Oak Trace Weekly Update - Westfield Washington Schools

Page created by Brandon Castillo
Oak Trace Weekly Update - Westfield Washington Schools
Oak Trace Weekly
                                    March 19, 2021

A note from Mrs. Lynch
Happy Friday! I know everyone is excited to hear that our students at WHS and WMS will be
able to return to school in April. Although Covid cases are certainly trending in the right
direction and people are getting vaccinated, we still will be and need to be diligent. I am so
appreciative of Mr. Baldwin, our interim superintendent, for his leadership during this di cult

Please continue to be diligent about Covid and the health and safety of our students, parents,
and staff. Please remember that if you, as the parent, are having symptoms and awaiting Covid
results, your children should stay at home with you until you are symptom free and receive a
negative result. Please be sure to review the Covid information and self monitor all members
of your family regularly. If your child is exposed to another child who tests positive in
activities outside of school, please quarantine your child. Do not send children to school who
have any symptoms.

Kindergarten registration and new student registration is open for the 2021-2022 school year.
You may register your child for kindergarten if he/she turns 5 by August 1st. There is also
information about Oak Trace Kindergarten on our website.

With spring, comes testing season. This week our third-graders participated in the state IREAD
assessment. April 19-29th will be the ILEARN assessment. Please try to avoid appointments
during this time frame.

Special thanks to our PTO for the amazing baskets they created and sold this week even
though we weren't able to have our Winter Festival! The families were so excited to pick up
their baskets this past week! You can check out more here on the winners of the baskets.

Have a great weekend! Boiler Up!

Mrs. Lynch
Oak Trace Weekly Update - Westfield Washington Schools
317 867-6410

                                   Pictures from St. Patrick's Day
                                   visits from our bagpiper friend,


The West eld Washington school district will follow the CDC recommendations for “AFTER
YOU TRAVEL'' to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in schools. Check the CDC COVID-19
TRAVEL NOTICES speci c for the travel destination. Be aware this information may change
and have the traveler, recheck the notices when they return home for the most up to date

If traveling outside of the United States including major US territories (American Samoa,
Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) the current
recommendation for AFTER YOU TRAVEL is to get tested 3–5 days after travel AND stay
home and self-quarantine for 7 days after travel. If you don't get tested, it's safest to stay
home and self-quarantine for 10 days.

For Parents: Please let your child’s school know if they will be traveling outside the United
States during spring break and will need to stay home for 7 days following the travel so that
the school can make the necessary educational arrangements for virtual learning.

                                 ILearn mandatory testing
                                 The 3rd and 4th graders will be taking the ILearn mandatory
                                 state testing April 19th-April 29th. Please try to avoid making
                                 appointments during those days.
Oak Trace Weekly Update - Westfield Washington Schools
We just want to remind everyone that the drinking fountains at
all schools haven't been open all year. Please send your children
in with their own water bottles. Thank you!
Oak Trace Weekly Update - Westfield Washington Schools
Substitute teaching
Help keep kids in school as a substitute teacher
With the added impact of COVID-19, sta ng substitute teachers has become a crucial factor
in our ability to keep our kids in the classroom. If you would like to help us continue in-person
instruction, sign up to be a substitute teacher in WWS and help make an impact on our
community. We offer competitive pay, exible schedules, bonuses and employee discounts
based on time worked. You don’t need teaching experience, just a desire to help our Rocks get
a great education!
Click here to apply or get more information

                                What's happening
                                       April 2-9 SPRING BREAK

                                Math Challenge
                                The following students have passed the Math Challenge:

                                K: Liam C., Stella G., Colten L., Alexander (AJ) M., Ellie N.,
                                Emily P., Henry S., and McKenna S.

                                1st: Declan C., Emme E., and Charlie E.


                                3rd: Lucas A. and Salmaan R.

                                4th: Norah L.

Attendance line
Attendance line phone # is 317-867-6401. For all absences and late arrivals, press 1 to leave
a message. Please call by 8:30 A.M. For all transportation changes, press 2 to leave a
message and please call by 1:00 P.M.

If calling after 1:00 P.M., please call the o ce directly at #317-867-6411
Oak Trace Weekly Update - Westfield Washington Schools
Lunch times
All Aboard/TOTS 11-11:30
Kindergarten 10:45-11:15
1st 11:20-11:50
2nd 12:30-1:00
3rd 11:40-12:10
4th 12-12:30

Nurse's clinic contact information
Amber Wilson is our M & T nurse and her email is wilsona@wws.k12.in.us

Katie Kurth is our W & Th nurse and here email is kurthk@wws.k12.in.us

Clinic phone number is 317-867-6405
Oak Trace Weekly Update - Westfield Washington Schools
What's happening                   What's happening                    Nurse's clinic
in Stem                            in Media                            We need your help to keep our
                                                                       schools as safe and healthy
This week we started a new         We've been busy in the library!
                                                                       during this pandemic. Please
rotation for STEM. During this     In 4th Grade, we have been
                                                                       do not come to school if you
rotation 4th grade students are    reading Linnie Mae's New
                                                                       have ANY of the following:
continuing their work with         Friends, which is a book from
potential and kinetic energy by    this year's visiting author,
                                                                            COVID symptom(s) such
testing their VEX vehicles on a    Aaron M. Brown. After reading
                                                                            as fever or chills, cough,
ramp and looking at what           it, the students came up with
                                                                            fatigue, headache,
happens to energy during a         lots of ways we can help those
                                                                            muscle or body aches,
collision. Third graders are       in need in our community. I
                                                                            congestion or runny nose,
completing an engineering          was impressed to hear ways
                                                                            sore throat, nausea or
project that uses their            they are already helping!
                                                                            vomiting, diarrhea,
knowledge of simple machines
                                                                            shortness of breath or
to rescue a tiger from a moat at   3rd Grade has been reading
                                                                            loss of taste or smell.
the zoo. 2nd grade students        books off of the "Young
                                                                            These can be mild to
continued their work with          Hoosier" book lists. At the end
animal and plant adaptations by    of the year, when we've had a
                                                                            If you call in sick, please
researching the plants and         chance to read them all, they
                                                                            leave a message stating
animals of a speci c biome,        will vote on their favorite book.
                                                                            your symptoms you are
and using what they have           Ask them which one they like
                                                                            experiencing. If you have
learned to out t an explorer       the best so far!
                                                                            any of the COVID
who is traveling to that biome.
                                                                            symptoms, one of the
First graders are doing a          1st and 2nd Grades have been
                                                                            WWS COVID team
breakout EDU game called Sam       learning what it means to have
                                                                            members may contact
the Shape Stealer, and doing a     good digital citizenship. They
                                                                            you to discuss steps to
science experiment called          are learning what their digital
                                                                            take to return to school
Dancing Cranberries.               footprint is, what is and is not
                                                                            safely according to the
Kindergarteners are doing the      okay to share online, and who
                                                                            state guidelines.
Dancing Cranberries                they might be allowed to talk to
                                                                            If you get a message
experiment, building toothpick     (with parent permission of
                                                                            from the WWS COVID
shapes with toothpicks and         course!).
                                                                            team, please return the
playdough, and building pattern
                                                                            call or call the COVID
blocks shapes. I hope you have     In Kindergarten, we are
                                                                            hotline at 317-867-8056
a great weekend, and as            discussing settings and
                                                                            before returning to
always, please email me with       characters in the books we
                                                                            school. Due to the number
any questions,                     read. Students are using their
                                                                            of calls it may take 24 hrs
gibbsj@wws.k12.in.us.              creativity to draw their own
                                                                            to return calls.
                                   settings this week. Soon, we
                                                                            If someone in your house
                                   will add characters to our
                                                                            is sick or waiting for test
                                                                            results, do not come to
                                                                            school until the results
                                   Have a great weekend!
                                                                            are known Please leave
Oak Trace Weekly Update - Westfield Washington Schools
a message if someone in
your home is positive for
will call you back to help
determine the return to
school date.
If you are quarantined
due to being exposed
(close contact), please do
not return before the
determined date with the
WWS COVID team or the
school nurse. WWS
maintains the 14 day
quarantine period.
Please turn in any MD
notes or negative test
results to the o ce
before returning to
Oak Trace Weekly Update - Westfield Washington Schools
What's happening                  What's happening                   What's happening
in music                          in art                             in PE
                                  Everything is bright and           PE
Kindergarten- We nished           beautiful in the art room. We      We continue to work on our
adding instruments on the         are wrapping up our Mary Blair     juggling skills in P.E class. The
onamonapias in the book           unit and the kid's projects are    upper grades are practicing
Roadwork, and we are onto         amazing. The kindergarteners       two and three small juggling
playing short-short and one       collaborated and built a Mary      balls. Kindergarten and 1st are
long sound using the              Blair castle in the hallway with   using one and two juggling
Boomwhackers to play Twinkle      pieces from everyone's             bean bags. Students can
Twinkle Little Star.              individual projects. It looks      practice juggling at home by
                                  awesome!! Third grade will be      rolling up socks into a ball. It
1st Grade is listening to Peter    nishing a similar project soon.   works great!
and the Wolf and getting an       We did a little ip op and          If you want to practice more
introduction to instrument        second grade are now working       juggling at home, click on the
families.                         on the Mary Blair portraits.       link below.
                                  They were a little more than
2nd Grade is listening to         what our rsties were ready         http://www.viewpure.com/96y
Carnival of the Animals and       for. The rst graders instead       Ymizfqiw?start=0&end=0
reviewing instrument families     focused on the geometric
as well as learning about         designs that Mary Blair did in
tempo.                            designing the castle and clock
                                  tower for It's A Small World and
3rd Grade is playing a song       worked on creating tints of
about Penguins on the barred      color by adding white to an
instruments and being             existing color. Then they cut
introduced to sixteenth notes.    their letters out and we made
                                  inspirational posters with the
4th Grade is wrapping up their    letters to put in the hallways.
Jazz Unit and sharing the         Some rsties designed a clock
information they found about      face for the letter O in our
the artist they chose.            words that looked like the
                                  design that Mary Blair used.
Have a "Harmonious"               They turned out so cute! I can't
Weekend!                          wait to hang them up! Below
Mrs. Paul                         you can see pictures of
                                  Kindergarten's Mary Blair
                                  castle, Mrs. Hiatt's CD Weaving
                                  projects that they transformed
                                  into snowy owls and Mr. Van
                                  Den Berg's class's cardinal
                                  sewing projects.
They are so proud of them!!

      Weekly schools newsletter info (1).pdf                        Download
      WWS district newsletter                                        90.8 KB

      WWS Parent University, Wellbeing Coalition of West eld, and
pdf   Revelations in Education.pdf
                                                                     54.8 KB
      Parent Series Updates
You can also read