restaurants. To add to the crush, the traffic in Seoul is also                                                              is attending the Christmas Service on a Sunday morning
        terrible!                                                                                                                                wherever you may be. Usually the pastor would have a short-
         Many middle and high school Christian students will stay in church with                                                                 ish sermon so that the kids, which include adults like me
        their church friends from Christmas Eve night to the next morning to                                                                     who love gifts as much as a mouse loves cheese, can rush
        attend the Christmas service.                                                                                                            home and open their gifts.
                                                                                                                                                 Yes, Christmas in South Africa is a joyful day!

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KOINONIA Faith - Christmas traditions from around the - Amazon S3
Ministry News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ministry News

                                                   Fuji Fellows                                                                                                      Bible Studies @ TUC
                                                      Michelle Roberts

     What is Fuji Fellows?
     The Fuji Fellows Program is a 9-month leadership experience
     for recent college graduates that integrates faith and vocation
     while discovering their best selves through work, service, and
     cultural engagement. Fuji Fellows are a diverse group of young
     adults who have demonstrated leadership and academic success
     in college, and want to serve in the marketplace with excellence
     while living out their faith.

     While there are similar fellows programs in other countries,
     TUC has developed our own program as we have much to
     offer young people. With a diverse congregation who has the
     gift of hospitality, we provide the base for the fellow to grow in
     wisdom and stature.
                                                                          The application can be found at FujiFellows.org. Please share
     The Fuji Fellows experience consists of six areas:                   with your home church, universities, and young people you
                                                                          may know.
     •    Work -Three days a week professional work placement             Opportunities for you to love, serve, and interact with the
          associated with the fellow’s field of study, training, and
                                                                          fellows include:
                                                                                                                                                                       Couples Fellowship
                                                                          •    Being a host family (4 months or 9 months)
     •    Theologica l Study -- t wo days a week - focus on               •    Application reviewer or Admissions Interviewer                                                                 Linda Hirata
          integration of faith, work, and calling through the lens of     •    Providing/contributing to a meal
          the Kingdom                                                     •    Meeting a fellow at the airport on arrival                                                                                      Marriage is a lifetime commitment. Facing the complexities
                                                                          •    Teaching the Japanese language                                                                                                  of commitment, the Bible gives us guidance. Church family
     •    Service – weekly - commitments in Tokyo Union Church            •    Assisting with trips to the ward office, etc                                                                                    encourages each other to make a good marriage into a better
          and in the community                                            •    Many, many more!                                                                                                                one.
                                                                          •    Contact Michelle Roberts at fellows@tokyounion.org
     •    Hospitality – communal living with host families or in a             for more information.                                                                                                           Tokyo Union Church Couple Fellowship started from an
          share house                                                                                                                                                                                          evening watching a movie named "Fireproof " on October
                                                                          Marvellous Mystery                                                                                                                   2010. Many of us felt the need to meet from time to time to
     •    Community time with other fellows at weekly roundtable                                                                                                                                               invest in our marriages. We started to gather once a month to
                                                                          Hennie Symington
          dinners and retreats                                                                                                                                                                                 study marriage related books together since 2010.
                                                                          God is not a moth
     •    Self Discovery/Cultural Engagement – Provided with a            enticed by lit candles to come forth
          mentor and professional development; outings and special        from sacred spaces
          events                                                          in rock hardened church faces.
                                                                          God is the mystery inscrutable                                  The group meet once a month for around 2-3 hours on Saturday night with potluck meal. After sharing food, we focus on building
     Requirements include: applicants must be at least 21 years of        who laid his his cards on the table saying:                     relationships based on the study book. Currently, the group is studying on "The Meaning of Marriage" by Timothy Keller. We also
     age, no more than three years after graduation from college,         "There is my Son."                                              have celebrations from time to time instead of Bible studies. Strong marriage builds up strong family!
     Christian faith, and a teachable spirit. There is no Japanese        He, the One                                                     I am thankful for TUC couple fellowship for friendship we built up there. We laugh together and cry together. It is life in Christ.
     language requirement.                                                who once became like us                                         The current coordinators are Ester and Piet Strydom. You are welcome to sign up and find out more. See you there next time!
                                                                          so that we could see God's body language thus:
                                                                          the Child born to die on a cross!

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Testimony                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Testimony

                                              Faith & Work
                                                                                                                                               For months we had been praying that everything would go            It had notes about companies and interview preparation and to
                                         A testimony by Nick Ashley                                                                            smoothly, and thank God, the labor was relatively quick (I can't   do lists but it also had prayers, poems, reflections and doodles.
                                                                                                                                               say easy!) and she was born a wonderful healthy baby.              Looking back on this journal the other day, I realized it tells the
                                                                                                                                               Soon after my mother-in-law came up to Tokyo to stay with us       story of how I came to think about God at work.
     My name is Nick Ashley and I've been a member at TUC for            immediately put on 5kg despite the cycling)                           and help out.
     about 7 years.                                                      There was even an office dog who had his own name card!                                                                                  Soul seeking
     I'd like to share with you the story of a time when I really felt   It wasn't perfect, of course, but for me it was as close to a dream   A week later my company were due to go on a trip to Mt.Takao.      There are a few points in the book where you can see from
     God at work in my life.                                             job as I had ever had.                                                Since everything was OK at home, I thought some time outside       my annotations that my thinking or understanding changed
                                                                                                                                               the house would be refreshing, so I decided to join in the fun     and about halfway through, after struggling with the decision
     A dream job                                                         What's more they were very understanding about my family              with my new colleagues. It was a beautiful spring day, and felt    about what work I should do, I wrote "My real work is to be a
     It was a little over a year ago and I had just joined a new         situation because soon after I joined the company, my daughter        great to be out in the open air. We were just enjoying the view    Christian"
     company in January. I was simply loving it..                        Emily was due to be born, and they agreed to let me have two          at the top of the mountain when everybody's phone started
     The people were super friendly and interesting and the office       months paternity leave. Everyone was so supportive and so             buzzing.                                                           What did I mean?
     was like a Starbucks, located in Shimokitazawa, which is a          excited to meet the new office baby! I went on paternity leave                                                                           Obviously I need a job to make a living and look after my
     really cool part of town.                                           looking forward to a new adventure, and looking forward to                                                                               family.
     I could bike to work which was great and also, I had more           returning to my dream workplace as a dad.                             We had an urgent message from the CEO, who had stayed              And of course I want to do meaningful work that makes a
     responsibility than before, with a great boss who listened to my                                                                          behind: we must come back to the office immediately for an         difference in the world.
     ideas and gave helpful advice.                                      The dream collapses                                                   urgent all-staff meeting.                                          But that's not the most important thing.
     The perks were amazing! We got free massages on Fridays,            On March 30th Emily was born, and she was just the cutest                                                                                The most important thing is simply, that I love God and my
     free sandwiches on Tuesdays, endless fruit and biscuits (I          thing!                                                                When we arrived back in Shimokitazawa, the CEO was pacing          neighbour and myself.
                                                                                                                                               back and forth with papers in her hand talking to a man I'd        That's what I do as a Christian. I love.
                                                                                                                                               never seen.The tension was unbearable.                             My real work, as a Christian, is to love.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  That way, when I work, God is at work.
                                                                                                                                               To cut a long story short, on that day, a week after Emily was
                                                                                                                                               born, they announced that the company was closing. One
                                                                                                                                               minute I had a dream job, the next moment, I have a baby and       Epilogue
                                                                                                                                               no job! In fact, none of us had a job!                             So you might be wondering if I did find a job at the end of it.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I did, and I'm blessed with work I enjoy and wonderful
                                                                                                                                               In God's hands                                                     colleagues.
                                                                                                                                               At that moment, I was too shocked to panic.                        And even now, if I ever think "what am I doing here?" I come
                                                                                                                                               I knew that now things were beyond my control.                     back to that journal, and remember the journey God took me
                                                                                                                                               This is a time where I would simply have to trust God.             through.

                                                                                                                                               That doesn't mean being lazy, of course. I prayed, and I also      My work is to be a Christian
                                                                                                                                               contacted friends, brushed up my resume, applied for jobs. I       I'm here to love, and to witness God at work.
                                                                                                                                               made a daily routine to keep myself busy.
                                                                                                                                               And of course I looked after Emily and helped out at home.

                                                                                                                                               If I kept doing these things, and kept praying and reading the
                                                                                                                                               Bible, I was sure that God would find a way. Another thing I
                                                                                                                                               did was to start a new notebook and this ended up being a real
                                                                                                                                               mixture of work and faith.

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Testimony                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Christmas Devotional

          Spiritual Spinework—a personal                                                                                                       When hope fails us
                      reflection                                                                                                               Hennie Symington

                                         A testimony by Jean S. Wilson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      followers, and being so utterly human, we to are prone to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      missing the signs of hope.
                                                                                                                                                              To what can I compare this generation?
                                                                                                                                                                 “We played on the flute for you,                     What are the signs of hope?
                                                                                                                                                          And you did not dance … Matthew 11:16a; 17a                 Hope is not born of the vain expectations of a culture, which
      A few months ago I began to visit a chiropractor for help to                                                                                                                                                    has abandoned the promise of salvation along the way a long
      straighten out and untwist my back and re-establish balance.                                                                                                                                                    time ago or has bartered it for the empty promises of the rich
      The degeneration of my spine has not happened overnight. It is                                                                                                                                                  and the mighty. Hope comes to pass where new life is born.
      the result of years or even decades of improper or insufficient                                                                                                                                                 May you celebrate Advent this year as a time of renewed hope
      body care, bad habits and lack of good posture, which I had                                                                                                                                                     and rekindled joy for you and your loved ones.
      failed to recognise or chose to ignore until the damage was done
      and pain forced me to give it my attention. Now I need to work
      daily on maintaining my progress and preventing my spine
      from degenerating further.
      Over this same period, I was studying the first 12 chapters of
      the Old Testament book of 1 Kings, which relates the life of
      King Solomon. I saw that his story revealed a similar pattern of                                                                         During this season, as we anticipate the celebration of Jesus’
      degeneration, except in his case, it was in his spiritual life.                                                                          birth, in the 18th Advent of the 2nd millennium A.D., the
      Solomon’s story starts out in a blaze of glory. He is chosen to       Yet, once the temple was completed Solomon began to focus on       question asked by John the Baptist languishing in prison comes
      succeed his father, King David, and tasked with the enormous          accumulating more wealth, military and economic power, and         to mind. He sends Jesus a message asking: “Are you the one
      job of building the Temple in Jerusalem. Overwhelmed by               wives. Just three chapters later we read, “As Solomon grew old,    who was to come, or should we expect someone else?” (Mat.
      the immensity of his responsibilities, he asks God for wisdom,        his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was     11:2b). For John this was an existential question: Had his life
      which God gives him in abundance, as well as wealth and               not fully devoted to the Lord his God…” (11:4).The spiritual       and preaching been in vain? Did the hope of encountering Jesus
      honour.                                                               degeneration took place over nearly two decades. It frightened     as the Messiah vanish into thin air? Did he get it wrong and put
      Solomon is fervent and faithful at first. His prayer recorded in 1    me to think that in his old age, after years of walking closely    himself out on a limb? Was there perhaps another Messiah with
      Kings 8:23-61 is one of the most glorious in the Bible. “…Praise      with God, he ended his life worshipping other gods.                a more respectable lineage born somewhere in a palace and in
      be to the Lord, who has given rest to his people Israel, just as he   Did he not notice he was going astray, or did he no longer care?   another age?
      promised… May the Lord our God be with us as he was with              Did he think his past relationship with God was enough to see
      our ancestors; may he never leave us or forsake us. May he turn       him through? Did he get bored with serving God, or did he          Like John the Baptist, we too are familiar with the attributes
      our hearts to him, to walk in obedience to him and keep the           think that his position entitled him to some spiritual adultery    of the Messiah but often our expectations lie elsewhere. Often,
      commands, decrees and laws he gave our ancestors. And may             without any consequences? Whatever the reason, I wondered          we are enticed by the promises of other Messiahs we meet along
      these words of mine, which I have prayed before the Lord, be          how to make sure I avoid the same tragic mistake.                  the way: Our love of material goods, success, security, luxury,
      near to the Lord our God day and night, that he may uphold            I need the Holy Spirit to be my spiritual chiropractor,            selfishness and pride, which all promise to save us from our
      the cause of his servant and the cause of his people Israel           correcting the misalignments in my walk with Jesus. 1 Timothy      sense of hopelessness. How then shall we recognise the Messiah
      according to each day’s need, so that the peoples of the earth        4:1 warns that some people will abandon the faith; I don’t want    in the midst of all the attractions and distractions of the “festive
      may know that the Lord is God and that there is no other (vv.         to be one of those people. I want to be as vigilant about my       season”?
      56, 58-60).”                                                          spiritual condition as I now am about my spine. Like Paul in 2
                                                                            Timothy 4:7, I want to be able to say, “I have fought the good     Perhaps we should tune our ear to the words of Jesus addressed                                        Prayer:
                                                                            fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”           to John’s followers who were possibly expecting someone other           Lord, as we celebrate the season of hope, remind us once again of
                                                                                                                                               than this strange man from Nazareth. So, what does Jesus do?           the shepherds who took the message from the angel to heart and set
                                                                                                                                               He tells them: “Go back and report to John what you hear                out to find the Child. May we celebrate this Advent season with
                                                                                                                                               and see: the blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have        stars in our eyes and great expectations in our hearts. But above all,
                                                                                                                                               leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the          empower us to keep the hope alive in our hearts as we wait for the
                                                                                                                                               good news is preached to the poor (Matt. 11:4-5). Like these                  new birth symbolized by the birth of the Child. Amen

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Celebrating Advent & Christmas at Tokyo Union Church
        Sunday, December 2 1st Sunday in Advent (8:30 & 11 am worship)
        The Sanctuary Choir presents Carols for the Advent Season
        by Bob Chilcott “Selections of Bob Chilcott”
        God@Work Service (1:30 pm)
        Sun., Dec. 2 – Sun., Dec. 9 International Nativity Scene Display
        (10 am – 7 pm; *Closed Sat., Dec. 8th)
        Thursday, December 6
        Women’s Fellowship “Gospel Christmas Celebration with Ron Rucker & Sound of Grace”
        Potluck Luncheon (10:30 am)
        Saturday, December 8
        “Light of the World” Christmas Concert - Christmas Music & Ballet (7:00 pm)
        Sunday, December 9 2nd Sunday in Advent (8:30 & 11 am worship)
        with the Bott Memorial Home Handbell Choir (11am)
        Tokyo Embassy Choir Christmas Family Concert (2:30 pm & 5:00 pm)
        Sunday, December 16 3rd Sunday in Advent (8:30 & 11 am worship)
        Christmas Caroling @ TUC (12:30 pm)
        Wednesday, December 19
        Taize Blue Christmas Service (7:30 pm)
        Sunday, December 23 4th Sunday in Advent (8:30 & 11 am worship)
        * No Sunday School
        Christmas Caroling @ TUC (12:30 pm)
        Monday, December 24
        Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Services (4 pm, 6 pm & 8 pm)
        * 4 pm Worship – A Special Focus for Children
        Tuesday, December 25 Christmas Day Worship Service (11 am)
        Christmas Potluck Luncheon (after the service @Fellowship Hall)
        Sunday, December 30
        Worship Service (11 am ONLY) * No Sunday School
        Tuesday, January 1, 2019
        New Year’ s Day Breakfast for Homeless (10 am)
        Sunday, January 6, 2019
        Worship Service (8:30 & 11 am)
About Koinonia
Koinonia is the seasonal magazine of Tokyo Union Church, available online at www.tokyounion.org/koinonia-newsletter
This issue was created by the Koinonia team, part of the Communications Ministry:
Richard Man - Editor and Co-ordinator, Anita Gesling - joint co-ordinator and copy/editor, Ollie de Bidaph - publishing
designer, Hennie Symington - copy/editor, contributor, Ayah Kakinuma - Front/back cover artwork, Wally Higgins -
copy/editor, Kei Morito - graphics contributor
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