Page created by Herbert Potter
Taras Vasyltsiv1, Iryna Biletska2, Olha Mulska3*

1Doctor o f Economics, Professor, Dolishniy Institute o f Regional Research o f the National Academy o f Sciences o f
Ukraine, Kozelnytska str, 4, Lviv, Ukraine. Email:

2Doctor o f Economics, Associate professor, Ivano-Frankivsk Education and Research Institute o f Management o f West
Ukrainian National University, Dnistrovska str, 32, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, Email:

3PhD (Economics), Dolishniy Institute o f Regional Research o f the National Academy o f Sciences o f Ukraine, Kozelnytska
str, 4, Lviv, Ukraine. Email:

Received 02 04 2021; Accepted 13 04 2021

The formation of balanced budgets and increasing the financial potential of communities, a clear division of powers on
the principle of subsidiarity, improving the efficiency of financial resources and stimulating community development
have determined the relevance of Ukraine’s implementation of best practices in decentralization. The aim of the paper is
to analyse the effectiveness of the decentralization process in Ukraine and assess the possibilities of financing the
development of united territorial communities, identify the benefits of the Polish experience and determine the areas for
their implementation in Ukraine. During the research, the methods of logical generalization and synthesis, comparative
analysis, rating and integrated assessment of the financial capacity of the communities in Lviv region of Ukraine were
used. Based on the study of foreign, in particular Polish, experience of decentralization, the key reasons for its insufficient
effectiveness in Ukraine have been identified. The priority directions of the state policy are proposed and substantiated,
and their implementation will allow to increase the efficiency of decentralization in Ukraine.

Keywords: decentralization, united territorial communities, financial capacity, economic development, Poland, Ukraine.
JEL Classification: H83, P41.


      One of the main goals of local                                investment capacity and attractiveness of
government is to stimulate the development of                       communities. The financial capacity of UTC,
the local economy. Planning of social and                           which depends on the quality and efficiency of
economic transformations requires financial                         management, is the basis for setting strategic
support for infrastructure development, which                       goals for community development, improving
is closely related to the increase in its                           the effectiveness of administrative reform.
maintenance costs, but at the same time                                   One of the main problems in the
contributes to a high level of profitability of the                 functioning of local self-government is the
budget of the united territorial communities                        limited financial resources for current tasks
(UTC). The pace of the social and economic                          and the implementation of potential investment
development of UTC is significantly                                 needs. The reform of budget decentralization is
influenced by the level and structure of income                     one of the priority areas of structural
of the general fund, which determines the                           transformations of the national economy, the
Copyright © 2021 Author(s), published by Vytautas Magnus University. This is an open access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are credited. The material
cannot be used for commercial purposes.
effective implementation of which will              some territories of Ukraine, without studying
promote the optimal redistribution of income,       the experience of European countries.
the delegation of powers between levels of          Therefore, it is especially important to study
government and provide funding for social           the best world practices for the implementation
programs.      The       main     direction    of   of organizational and financial instruments and
decentralization is the formation of financially    measures to improve financial decentralization
affluent    communities       with    investment    for their implementation in Ukraine. Poland’s
opportunities to meet the needs of residents        experience is the most acceptable for the
and provide the quality public services.            national economy.
       In   recent years, the issue            of          The aim o f the paper is to analyse the
decentralization, its risk assessment, formation    effectiveness o f the decentralization process in
of priority areas for the development of UTC        Ukraine and assess the possibilities o f
is a broad subject of scientific discourse.         financing the development o f UTC, identify
Scientists at Lviv School of Regional Studies       the benefits o f the Polish experience and
have shown high interest in the issues of           distinguish areas for their implementation in
financial capacity and development of UTC,          Ukraine.
and the efficiency of decentralization                      The object o f the study is the financial
implementation [3; 12; 13; 14], and they            capacity o f UTC and decentralization
conducted a comprehensive study of the              processes in Poland, which can be
impact of financial decentralization on the         implemented in Ukraine.
economic development of UTC in both Central
and Western Ukraine. Scientific publications              Method of the research
by Lytvynchuk, I., Skydan, O., Ivaniuk, O.
[11], Vasyltsiv T. [15], Yeshchenko, M.,                  To assess the financial capacity o f UTC,
Fasolko, T., Dolgalova, O. [16] are devoted to      an integral approach was used, which can be
the study of theoretical and applied aspects of     applied to build an empirical indicator o f
decentralization. Numerous studies of the           financial   opportunities     for  community
relationship between the state policy of            development. In order to build an integral
decentralization and social and economic            coefficient o f financial capacity o f UTC in
development of territories, including those         2020, 8 indicators were selected (Fig. 1),
based on the European practices of smart-           which show the state o f financial support for
specialization, are revealed in the works of        the development and investment potential o f
Akai, N., Sakata, M [1], Blochliger, H., Égert,     UTC.
B., Fredriksen, K. [4], Borzel, T. & Langbein,
J. [6], Edwards, B. [5; 9], Cantarero D. [7], Lin
J. [10].
         Most research and suggestions in this
area have a systemic theoretical nature,
without practical significance for the
development      of regional        development
programs, as they were carried out and formed
because of analysis of decentralization risks in
Stimulants                                                                                                   Notation
                          • Income of the general fund per 1 person, thousand UAH                                                               y S :::::
                             • Capital expenditures per 1 person, thousand UAH                                                                    z7s2
                             • Capital expenditures in the total amount of expenditures, %.                                                       z7s3
                        • Expenditures of the general fund per 1 person, thousand UAH
                                              • Expenses for the support of the management staff
                              per 1 person, thousand UAH                                                    z$
                            • Level of budget subsidies, %.
                                     • The ratio of expenditures for the support of the management staff
                          to the income of the general fund, %.                                          z$
                                 • The share of wages in the expenses of the general fund, %.           z^

                            Figure 1. UTC financial capacity indicators (Source: author’s interpretation)

      The method of constructing an integral                                                                                  The integral coefficient of financial
indicator of UTC’s financial capacity involves                                                                         capacity o f UTC (formula 4) is calculated by
the implementation of three stages, namely 1)                                                                          the weighted average method as a linear
normalization of indicators within the set of                                                                          combination of indicators and weights.
UTC; 2) calculation of coefficients of weight
significance o f indicators; 3) assessment of the
                                                                                                                                           lPOn = ^ i=1w i * b in  ,
integral coefficient of financial capacity of                                                                                where IFOn is an integral indicator of the
UTC.                                                                                                                   financial capacity of n-th UTC.
      The normalization of indicators within                                                                                 In the process of research, the additional
the set of UTC is calculated by formula (1) for                                                                        methods of logical generalization and
stimulants and by formula (2) for destimulants.                                                                        synthesis are used for formation of the basic
                                                                                                                       conclusions     and     offers    of research;
                   us      _ „          / n max
                  u in = Lin / u in                   ,                                                                comparative analysis is for comparison of the
                                                                         (1)                                           intensity of administrative reform in Ukraine
                  u d _ n m in / 7
                  u in = u in / z in,                                                                                  and Poland; rating is for visualization of region
                                                                         (2)                                           ratings in Ukraine according to the level of
      where b fn , b fn are normalized values of                                                                       affluent communities.
i-th indicator of n-th UTC; z in is the initial
value of i-th indicator of n-th UTC;      , a™ n                                                                             Results and discussion
are maximum and minimum value of i-th
indicator of n-th UTC.                                                                                                       Building a system of delegation of
        The coefficients of weight significance                                                                        powers and financial resources at the level of
of indicators are determined on the basis of the                                                                       local governments is an important task of
principal component analysis, which allows to                                                                          decentralization; its effective implementation
eliminate the heterogeneity of the constructed                                                                         will help meet the needs of local residents. In
series of indicators. A necessary condition for                                                                        this context, financial and administrative
calculating the weights of the indicators is                                                                           decentralization are prerequisites for the
compliance with the appropriate equality                                                                               development of UTCs, factors in ensuring their
(formula 3).                                                                                                           capacity. At the same time, a significant risk of
                             ( wt
impact is observed in some regions of Ukraine.                                                                development to work in local government,
Thus, at the beginning of 2020, 1029 UTCs                                                                     ensuring the proper level o f prestigiousness o f
were created in Ukraine, which is 6.5 times                                                                   such work; the need to improve the system o f
higher than the corresponding coefficient                                                                     state supervision, control and correction o f
during 2014-2019. The number of residents                                                                     decisions by local governments if they
living in UTC in 2020 was 11.7 million people                                                                 contradict the principles and guidelines o f state
(about 34% o f the total population o f the                                                                   policy in the field o f national security.
country). U TC’s financial revenues in 2019                                                                          In the regional aspect, the development
amounted to about UAH 270 billion, which is                                                                   o f decentralization processes in Ukraine is not
an increase o f 14% or UAH 32.9 billion                                                                       balanced (Fig. 2). It is noteworthy that only
compared to 2018. The share of UTC local                                                                      about 50% o f the total amount o f necessary
budgets’ own revenues in 2019 was 6.8 %. For                                                                  processes has been implemented in Ukraine.
comparison, this share for 2014-2019                                                                          For example, in the leading regions there is a
                                                                                                              high level of decentralization implementation,
increased from 5.1% to 6.8% (or 1.7                                                                           while in some regions the share o f the
percentage points).                                                                                           population o f affluent communities does not
         The critical gaps in the legal framework                                                             exceed 50%, in most regions the share of
for the functioning o f UTC in Ukraine are the                                                                affluent communities is less than a half, and in
lack o f a new version o f regulations on service                                                             18 regions the share o f territorial communities
in local government, particularly in terms o f                                                                that are not joined does not exceed 40%.
regulating these issues and in encouraging the
population to         employment       and   self­

                                  0                           5                           10                           15                              20                            25   30

                  Kirovograd                                                                                                                                                      I 24
                    Vinnytsia                                                                                                                                            3   23
                  Zakarpattia                                                                                                                                         I 22
                           Lviv   =                                                                                                                               i 21
                          Kyiv                                                                                                                             I 20
                       Odessa     :                                                                                                              J    19
                     Cherkasy                                                                                                                  I 18
                      Kherson                                                                                                           1 17
                       Poltava    :                                                                                              I 16
                       Kharkiv                                                                                              15
             Ivano-Frankivsk      —                                                                                 I 14
                        Rivne     —                                                                          1 13
                      Luhansk                                                                      u    12
                   M ykolayiv                                                                    I 11
                     Ternopil                                                                  10
                   Chernivtsi                                                       3 9
                      Donetsk                                                 i 8
                        Sum y     —                                     I 7
                        Volyn     —                                 6
                Zaporizhzhia                                  I 5
                Khm elnytsky                              4
                    Chernihiv             =       i   3
             Dnepropetrovsk                   2
                    Zhytom yr         1

       Figure 2. Indicators of ranking the regions of Ukraine by the formation of affluent
                       communities, 2020 (Developed by the authors based on [7])
N ote: without considering the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of
Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk region
In Donetsk, Kharkiv, Odesa, Kyiv, Zakarpattia        voluntary unification (accession) of territorial
and Kirovohrad regions, the share o f the            communities have not started yet exceeds
districts’ amount where the processes of             30%; the share of UTCs with a population of

Copyright © 2021 Author(s), published by Vytautas Magnus University. This is an open access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are credited. The material
cannot be used for commercial purposes.
less than 5,000 remains low (the national                     Infrastructure tools create the conditions for
average was 34.8%); in Luhansk, Lviv and                      increasing the competitiveness of the territorial
Kirovohrad regions there are no UTCs with                     unit by improving the quantity and quality of
administrative centers in cities of regional                  provided communal and social services,
significance; in Cherkasy, Odesa, Kyiv, and                   creating conditions for the placement of new
Vinnytsia regions, more than 20% of territorial               economic entities. The investment activity of
communities       do not have long-term                       local     self-government        units    differs
development plans.                                            significantly from the investment activity of
       The financial capacity of UTC depends                  economic entities, as it is carried out in order
on certain cost financial instruments, including              to ensure a high level of financial capacity of
investment costs that help increase the                       UTC.
investment attractiveness of the community,                         For example, in Lviv region, the
attract investment in social infrastructure.                  indicators of U TC’s financial capacity in 2020
Ensuring a high level of community                            (Table 1), calculated on the basis of the
infrastructure is one of the main factors in the              author’s methodology, varied in the range from
development of UTC. Financial means to                        0.665 to 0.166, which indicates a significant
stimulate the infrastructure development                      differentiation of community development in
concern, first of all, support and expansion of               the region (Fig. 3). Slavske UTC, which has
technical    infrastructure     (water     supply,            the highest indicators among the studied
sewerage, electricity and heat supply, public                 communities        of     financial    capacity,
transport) and social infrastructure (education,              demonstrates high rates of development, and
culture, health care). Investing in infrastructure            conversely, Volytsk UTC with the lowest
strengthens the position of the commune in                    indicators of financial capacity shows
terms of attracting potential investors.                      insignificant rates of efficiency.

                    Figure 3. The level of financial capacity of UTC in Lviv region, 2020
                                                  (Developed by the authors)

Copyright © 2021 Author(s), published by Vytautas Magnus University. This is an open access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are credited. The material
cannot be used for commercial purposes.
It should be emphasized that the                                                             of financial capacity of communities from the
development of UTC is significantly                                                                  effectiveness of the implementation of
influenced by certain indicators of financial                                                        financial instruments for the development of
capacity. Thus, the largest impact, which can                                                        UTC (Fig. 4). Instead, the “Level of budget
be determined by the coefficient of weight                                                           subsidies” has a low level of importance for
significance, has the indicator of “Income of                                                        ensuring the financial capacity o f UTCs, which
the general fund per person” (17.87%) and                                                            is a confirmation of the thesis about the
“Expenditures of the general fund per person”                                                        importance of financial autonomy of
(15.26%), which indicates a high dependence                                                          communities to ensure the effectiveness of
                                                                                                     decentralization in Ukraine.

                                                  In c o m e o f th e g e n e ra l fu n d                                                                1 7 .8 7 %

                                         E x p e n d itu re s o f th e g e n e ra l fu n d                                                 J1 5 .2 6 %
      T h e ra te o f w a g e in th e e x p e n d itu re s o f th e g e n eral fu n d                                                       1 4 .9 0 %

            T h e ra tio o f e x p en d itu re s fo r th e m a in te n a n c e o f th e
            m a n a g e m e n t s ta f f an d re v e n u e s o f th e g e n e ra l fu n d
                                                                                                                                        1 3 .5 8 %

                                                            C a p ita l e x p e n d itu re s                                         13.0 7 %

        E x p e n s e s fo r th e m a in te n a n c e o f th e m a n a g e m e n t s ta f f                              ] 1 0 .5 4 %
      C a p ita l e x p e n d itu re s in th e to ta l a m o u n t o f e x p e n d itu re s                               9 .8 4 %

                                               T h e le v e l o f b u d g e t su b sid ie s            ] 4 .9 4 %
                                                                                          0 . 00 %                  10 . 00 %                             2 0 . 00 %

              Figure 4. Coefficients of weight significance of the indicator of financial capacity of
                            UTC in Lviv region, 2020 (Developed by the authors)

       The results o f the analysis o f the                                                          defined the scope of responsibilities of local
financial capacity indicator, on the example o f                                                     governments with all tasks that are not directly
UTC of Lviv region, confirm the thesis about                                                         assigned by law to higher authorities. In 1998,
the low efficiency and intensity o f the                                                             the local self-government reform was carried
decentralization     process     in    Ukraine.                                                      out, which consisted of the creation of two
International experience in decentralization is                                                      higher levels of state executive bodies such as
important, especially in those countries where                                                       the county and the province, as well as the
an administrative reform has been rapid and                                                          change in the territorial form and number of
highly effective. In particular, the experience                                                      provinces. The year 1999 was especially
of the Polish model of decentralization can be                                                       important, when a new administrative and
considered as the most acceptable for Ukraine.                                                       territorial reform was implemented and the
Thus, in the Republic of Poland, the processes                                                       division into statistical regions according to the
o f decentralization in accordance with the                                                          nomenclature of regions of the European
principles and regulations o f the European                                                          Union (NUTS) was done. The administrative
Charter of Local Self-Government began much                                                          division consolidated 16 provinces, 308
earlier. The main innovations in public                                                              counties and 2,489 communes, including 65
administration at the local level took place                                                         cities with the status of urban counties. A
after the adoption o f the new Constitution o f                                                      characteristic         feature       of        the
Poland (17.10.1997), and its regulations                                                             decentralizedsystem of public administration
was the creation of local government, which                   local level in Poland has become three-tier and
has a unit fundamentally separated from the                   includes a commune (community), a county
central government called the commune.                        (district) and a province. It is worth
Residents of the commune are given the                        emphasizing the main tasks (functions) that are
opportunity to form a territorial community                   distributed at different levels of local self­
based on the fact of living in a certain area. The            government in Poland (Fig. 5).
supreme body of the commune became the
commune council, which is formed by
elections.      Concerning       the     financial
decentralization, the state expenditures on
local council budgets have been replaced by
the budgets of the new territorial units, which
have also become economic units.
       The most difficult political problem was
the delimitation of new territorial units, as the
reform led to the abolition of most
administrative regions, which led to the
degradation of regional capitals, political and
administrative elites, and the deformation of
relationship between business and political
structures. The reform, although not fully,
contributed to the unification of the
organizational structure of Poland, but ensured
its transformation from departmental and
territorial structure to merely territorial one.
This has helped bring Poland closer to the
European standards of territorial organization
and the structure of public administration at the
local level, based on the principles of building
civil     society,   efficiency,    transparency,
subsidiarity, openness, accountability and
       The reform of the public administration
system at the local level made it possible to
form a new administrative system in Poland.
The system of public administration at the

Copyright © 2021 Author(s), published by Vytautas Magnus University. This is an open access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are credited. The material
cannot be used for commercial purposes.
Levels o f self­   r                                         Functions
                            • formation of national, civic and cultural self-consciousness;
                            • stimulating economic activity;
                            • increasing the level of competitiveness of the territory's economy;
                            • preservation of cultural and natural values;
                            • formation and support of territorial improvement;
                            • creating conditions for economic growth;
                            • maintenance and expansion of social and technical infrastructure of regional
         O              K
                            • support of public services on a regional scale.

                                 higher level education not primary; social support;
                                 health and environmental protection, fire protection;
                                 land management; execution of construction supervision;
     Counties                    construction and maintenance of inter-communal roads;
                                 counteraction to unemployment; security and public order;
                                 conducting local agricultural services;

        o                        servicing the civil administration beyond the competence of the commune;
                                 culture; physical culture and tourism.

                            •   territorial management, environmental protection and territorial improvement.
                            •   maintenance of road infrastructure and transport;
                            •   water supply and drainage, waste management, power engineering;
                            •   health care; social support; primary education;
    Communes                •   communal housing construction;
                            •   culture; Physical Education;
                            •   functioning of markets, trade and services;
                            •   public order and fire safety;
                            •   support of commune facilities, administrative facilities, etc.

Figure 5. Institutional support of local self-government in the Republic of Poland (Developed by
                                           the author based on data [2, p. 29])

     As a result of generalization of                            directions of the state policy of formation of
tendencies and intensity of decentralization in                  administrative system in Ukraine taking into
Ukraine, and also the Polish experience of                       account the best practice of Poland are defined
administrative    reform    the    perspective                   (Fig. 6).
Figure 6. Perspective directions of implementation of the experience of the Republic of
                    Poland’s decentralization in Ukraine (Developed by the authors)

      The priority and key direction for                      are being implemented in these and other
Ukraine should be the introduction of a                       areas, which are not coordinated strategically,
systematic approach to administrative reform,                 politically and economically, or even in time.
which is based on the expansion of                                    Using this element o f the Polish
administrative and financial decentralization in              experience would significantly increase the
its social direction. A significant institutional             efficiency of decentralization in Ukraine and
advantage of the Polish experience of                         intensify the pace of its implementation, as the
decentralization is that it was not only                      entities benefit at all levels of relations,
administrative,     territorial and financial                 especially     central,    local,   community,
decentralization, but also implemented nine                   individual ones. For example, in the field of
areas of reforming within a single package of                 health care, in parallel with decentralization in
the Plan by L. Balcerowicz. Accordingly,                      Poland, changes have been implemented,
changes in the areas of education, health care,               according to which the unemployed and other
medicine, housing and communal services, and                  socially vulnerable groups receive support
infrastructure have been implemented in the                   from the state, and the local population get it
regulations of administrative and territorial                 through taxes to the National Health Fund. The
decentralization. In Ukraine, disparate reforms               salaries of medical workers are provided at the

Copyright © 2021 Author(s), published by Vytautas Magnus University. This is an open access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are credited. The material
cannot be used for commercial purposes.
lowest level, and at the central level, programs              shown that it is difficult to solve problems
for the development of the medical system are                 without a single center of reform.
implemented, as well as health care facilities                       In Ukraine, during the planning of the
are maintained.                                               decentralization reform, some of the changes
       In the field of education, educational                 were hidden and thus the real reforming was
institutions were maximally decentralized,                    replaced by its imitation. So, in Ukraine,
when they were owned exclusively by local                     district state administrations have been
governments. They fully determine the content                 preserved, while in Poland, at the county level,
of educational and training programs.                         central government representations have been
However, the centralized ministry fixes the list              abolished, and the institution of province has
of exams and assessment criteria.                             been left only at the province level. Therefore,
       An important area of implementation of                 there is a need to eliminate the institution of
Poland’s experience in the field of                           public administration at the district level. In
decentralization in Ukraine is the widespread                 Ukraine, the establishment of the institution of
use of Ukrainian and Polish and other                         the perfect (as a form of presidential
international programs of cooperation and                     administration) is expected, which causes
dissemination of experience in the field of                   public controversy over the resumption of
decentralization. For example, at the stage of                centralization of power.
decentralization reform, Poland more actively                        It is important to differentiate in Ukraine
and widely provided financial, expert,                        the     functions     of     development       and
information and communication and other                       implementation of legislative norms, their
support in this area both through international               implementation, as well as direct management
cooperation and its own programs by directly                  of territorial development. Thus, in Poland, a
delegating and monitoring the implementation                  corresponding principle was enshrined in law,
of such tasks to the Polish Ministry of Foreign               according to which people who developed the
Affairs.                                                      decentralization reform were not entitled (as
       The third strategic direction envisages a              well as members of their families) to
clear determination of a single center and                    participate in the management of local
assigning functions to it regarding the                       communities for 10 years after the introduction
coordination      of    the    formation      and             of reforms. Instead, there are no such
implementation of decentralization policy in                  restrictions in Ukraine. Numerous reforms are
Ukraine. It is said that, in contrast to Poland,              being developed by the Cabinet of Ministers of
where one of the main organizational and                      Ukraine, which contradicts the law, as the
managerial factors for the success of                         Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is not a
decentralization reform has been the existence                legislative body. The existence of such gaps,
of “single headquarters of reforms”, Ukraine                  despite corruption, leads to a conflict of
has a large number of such centers, but at the                interests at various levels of government. It is
same time they are absent at the regional and                 appropriate to differentiate legally both the
local levels. Thus, there is a “dragging” of the              relevant structures and the persons who
initiative    from     some     structures    and             develop laws, implement laws and carry out
coordinating councils of reforms to others,                   public administration.
excessive turn in decision-making at the                             Ukraine should also use the experience
central level as to the local one (a clear                    of Poland to ensure further improvement of the
example was the compulsion to unite a number                  system of financing the development of
of settlements to others, such as Great Lviv).                territorial communities, increasing the level of
Thus, the Ukrainian and Polish experience has                 their financial self-sufficiency and

Copyright © 2021 Author(s), published by Vytautas Magnus University. This is an open access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are credited. The material
cannot be used for commercial purposes.
independence. Thus, after the introduction of                           Conclusions
budgetary and financial decentralization,
territorial communities received much more                             The speed, intensity and quality of
financial resources for the implementation of                   reforms in Ukraine are insufficient to ensure a
territorial development programs, in particular,                high level of efficiency in the decentralization
increasing the share of own revenues.                           process. Based on the experience of
       It is worth emphasizing the importance                   decentralization in Poland, promising areas of
of implementing effective practices o f the                     public policy have been identified, their
Polish experience, in particular, consolidating                 implementation will increase the effectiveness
guaranteed incomes at the legislative level.                    of decentralization in Ukraine, namely the
These are, in particular, own revenues and                      introduction of a more systematic approach
transfers from the center (real estate tax); a part             within decentralization reform, expansion of
of the corporate income tax in the community;                   administrative and financial decentralization in
a part of the personal income tax. Systematic                   the social direction; wider use of opportunities
practice in Poland is financial support and                     of Ukrainian and Polish and other international
cooperation between provinces.                                  programs of cooperation and dissemination of
       The use of the Polish experience in                      experience in the field of decentralization;
extending decentralization reform from the                      clear determination of a single center and
administrative and budgetary sphere to the                      assigning to it the functions of coordinating the
property, land and resource spheres can be no                   formation        and      implementation        of
less relevant and in fact a continuation of the                 decentralization policy; liquidation of the
policy to improve financial opportunities of                    institute     of       public       administration
communities. In fact, it is difficult for the                   representation at the district level; delimitation
realities in Ukraine. However, in the case of                   of     functions      of     development       and
such changes it would give a tremendous                         implementation of legislative norms, their
impact on the social and economic                               realization, and also directly management of
development of areas, especially weak and                       development         of     territories;    further
depressed ones. In Poland, all property and                     improvement of the system of financial
land (except for strategically important                        support for the development of territorial
facilities) were transferred to the ownership of                communities, increasing the level of their
the communes. This was an impetus to the                        financial self-sufficiency and independence;
development of the communal real estate                         development of decentralization reform from
market and community banking services.                          administrative and budgetary to property, land
Accordingly, communities received the                           and resource spheres.
necessary resources for their functioning and
further progress.


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