Page created by Danny Ayala

THE BAD GRIESBACH                                                                                                                                                               02


Do you want to learn how to play golf? Or improve your skills?                             You can find an overview of our classes for adults on pages 11 to 26. Naturally, you
Then you've come to the right place! Since 2014, we are a “PGA Premium Golf                can also book individual coaching lessons or accompanied rounds of golf.
School”. This seal of approval from the offer classes for every level of play: Beginner,
golf licence, technique and special classes.


The Quellness & Golf Resort has a unique reputation in Europe not just be-
cause of its size. Behind its professional coaching lies a unique teaching sys-
tem: the so-called Griesbach Method. It is based on the “Universal Golf

                                                                                   TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
                                                                                                         NAMENT CLASSES
Learning System”, which was developed over several years of collaboration
with Professor Manfred Grosser.

The sports scientist defines the golf swing as a completely natural pendulum
swing that develops from a small to an ever increasing movement. In this
way, beginners can learn all golf movements quickly, carefully and while

                                                                                      TACTICS CLASSES
having plenty of fun. By using the physical pendulum and with the help of
kinaesthetic exercises, beginners, advanced and top players get a new feeling
for balance, body and swing progression which has been proven to optimise
the flow of the game.

                                                                                  CHILDREN’S AND
Even in the case of physical impairments such as joint and muscle problems,

                                                                                  JUNIOR CLASSES
back pain or after an operation, the Griesbach method will help you to con-
tinue or resume your sporting activities. And, with excitement instead of pain!

                                           ROLF                                                 LARS                                            BERNHARD

                                         BECKER                                             CULMANN                                           FANKHAUSER

Rolf Becker was practically born into the game of         C and B trainer, instructor, fitting pro, rules          Fitting-Pro
golf: He grew up only about 100 metres from the           evenings
first tee in Cologne-Marienburg. His father was                                                                    Bernhard Fankhauser has been playing golf since

                                                                                                                                                                           TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 NAMENT CLASSES
also a golf instructor. He completed his three-year       Lars Culmann has been a Fully Qualified Professio-       1979. He completed his training as a PGA Pro at
apprenticeship at the German PGA in Hubbelrath,           nal with the German PGA since 2007. He comple-           the Golf Resort Bad Griesbach from 1991 to 1993.
and his two-year assistantship in Cologne-Marien-         ted his training at the Golf Resort Bad Griesbach.       In 1994 he qualified as a fitting pro, and passed
burg. His first positions as a pro were in Cologne,       During seminars held by the German PGA, he furt-         the PGA diploma exam in 1995. From 1996 to
Zievel Castle in the Eifel and the five-star Hotel Vila   hered his education covering a wide range of             1999 he instructed the trainee golf instructors, and
Vita Parc in Portugal. He has been working at the         golfing topics. His students include bambinis (3 to      since 2006 he has been in charge of our club shop

                                                                                                                                                                              TACTICS CLASSES
Quellness & Golf Resort since 1998. His favourite         6 yrs), children and juniors, teams, seniors and         at the Golfodrom®. So if you still need equipment,
hole is the 12th in Uttlau, his favourite player,         recreational golfers of all ages. Personally, he still   Bernhard Fankhauser is your contact person.
Ernie Els.                                                enjoys playing golf and when time allows he
                                                          participates in pro-am events in Bad Griesbach,
                                                          but also abroad.

                                                                                                                                                                          CHILDREN’S AND
                                                                                                                                                                          JUNIOR CLASSES

                                   CHRISTOPH                                                 SEBASTIAN                                                ALEXANDRE
                                   KÖGLMEIER                                                   LAHMER                                                   LECLERCQ
C- and B-Trainer                                          Team coach, fitting pro, specialising in golf psycho-    PGA of France – Level II, German PGA member
                                                          logy and golfers with physical disabilities
Christoph Köglmeier completed his training as a Fully                                                              Alexandre Leclercq was born and raised in France. He
Qualified PGA Golf Professional at the Golf Resort Bad    Sebastian Lahmer discovered the game from his parents    completed his training as a Fully Qualified Golf Profes-
Griesbach and has been working here as a pro since        and has now been playing golf for 40 years. Further-     sional with the French PGA. His professional golfing
2011. His greatest achievements as a pro: He was the      more, he was previously a greenkeeper at the GC          experience spans 18 years. Alexandre Leclercq was a
2019 Teaching Professional Champion of the Quellness      Oberstdorf. He has been a golf pro since 1994. Over a    member of the French team from 1994 to 1997. He
& Golf Resort and participated in German and Bavarian     period of around 18 years, he developed the Griesbach    has been a member of the German PGA since 2015
Teaching Pro Championships. As an amateur, he also        Method together with Professor Manfred Grosser from      and teaches in Bad Griesbach. Alexandre also has his
competed in German and Bavarian championships and         the Technical University of Munich. He also assumed      own TrackMan, which he uses during lessons.
was one of the 100 best handicappers in Germany in        the subsequent training of the golf instructor team at
2003/2004. His favourite course at the resort is the 12   the Quellness & Golf Resort.
at Uttlau: a beautiful view from the tee as well as a
peninsula green. Playing a round with Bernhard Langer
one day would be a dream come true.
                                    WALTER                                                DENIS                                                     KARL

                                      NIGL                                              PRÖSSEL                                                    SCARR

Former Vice President of the Bayern PGA              Former playing professional, C-trainer, fitting      Member of the British Professional Golfers‘
                                                     pro, head of youth training, coach for a Ladies      Association, Member of the German PGA, trick
Walter Nigl has been playing golf with great plea-   European Tour player.                                golfer

                                                                                                                                                                   TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
                                                                                                                                                                                         NAMENT CLASSES
sure since 1982 and began his training as a PGA
Golf Professional at the Golf Resort Bad Griesbach   Denis Prössel can draw on 27 years of professional   Karl Scarr has been a golf professional for longer
in 1992. He has been working with us as a PGA        golf experience. From 1999 to 2003 he was a          than he would like to admit - more than 45 years
Golf Professional since he successfully passed his   playing professional on the European Challenge       in fact. For him, golf is a calling and he loves tea-
examinations in 1996. His greatest sporting ac-      and partly on the European Tour, e.g. at the Linde   ching others how to play. He was also one of the
complishments are: three times club champion at      German Masters, German Open and BMW Inter-           world's best trick golfers. Karl Scarr is constantly

                                                                                                                                                                      TACTICS CLASSES
his home club GC Bayerwald, 2002 champion of         national Open. In 2001 he was a member of the        working on the implementation of new ideas,
the Bad Griesbach Golf Academy as well as par-       German PGA's Playing Pro Team. In the past few       building new clubs of his own in the golf work-
ticipation in the European Challenge Tour and EPD    years, Denis Prössel has completed numerous          shop and then using them to thrill the audience
tournaments (now known as the Pro Golf Tour).        additional training courses, including with the      in his show. Perhaps you can learn a little some-
Today, he still enjoys playing tournaments as a      renowned biomechanist Dr. Kwon as well as with       thing from Karl Scarr here too?

                                                                                                                                                                  CHILDREN’S AND
professional golfer and is very involved with the

                                                                                                                                                                  JUNIOR CLASSES
                                                     “Smart2Move” (ground reaction forces). He also
umbrella organisation (PGA).                         has a TrackMan and a wrist sensor, which he uses
                                                     during his lessons.

                                        GERD                                                         JEREMY                                                       SIMON
                                   SCHÖNBERG                                                        TINDALL                                                       TINKER
Gerd Schönberg grew up in Germany, completed his            Member of the British Professional Golfers‘ Asso-         Member of the British Professional Golfers‘ Asso-
training with the German PGA and has been working           ciation, Member of the German PGA, Foresight              ciation, Member of the German PGA, Fitting Pro
as a PGA Professional at the Bad Griesbach Golf Resort      Sports – PEAK Level 1 & 2 certified
for 30 years. He has worked in various golf clubs in Sou-                                                             Simon Tinker was born in England and holds both
thern Germany, Florida and South Africa and can             Jeremy Tindall was born in England and has previously     British and German citizenship. He has been playing
proudly look back on over 30 years of experience as a       worked in renowned English clubs. He has been a           golf since he was 14. At the young age of 21, he had
teaching pro. Courses at the US PGA and years of            member of the British PGA since 1983 and a member         already completed his education as a golf professional
collaboration with Professor Manfred Grosser (Gries-        of the German PGA since 2013. He has been working         (5 years of training). The milestones of his professional
bach Method) have shaped his teaching methodology.          in Bad Griesbach since 1991. He holds both British and    career included three golf clubs in England (Bradley
His favourite hole here is the 9th at the Lederbach         German citizenship. A personal highlight was winning      Park, Baildon GC and Shipley GC), Kitzbühel (Rasmus-
course. He is waiting for his second birdie right here...   the 2011 Teaching Pros Championship in Bad Gries-         hof) and, since 1991, Bad Griesbach. He has already
                                                            bach. Unforgettable for him is a legendary event at the   scored 21 holes in one. In addition, he has extensive
                                                            Benson&Hedges International Open in 1981, which he        further training in golf psychology, golf with physical
                                                            witnessed live: Bernhard Langer played a ball from the    limitations and the pendulum system (Griesbach
                                                            fork of a tree - which he had to climb beforehand.        method).
                                                            Jeremy also owns a Foresight Sports GCQuad Launch
                                                            Monitor which he can use during lessons.
                                    MARTIN                                               SIMONE                                               MICHAEL

                                     TROST                                                  UKA                                               WIMMER

German PGA G1 Professional, B-Trainer Licence        B- and C-Trainer, IST Golf Operations Manage-         G1-Professional German PDA, A-Trainer-
                                                     ment, Head of Youth Training for the Bad              DGV/DOSB licence, PGA Health Professional,
Martin Trost has been working at the Golf Resort     Griesbach Junior Section.                             TPI-Certified Professional, Instructor, Fitting-Pro

                                                                                                                                                                  TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
                                                                                                                                                                                        NAMENT CLASSES
Bad Griesbach since 1997, but has also spent
many weeks in Switzerland working as a golf          Simone Uka has been infected with the golf virus      Michael Wimmer discovered golf rather by
instructor. At the age of 16, he took part in an     since 1990 and, being a local, has been with the      chance. The golf club in his home town offered
introductory course during the school holidays -     Golf Resort since the very beginning. She played      youth training. He went to try it out - and kept on
he has been playing golf ever since. His favourite   in the Bad Griesbach youth team and sub-              going. In 2002, he completed his training as a golf
hole is the 2nd in Uttlau because he has scored      sequently completed her training as a golf instruc-   instructor in Bad Griesbach and has been with us

                                                                                                                                                                     TACTICS CLASSES
an albatross (“double eagle”) here once.             tor. Simone was a golf instructor at the Leading-     ever since. His greatest sporting success was
He would love to play a round with Rory McIlroy.     Golf-Courses-of-Germany-Club Beuerberg for            winning the Bavarian Golf Teachers' Championship
                                                     almost ten years. Since 2014 she has been back        in 2009 and the Bavarian Foursome Championship
                                                     at home at the Quellness & Golf Resort, bookable      in 2010. His favourite hole at the Quellness & Golf
                                                     for ladies' courses and individual lessons. She is    Resort is the 12th on the Uttlau course. He would

                                                                                                                                                                 CHILDREN’S AND
                                                                                                                                                                 JUNIOR CLASSES
                                                     also the head of Children & Youth Training for the    love to play a round of golf with Tiger Woods. In
                                                     Bad Griesbach Junior Section.                         his lessons, he uses a stroke length monitor,
                                                                                                           among other things.
OUR GOLF CLASSES                                                                                                                                                              10

Our course programme includes golf classes for all ages and levels of play and all else that is required.                         If you’re just getting started with golf,
Regardless of whether you are a complete newcomer, would like to gain your golf licence, are an ex-                               you can of course also complete your
perienced golf veteran or an ambitious competitive golfer. Whether you want to improve your technique                             golf course licence with us. Since
or your game on the course, or both are equally important to you. We offer everything above and more.                             2006, the examination has been taken
Furthermore, we also offer classes to improve your handicap, which, after specific preparation, include                           at the Golf Resort in accordance with
participation in a tournament with a handicap.                                                                                    the official guidelines of the DGV
The next generation of golfers is not left out either, with our children's and junior classes for different                       licence to play golf courses (German
age groups and skill levels, golfing youngsters can be playfully introduced to the sport of golf and further                      Golf Association). This assures you
encouraged in an age appropriate way.                                                                                             with certainty that your “course
                                                                                                                                  licence” will be recognised by all
         Our tip: If you book the marked classes up to eight weeks before the start of the class,                                 participating golf courses throughout
         you will receive a 10% early booking discount in the form of a voucher for the Golfshop                                  Germany.
         in the Golfodrom®.

                                                         TECHNIQUE AND              TECHNIQUE AND
     BEGINNER’S                  TECHNIQUE
                                                          TOURNAMENT                 GAME TACTICS
      CLASSES                     CLASSES                                                                      SCHWEIZ   Our Swiss guests can also obtain their course
                                                            CLASSES                    CLASSES                           licence or first handicap with us in accordance
                                                                                                                         with the guidelines of the Association Suisse de
                FROM BEGINNER TO GOLF PROFESSIONAL!                                                                      Golf (ASG - Swiss Golf Association). The course
                                                                                                                         qualification attained with us is recognised in
                                                                                                                         Switzerland by MIGROS and ASGI.


                                                                                                  TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
                                                                                                     TACTICS CLASSES    NAMENT CLASSES
                                                                                                 CHILDREN’S AND
It's always worth getting on board - but especially with us: After completing our golf licence

                                                                                                 JUNIOR CLASSES
classes, we will give you a 3-month trial membership worth 150 €, which entitles you to play
the 9-hole courses and use the training facilities in the Golfodrom® free of charge.
IN SHORT - THE BEGINNER'S CLASS                                                          PLAY YOUR WAY TO YOUR DGV GOLF LICENCE!

      Your goal: First strokes and initial successes in a short time. The compact in-          Your goal: The stress-free route to your DGV license. In just five days, our golf     12
      troductory class will give you a quick and lively impression of the charms of            pros will give you all the training and confidence you need – with all the best
      golf. This offer can also be booked at short notice.                                     tips & tricks and plenty of fun thrown in – to test your new-found skills on any
                                                                                               9 or 18-hole course.
Requirements: none
                                                                                         Requirements: Beginner class completion
Included services:
                                                                                         Included services:
2 days of golf training in a small group (min. 2, max. 6 persons)
                                                                                         5 days of golf training in a small group (min. 3, max. 4 persons) incl. DGV golf licence
                                                                                         test attempt according to the guidelines and regulations of the DGV golf licence (op-
2 x 120 min. unlimited training, practice balls and rental clubs during lessons, range
                                                                                         tional for Swiss guests - ASG golf licence), training and playing at the Golfodrom®
fee for the Golfodrom®
                                                                                         training centre, the 9-hole golf course “Engled” will be reserved for the test, practice
                                                                   PRICE PER PERSON      round on the day before the test, rules training by our pros and a free rules evening

For 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 participants       79 € / 89 € / 99 € / 119 € / 139 €              5 x 180 min. training and playing on a 9-hole course, DGV or ASG golf licence test
                                                                                         attempt, green fee for the 9-hole courses during lessons, range fee for the Golfodrom®,
Reduced price for club members           69 € / 79 € / 89 € / 109 € / 129 €              unlimited practice balls during tuition, club fitting, college book detailing the “Gries-
                                                                                         bach Method”, golf glove, rules and etiquette evening, rental clubs

                                                                                         Price per person                                                                 499 €

                                                                                         Reduced price for club members                                                   404 €

      Your goal: Getting your DGV golf licence as quickly as possible. You have the perseverance, we have the concept. Simply bring your physical and mental
      fitness with you and we will provide you with all the essential tips. This intensive class is perfect for athletes, quick starters and anyone who really
      wants to be in the know. We’ll take your golfing skills from 0 to 100% in just five days.

Requirements: Physical fitness

Included services:

5 days of golf training in a small group (min. 3, max. 4 persons) incl. DGV golf licence test attempt according to the guidelines and regulations of the DGV golf

                                                                                                                                                                     TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
                                                                                                                                                                                           NAMENT CLASSES
licence (optional for Swiss guests - ASG golf licence), training and playing at the Golfodrom® training centre, the 9-hole golf course “Engled” will be reserved
for the test, practice round on the day before the test, rules training by our pros and a free rules evening

4 x 300 min. and 1 x 180 min. training on the driving range and playing on the 9-hole courses incl. DGV or ASG golf licence test, green fee for the 9-hole
courses during lessons, unlimited practice balls during tuition, range fee for the Golfodrom®, club fitting, college book detailing the “Griesbach method”, golf
glove, rental clubs, rules and etiquette evening

                                                                                                                                                                        TACTICS CLASSES
Price per person                                                                                                                                         645 €

Reduced price for club members                                                                                                                           550 €

                                                                                                                                                                    CHILDREN’S AND
                                                                                                                                                                    JUNIOR CLASSES

      HOLE IN ONE - INTENSIVE-WORKSHOP                                                  FIVE DAYS, 1000 TIPS

       Your goal: Improve your game instantly with concrete tips without                 Your goal: Are you looking to improve your round scores? You can’t
       any major changes. In just one day we'll work on all areas of your                achieve a good score without technique We'll spend five days getting
game, from your tee shot, approach, short game and bunker shots to putting        your entire batting repertoire in tip-top shape! Tee shots, shots from the fair-
and game tactics. Following an intensive training on the practice facilities at   way and out of the rough, sloping shots, bunker shots, pitching, chipping and

the Golfodrom®, you will spend the afternoon consolidating and implemen-          putting - the full package. The confidence in your strokes will bring excitement

ting your new skills during a game on the neighbouring 9-hole course.             to your round and lead to better results in the long term.

Requirements: Golf licence (Hcp. -54) and better                                  Requirements: Golf licence (Hcp. -54) and better

                                                                                                                                                                      TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
                                                                                                                                                                                            NAMENT CLASSES
Included services:                                                                Included services:
1 day of golf training in a small group (min. 2, max. 4 persons), unlimited
practice balls and rental clubs during lessons, range fee for the Golfodrom®,     5 days of golf training in a small group (min. 3, max. 5 persons)
green fee for the 9-hole courses
                                                                                  5 x 180 min. wide-ranging technique training incl. video swing analysis, un-
Class schedule:                                                                   limited practice balls and rental clubs during lessons, free use of the driving

                                                                                                                                                                         TACTICS CLASSES
Morning:     180 min. technique training                                          range and training areas at the Golfodrom®, green fee for all 9-hole courses,
Afternoon: 180 min. training over three to five holes on the 9-hole course        college book detailing the “Griesbach Method”, golf glove
             with a subsequent round analysis
                                                                                  Price per person                                                        495 €
Classes start on Wednesdays and Saturdays, other days available on request.

                                                                                                                                                                     CHILDREN’S AND
                                                                                                                                                                     JUNIOR CLASSES
                                                                                  Reduced price for club members                                          460 €
Price per person / reduced price for club members           249 € / 242 €


         Your goal: Are you looking to improve your handicap? Do you want to be fit and ready at the right moment? We've designed this class for you to
         ensure that your progress has a direct impact on your handicap. After focused preparation with our pros, you'll also have the chance to improve your
         handicap in a 9-hole tournament.

Requirements: Golf licence (Hcp. -54) and better

Included services:

3 days of golf training in a small group (min. 3, max. 4 persons) incl. participation in a 9-hole handicap tournament.

                                                                                                                                                                          TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
                                                                                                                                                                                                NAMENT CLASSES
2 x 120 min. technique training and 1 x 150 min. practice round with the pro on the tournament course, 1 x 9-hole tournament participation, 1 x tournament
green fee incl. entry fee, unlimited practice balls and rental clubs during tuition, free all-day use of the training facilities and 9-hole courses at the Golfodrom®,
college book detailing the “Griesbach Method”, golf glove, rules and etiquette evening

Class schedule:

                                                                                                                                                                             TACTICS CLASSES
Monday:      120 min. technique training
Tuesday:     150 min. practice round with a golf pro on the tournament course
Wednesday: mornings 120 min. technique training
Option 1:    Wednesday afternoon participation in the 9-hole handicap tournament
Option 2:    Thursday afternoon participation in the 9-hole handicap tournament

                                                                                                                                                                         CHILDREN’S AND
                                                                                                                                                                         JUNIOR CLASSES
Price per person / reduced price for club members                                                                                                  319 € / 289 €

      Your goal: Would you like to be more successful in tournaments? Do you want to be fit and ready at the right moment? A first handicap tournament is a great                 18
      opportunity to improve your handicap. We've designed this class for you to ensure that your progress has a direct impact on your handicap. After completing the
      perfect preparation with our pros, you'll have the chance to directly improve your handicap in a tournament.

Requirements: Golf licence (Hcp. -54) and better

Included services:

3 days of golf training in a small group (min. 3, max. 4 persons) and 1 day of tournament participation

3 x 120 min. technique training and 1 x 300 min. practice round on the tournament course, unlimited practice balls during lessons, range fee for the Golfodrom®, green fees
for the 9-hole courses, 1 x green fee on the tournament course of the guest tournament as part of the tuition, 1 x tournament green fee incl. entry fee, college book detailing
the “Griesbach Method”, golf glove, rules and etiquette evening

Class schedule:
1st day: 120 min. training
2nd day: 300 min. practice round on the tournament course
3rd day: 120 min. training each morning and afternoon
4th day: participation in the 18-hole handicap tournament

Price per person / reduced price for club members                                                                                                            429 € / 369 €
                                                                      TECHNIQUE AND GAME TACTICS CLASSES


        Your goal: Are you looking to reduce your score on the course? On day one, your pro will assess your playing and technical skills on the course. A subsequent            20
        customised training session will improve your game - including your technique and tactics.

Requirements: Golf licence (Hcp. -54) and better

Includes services:

3 days of golf training in a small group (min. 2, max. 4 persons)

3 x 150 min. training and playing on the 9-hole courses, unlimited practice balls during tuition, range fee for the Golfodrom®, green fee for the 9-hole courses, rental clubs

Class schedule:
1st day: 9-hole round on an 18-hole championship course incl. round analysis by the accompanying pro
2nd day: 150 min. training and individual tuition based on the evaluation of the previous day's round analysis
3rd day: 150 min. training and implementation of the round analysis

Price per person                                                                                                                                                      289 €

Reduced price for club members                                                                                                                                        249 €

        Your goal: More performance, a better handicap. It’s all a question of strategy: We'll fine-tune your game with effective training sessions, putting
        you in “pole position” for every future round of golf and tournament you play. Our pros will help you improve in all areas and overcome obstacles
        with the greatest of ease.

Requirements: Golf licence (Hcp. -54) up to Hcp. -37

Included services:

5 days of golf training in a small group (min. 3, max. 4 persons)

                                                                                                                                                                TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
                                                                                                                                                                                      NAMENT CLASSES
3 x 120 min. technique training and 2 x 210 min. practice round, unlimited practice balls during tuition, range fee for the Golfodrom®, green fee for the
9-hole courses, 1 x green fee for the 18-hole course during the lesson, college book detailing the “Griesbach Method”, golf glove, rules and etiquette eve-

Class schedule:
1st / 3rd and 5th day: 120 min. training each afternoon

                                                                                                                                                                   TACTICS CLASSES
2nd day: 210 min. 9-hole round on the 9-hole course "Engled" with a subsequent round analysis and training
4th day: 210 min. 9-hole round on an 18-hole championship course followed by a training session

Price per person for 4 participants / for 3 participants / as an exclusive class for 2 participants                             424 € / 514 € / 599 €

                                                                                                                                                               CHILDREN’S AND
                                                                                                                                                               JUNIOR CLASSES
Reduced price for club members                                                                                                  364 € / 454 € / 539 €

        Your goal: Finally climb that ladder. Are you looking for a new challenge? Even if you already have your handicap in the bag, there's still plenty we can do for you.   22
        In five days we will analyse your game and help you to improve it step by step. When training and playing on our courses you benefit from the knowledge and skill
        of our pros – regarding technique and strategy.

Requirements: max. Hcp. -36

Included services:

5 days of golf training in a small group (min. 3, max. 4 persons)

3 x 120 min. technique training, 1 x 240 min. and 1 x 300 min. practice round, unlimited practice balls during tuition, range fee for the Golfodrom®, green fee for the
9-hole courses, green fee for the 18-hole courses, 1 x buggy included in the lesson, college book detailing the “Griesbach Method”, golf glove, rules and etiquette evening

Class schedule:
1st / 3rd and 5th day: 120 min. training each afternoon
2nd day: 240 min. training and 9-holes on an 18-hole championship course (without buggy)
4th day: 300 min. training and playing on an 18-hole championship course (270 min. for 2 participants)

Price per person for 4 participants / for 3 participants / as an exclusive class for 2 participants                                              499 € / 609 € / 652 €

Reduced price for club members                                                                                                                   429 € / 539 € / 582 €

        Your goal: Looking to have more fun in the game thanks to a lower handicap? The best way to learn from professionals is to play with them: This
        class offers you varied training as well as practice sessions on courses that are among Europe's best. For three days, your pro will accompany you
around the championship courses giving you useful tips and revealing the tricks you won't get anywhere else. Learn a few things and you will notice your
game improving in no time.

Requirements: max. Hcp. -28

Included services:

                                                                                                                                                                  TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
5 days of golf training in a small group (min. 2, max. 3 persons)

                                                                                                                                                                                        NAMENT CLASSES
2 x 180 min. and 1 x 150 min. technique training plus 1 x 150 min. and 2 x 300 min. practice round, unlimited practice balls during tuition, range fee for the
Golfodrom®, greenfee-free on all courses of the Golf Resort, 2 x buggy during lessons, college book detailing the “Griesbach method”, golf glove, rules and
etiquette evening. On the 1st and the 5th day you will have the opportunity to play (without a pro) free of charge on one of our 18-hole courses - please
reserve your tee times

                                                                                                                                                                     TACTICS CLASSES
Class schedule:
1st and the 5th day: 180 min. training each day
2nd and the 4th day: 300 min. playing a 18-hole championship course incl. buggy each day (270 min. for 2 participants)
3rd day:             150 min. training and 150 min. 9-holes (without buggy)

Price per person for 3 participants / as an exclusive class for 2 participants                                                              840 € / 869 €

                                                                                                                                                                 CHILDREN’S AND
                                                                                                                                                                 JUNIOR CLASSES
Reduced price for club members                                                                                                              759 € / 788 €

          Your goal: Looking to hit longer drives? As a woman, how can I keep up with the men despite having less strength when teeing off? You already know quite a                24
          bit about the right technique, but you still have some “room for improvement” when it comes to its precise execution? Optimise your game in three days with us
in a relaxed and constructive atmosphere. More distance with your drive, better distance control with your chip, pitch and putt, more stability and golf-specific fitness are all
on the agenda here.

Requirements: Golf licence (Hcp. -54) and better

Included services:

3 days of golf training in a small group (min. 2, max. 3 persons)

1 x 180 min. and 1 x 150 min. technique training plus 1 x 300 min. practice round, unlimited practice balls during tuition, range fee for the Golfodrom®, green fee for the
9-hole courses, 1 x green fee for the 18-hole course during the lesson, college book detailing the “Griesbach Method”, golf glove, rules and etiquette evening

Class schedule:
1st day: 180 min. training long and short game, brief discussion of individual goals beforehand
2nd day: 300 min. training and playing on an 18-hole course
3rd day: 150 min. training and debriefing

Price per person / reduced price for club members                                                                                                             460 € / 406 €

For groups of 2 or more, we are happy to arrange the class individually on request.

         Your goal: Are you in your prime, young at heart and have ambitions to take your golf game to the next level? Even if your drives are getting a little
shorter you can still achieve good results. In our special course for the young at heart and golf veterans, we have worked closely with our most experienced
pros - who are also Best Agers - to create a programme that is tailored to the specific requirements of over-50s in all aspects. The anti-aging programme for

your golf game!

Requirements: max. Hcp. -36, minimum 50 yrs of age

Included services:

                                                                                                                                                                   TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
                                                                                                                                                                                         NAMENT CLASSES
3 days of golf training in a small group (min. 2, max. 4 persons)

3 x 150 min. technique training and training on the course, unlimited practice balls during tuition, range fee for the Golfodrom®, green fee for the 9-hole
courses, 1 x green fee for the 18-hole course during lessons, club fitting, rental clubs

                                                                                                                                                                      TACTICS CLASSES
Class schedule:
1st day: 150 min. 9-hole round on a flat 18-hole championship course incl. round analysis by the accompanying pro
2nd day: 150 min. training and individual tuition based on the evaluation of the previous day's round analysis; club fitting for distance optimisation
3rd day: 150 min. training “Strong short game and putting versus loss of distance” and implementation of the round analysis as well as development
          of a personal training plan for your training back home

                                                                                                                                                                  CHILDREN’S AND
                                                                                                                                                                  JUNIOR CLASSES
Price per person / reduced price for club members                                                                                            349 € / 309 €

          Your goal: Get fit for all the challenges of global golf courses under the pro-                            26
          fessional guidance of our golf pros.

Requirements: Golf licence (Hcp. -54) and better

Included services:

120 Min. golf training incl. simulator use during tuition, range fee for the Golfodrom®

-   Short game test: precise analysis of your shots around the green
-   Gapping session (stroke length measurement)                                                NEW: Golf simulator
-   Swing analysis incl. movement check                                                        in the Golfodrom®
-   Game training: Training in a live setting on the virtual course to optimise hole tactics
-   Optional: Swing efficiency analysis

Price per person                                                                   159 €


Enjoy yourself, learn to play golf and
train effectively whilst having fun - no

                                                                                                                 TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
                                                                                                                                       NAMENT CLASSES
problem with our children's & junior
classes for every age and level. From
the starter camp to the five-day golf
licence class to the class to improve your
handicap. You can find more information
on the following pages.

                                                                                                                    TACTICS CLASSES
                                             DATES 5-day children & junior classes:
                                             11 to 15 April 2022 | 18 to 22 April 2022 | 25 to 29 April 2022
                                             06 to 10 June 2022 | 13 to 17 June 2022 | 18 to 22 July 2022
                                             25 to 29 July 2022 | 01 to 05 August 2022 | 08 to 12 August 2022

                                                                                                                CHILDREN’S AND
                                             15 to 19 August 2022 | 22 to 26 August 2022

                                                                                                                JUNIOR CLASSES
                                             Further dates on request!
KIDS GOLF STARTER CAMP                                                                      RABBIT – THE BEGINNER CLASS FOR KIDS

         Are your children intrigued when the “grown-ups” play golf and would like                     Your goal: Would you like to try golf and have a lot of fun at the same time?    28
         to try it out for themselves? In a child-friendly 3-day class, we will teach all              We offer training sessions for kids that are both playful and effective. Well-
the necessary knowledge to future golf professionals and playfully approach the sport       founded teaching combined with the joy of playing are what characterise this class.
of golf. Our varied and exciting training courses are also designed to awaken the           A pro is on hand for six hours on five days exclusively for the kids and will supervise
enthusiasm for golf in youngsters.                                                          their first attempts at golf. A small final tournament pro-
                                                                                            vides the youngsters with the opportunity to show what
Included services:                                                                          they can already do.

3 days of golf training in a small group with an Assistant Professional                     Requirements: 6 to 10 years
with a C-trainer's licence (min. 4, max. 6 persons)
                                                                                            Included services:
3 x 120 min. training, unlimited practice balls and rental clubs during lessons, range      5 days golf training (Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm) in
fee for the Golfodrom®, certificate and class photo                                         a small group with an Assistant Professional with a C-trainer's licence (min. 4, max.
                                                                                            6 participants) incl. dedicated supervision and lunch
Available on request. Current dates in the holiday periods can be found on our website.     5 x 360 min. training incl. lunch break, range fee and green fee for the Chervò Junior
                                                                                            Golf Course, unlimited practice balls during lessons, rental clubs, 5 x lunch with the
                                                                                            pro, final tournament incl. prizes, certificate, class photo, DGV bronze badge
Price per person                                                                 149 €
                                                                                            Price per person                                                                 320 €
Reduced price for club members                                                   134 €
                                                                                            Reduced price for club members                                                   292 €
         BRONZE, SILVER, GOLF                                                               DGV GOLF LICENCE CLASS FOR KIDS AND TEENS

         Your goal: The golfing fun continues! Do you already have the Ger-                  Your goal: Are you looking to finally play a round on your own and
         man Golf Association (DGV) bronze badge, but would like to go one                   get your golf licence? In five days, your pro will show you everything
step further? Then, this class is made for you, because together with our pros     you need to know during training and on the 9-hole courses. And, after
you can train yourself to go one step higher on the winner's podium: That          successfully completing your golf licence exa-

silver badge is already waiting for you!                                           mination you will be the proud owner of a “DGV

                                                                                   golf licence”!
Requirements: 8 to 15 years, DGV Bronze badge
                                                                                   Requirements: 8 to 15 years, DGV Silver badge
Included services:

                                                                                                                                                                       TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
                                                                                                                                                                                             NAMENT CLASSES
                                                                                   Included services:
5 days golf training (Monday to Friday, 9am to
3pm) in a small group with an Assistant Profes-                                    5 days of golf training (Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm) in a small group with
sional with a C-trainer's licence (min. 4, max. 6 participants) incl. dedicated    an Assistant Professional with a C-trainer's licence (min. 3, max. 4 partici-
supervision and lunch                                                              pants) incl. dedicated supervision and lunch

                                                                                                                                                                          TACTICS CLASSES
5 x 360 min. training incl. lunch break, range fee and green fee for the Chervò    5 x 360 min. training incl. lunch break, range fee and 2 x green fee for the
Junior Golf Course, unlimited practice balls during lessons, rental clubs, 5 x     9-hole courses during tuition, unlimited practice balls during lessons, rental
lunch with the pro, final tournament incl. prizes, certificate, class photo, DGV   clubs, 5 x lunch with the pro, final tournament incl. prizes, certificate, class
silver badge attempt                                                               photo, rules and etiquette evening, attempt at DGV golf licence or DGV Gold
                                                                        340 €

                                                                                                                                                                      CHILDREN’S AND
Price per person

                                                                                                                                                                      JUNIOR CLASSES
Reduced price for club members                                          305 €      Price per person / reduced price for club members            455 € / 413 €

        Your goal: Are you looking to improve your handicap? After in-depth pre-            30
        paration with our pros and a 9-hole practice round on an 18-hole course,
you can successfully achieve this goal in the 9-hole handicap tournament

Requirements: 8 to 15 yrs, golf license or DGV Gold badge

Included services:

5 days of golf training in a small group with an Assistant Professional with a C-trai-
ner's licence (min. 3, max. 4 participants) incl. dedicated supervision and lunch

5 x 360 min. training incl. 1 x 9-hole tournament participation and lunch break, range
fee for the Golfodrom®, green fee for the 9-hole courses as part of the lesson, 1 x
green fee for the 18-hole course during tuition, 1 x tournament green fee incl. entry
fee, unlimited practice balls during lessons, rental clubs, 5 x lunch with the pro, final
tournament incl. prizes, certificate, class photo

Price per person                                                                 465 €

Reduced price for club members                                                   413 €


                                                                                                                                                                TECHNIQUE AND GAME TECHNIQUE AND TOUR-
                                                                                                                                                                                      NAMENT CLASSES
Classes start - unless otherwise stated - on Tuesdays and Fridays for our 3-day classes, and on
Mondays for our 4 and 5-day classes. If the minimum number of participants is not reached,
the number of lessons offered will be reduced. Unused services will not be refunded or other-
wise compensated. 18-hole green fees in the context of the golf classes are limited to the 18-
hole courses Beckenbauer Golf Course, Porsche Golf Course, Allfinanz Golf Course Brunnwies,           WE ARE HAPPY TO ASSIST YOU

                                                                                                                                                                   TACTICS CLASSES
St. Wolfgang Golf Course Uttlau and Golf Course Lederbach. Golf carts can only be supplied            The staff at our golf booking centre will be happy to
subject to suitable weather conditions. Reduced class prices for club members only apply to           provide you with information, advice and bookings for
active first and second members of the Golf Resort Bad Griesbach e. V. (they do not apply for         golf classes, coaching lessons, fittings and tee times
passive members or beginner / trial memberships). Please note our cancellation deadlines:             by telephone or e-mail.
Golf classes - 14 days before the start of the class, individual coaching lessons, fitting, swing

                                                                                                                                                               CHILDREN’S AND
analysis, SAM PuttLab, tee times - 48 hours before the start of the activity. In the event of         Golf Booking Centre

                                                                                                                                                               JUNIOR CLASSES
non-compliance with the cancellation deadlines, we reserve the right to charge 70 % or 80 %           Tel. +49 8532/790-22 | Fax +49 8532/790-45
of the booked class or 100 % for the booked coaching lesson/green fee. Misprints, changes   
and errors reserved! GTCs and our privacy policy are available on our website at

                                     GOLF RESORT BAD GRIESBACH
                            Holzhaeuser 8 | D-94086 Bad Griesbach
                          Golf Booking Centre: Tel. +49 8532/790-0

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