ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN - 2017/18 Date of Tabling: 20 March 2017 - KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board
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FOREWORD BY THE MEC FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TOURISM AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS, MR SIHLE ZIKALALA KwaZulu-Natal is a coastal province with massive potential to grow its economy through diverse subsectors of the blue economy. It is for that reason that we have embraced Operation Phakisa launched by the South African government in 2014 to explore the country’s vast marine business. As part of this initiative, the KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board Maritime Centre of Excellence (KZNSB-MCoE) has in the past two years packaged a number of projects that have contributed immensely to economic development and job creation. We are focusing on port related activities, fishing, gas and oil explorations, boat and yacht building training. I am delighted that during this financial year, a boating and technical training college which will boast state of the art workshops and classrooms will be opened at Durban’s Springfield Park. The UMfolozi River project funded to the tune of R 6,1 million will further strengthen our leading position of being a community-oriented organisation as it will involve stakeholders from various communities. The project encompasses boatbuilding and business training, and a satellite office for community outreach programmes. We are implementing these projects because we are acutely aware that Operation Phakisa can generate massive economic benefits that could contribute more than R177 billion to the country’s GDP to create more than one million jobs. In the 2017 State of the Nation Address, President Jacob Zuma also gave us the marching orders to continue exploring opportunities presented by Operation Phakisa. The core mandate of KZNSB-MCoE has traditionally been bather protection against shark attacks thus helping to ensure the safety of millions of people using our beaches. Simply because a significant proportion of tourism in the Province is beach-related, the protection of bathers therefore becomes crucial as it contributes directly to the tourism economy in the Province. 1
Without safe bathing at protected beaches, the tourism industry will not grow. Through the development of new shark-repellent technologies, the Board’s research and monitoring programme contributes to innovation and economic development. The vision of the Board is “Environmentally sensitive bather protection against sharks and a thriving maritime skills sector that enhances inclusive economic growth.” With this in mind, I take this opportunity to endorse this Annual Performance Plan and indicate my commitment to supporting and ensuring its implementation. __________________________________ The Honourable Mr Sihle Zikalala, MPP 2
OFFICIAL SIGN-OFF It is hereby certified that this Annual Performance Plan: Was developed by the management the KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board; Was prepared in line with the current Strategic Plan of the KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board; and Accurately reflects the performance targets which the KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board will endeavour to achieve given the resources made available in the budget for 2017/18. Mrs. N. Bulose Chief Financial Officer Signature: ___________________ Mr. M. Radebe Chief Executive Officer Accounting Officer Signature: ___________________ Mr. S. Mkhize Board Chairman Accounting Authority Signature: ___________________ Approved by: Executive Authority 3
CONTENTS ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN ........................................................................................ 0 2017/18 ....................................................................................................................... 0 FOREWORD.................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. OFFICIAL SIGN -OFF ........................................................................................................ 3 CONTENTS .................................................................................................................... 4 PART A: STRATEGIC OV ERVIEW ....................................................................................... 5 1. UPDATED SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS ................................................................................................... 5 2. REVISIONS TO LEGISLA TIVE AND OTHER MANDA TES ................................................................. 5 3. OVERVIEW OF BUDGET A ND MTEF ESTIMATES ............................................................................ 6 4. OVERVIEW OF STRATEGI C GOALS, OBJECTIVES & INDICATORS ............................................... 8 PART B: PROGRAMME & SUBPROGRAMME PLANS ........................................................... 11 5. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINIS TRATION ............................................................................................... 11 6. PROGRAMME 2: BATHER PROTECTION ......................................................................................... 17 7. PROGRAMME 3: MARITIM E CENTRE OF EXCELLEN CE ............................................................... 19 8. PROGRAMME 4: RESEARC H AND MONITORING ......................................................................... 22 9. PROGRAMME 5: BUSINES S DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................. 24 PART C: LINKS TO OTH ER PLANS .................................................................................... 26 10. LINKS TO LONG-TERM INFRASTRUCTURE & OTHER CAPITAL PLANS ..................................... 26 11. CONDITIONAL GRANTS ..................................................................................................................... 26 12. PUBLIC ENTITIES ................................................................................................................................. 26 13. PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS .................................................................................................... 26 ACRONYMS ......................................................................................................................................................... 27 ANNEXURE A: TECHNICA L INDICATOR DESCRIPTIONS: ...................................................... 28 5-YEAR STRATEGIC OBJEC TIVE INDICATORS ............................................................. 28 ANNEXURE B: TECHNICAL INDICATOR DESCRIPTIONS: ...................................................... 33 PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATORS .............................................................. 33 ADDENDUM: ADDENDUM TO APP 2017/18:STRATEGIC PLAN REVIEW 2017 4
PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW This Annual Performance Plan sets out the programmes of KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board Maritime Centre of Excellence (KZNSB-MCoE) and outlines the performance indicators within the scope of its mandate for the Strategic Period 2015 – 2020.This document is aligned to the “Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans (2010)” format, as prescribed by National Treasury. 1. UPDATED SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 1.1 Performance delivery environment Changes that have taken place in the performance delivery environment since the finalisation of the Board’s Strategic Plan 2014/15 – 2018/19 (Revision 2:2016/17), have been noted in the Addendum: Strategic Plan Review 2017, which is attached to this Annual Performance Plan. This APP was developed with the intention of improving on service delivery. However, due to budget constraints, some of the Programmes were revisited. Consequently, the entity is unable to improve on certain performance targets, and hence some targets remain stagnant. 1.2 Organisational environment Changes that have taken place in the organisational environment since the finalisation of the Board’s Strategic Plan 2014/15 – 2018/19 (Revision 2:2016/17), have been noted in the Addendum: Strategic Plan Review 2017, which is attached to this Annual Performance Plan. 2. REVISIONS TO LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES There have been no significant changes to the KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board’s legislative and other mandates in the period under review. The legal mandate of the KZNSB has not yet been extended to include maritime skills development and the Maritime Centre of Excellence. 5
3. OVERVIEW OF BUDGET AND MTEF ESTIMATES 3.1 Expenditure and Revenue Estimates SUMMARY OF PAYMENTS AND ESTIMATES BY PROGRAMME (Thousands Rand) Estimated Medium Term Expenditure Audited/Actual Outcome Outcome Estimates R thousand 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 1. Administration 44 234 40 086 49 950 41 839 38 036 40 547 43 077 2. Bather Protection 31 530 29 557 33 049 36 059 39 081 40 395 42 713 3. Maritime Skills 7 239 4 492 5 982 8 382 6 000 6 000 6 105 Development 4. Research and 6 153 8 619 10 595 7 059 7 593 6 948 7 326 Monitoring 5. Business 6 289 6 329 6 333 11 269 7 695 8 271 8 725 Development TOTAL 95 445 89 083 105 909 104 606 98 405 102 162 107 946 SUMMARY OF PAYMENTS AND ESTIMATES BY ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Estimated Medium Term Expenditure Audited/Actual Outcome Outcome Estimates R thousand 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Compensation of 47 989 55 696 58 265 63 620 66 483 74 209 79 255 Employees Goods and services 31 479 28 268 27 585 36 175 27 599 27 953 28 115 Capital expenditure 15 977 5 119 20 059 4 811 4 323 - 577 TOTAL 95 445 89 083 105 909 104 606 98 405 102 162 107 946 6
SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND FINANCING Estimated Medium Term Expenditure Audited/Actual Outcome Outcome Estimates R thousand 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Government Grant 49 485.0 51 109.0 57 178.0 64 773.4 60 079.0 63 598.0 67 387.0 Meshing 22 349.0 23 886.0 25 351.0 26 723.0 28 539.0 29 462.0 31 170.8 Hire of facilities 604.0 778.0 929.0 766.0 716.0 478.0 505.7 Entrance fees 482.0 633.0 674.0 730.0 677.0 570.0 603.1 Curio sales 355.0 648.0 684.0 616.0 463.0 422.0 446.5 Rental revenue 1 066.0 1 123.0 968.0 600.0 180.0 630.0 666.5 Boat tours 102.0 79.0 36.0 96.0 96.0 99.8 105.6 Interest revenue 1 891.0 1 551.0 1 697.0 1 341.0 640.0 671.0 709.9 Profit on disposal of property, plant and - - - - - - equipment Other income 2 822.0 2 314.0 708.0 1 559.0 1 015.0 231.0 244.4 Additional funding (development of - - - - - shark repellent technology) Additional funding 10 (capital projects/ 6 000.0 6 000.0 7 401.6 6 000 6 000.0 6 107.0 500.0 MCOE) TOTAL 89 656 88 121 94 225 104 606 98 405 102 162 107 946.4 3.2 Reconciling expenditure trends to strategic outcome-oriented goals The above tables reflect changes to funding levels in recent years, as a consequence primarily of the poor performance of the national economy. This has resulted National Treasury imposing a reduction in expenditure at all levels and in all sectors of government and public entities. The implications for the KZNSB-MCoE are that the current budget is not growing at least at the rate of inflation. The consequent projected increasing gap between operational needs and funding will inevitably lead to reduction in service levels, unless grant allocations are increased or other measures are found to address this issue. The Board is currently considering a range of options to address this concern. 7
4. OVERVIEW OF STRATEGIC GOALS, OBJECTIVES & INDICATORS Strategic goal # Strategic objective 5-year strategic objective Programme performance statement indicator indicator 1.Good 1.1 Strategic leadership • Average score on • Average annual score on corporate and effective and Strategic Leadership Strategic Leadership governance efficient Assessment Tool Assessment Tool promoted administrative • Percentage compliance • Annual percentage support provided to in terms of approved compliance in terms of KZNSB Compliance Checklist approved Compliance • Status of external audit Checklist opinion • Status of annual external audit opinion 1.2 Financial Percentage adherence to Percentage adherence to sustainability of the allocated and approved allocated and approved entity improved budget budget 1.3 A safe, healthy and No mortalities and disabling Number of mortalities and high quality working injuries disabling injuries environment for all employees promoted 1.4 Effective and • Vacancy rate for key • Vacancy rate for key efficient human positions positions resource • Percentage of salary • Percentage of salary management budget spent on budget spent on training ensured training annually annually 1.5 Support for job Number of internships / Number of internships / creation and learnerships / experiential learnerships / experiential economic learning opportunities learning opportunities development offered offered 2. Bathers 2.1 Shark attacks on No shark attacks at Annual number of shark protected from bathers at all protected beaches in KZN attacks at protected beaches sharks in an protected beaches environmentally on the KZN coastline sensitive prevented manner 2.2 SSG management Reduced catch of non-target Total annual catch of non- during species target species environmental events and modified methods of bather protection that minimise catch of non-target species implemented at selected beaches 8
Strategic goal # Strategic objective 5-year strategic objective Programme performance statement indicator indicator 3. Skills in the 3.1 2000 learners Total number of learners Number of learners enrolled maritime sector admitted into admitted into Maritime by end of 2017/18 enhanced sectorally and Learning Programmes occupationally- directed maritime learning programmes by 2018/19 3.2 Maritime Number of graduates Number of graduates employment search supported to find jobs in the supported to find jobs in the and placement maritime industry maritime industry facilitated 4. Service 4.1 Scientific knowledge Number of peer-reviewed Number of peer-reviewed delivery generation regarding publications publications per annum enabled sharks and shark through repellent technology scientific 4.2 Non-lethal shark Number of beaches at which Number of SRT evaluation capacity and repellent cable SRT is successfully installed sites established per annum knowledge developed, installed and evaluated generation and evaluated 5. Tourism in 5.1 Public education and Public awareness of bather Number of schools visited KZN promoted awareness safety concerns annually through raised programmes about awareness bather safety, sharks about bather and their safety in environment relation to provided, and public sharks, and the misconceptions role of the countered Sharks Board 5.2 The activities, Brand strength • Number of events and services, products exhibitions participated and expertise of the in KZNSB-MCoE • Number of trade shows marketed and attended promoted • Number of marketing products produced 9
Indicators and targets chosen: This APP identifies high-level indicators, in order to measure the KZNSB’s performance in relation to the following strategic questions: Are bathers safe from sharks at Protected Beaches on the KZN coastline? Are bathers aware of where and when it is safe to swim? Is bather protection undertaken in and environmentally sensitive manner? Is the scientific research undertaken by the KZNSB-MCoE of the highest quality? Is the scientific research useful to the entity and to others providing bather protection against sharks elsewhere? Is the public aware of the crucial role of bather protection from shark attack in supporting the tourism industry in the Province? Is the KZNSB-MCoE well managed, well staffed, free from graft and corruption, financially sound and does it have a safe working environment? Is the Annual Performance Plan of the KZNSB-MCoE aligned with Government Outcomes, the National Development Plan and Provincial Policies? Is the Maritime Skills Development programme answering a need for training in scarce skills in the maritime industry in the Province? Is the Sharks Board fostering job creation and economic development wherever possible? A limited number of key indicators has been identified in this APP to support strategic management. These are not all the indicators that management will use to measure performance: managers of implementation will use a much wider range of indicators to monitor progress. Indicators have been defined for almost all of the above questions. An important factor in selecting indicators has been data availability and cost effectiveness. Where possible, outcome indicators have been identified. Where an outcome is difficult to measure, output indicators have been identified. For instance, in the case of the development, installation and testing of a non-lethal shark repellent cable, an output indicator is used. Similarly, in the case of awareness-raising programmes, output indicators are used (e.g. number of presentations made) because although it is possible to measure changes in participants’ knowledge and understanding of safe bathing practices, this interim outcome does not necessarily lead to changed behaviour. The cost of measuring changes in behaviour is high, and it is difficult to prove that such behaviour changes come about solely as a result of an awareness programme. Likewise, one could ask is “Are the Board’s marketing activities resulting in increased beach-related tourism in the Province?” However, due to the presence of intervening variables and the cost of measurement, this is not used as an indicator here. An attempt will be made to collaborate with Tourism Development to find ways to answer this question. 10
PART B: PROGRAMME & SUBPROGRAMME PLANS 5. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION The purpose of the this programme is to provide core support services, including administrative, corporate governance, financial, human resources , IT and monitoring and evaluation services to the KZNSB. Due to the cross-cutting nature of the programme, it supports delivery against all five Strategic Goals. However, the programme provides direct support for achieving Strategic Goal 1: Good corporate governance promoted. An indicator for the programme is reflected in the Province’s Strategic Value Proposition, as follows: • Status of external audit opinion: Clean Audit At the time of submission of the final Annual Performance Plan for 2017/18, the budget programme structure had not changed. The programme consists of the following sub-programmes: 5.1 Sub-programme: Good governance 5.2 Sub-programme: Financial sustainability 5.3 Sub-programme: Human Resource Management In some cases, groups of functions gathered under a single sub-programme are managed by a number of different divisions in the organisation. 11
Sub-programme 5.1: Good governance 5.1.1 Good governance: Strategic objective targets for 2015 – 2020 Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets Strategic Strategic 5 year strategic objective performan Plan 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ objective indicator ce targets 14 15 16 18 19 20 2016/17 1.1 Strategic Average score on Strategic 3.5 n/a n/a n/a 3.22 3.5 3.5 3.5 leadership Leadership Assessment Tool Percentage compliance on approved Compliance 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Checklist Status of external audit Clean Unqualified Clean Clean opinion Clean audit Clean audit Clean audit Clean audit audit audit audit audit opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion 5.1.2 Good governance: Programme performance indicators and annual targets: 2017/18 Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets Strategic Programme performance # 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ performance 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ objective Indicator 14 15 16 2016/17 18 19 20 1.1 Strategic Average annual score on leadership Strategic Leadership n/a n/a n/a 3.22 3.5 3.5 3.5 Assessment Tool Percentage compliance on 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% approved Compliance Checklist Status of external audit opinion Clean audit Unqualified Clean audit Clean audit Clean audit Clean audit Clean audit opinion audit opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion 12
5.1.3 Good governance: Quarterly targets for 2017/18 Reporting period Strategic Quarterly targets 2017/18 (Quarterly, Annual Target # objective Programme performance indicator Biannual or 2017/18 short title 1st 2nd 3rd 4 th Annual) 1.1 Strategic Average score on Strategic Annual 3.5 - - - 3.5 leadership Leadership Assessment Tool Percentage compliance on approved Annual 100% - - - 100% Compliance Checklist Status of external audit opinion Annual Clean audit - Clean audit - - 5.2 Sub-programme: Financial sustainability 5.2.1 Financial sustainability: Strategic objective targets for 2015 – 2020: Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets Strategic 5 year strategic objective Strategic Plan # 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ performanc 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ objective indicator targets 14 15 16 e 2016/17 18 19 20 1.2 Financial Percentage adherence to sustainability allocated and approved 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% budget 5.2.2 Financial Sustainability: Programme performance indicators and annual targets: 2017/18 Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets Strategic Programme performance # 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ performanc 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ objective Indicator 14 15 16 e 2016/17 18 19 20 1.2 Financial Percentage adherence to sustainability allocated and approved 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% budget 13
5.2.3 Financial Sustainability: Quarterly targets for 2017/18 Reporting period Quarterly targets 2017/18 Strategic Programme performance Annual Target # (Quarterly, Biannual objective indicator 2017/18 or Annual) 1st 2nd 3rd 4 th 1.2 Financial Percentage adherence to sustainability allocated and approved Annual 100% - - - 100% budget 5.3 Sub-programme: Human Resource Management 5.3.1 Human Resource Management: Strategic objective targets for 2015 – 2020: Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets 5 year strategic objective Strategic Strategic objective 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ performance 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ indicator Plan Target 14 15 16 2016/17 18 19 20 1.3 Safe working No mortalities and 0 New 0 0 0 0 0 0 environment disabling injuries Vacancy rate for key
5.3.2 Human Resource Management: Programme performance indicators and annual targets: 2017/18 Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets Strategic Programme performance # 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ performance 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ objective Indicator 14 15 16 2016/17 18 19 20 1.3 Safe working Number of mortalities and New 0 0 0 0 0 0 environment disabling injuries Vacancy rate for key positions < 10%
5.4 Administration: Reconciling performance targets with the Budget and MTEF ADMINISTRATION Audited/Actual Performance - Adjusted Medium-Term expenditure estimate PROGRAMME – KEY Expenditure Outcome appropriation TRENDS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 EXPENDITURE BY SUB-PROGRAMME (THOUSAND RANDS) CEO and Board 8 003.0 6 027.0 6 892.00 7 889 9 083 7 057 7 480 Corporate Services 29 584.0 25 274.0 34 225 22 609 19 771 23 470 24 949 Financial Management 6 646.0 8 785.0 8 833 11 340 9 182 10 019 10 648 TOTAL 44 233 40 086 49 950 41 837 38 036 40 547 43 077 PAYMENTS BY ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION (THOUSAND RANDS) Compensation of 18 354 22 152 21 118 22 556 22 703 26 484 28 099 employees Goods and services 12 485 14 121 13 596 17 390 13 908 14 063 14 401 Capital expenditure 13 395 3 813 15 236 1 893 1 425 - 577 TOTAL 44 234 40 086 49 950 41 839 38 036 40 547 43 077 5.5 Administration Programme: Performance and Expenditure Trends The current budget is not growing at least at the rate of inflation. The projected increasing gap between operational needs and funding will inevitably lead to reduction in service levels, unless grant allocations are increased. 16
6. PROGRAMME 2: BATHER PROTECTION The purpose of the Bather Protection Programme is to ensure the safety of bathers from sharks at protected beaches in the Province. The indicator for the programme is reflected in the Province’s Strategic Value Proposition, as follows: • Annual number of shark attacks at protected beaches: 0 There have been no changes to budget programme structure since the Strategic Plan was drawn up. 6.1 Bather Protection: Strategic objective targets for 2015 – 2020: Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets 5 year strategic objective Strategic Strategic objective 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ performance 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ indicator Plan targets 14 15 16 2016/17 18 19 20 2.1 Prevent shark No shark attacks at 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 attacks protected beaches in KZN 2.2 Minimise Reduced catch of non- catch of non- target species 1413 481 397 233 318 302 287 273 target species 6.2 Bather Protection: Programme performance indicators and annual targets: 2017/18 Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets Strategic Programme performance # 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ performance 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ objective Indicator 14 15 16 2016/17 18 19 20 2.1 Prevent shark Annual number of shark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 attacks attacks at protected beaches 2.2 Minimise catch Total annual catch of non- of non-target target species: 481 397 233 318 302 287 273 species Annual catch of non-target 456 387 227 286 272 258 245 species in nets Annual catch of non-target 25 10 6 32 30 29 28 species in drumlines 17
6.3 Bather Protection: Quarterly targets for 2017/18 Strategic Reporting period Quarterly targets 2017/18 Annual Target # objective short Programme performance indicator (Quarterly, Biannual 2017/18 title or Annual) 1st 2nd 3rd 4 th 2.1 Prevent shark Annual number of shark attacks at Quarterly 0 0 0 0 0 attacks protected beaches 2.2 Minimise catch of Annual catch of non-target species non-target (combined nets and drumlines) Quarterly 302 62 33 120 87 species 6.4 Bather Protection: Reconciling performance targets with the Budget and MTEF BATHER PROTECTION Audited/Actual Performance – Expenditure Adjusted Medium-Term expenditure estimate – KEY TRENDS outcome appropriation 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 EXPENDITURE BY SUB-PROGRAMME (THOUSAND RANDS) Bather protection 31 530 29 557 33 049 36 059 39 081 40 395 42 713 TOTAL 31 530 29 557 33 049 36 059 39 081 40 395 42 713 PAYMENTS BY ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION (THOUSAND RANDS) Compensation of 21 923 23 441 25 435 28 806 31 220 33 600 35 885 employees Goods and services 6 217 5 767 5 399 5 623 6 532 6 796 6 828.36 Capital expenditure 3 390 349 2 215 1 630 1 329.00 - - TOTAL 31 530 29 557 33 049 36 059 39 081 40 396 42 713 6.5 Bather Protection: Performance and Expenditure Trends Current budget allocations are not adequate to ensure that strategic objectives are met. 18
7. PROGRAMME 3: MARITIME CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE The MCOE maritime skills development and placement programme was developed on an interim basis by the KZNSB-MCoE in response to a Ministerial directive. A key focus of the programme is on maritime skills development and providing support for job placement through facilitating employment search and placement of graduates. However, as mentioned earlier, the legal mandate and funding of the Board have not yet been extended to include this function. The programme is therefore included on a provisional basis, pending formal mandate extension and funding. The targets set out below cover the period for which funding is currently allocated, and will be revised should further funding be granted. The indicator for this programme reflected in the Province’s Strategic Value Proposition is as follows: • Number of people trained in Maritime industry and linked to opportunities. The 5-year target is 1200, and the annual target is 300. There have been no changes to budget programme structure since the Strategic Plan was drawn up. 7.1 Maritime Skills Development: Strategic objective targets for 2015 – 2020: Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets Strategic objective 5 year strategic objective Strategic 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ performance 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ short title indicator Plan targets 14 15 16 2016/17 18 19 20 Total number of learners Maritime 3.1 admitted into Maritime 2500 237 171 505 500 500 500 500 training intake Learning Programmes 3.2 Maritime Number of graduates employment supported to find jobs in 600 n/a n/a n/a n/a 200 200 200 facilitated the maritime industry 19
7.2 Maritime Skills Development: Programme performance indicators and annual targets: 2017/18 Strategic Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets Programme performance # objective 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ performance 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ Indicator short title 14 15 16 2016/17 18 19 20 Total number of learners Maritime 3.1 admitted into Maritime Learning 237 171 505 500 500 500 500 training intake Programmes 3.2 Maritime Number of graduates supported employment to find jobs in the maritime n/a n/a n/a n/a 200 200 200 facilitated industry 7.3 Maritime Skills Development: Quarterly targets for 2017/18 Strategic Reporting period Quarterly targets 2017/18 Programme performance Annual Target # objective short (Quarterly, Biannual indicator 2017/18 title or Annual) 1st 2nd 3rd 4 th 3.1 Maritime training Total number of learners admitted Annual 500 100 100 100 200 intake into Maritime Learning Programmes 3.2 Maritime employ- Number of graduates supported to Annual 200 50 50 50 50 ment facilitated find jobs in the maritime industry 20
7.4 Maritime Centre of Excellence: Reconciling performance targets with the Budget and MTEF MARITIME SKILLS Adjusted DEVELOPMENT – Audited/Actual Performance – expenditure outcome Medium-Term expenditure estimate appropriation KEY TRENDS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 EXPENDITURE BY SUB-PROGRAMME (THOUSAND RANDS) Maritime Centre of 7 239 4 492 6 857 8 382 6 000 6 000 6 105 Excellence TOTAL 7 239 4 492 6 857 8 382 6 000 6 000 6 105 PAYMENTS BY ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION (THOUSAND RANDS) Compensation of 1 220.00 2 616 2 015 2 177 1 795 2 539 2 712 employees Goods and services 3 382 1 020 2 693 5 050 3 365 3 461 3 393 Capital expenditure 2 637 856 2 149 1 155 840 - - TOTAL 7 239 4 492 6 857 8 382 6 000 6 000 6 105 7.5 Maritime Centre of Excellence: Performance and Expenditure Trends MCOE grant funding of R 6 million per year will come to an end in the 2018/19 financial year. At this point it is not known whether the mandate of the Board will be extended to include this function, and whether funding for this programme will be provided when the current Provincial Treasury allocation comes to an end. 21
8. PROGRAMME 4: RESEARCH AND MONITORING The Research and Monitoring Programme is undertaken by the Research and Monitoring Division which conducts and facilitates biological research into the animals caught in the shark safety gear, in particular those that pose a threat to bathers in terms of shark attack. Research is also currently being undertaken into finding a non-lethal alternative to the current shark safety gear. There have been no changes to the budget programme structure since the Strategic Plan was drawn up. 8.1 Research and Monitoring: Strategic objective targets for 2015 – 2020: Strategic Plan Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets Strategic objective 5 year strategic objective indicator (5-year) 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ performance 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ targets 14 15 16 2016/17 18 19 20 Scientific Number of peer-reviewed 4.1 research and publications 15 n/a n/a n/a n/a 5 5 5 monitoring Shark repellent Number of beaches at which SRT is 4.2 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 1 0 technology successfully installed and evaluated 8.2 Research and Monitoring: Programme performance indicators and annual targets: 2017/18 Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets Strategic Programme # 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ performance 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ objective performance Indicator 14 15 16 2016/17 18 19 20 4.1 Scientific research Number of peer-reviewed n/a n/a n/a n/a 5 5 5 and monitoring publications per annum 4.2 Shark repellent Number of SRT technology evaluation sites n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 1 0 established per annum 22
8.3 Research and Monitoring: Quarterly targets for 2017/18 Reporting period Quarterly targets 2017/18 Programme performance Annual Target # Strategic objective (Quarterly, Biannual th indicator 2017/18 1st 2nd 3rd 4 or Annual) 4.1 Scientific research and No of peer-reviewed Annual 5 - - - 5 monitoring publications 4.2 Shark repellent Number of SRT evaluation sites Annual 0 0 0 0 0 technology established 8.4 Research and Monitoring: Reconciling performance targets with the Budget and MTEF RESEARCH AND Adjusted MONITORING – KEY Audited/Actual Performance – Expenditure outcome Medium-Term expenditure estimate appropriation TRENDS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 EXPENDITURE BY SUB-PROGRAMME (THOUSAND RANDS) Research and 6 153 8 619 10 595 7 059 7 593 6 948 7 326 Monitoring TOTAL 6 153 8 619 10 595 7 059 7 593 6 948 7 326 PAYMENTS BY ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION (THOUSAND RANDS) Compensation of 3 256 4 595 5 019 5 417 6 282 6 319 6 749 employees Goods and services 2 897 4 005 4 219 1 642 912 629 577 Capital expenditure - 19 1 357 - 399 - - TOTAL 6 153 8 619 10 595 7 059 7 593 6 948 7 326 8.5 Research and Monitoring: Performance and Expenditure Trends Current budget allocations are not adequate to ensure that strategic objectives are met. Additional funding of R4.5 million was received in 2012/13 and in 2013/14 for the shark repellent cable. Additional funding is required to ensure that research output is maintained. 23
9. PROGRAMME 5: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT The Business Development Programme undertakes public educational outreach and marine tourism programmes to create awareness about safe bathing, sharks and the marine environment. Its marketing activities help to highlight the importance of the KZNSB’s activities to protect coastal tourism, and to position the KZNSB-MCoE as a leading tourist destination locally, nationally and internationally. There have been no changes to budget programme structure since the Strategic Plan was drawn up. 9.1 Business Development: Strategic objective targets for 2015 – 2020: Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets 5 year strategic Strategic objective Strategic Plan targets 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ performance 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ objective indicator 14 15 16 2016/17 18 19 20 5.1 Educational Public awareness of Number of ‘visited’ schools and awareness bather safety undertaking outings to Sharks n/a n/a n/a n/a TBD TBD TBD programmes concerns and role Board per year of Sharks Board 5.2 Marketing Brand strength TBD: Target to be set after baseline is determined through n/a n/a n/a n/a TBD TBD TBD survey/s 9.2 Business Development: Programme performance indicators and annual targets: 2017/18 Audited/Actual performance Estimated Medium-term targets Programme performance # Strategic objective 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ performance 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ indicator 14 15 16 2016/17 18 19 20 5.1 Educational and Number of schools visited 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 awareness programmes annually 5.2 Marketing Number of events and 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 exhibitions participated in Number of trade shows n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 2 2 attended Number of marketing n/a n/a n/a n/a 25 25 25 products produced 24
9.3 Business Development: Quarterly targets: 2017/18 Reporting period Quarterly targets 2017/18 Programme performance (Quarterly, Annual Target # Strategic objective indicator Biannual or 2017/18 th Annual) 1st 2nd 3rd 4 5.1 Educational and awareness Number of schools visited Quarterly 55 15 15 15 10 programmes annually 5.2 Marketing Number of events and exhibitions Quarterly 35 10 10 10 5 participated in Number of trade shows attended Annual 2 1 0 1 0 Number of marketing products Quarterly 25 7 8 7 3 produced 9.4 Business Development: Reconciling performance targets with the Budget and MTEF BUSINESS Adjusted DEVELOPMENT: – KEY Audited/Actual Performance – Expenditure outcome Medium-Term expenditure estimate appropriation TRENDS 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 EXPENDITURE BY SUB-PROGRAMME (THOUSAND RANDS) Business Development 6 290 6 329 6 333 11 269 7 695 8 271 8 725 TOTAL 6 290 6 329 6 333 11 269 7 695 8 271 8 725 PAYMENTS BY ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION (THOUSAND RANDS) Compensation of 3 653 3 633 4 053 4 664 4 483 5 440 5 810 employees Goods and services 2 557 2 614 2 231 6 471 2 883 2 831 2 916 Capital expenditure 80 82 49 134 329.00 - - TOTAL 6 290 6 329 6 333 11 269 7 695 8 271 8 725 9.5 Business Development: Performance and Expenditure Trends Current budget allocations are not adequate to ensure that strategic objectives are met. 25
PART C: LINKS TO OTHER PLANS 10. LINKS TO LONG-TERM INFRASTRUCTURE & OTHER CAPITAL PLANS KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board intends to construct the following: A new base station on the upper South Coast; Maritime Centre of Excellence training facility for off-shore survival; and A facility to conduct outreach educational programmes. 11. CONDITIONAL GRANTS Not applicable. 12. PUBLIC ENTITIES Not applicable. 13. PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS As a Schedule 3C of the PFMA Provincial Public Entity, the KZN Sharks Board does not have and has never entered into Public-Private Partnerships even though this is legally permissible in terms of its KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board Act Number 5 of 2008, as amended. 26
ACRONYMS B-BBEE Broad-based black economic empowerment NSFAS National student financial aid scheme CEO Chief Executive Officer ORI Oceanographic Research Institute CFO Chief Financial Officer PCC Provincial Coastal Committee Department of Economic Development, Tourism and EDTEA PFMA Public Finance Management Act Environmental Affairs Provincial Growth and Development Strategy and GRAP Generally Recognised Accounting Policies PGDS & P Plan IT Information Technology SAMSA South African Marine Safety Authority IPAP III Industrial Policy Action Plan SAWDN South African Whale Disentanglement Network KZNSBA KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board Act SCM Supply Chain Management Department of Economic Development, Tourism and KZNSB KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board Shareholder Environmental Affairs KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board Maritime Centre of KZNSB-MCoE SMME Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises Excellence MCoE Maritime Centre of Excellence SRC Shark-repellent Cable MEC Member of Executive Council SRT Shark-repellent Technology MLRF Marine Living Resources Fund SSG Shark Safety Gear MOU Memorandum of Understanding SVP Strategic Value Proposition MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework TETA Transport Education and Training Authority MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework TMP Tourism Master Plan NEMA National Environmental Management Act TOPS Threatened or Protected Species NRF National Research Foundation 27
ANNEXURE A: TECHNICAL INDICATOR DESCRIPTIONS: 5-YEAR STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE INDICATORS # Strategic Objective - Short Title # 5-year Strategic Objective Indicator 1.1.1 Average score on Strategic Leadership Assessment Tool 1.1 Strategic leadership 1.1.2 Percentage compliance in terms of approved Compliance Checklist 1.1.3 Status of external audit opinion 1.2 Financial sustainability 1.2.1 Percentage adherence to allocated and approved budget 1.3 Safe working environment 1.3.1 No mortalities and disabling injuries 1.4.1 Vacancy rate for key positions 1.4 Human resources 1.4.2 Percentage of salary budget spent on training 1.5 Job creation & economic development 1.5.1 Number of internships / learnerships / experiential learning opportunities offered 2.1 Prevent shark attacks 2.1.1 No shark attacks at protected beaches in KZN 2.2 Minimise catch of non-target species 2.2.1 Reduced catch of non-target species 3.1 Maritime training intake 3.1.1 Total number of learners admitted into Maritime Learning Programmes 3.2 Maritime job search and placement facilitated 3.2.1 Number of graduates supported to find jobs in the maritime industry 4.1 Scientific research and monitoring 4.1.1 Number of peer-reviewed publications 4.2 Shark repellent technology 4.2.1 Number of beaches at which SRT is successfully installed and evaluated 5.1 Educational and awareness programmes 5.1.1 Public awareness of bather safety concerns and role of Sharks Board 5.2 Marketing 5.2.1 Brand strength 28
TIDs for 5 year Strategic Objective Indicators: Programme: Administration Administration Administration Administration 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2.1 Title of the 5 year strategic objective Annual percentage compliance Average score on KZNSB Strategic Status of annual external audit Percentage adherence to allocated indicator: in terms of approved Leadership Assessment Tool opinion and approved budget Compliance Checklist Brief explanation of the indicator Average score on 3 linked criteria Annual % compliance with Status of annual external audit Percentage adherence to allocated using KZNSB Strategic Leadership relevant legislation on approved opinion and approved budget Assessment Tool Compliance Checklist What is the indicator intended to Track 3 aspects of leadership Tracks compliance and is Reflects the extent to which the Tracks the ability of the entity to show and why it is important performance: shape direction, important for achieving a clean entity is managed in line with adhere to its budget, providing an rigorous decision-making and build audit PFMA Treasury guidelines indication of the quality of financial capacity. management. Describes where the information Organisational records, Exco minutes Heads of Divisions will complete Audit report of Auditor General Financial records, accounting system comes from and how it is the checklist annually collected Describes how the indicator is Average score across 3 sub-indicators, Percentage of items complied Audit report of Auditor General Difference between budget and calculated assessed by Executive Committee. with on checklist actual spending, expressed as a percentage Identifies any limitation with the Possible subjectivity. Checklist not yet finalised None None indicator data Is the indicator measuring inputs, Outcome Outcome Outcome Outcome activities, outputs, outcomes etc Is performance cumulative, or Cumulative for the year Non-cumulative Non-cumulative Non-cumulative non-cumulative Is the indicator reported quarterly Annually Annually Annually Annually or annually Is the indicator is new, New* New* New* New* significantly changed, or unchanged Is desired performance higher or Higher level is desirable Higher level is desirable Unqualified audit report with no Higher level of adherence is desirable lower than targeted? matters of emphasis desirable Who is responsible for managing CEO Chief Financial Officer CEO Chief Financial Officer and reporting the indicator? * Note: All Strategic Objective Indicators are new. 29
TIDs for 5 year Strategic Objective Indicators ctd: Programme: Administration Administration Administration Administration Title of the 5 year 1.3.1 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5.1 strategic objective indicator No mortalities and disabling Vacancy rate for key positions Percentage of salary budget Number of internships / injuries spent on training learnerships / experiential learning opportunities offered Brief explanation of the indicator The overall number of mortalities Number of vacant positions that Percentage of salary budget spent The overall number of and disabling injuries resultant are considered key at all levels are on training internships, learnerships and from work-related accidents is filled experiential learning zero opportunities offered What is the indicator intended to Tracks the level of adherence to Tracking of vacancy rate of key Tracks the proportion of entity's Tracks the effort expended on show and why it is important safe work practices resulting in positions that impact on service resources dedicated to training. supporting job creation and the elimination of deaths and delivery economic development disabling injuries Describes where the information Occupational health and safety HR reports, organogram, WSP-IDP HR reports comes from and how it is collected reports. Minutes of Health and REMCOM minutes Safety Committee. Workmens’ Compensation Register. Describes how the indicator is Simple count Percentage vacancy of posts Percentage of salary budget spent Simple count calculated identified as key on training annually Identifies any limitation with the None None Timeous submission of relevant None indicator data documents Is the indicator measuring inputs, Outcome Outcome Output Output activities, outputs, outcomes etc Is performance cumulative, or non- Cumulative over 5 years Non-cumulative Cumulative – for the year Cumulative - for the period cumulative Is the indicator reported quarterly or Quarterly Quarterly Annually Annually annually Is the indicator is new, significantly New* New* New* New* changed, or unchanged Is desired performance higher or Lower is desirable Lower rate is desirable Higher level is desirable Higher rate is desirable lower than targeted? Who is responsible for managing Head of Corporate Services Head of Corporate Services Head of Corporate Services Head of Corporate Services and reporting the indicator? * Note: All Strategic Objective Indicators are new. 30
TIDs for 5 year Strategic Objective Indicators ctd: Programme: Bather Protection Bather Protection Maritime Skills Development Maritime Skills Development Title of the 5 year 2.1.1 2.2.1 3.1.1 3.2.1 strategic objective indicator No shark attacks at protected Reduced catch of non-target Total number of learners admitted Number of graduates supported beaches in KZN species into Maritime Learning to find jobs in the maritime Programmes industry Brief explanation of the indicator Number of incidents of shark bites Annual catch of non-target species Total number of learners admitted into Number of Maritime graduates to bathers occurring at Protected Maritime Learning Programmes over a provided with support in seeking and Beaches 5 year period gaining employment What is the indicator intended to Tracks the total number of shark Tracks the reduction in catch of non- Tracks the uptake of courses offered Tracks the effort put into assisting show and why it is important bite incidents that occur at target species in response to managing for the purpose of allocating resources Maritime graduates in seeking and protected beaches SSG during environmental events and and estimating demand gaining employment the introduction of modified shark safety gear Describes where the information Incident records of shark attack Beach supervisors count daily and Enrolment records Records of assistance provided to comes from and how it is collected from KZNSB, municipal officials, submit details of all captures to Head graduates Emergency Services, SAPS and Office Hospitals Describes how the indicator is Simple count of each incident Simple count of all animals caught, Each student is counted once for each Simple count calculated categorised by species course they register and pay for Identifies any limitation with the None Dependent on the ability of Supervisor None None indicator data to correctly identify animals captured. Is the indicator measuring inputs, Outcome Outcome Outcome Output activities, outputs, outcomes etc Is performance cumulative, or non- Cumulative – for the period Cumulative – for the year Cumulative over 5 years Cumulative cumulative Is the indicator reported quarterly or Quarterly Quarterly Annually Annually annually Is the indicator is new, significantly New* New* New* New* changed, or unchanged Is desired performance higher or Targeted performance is desirable Lower level (i.e. reduction in by-catch Higher level is desirable, and would Higher level is desirable lower than targeted? levels) is desirable indicate that the courses are addressing a need Who is responsible for managing Head of Operations Head of Operations Project Director, MCOE Project Director, MCOE and reporting the indicator? * Note: All Strategic Objective Indicators are new. 31
TIDs for 5 year Strategic Objective Indicators ctd: Division: Research and Monitoring Research and Monitoring Business Development Business Development Title of the 5 year 4.1.1 4.2.1 5.1.1 5.2.1 strategic objective indicator Number of peer-reviewed Number of beaches at which Public awareness of bather Brand strength publications shark repellent technology (SRT) safety concerns and role of is successfully installed and Sharks Board evaluated Brief explanation of the indicator The number of peer-reviewed Successful installation and evaluation Changes in awareness about bather Changes in levels of awareness of publications is an indication of the of an environmentally sensitive shark safety and the role played by Sharks Sharks Board services and products quality of the research produced by repellent cable at popular swimming Board that result from KZNSB-MCoE resulting from marketing activities the Research Division beach school programmes What is the indicator intended to Tracks the number of high quality Tracks progress on development, Monitors the outcome of effort Monitors the outcome of effort show and why it is important scientific research papers published installation and evaluation of SRT invested in bather safety education, invested in marketing activities annually and thus of the effectiveness of the presentations to schools Describes where the information Division records Installation, maintenance and No of schools (visited by Business Surveys to measure brand comes from and how it is collected evaluation records Development) who undertake awareness, Google analytics, social outings to Sharks Board per annum media Describes how the indicator is Simple count Simple count Simple count Survey analysis calculated Identifies any limitation with the None None External factors e.g. Dept policy on As per specific survey constraints indicator data school outings may affect performance Is the indicator measuring inputs, Output Output Outcome Outcomes and impacts activities, outputs, outcomes etc Is performance cumulative, or Cumulative – for the period Cumulative over 5 years Non-cumulative Non-cumulative non-cumulative Is the indicator reported quarterly Annually Annual Annually 5 yearly or annually Is the indicator new, significantly New* New* New* New* changed, or unchanged Is desired performance higher or Higher level is desirable Higher level is desirable Higher level is desirable Higher level is desirable lower than targeted? Who is responsible for managing Head of Research and Monitoring Head of Research and Monitoring Head of Business Development Head of Business Development and reporting the indicator? * Note: All Strategic Objective Indicators are new. 32
ANNEXURE B: TECHNICAL INDICATOR DESCRIPTIONS: PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Strategic Goal # Strategic objective – short title # Programme performance Indicator (annual) 1. Promotion of good corporate • Average annual score on Strategic Leadership Assessment Tool governance 1.1 Strategic leadership • Percentage compliance in terms of approved Compliance Checklist • Status of external audit opinion 1.2 Financial sustainability • Percentage adherence to allocated and approved budget 1.3 Safe working environment • Number of mortalities and disabling injuries • Vacancy rate for key positions 1.4 Human resources • Percentage of salary budget spent on training annually • Number of internships / learnerships / experiential learning 1.5 Job creation and economic development opportunities offered 2. Bathers protected from sharks 2.1 Prevent shark attacks • Annual number of shark attacks at protected beaches in an environmentally sensitive 2.2 Minimise catch of non-target species • Total annual catch of non-target species manner 3. Skills in the maritime sector 3.1 Maritime training intake • Total number of learners enrolled into Maritime Learning Programmes enhanced • Number of graduates supported to find jobs in the maritime industry 3.2 Maritime employment facilitated 4. Service delivery enabled 4.1 Scientific research and monitoring • Number of peer-reviewed publications through scientific capacity and knowledge generation 4.2 Shark repellent technology • Number of SRT evaluation sites established annually Tourism in KZN promoted 5.1 Education and awareness programmes • Number of schools visited annually through raised awareness about • Number of events and exhibitions participated in bather safety in relation to 5.2 Marketing • Number of trade shows attended sharks, and the role of KZNSB • Number of marketing products produced 33
1. Administration Programme (ctd): TIDs for Programme Performance Indicators (Annual): ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMME Title of the programme performance Average annual score on Strategic Percentage compliance in terms of Status of external audit opinion indicator Leadership Assessment Tool approved Compliance Checklist Brief explanation of the indicator Average annual score on 3 linked criteria Annual percentage compliance with Status of annual external audit opinion using KZNSB Strategic Leadership relevant legislation as reflected on Assessment Tool approved KZNSB-MCoE Compliance Checklist What is the indicator intended to show and why it is Track 3 aspects of leadership Tracks compliance and is important for Reflects the extent to which the entity is important performance: shape direction, rigorous achieving a clean audit managed in line with PFMA Treasury decision-making and build capacity. guidelines Describes where the information comes from and how Organisational records, Exco minutes Heads of Divisions will complete the Audit report of Auditor General it is collected checklist annually Describes how the indicator is calculated Average score across 3 sub-indicators, Percentage of items complied with on Audit report of Auditor General assessed by Executive Committee. checklist Identifies any limitation with the indicator data Possible subjectivity. Checklist not yet finalised None Is the indicator measuring inputs, activities, outputs, Outcome Outcome Outcome outcomes etc Is performance cumulative, or non-cumulative Cumulative for the year Non-cumulative Non-cumulative Is the indicator reported quarterly or annually Annually Annually Annually Is the indicator is new, significantly changed, or New* Unchanged Unchanged unchanged Is desired performance higher or lower than targeted? Higher level is desirable Higher level is desirable An unqualified audit report with no matters of emphasis is desirable Who is responsible for managing and reporting the CEO Head of Corporate Services Chief Financial Officer indicator? 34
Administration Programme (ctd): TIDs for Programme Performance Indicators (Annual): ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMME Title of the programme Percentage adherence to allocated and Number of mortalities and disabling Vacancy rate for key positions performance indicator approved budget injuries Brief explanation of the indicator Percentage adherence to allocated and The annual number of work-related Vacancy rate for key positions approved budget mortalities and disabling injuries What is the indicator intended to show and Tracks the ability of the entity to adhere to Tracks health and safety standards at Tracks vacancy rate of key positions, an why it is important its budget, providing an indication of the outcome level indicator organisational capacity at a quality of financial management. strategic level Describes where the information comes Financial records, accounting system Occupational health and safety reports Recruitment and termination records from and how it is collected Describes how the indicator is calculated Difference between budget and actual Simple count Percentage of key positions vacant spending, expressed as a percentage Identifies any limitation with the indicator None None None data Is the indicator measuring inputs, activities, Outcome Outcomes Outcome outputs, outcomes etc Is performance cumulative, or non- Non-cumulative Cumulative - for the year Non-cumulative cumulative Is the indicator reported quarterly or Annually Annually Quarterly annually Is the indicator is new, has significantly Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged changed, or unchanged Is actual performance that is higher or Higher level of adherence is desirable Lower level is desirable Lower rate is desirable lower than targeted performance desirable? Who is responsible for managing and Chief Financial Officer Head of Human Resources Head of Corporate Services reporting the indicator? 35
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