Faith Focus - St Marks Lutheran School

Page created by Wayne Rice
Faith Focus - St Marks Lutheran School
Term 1 Week 1

   Faith Focus  Don’t Worry, Be Happy
                As I shared last year, I often find myself with a song rattling around in my mind that
                seems to be on repeat for a day or two.

                Yesterday as we started the new school year, the song lyric ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’
                was with me. I think this has been triggered partly from a staff learning afternoon
                last week with Dr Tom Nehmy from Healthy Minds. Happiness was talked about in the
                context of wellbeing and he commented something along the lines of ‘it isn’t helpful
                or realistic to believe continual happiness is the goal. Learning rather, how to have
                wellbeing through the full range of normal human emotions, including sadness and
                disappointment, is a better goal.’ The lyric of the song is the opposite of what Dr Tom
                was saying, but perhaps years of hearing and talking about ‘happiness’ as a goal brought
                it back to me.

                I am sure Pastor Ben’s message at opening chapel was a big influence as well. He spoke
                to the children about how worry might have been part of thinking about the new school
                year. Pastor Ben shared his message from Matthew 6: 25 -34. You might have heard these
                passages before which talk about not worrying about what we eat, drink or wear. The
                passage uses the examples of the birds of the air and flowers of the field that have what
                they need without worry, because God gives it to them. The passage reassures us that
                life itself is more important than all our day to day worries and that connecting and
                having a relationship with God, who will provide what we need, is the secret to a life of
                contentment rather than worry.

                As we start this school year, I know amongst the many positives and wonderful
                experiences we will have, there will be challenges, hurdles and disappointments that
                will come our way. That’s the reality of life. When they do, the bible passage reminds us
                to look beyond the immediate, to the bigger picture and trust God to see us through.
                God doesn’t promise a ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’ outcome, but he does promise he’s with
                us and will see us through.

                As I continue to seek to deepen my connection with God, I look forward to facing the
                year ahead with confidence.

                                                                            James Heyne
Faith Focus - St Marks Lutheran School
Important Bits
Principal Ponderings                                         have these displayed at each entrance
                                                             door along with a paper sign in system.
How wonderful it is to see our classrooms and
                                                             All adults will be required to sign in by
school spaces filled with students again. It was
                                                             scanning the QR code or completing the
delightful to watch them arrive yesterday with
                                                             paper recording log template when they
excitement and anticipation to reconnect with
                                                             enter our buildings
their classmates and teachers ready to begin
another year together.                                We have all become accustomed to these
                                                      practices and as we start 2021, we will be focused
Our focus as staff as we have prepared, has
                                                      on providing the fullest range of learning
been on building strong communities in our
                                                      experiences, events and activities for our students
classrooms, where everybody feels safe and
                                                      and community. There is much to be positive
respected. We will intentionally be taking time
                                                      about in 2021.
in these first weeks to include activities to build
connections and enable everyone to be clear on        Catastrophic Fire Day
how we best learn and play together.                             In the event that a Catastrophic Fire
Welcome                                                          Danger Rating warning is issued, St
I extend a special welcome to our 48 Foundation                  Mark’s will be closed. Camp Australia
students who started their big school journey                    will also be closed on these days.
today and to Sage, Josiah, Sophie, Patrick, Jenson,   Parents will be notified of this via our App, SMS
Micah, Cailen, Samuel, Hunter, Milan, Timmy and       and Facebook as soon as we receive notification
their families who are beginning or re-joining St     of a catastrophic fire danger rating day in the Mt
Mark’s. We look forward to our partnership with       Lofty Ranges.
them and their families.
                                                      Class Carers and Parent Info Evenings
We have also been blessed to have Ms Kelsey           In today’s newsletter, you will also find information
Benci (6B teacher) and Moz Yeoward (Pastoral          in relation to our Class Carer program and our
Support Worker) joining our staff, along with         upcoming Parent Information Nights. Please note
Mrs Amanda Kluge (6KB Mon to Wed) re-joining          the details of each.
St Mark’s from parenting leave. They join a very
committed, skilled and passionate team.
                                                      We are finalising how parent volunteers can return
COVID-19 Requirements                                 to our classrooms. If you have not previously
As we start the year, we continue to operate          completed the requirements to volunteer at St
with ongoing adjustments to meet COVID                Mark’s, now is a good time to do so.
                                                      All volunteers are required to:
-      Density requirements of 2m sq. per
                                                      -       Have a current WWCC (Working With
       person and physical distancing of 1.5m
                                                              Children Check) or valid DCSI check;
       for adults still apply. This affects the
                                                      -       Have completed the RAN (Responding to
       opportunity to have adults other than
                                                              Abuse and Neglect) course online;
       staff at assemblies and chapels and other
                                                      -       Have completed the VSC (Valuing Safe
       events such as our Parent Information
                                                              Communities) course online.
       Nights. We will have processes in place to
       maximise adult participation but will          Transitional arrangements are in place that allow
       continue to require your cooperation           a current DCSI screening to be considered as a
       with our arrangements.                         valid WWCC until it expires.
-      If any students, staff or adults are feeling   Please contact Leanne in the front office with any
       unwell, they should stay home and not          questions you may have. Links to the online courses
       attend St Mark’s.                              will be provided. Registered volunteers (those
-      Hygiene practices including regular            who have completed all three requirements) are
       handwashing, use of hand sanitiser and         requested to provide evidence of completion to
       more regular cleaning of high touch            the front office.
       surfaces remain in place.
-      We can’t provide communal food, only           As well as the COVID QR scanning requirements for
       individual serves and no shared utensils       SA Health contact tracing purposes, all volunteers
       for any activities or events involving food.   are required to sign in at the front office on arrival,
-      All schools will shortly have a COVID safe     and wear a volunteer badge. This will assist us in
       check in system using QR codes. We will        providing a safe environment for our students.
Faith Focus - St Marks Lutheran School
School Life                                          Coming Up
Introducing....                                      January
                                                      Thursday 28th
Mrs                                                   Pedal Prix Interest Meeting, Library - 7.30pm

Kluge                                                 Friday 29th
                                                      No Chapel
returning                                            February
Year 6                                                Monday 1st
Teacher                                               SRC Nominations

Hi, my name is Amanda Kluge.                I am      Wednesday 3rd
excited to be back in the Year 6 team after a few     Courier Cup Trials, Mountain Pool - 7.15am
years of parenting leave.                             Foundation Rest Day
                                                      SRC Speeches
St Mark’s is a wonderful learning community and       P and F Meeting, Library - 7pm
this is why my husband and I have enrolled our
son to begin here this year and our daughter          Thursday 4th
next year. I look forward to getting to know you      Years 4 - 6 Parent Information Evening, Classrooms
all in either my teaching role or as a parent.        Session 1- 7pm - 7.45pm
                                                      Session 2 - 7.45pm - 8.30pm
When I am not at school I will most likely be at
home with my family. We have a few acres at Salem     Friday 5th
and have been there almost a year. Gardening          Chapel, 9am
and time outside are key to my wellbeing and          Blessing of School Captains, House Captains and SRC
my dream is for a forest of beautiful trees for my
chickens to scratch around under!
I look forward to getting to know my class this
year and discover what interests and motivates       Welcome back to you all, for what will be a
them. My role will be to support their learning      wonderful year at St Mark’s Lutheran School. I
and provide opportunities for them to embrace        don’t know about you, but I felt like the holidays
their final year of primary school.       I have     flew past - I certainly enjoyed the break from
worked with Dani Barolo previously and know          school routine!
that sharing a class with her will provide a rich
learning experience and deep connection for our      I would love to invite anyone who is interested
students.                                            to our first P&F meeting on Wednesday, 3rd
                                                     February at 7pm in the Library. We would love
                                                     you to come along to join in with planning the
Miss                                                 Twilight Sports Day Food & Drinks, as well as
Benci                                                future events for the school community. New
                                                     faces are VERY welcome!
Our new Year
6 Teacher                                            I hope to see you soon.
Hello, my name is Kelsey                             Deb Zimmermann
Benci and I am teaching
                                                     P&F Chairperson
Year 6 this year.
I have just recently
returned from living in                              Lost Jacket?
Port Lincoln where I taught Year 4 at Navigator      Last year, a charcoal/black puffer jacket was
College for the past two years. I have now moved     handed in to the front office, please contact us
back to Adelaide to be with my family.               if it is yours!
I love playing sport, being active and travelling
where I get to explore and go on adventures out
of my comfort zone. In my spare time, I enjoy                          Reminder
going down the beach for a walk and going to             All student mobile phones are to be
different cafes for delicious food and coffee!       handed in to the front office before school to
                                                       be stored securely until students depart.
I am looking forward to meeting you all and
being part of your community.
Faith Focus - St Marks Lutheran School
School Life
2021 School Captains                                     Parent Information Evenings
Congratulations to Campbell D and Emma F                 Each year, we provide a Parent Information Night
who were elected as our 2021 School Captains. They       as a wonderful opportunity for parents to meet
accepted their leadership positions from outgoing        and get to know their child’s classroom teacher.
School Captains, Koby and Tahli at the 2020 Whole        In the next two weeks we will be holding Parent
School Closing Assembly, and will lead our 2021 SRC.     Information Evenings.
                                                                          Years 4 – 6
                                                                    Thursday, February 4th
                                                                      Foundation – Year 3
                                                                     Tuesday, February 9th
                                                         Due to ongoing density restrictions and the 1.5m
                                                         distance required between each adult, we will
                                                         hold the session twice for each of the year levels.
                                                                 Session 1: 7:00pm – 7:45pm
Semester One SRC class representatives will be elected           Session 2: 7:45pm – 8:30pm
by students in the coming weeks and announced at         Please note that due to the size of classrooms
chapel on Friday, 12th of February. Information about    we can only welcome a maximum of 15 parents
SRC will be sent home shortly.                           to each of the sessions, with each family having
                                                         only one parent attend. Please contact Leanne in
                                                         the front office if you have any questions about
Music News                                               this. The online booking system details will be
Welcome back St Mark’s families! Some                    emailed to you shortly.
of our music activities have changed for 2021.
Choir will now be on Wednesday from 8.45am-              While in the classroom, we ask you to maintain
9.20am, and band will be Thursday, 8.20am-               1.5m distance between yourself and others at all
9.20am. Both will commence in week 2.                    times. If you are attending Session 1, we ask that
                                                         you leave the classroom once the presentation
We also welcome Ebony Bedford , our new                  ends so the room is clear for parents attending
violin teacher.                                          Session 2.
Hello, my name is Ebony                                  Supervision will be provided for children in the
Bedford, and I am excited                                library if required. Please note, staff will not
to start teaching violin at St                           be able to care for children who are not toilet
Marks!                                                   trained. Please inform Leanne in the front office
I am an old scholar from                                 if you require supervision for your child/ren.
Cornerstone College and                                  We look forward to seeing you.
first discovered my love of
violin when I began lessons
at the age of four. While
on my own musical journey, I have sought to help           St Mark’s and Cornerstone Rebate
others discover their own passions for music which       We are pleased to again offer a tuition fee rebate
led to teaching my first student in 2017.                to families who have children enrolled at both St
                                                         Mark’s and Cornerstone College in 2021.
I am looking forward to meeting all my new
students and feel privileged to help them along          St Mark’s provides a $100 rebate per child for
their own musical journey.                               students enrolled at St Mark’s and Cornerstone
                                                         will provide a $250 rebate per child for siblings
Along with violin, saxophone, trumpet, guitar,
                                                         enrolled at Cornerstone. To apply, please request
drums, cello, piano and trombone lessons are
                                                         an application form from the office. The rebate
also available. Please contact the office if you
                                                         will be applied to Term Two tuition fee accounts.
would like more information on how to sign up
for instrumental lessons.                                Please note a new application is required each
Ellen Lyall
Music Teacher
Faith Focus - St Marks Lutheran School
School Life
Lunch Orders
Cornerstone College, in partnership with St Mark’s, provides
a lunch order canteen service. This service is provided every
Wednesday beginning Wednesday, 3rd of February.
You establish a pre-paid online account with Flexischools and
order lunches which will be delivered on a Wednesday. There
are a range of great foods to select, from freshly made rolls,
sandwiches and wraps, to hot food including bakery items,
lasagne and fried rice. There are also choices for vegetarian
and gluten free diets.
Visit for details on how to order,
or click on ‘Quick links’ on the St Marks App or through our
website - School Life - Lunch Orders.
The service will not run during Cornerstone staff training
weeks or when Cornerstone students are not on campus.
Parents are reminded to change their child(rens) class in
FlexiSchools to represent their new classes for 2021.

Sports News
SAPSASA Courier Cup Swimming will take                        2020 Graduation Service
place on Thursday, 25th of February (Week                     Our graduation service at Inbarendi was a great way
5). As in previous years, St Mark’s will have a swimming      to complete the year and farewell our Year 6 students.
team which will be chosen during try out sessions             Thank you to everyone who attended on what was a
listed below, at the Mountain Pool in Mount Barker.           memorable evening.
     Wednesday, 3rd of February 7.15am- 8.15am
      Tuesday, 9th of February 7.15am- 8.15am
Eligible students are 10-13 years old or born 2008-
2011 (Students born in 2012 will need to wait until
next year).
Students should only try out if they are able to swim
an entire lap of the mountain pool on their own ie 33m
and are comfortable diving in to the pool.
If your son/daughter would like to try-out, please
contact me for further details BEFORE THE TRIALS. I           Congratulations to Year 6 students Charlotte S
have handed out information to those children who
                                                              for receiving the Academic Award and Charlotte
indicated they would be present.
                                                              C who received the Service Award.
Mr Scott
What is SAPSASA?
SAPSASA is a state wide sporting program which
enables students to try out for representative teams in
                                                              Chess News
a variety of sports. St Mark’s is part of the Hills SAPSASA   St Mark’s is once again partnering with Chesslife to
zone known as Barker.                                         offer Chess Club. This is a voluntary program with
                                                              a weekly cost invoiced directly by Chesslife in 2021.
As well as swimming, there will be opportunities in
athletics in the coming weeks and team sports later in        For more information, see Chesslife flyer overleaf.
the year.                                                     Classes will begin Tuesday, 9th of February.
Faith Focus - St Marks Lutheran School
Dear Parents,
For a number of years, we have been able to implement a Care-Net program at St Mark’s
with the assistance of Class Carers. Class Carers are an incredibly valuable part of our
wellbeing program and I invite you to consider applying for the role. For more details see
At times during the year, families experience both difficult and joyful times – bereavement,
a birth, an accident, a serious illness, an injured child, etc. Through the Class Carer and
Care-Net system, the school community has the opportunity to help and support each
other and to provide care when needed. Overleaf is a form outlining practical ways assistance can be given and
asking for your help in this area. It need not be a large commitment, but any offer to help will be a benefit to those
whom you are supporting and showing care.
If you know of any families, or are a family who would benefit from extra care or are experiencing any of the
above mentioned difficult or joyous times, please let your class teacher, your Class Carers or Moz Yeoward ( Pastoral
Support Worker) know as soon as possible.
If you would like to assist in the CARE-NET, please fill out the WILLINGNESS TO HELP form and return to the front
office as soon as possible.

Yours in Christ’s Service,
Moz Yeoward
Pastoral Support Worker

School Life
Back to routines again!
The parents were all
smiles as they dropped
their    children   off
Wednesday morning.
We welcomed our new
Foundation     students
today, such an exciting
time for students and                                                     The students were very excited to
parents alike. We hope                                                    share their holiday fun and connect
you quickly feel part of                                                  with friends.
our community!
Below, our FS students
attend their first ever PE
                                                                      Keen to play in a school chess club?
                                                                          Eager to learn and improve your chess skills?
                                                                          Learn the way taught in Europe using the 6 step plan.
                                                                            Join us every week for chess classes at your school every term!

                                                                                    For further information – visit our web site:
                                                                                      Registration for classes – please visit:

                                                                                      For more information contact Stephanie on
                                                                                   0490 474 316 or via
Faith Focus - St Marks Lutheran School
                            Class Carer Volunteer Role
Dear Parents,

At St Mark’s we value our community connections and the many benefits they bring each of us.
One of the ways we achieve this is through the very important role of our Class Carers.

In 2021 we are seeking expressions of interest from parents who wish to take on this very important
role. The role of Class Carer seeks to:
•       To assist with processes and opportunities to better care for the students and families of
        our school;
•       To assist with the channel of communication between families and the school when families
        need practical support;
•       To assist teachers in the care and support of the students and families of their class; and
•       To increase and act upon our sense of community.

Tasks for which the Class Carer is responsible for organising with the support of the school’s
Pastoral Support Worker include:
•      Writing a welcome and introductory letter to families which includes Class Carer’s contact
•      Organising year level social events – usually one per semester;
•      Communicating any significant information (e.g. births, bereavements, sickness, family
       crisis) to the Pastoral Support Worker, who will in turn convey such information to staff as
•      Assisting the Pastoral Support Worker with providing support for families for the year level
       community when appropriate (e.g. new baby, injured parent or other difficult circumstances);
•      Promoting positive relations between parents and the teacher;
•      Attending the Parent Information Evening Session 1 & 2 so they can be introduced to other
       class families.;
•      Maintaining confidentiality of all involved, whilst passing on relevant information to the
       Pastoral Support Worker or the Principal; and
•      Modelling Christ in all situations.

The Class Carer doesn’t act as a ‘go-between’ or to become involved or seek to resolve
misunderstandings or disagreements between parent/teacher or parent/parent. It is expected
that the school’s Grievance Procedure will be adhered to if difficulties arise. It is expected that
sensitivity and discretion will be exercised by Class Carers when dealing with personal information
whilst serving in this role, taking particular note of the Privacy Act (1988).

Each year level will have two Class Carers.

The position of Class Carer is for one year, with a maximum of two consecutive years being served
at any one time. Except in the case of exceptional circumstances, a one year break occurs after
having completed two consecutive years before serving as Class Carer again.

Should you wish to discuss the role or seek further information contact Moz Yeoward, our Pastoral
Support Worker, by phoning the school or emailing If you would
like to apply for the Class Carer role for your child’s class, please email Moz, stating your name,
your child’s class and why you would like to take on this very important role in caring for our
Faith Focus - St Marks Lutheran School

                                                            2021 Care-Net
                                                                2021 Care-Net
                                                      Willingness to Help Form
         Name:______________________________              Willingness to Help Form
         Name_______________________________________________________ Class__________________
Name_______________________________________________________                    Class_______________
       Name_______________________________________________________ Class__________________

         Name_______________________________________________________ Class__________________
Name_______________________________________________________ Class_______________
      Phone__________________________ Email _______________________________________________
Name_______________________________________________________                    Class_______________

         Suburb ____________________________________________
Phone__________________________ Email ____________________________________________
         I would be willing to help my child’s/children’s class in the following ways:

Suburb ____________________________________________
            Transporting child/ren to and from school in emergency situations

                 Before/After school care of children in emergency situations

I would be willing toahelp
              Provide main my
                           mealchild’s/children’s   class in the following ways:
                               in emergency situations

                 Provide a dessert
         Transporting child/ren to and from school in emergency situations
                 Provide a cake or biscuits
         Before/Aft er school care of children in emergency situations
               Being willing to be phoned or phone others in emergency situations

         Provide a main
               Help         meal inmatters
                    with classroom  emergency situations
                 Other - Do you have otherskills thay may be useful?
         Provide a dessert
                 Are you willing for your contact details to be released to 2021 Class Carers only? Yes/No
         Provide a cake or biscuits
              I agree that Moz Yeoward, Religious Pastoral Support Worker at St Mark’s Lutheran School can access my
              phone number in relation to Care-Net matters
         Being willing to be phoned or phone others in emergency situations
              I agree that this years Class Carers can have my phone number and call me for Care-Net matters
         Help with classroom matters

        Signed  - Do you have otherskills thay may be useful?

         Are you willing for your contact details to be released to 2021 Class Carers only? Yes/No

     I agree that Moz Yeoward, Religious Pastoral Support Worker at St Mark’s Lutheran School can a
Faith Focus - St Marks Lutheran School
Community                                           Get That Diary Out!
2021 Key School Dates                               Thursday 28th
Below are key dates of events that are currently     Pedal Prix Interest Meeting, Library - 7.30pm
planned on our calendar.
                                                    Friday 29th
Parent Information Nights                           No Chapel
Years 4 to 6 - Thursday, 4th Feb, 7 pm and 7.45pm
F to Year 3 – Tuesday, 9th Feb, 7 pm and 7.45pm
                                                    Monday 1st
St Mark’s Twilight Sports Day– Friday, 12th March   SRC nominations
Parent Teacher Interviews                           Wednesday 3rd
Thursday, 2nd April , Monday 6th and Wednesday,     Courier Cup Trials, Mountain Pool - 7.15am
8th April                                           Foundation Rest Day
Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN                                 SRC speeches
Tuesday, 12th May to Friday, 21st May               P and F Meeting, Library - 7pm

Junior Primary Concerts                             Thursday 4th
Wednesday, 22nd and Thursday, 23rd September        Band Rehearsal, 8.20am
                                                    Years 4 - 6 Information Evening, 7pm and 7.45pm
Year 1                                              Friday 5th
Term 4, Thursday, 21st to Friday, 22nd October at   Chapel, 9am
Narnu Farm, Hindmarsh Island.                       Blessing of School Captains, House Captains and SRC
Year 2                                              Tuesday 9th
Term 3, Thursday, 26th to Friday, 27th August at    Courier Cup Trials, Mountain Pool - 7.15am
El Shaddai, Wellington.                             Assembly, 9am - led by SRC
Year 3                                              Foundation - Yr 3 Information Evening, 7pm & 7.45pm
Term 2, Wednesday, 26th May to Friday, 28th May
                                                    Wednesday 10th
at Aldinga.
                                                    Foundation Rest Day
Year 4
Term 2, Wednesday, 12th to Friday, 14th May at      Thursday 11th
Sheok Run, Finniss.                                  Band Rehearsal - 8.20am
Year 5
                                                    Friday 12th
Term 1 - Wednesday, 17th to 19th March at
                                                    Chapel, 9am - Installation of 2021 Class Carers
Ankara, Walker Flat.
Year 6
Term 4, Aquatics Camp, TBC at Murraylands
Aquatic Centre.

                                                                  Band will recommence
                                                                            2     4th F
St Mark’s Lutheran School App                                         W eek             e b ru
                                                                d a y                          ary
Thank you to the families that have already                rs
downloaded the App                                  Th u
and are using it to notify
the school of absences,
and to access the school
calendar. We urge all
parents and caregivers                              ZOOPER DOOPERS ARE BACK!
to download the App                                              Starting Friday Week 2
and start exploring!
Should you have any
issues downloading the                                      Proceeds to charity (TBA)
App, or need a login
or password, please
contact Leanne in the
front office.
Faith Focus - St Marks Lutheran School
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