Obedience Views April 2022 - Milwaukee Dog Training Club

Page created by Lester Wells
Obedience Views April 2022 - Milwaukee Dog Training Club
Obedience Views
                                                        April 2022
Clubhouse & Outdoor
Training                                     PRESIDENT’S REPORT
4375 N. Humboldt Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53212          Thank you to everyone who helped with the Sports Show! It was a smaller,
Indoor Training
333 N. 25th Street           less attended show, but it went well. See inside the newsletter for more
Milwaukee, WI 53233          about it.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 763                 We're going to start this year's monthly Heel Downs beginning in May. The
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0763     dates are: May 22nd, June 26th, July 17th, August 28th, September 18th,
414 -961-6163
                             and October 16th. As usual, there will be two winners each month. The 12
Website Address              winners will then compete to see who is the Super Heel Down winner at a
www.milwaukeedog.com         later date.
Jody Lokken                  Mark your calendars and plan to attend the General Membership meeting
webmaster@milwaukeedog.com   on May 25th. Besides the annual election of officers and Board members,
Newsletter Editor            there will be a vote to adopt the updated club by-laws, a copy of which
Ellen Mack
emkk@sbcglobal.net           you'll receive in April to review before the meeting.

                                                                                    Mari Pavleje
Mark Anderson
Mari Pavleje
Erin Ruppel
Kris DeFelice
Board of Directors
 Lisa Fohey
- Term Ends ‘24
Linda Roman
- Term Ends ‘24
Daryl Ann Stuppan
- Term Ends ‘23
Martha Ryan
-Term Ends ‘23
Tracy McCarty
-Term Ends ‘22
Nancy Eastman
-Term Ends-’22
Obedience Views April 2022 - Milwaukee Dog Training Club
Instructor Staff
Director of Training
Kim Rinzel                                            MDTC NEEDS YOU!
Assistant Directors of Training
Mari Pavleje                      Our AKC Obedience and Rally Trial needs volunteers to run smoothly
Basic Instructors                 and efficiently!
Mari Pavleje
Dawn Butler                                              Dates: June 11th and 12th
Mark Anderson
                                      Times: 8:00am – 5:00 pm BUT may get done earlier – depends on
Molly Carlos
Beginner Instructors                                         amount of entries.
Sue Bronson                                     (You may bring your dog IF it is crate trained)
Claire Reihl
Rebecca Jackson                    The trial is held at the Western Waukesha Dog Club in Ixonia, about an
Beginning Novice Instructors                               hour west of the Indoor Club
Chuck Janusz                                    (easy to get to, and there is the option to carpool)
Tim Carter
Advanced Novice Instructors       Right now, we need about 20-25 volunteers to fill all the spots for both
Laura Sadler                      days. You can work Saturday, Sunday, or both days – whatever works for
Kim Rinzel                        you! The jobs are easy to do and you will be working with others who can
Rebecca Jackson                   answer any questions. You’ll learn a lot from watching the competing
Open Instructors
Kathleen McNerney
                                  teams. There is free food and a chance to win worker gas card raffles!
Willie Mabone                     Please sign-up at either club,
Lory Valley                       e-mail me at Darylstuppan@aol.com or text me at 414-828-5232.
BJ Parrott
Utility Instructor                    Daryl Stuppan
Director of Agility &
Basic-Foundation Instructor
Tracy McCarty
Agility Instructors
Kira Haslam
Tracy McCarty
Martha Ryan
Jennifer Smith
Daryl Ann Stuppan
Nancy Wandersee
                                          ATTACHED TO THIS ISSUE OF THE
Dawn Butler
Kristina Stuppan
Heidi Rodenkirch
Gabbi Kabachieva

Flyball                               Please read the updated version of the club by-laws.
Director of Flyball
Dawn Butler
                                      Please see the attached Premium for the upcoming MDTC obedience/
Kathy Gibowski
Jammie Schrab                          rally trial in June.

Puppy Class
Dale Eastman
Dawn Butler

Dorothy Schmidt
Assistant Instructors
Ellen Mack
Lynn Crowell

Scent Hurdles
BJ Parrott
Obedience Views April 2022 - Milwaukee Dog Training Club
Open class only remains indoors
                                            Wednesdays at 7pm and Sundays 12 noon.

                                       MDTC ELECTIONS
MDTC Board and Officer elections will be held on May 25th. At this time the slate of candidates is as fol-

1 Year Terms:
President - Sue Steinbach
Vice President - Mari Pavleje
Secretary - Erin Ruppel
Treasurer - Kris DeFelice

3 Year Terms:
Board Member - Tracy McCarty
Board Member - Kathy Gibowski

Additional nominations will be accepted and welcomed from the floor at the April 27th General Meeting. To
run for office a person must belong to MDTC for a minimum of 1 year, and must be up-to-date on club
dues. Please contact an Election Committee member: Daryl Ann Stuppan, Tori Baldwin, or Lory Valley
who will explain the procedures to you. Your nominations will be made at the General Meeting on April
27th. You must accept the nomination in person at the April Meeting or have sent an e-mail accepting the
position to the Secretary, Erin Ruppel (ruppel.erin@gmail.com), prior to the April 27th meeting.

The election will be held at the General Meeting on May 25th. Please plan to come to this meeting
and vote so that we have the necessary quorum!

                                        DID YOU KNOW?
 You can sponsor a fundraiser for MDTC through you Facebook page for your birthday or just because.
 Go to the Fundraiser shortcut under you name on the top left of newsfeed page. Then search for Mil-
 waukee Dog Training Club under nonprofits and it will create the fundraiser on your page. You don't
 have to do anything and Facebook deposits the donations!
Obedience Views April 2022 - Milwaukee Dog Training Club
                                  General Membership Meeting
                                  Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Meeting called to order at 8:08 pm by Kris DeFelice.
MINUTES- No changes
   Proposed bylaws revisions will be distributed with next newsletter for May meeting
   Profit/loss report
   Balances have been consistent
  Will be moving money from checking to investment accounts
Director of Training/Obedience:
  Achievement trial this weekend
 Everything’s going well. Not going outside until first weekend in June.
  Tournament season ready to start
  Beginner class doing well
Puppy Class:
  Class is full and on their 4th week. They’re an amazing group of puppies
  May 2 is the next class. Four people signed up.
  Sue said even people who are no longer active in the club tell her how wonderful the MDTC puppy class
   is and that it’s the best puppy class in Milwaukee. Go Puppy Class team!
AKC Show:
Kris taking care of hotel and gifts for judges
  Raffle will be smaller than usual because the Pet Expo, where many donations come from, was can-
   celed. Donations for the raffle can be left on the back table in outdoor clubhouse
  Looking for volunteers. Signup sheets at both locations. Volunteers get food and their name put in raf-
   fles for gas cards. Prefer people who can work a full day, but let Daryl know if you can only work a half
   day, and she’ll let you know if she needs you.
  Sponsorship sheets up if you want to do it in memory/honor of a dog. All goes toward the AKC show.
   Helps pay for awards and judges’ expenses. Can also contribute as a class.
Membership and Sales:
  May class is full. One application for August.
Building and Grounds:
  One more regular indoor cleaning, then will switch to mowing
  New desk that Claude and the team built is done
  Claude built new benches for field
Obedience Views April 2022 - Milwaukee Dog Training Club
                                         Meeting Continued

 Evan will be gone for 2 months. Kathy Gibowski will be go-to person for emergencies.
 We got a new dumpster!
 Next Social Sunday is April 10
Good and Welfare:
 Card to Mari Pavleje for surgery
 Pet Palooza signup sheet at outdoor clubs. Obedience only.
 Laura started the flower sale. Info at outdoor club and on Facebook. 50% profit for the club. Will ship any-
  where, so tell your friends.
 Matching Campaign: We did it! We matched both $500 sponsorships for a total of $2000!
 Brewers: Decided not to do it this year due to scheduling concerns.
Nominating Committee:
 The committee’s nominations are:
          President: Sue Steinbach
          Vice President: Mari Pavleje
          Treasurer: Kris DeFelice
          Secretary: Erin Ruppel
          Board: Tracy McCarty, Kathy Gibowski (Nancy Eastman declined to run again)
        Trash along road to club. Could we schedule a day for people to walk down the road with garbage
   bags after class?
          Clean and Green could help coordinate. Sue will look into Earth Day weekend.
          Should contact alderman or MATC for larger items.

Mike moved to adjourn.
Linda seconded.
No discussion.
Motion carried.
Adjourned 8:35 pm
Obedience Views April 2022 - Milwaukee Dog Training Club
Thanks for Another Successful Sports Show
Thank you to everyone who participated in any way to make our time at the 2022 Sports Show a success!
From set-up to the shows to take-down, your help was necessary and appreciated.
Special thanks to Rick Sasek who did an excellent job as emcee again, moving things along from obedience
to agility and, finally, to Rio's Go Dog Go demonstration. The crowd always loves the agility portion of the
show because of the skills of all of the dogs and, I think, because we always have a lot of different breeds
Thanks to everyone in the booth encouraging people to enter the drawing for the free membership, we had
152 entries this year. We hope the winner will be joining us soon!
Again, thanks everybody!

     Mari Pavleje

                                     AMAZON FOR MDTC
Dog Lovers, we have a way to earn some money from Smileamazon.com
We are now enrolled in Smile Amazon.com, the charitable arm that will donate .5% of each sale that is
placed on the Smile Amazon site. That money will come directly to us on a quarterly basis.
Just log on to your Amazon account and copy and paste this link,
The Amazon site may ask you to refresh the page and ask if you want to make Milwaukee Dog Training
Club your default charitable donation. Yes, you do! If you use AmazonSmile on a mobile app you need to
renew it twice a year. Web Browsers do not need to renew just type AmazonSmile into the browser.

                                     AMAZON SMILE UPDATE
  2022 first quarter earnings for OUR Smile account is $62.44. And, the big news is we’ve earned
  $393.36 since May of 2020. (Please remember, the Subscribe and Save feature on Amazon does
  not apply to the charitable contribution amounts.) Thank for using the Amazon Smile feature for
  your purchases’ and please feel free to encourage your friends, family and New MDTC members to
  also use our Smile account

             Linda Roman
Obedience Views April 2022 - Milwaukee Dog Training Club
June 11th and 12th, Milwaukee Dog Training Club will hold its annual 2 day AKC Rally and Obedience Tri-
al. Every year, the club awards ribbons and gifts to the winners of 1st thru 4th place, and ribbons to
Qualifiers in all events. Despite efforts to keep costs reasonable, these awards are costly for the club. In
the past, MDTC members have sponsored these ribbons and gifts and we are hoping that you would con-
tinue this tradition of helping by making a cash donation. In return for your generosity, the
club will continue rewarding participants for achievements in rally and obedience and your name will be
listed in the MDTC Newsletter and the Show Catalog.

If you would like to donate as an individual or in memoriam of a special animal, or even as a group (for
example, Advanced Agility members, Flyball members, Novice Obedience, etc.) that can all be listed.
See below for different donation options.

Daryl Ann Stuppan (“Kava”) will be stopping by training classes to answer questions. Please turn in your
donation by May 22nd to be in the Show Catalog.

We are a non-profit organization. If you would like a receipt, please circle below on the donation form,
and put the form in the AKC Sponsor box at either club location or give it directly to Daryl. You can also
mail the form to Daryl Ann Stuppan at 8568 N. Stoneridge Ct., Brown Deer, WI 53223.
Questions? E-mail Daryl at darylstuppan@aol.com or text 414-828-5232.
Please print neatly. (If writing a check, please make it out to MDTC.)

        Individual’s Name: _____________________________________________________
        OR Group Name_______________________________________________________
List the name of group members: ______________________________________________
In Memoriam or to Honor this pet: ______________­­­­­­­­­­________________________________
Email: (Please write neatly!)__________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________
Please check the amount you are donating:
______$ ______________ is the amount I would like to donate to support MDTC’s AKC Show.
______$ 5.00 will sponsor a Qualifying ribbon and Placement ribbon for one day
______$10.00 will sponsor a Qualifying ribbon, Placement ribbon and a gift for one day.
______$20.00 will sponsor a Qualifying ribbon, Placement ribbon and a gift for two days.

Thank you for your support.

     Please provide me with a receipt.     (Please circle if you would like one)
Obedience Views April 2022 - Milwaukee Dog Training Club

Jerry Jordan and Coco– AKC agility-February 6th-
CoCo achieved first place on leg one of her Novice Agility journey. The AKC trial was held at
Think Pawsitive and sponsored by the K9 OTC. She scored 95.

Jerry Jordan and Coco– AKC Obedience– March 12th- CoCo received the first leg of the Open A title
at K9's AKC Obedience trial . She finished in first place with a score of 192.
CoCo established the second leg of her Open A title March 13th at the K9 AKC Obedience Trial. She
attained a second-place finish with 184 points. First place finished with 189 points.

Tori Baldwin and Siberian Husky Malt– CPE Scent Sport- Pattie's Canine Solutions
January 29 & 30 Level 1 container and interior, a 4'th place and a 2'nd place finish.
March 19th CPE Scent Sport Think Pawsitive
Level 1 vehicle and exterior, a 1'st place and Level 1 title (CCSS-L1)

Lory Valley and Border Collie “Pilot”, AKC Obedience– Badger Kennel Club March 19-
Pilot took High in Trial in Obedience and High combined in Rally.

Ellen Mack and Border Collie Deacon Brodie-AKC agility-WAG agility club March 25th-
Brodie qualified in Agility Standard and earned his (AX) Excellent agility title. He also qualified in Open
Jumpers in 1st place and earned his (OJ) Open Jumpers title.

                                                                           Nancy and Winn waiting his
                                                                           turn to run at a recent CPE
Obedience Views April 2022 - Milwaukee Dog Training Club
Is Your Dog Manipulating You?

The short answer is ...Yes!

Have you ever wondered why your dog’s face is so irresistible? A new study in the Proceedings of the Na-
tional Academy of Sciences (PNAS) says that dogs’ facial features – in particular, “puppy dog eyes” – may
have evolved based on human preference.
When breeding began with wolves to create domestic dogs, humans bred with the purpose of completing
tasks such as farming, pulling sleds across frigid temperatures, or keeping a group of nomads safe. For
example, the Greyhound types were bred to chase prey at alarmingly fast speeds and Mastiff types were
bred as protectors. But were dogs subconsciously bred to be cute as well?
As humans adapted to their surroundings, dogs followed. Eventually, dogs became more sophisticated as
they were bred to meet the lifestyles of their owners.
The PNAS study suggests that through the domestication of dogs from wolves, their facial muscle trans-
formed to meet communication standards of humans. The muscle responsible for raising the inner eye-
brow is uniformly present across domesticated dogs but not in wolves.
“The most remarkable among dogs’ behavioral adaptations, as a result of selection during domestication,
is their ability to read and use human communication in ways that other animals cannot,” the PNAS study
Analyzed behavioral data also suggests that dogs raise their inner eyebrows more frequently and with a
higher intensity than wolves do. The researchers believe dogs with these “puppy dog eyes” were preferen-
tial to humans and therefore more highly selected.
Though a variety of breeds demonstrate different facial expressions, the study suggests that eyebrow
movement is uniform across breeds. We spoke with Anne Burrows, an author of the study and professor of
anatomy at Duquesne University.
“We conducted a study about five years ago that explored dogs in a shelter. The dogs who make this
movement are adopted more quickly than dogs that don’t.” She explains that dogs bred to be companion
dogs, such as Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, may make this facial movement more frequently.
So what impact does this have on activities dogs and humans do together, such as dog sports? For start-
ers, eye contact between dogs and humans is imperative for social interaction. Canines use this communi-
cation when they cannot solve problems alone. Eye contact allows dogs to receive communication that is
directed or relevant to them.
Think of AKC sports — Rally, Agility, Obedience and many more. These events encompass specific train-
ing and communication where it is crucial to have a special bond of your canine. It’s not just the canine that
needs to receive communication — humans are influenced too.
“In these events, communication is necessary, as owners and canines work together through courses.
Based on the research of PNAS, some speculate a handler may prefer working with a dog who is more
expressive, allowing for better communication and higher success rates in the sport.
Through history, one thing has remained constant – it’s hard to say no to “puppy dog eyes”. Dogs have
evolved to fit the needs of a task, their owner, their surroundings and humans are naturally drawn to a
“cute” face.
April 2022 MDTC Calendar
     Sunday            Monday         Tuesday          Wednesday        Thursday             Friday        Saturday
                                                                    My wife said        1             2
A cop pulled up   Yesterday I     What time is     My dog’s         she can’t smell
to a speeding     bought a bag    it when a rab­   name is          and she lost her
car and saw a                                                       sense of taste. I      Agility      Agility
                  of air and to   bit, kangaroo    Minton. Today,
woman knitting                                                      told her that I         AG 1        Indoor
                  my surprise     and frog all     he ate my
a sweater
                  found a few     walk into a      shuttlecock.
                                                                    can smell her       530pm-630pm Class 1 - 8:00
“Pullover” the                                                      and that she’s                  Class 2 - 9:15
cop yelled...     potato chips    bar?                              never had any
                                                                                          6:30-8pm  Basic - 10:30
”No a cardigan”   in it.                           Bad Minton!      taste. Now,                       Class 3 - 12:00
the woman re­                     Hoppy Hour!                       she’s lost her
plied!                                                              sense of humor.

3                 4               5                6                7                   8             9
     Outdoor                                            Outdoor
    Obedience         PUPPY            Flyball         Obedience                           Agility      Agility
      9am             CLASS            Team             7pm                                 AG 1        Indoor
                                      Practice                                          530pm-630pm Class 1 - 8:00
    *Achieve-                         6:30pm        * Indoor                                AG2     Class 2 - 9:15
                        6:30                                                                        Basic - 10:30
    ment Trial                                     Obedience                              6:30-8pm
     Indoors                                       Open Only                                          Class 3 - 12:00
       9am                                             7pm

10                11              12               13               14                  15            16
     Outdoor                                         Outdoor                               Agility
    Obedience                          Flyball         Obedience                            AG 1       Agility
       9am            PUPPY            Team             7pm                             530pm-630pm     Indoor
                      CLASS           Practice                                              AG2     Class 1 - 8:00
     *Indoor                          6:30pm                                              6:30-8pm  Class 2 - 9:15
    Open Only                                      * Indoor                                           Basic - 10:30
     12 noon
                        6:30                                                                          Class 3 - 12:00
                                                   Open Only

17                18              19               20               21                  22            23    Agility
                                                                                           Agility         Indoor
NO CLASSES            PUPPY            Flyball          Outdoor                             AG 1      Class 1 - 8:00
                      CLASS                             7pm                             530pm-630pm   Class 2 - 9:15
                                       Team                                                           Basic - 10:30
                                      Practice                                                        Class 3 - 12:00
                        6:30                       * Indoor                               6:30-8pm
                                                   Open Only

24                25              26               27               28                  29            30
                                                   ALL CLASSES                                             Agility
     Outdoor          PUPPY            Flyball                                             Agility         Indoor
    Obedience         CLASS            Team            OUTDOOR                              AG 1      Class 1 - 8:00
       9am                            Practice         TRAINING                         530pm-630pm   Class 2 - 9:15
                                      6:30pm             7PM                                AG2       Basic - 10:30
                        6:30                                                                          Class 3 - 12:00
     *Indoor                                                                              6:30-8pm
    Open Only                                      Membership
     12 noon                                        Meeting
May 2022 MDTC Calendar
     Sunday          Monday          Tuesday       Wednesday         Thursday         Friday         Saturday
1                2               3                4              5               6              7

 Outdoor             PUPPY            Flyball         Outdoor                        Agility      Agility
Obedience            CLASS            Team         Obedience                          AG 1        Indoor
  9am                                Practice       7pm                           530pm-630pm Class 1 - 8:00
                                     6:30pm                                           AG2     Class 2 - 9:15
                      6:30                                                                    Basic - 10:30
                                                                                                Class 3 - 12:00

8                9               10               11             12              13             14
 Outdoor                                            Outdoor
Obedience            PUPPY            Flyball      Obedience                         Agility      Agility
  9am                CLASS            Team          7pm                               AG 1        Indoor
                                     Practice                                     530pm-630pm Class 1 - 8:00
  Happy                              6:30pm                                           AG2     Class 2 - 9:15
Mother’s Day          6:30                                                                    Basic - 10:30
                                                                                                Class 3 - 12:00

         Members please note, if you are not going to renew your membership,
         when you receive your notice please email your intentions to
          Info@milwaukeedog.com         Thanks!

       Would you like to receive your future newsletters via e-mail? It is fast, easy and in color! Just
    send your name and e-mail address to emkk@sbcglobal.net.
     If you have an article, report or upcoming event you would like to see in future newsletters the deadline
    for submissions is the LAST WEDNESDAY of every month. If you send an article after the last
    Wednesday of the month, it will go in the following month’s newsletter, which means it will probably be
    outdated! No exceptions!

                                                                Be sure to visit our website.

                                                                  Our Facebook page is
Searching for a specific American Kennel Club event? *

       Obedience                                                                         Hunting
            Herding                                                                         Rally

           Scent Work                               Agility                               Tracking
   The AKC has updated the online AKC Event Search & Results making it easier to find the right events for
   you and your dog. *
   The search now works across all your devices whether you’re on a desktop computer, tablet or
   smartphone. It also gives you more flexible ways to refines your search.
   Here’s how to find it.
   Go to American Kennel Club website at www.akc.org. Click on the Events tab at the top of the page.
   At the bottom of the events page you will find a link to the Events Calendar. This will take you to the AKC
   Event Search & Results. *

                                                                                        “Doesn’t this water come
                                                                                        with a bowl?”

Non-Discrimination Statement
Milwaukee Dog Training Club does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), breed,
gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status,
in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of
volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environ-
ment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.
You can also read