Ballymastone, Donabate Framework Plan - February 2018 - Reddy ...
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Contents Ballymastone Framework Plan Framework Team 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Site and Planning Context 3.0 Framework Strategy 4.0 Framework Plan 5.0 Appendix A A Strategic Environmental Screening (SEA) Screening for Appropriate Assessment (AA) Appendix B B Further Information For Use By Fingal County Council eagP 2
Framework Team Ballymastone Framework Plan Fingal County Council Reddy Architecture + Urbanism Planning & Strategic Infrastructure Department Dartry Mills Fingal County Council Dartry County Hall Dublin 6 Swords Co.Dublin Co.Dublin Tel: +353 1 498 7000 AnnMarie Farrelly, Director of Services Fionnula May, County Architect Matthew McAleese, Senior Planner Roisin Burke, A/Senior Executive Planner Tel: +353 1 8905000 Reddy A+U were commissioned by Fingal County Council to prepare a Framework Plan for 50 ha site located in Ballymastone, Donabate, North County Dublin. The Ballymastone Framework Plan sets out the strategy for the sustainable development of the site within the Donabate LAP 2016 ensuring proper sustainable development of the area in tandem with the continued development of Donabate as a growing town centre in North County Dublin. The Framework sets out to achieve the key objectives laid out by Fingal County Council for the lands which includes: • Circa 1000+ Mixed Tenure Housing Units • 1no. Post Primary School • 2no. Primary Schools • 1no. Community Facility • Utilisation of Existing St Patricks and St Ita’s Sporting Facilities • High Quality Public Open Spaces to Create Character Areas eagP 4
Introduction Ballymastone Framework Plan The strategic housing role is at the heart of local authority place • The type and extent of any proposed development indicating buildings. The Ballymastone Framework provides a mechanism shaping – creating vibrant mixed communities by ensuring that how these uses integrate with surrounding development for the efficient delivery of the development within the the right housing, of the highest quality, is in the right place with and land uses; parameters of Fingal Development Plan 2017 – 2023, the the necessary infrastructure and support. Donabate Local Area Plan 2016 and current national planning • Proposals for transportation including vehicular roads layout guidelines. Our vision for housing, and the aim of this Framework Plan, and access arrangements; is to deliver homes of the right type, quality and cost in the Environmental Screening right locations in line with the current and future needs of the • The facilitation of public access to the proposed amenity The following initial screening processes have been carried population to ensure Fingal remains an attractive location to live areas located within the Plan boundaries and beyond; out: and help ease affordability pressures. • Where possible, retention of: historic townland boundaries, • Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Plan. This Donabate is located approximately 25km from Dublin City mature hedgerows and trees, which have been incorporated is not mandatory, however, a screening process has been Centre and is approximately 11km north of Dublin Airport. The either into the street layout or within open spaces; and carried out to determine if SEA is needed in accordance with Donabate peninsula is bound on the northern and southern sides incorporate the specific area of archaeological interest to the European Communities (Environmental Assessment of by the Rogerstown and Malahide Estuaries and by the village of the south of the site within a park or open space; and Certain Plans and Programmes) Regs 2004. Portrane to the East. Donabate has a diverse character including the existing village core, the coast and the demesne landscape. • Provision for sport, recreational and educational • Screening for Appropriate Assessment (AA) in accordance It is surrounded by agricultural, residential and recreational uses infrastructure commensurate with the needs of the with under Articles 6 (3) and 6 (4) of the Habitats Directive and the town is well connected by road and public transport. development and in accordance with the provisions of the (92/43/EEC). This is being carried out to ascertain whether Local Area Plan, having specific regard to the proposed the masterplan is likely to have a significant effect on any Fingal County Council owns approximately 50 hectares of land at Ballymastone Education and Recreation Campus. Natura site, either individually or in combination with Ballymastone, of this approximately 36 hectares will be available other plans or projects. for development. These Council owned lands represent an The Framework outlines the spatial arrangement between key opportunity for Fingal to deliver a successful and sustainable elements, including function: land use/place; public domain: Copies of all of the above assessments and reports are attached Community through the provision of high quality and attractive routes/spaces/landscape, and built form: urban blocks and in the appendices. residential development and the provision of accessible community, open space and recreational facilities. It will provide an appropriate mix of house sizes, types and tenure to meet household needs and to promote balanced communities. The vision for these lands is to develop a sustainable mixed tenure housing development integrated with the existing village and provide an exemplar sustainable housing development with the provision of community, recreational and educational facilities in tandem with delivery of housing. The Ballymastone Framework provides the broad design principles and outlines guidelines for the development of the lands. The Framework is the first step in the design process. In line with the aims and objectives of the LAP, the Framework includes: • Proposals for the overall design of the proposed development including house types and mix of housing units and general design, including that of public realm; OSI Historic Map 25inch 1988-1913 Fingal County Council - Vision for Ballymastone Lands eagP 6
Vision Ballymastone Lands Vision The Donabate Local Area Plan is the key policy document The Donabate LAP identifies 4 distinct areas. The that sets out the overall strategy for the proper planning Ballymastone lands are one of these distinct areas and and sustainable development of Donabate for the are in the ownership of the Council. The Ballymastone period 2016 – 2022 and beyond. development lands include approximately 36ha (taking into account the existing football club facilities The strategy, within the LAP, is one that supports the and the land-take for the Donabate Distributor Road creation of sustainable communities, with the provision (DDR) and therefore have the capacity to provide of high quality and attractive residential development for approximately 1,000 no. residential units, based with a focus on best practice urban design and on an average density of 35 units per hectare. The layout, and, in tandem, the provision of social and residential character of development on these lands physical infrastructure. The Local Area Plan caters for will comprise a mix of units, serving both public and all members of society and delivers a range of house private housing needs. In terms of spatial planning the types and sizes, which will provide more opportunities overall objective in relation to housing is the creation for people to stay and live locally at every stage of of sustainable neighbourhoods “and maximise the their lives. In simple terms Fingal County Council want contribution of the built environment to addressing Donabate to grow in an organic sustainable way and climate change” (Rebuilding Ireland, 2016 p.9). ensure a seamless integration between the established Within the Ballymastone lands, this translates into and new communities. the integration of new development with the existing community, availing of the existing public transport The LAP allows for high quality housing of an appropriate and the provision of additional social and community scale and mix, located in an optimum location and aligned infrastructure for the use of new and existing residents. with appropriate infrastructure, services and amenities. The residential lands at Donabate were identified as a The residential units will consist of an appropriate Major Urban Housing Development Site in Fingal. The mix of private, social and affordable homes with the proposed Donabate Distributor Road (DDR) includes objective of delivering a sustainable mixed tenure a bridge over the railway line and supports significant housing development. The overall scheme will contain residential development. The announcement of LIHAF a mix of units including 1, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom detached, funding for the DDR and its construction will allow the semi-detached, terrace houses, duplex units and delivery of new houses in Donabate in an earlier time- apartments. The delivery of housing for the elderly frame than originally envisaged. and others with specific housing needs will also be considered. The Ballymastone lands will also contribute to the creation of a more socially inclusive, equal and culturally diverse society by providing for appropriate community infrastructure, quality public realm and improving access throughout Donabate. In particular, the eastern portion of the lands are identified as an appropriate location for an ‘Education and Recreation Hub’, which will include the consolidation of the established sporting amenities and will be co-located with proposed new school facilities. Two primary schools and one post-primary school will be provided on the Ballymastone lands. Extract from Donabate LAP - Ballymastone LAP Lands: Future Development Extract from Donabate LAP - St Ita’s and St Pats Football Lands eagP 8
Planning Context Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023_Zoning Map Sheet No.7 SITE Extract from Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 - Sheet No.7 Donabate/Portrane eagP 9
Donabate Local Area Plan 2016 - 2022 Rahillion Phasing of Development Legend ¨ Donabate Local Area Plan 2016-2022 e Road Phasing Carrs Mill Portran Phase 1 Z Phase 2 Turvey Figure 9.1 Donabate Local Area Plan 2016 - 2022 Phase 3 Rahillion Phasing Figureof 9.1Development Donabate Local Area Plan 2016 - 2022 NOTE : Delineation between phases above is indicative Rahillion Phasing only and willofultimately Development reflect permitted layout d following detailed assessment. oa eR Legend ran rt Po e Road Legend Ballymastone Education and Recreation Carrs Mill Portran Phase 1 Reservation Road Campus Beverton e Road rstown Carrs Mill Portran Z Phase 1 Non Development Phase 2 Lands Beave Turvey Z (as per Flood Risk Assessment) St Itas Phase 2 F Turvey National Forensic Mental Hospital Phase 3 Shared Community and Education Campus Subject Site Phase 3 F NOTE : Delineation between phases above is indicative F The Links F onlyBoundary NOTE : Delineation andbetween of LAP Lands phases will ultimately above reflectispermitted indicative layout onlyfollowing and will ultimately detailedreflect permitted layout d assessment. oa Ballymastone F eR d following detailed assessment. oa ran eR rt ran Indicative Access Roads Po F rt Po Spires East Ballymastone Ballymastone Education Education and Recreation and Recreation t tree Road Campus Reservation Road Campus Reservation Main S Beverton Beverton Permitted Development rstown rstown Donabate NonNon Development Lands Lands Development Beave Train Station Beave Turve y Aven (as per (as Flood Risk Assessment) per Flood Risk Assessment) ue St Itas Donabate Distributor Road (XYZ) St Itas F National Forensic Mental Hospital F National Forensic Mental Hospital H H Shared Community and Education Campus Newbridge HH HH Shared Community and Education Campus Corballis Nature Park F Demesne H F H F Chap e l View Boundary of LAP Lands F The Links F F Ballymastone Boundary of LAP Lands F The Links Pedestrian & Cycleway Links Ballymastone F F The Strand Indicative Access Roads FF F Spires East Indicative Access Roads reet Balca Landscape Buffer for Development Main St rr ick R Spires ad East o Permitted Development t tree Donabate Main S Train Station E E E E E Permitted Development Donabate EEEEE Strategic Donabate Landscape Distributor Mitigation Area Road (XYZ) Train Station EEEEE F Y HH Donabate Distributor Road (XYZ) Newbridge HH HH LC Corballis Demesne Chap H " )H LocalNatureCentrePark e l View HH Newbridge HH HH Pedestrian Corballis Nature Park Demesne F Chap e l View Corballis East The Strand F F H#*H Pumping& Cycleway Station Links Corballis West Balca rr ick R Pedestrian Landscape Buffer&for Cycleway Links Development F o ad The Strand . Primary School Site F F Balca rr ick R EEEEE o ad Strategic Landscape Mitigation Area Balca rr ick R EEEEE Landscape Buffer for Development Hearse Road F o ad EEEEE LC Y . Secondary School Site F ) " E ELCE E ELocal Centre F E E E E E Strategic Landscape Mitigation Area EEEEE F F Corballis East Y # * Pumping Station Corballis West ) " LC Local Centre . Primary School Site F Balca Hearse Road F Corballis East rr ick R o ad # * Pumping Station Corballis LC . Secondary School Site Corballis West Nature Park F X F . Primary School Site F Balca rr ick R o ad Hearse Road LC . Secondary School Site F F Planning Department, County Hall Main Street, Swords Corballis Nature Park Adopted By Council 14th March 2016 Director of Services: AnnMarie Farrelly Senior Planner: Matthew McAleese Prepared By: S.Ryan Drawn By: S.McMahon Corballis Planning Department, County Hall Date: March 2016Street, Swords Scale @ A1: 1:5,000 Nature Park Main Extract from Donabate Local Area Plan 2016-2022: Section 9 Figure 9.1 Phasing Plan Donabate LAP Adopted By Council © Ordnance Survey 14th March Ireland. 2016 reserved. All rights Licence number 2016/24/CCMAFingalCountyCouncil Director of Services: AnnMarie Farrelly Senior Planner: Matthew McAleese Prepared By: S.Ryan eagP Drawn By: S.McMahon 10 Planning Date: March 2016 Department, Scale @ A1:County 1:5,000 Hall Main Street, Swords © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. LicenceAdopted number 2016/24/CCMAFingalCountyCouncil By Council 14th March 2016 Director of Services: AnnMarie Farrelly
Donabate Local Area Plan 2016-2022 Proximity to Town Centre Site Boundary Highlighted In Red Extract from Donabate LAP - Ballymastone LAP Lands: Proximity of Site to Train Station/Town Centre eagP 11
Site Location Ballymastone Lands, Ballymastone, Donabate, Co Dublin Ballymastone Lands Description The Donabate LAP identifies lands at Ballymastone for development. These lands are situated between Donabate Village and Portrane Demesne (St Ita’s Hospital). To the west and north of the LAP lands, there is existing residential development and a local cemetery. The lands to the south are zoned for residential development (Objective ‘RS’), whilst the lands east and northeast are zoned Objective ‘OS’ (open space) and Objective ‘HA’ (high amenity). The northeastern corner of the LAP lands are included within the Portrane Demesne (St Ita’s Hospital) Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) and the lands to the northeast and southeast of the LAP area are designated as a ‘Nature Development Area’ within the FDP 2017-2023 (Sheet 15). There are 22 acres of LAP lands at Ballymastone, which are currently home to St Patrick’s GAA grounds and St Ita’s Football Club. The LAP lands at Ballymastone are characterised by an established well-defined field pattern c.6Ha enclosed by hedgerows and trees. There is an c.24Ha existing mature woodland area to the northeast of the LAP lands, where the lands adjoin the c.9Ha boundary with Portrane Demesne. Pedestrian access will be provided from the LAP lands at Ballymastone to St Ita’s Demesne for public use, c.6Ha in accordance with proposals contained in the St. Ita’s Feasibility Study (Nov 2013). Ballymastone Lands Aerial View Site Area (Gross): 50.2Ha Useable Site Area: Housing & Green Spaces Educational Hub Sports Grounds (c.30Ha) (c.6Ha) (c.9Ha) eagP 12
Archaeology Archaeological Assessment Archaeological Assessment An Archaeological Assessment of the Ballymastone lands was carried out by William O.Frazer and Carina Eriksson Margaret Gowen & Co Ltd for Fingal County Council in January 2008. The Archaeological Assessment (section 3.5) of the Ballymastone lands provides a background to the locations of the archaeological features of the site. The report states “The geology of the natural subsoil underlying the Ballymastone Lands proved to be remarkably heterogeneous and remarkably impermeable. The consequence of the latter is that, across the site, low lying areas were boggy and waterlogged. Archaeology identified was located, without exception, on higher and dryer ground, indicating that this drainage problem is one that has persisted for millennia. Predictive analysis of the full extent of the archaeology identified (see report Section 6) can also be corroborated through a comparison with contour maps of the local topography: sensibly, locations of former human occupation and, apparently, other activity, do not occur in boggy areas that might be subject to flooding.” Twenty-six test trenches were excavated (Trenches BT1–26; Figs 2–4), for a combined total area of approximately 1882m2 (990.5m combined length x c.1.9m trench width). In addition, the standing remains of the curving field boundary between Fields 16 and 17 was also investigated and recorded (see archaeological assessment report Figs 2, 4; Plate 16). Trenches were excavated with a mechanical digger equipped with a flat-edged grading bucket to the upper surface of archaeology or sterile natural subsoil, whichever appeared first. Potential archaeology was then ‘cleaned back’ by hand. A limited degree of further hand Recorded Monuments investigation was undertaken, as required, Approximate Location of monuments as listed on FCC Development Plan 2017-23 Appendix 3:Recorded Monuments to ascertain the nature and extent of any Drawing extract above taken from Archaeological Assessment, Ballymastone Lands, Donabate Local Area Action Plan, Donabate, Co. Dublin. Frazer and Erikson, 28 January 2008. archaeology identified. eagP 13
Archaeology Recorded Monuments Identified Archaeology Recorded Monuments The Archaeology Assessment report identifies The Donabate area is known to have been The Donabate LAP (section 5.2.2) highlights four ‘Archaeological Risk Zones‘ located on the extensively settled since the prehistoric period. the Donabate-Portrane Historic Landscape Ballymastone lands (shown hatched green on Fingal County Council commissioned an Characterisation, 2007 report “revealed a the Archaeological Assessment map- extract to archaeological and cultural heritage assessment number of potential archaeological features and the right). The report states these Zones include of the Donabate Local Area Plan lands which sites, some of which warrant further investigation ‘buffer areas’ of 20m around the identified formed part of the plans background research. prior to the commencement of any development archaeology, in keeping with accepted practice Desktop studies, field walkover survey and a on these lands. Any applications for development and the general recommendations of heritage geophysical survey of the Ballymastone lands on the LAP lands should be accompanied by an authorities on other green field developments. was carried out. Limited test excavations were Archaeological Impact Assessment, the results also carried out. of which may require further investigation. In In all cases, identified archaeology and related addition, all relevant applications will be referred Extract above from Archaeological Assessment Map,Frazer and Erikson,2008. geophysical anomalies lie on higher ground, a The Donabate-Portrane Historic Landscape to the Department of Arts, Heritage, and the consequence of the impermeable subsoil and Characterisation, 2007 also revealed a number Gaeltacht for their comment and advice.” There are three monuments as recorded within the Fingal the tendency for low-lying areas on the site to of potential archaeological features and sites. Development Plan 2017-2023 Appendix 3:Recorded Monuments. become boggy or to flood. The extents of the These recorded monuments are described further within the Zones have therefore been curtailed wherever Donabate LAP 2016 Table 5.3 (shown below). possible by the intersection of topographical contours below which archaeology does not seem to occur on the Ballymastone Lands. It should be noted that the report notes these Zones do not demarcate areas which are necessarily full of archaeology. “All contain identified archaeology, but the zones demarcate the extent around that confirmed archaeology: (1) in which the potential for other related archaeology is highest, and (2) for which heritage authorities are likely to recommend more stringent archaeological mitigation measures (e.g. resolution by archaeological excavation or avoidance and preservation in situ, depending on details of future development)”. The zones should therefore assist in managing the risk of significant archaeological mitigation programme and costs, by permitting architects and engineers to take cognisance of their presence early in development design. Please see William O.Frazer and Carina Eriksson Margaret Gowen & Co Ltd Archaeological Assessment, January 2008. Extract from Donabate LAP 2016_Figure 5.4 Map showing locations of Recorded Monuments. eagP 14
Framework Strategy 4.0
Placemaking Concept View of Lands From The Links View of Existing Mature Trees to Looking East South Boundary of Cemetery Existing Access to Lands From The Existing Eastern Boundary to Links Priory Wood Existing Pedestrian Routes from Existing St Patricks GAA Club The Links to Donabate Village House View looking North from New Rd Existing St Patricks GAA Pitches Edge Condition and Site Permeability Diagram eagP 16
Placemaking Concept Neighbourhoods: Proximity to the Town Centre The Creation of New Vibrant Neighbourhoods Neighbourhoods: Connecting New with Existing The Creation of Strong Links Between New Communities and the Existing Village Core Page 17
Placemaking Concept Existing Landscape Condition Existing Landscape Condition-Extract from Donabate LAP- St Ita’s & St Pats Lands Landscape Strategy: Existing Condition Landscape Strategy: Proposed Condition Hedgerows and water courses Preserve existing hedgerows while creating permeability to town centre via enhanced greenways. Creation of wetlands for water attenuation eagP 18
Framework Strategy Land Uses Vibrant Neighbourhoods: Character Areas Ballalease Ballymastone Ballisk Landscape Strategy: Greenways/Corridors Mobility: Permeability and Circulation Links eagP 19
Framework Plan 5.0
Framework Plan Neighbourhoods Neighbourhoods - Streets The Framework has been developed to cater for varying residential typologies with appropriate density, building height and tenure varying according to location within the site. Lower building heights are maintained adjacent to site boundaries which adjoin existing residential buildings. The density and building heights also 3. Ballalease react to the pattern of streets and spaces. The higher density residential buildings are located within the heart of the scheme creating a strong urban place which also defines the urban edge to the proposed Donabate Distributor 2. Ballymastone Road (DDR). Defining the character areas The main access road will be the Donabate Distributor Road, with secondary routes, the green infrastructure of the “Linear Park” and the creation of additional “Pocket Gardens” permeating from this main artery. These connect into each of the three character areas as organising elements and individual character areas are created. Urban blocks of housing will be located in the zones created by the central Neighbourhood Green Amenity Space and will further define character areas of the new built environment within the framework site. 1. Ballisk The design of blocks, massing, mixed tenure, elevational treatment and variation in materials will compliment existing landscape features and neighbouring design characteristics but also allow for diversity and unique identity to be created within the three character areas: 1. Ballisk 2. Ballymastone 3. Ballalease Primary Streets & Green Space Diagram eagP 21
Framework Plan Neighbourhood Character Areas Each character area will be distinguishable in terms of materiality and design. The Character Areas themselves may be further broken down into identifiable neighbourhood areas introducing variety associated with housing typology. Material palettes for each of the Neighbourhoods should be carefully considered having regard to the adjoining existing buildings and also the design and finishes of the other Character Areas - Ballisk, Ballymastone and Ballalease. Character Area 01 - Ballisk Character Area 02 - Ballymastone Character Area 03 - Ballalease 3. 2. 1. Examples of material palettes for use within the Framework Plan Feature Brick / Traditional The use of light coloured brick and considered mortar joint colour in conjunction with coloured render for terrace and duplex typologies. Corner elements and elevations to the green amenity spaces can benefit from feature brick treatments. Metal and Stone Cladding Standing seam zinc or similar may be used in facade details such as canopies at entrances and dormer windows. Stone cladding can be used in selected locations and on community facility and educational buildings. Rendered Facade Cladding The use of render systems of alternative colours will accentuate the massing and vertical breaks in terraces and work well with other natural materials such as brick. eagP 22
Framework Plan Neighbourhood Green Amenity Areas The green infrastructure of the ‘Linear Park‘ and the additional ‘Pocket Gardens‘ is divided up so each of the three Character Areas contain a large public open space and additional green spaces of varying size and nature. The ‘Linear Park‘ will contain a variety of hard and soft landscaping proposals which compliment the material palette used in the surrounding neighbourhood buildings. This principle will support and encourage biodiversity throughout the Framework site. The green spaces will contain facilities which will encourage and provide for recreational use by the public. These facilities may include, children’s play areas, facilities for the elderly, skate parks, basketball courts, exercise facilities and open green spaces for community use. Community Facilities Active Play Areas Usable Green Spaces Neighbourhood Centre Green Active Play Areas - Variety of Uses Exercise Equipment for Use By All eagP 23
Framework Plan Massing LEGEND k in wal 5m Ballalease 5min wa Ballymastone lk Educational Hub lk n wa i 5m Sports Hub Ballisk Framework Plan Massing and Site Strategy (Indicative layout only) eagP 24
Framework Plan Character Areas & Phasing LEGEND Ballalease Educational Hub Ballymastone Sports Hub Ballisk Educational Hub Sports Hub Ballalease Ballymastone Ballisk Framework Plan Character Areas & Phasing (Indicative layout only) eagP 25
Framework Plan - Character Area 01 Ballisk LEGEND Neighbour- hood Centre 4/5 Storey Public Green Public Green 2/3 Storey Play area 2/3 Storey 2/3 Storey Ballisk Key Plan Aquatic Landscape 2/3 Storey 5m in wa lk Educational Hub Sports Hub Ballalease Ballymastone Ballisk Please note illustrations show Indicative layouts only. Play Areas Pocket Garden Aquatic Landscape Countryside Views Pedestrian Access Routes eagP 26
Framework Plan - Character Area 02 Ballymastone LEGEND 2/3 Storey Play Area Ballymastone Play Area Neighbourhood Centre Green Key Plan 4/5 Storey 2/3 Storey Neighbourhood 2/3 Storey Centre Green Educational Hub Public Green Sports Hub Ballalease Ballymastone Ballisk Please note illustrations show Indicative layouts only. Play area Boulevard Walk Public Green Low Density Housing - Two/Three Storey Medium Density Housing - Two/ eagP 27 Three Storey
Framework Plan - Character Area 03 Ballalease DDR Road LEGEND Connec- tions 5min walk Play area 2 Storey 2 Storey 2/3 Storey 2/3 Storey 2/3 Storey Key Plan Play area Ballalease 4/5 Storey 2/3 Storey Educational Hub Educational Hub Play Area Community Sports Hub Facilities Neighbourhood Ballalease Centre Green Ballymastone Ballisk Please note illustrations show Indicative layouts only. Play Areas Links To Forest Park Low Density Housing - Two/Three Storey High Density Housing - Four/Five Storey eagP 28
Density & Residential Typologies Creating Sustainable Urban Communities Density & Urban Form The individual Character Areas are composed to facilitate low, medium or high density housing depending on the immediate context. The surrounding lands consist of existing and proposed building forms and massing which directly influence the character area’s proposed density layout. Low density housing is comprised of detached single/two storey units, medium density housing is comprised of a mix of semi- detached/terrace and duplex housing. Higher density areas are comprised of three to five storey blocks located to the centre of the Framework site adjoining the Donabate Distributor Road (DDR). Private & Social Housing Each Character area is capable of facilitating the required mix of Private / Social housing units distributed in considered locations within the urban blocks promoting the creation of a vibrant and sustainable urban community. These will be provided for within the mix of house typologies ranging from 1bed apartments to four bed detached housing units. This strategy will ensure that adequate provision will be provided for all stages in life such as; young professionals, low income families, starter homes, settled families relocating and step down homes for the older generation who may wish to down size and stay living within the locality. The housing mix will promote mixed generation housing communities where people in the various stages of life live together promoting social inclusion and sustainable neighbourhoods. Sample Block Typology 2-bed units x 2 4-bed end of terrace 3-bed mid terrace 4-bed detached 3-bed GF apartment Please note illustrations show 1-bed unit x 1 (Alternative Unit Type 3-bed duplex over Indicative layouts only. Not shown in sample block) (Alternative Unit Type Not shown in sample block) eagP 29
Density & Residential Typologies Creating Sustainable Urban Communities Typical Site Landscaping The communal green spaces between the neighbourhood blocks will provide a mix of high quality soft and hard landscaping amenity spaces. The landscaping should be organised carefully as part of the overall framework scheme with the boundaries between each of the Character Areas/ Phases of development considered carefully. Soft landscaping will be used to provide buffer zones between, private gardens, public footpaths/cycle routes and vehicular roadways. These areas will be planted with a mixture of evergreen and deciduous specimen trees and planting which will offer a diverse natural landscape which changes with the seasons. The natural landscape will be further diversified by the inclusion of attenuation areas and waterways into the scheme providing a diverse natural landscape for habitat creation for a mixture of flora and fauna species. Sample Attenuation/Wetland Feature - Habitat Creation Sample Site Landscape Section (Indicative layout only) eagP 30
Appendix A Strategic Environmental Screening (SEA) Screening for Appropriate Assessment (AA)
Appendix A Environmental Screening Environmental Screening The following initial screening processes have been carried out: • Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Plan. This is not mandatory, however, a screening process has been carried out to determine if SEA is needed in accordance with the European Communities (Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes) Regs 2004. • Screening for Appropriate Assessment (AA) in accordance with under Articles 6 (3) and 6 (4) of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). This is being carried out to ascertain whether S the masterplan is likely to have a significant effect on any Natura site, either individually or in combination with other N T plans or projects. M E Copies of all of the above assessments and reports are attached S S SSE in the appendices. A A & A S EA X T: C T E YF C E R DB L D TE H O ER AC INS PL BE TO eagP 32
Appendix B Further Information For Use By Fingal Coco
The Plan Information For Use By Fingal County Council Community Facility Educational institution Proposed Ballymastone Framework Site Plan eagP 34
The Plan Phasing Phasing for the residential part of the development will be in three parts as per the Character Areas: Ballisk Phase 359 units Ballymastone Phase 264 units Ballalease Phase 407 units Academic Hub, Sports Hub & Community Works: The works comprising academic and recreational facilities may be constructed in parallel to the residential phases. All initial phases will include as much public green space as possible to ensure that planting has time to mature. It will also include attenuation areas (as included within respective phases). All residential phases will provide a mixture of private and social housing units. These units will be provided through a variety of neigh- bourhood typologies comprising of low, medium and high density housing. Ballisk Phase Ballymastone Phase Ballalease Phase eagP 35
Indicative Schedule of Accommodation Ballymastone - Total units on site 1030 Units Totals Percentage 1 bed 1 bed ground floor corner apartments 30 1 bed in 4-storey apartment blocks 112 142 14% 2 bed 2 bed first & second floor 3-storey Corner Apartments 60 2 bed ground floor apartments below duplex 39 2 bed apartments in 4-storey apartment blocks 262 361 35% 3 bed houses 380 Duplex units 39 419 41% 4 bed Detached 25 Semi-detached 83 108 10% Total 1030 eagP 36
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